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Pathways to the Orders of the Turamzzyrian Empire

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Pathways to the Orders of the Turamzzyrian Empire is an Official GemStone IV Document, and it is protected from editing.

Pathways to the Orders of the Turamzzyrian Empire

Written by Odelgarde Brindlestraff

The path to knighthood is an arduous task to undertake within the Empire. Typically, households who seek this honor for their children would begin the training very young. Both male and female candidates would be held to high standards in their respective households. Once schooling and initial training in etiquette, formal writing, and arithmetic are conducted, the child is tested for resolve and discipline.

Should the child conduct themselves well, then they are fostered in another household, typically very distant from the one they belong to, for the early harvest to early spring months. This is done for three cycles, with each fostering happening in a different household. The practice is known as Pages of the Quadrants and effort is ensured that southern families go east, west, and north, while eastern families go north, south, and west, etc. This ensures that the child is given a broad scope of exposure to all of the Empire and not just their small part of it.

This will carry the child from their formative years, roughly 12-14, to their later teens, roughly 15-17. Many pages will not go on to military or knightly orders, instead remaining in politics, finance, trade, or diplomacy. Their time as a Page of the Quadrant is an honorific at this point as they seek other pathways.

Of those candidates that do continue, many have multiple pathways laid before them. Those with magical aptitude are allowed, if accepted, into the Hall of Mages. Those with a particular aptitude in the healing or charitable arts, herbology, or environmental studies can begin the path of the Hospitaller. Those with religious callings tend towards the various Orders of the Empire that touch upon those findings. At the same time, many others begin the path directly to knighthood.

It is important to note, that the above details pertain to any seeking entrance of lofty positions within the Orders of the Empire. Pages of Quadrants are frequently from all walks of life, ranging from the near impoverished to the wealthy. An important foundation of the pathways is the belief that knowledge, persistence, and humility will bring the Empire forward and ensure its continued reign.

Path of the Hospitaller

The noble pathway to the Hospitaller is likely the most varied of the pathways to Orders within the Human Empire. Touching upon professions steeped in diplomacy, philanthropy, nature, and the healing arts, this path is fostered directly within Orders, and titles are accrued through dedication to specific locations. Virtually every Barony, County, Duchy, and Earldom has its own order. Those orders are listed below:

Court Title
Barony of Jantalar Order of the Lamb(defunct)
Barony of Talador Order of the Edelweiss(defunct)
Barony of Mestanir None - Candidates are absorbed into the Elders of the Everwatch Tower
Barony of Bourth Order of the Fawn
Barony of Vornavis Order of the Swan
Barony of Highmount Order of the Bear
Barony of Oire Order of the Vine and Sheaf
Barony of Riverwood None - Candidates are absorbed into the Reeds of Jes'Tamaline
Barony of Dragach Order of the Bighorn Ram
County of Allace Order of the White Gull
County of Trauntor Order of the Marigold
County of Seareach Order of the Flying Eagle
County of Torre Order of the Stork
Duchy of Selanthia Order of the Radiant Sun
Duchy of Aldora Order of the Golden Ram
Earldom of Chastonia Order of the Blue Hawk
Earldom of Honneland Order of the Crossed Lances
Earldom of Estoria Order of the White Horse
Earldom of South Hendor Order of the Silver Oak
Earldom of North Hendor Order of the Blue Phoenix

Entrance in these orders typically comes directly after Pages of the Quadrant is completed. As such, the initial rank is specifically a page of the order. Each order does admit individuals at various stages in their lives, though, and as such many folks who do not complete the Pages of Quadrant training will come in at varying ranks. Due to the broad scope of the orders, the aspects they follow are also varied. Frequently, when greeting others or making introductions, one would establish that they are "a member of the Order of (order name) on the Aspect of (aspect name). Though informally, the simple title of their rank will do as no titles overlap; for example "(rank) of the Order of (order name). Specifically, there are the following aspects:

Aspect of the Dawn Violet

This aspect is open to those that seek to obtain professions in communications. The entry-level for this aspect is page however, like the Hall of Mages, requires both talent and skill, acknowledged when entering the order.


