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Premium Contest - 2023-01-08 - End of the Year Soiree (log)

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The Premium contest End of the Year Soiree was a structured special event for those who completed 11 of 12 Premium contests for the year 2022.

A Tour of the Event Location

[Firefly Villa, Corridor]
Occupying the entire of the northern wall is an enormous semi-circular window that stretches from floor to ceiling at the highest point of its arc.  Teak railings provide a durable safety measure that ensures guests will not lean against the polished glass as they gaze out its panes to the beach below.  Soothing sunlight trickles in through the window and brightly illuminates a paneled ebonwood door and a polished mahogany door in the opposite wall.  You also see a gold silk drape adorned with a complicated aquamarine pattern.
Obvious exits: east, west

go drape (click here)

You step through the silk drape.
[Harbor Lounge, Entryway]
Silence resonates through the room, broken only by the soft melody of the sea.  The sound drifts up from a staircase embedded with sea glass arranged in overlapping waves.  Deep navy blue stone walls stretch down toward a floor covered in gilt-veined cerulean brickwork that has been arranged in a herringbone mosaic.  You also see the repousse copper Perigourd disk raised in leafy designs, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears, a stocky snow white puppy with oversized black-tipped paws, the hammered silver Meliyara disk, a burly void black puppy with vivid foxfire green eyes, the Rolfard disk, a short-legged pudgy kitten, a staircase and a gold silk drape leading out of the lounge.
Also here: Aethyra, Perigourd, Draelor, Dalinsia, Naelan, Historian Lunaryna, Blade Yardie, Lianea, Aubriella, Fleurs, Zhagen, Relic Hunter Ordim, Missoni, Conquerer of Reim Gespry, Roelon, Lady Meliyara, Tziporah, The Infamous Melivn, Land Pirate Maylan, Ambassador Vaikhen, Commodore Jaysehn, Magister Raelee, Haezel, Lady Laehna, Madam Naamit, Vyrshkana, Purveyor Rolfard, The Fabulous Fyg, Administrator Zofiya
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest
Zofiya says, "There are a number of items available throughout, and you are free to help yourselves to them.  As my father would say, if it isn't nailed down, you may help yourself to some of it."

Zofiya exclaims, "Very well!  Thank you all for coming, and for your continued efforts throughout this year to share your creativity!"

Zofiya says, "We will have a number of merchants working in each of the two rooms with LISTS in them.  One in the Cigar Bar, to the northeast from here, and one in the Observatory, which is up the tree."

Zofiya says, "Feel free to JOIN a list, once they are opened (they are currently not)"

Zofiya says, "No token, no service."

Zofiya says, "The tokens are NOT attuned in any way, and can be freely exchanged."

Zofiya says, "We will be doing General Services ONLY, which is what some would term "GALD"."

Zofiya exclaims, "We will be keeping an eye on the clock, and as we approach the 5:00 hour, if merchanting has not concluded, I will be calling for a pause, so that we may have a Contest!"

Zofiya says, "The Contest will be team-based, and you will be free to form your own teams.  I will explain the rules and the prize more carefully at that time."

Zofiya says, "The short version is:  Find a List (there are two) and JOIN one of them, once they are opened!  Please have a token ready, as the merchant will take that first."

Zofiya says, "The tokens can be freely transferred."

Zofiya exclaims, "With that, we will be opening things up shortly!  Find a LIST and get ready to join!"

Zofiya wanders off.

go northwest

[Harbor Lounge, Buffet]
The sweet aroma of champagne wafts from a fountain in the center of the room.  Bubbling liquid overflows from each tier, swirling ultimately into a crystal vessel.  Rich blackwood tables form a stark contrast to the niveous chamois-cushioned benches that are interspersed along the ash-streaked alabaster velvet walls.
Also here: Aethyra, Vyrshkana
Obvious exits: southeast

look on tables

On the blackwood tables:
Food/Drink [4]: some lemon and garlic sauteed shrimp, a crabmeat and cheese-stuffed mushroom cap, a plate of zuchinni blossoms, a honey-drizzled tartlet

go southeast

[Harbor Lounge, Entryway]
Silence resonates through the room, broken only by the soft melody of the sea.  The sound drifts up from a staircase embedded with sea glass arranged in overlapping waves.  Deep navy blue stone walls stretch down toward a floor covered in gilt-veined cerulean brickwork that has been arranged in a herringbone mosaic.  You also see a staircase and a gold silk drape leading out of the lounge.
Also here: Aethyra, Arena Champion Obelin, Lady Elaejia
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest

go northeast

[Harbor Lounge, Cigar Bar]
Faint coils of smoke linger in the air, twisting themselves around amber-globed sconces that are strung from the low ceiling.  A warm mahogany bar reflects the dim lighting, showcasing the fleur-de-lis pattern that has been pyrographed along the top.  Several high-backed chairs, upholstered in chocolate leather, are clustered in small pockets about the barroom while a small cigar stand resides at the end of the bar.  You also see a burly void black puppy with vivid foxfire green eyes, a stocky snow white puppy with oversized black-tipped paws, a short-legged pudgy kitten and a bold and bright list.
Also here: Aethyra, Tziporah, Draelor, Laelithonel, Palcron, Niadja, Faulkil who is sitting, Lady Elaejia, Zhagen, The Infamous Melivn, Land Pirate Maylan, Maker Marloe, Stormyrain, Magister Raelee, Lianea, Nelesune, Naelan, Blade Yardie, Historian Lunaryna, Lady Luxelle, Imperatrix Lylia, Chatelaine Carren, Conquerer of Reim Gespry, Lady Uniana, Lord Teveriel, Dalinsia, Lady Meliyara, Town Councilor Kayse, Ambassador Vaikhen, Nadale, Vincien, Loremaster Rohese, The Fabulous Fyg, Roelon, Lady Laehna, Aubriella, Fleurs, Zhalizar, Vyrshkana, Indres, Sailor Igges, Franklie
Obvious exits: southwest

look list

The bright list is currently open with room for 29 signups.

The bright list has the following restrictions:
  Account Check: Blocking characters on the same account.

There appears to be some names written on the list.

look on bar

On the mahogany bar:
Food/Drink [4]: a tumbler of bourbon, a tall gin cocktail, a snifter of brandy, a stein of dark ale

look on stand

On the small cigar stand:
Special [1]: a stack of light brown cigars

go southwest

[Harbor Lounge, Entryway]
Silence resonates through the room, broken only by the soft melody of the sea.  The sound drifts up from a staircase embedded with sea glass arranged in overlapping waves.  Deep navy blue stone walls stretch down toward a floor covered in gilt-veined cerulean brickwork that has been arranged in a herringbone mosaic.  You also see a staircase and a gold silk drape leading out of the lounge.
Also here: Aethyra, Laelithonel
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest

go staircase

[Harbor Lounge, Dance Hall]
The center of this space is dominated by a massive golden tree standing at its heart.  Beams of green and blue light filter in through the mosaic ceiling and dance off of the glass-paned walls.  Swirls of aureate light stain the ebon marble floor, reflected from the golden limbs of the rotunda's tree.  A faint tinge of sea salt permeates the air.
Also here: Aethyra, Nelesune, Lady Uniana
Obvious exits: out
Orange-striped butterfly fish scatter away from their grouping as a hungry sea lion darts directly into the center of the massive orb.
A trio of squid float around the concave glass, each illuminating a pale blue glow in turn.
A myriad of red and orange hues flash against the glass as a school of flame angels dart around the outside.
A large dark blur moves rapidly toward the glass.  Something darts in front of it, catching its attention and as it turns to follow a large dorsal fin can clearly be seen.

look ceiling

An intricate webwork of gold branches knots in the center of the mosaic, spreading thin as they reach toward the outer edges of the room.  Glass shards stained in a gradient tableau of blue and green hues mingle amongst the branches, refracting the light filtering in from above throughout the area.

go tree

[Harbor Lounge, Observatory]
Heavy golden bars are delicately wrought into a series of overlapping arcs, creating a metal cage around the open-air platform.  A light breeze drifts through the area, stirring the midnight lacebark panels that drape from the surrounding structure.  Pale white moonflowers break through the dark skies as their vines climb amongst the golden crosspieces.  Sitting next to the staircase is a small table laden with refreshments.  You also see a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears, the repousse copper Perigourd disk raised in leafy designs and a bold and bright list.
Also here: Aethyra, Haezel, Tziporah, Legionnaire Esana, Estefan, Aurelyn, Mistress Caralain, Relic Hunter Ordim who is sitting, Darcena, Madam Naamit, Arena Champion Obelin, Commodore Jaysehn, Missoni, Perigourd, Warden Tolwynn, Miss Haleen
Obvious exits: none

look on table

On the table:
Food/Drink [3]: a mug of bearberry tea, a mug of hazelnut coffee, a fudge-covered cookie

get num nums again

You pour yourself a mug of bearberry tea.

You help yourself to a fudge-covered cookie.

time for another break

You take a drink from your bearberry tea.  A subtle hint of ginger and clove flavor remains on your tongue after the tang of bearberries subsides.

You take a bite of your fudge-covered cookie.  Each bite treats your taste buds to the layered textures of soft chocolate fudge on the outside and crisp honey crackers embracing a gooey vanilla filling.

Tokens and Koa Chest

Via in-game mail everyone received a chest of goodies. In the chest were 3 tokens. These were currency used to receive merchant services (and thus everyone received 3 merchant services if they wished it). All merchant services were GALD.

a smooth dark koa chest (weighs 5, holds 100)

look chest
The koa has been sanded smooth and lacquered, resulting in a rich, lustrous shine.  Featuring ecru silk lining, the chest boasts several dividers to sort and organize its contents.  A polished silver coconut-shaped clasp inset with a blue green lagoon opal secures the treasures within.

look in chest
In the dark koa chest you see a soft plush baby seal (EzScripted toy), a bright green voucher booklet (5 entries for Duskruin), a bright green yo-yo (T3 Trick Yo-yo), a bright silver token, a bright silver token and a bright silver token.

look seal
You see nothing unusual.

read token
In the Common language, it reads:
5123.  Please note that this token will not be valid in any other year.

Seal verbs:

Verb First Third
Clean Is that a smudge on your plush baby seal's fur? This won't do. Tsking under your breath, you proceed to finger brush your seal's soft white fur until you're happy with the result. Tsking under his breath, Arianiss proceeds to use his fingers to brush every inch of his plush baby seal. He finishes his grooming session with a satisfied sigh.
Hug Overcome by your plush baby seal's cuteness, you bury your nose into the lush fur of its head and give it a tight hug. Arianiss buries his nose into the fur of his plush baby seal as he gives it a tight hug.
Kiss Your heart fills with delight as you gaze adoringly into the liquid black eyes of your plush baby seal. Why is it so cute? Your resulting joy culminates in a loud smooch that you place on the top of its sweet little head. Arianiss and his plush baby seal appear to be having a moment. He gives the plush animal a loud smooch on its head before you have the chance to look away.
Pinch You pinch the long black whiskers of your plush baby seal and give a little tug, pulling them straight. The maneuver has no lasting effect, however, since the whiskers droop back down again the instant you let go. Arianiss pinches the drooping black whiskers of his plush baby seal and pulls them taut for a brief moment.
Poke Your plush baby seal's nose is absolutely adorable. So black and shiny and cute! You can't contain your enthusiasm as you lightly tap it with your index finger while quietly whispering, "Boop!" Arianiss grins broadly at his plush baby seal as he whispers something softly before lightly tapping its shiny black nose.
Pull You locate the small ring on the back of your plush baby seal's back and give it a gentle pull. Your plush baby seal emits a cute little bellow reminiscent of a rusty horn. Arianiss pulls a small ring on the back of his plush baby seal and it emits a cute little rusty sounding bellow.
Raise You raise your plush baby seal into the air in an imitation of swimming. You make it dive, dip, and leap, before having it "swim" back into your waiting arms. Arianiss wildly waves his plush baby seal around. Maybe he saw a bee?
Rub The fur of your plush baby seal feels heavenly and you realize that you've been mindlessly petting it for a while now. You take a quick glance around to see if anyone noticed. Arianiss seems lost to happy reverie as he gently strokes his plush baby seal's fur.
Tilt You hold your plush baby seal at arm's length before tilting it toward you and pulling it all the way in for a good cuddle. It fits perfectly in the crook of your arm. Arianiss holds his plush baby seal away from him, tilting it this way and that before pulling it in close enough to cuddle.
Tickle You laugh with delight as you tickle your plush baby seal's squishy belly. Arianiss's face splits into a momentary grin as he tickles his plush baby seal.

The Contest

In summary, we broke into groups of no more than 4 and designed a Mist Harbor citizen's lounge. The contest aspect was that only one group would be selected to have their lounge made.

Introduction and Design Phase

Click Here to Expand the Log of This Phase

[Harbor Lounge, Dance Hall - ] (u3209916)
The center of this space is dominated by a massive golden tree standing at its heart.  Beams of green and blue light filter in through the mosaic ceiling and dance off of the glass-paned walls.  Swirls of aureate light stain the ebon marble floor, reflected from the golden limbs of the rotunda's tree.  A faint tinge of sea salt permeates the air.  You also see a short-legged pudgy kitten and the Rolfard disk.
Also here: Zhagen, Madam Naamit, Laelithonel, The Fabulous Fyg, Magister Raelee, Aurelyn, Purveyor Rolfard, Niadja, Faulkil, Dalinsia, Warden Tolwynn, Arena Champion Obelin, Lady Elaejia
Obvious exits: out

Any who are interested in the Contest, please make your way to the Dance Hall.  If you would like to continue spending tokens, a few merchants have agreed to remain the Cigar Bar and assist you there.

Zhagen jigs to his right, his feet moving like a cat shaking water off of its paws.

Relic Hunter Ordim just arrived.

Ordim surveys the area.

Barking happily, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears scrambles into the room.

Queatus's group just arrived.

Roelon's group just arrived.

A stocky snow white puppy with oversized black-tipped paws suddenly careens into the room, landing on the floor in a heap of wiry snow white fur.

Queatus laughs!

Starletdawn winks at Queatus.

Lady Lyracellan just arrived.

Zhalizar just arrived.

Naamit's black ora cross pulses and she looks a bit more vitalized.

Roelon's eyes suddenly flash with a deep sanguine glow.

Roelon playfully flips the folds of his black woolen kilt.

Gespry dances around the room to music only he can hear.

Ordim attends to his sprawling ebony kraken, making the kraken as presentable as possible.

Gespry ponders.

Stomping and spinning, Gespry launches into a rapid tribal dance in a circle around Laelithonel, his feet moving in a complicated pattern.  With each nimble step, the rift crawler teeth sewn into his Faendryl kilt rattle sharply, the noise providing a staccato counterpoint to his fluid movements.  Turning into a final spin that causes his Faendryl cloak to billow out behind him, Gespry leaps forward and lands adroitly on the balls of his feet in front of Laelithonel, the impact causing one final clatter from the bones on his cloak.

Ordim runs his fingertips over the intricate details of the lifeless cockroaches on the sprawling ebony kraken in his left ear.

Gespry swings his hips in a saucy manner.

Aubriella just arrived.

Gespry winks at Laelithonel.

Town Councilor Kayse's group just arrived.

Fyg giggles at Gespry.

Imperatrix Lylia just arrived.

Fyg clasps Lylia's hand tenderly.

With excited whining noises, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears starts to wag his slender tail so hard that his entire body begins to sway in time with the motion.

Obelin flings himself against Starletdawn, bounces off of her, and giggles madly!

Missoni flounces in amidst a diffuse cloud of prismatic glitter.

Lylia says, "Ah."

Starletdawn hoots at Obelin.

Starletdawn laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Gespry scampers in circles around Fyg.

Obelin hoots.

Missoni exclaims, "Ah!"

Zofiya wanders in.

Fyg giggles at Gespry.

Gespry scampers in circles around Zofiya.

Zofiya flashes a quick grin.

Faulkil dances around the room to music only he can hear.

Queatus waves to Zofiya.

Perigourd just arrived.

Speaking to Zofiya, you ask, "How is town administration working out?"

You smile at Zofiya.

Missoni nods to Zofiya in greeting.

Missoni smiles.

Queatus grins.

Tolwynn's glaes wrist cuff vanishes into the depths of his cloth-of-veniom longcoat.

Rolfard dances around the room, ending with a spin and left arm held high!

Lord Teveriel's group just arrived.

Zofiya asks, "Is everyone having a good time so far?"

A low chirping sound comes from within a small ebony cricket box.

Fyg enthusiastically nods her agreement, causing several strands of seashell pink hair to fall around her face.

Ordim lets out a cheer!

Meliyara adopts an agreeable expression.

Teveriel takes a drink from his brandy.
Teveriel looks rather relaxed.

Lylia lets out a cheer!

Dalinsia adopts an agreeable expression.

Starletdawn smiles at Zofiya.

Fleurs just arrived.

Perigourd nods at Zofiya.

Uniana nods appreciatively at Zofiya.

Fleurs gently takes hold of Aubriella's hand.

Zhagen nods.

Dalinsia says, "Appreciate the cigars."

You say, "The usual stress over not having anything for the merchants to work on."

You grin.

Ordim confirms, "I got a hole in my face!"

Ordim beams!

Starletdawn nods.

Elaejia smiles at Zofiya.

Queatus nods.

Uniana gives a sidelong glance at you.

Missoni nods enthusiastically!

Roelon grins at you.

Fyg exclaims, "It's too bad that this isn't continuing!"

Gespry takes a tiny sip of his hazelnut coffee, warming his lips and making sure it's cool enough to drink.

Tolwynn says, "This has been very well done."

Meliyara glances skeptically at Ordim.

Ordim nods in agreement at Meliyara.

Missoni gazes in amusement at Uniana.

Ordim taps a sprawling ebony kraken grasping lifeless cockroaches that he is wearing.

Speaking obliviously to you, Uniana says, "I am trying but I cannot imagine that feeling."

Gespry melodically says, "Glad I only got 3 tokens."

You chuckle.

Rolfard makes a low, rumbling sound deep in his throat.

Speaking to Ordim, Meliyara reminds, "You already had a mouth."

Ordim wiggles his ears.

Perigourd just went out.

Lylia says, "I shall miss our time here, but I have also enjoyed it greatly -- and of course, I have some lovely reminders."

Lylia brushes her fingers lightly against her vaelfyren earcaps.

Fyg agrees with Lylia.

Ordim giggles.

Zofiya says, "For the contest this year, we will be changing things slightly from how it was handled last year."

Gespry arches one eyebrow at Zofiya in an expression of sardonic amusement.

Zofiya says, "You will each be responsible for finding your own teams, with a maximum of four members to a team."

Uniana leans against Teveriel, resting her head on his chest and turning her eyes to meet his.

Chatelaine Traiva just arrived.

Lady Lyracellan just went out.

Vyrshkana just arrived.

Elaejia glances around the room.

Starletdawn smirks.

Vyrshkana frowns.

Starletdawn giggles to herself.

Vyrshkana asks, "Where we's goinged for de contest?"

With a high-pitched growl, a stocky snow white puppy with oversized black-tipped paws starts to chase his short thick tail in dizzying circles.

A sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears and a stocky snow white puppy with oversized black-tipped paws erupt into a chorus of happy barks as they race to meet each other.  Tails wagging in unison, they snuffle at each other as they move in a circle.

Obelin nods in agreement at Starletdawn.

Uniana draws Teveriel close to her and gazes deeply into his eyes, making it clear that she wishes him to linger near.

An intense chill fills the air surrounding Roelon.

Elaejia joins Uniana's group.

Dalinsia points down.

Dalinsia says, "Here."

Tiny tongues of flame bloom and leap along Zhagen's arms before dispersing.

Ordim glances down.

Faulkil grins.

Vyrshkana nods.

Niadja nods at Rolfard.

Vyrshkana shuffles her feet.

Naamit looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

Obelin flexes his powerful muscles.

Faulkil adopts an agreeable expression.

Rolfard bounces around happily.

Zofiya says, "Each team will be tasked with coming up with a 'pitch' for a Citizen's Lounge for Mist Harbor.  This means a proposal, as fleshed out as you would like it to be.  Describe furnishings, location, staff, or whatever you like!  The judges will review each proposal and select a winner.  That winner's vision will be turned into the Citizen's Lounge for FWI, and the winners will all have their names inscribed inside."

Pale red light ripples over Roelon's leather hiking boots.

Starletdawn grins.

Ordim ponders.

Gespry glances at Roelon.

Zofiya says, "If two ideas are notably similar, the winner will be the one with the more fleshed out proposal."

Meliyara coyly taps the sharpened blackened eahnor tip of her silver talon ring against the corner of her bottom lip, gazing out at something unseen.

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Madam Naamit just went out.

Chatelaine Traiva just went out.

Perigourd just arrived.

Queatus grins.

Perigourd joins Missoni's group.

Warden Tolwynn just went out.

Roelon snickers.

Teveriel removes a bright silver token from in his dark koa chest.

Zhalizar just went out.

Teveriel put a smooth dark koa chest in his bistre suede pack.

Gespry nods in agreement at Roelon.

Teveriel inclines his head.

Uniana tries to pull Missoni towards her.

Perigourd adjusts his golvern plate-and-mail, improving its ability to support the weight of his gear.

Uniana nods at Perigourd.

Missoni joins Uniana's group.

Niadja agrees with Rolfard.

Lord Teveriel just went out.

Zofiya says, "The winning team will also receive a Custom Title, which can be Prename or Postname, and goes through the normal approval/QC process for those."

Perigourd joins Uniana's group.

Zofiya says, "Each member will receive, that is."

Ordim furrows his brow.

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Obelin raises an eyebrow.

Faulkil agrees with Rolfard.

Zofiya exclaims, "You have twenty minutes to find your teams and craft your proposals!  In twenty minutes we will begin to hear pitches!"

Dropping his front paws down, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears lengthens out into a luxurious stretch.  Opening his mouth wide, he lets out a yawn that ends in a high-pitched squeak.  Satisfied, the sleek puppy straightens up and shakes himself, his ears flapping wildly and tongue lolling happily.

Fleurs ponders.

Roelon nods.

Dalinsia touches two fingers to her heart and bows her head.

Niadja turns to Rolfard and cheers!

Vyrshkana ponders.

With excited whining noises, a stocky snow white puppy with oversized black-tipped paws starts to wag his short thick tail so hard that his entire body begins to sway in time with the motion.

Gespry melodically says, "As someone who is not a citizen, me designing a room I'd never get to see.  pass."

Gespry forcefully crosses one arm over his leather bodysuit and offers Zofiya a formal bow.

Vyrshkana just went out.

Speaking to Gespry, Ordim suggests, "If its a good idea you get to inflict your will on citizens."

Conquerer of Reim Gespry just went out.

Short thick tail wagging happily, a stocky snow white puppy with oversized black-tipped paws trots out of sight.

Ordim glances out.

Ordim folds his arms across his chest and with a shrug, grins deviously.  He must be up to something!

Queatus says, "Starlet and I need a couple more if anyone wants to join us."

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Obelin joins Queatus's group.

Roelon heavily pounds both his fists against his chest and bows his head slightly.

Queatus turns to Obelin and cheers!

A low chirping sound comes from within a small ebony cricket box.

Obelin grins.

Aurelyn joins Queatus's group.

Roelon just went out.

Queatus turns to Aurelyn and cheers!

Aurelyn whistles tunelessly to herself.

Loremaster Rohese just arrived.

Faulkil works his fingers under his black leather hat and scratches his head.

Niadja grins at Faulkil.

Slender tail wagging fitfully, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears bounds up to Fyg and dances around her excitedly, barking.

Fleurs's group just went out.

Zofiya asks, "Is anyone still looking for a group?"

Vyrshkana just arrived.

Ordim frets.

Rohese bites her lip.

Vyrshkana ponders.

Laelithonel nods at Queatus.

Laelithonel ponders.

Ordim glances suspiciously at Rohese.

Rohese pauses in place and glances around for a moment, as if pondering which direction to go.

Rohese wrinkles her nose.

Ordim squints at Rohese.

Rolfard grins at Faulkil.

Faulkil exclaims, "Oh!"

Kayse nods at Zofiya.

Niadja chuckles.

Town Councilor Kayse's group just went out.

Laelithonel buries her face in her hands.

Zofiya says, "If you need to leave for some reason, so long as you return by the bottom of the hour, there is no issue."

Vyrshkana ponders.

Loremaster Rohese just went out.

Aethyra just arrived.

You kiss Aethyra, your mouth lingering on hers.

Aethyra hugs you, and you wrap her in a warm embrace, and you detect the faint scent of a bouquet of roses, hyacinth, freesia, and honeysuckle around her.

You hug Aethyra, and she wraps you in a warm embrace in return.

Aethyra kisses you, her mouth lingering on yours.

Aethyra just went out.

You ask, "Does anyone still need a member?"

Vyrshkana says, "I's wantinged team too..."

Rolfard raspily says, "We're at 3 but happy to add another."

Zhagen ponders.

Rolfard adds Zhagen to his group.

Rolfard raspily says, "And four."