This position is a base position within any order. There are frequently no more than three such positions available, though there may be numerous pages. Messengers also frequently crossover to other orders, maintaining membership in both domestic and governing orders where their duties either overlap or benefit the reciprocal order. Their duties vary, though they are cemented in courier, scribe, and runner tasks.


This position is broader and there are frequently only two such positions in any order. The herald handles direct relations between the Seneschal or Chamberlain within the court. They are responsible for posting and announcing court sessions, delivering messages from the Lord/Lady of the governing family, and disseminating approved information to the populace.

Herald-at-arms Salutant

Typically only one in the order, this rank is assigned to a herald that is taking on more duties than that of a herald. They would conduct classes on court etiquette for either visiting dignitaries or commoners who are not accustomed to the court setting. They would make introductions for the guests in the court setting and make a point to find their title, appropriate address, and a single fact regarding the person. For example, should Mariellus of Honneland come to the court and Mariellus has been honored at the Feat of Rallick's Field, then the introduction would be "May I present to you Mariellus (lastname), lately of (town) in Honneland, Honored in 5123 at the Feat of Rallick's Field." These introductions are made at the beginning of court.

Herald-at-arms Guardant

Having served his/her time as a Salutant, this rank is for the exemplary herald that has impressed the order. Duties include being an intermediary between the Lord/Lady of the Court and those that are part of the address. All items are passed between the Herald-at-arms Guardant back and forth between guests and the Lord/Lady. However, they are also considered guards for this court in the event that no royal guard or militant is present. Their foremost concern is keeping the Lords and Ladies of the courts safe. This position is not always sought after and is frequently left vacant in favor of royal guards.

Herald-at-arms Statant

Also a position directly after Salutant, this rank is for those that are not versed in arms. The herald will work directly with the Chamberlain/Seneschal during court sessions and will act as an intermediary between those making petitions and/or seeking counsel and the court. They alert the Chamberlain/Seneschal of all wishing to make petitions, seek counsel, or require a moment's discussion before the court. Once the Chamberlain/Seneschal has acknowledged and agreed upon the list of entrants, the Herald-at-arms Statant will wait for the specific acknowledgment that the previous speaker has completed their petition and then announce the next speaker, along with a short introduction of their topic. For example, "Please acknowledge to the court Mariellus (lastname), lately of (town) in Honneland, who is here to speak about the Feast of Rallick's Field."

Herald Luminary

Holding this rank within the Human Empire is one of great honor. It means that you are trusted to represent your country abroad during negotiations, greetings, or important events. Herald Luminaries are considered the voice of their home court while away and typically travel with a Magister and Knight. This group is known as the Triumvirate of blended orders.

Herald-at-arms Emeritus

This is an honorary title only that is given to Heralds that have been in their positions for a long time, and shown loyalty, dignity, and honor in service to the same court over the years.

Seneschal or Chamberlain

Each court of the Turamzyrrian Empire has either a Seneschal or a Chamberlain attached to it. Frequently, the volume and size of the courts dictate the title given. While a chamberlain may have 2 heralds and two-three Heralds-at-arms, a Seneschal would have many, many more. Seneschals are typically found in the larger courts. Baronies, Counties, and Earldoms have Chamberlains, while Duchies, unless small, have Sensechals. The Sunthrone employs two.

Aspect of the Dusk Malva

This aspect is for those with healing arts, skills in antidote concocting, alchemy, and herbology. They are frequently heavy with front-line field healers though there are those appointed to the court.


Upon vacating the page status, entrants to the order are awarded the title of Hospitaller for their diligent duty in providing triage services in the field. These services, when a town or land is under attack, are paramount in keeping the health of the people alive and well. The rank of Hospitaller is a permanent title though there are honorifics that can be awarded as well.


While not a knight in the traditional sense, this denotes a Hospitaller that has gone above and beyond the normal duties of providing physical health to those in war times. Indeed, the rank of Sister/Brother-Knight is awarded to a Hospitaller that has assigned themselves to a specific militant order of their own accord. Their generosity in joining and supporting these groups comes at a great sacrifice to themselves, as most Hospitallers in these situations make very little coin, suffer great bodily pains through their healing arts, and do not obtain the same recompense for services in this pious line of work.


Similar to the Sister/Brother-knight, Solace-in-faith is a rank obtained through a Hospitaller attaching themselves to a religious order. While the church pays for those directly linked to it, frequently Solace-in-faith Hospitallers come to them as pilgrims. However, unlike those Hospitallers that join the militant orders, these folks after services of one year and one day are offered to gain dual duties within both orders.


These are Hospitallers that have worked in one of the clergy orders for one year and one day while maintaining tangential duties within their homeland.

Master Hospitaller

Within the given order, the Master Hospitaller is responsible for coordinating all members of the order regardless of the aspect that they work under. They are responsible for the mental, physical, and emotional health of all members. They provide triage training, diagnostic training, and etiquette training, and handle the collection affairs for the order.

Aspect of the Twilight Bluebell

Praised for its many philanthropic efforts, the Aspect of the Twilight Bluebell has a mission dedicated to kindness, a deeper understanding of the needs of others, and the healing of societal deficiencies through providing financial support and caretaking. While it is true that many elder members consist of those from noble houses, wealthy merchants, and the non-militant spouse of prominent military figures, the largest part of the membership comes from the kind-hearted souls of those seeking to create, restore, and maintain community ties and support. Philanthropy is only one portion of the aspect's primary duties with rebuilding, collection, donation, volunteerism, and caretaking building out the rest.

The entry positions into this aspect are page, followed by herald and scribe, which hold equal ranking. However, these entry positions are for the very young. Most members that come to this aspect within an order do so as they get older.


This title is typically granted to a volunteer who has repeatedly given service to the hungry. They have organized and run food drives, as well as provided sustenance to those communities with food insecurities. Once obtaining this title, they gain ties to local foragers, gamekeepers, farmers, and dairymaids, which aid them in furthering their goals.


This title is typically granted to a volunteer who has repeatedly either organized, run, or handled drives for sundries to help the needy and then handled the distribution of such items. They work very closely with their counterpart that holds the title of Grocwyn, for when there is one need, there are often others. Once obtaining this title, they gain ties to local weavers, seamstresses, tailors, and local shopkeepers, which further their goals to provide aid to those in indeed.


Typically granted as an honorific, the Bathcwyn title acknowledges those that have been generous in their philanthropic endeavors. They have generously donated coin to allow the other areas within the Aspect to thrive.


The highest obtainable rank within this aspect, the Chatelaine/Castellan organizes and oversees all of the members to ensure that all needs are being handled for both those in the order and those that they aid in their communities. They are responsible for ensuring the mental health of all workers, volunteers, and members are seen to during difficult mission months. They are also responsible for reporting to the local court all progress on current missions, any emergency needs, and the health and well-being of the community.

It should be noted that the Herald Luminary, Chatelaine/Castellan, and Master Hospitaller meet semi-regularity to discuss the overall health of the order. They work to bring news before the court, often taking turns to give these reports as their jobs keep them significantly busy. This group is frequently consulted when Emissaries need to be sent to attend functions of the state or other countries as they are instrumental in knowing the temperament, flaws, and traits of the members in the order.

Path of the Knight

Knighthood is the penultimate honor that any citizen can obtain within the Human Empire, yet perhaps the most difficult path to follow. The Virtues of Knighthood are plentiful and amount to the Ten Tenets of Chivalry: Courage, Equity, Faith, Generosity, Gratitude, Hope, Humility, Justice, Nobility, and Mercy.

There are many that enter into knighthood through pathways within the various Orders of the Human Empire. Indeed, frequently it is as a page, either a Page of the Quadrant or a vassal with a noble heart that is willing to begin as a page and work their way forward. However, it should be noted that there are plenty Lords/Ladies that will knight someone for a noble deed done and accept those oaths and pledges accordingly, sometimes much to the chagrin of those seeking the honor. That being said, such moments are considered to be lessons in humility which many would argue is the hardest tenet to master.