With excited whining noises, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears starts to wag his slender tail so hard that his entire body begins to sway in time with the motion.

Zofiya says, "Four to a team, maximum, but there is no minimum."

Speaking to Vyrshkana, Ordim suggests, "We can form team Ordim!"

You join Ordim.

Zofiya ponders.

Ordim announces, "Team Ordim is open."

Zofiya squints at Ordim.

A myriad of red and orange hues flash against the glass as a school of flame angels dart around the outside.

Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.

Vyrshkana beams!

Zofiya says, "Just avoid refreshments from that one."

Vyrshkana joins Ordim's group.

Ordim nods once.

Vyrshkana nods at Zofiya.

You ask, "A Mist Harbor citizen's lounge designed by An Ordim.  What could go wrong?"

Faulkil waves to Zhagen.

Niadja nods.

Speaking to you, Vyrshkana says, "Ebryting."

Vyrshkana quickly ducks behind Ordim.

Zofiya agrees with Vyrshkana.

Vyrshkana giggles.

A pudgy white dwarf hamster on Laelithonel's shoulder suddenly sits up, scanning the area with a mien of feral regality.

Rolfard lets out a cheer!

Zofiya says, "There are thirteen minutes remaining."

A low chirping sound comes from within a small ebony cricket box.

Zofiya says, "I will be selecting individuals at random.  If selected, you will tell us who your team is comprised of, who your spokesperson is, and they will have three minutes to give their pitch."

Lylia nods at Zofiya.

Aubriella just arrived.

With a high-pitched growl, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears starts to chase his slender tail in dizzying circles.

At the edge of your hearing, you hear a squeakily voice whisper from nearby, "The ones that bothered me the most were the ones that looked like they weren't used to thinking at all."

Lady Meliyara's group just arrived.

Ordim nods enthusiastically at Vyrshkana!

Speaking to Vyrshkana, Ordim suggests, "They'd never expect that!"

Ordim beams!

Ordim glances nervously around the room.

Ordim clasps his hand over his mouth.

Elaejia gazes in amazement at Uniana.

Missoni beams happily at Uniana!

Queatus nods at Obelin.

Zofiya says, "Ten minutes until the first group will be giving their pitch!  Please have a spokesperson ready, and be prepared should you be chosen.  We will take into account the sequence when judging results, as some teams will randomly get a little more time."

Ordim's jaw drops.

Ordim nods slowly.

Rolfard grins impishly.

Rolfard raspily says, "Gotta freshin my animate."

Purveyor Rolfard just went out.

Purveyor Rolfard just arrived.

Rolfard joins Faulkil's group.

Settling on his haunches, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears scratches vigorously at the side of his face, making one of his ears flap wildly.

Orange-striped butterfly fish scatter away from their grouping as a hungry sea lion darts directly into the center of the massive orb.

Ordim nods enthusiastically at Vyrshkana!

A low chirping sound comes from within a small ebony cricket box.

Zofiya says, "Five minutes remain!  To reiterate:  I will be spinning for a random person.  If chosen, you must tell us who is in your group, who your spokesperson is, and then they must give your pitch.  You have three minutes from the time you are spun.  Allowances will be made for the sequence, since some teams will get a little extra time."

With a high-pitched growl, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears starts to chase his slender tail in dizzying circles.

You grin.

Ordim grins at you.

Vyrshkana nods.

Obelin applauds Queatus.

Zofiya exclaims, "Three minutes!"

With excited whining noises, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears starts to wag his slender tail so hard that his entire body begins to sway in time with the motion.

A myriad of red and orange hues flash against the glass as a school of flame angels dart around the outside.

Zofiya exclaims, "One minute left!  Have your spokesperson ready!"

Ordim fidgets.

Faulkil wiggles his fingers at Ordim.

Rolfard preens.

Faulkil agrees with Rolfard.

Aubriella ponders.

Faulkil struts about.

Faulkil grins.

Aubriella adopts an agreeable expression.

A low chirping sound comes from within a small ebony cricket box.

Zofiya exclaims, "And here we go!"

Missoni, Elaejia, Uniana, and Perigourd

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Zofiya sets her wobbly twig in the palm of her hand and gently spins it.

The wobbly twig comes to a stop pointing directly at Missoni!

Zofiya recovers the wobbly twig and exclaims, "Congratulations, Missoni!"

Faulkil turns to Missoni and cheers!

Missoni blinks.

Uniana raises her voice in merry laughter.

Elaejia chuckles.

Fyg beams happily at Missoni!

Niadja grins at Rolfard.

Ordim grins at you.

Lylia turns to Missoni and cheers!

Perigourd stares off into space.

Rolfard laughs!

Elaejia applauds.

Speaking to Missoni, Fyg says, "All your luck for the year, gone."

Speaking to Missoni, Zofiya exclaims, "Please let us know who's in your group, and who the spokesperson is!"

Fyg giggles.

Niadja giggles.

Missoni says, "My team is Elaejia, Uniana, and Perigourd."

Uniana nods.

Missoni exclaims, "And I am speaking!"

Laelithonel grins at Missoni.

Speaking to Missoni, Zofiya says, "Your time starts now."

Uniana glances appreciatively at Missoni.

Missoni nods.

Missoni dreamily says, "Close your eyes and come with me for a moment to the new Sleepy Sloth Lounge."

Missoni says, "Fragrant currents of plumeria and hibiscus pull through the open air patio, framed by hemp-bound banyan poles flocked in vines of blooming flowers.  Billowing from the rafters are gauzy sheets of colorfully-inked lacebark providing a sense of separation from the lush exterior surrounding the lounge.  A trio of hammocks crafted from oilcloth invitingly wait in one corner opposite a pair of natural wicker chairs. Standing tall in the center of the room is a glass-framed stand, hosting a thriving greenery."

Queatus grins at Obelin.

Missoni says, "As you lie back in the hammock, swaying softly, you notice..."

A pudgy white dwarf hamster on Laelithonel's shoulder plops down and begins grooming itself with an almost comical air of fastidiousness.

Missoni says, "Myriad colorful birds -- Peach-faced lovebirds, quetzals, toucans, and purple gallinules -- flit through the air and roost among the vines. If you linger long enough one might grace you with a pinion or two to remind you of time spent among the four winds."

Missoni says, "A warm ocean breeze fills the lacebark sunshades causing them to billow playfully and giving fleeting life to their whimsical painted birds."

Missoni thoughtfully says, "But you are starting to feel a bit hungry..."

Missoni says, "And so you pluck a favorite snack and drinkfrom those available: a skewer of roasted pineapple and carmalized starfruit, a bowl of jackfruit and shrimp fried rice, a pitcher of lychee-soaked spring water, and a carafe of pureed mango and spiced rum."

Zofiya appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Missoni says, "Just as you lie back and finish your snack, you notice . . . a subtle movement catches your eye and you turn to see a vert-tinged umber sloth make a langurous reach for nearby branch."

Zofiya appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Missoni says, "With large dark eyes and a permanent smile, the sloth dusky sloth bears a hint of green on his back, a testament to the amount of time it spends relaxing in this very lounge. You think you might be able to feed it one of the may flowers that you can pluck here."

With excited whining noises, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears starts to wag his slender tail so hard that his entire body begins to sway in time with the motion.

Missoni says, "Including... a bold tangerine-hued hibicus, a ruby yellow-centered hibiscus, a violet-swept fuschia hibiscus, an ivory spiral-petaled plumeria, a pink-tinted butter yellow plumeria, a sunrise-hued peach plumeria."

Missoni says, "So you pluck a hibiscus and reach it out to the sloth, which takes the flower and munches it slowly, savoring the fresh petals and soft nectar."

Zofiya smiles.

Zofiya exclaims, "20 seconds!"

Missoni says, "A moss-laden sloth blinks sublimely at you, and for a minute you think he's about to wave at you before his claw closes ever so slowly around the lines of the hammock above you to further his journey."

Elaejia holds her breath.

Missoni says, "The omnipresent background symphony of birdsong stills for a brief moment as an errant cloud passes over the sun."

Speaking to Missoni, Zofiya exclaims, "And... time!  Thank you very much for your pitch!"

Fyg applauds Missoni.

Zofiya applauds Missoni.

Missoni says, "Wandering about the lounge is a multitude of insects including bullet ants, a brilliant viridian longhorn beetle, a deep aubergine koa butterfly and a glass-winged saehwna moth."."

Ordim applauds politely.

Uniana beams happily at Missoni!

Perigourd applauds.

Missoni beams!

Vyrshkana's cheeks darken with a deep carmine shade.

Missoni says, "Thank you."

Vyrshkana nods.

Stormyrain applauds.

Zhagen applauds.

Elaejia applauds Missoni warmly.

Kayse applauds.

Stormyrain says, "Lovely idea."

Zofiya points her wobbly twig at Elaejia, selecting her.

You turn to Missoni and cheer!

Zofiya points her wobbly twig at Uniana, selecting her.

Obelin nods in agreement at Stormyrain.

Rolfard applauds.

Zofiya points her wobbly twig at Perigourd, selecting him.

Obelin turns to Missoni and cheers!

Laelithonel applauds Missoni.

Missoni curtsies.

Laelithonel, Fyg, Lylia, and Raelee

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Zofiya sets her wobbly twig in the palm of her hand and gently spins it.

The wobbly twig comes to a stop pointing directly at Laelithonel!

Zofiya recovers the wobbly twig and exclaims, "Congratulations, Laelithonel!"

Speaking to Zofiya, Perigourd says, "I'm spoken for."

Ordim stares off into space.

Fyg turns to Laelithonel and cheers!

Perigourd leans softly against Missoni.

Faulkil turns to Laelithonel and cheers!

Starletdawn turns to Missoni and cheers!

Laelithonel mouths, "Oh."

Lylia raises her voice in merry laughter.

Speaking to Laelithonel, Lylia says, "You just had to stand there..."

Lylia leans softly against Laelithonel.

Laelithonel blushes a pink hue to the tips of her ears.

Speaking to Laelithonel, Zofiya exclaims, "You're up!  Please tell us your group and spokesperson!"

Lylia clears her throat.

Laelithonel exclaims, "Our group is Fyg, Lylia, an'Raelee an'our spokesperson is Lylia!"

Dropping his front paws down, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears lengthens out into a luxurious stretch.  Opening his mouth wide, he lets out a yawn that ends in a high-pitched squeak.  Satisfied, the sleek puppy straightens up and shakes himself, his ears flapping wildly and tongue lolling happily.

Aurelyn just went out.

Zofiya adopts an agreeable expression.

Laelithonel skips sideways a few strides to her left.

Lylia inclines her head.

Laelithonel quickly ducks behind Lylia.

Zofiya says, "Your timer begins now."

Uniana settles her gaze on Lylia, watching her intently.

Lylia says, "We would like to welcome you to... The Terrarium."

(Lylia sweeps her arm grandly toward an area of the room, pacing out its borders as she talks.)

Fyg frets.

A low chirping sound comes from within a small ebony cricket box.

Orange-striped butterfly fish scatter away from their grouping as a hungry sea lion darts directly into the center of the massive orb.

Lylia says, "Coffered teak ceilings soar above an airy space layered with sisal rugs painted in sunset hues and backless seats grouped in cozy pairs.  Overlooking the piers, agold-draped bay window replete with sumptuous flame-stitched cushions in navy and coral invites guests to linger.  A terrarium holding an array of native flora and fauna has pride of place opposite the window."

Lylia tilts her head up.

Lylia notes, "A gnomish bartender stands attentively on a box behind the mahogany bar spanning the northern wall."

Zofiya appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Lylia asks, "Let us go and meet him, shall we?"

(Lylia heads toward the tree.)

Zofiya smiles.

Lylia says, "This is Geoffred. The elderly gnomish bartender stands atop a sturdy cocobolo box.  He wears a smart linen jacket that is cleanly pressed, supporting the man's calm, yet proper demeanor.  Occasionally his attention seems to drive, with his gaze falling warmly upon the terrarium across the lounge or dreamily out the expansive picture window."

Lylia smiles.

Laelithonel gazes admiringly at Lylia.

Lylia says, "As for the terrarium that gives the lounge its name, let us take a closer look..."

Lylia says, "The gilt-edged terrarium is stocked with a wide array of native species, complete with a pink-eared turtle peeking out from a broad leafed plant. Firewheel flowers grace the front of the arrangement, their long stems bending towards the light."

Lylia says, "The bartender can answer several questions, including offering commentary about the lounge, the bar menu, the local citizens, and several expressing his love for the pink-eared turtle in the terrarium."

Elaejia nods slightly at Uniana.

Ordim nods in agreement to you.

Zofiya exclaims, "Thirty seconds remaining!"

Lylia says, "Linger for a few moments, and you will see the firewheel flowers drifting of their own accord, or perhaps Geoffred will offer our resident pink-ears a tasty morsel of pineapple."

A sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears clamps his mouth around a portion of the golden tree, chewing vigorously with his teeth.  With tiny growls, he tries to pull the tree, but it doesn't budge.

Lylia says, "On pleasant nights and days, the windows can open to let soft island breezes stir the golden draperies."

Zofiya exclaims, "And... time!  Thank you so much for your pitch!"

Zofiya applauds Lylia.

Missoni applauds warmly.

Fyg exclaims, "Oh we had so much more!"

Perigourd applauds politely.

You turn to Lylia and cheer!

Lylia joins Fyg's group.

Stormyrain applauds.

Zofiya points her wobbly twig at Fyg, selecting her.

Fyg hugs Lylia.

Starletdawn applauds Lylia.

Zofiya points her wobbly twig at Lylia, selecting her.

Zofiya points her wobbly twig at Raelee, selecting her.

Obelin applauds Lylia with enthusiasm, seemingly oblivious to his surroundings.

Speaking to Fyg, Missoni says, "Three minutes is an unforgiving time limit."

Fyg agrees with Missoni.

Elaejia nods at Missoni.

Faulkil, Niadja, Zhagen, and Rolfard

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Zofiya sets her wobbly twig in the palm of her hand and gently spins it.

The wobbly twig comes to a stop pointing directly at Rolfard!

Zofiya recovers the wobbly twig and exclaims, "Congratulations, Rolfard!"

Faulkil turns to Rolfard and cheers!

Rolfard raspily says, "Oo i'm up."

Faulkil whistles at Rolfard!

Speaking to Rolfard, Zofiya exclaims, "Please tell us your group and spokesperson!"

Niadja turns to Rolfard and cheers!

Zofiya grabs Haleen's hand.

Rolfard stretches.

Rolfard recites raspily:

    "Please join us at The Daze of Your Life"

Speaking to Rolfard, Zofiya says, "Group members first, please."

Rolfard raspily says, "Oh."

Zofiya grins at Rolfard.

Rolfard raspily says, "I should probably listen for the prompt again."

Rolfard blushes a deep red hue to the tips of his ears.

For just a moment, the surface of Zhagen's black leather armor ripples like water with a quicksilver gleam.

Rolfard recites raspily:

    "Welcome group Faulkil, Niadja, Zhagen and Rolfard"

Speaking to Rolfard, Zofiya says, "Your time starts now."

Settling on his haunches, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears scratches vigorously at the side of his face, making one of his ears flap wildly.

Rolfard recites raspily:

    "We exit off side of the beachside building to find Beams of (day/night) light cut through the breezy thatched roof nestling above a well-furnished porch.  A fuzzy blue cabana boy gently waves a giant leafy fan nearby for several revelers reclining in hammocks  and taking in the tropical scenery while a pair of revelers lean over the porch enjoying some particularly pungent cigars.  A smartly dressed waitress is stationed by a well stocked bar with a mirror back polishing wine glasses.  You also see several hammocks and a neatly built bbq pit."

Imperatrix Lylia just went out.

Rolfard recites raspily:

    "It's quite ambiant as you"

A low chirping sound comes from within a small ebony cricket box.

Aethyra just arrived.

Rolfard recites raspily:

    "Hear Music lilting carried along by breezes rests upon your ear lightly as a butterfly.  The majestic scenery is matched only by the sense of relaxation you feel."

Rolfard recites raspily:

    "Also you enjoy the Beams of light that are scattered as the breeze picks up and tickles the fronds of the roof.  The smell of food cooking in the bbq is heady."

Aethyra kisses you, her mouth lingering on yours.

You kiss Aethyra, your mouth lingering on hers.

You smile at Aethyra.

Aethyra smiles at you.

Rolfard recites raspily:

    "Preparing our dishes is an expert chef.  The steady staccato cuts through the air as the bbq chef expertly cuts into some fresh produce for the next dish."

Aethyra offers Haleen a silver-traced vaalin diadem.

A large dark blur moves rapidly toward the glass.  Something darts in front of it, catching its attention and as it turns to follow a large dorsal fin can clearly be seen.

Haleen accepts Aethyra's vaalin diadem.

Fyg hugs Laelithonel, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

Fyg nods at Raelee.

Zofiya exclaims, "Thirty seconds remain!"

Fyg leaves in a swirl of violets and roses.

Rolfard recites raspily:

    "We have expertly appointed staff here at the Daze
     A fuzzy blue krolvin wearing a loose fitting open shirt adorned with so much flare and carmel-colored relaxed shorts.
     A rugged leather-skinned  bartender dressed in an open linen shirt, dark trousers and headscarf
      A smartly dressed sylvan waitress wearing a verdant sarong is offering up various drink suggestions.
     And a chef in perfect clean white with an oversized hat"

The pudgy kitten mews anxiously and glances about nervously.  Mewing one last time, it trots off.

Dropping his front paws down, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears lengthens out into a luxurious stretch.  Opening his mouth wide, he lets out a yawn that ends in a high-pitched squeak.  Satisfied, the sleek puppy straightens up and shakes himself, his ears flapping wildly and tongue lolling happily.

Ordim adopts an agreeable expression.

Rolfard recites raspily:

    "You'll find foods such as  Honey-mint rolton skewers, Marinated olive &amp
      cheese ring, Spicy crab &amp
      fish bites, Fresh smoked oysters, Sweet &amp
      Sour Glazed cockatrice meatballs, Tropical fruit glazed ham
      and drinksWine-colored brandy neat, Rum-in-a-coconut, An orange juice cocktail, A blue frosted dinghy with a small red umbrella"

Zofiya exclaims, "And... time!  Thank you for the presentation!"

Zofiya applauds Rolfard.

You turn to Rolfard and cheer!

Faulkil applauds.

Stormyrain applauds.

Kayse applauds.

Rolfard raspily exclaims, "Phew!"

Ordim applauds politely.

Faulkil lets out a cheer!

Elaejia applauds.

Stormyrain says, "These are all quite impressive."

Uniana applauds.

Starletdawn applauds Rolfard.

Rolfard raspily exclaims, "Back to chopping broccoli!"

Haleen applauds.

Missoni applauds warmly.

Vyrshkana applauds.

Zofiya points her wobbly twig at Faulkil, selecting him.

Faulkil grins.

Zofiya points her wobbly twig at Niadja, selecting her.

Zofiya points her wobbly twig at Zhagen, selecting him.

Niadja nods at Zhagen.

Obelin applauds Rolfard.

Rolfard slowly empties his lungs.

Obelin nods in agreement at Stormyrain.

Zhagen says, "Im with him."

Zhagen points at Rolfard.

Uniana slowly empties her lungs.

Zhagen joins Faulkil's group.

Faulkil grins at Zhagen.

Speaking to Zhagen, Faulkil says, "I can vouch for you."

Faulkil nods firmly.

Uniana grins wryly.

Vyrshkana, Ordim, and Arianiss

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Zofiya sets her wobbly twig in the palm of her hand and gently spins it.

The wobbly twig comes to a stop pointing directly at Vyrshkana!

Zofiya recovers the wobbly twig and exclaims, "Congratulations, Vyrshkana!"

Ordim frets.

Vyrshkana gasps.

Faulkil turns to Vyrshkana and cheers!

Speaking to Vyrshkana, Zofiya exclaims, "Please tell us your group members, and spokesperson!"

Speaking to Ordim, you say, "You got this.  Remember.. no portals to the demon world."

You turn to Ordim and cheer!

Vyrshkana exclaims, "I's in group wit Ordim an Arianiss!"

Vyrshkana says, "An Ordim beinged talkinged cause nobody wantinged hearinged me present."

Vyrshkana points at Ordim.

Speaking to you, Ordim says, "I thought that made it in."

Zofiya says, "Your time starts now."

You groan at Ordim.

Ordim says, "Extending off the back of the firefly villa - a large glass paneled sun room that extends outwards towards the bay. Providing sweeping views of Charl's Teeth in the distance, the sunny area would feature stained glass ceiling panels in a rain forest motif."

Laelithonel grimaces as her white dwarf hamster suddenly cranes around her face to see something, its paw anchored onto her nose.  A sudden slip sends the rodent flailing and clinging wildly to Laelithonel's front before scrambling back up to her shoulder with an embarrassed and sulky squeak.

Ordim says, "Set under vibrant greens and reds of the forest leaves and flowers in the ceiling panels, the sun room would feature multiple paddle boat themed seating areas where visitors can rest and relax."

With excited whining noises, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears starts to wag his slender tail so hard that his entire body begins to sway in time with the motion.

(Arianiss mimes relaxing.  Standing up.)

Ordim says, "As the sun room ceiling gives way to open air, small ponds of water have been crafted and connected with tiny rivers. A large fountain made up to look like a waterfall feeds the ponds and keeps the sound of moving water hanging in the air."

Aethyra grins.

Ordim says, "Small wooden footbridges have been made up to allow people to wander between the ponds and view the local fish that swim about. A myriad of butterflies, dragonflies and darters dance in, on, and among the jungle foliage that would complete the recreation of the expansive rain forests of the island."

Ordim asks, "What's that in the thick leaves?"

Ordim frets.

You gasp.

A low chirping sound comes from within a small ebony cricket box.

You exclaim, "What could it be?!"

Ordim exclaims, "Is it a pair of mysterious Iyo eyes watching? Never be alone as the first of the island watch over and keep the town protected and your drinks flowing!"

Ordim says, "Linen dressed staff will be available to serve lots of fruity drinks, alcoholic and otherwise, featuring the native fruits and vegatables of the island. A platter or two of Iyo native foods has also been provided. Numerous kebabs featuring different seasonings and combinations compliment the expansive muffin collection."

You exclaim, "That's not creepy at all!"

Ordim says, "Other finger foods include fish filled pastries, roasted fish in banana leaves and similar island delicacies from the local vendors putting forth their best efforts to represent the island and its culture."

Aethyra grins.

Vyrshkana stares at Ordim.

Ordim says, "Additionally, the area would feature a bulletin board to allow for news from far away lands to be available to citizens to see what they have been able to avoid with the carefree island life, or draw them into leaving for adventure! Local news and adverts from the island shops would be front and center, highlighting each vendors contributions."

Vyrshkana says, "Pastries not fish."

Vyrshkana says, "I's sayinged pastries AN fish."

Speaking to Vyrshkana, Ordim says, "Everything fits in a pastry."

Ordim nods.

You fret.

Perigourd ponders.

Zofiya appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Ordim concludes, "And that would be where we would imprison all the citizens."

Ordim nods once.

Vyrshkana folds her arms over her chest.

Folding his left arm behind his back and dipping to one knee, Ordim bows respectfully and inclines his head.

You flail your arms about.

Zofiya blinks at Ordim.

Aethyra laughs!

Faulkil nods slowly.

Ordim blinks.

Vyrshkana stares at Ordim.

Aethyra clasps her hand over her mouth.

You exclaim, "No, we talked about this!"

Ordim glances nervously around the room.

Ordim glances down.

You force a grin and laugh nervously.

Ordim hangs his head.

Starletdawn shifts her eyes to Ordim.

Vyrshkana exclaims, "We's not keepinged dem dere!"

Vyrshkana pokes Ordim in the ribs.

Zofiya slowly says, "And... you have... thirty seconds..."

You say, "We won't imprison any citizens."

You nod.

You nod.

Aethyra says, "And he was doing so well ..."

Speaking to Vyrshkana, Ordim says, "Thats a nice area though.... I'd live there."

Vyrshkana folds her arms over her chest.

Ordim nervously giggles.

Starletdawn laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Ordim folds his arms across his chest and with a shrug, grins deviously.  He must be up to something!

Vyrshkana exclaims, "Libinged beinged different!  Yous can leabinged!"

With a high-pitched growl, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears starts to chase his slender tail in dizzying circles.

Ordim flails his arms comically in the air in frustration while crumbs tumble off his clothing.

Zofiya exclaims, "And time!  Thank you for the presentation!"

Elaejia furrows her brow.

You chuckle.

Zofiya points her wobbly twig at Ordim, selecting him.

Faulkil exclaims, "Citizen lounge AND a prison!"

Aethyra applauds.

Speaking to Zofiya, Vyrshkana exclaims, "I's promisinged it not beinged prison!"

Zofiya points her wobbly twig at you, selecting you.

Faulkil works his fingers under his black leather hat and scratches his head.

Missoni applauds warmly.

Perigourd applauds politely.

Zofiya applauds politely.

Uniana applauds.