The squire is someone who has been tested within the order and discovered to have learned the basics of the order. They have learned enough to proceed forward with the duties of serving directly under a knight. These duties vary, though they are tested daily on the Tenets to ensure that they are learning and advancing.


Honored to be considered a full member of an Order, the Sister/Brother-in-Arms is an oath of trust. While many will stay in this position for many years, there is great honor in standing side-by-side with those that will defend a land.


Bequeathed to those in gratitude for their service in defense, the Shieldmaiden or Protector rank is an honorific that lets others know that they have come to the attention of the lord of the land. It is this title that truly guides an individual on the path to knighthood if they are not part of an Order. However, if they are, then this is considered a mark of good standing.


The embodiment of the fantasy of a wandering, noble warrior, the Knight-Errant has few responsibilities beyond service to chivalric ideals. Knights-Errant possess correspondingly great freedom to act in the interests of the Empire. These knights must be sworn to serve a liege lord but are subject to a light hand. Many knights errant choose to live outside of the Empire, working to forward Imperial interests in hostile terrain. Some champion various causes within the boundaries of Turamzzyr. Although it is the de facto lowest rank of knighthood, many knights-errant attain celebrity status for their brave deeds and quest more than other, more responsibility-laden servants of the Empire. Some are members of chivalric orders, but this is not a requirement.

Knight of the Empire

Sharing the same ranking as Knight Errants, Knights of the Empire are often those that remain in the lands they were knighted in and continue to serve directly under their liege lord. These are the knights that are seen in day-to-day duties within their homelands. Meeting other officials, working with other knights, and holding responsibilities within their Orders. These knights can also be sent abroad to represent the fiefdom at tourney, in foreign courts, and at various festivals.

Knight of the (Directional) Quadrant

Sharing the same ranking as Knight Errants and Knights of the Empire, Knight of the Quadrants (in short) serve directly under a Sentinel of the Empire. They are responsible for aiding all protectorates under the Sentinel and his direct responsibilities. They are often saddled with a bit more paperwork than others that share their rank as they are responsible for knowing all knights within the quadrant they are assigned to and what duties those knights are performing or enacting. It is rare that a Knight of the Quadrant would compete in tournaments, though some can with permission.


This can be considered one of the highest levels of knighthood. It is often given on the field of battle, and it allows a knight to raise his own standard and organize his or her own fighting force by requesting, and at very rare times demanding, them from the local militia. Generally, one should be a regular knight first, but outstanding achievement and hard work can sometimes catapult newly raised knights into this position, bypassing lower ranks.


Chosen for their acts of both chivalry and humility, Knight-Protectors are taken from the ranks of Knight of the Quadrant, Empire, or Errant. These knights are tasked with the singular purpose of guarding an individual, a specific land, or a specific ideal. While it is not unheard of to have a Knight-Protector become the guardian of a shrine, temple, or area that is growing, which can of course later turn into the leadership of that area, it is considered common to have a Knight-Protector guarding an individual person. This can be a temporary title, though frequently a bond forms between the Knight-Protector and his/her ward that ends up being a lifetime of service.


Borne of long service, the Knight-Sentinel is a pillar of his/her community through long service. Frequently, these are the knights that are known to the common people and are the pillar of both chivalric deeds and consummate patience. They are the first in the thoughts of the common people and have displayed the pillar of knighthood for many years. Knight-sentinels frequently obtain loyalty from the people and areas that they defend, going so far as to in turn be defended by those same people. Truly a rank of honor, the Knight-Sentinel instills confidence in those that surround him/her and often, quite by accident, garner the blind faith of those around him/her.

Knight Regent

Frequently a transient title, the Knight-Regent is the head of his/her Order and provides all reports, communications, and training schedules to the members of the order. Theirs is the path to guiding new members towards honoring the tenets, while also supporting those knights within the membership to greater heights. They are the paramount communicator with the liege lord.