Faulkil grins.

Obelin, Starletdawn, Aurelyn, and Queatus

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Zofiya sets her wobbly twig in the palm of her hand and gently spins it.

The wobbly twig comes to a stop pointing directly at Obelin!

Zofiya recovers the wobbly twig and exclaims, "Congratulations, Obelin!"

Obelin gasps.

Faulkil turns to Obelin and cheers!

Queatus grins.

Speaking to Obelin, Zofiya exclaims, "Please give your team members and spokesperson's name!"

Obelin deeply says, "Our group is myself, Starletdawn, Aurelyn, and our spokesperson: Queatus."

Obelin nods at Queatus.

Starletdawn turns to Queatus and cheers!

Queatus's face turns slightly pale.

Zofiya exclaims, "Your time starts now!"

Obelin lets out a loud whoop as he applauds Queatus!

Starletdawn takes a drink from her brandy.

Queatus says, "Imagine you go down a set of stairs in the lighthouse and you find before a strange gondola shaped cab, which you enter, to have it descend."

Queatus says, "You exit.... and step out into thin air."

Starletdawn tilts her head toward Queatus, examining him intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.

Queatus says, "But no!  It's a glass floor."."

Starletdawn gasps.

Queatus says, "You gaze around and realize you are in a room, walled entirely of glass, that juts out from the side of the cliff."

Ordim frets.

Skeins of moonlight hues ripple across the links of Ordim's crescent-woven anklet where a pair of indigo eyes peer out from their metallic cage.

Queatus says, "Pufferfish beanbags sit on plush aqua rugs that are like islands floating in the air.  A tropical cabana-roofed bar dominates the center of the room."

Queatus says, "The tide is low today, and you can see the waves crashing below."."

Starletdawn fans herself.

Starletdawn says, "This sounds magical."

Queatus says, "Friendly Iyo greet you and offer you refeshments and full menu of sushi.  Tropical cocktails abound, and fresh fruit is a specialty."

Dropping his front paws down, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears lengthens out into a luxurious stretch.  Opening his mouth wide, he lets out a yawn that ends in a high-pitched squeak.  Satisfied, the sleek puppy straightens up and shakes himself, his ears flapping wildly and tongue lolling happily.

Queatus says, "Friendly Iyo greet you and offer you refeshments and full menu of sushi.  Tropical cocktails abound, and fresh fruit is a specialty."

Queatus babbles something unintelligible.

Starletdawn says, "Sharktooth martini for me, please."

A low chirping sound comes from within a small ebony cricket box.

Starletdawn raises her hand.

Zofiya exclaims, "Thirty seconds remaining!"

Obelin grins at Starletdawn.

Queatus says, "Welcome to the Darkhouse lounge, where on a clear sunny day, you can view the bright skies and myraid of local birds that drift by and pause to partake in the cleverly located feeding stations. Our staff will delight in telling you more about the flora and fauna of the island where they grew up."

Queatus says, "Or, return when tide is low and see the wonders of the deep as they come up to frolic in the surf."

Queatus says, "Truly a place to relax and enjoy the beauty of our island."

Zofiya exclaims, "And time!  Thank you for the presentation!"

You turn to Queatus and cheer!

Obelin turns to Queatus and cheers!

Starletdawn applauds Queatus.

Missoni applauds warmly.

Queatus falls over.

Ordim applauds politely.

Kayse applauds.

Perigourd applauds politely.

Starletdawn grins.

Zofiya points her wobbly twig at Starletdawn, selecting her.

Elaejia applauds Queatus.

Starletdawn smiles at Zofiya.

Zofiya points at her wobbly twig.

Lord Teveriel just arrived.

Zofiya points her wobbly twig at Queatus, selecting him.

Stormyrain, Kayse, and Meliyara

Click Here to Expand the Log of This Group

Zofiya sets her wobbly twig in the palm of her hand and gently spins it.

The wobbly twig comes to a stop pointing directly at Aethyra!

Zofiya recovers the wobbly twig and exclaims, "Congratulations, Aethyra!"

Teveriel moves to Uniana's side and they lace their fingers together.

Uniana smiles at Teveriel.

You turn to Aethyra and cheer!

Faulkil turns to Aethyra and cheers!

Aethyra blinks.

Rolfard hoots.

Speaking to Aethyra, Zofiya exclaims, "Please tell us your team members and spokesperson!"

You say, "Quick, design a citizen's lounge."

Aethyra says, "Wait, no ..."

Queatus sits up.

Aethyra frets.

Zofiya appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Zhagen taps his foot impatiently.

Zofiya says, "Or you may pass."

Aethyra exclaims, "I'm watching!"

You grin.

Zhagen says, "We're waiting."

Aethyra giggles.

Zofiya adopts an agreeable expression.

Perigourd chuckles.

Zofiya sets her wobbly twig in the palm of her hand and gently spins it.

The wobbly twig comes to a stop pointing directly at Haleen!

Zofiya recovers the wobbly twig and exclaims, "Congratulations, Haleen!"

Perigourd turns to Haleen and cheers!

Zofiya squints at Haleen.

Ordim giggles.

Obelin turns to Haleen and cheers!

Vyrshkana turns to Haleen and cheers!

Dropping his front paws down, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears lengthens out into a luxurious stretch.  Opening his mouth wide, he lets out a yawn that ends in a high-pitched squeak.  Satisfied, the sleek puppy straightens up and shakes himself, his ears flapping wildly and tongue lolling happily.

Aethyra turns to Haleen and cheers!

Faulkil turns to Haleen and cheers!

Meliyara laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Starletdawn turns to Haleen and cheers!

Elaejia chuckles to herself.

Zofiya appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Starletdawn giggles to herself.

Queatus grins.

Zofiya asks, "Are there any teams still left to go?"

You lean softly against Aethyra, stirring the scent of a bouquet of roses, hyacinth, freesia, and honeysuckle around her.

Meliyara nods at Zofiya.

Zofiya scowls at a wobbly twig in her hand.

Stormyrain says, "Ours."

Starletdawn exclaims, "That twig has a mind of its own!"

Zofiya points at Stormyrain.

Speaking to Stormyrain, Zofiya exclaims, "Please tell us your team members and spokesperson!"

At the edge of your hearing, you hear a squeakily voice whisper from nearby, "Oh sure, let's follow the Nalfein into the jungle... what could go wrong..."

Stormyrain says, "Our group is myself, Kayse, and Meliyara. Kayse is our spokesperson."

Stormyrain folds her hands behind her back.

Meliyara grins impishly at Kayse.

Stormyrain gives a sidelong glance at Kayse.

Starletdawn smiles.

Speaking to Kayse, Stormyrain mouths, "Surprise."

You chuckle.

Stormyrain snickers to herself.

Meliyara appears to be struggling to keep a straight face as she glances at Stormyrain.

Aethyra giggles.

Zofiya says, "Your timer starts now."

Stormyrain nods.

Kayse dreamily says, "Sometimes the hustle and bustle of town, even for an Island can be a bit too much. Come with me far above the town of Mist Harbor to the Hidden Hideway."

Kayse calmly says, "Carved into the mountainside by the fountain on Boreas Ridge, the citizens lounge we propose blends the allure of nature with the comfort and relaxation citizens of Mist Harbor deserve."

Kayse mysteriously says, "Soft lamp-lighting ensures an adequate level of visibility at any time of day or night, while the gentle bubbling of the fountain outside provides accompaniment to the distant trills of the forest."

Kayse says, "Lush ferns and dangling ivy cover the entrance to this hidden cavern, providing an intimate seclusion to the outside world. Water tumbles down the western side of the cave s wall in a cascading miniature waterfall that forms into a lagoon surrounded by an array of night-blooming flowers."

Kayse fondly says, "A carefully cultivated garden is planted here of a sunset-tinged vine of honeysuckle, an iridescent night-blossom, a pink-hearted white orchid, a silver-tipped moonflower, a twilight blue primrose."

Kayse thoughtfully taps a finger against her lips.

Kayse dramatically exclaims, "To escape the humid isle heat, take a dip in the crystal clear lagoon and enjoy a tropical beverage as you do. Exhausted from your swim?  Relax in one of the many linen hammocks draped across the stalactites!"

Kayse adds, "Carved into the stone, benches topped with plush silk surround the circumference of the space for comfortable sitting.  Teak and bamboo tables are set up to create a lounge atmosphere."

With excited whining noises, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears starts to wag his slender tail so hard that his entire body begins to sway in time with the motion.

Aubriella just opened a shell-print coral orange knapsack.

A low chirping sound comes from within a small ebony cricket box.

Kayse breathlessly says, "Watercolor painted panels of linen depicting landscapes of the town dangle from the ceiling.  A cool draft occasionally permeates the dark stone walls lined with bamboo torches, their disturbed flames casting a warm glow."

Aubriella just closed a shell-print coral orange knapsack.

Warden Tolwynn's group just arrived.

Kayse says, "A bar in the back of the cave is carved of firewheel--due to our new relationship with the Iyo, they honored us with this piece--with a plaque explaining the meaning of this wood and what it means to the Iyo and the citizens of Mist Harbor."

Zofiya exclaims, "Thirty seconds remain!"

Kayse says, "An attentive mixologist oversees the bar, with offerings of an apple-etched decanter containing a flute of fruit sangaria ;A square-shaped bottle with some of the finest barrel aged amber scotch; A crackled glass pitcher a tumbler of citrus-zested water."

Kayse brightly says, "But if hunger should strike, light fares have been prepared for your enjoyment. A grilled skewer of pineapple wrapped in bacon, a champagne cupcake topped with strawberry compote, or a handful of chili-lime almonds."

Kayse says, "Being so close to nature, it is natural a few friends might be also present in the cave Explore and find  a translucent cave spider, a giant atlas moth, an ebon-dotted spiny red orb-weaver or a nacre-winged pale gold firefly."

Kayse says, "So come escape at the Hidden Hideway."

Zofiya exclaims, "And time!  Thank you for the pitch!"

Stormyrain nods.

Uniana applauds.

You turn to Kayse and cheer!

Zofiya applauds Kayse politely.

Starletdawn applauds Kayse.

Missoni applauds warmly.

Ordim applauds politely.

Starletdawn beams!

Meliyara nods approvingly at Kayse.

Perigourd applauds politely.

Stormyrain praises Kayse, expounding upon her fine features and excellent characteristics.

Teveriel applauds.

Vyrshkana applauds.

Faulkil applauds.

Winner Announcement

Click Here to Expand the Log of This Phase

Zofiya asks, "Are there any groups remaining?"

Niadja grins at Rolfard.

Zofiya exclaims, "First and foremost, thank you all SO MUCH for participating in this.  The ideas were wonderful, and we loved hearing the pitches!"

You smile.

Starletdawn applauds Zofiya.

Ordim applauds politely.

Starletdawn beams!

Obelin applauds wildly!

With a high-pitched growl, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears starts to chase his slender tail in dizzying circles.

Queatus applauds.

Stormyrain applauds.

Elaejia smiles at Zofiya.

Vyrshkana lets out a cheer!

Starletdawn exclaims, "It's been a pleasure to watch!"

Vyrshkana applauds.

Uniana nods appreciatively.

Missoni nods appreciatively at Zofiya.

Niadja adopts an agreeable expression.

Queatus grins at Obelin.

Zofiya says, "We will confer for roughly five minutes, then I will return to announce the winning team.  The winners will each be eligible for a Custom Title, and we will get you set up for that immediately afterward."

Meliyara nods in agreement at Starletdawn.

Zofiya exclaims, "Please visit amongst yourselves, and we will be with you in five minutes!"

Obelin hums happily to himself.

Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.

Faulkil turns to face Rolfard.

Faulkil dances with Rolfard.

Nosing about inside Laelithonel's collar, the white dwarf hamster eventually sits up with a dried-up dropping clutched in its jaws.  Letting the discovery fall to the ground, the white dwarf hamster chitters at Laelithonel, obviously annoyed at her lack of hygiene.

(Rolfard visits amongst himself.  It's very sus.)

Ordim comments, "Didn't think there was that much crime here to require designing a whole prison!"

Ordim shakes his head, clucking his tongue.

Faulkil glances at Rolfard.

Faulkil mutters very.

Queatus grins at Obelin.

You groan at Ordim.

Starletdawn grins.

Obelin nods in agreement at Starletdawn.

Ordim wiggles his ears.

Faulkil agrees with Rolfard.

Faulkil turns to face Niadja.

Faulkil dances with Niadja.

Staring at nothing in particular, Ordim toys with the sprawling ebony kraken in his left ear, poking at the cockroaches.

Faulkil turns to face Zhagen.

Faulkil attempts to hum a merry little tune.

Faulkil dances with Zhagen.

Niadja runs her fingernails lightly up and down Faulkil's back.

Ordim surveys the area.

Zhagen waltzes this way and that, making a racket like a bunch of scampering squirrels with steel toenails.

Ordim asks, "Anyone wanna stick a rolton in my ear while we wait?"

Ordim giggles.

Without warning, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears starts to enthusiastically lick a massive golden tree.  Apparently losing interest, he stops a few moments later, leaving the tree with a sheen of slimy drool.

Faulkil applauds.

Obelin rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Speaking deeply to Ordim, Obelin asks, "What?"

Speaking to Obelin, Ordim repeats, "Stick a rolton in my ear!"

Ordim nods once.

Obelin nods sagely.

Ordim collects a hazel nubuck kit distressed along the creases from a large compartment inside the witchwood case.

Ordim plucks a fluffy white rolton chewing on a spectral ultramarine soulstone charm from the pale tartan pad inside his nubuck kit.

Speaking to Ordim, Faulkil asks, "Where did you intend for the portal to the demon dimension to be placed?"

Speaking to Faulkil, Ordim explains, "In the paddle boats of course."

Ordim nods once.

A low chirping sound comes from within a small ebony cricket box.

Ordim plops a hazel nubuck kit distressed along the creases into a large compartment inside the witchwood case.

Ordim carefully removes a spectral ultramarine soulstone charm from his fluffy white rolton.

Faulkil says, "Oh! Right.  Paddle your way into an alternate dimension."

Zhagen says, "I probably should have gone it alone but i don't think you guys wanted to listen to me spout out 100 nouns with the word snake in front of it."

Faulkil adopts an agreeable expression.

Obelin chuckles.

Ordim sets a spectral ultramarine soulstone charm into a small compartment inside the witchwood case.

Speaking to Zhagen, Faulkil says, "Honestly we were glad to have you on our team."

Faulkil agrees with Zhagen.

Zhagen adopts an agreeable expression.

Niadja adopts an agreeable expression.

Ordim removes a bloodstained splinter of wood from in his patchwork longcloak.

Missoni takes a drink from her gin cocktail.
Missoni looks rather relaxed.

Queatus joins Starletdawn's group.

Ordim put a bloodstained splinter of wood in his patchwork longcloak.

Zhagen says, "Also, if they dont pick us..."

Zhagen gets a wrapped piece of candy from a thick patchwork harness stitched from a medley of snakeskins.

Ordim removes a glowing poison green roly poly from in his patchwork longcloak.

Zhagen's piece of candy vanishes into the depths of his snakeskin robe.

Ordim carefully attaches a glowing poison green roly poly to his fluffy white rolton.

Ordim nods approvingly.

Zhagen gets a wrapped piece of candy from a thick patchwork harness stitched from a medley of snakeskins.

Ordim taps a fluffy white rolton chewing on a glowing poison green roly poly, which is in his left hand.

Zhagen's piece of candy vanishes into the depths of his snakeskin robe.

Speaking to Zhagen, Faulkil asks, "Snake charmers with snakeskin fans waving at the guests in snakeskin hammocks eating snaks kabobs?"

Zhagen reaches inside one of the glossy black cobra skin bags tied securely with rope hanging from his patchwork harness and grabs a small unassuming iron can.

Zhagen says, "Ill do it."

Zhagen says, "Ill open it."

Clenching his fists, Zhagen pipes out an indignant suggestion involving stale tart crumbs.

Elaejia ponders.

Vyrshkana ponders.

Slender tail wagging fitfully, a sleek silver-blue puppy with wide floppy ears bounds up to Teveriel and dances around him excitedly, barking.

Ordim waves a fluffy white rolton chewing on a glowing poison green roly poly around.

A spectral faceted azure blazestar appears on Laelithonel's forehead and rapidly dissolves into a deep blue radiance that suffuses her hands as she prepares a spell...

Speaking to Obelin, Ordim asks, "You wanna do it?"

A spectral faceted azure blazestar appears on Laelithonel's forehead and rapidly dissolves into a deep blue radiance that suffuses her hands as she prepares a spell...

Obelin glances over himself, checking his appearance before adopting a proud, cocksure stance.

Speaking deeply to Ordim, Obelin asks, "What's what what?"

Ordim furrows his brow.

Zofiya exclaims, "Thank you all once again for your wonderful ideas, and wonderful pitches!"

Faulkil turns to Zofiya and cheers!

Haleen applauds.

Obelin applauds Zofiya.

Kayse applauds.

Ordim applauds politely.

Zofiya says, "We have conferred, and while it was extremely close, we do have a single winning team."

You smile.

Ordim frets.

Zofiya exclaims, "Without further ado, the winning team is that consisting of: Ordim, Arianiss, and Vyrshkana!"

You blink.

Obelin lets out a cheer!

Ordim's jaw drops.

Aethyra lets out a cheer!

Zofiya applauds loudly.

Elaejia applauds.

Kayse applauds.

Missoni applauds.

Vyrshkana gasps.

Meliyara applauds Ordim.

Aethyra pulls you closer.

Haleen applauds.

Queatus lets out a cheer!

Laelithonel applauds.

Aethyra kisses you, her mouth lingering on yours.

Meliyara applauds you.

Spying a bit of frosting in his toe-hair, Ordim adjusts his black leather tunic and gracefully bows and scoops it up.

Faulkil applauds Ordim.

Stormyrain applauds.

Meliyara applauds Vyrshkana.

Traiva applauds.

Perigourd applauds.

Zhagen applauds.

Vyrshkana beams!

Vyrshkana hugs Ordim, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

Vyrshkana gives you a friendly hug.

Speaking to Ordim, Faulkil exclaims, "Nicely done!"

Missoni cheerfully says, "Congratulations."

Uniana applauds.

Tolwynn applauds.

Vyrshkana beams!

Teveriel applauds.

Rolfard applauds.

Ordim's cheeks take on a slightly flushed tone.

Faulkil applauds you.

Niadja lets out a cheer!

Faulkil applauds Vyrshkana.

Ordim suggests, "Everyone will be doing so much crime to get in."

Ordim frets.

You chuckle.

Aethyra giggles at Ordim.

Faulkil grins at Ordim.

Starletdawn applauds Ordim.

Vyrshkana bounces around happily.

Wrap Up

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Zofiya says, "Thank you all once again for coming out and having fun with us all."

Vyrshkana exclaims, "I's not can waitinged for seeinged it!"

Niadja smiles.

Speaking to Zofiya, Faulkil says, "Thanks for having us."

Laelithonel just tiptoed out.

Starletdawn applauds you.

Zofiya says, "If you have tokens left, you can head for the Cigar Bar, and we will do our best to get them redeemed for you."

Ordim plops a fluffy white rolton chewing on a glowing poison green roly poly into a large compartment inside the witchwood case.

Vyrshkana beams happily at Ordim!

Starletdawn applauds.

Vyrshkana grins at you.

Perigourd turns toward Zofiya and renders a sharp hand salute.

Speaking to Ordim, Faulkil asks, "Maybe your title should be Warden?"

Elaejia wiggles her fingers.

Zofiya says, "Otherwise:  Thank you so much for coming out, you guys made this a lot of fun."

Vyrshkana bounces around happily.

Missoni nods appreciatively at Zofiya.

You kiss Aethyra, your mouth lingering on hers.

Queatus applauds.

Vyrshkana exclaims, "Tank oos!"

Niadja waves.

Vyrshkana waves.

You smile at Zofiya.

Queatus exclaims, "It's been fun!"

Perigourd just went out.

Aethyra gazes fondly at you.

Ordim winks at you.

Vyrshkana grins at Ordim.

You grin at Ordim.

Speaking to Faulkil, Ordim exclaims, "Jailor!"

Ordim nods approvingly.

Zofiya raises a hand in farewell.

Raelee put a gold-joined choker dangling three asymmetric bone panels in her supple leather satchel.

Zofiya wanders off.

Attendee Features and Outfits

Click Here to Expand - ★ Aethyra ★

You see Aethyra Winterfox.

She appears to be an Elf.
She is tall and has a lissome figure.  She appears to be youthful.  She has a shimmer of moonstone grey on her eyelids, beautifully silvery black-outlined expressive, twinkling azure eyes, glossy winter rose full lips, and fair skin.  She has long, tousled flaxen hair with some fragrant wild jasmine blossoms woven into the strands.  She has a shimmering blush-tinted gloss brushed onto her neatly manicured fingernails.
She has a pair of inked butterflies against a backdrop of pastel flowers behind her left ear.

She is wearing a delicate silver and faenor circlet of twisting rose vines, a soft lace choker interwoven with flowers and silver filaments, a silk-lined white velvet cloak clasped with diamond-encrusted blossoms, a gown of pale blue silk with diamond chains draping the low back, a heart-etched faenor wedding ring dusted with diamonds encircling the left ring finger, and a pair of low-heeled silk slippers clasped with delicate diamond chains.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Arianiss ★

You see Arianiss Winterfox.

He appears to be an Elf.
He is average height and has a lithesome, nimble build.  He appears to have come of age.  He has kohl-lined stormy blue eyes and fair skin.  He has long, pale silver hair awash with twilight blue lowlights that curtains his back.  He has long slender ears gently rising to a tapered point.

He is wearing a knee-length twilight grey cloak, a white gold stickpin set with a brightly shining golden glimaerstone sunflower, a blue-tinged white iris, a fitted black silk vest with silver buttons over an immaculate white dress shirt, a heart-etched faenor wedding band, a braided black leather belt, a pair of dark grey silk pants pleated in the front, and some formal lustrous black leather shoes.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Aubriella ★

You see Aubriella Aronwood the Grandmaster Alchemist.

She appears to be a Dwarf.
She appears to be in the spring of life.  She has long-lashed, sparkling, silver-flecked deep violet eyes and radiant, dewy ivory skin.  She has very long, lustrous, silky black hair pulled into a sleek, fountaining high ponytail artfully arranged behind a wide amethyst silk velvet headband tied into an oversized off-center bow, with subtly wavy ends dangling over one shoulder.  She has a flawless, delicately featured face, a straight nose and blush-tinged cheeks.  She has a graduated line of metallic amethyst ink swept above her eyelashes.
Each of her earlobes is pierced with a unicorn-cut stormcloud diamond.

She is wearing a four-strand pale violet pearl choker clasped with a purple diamond flame, a ruffled crocheted winter white lamb's wool shawl, an off-shoulder amethyst silk velvet dress with a subtly flared skirt, a slim knitted vibrant amethyst silk clutch, and a pair of metallic silver satin thigh-boots laced with slender silk ribbon.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Aurelyn ★

You see Aurelyn.

She appears to be a Sylvankind of the Lassaran D'ahranal.
She is average height.  She appears to be very young.  She has pale marine blue eyes and lightly tanned skin.  She has cropped, wavy caramel brown hair.  She has slightly pointed ears.

She is wearing a tiny silver dolphin hair-pin, an ebony hooded linen cloak, a sunset red watered silk gown, and a pair of wedge-heeled sandals inset with crystalline bars.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Caralain ★

You see Mistress Caralain Kralderk the Prioress of Eonak.

She appears to be a Dwarf.
She is short.  She appears to be time-worn.  She has striking deep green eyes and blushed ivory skin.  She has very long, golden blonde hair upswept to crown the head, the side-swept spiraling curls gently framing her face and are caught beneath a thin-braided circlet of crystalline beads and eonake filaments.  She has a slightly aged face, an upturned nose and a pair of small, yet well-defined rose-hued lips.  She has subtle, soft rose shading upon her pronounced cheekbones.  A nosegay of pink-tipped heirloom carnations peeks out from behind her ear.
She has a braided blond beard interwoven with sprigs of ivy and miniature rosebuds.
Miniature iron anvils spiral outward from her before fading away.

She is wearing a finely spun dwarven tallis embroidered with soft roses amidst twining ivy, an ivy-embroidered silk surplice, a consecrated gold relic encased in pure eonake, an eonake-clasped crushed velvet reliquary slung over her shoulder, an ornate eonake wedding band, an antique gold filigree chatelaine adorned with several trailing ornamented chains, a holy symbol embroidered bag, and some petite jewelled glass slippers.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Carren ★

You see Chatelaine Carren Rosewoods the Noblewoman.

She appears to be a Dark Elf.
She is taller than average and has a delicately lithe build.  She appears to be in the flower of life.  She has twinkling ice blue eyes and flawless alabaster skin.  She has waist-length, glossy auburn hair worn in a wild tumble of delicate curls caught by an ornately carved lasimor haircomb framed in magenta roses.  She has a delicate face, a thin nose and narrow pointed ears.  A fine rose blush mistvein diamond is positioned between her eyes, which casts a sparkling rose blush sheen across her face.
She has some inked tiny cameo pink roses encircling her right eyebrow.