Elevated above their own order, the Knight-Marshal organizes multiple Knight-Bannerets under a single liege lord's banner, coordinator all localized Bannerets, their troops, their defenses, and their coordinate offensive maneuvers. This is a boots-on-the-ground position, whereas the Knight-Commander would be behind the walls at the lord's actual side.

Knight- Commander

Often found in Duchies or the Courts of the Emperor/Empress directly, the Knight-Commander is the liaison between the Knight-Marshal and the liege lord. It is important to note that smaller counties, baronies, and earldoms do not always have such a rank.

Path of the Magister

While ranks within the Hall of Mages vary, they typically follow the craftsmanship progression, though there are some clear exceptions. Herein lie the more mundane matters of Magister pathways.


This is a student that has either shown a magical aptitude with rudimentary knowledge in other areas or a student that has a rudimentary magical aptitude with a rounded education. The combination lends to tutorship within the peer group. Those with less knowledge and more skill typically aid those with less skill and vice versa.


Often an entry-level ranking, this rank is provided to those that have mastered everything a trainee should know. Frequently, if either magically inclined parents, local mentors, or Magisters abroad are in close contact with a student of a certain magical aptitude they will take on their early training before submitting to the Hall.


Though rare, there are those that obtain this rank upon entering the Hall of Mages. This would be a situation where a natural talent has gone unnoticed and developed through his/her own means. However, more typically, the rank is obtained through arduous study. This is the vast majority of the ranks held by mages within the Empire.

Prentice Mage

Prentices are mages who have been accepted for study at the Hall but have not yet completed their studies. Many prentices actually work outside of the Hall, studying abroad and gaining valuable life experience, as innovation is far more prized by the staff than rote repetition.


This is the rank held by one that has been recognized as above the master level in their craft.

Magisters are frequently found in various occupations that range from researcher, court-appointed, militant-adjacent, or academic.


Known to study abroad as well as within Hall of Mages facilities, the research rank typically feeds into the academic rank over time. However, there are those that also move straight to Archivers.


Many courts throughout the empire will have a Magister assigned to them. They are expected to aid with a variety of affairs from regular administration to the right hand of the Lord/Lady. They are usually selected for some particular talent that is needed by the court of appointment, though most frequently they serve at home.


These are the Magisters that serve in the Imperial Drakes.


These are the magisters that are housed within the various halls that teach those within them. It is important to note that while not all teachers obtain Magister, it does not mean that the Master-ranked individual teaching is without skill. Indeed, teachers are frequently the equivalent of Masters.

Magister Provost

The Magister Provosts are the heads of the seven satellite colleges of the Hall of Mages, which are located in The Swale, Nydds, Elstreth, Phannus, Immuron, Brantur, and Connedale. They are addressed by the title "Archmagister" and are generally accountable only to the Rector and the Royal Magister. A sometimes-friendly rivalry exists between the western campuses of The Swale and Elstreth and Immuron, to the East. Brantur is seen as a peculiar college with a sinister reputation due to its proximity to Maelshyve and New Ta'Faendryl. The satellite school in Connedale is generally viewed as rough and provincial.


This is the branch of the Hall of Mages that works very similarly to Imperial inquisitors. They are often dispatched to investigate crimes related to rogue magic but also have jurisdiction over specific crimes committed against the Hall of Mages or its members. Their missions are primarily focused on fact-finding and only in rare circumstances, and often with approval from the Royal Magister or Imperial Magisters, can they also act as judge and juror. Otherwise, their findings must be documented and communicated back to the appropriate heads in the Hall of Mages.


This branch of the Hall of Mages specifically deals with tracking and eliminating rogue magic users, be they former Hall members who have become criminals or dark magic users suspected of performing forbidden spells within the Empire's boundaries. Witchhunters are also trained in specialized anti-magic countermeasures to allow them to overwhelm and subdue their targets or kill them if necessary.