She is wearing some openwork vermeil earrings dangling an array of lasimor beads, a tall peacock silk ruff festooned with silvered feathers, a lustrous vaalin wedding band cradling a vivid rose floral mosaic, an antique filigree pomander case suspended from a fine vaalin waist chain, a luxurious blue-green satin chemise featuring a glimmering golden sheen, a vert silk coat dress bustled in a fan of peacock-plumed organza over a velvet-caged emerald chiffon petticoat, and a pair of stylish bright magenta leather ankle-boots lofted on stained glass heels.
Scarlet-tinted rose petals encircle her feet, the unfurled pieces ascending in a spiral across her body before dissipating in a fine mist.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Dalinsia ★

You see Dalinsia Snowhunter the Tracker.

She appears to be a Giantman of the T'Kirem Clan.
Gracing her brow is a slim rolaren aemikvai, the thin band wrought into an intricate pattern.  Cradled within the center of the aemikvai's knotwork is a round smoky quartz, its surface carved with a single Saramar rune.
She is tall and has a muscled, but soft physique.  She appears to be youthful.  She has shadowed bluish-grey eyes and smoothly tanned skin.  She has thick, mahogany-streaked deep auburn hair severely styled with four, thumb-thick warbraids nape-bound in a winterweight cable-knit linen hairtie.
She has an encircling torc of knotwork inked in dusky cobalt on her neck, and a thin band of olive-inked foliage on her arm.

She is wearing a draping brindled iron boar hide mantle bearing a spine of darkened quills, a dark leather rucksack, a slimly cut dun kidskin bodice over a lightweight hunter tartan arisaid with an undyed soft linen undershirt underneath, a mixed scale and steel-riveted ivory leather coat-of-plates, a vultite-buckled suede cincher edged in lynx fur, a black suede belt fitted with twin silver buckles, a silver-threaded indigo survival kit, some iron-hued suede leggings wound ankle to knee with leather cords, and a pair of fog grey marbled leather boots with a series of intricate buckles.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Darcena ★

You see Darcena Wolf-Valslayer the Captain of the Wehnimer's Landing Militia.

She appears to be a Giantman of the Grot'karesh Clan.
She is taller than average and has a well-toned frame.  She appears to have come of age.  She has feral argent-imbued emerald eyes and lightly freckled, fair skin.  She has very long, thick raven-hued hair pushed back with some bloodied rolton wool ribbons haphazardly strung with raven feathers that tangle in her bone-strewn, twisted locks.  She has a triangular face with high, sculpted cheekbones that accentuate her upturned, thickly lashed eyes.  She has jet-tipped smoky emerald lacquer brushed onto her tapering fingernails.
She has a wide tattooed Saramar-enruned armband on her arm, a black Saramar-enruned throat tattoo on her neck, a silver-eyed giantwoman portrait encircled by Saramar runes inked on her arm, and some yellowing rolton bone splinters in her right eyebrow.
Splayed arcs of lightning run up and down her forearms, discharging crackles of vibrant white energy across her visage.
She gives off a wild demeanor.

She is wearing a black flyrsilk wolf mask edged in glittering emerald and glaes shards, a wild black rose, a Bresnahanini rolton wool surcoat, a floral-traced emerald velvet bodice inset with onyx, a cloud-etched bangle, an emerald inlaid rolton pelt swordbelt fringed with rolton horns, a Bresnahanini rolton wool skirt embroidered with tiny bluebells, a loosely woven ankle-cuff of frilly niveous geraniums and fennel bulbs, and some gilded sanguine rolton pelt slippers inset with dragonfire emeralds.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Dinaden ★

You see Dinaden Blanchefort the Endless Champion of Duskruin Arena.

He appears to be a Human from Honneland.
He is taller than average.  He appears to be very young.  He has yellow-speckled brilliant cerulean eyes and sun-kissed, lightly freckled skin.  He has shoulder length, sun-bleached auburn hair falling in untamed waves.  He has a square-jawed face, a classical nose and tiny laugh lines radiating from the outer corners of his eyes.
He has a tattooed symbol of Phoen on his wrist.

He is wearing a small copper talisman, a quintuple orb brooch, a conical multi-colored hat topped with a springy tuft of yarn, a flowing aurous spidersilk cloak draped from azure undansormr scales, a golden glass relic haloed in thin rays, an oak brown knapsack, a simple blued steel wristchain, a pair of aureate gloves, a scorched leather survival kit, a gold-banded vaalorn scabbard, and a wiregrass anklet.
His daunting figure stands within a silhouette of bright sunlight, his footsteps leaving trails of glowing embers.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Draelor ★

You see Draelor the Archdruid.

He appears to be an Aelotoi of the Vaer'sah Clan.
He is taller than average.  He appears to be youthful.  He has gold-ringed copper eyes and smoothly tanned skin.  He has neck-length, onyx black hair held back behind the ears by a bramble-entwined rack of haon antlers draped in arctic mosses.  He has a thin, smooth scar running just underneath his left eye.  He has a pair of dark azure wings with each displaying a scrimshaw bear totem incised with silver runes.
He has an inked stalking grey wolf on his arm.

He is wearing an ivy-wrapped silvery faewood medallion, a burnished ebonwood L'Naere symbol on a braided silver chain, a sun-washed driftwood charm pierced by a shark tooth, a pair of dark hide pauldrons adorned with branching antlers, a claw-adorned leather cloak mantled with shaggy bear fur, a carved black thorn pin, a laje-bound orase badge, a modwir quiver wound with strips of faded azure flyrsilk slung over his shoulder, a singed boarhide rucksack trailing a string of tusks, and a supple doeskin harness over an emerald green shirt with a slight bronze tinge, a cowled bearskin toqua accented with mottled rabbit fur, a hammered copper raxiara, a pair of soft buckskin handwraps with exposed fingertips, a lacquered zydris band inlaid with iridescent wood opal, a silver bear-engraved ring set with an emerald blazestar, a rune-carved modwir belt covered in patches of moss, a tanned morduska hide pouch with fire opal-beaded drawstrings, a shark skin satchel clasped with a polished tooth, a spherical frosted glass bottle bound in a webbing of silk, some warg pelt breeches sewn with threaded rings of bone, a stamped leather thigh-sheath, and a pair of leather boots with kiramon chitin toes.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Elaejia ★

You see Lady Elaejia Silithyr Loenthra the Benefactress.

She appears to be an Elf.
She is moderately tall and has a muscled, but soft physique.  She appears to be in the spring of life.  She has subtly tilted cobalt-violet eyes and rose-tinted fair skin.  She has very long, silky caramel-brushed blonde hair pulled back from the temples into twinned fishtail braids and bound in a low chignon.  She has a thin-boned, gracefully angular countenance, tapering to a softly pointed chin.

She is wearing a soft marbrinus pelisson of cascading muted bronze tones, a splayed bronze kraken pendant webbed in thin chains, a gown of azure gossamer trailing detached sleeves from beige mekret armlets, a slim ring of klys leaf-chased gold encircling the left ring finger, and a pair of rigid bronzed raw silk chopines.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Esana ★

You see Legionnaire Esana Ilynov the High Priestess of House Vaalor.

She appears to be a Vaalor Elf.
She is average height and has a trim figure.  She appears to be in the spring of life.  She has silver-flecked mismatched ice blue and pear green eyes and soft, light honey brown skin.  She has elbow-length, silky silver hair pulled back from her face and pinned with a crimson-accented gold barbed phoenix haircomb, leaving long finger-teased curls to spill down her back.  She has a pair of small pointed ears and perfectly sculpted cheekbones, emphasizing a noble appearance.
She has a pair of white-feathered wings protruding from her back.
She has an intricate battle standards tattoo covering her right arm.

She is wearing a crimson aqilorn cape secured at the shoulder with a braided gold ribbon tied with two knots of rank, a fitted tunic of white and gold marbrinus, an imperial Vaalor-crested red eahnor signet ring, a polished black leather swordbelt, a rune-etched white eonake censer suspended by three mithril chains, some hip-slung ebon leather pants, and a pair of knee-high polished black leather boots.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Eselde ★

You see Seamstress Eselde Persenshal Faendryl.

She appears to be a Dark Elf.
She is shorter than average.  She appears to be young.  She has verdigris-flecked cinereous eyes and lily white skin.  She has waist-length, ringleted deep hellebore red hair with a streak of white along the right side, gathered back loosely.  She has a delicate face, a small nose and tall upswept pointed ears.
She has a sparkling tiny diamond ring in her left nostril, and a series of crimson eahnor rings in the upper ridge of her left ear.

She is wearing a mordant red jasper pendant suspended from a delicate braid of twisted pewter chain, a fitted grey suede jacket cinched with sanguine red leather belting, a fog grey silk blouse, a grey leather pouch stitched with crimson sigils, a long sanguine red silk skirt thinly striped with dark grey, and a pair of dark grey suede boots.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Estefan ★

You see Estefan the Master Tailor.

He appears to be an Elf.
He is the perfect height.  He appears to be very young.  He has striking blue-green eyes and flawless tanned skin.  He has very long, flowing auburn hair that is to die for.  He has a slightly effeminate face, a fabulous nose and delicately pointed ears.  He is incredibly handsome.

He is wearing a black silk cravat pinned with a silver-rimmed diamond, a crisply pressed coat of the finest Nalfein wool over a stiff-collared white silk shirt, a simple black leather belt with a pale blue moonstone inlaid buckle, some dark linen trousers, and some polished dress shoes.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Fleurs ★

You see Fleurs DeLaCoeur the Grandmaster Alchemist.

She appears to be a Half-Elf.
She is bathed in a golden sheen of sunlight that mutes the light of Liabo, causing her aura to shimmer with white light.
She is average height.  She appears to be youthful.  She has long-lashed, sparkling deep sapphire blue eyes and radiant, dewy ivory skin.  She has very long, lustrous silky black hair styled in an elaborate updo of thick, loosely twisted waves coiled into an intricately knotted high bun, topped with a majestic wide silver tiara adorned with a series of heraldic rose motifs.  She has a flawless, delicately featured face, a straight nose and high cheekbones.  She has a subtle shimmer of berry pink cream gracing her lips.

She is wearing a pair of silver-haloed pink diamond earrings, a vivid deep pink diamond teardrop pendant cradled by gilded floral leaves, a floor-length dusky rose silk crepe column gown with long slit cape sleeves, a slim knitted ombre rose silk clutch, and some ethereal pink frosted glass slippers inset with wine-dark vellum roses.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Franklie ★

You see Franklie.

She appears to be a Human.
She is exceptionally tall and has a willowy frame.  She appears to be an adult.  She has dichromatic green and violet eyes and extremely pale skin.  She has a bald head.  She has a sharply angular face and full, scarlet-painted lips.
She has a tiny aquamarine stud in her right nostril, and a lacy black pattern inked on her head.

She is wearing a sleeveless white tunic belted with a thin magenta cord, an ink-stained rectangular satchel, a vaalin-wrapped coiling silver bracelet, some thin black leggings, and a pair of flat ebon damask slippers.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Fyg ★

You see The Fabulous Fyg Ment.

She appears to be a Giantman.
She is shorter than average and has a perky, petite build.  She appears to be youthful.  She has white starburst-striated blush pink eyes and soft, creamy white skin.  She has waist-length, unruly seashell pink hair pulled back from her face and adorned with a leaf-like teacup ornament cradling a glass teadragon in a bed of moonflowers, leaving long bouncy curls to spill down her back.  She has highly reflective polychromatic lacquer brushed onto her sharply filed fingernails.
She has a series of pale pink earrings in the ridges of both her ears, and an inked swirl of desaturated flowers around her forearms.
Miniature hearts spiral outward from her before fading away.

She is wearing a cloud of pink velvet wrap comprised of myriad tiny pink petals, a knitted ham pink silk sweater decorated in glitzy tinsel around the low neckline, a white paeline dress layered in copious amounts of frills and ruffles, and some thigh-high white woolen stockings cinched by pink-ribboned bows under a pair of interwoven tinsel pompes beaded with enameled pink moonflowers.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Gespry ★

You see Conquerer of Reim Gespry Kastellion Faendryl the Town Councillor of Icemule Trace.