There exists one position filled by a high-ranking witchhunter at each satellite college. He or she reports directly to the Royal Magister of the Hall of Mages. The Imperial Magister is an expert on magic and its counters and oversees both adjudicators and witchhunters. The Imperial Magister and Royal Magister share the authority to send adjudicators to collect information. If a crime is deemed to have been committed, the Imperial Magister will typically dispatch witchhunters to bring enemies of the Hall to justice.


The archivers of the Hall of Mages help maintain order in the official archives of the Hall, serving throughout its network of colleges. They are responsible for the protection of the archives and the cataloging of all tomes, research, and artifacts. They also function as the official scriveners of the Hall.

Additional Titles:

Departure from the Hall Titles

There are those who study at the hall of mages who, more recently, do not wish to become full magisters. Instead, they wish to remain free of obligation to the Empire. Typically, they have paid the debt of their learning, returned to their homelands before reaching Magister, or have set to wandering. Whatever land these masters find themselves in, there are those in the Hall of Mages that will still honor them with titles. Indeed, the Archmagisters can imbue a court magister with the ability to bequeath these titles as the need arises. It is important to note that frequently the debt of learning within the Hall can be handled in a few ways. Working some of the more menial tasks of the facilities allows an individual to obtain learning free of obligation as they would normally receive pay for the tasks. However, you can also do this by coming to the Hall with a dowery or tuition.


This is a person that has completed all requirements of the Hall of Mages and is free from any obligations of service. They still need to meet the mastery requirements necessary to become a Magister but have proven their worth.


This is a person that has completed all Hall of Mages training, is free of any obligations of service, and is a wanderer. Should they seek their mastery approval, then they would be given the title Athrasenwyr.


This is a person that has obtained the rank of Magister and is free from the obligation of service to the Empire. They have also chosen to not specifically serve the Empire.

Higher Magister Ranks

Grand Magister

This denotes that a magister has achieved mastery in more than one sphere of knowledge, has completed two or more positions as a Magister, and is now free of obligation to serve.

Imperial Magister

The nine Imperial Magisters are also addressed as "Archmagister" and are generally seen as reporting only to the Royal Magister. They are responsible for the oversight of trained mages and wild talents across the Empire. Imperial Magisters generally serve on a rotating basis. They are selected from the highest echelons of the magical thaumatocracy.

Reporting directly to each Imperial Magister are the Adjudicators and Witchhunters, the Hall's version of inquisitors and executioners.

Royal Magister

Although seen as the highest-ranking magister in the Empire, the Royal Magister is actually not the administrative head of the Hall of Mages. The position is faithfully inherited along with the Earldom of Chastonia and the patriarchy of House Kestrel, but the gift for magic is not. Therefore, there have been entire swathes of history wherein the Empire's Royal Magister is not, actually, an able spellcaster. Further confusing matters, the honorific "Your Wisdom" is reserved only for the Royal Magister and the Rector, the factual administrator of the Hall.

The primary role of the Royal Magister is to advise the Sun Throne on important matters regarding magic and the direction it will take within the Empire, overseeing the general practice of magical education. While the position oversees the Hall of Mages, the responsibility of overseeing the day-to-day activities falls to the Rector of the Hall.

Composition of the Orders of the Empire

The hierarchy of an Order of the Empire fluctuates based on need and composition, as can its titles. While the above handles specific structures for Orders, there are those that fall outside of those specific and straight rulings. One such Order is that of the Order of the Golvern Star. Hierarchy within that group is structured around the unique needs of their position as an Order that stands guard at the Demonwall.

Their current hierarchy is as follows:

Chart for the Order of the Golvern Star

Given the day-to-day demands of Demonwall, there are many duties that are either shared, adjusted, or assumed by the various Aspects of the Hospitaller within the Order.​


The head of the order, the Knight-Regent has a responsibility for each and every soul within the Order. They are responsible for coordinating daily with the Chatelaine, Herald-Statant, Master Hospitaller, Grand Magister, and Knight-Marshal to ensure the cohesive running of the Organization. They are present and responsible for every field activity, training, and defensive maneuver, and aid those beneath them in executing them, though ultimately they are the ones responsible for these items, they rely on the others for support.


Handles the day-to-day needs of knights. Given their enormous presence and need, she (as the current person is female) handles assembling volunteers, squires, and messengers for cooking rotations, while she leaves the Grocwyn, Bathwyn, and Faelcwyn to handle the tasks of upkeep, cleaning, and mending of the Order's accommodations, personal items, and reserve stores. They report to her almost daily on the needs of the structure.​


In charge of all correspondences between the Grand Magisters, Knight-Regent, Master Hospitaller, Chatelaine, and Knight-Marshal. Hosts daily meetings within the order, publishes shift rotations on the wall, coordinates leave, entry of new members, departure of members, and duty rosters, and honor guard in death.​

Master Hospitaller

In charge of all training, supplies, and assignments to healers either on the wall or within the Order. Coordinates with Solace Hospitaller on all Honor Guard duties in the event of death. Aids all Solace-in-Faith Hospitallers in organizing religious services, blessings, and mental health needs for the order.​

Grand Magister

In charge of all magisters within the Order. Ensures Archiver and his/her researchers are consistently engaged with research into new findings, demonology, and various other needs of the Order.​ Handles duty rotations of the Imperial Stars, those magisters trained for combat within the Order of the Golvern Star, and the other Magisters that have decided to join the Order.


In charge of all knights within the Order. Coordinates Knight-Sentinel duties, ensuring a rotation of watch towers, Knight-Bannerets, ensuring a rotation of on and off-duty times, and squire placement.

Order of the Swan

In comparison to other orders, the Order of the Swan is still in its fledgling status. Once the Order of Venquinor, the Order of the Swan was initially comprised of only those from the Aspect of Malva. However, as the nature of Vornavis' involvement with the greater world grew, so too did its need to fill the necessary seats to maintain its primary goal.

Primary Goal: To bring shelter, healing, and nurturing to the lands with respect, care, and understanding that those in need deserve dignity and compassion in all aspects of their mental, physical, and emotional health.

While many of the seats are vacant at this time, there has been a push by the aging and eternally patient Chamberlain of the Vornavian Court to find suitable persons to fill them. As such, it has become his responsibility to oversee the order.

Chart for the Order of the Swan

Additional Notes

Footnote: The terms utilized here are derivatives of old Kannalan, which since the repeal of Chaston's Edict has begun to make a resurgence in its usage.

Wyr is a suffix that loosely translates to "a wanderer" or more precisely "one who wanders."
Cwyn is a suffix that loosely translates to "a giver" or more precisely "one who gives."

OOC Notes

Advancement within the Pathways of the Orders of the Human Empire.

Chart for the Path of the Knight

Path of the Knight Notes:

  • Shieldmaiden/Protector are titles given at the discretion of the liege lord, though Orders are encouraged to put forth two candidates a year for this honor. Typically, this is after heavy testing, proof in battle, and/or a heroic deed.​
  • Knight-Protector is a transient title given to knights tasked with the singular purpose of guarding an individual, a specific land, or a specific idea​
  • Knight-Errant is a knight that serves their liege away from the land they were knighted in, should they return they would be laterally moved to Knight of the Empire.​
  • Knight-of-the-Empire is a knight that serves their liege on the land they were knighted in, though they may travel at times.​
  • Knight-of-the-Quadrant is a knight that serves either the Northern, Southern, Eastern, or Western Sentinel directly.​
  • Knight-Bannerets can be given leave to take command of the local militia.​
  • Knight-Sentinnels can be given leave to command watchtowers, lookouts, and remote fortifications with the command of a small force.​
  • Knight-Marshals are able to command several Knight-Bannerets.​
  • Knight-Commanders are the primary military heads within the Empire. The heads of the militia and legions fall under their command.​
  • Knight-Regent is the head of an Order. It is a transient title that transfers to the current head of the order.​

​Promotions handled from page, squire, and sister/brother-in-arms are all handled within the order, though Orders are encouraged to announce sister/brother-in-arms as a way of introduction to the liege during court sessions.​ Each Order may put forth candidates for knighting in a year. There will always be two meetings before the liege and two testing within the order. These must take place once in the Spring and then again in the fall. The Spring session before the liege is intended to introduce the liege to the candidate. Often, it is given to extravagant tellings of the candidates deeds and worth. The Fall session is usually reserved for final testing.