He appears to be a Dark Elf.
He is strikingly tall and has a lithesome, nimble build.  He appears to be young and sprightly.  He has gold-flecked pale purple eyes and vibrant, dusky skin.  He has waist length, crimson-tipped anthracite black hair accented by long bangs cut to feather around his face.  He has a perfectly symmetrical, delicately featured face, a pair of rose-tinted spectacles perched upon his slender, delicately flared nose and tiny laugh lines radiating from the outer corners of his eyes.  He has some hazy crescent glass earcaps encircled by crimson phantom sapphire constellations attached to his ears.
He has a tattooed pattern of intricately-linked runic knotwork encircling both of his wrists, a niveous snowflake-carved hoop in his right eyebrow, and a scarlet blazestar stud in the upper ridge of his left ear.
A tiny quartet of silver-winged faeries dart to and fro across his form, peeking into containers and giggling as they disappear in a flurry of multicolored lights.

He is wearing a dusty twilight grey mouse, a smooth bone earring pierced by tiny crystal shards, a billowing red Faendryl cloak with a knucklebone clasp, an ambiguous symbol, a rune-stitched Faendryl backpack, a stylish red Faendryl tunic, a sleek leather bodysuit adorned with silver sigils, a pair of red Faendryl gloves trimmed in black velvet, a braided black Faendryl-style belt, a compact red Faendryl herb kit with a black bloodstone clasp, a translucent sack, a withered monkey hand, a capacious Faendryl-crafted treat bag with a puppy-shaped clasp, a blood red Faendryl kilt overlaid with a string of rift crawler teeth, and some soft black Faendryl boots.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Haezel ★

You see Haezel the Mistress of the Manor.

She appears to be an Elf.
She is average height and has an hourglass figure.  She appears to be very young.  She has silver-flecked pear green eyes and petal-soft, tanned skin.  She has silky, fiery undertoned silver hair pulled into a messy chignon and held in place by a cherry blossom-enamaled platinum haircomb.  She has a finely contoured delicate face, a small, button nose and a pair of petulantly plump pink lips.
She has a shimmering gold tattoo on the back of her left hand.

Violent flames lick along her skin, leaving no mark.  Flickering in an unfelt breeze, the fire trails behind her in heatless tendrils.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Haleen ★

You see Miss Haleen the Lapidary.

She appears to be an Elf.
She is tall.  She appears to be very young.  She has long-lashed crystal green eyes and smooth, milky white skin.  She has long, silky dark brown hair worn in a chignon.  She has a delicate face, a button nose and dainty pointed ears.

She is wearing a delicate platinum lavalier suspending a pear-shaped diamond, a pale ivory silk purse, a strapless ivory flyrsilk gown with gilt-edged layered lace skirts, and a pair of lustrous knitted striped ham pink and turkey brown pashmina socks under a pair of ivory ramie silk slippers lofted on fel heels.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Igges ★

You see Sailor Igges.

He appears to be a Burghal Gnome.
He is incredibly short.  He appears to be of a ripe old age.  He has crow's feet-lined olive green eyes and leathery, deeply tanned skin.  He has thinning, peppered black hair.  He has a bony face, a crooked, blotchy red nose and a beard threaded with cowrie shells.

He is wearing an unevenly knotted silky bowtie, a red leather vest buttoned with nacre discs over a sinew-laced blue linen shirt, a rope belt messily wrapped in satin ribbon, some distressed suede pants patched on both knees, and a pair of faded black boots smeared with polish.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Indres ★

You see Indres.

She appears to be a Loenthra Elf.
She is tall.  She appears to be of full age.  She has large ebon-ringed amethyst eyes and ivory skin.  She has side-shaven, smooth fiery copper-colored hair caught in ringleted coils beneath a bronze-spiked headpiece engulfed in death's-head hawkmoths along the sharp points, the lengths bound in rings of lasimor.  Engulfing her pointed ears are wing-like earcaps of arathiel, the pieces illuminating her profile.

She is wearing a series of bronze vine chokers engulfing the throat, an oiled aubergine leather halter composed of lattice-woven straps, a chain-strung warg skull lantern, some low-slung sepia silk trousers covered in overlapping belts, and a pair of bistre suede shoes perched on skeletal ivory heels.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Jaysehn ★

You see Commodore Jaysehn Ranshai the Sentinel of the Ebon Blade.

He appears to be a Human.
He is taller than average.  He appears to be young and robust.  He has calculating steel grey eyes and flawless olive skin.  He has shoulder-shorn, dense tawny hair swept back from cheek-grazing strands into a small, neat ponytail.   He has subtly aquiline features accenting a well-defined jawline.

He is wearing a wide-brimmed sleek leather hat adorned with a zaffre-glazed skyglass kraken, an oval white jade locket, a knee-length fuligin overcoat with elesine-cuffed hanging sleeves, an onyx eclipse emblem, a high-collared pewter baldachin tunic with a royal purple geometric design, some silver and black leather gloves, an ornate imflass and jade signet ring inlaid with an ebony crest, a pale ora band cradled in eahnor, a twice-wrapped ebony silk sash clasped with a celadon kelyn crescent, some iron grey suede pants stitched with pewter accents, and some sable selshis hide knee-boots inset with ivory.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Kayse ★

You see Town Councilor Kayse Thaellian the Firefly of the Darkstone Bay Consortium.

She appears to be an Aelotoi of the Vaer'sah Clan.
She is moderately tall and has a curvaceous figure.  She appears to be youthful.  She has voluminously lashed, viridian-specked pear green eyes and freckle-dusted, smooth olive skin.  She has waist-length, lustrous ultramarine hair with the sides plaited and pulled back by a fragile moonlight cactus-bloom barrette sculpted of blown glass, the length falling over her shoulders in mercurial waves.  She has strong and toned features, yet still possesses alluring feminine qualities enhanced by her soft full blush-hued lips.  She has a pair of oval niveous-veined sparkling champagne wings.
She has an onyx-hued palm print inked on her wrist, a primitively inked white jagged heart on her finger, a multi-colored ink splotched lily on her arm, a kohl-outlined feather quill on her wrist, an inked vine laden with blossoms on her waist, a series of smoke-hued feathers inked along her collarbone, and an ink-stroked flaming violet edged in gilt on her finger.
She has occasional faint traces of ivory-striated nightshade petals flowing beneath her visible skin.

She is wearing a voluminous cloth-of-veniom haversack, a tripartite choker of baystone reflecting monochromatic cerulean hues against the skin, an asymmetrical raw silk wrap, an open-backed mazarine silk gown veiled in a fall of watercolored flora, a woven vine bracelet intertwined with amaranth cymes, a treble of helical zydris branchlets encircling the right index finger, and a pair of nude raw silk high-heeled shoes beaded with lapis teardrops.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Laehna ★

You see Lady Laehna D'astivea Loenthra the Handmaiden to the Argent Mirror.

She appears to be an Elf.
She is strikingly tall.  She appears to be of a tender age.  She has voluminously lashed ametrine purple eyes and velvety smooth pearlescent ivory skin.  She has hip-length, silky golden blonde hair pinned back on one side with a sharp-petaled deep indigo orchid.  She has a fine-boned face, a gently sloped nose and delicately arched eyebrows.  The subtle curve of her lips and her long, graceful neck accentuate her delicate fey-like features.  Set atop her pointed ears are some glowing arathiel earcaps dangling alpine bumblebee beaded chains that brush the tops of her shoulders.
An outline of ethereal blue flame encircles her form, the blaze rising as it licks hungrily into the air.
She gives off a serene demeanor.

She is wearing a honey amber droplet suspending a tiny iridescent dragonfly within, a satin-lined dark sable stole, a drop-shouldered fawn silk gown cinched tightly around the waist by a gilded underbust corset with a trailing undergown of airy silk gauze underneath, and a pair of gilt sandals crafted to cradle the foot in sinuous tendrils.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Laelithonel ★

You see Laelithonel Asterfrost the Guardian of Icemule Trace.

She appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
She is of a slight height and has a petite and slender build.  She appears to be very young.  She has large, hooded silver-saturated celadon eyes and smooth cocoa-hued skin.  She has long, luminous selenite hair raked into twin buns secured on either side by a set of crescentic silver hairpins cradled in pale nacre, leaving two long ponytails to spiral down in lustrous, twisty curls.  She has a pair of arathiel-framed glasses perched upon her button nose and slightly upswept pointed ears.  She has a chin that is subtly pointed, complementing the soft curves of her face.  A scarified lotus blossom, its petals pale and slightly raised, blooms along the nape of her neck.  She has a set of arathiel moon earcaps illuminating tiny smoky glimaerstone luna moths attached to her ears.
She has a lustrous faceted crystal sliver in her lip, an openwork polychromatic design on her arm, and a plump unicorn tattoo on her waist.
A tiny iridescent fairy hovers above her left shoulder, flittering its silvered wings as it twirls around.

Curled across the curve of her neck is a glistening albino teadragon, the tiny lizard purring as it lazily flicks its tongue.
She is wearing a pudgy white dwarf hamster, a crescent-wing moth longcloak of argent velveteen, a silvered choker of shining clear glimaerstone moon phases, a tulle-skirted sable silk gown veiled in a fall of arathiel-swept lace, and a pair of opalescent tulle lace shoes lofted on crystalline heels.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Lianea ★

You see Lianea Lexxicon.

She appears to be a Sylvankind.
She is very tall.  She appears to be young.  She has sparkling golden eyes and ivory skin.  She has long, tightly ringleted pale auric hair spilling riotously to the middle of her back and caught behind the right ear by a slim feather-woven plait.  She has a round face, a small nose and small pointed ears.

She is wearing a bright red firewheel flower, a cord-strung petrified luna moth encased in amber, a transparent silk gauze overrobe, an unfurled white jade peony center-set with rose gold, a layered green chainsil bliaut, a carved linden blossom wristlet, a burled walnut case with a monogrammed gold plate, and some brown leather sandals with gold embroidery.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Lunaryna ★

You see Historian Lunaryna Talviel the Officer of Twilight Hall.

She appears to be a Dark Elf.
She is of a slight height and has a trim build.  She appears to be in the flower of life.  She has opalescent, milky white eyes and pallid grey skin.  She has hip-length, silky bone white hair twisted up with thin plaits woven with chains, the style stabbed through with a twisted bone lancet adorned with garnets while the tiny jeweled droplets spill freely.  She has a delicately structured, aristocratic face and classically elegant, chiseled high cheekbones.
She has a twining pale abyran'sa tattoo on her thigh.
Mystical energies wash over her, draping her in a nebulous shroud tinged with cosmic dust.

She is wearing a tall dark eahnor collar, a heavy buffed ebon vesperti hide coat mantled with thick ivory griffin ruff, a large relucent trillion garnet tapering down over the sternum with sleek bone adornments tracing the collarbones, a structured pale kidskin valise, a nacreous albino snakeskin gown bound tightly by an elaborate bone rachis, a pair of dark red kidskin gloves, a small bone cage with silk mesh sides, an archaic steel dodecahedron, a pair of thin dark eahnor thigh-bands, and a pair of pale gilt-arabesqued naraina shoes set on tapered bone heels.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Luxelle ★

You see Lady Luxelle Machtes the Bardess.

She appears to be an Elf.
Gracing her brow is a verdigrised copper ferroniere, the bright hue of the metal almost completely obscured by its verdant patina.  Tiny spheres of blue and green amber provide flashes of brilliant color in contrast, the tiny gems hanging in strands around the entire edge of the ferroniere.
She is average height.  She appears to be youthful.  She has emerald-sparked lagoon blue eyes and creamy fair skin.  She has long and pale, sun-kissed flaxen hair.  She has slightly upswept pointed ears.  Her features bear a soft, gentle appearance.  She has some scrimshaw winged earcaps interspered in smoky green emerald feathers attached to her ears.

She is wearing a slim double-breasted waistcoat featuring split tails that fall in a loose cascade of soft pleats, a high-necked sheer chiffon blouse with very long shirred lace cuffs, a musician's valise with a stylized silver eahnor nightingale slung over her shoulder, a silver eahnor wedding ring, a leather purse, a pair of snug leggings softly ruched at the ankles, and a pair of ruffle-edged black leather ankle-boots.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Lylia ★

You see Imperatrix Lylia Rashere the Sorceress.

She appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
She is taller than average and has a slender build.  She appears to be in the spring of life.  She has wide-set storm grey eyes and cool-toned alabaster skin.  She has waist length, thick auburn hair smoothed into a sleek chignon and held with a regal silver headpiece of slender spikes arranged in a spiny halo, the adornment almost as wide as her shoulders.  The smooth symmetry of her face lends a patrician grace to her angular features.  She has a haze of velvety kohl darkening her eyes.

She is wearing a waist-length necklace of striated despanal teardrops, a cloud of black plumes fashioned into a wrap, an unadorned black leather gown cut to the navel, a pair of chased silver armbands bearing a stylized dreamvine motif, an antique silver wedding ring inlaid with an