Chart for the Path of the Hospitaller

Path of the Hospitaller Notes:

  • There is only ever one Chatelaine/Castellan in an Order​.
  • All post-names include "of the Order of (Name)".
Chart for the Path of the Magister

Path of the Magister Notes:

  • The Magister Title is only ever obtainable by a wizard associated with the Turamzyrrian Empire.​
  • The Prentice Path is only ever obtainable by a wizard or elementally trained ranger that has paid their debt to the Hall of Mages and remains, albeit loosely, associated with the Turamzyrrian Empire.

Many thanks to GM Kenstrom and GM Xynwen for their aide in getting this polished. As well as GM Auchand and GM Scribes for their original works on the Hall of Mages.


  • What is an elementally attuned ranger (regarding allowance in Hall of Mages)?
    • For the purposes of this document, an elementally attuned ranger is a ranger that takes the pure caster training path and is able to obtain the title Druid.
  • Why are rangers allowed and sorcerers are not (regarding allowance in Hall of Mages)?
    • This document was created through the lens of the Human Empire. Both Voln and the Church of Koar still have extremely strong footholds in the Empire and neither finds demonology or necromancy acceptable.
  • What does (pre) and (post) mean within the document's charts?
    • (pre) represents a title that can be used in your PRENAME title spot. (post) represents a title that can be used in your POSTNAME title spot. Once you obtain a title, you always have it.
  • Is this how our characters should be identifying someone?
    • Your characters are free to identify individuals as they see fit. There is no wrong or right way, just know that you can obtain those that don't have (npc) next to them and that officials may refer to people by their full titles.
  • Is it appropriate for a character who has been RPed for many years as having studied with the Hall of Mages to refer to themself using some of the titles?
    • Yes, of course. However, you can not obtain the Magister title without being promoted by an NPC.
  • I know that "Magister" is restricted to those recognized by GM NPCs. What about the other ones, such as those preceding Magister, or those associated with a person who has departed from the Hall of Mages, such as "Mavwyr", etc?
    • Mavwyr would be an assigned title.
  • What honorifics could a character reasonably use for themselves in-game?
    • Anything that is on the list that can be utilized through normal post/prename acquisition can be used to reference yourself. Anything else is obtainable through an GM-run NPC.
  • Seeking further clarification for rangers. Do they need to have access to the Elemental spell sphere, or is instead restricted to rangers who have access to the Druid title already (a mechanical requirement of total combined Spiritual Lore: Blessings and Spiritual Lore: Summoning of at least 180 skill)?
    • This is correct.
  • Are other non-Elemental sphere spell users permitted to study with the Hall or only register with them? (ie, everyone who is not a Wizard or a Ranger but who can cast magic.)
    • Not at this time. However, there are no restrictions on the other two Paths.
  • Do the colors on the different charts mean anything?
    • They do not.
  • So there will be more opportunities to earn these? What's that path look like?
    • Yes, through regular roleplaying and being involved there will be opportunities for these titles to be obtained. Some will be easier than others.
  • What ranks can we safely say we have obtained before we are required to earn them through a GM-run NPC?
    • Path of the Knight - All the way up to Sister/Brother-in-Arms and Shieldmaiden/Protector
    • Path of the Hospitaller
      • Aspect of the Dawn Violet - Up to Herald
      • Aspect of the Dusk Malva - Up to Field-Surgeon
      • Aspect of the Twilight Bluebell - Scribe, Philanthropist, and Volunteer
    • Path of the Magister - Up to Prentice Rank
  • In order to be a Sister/Brother-Knight on the Path of the Hospitaller, do I need to join a Martial Order?
    • Not at all. You are being recognized for working with other orders, but you do not leave to join one.
Human - edit
Famous Humans: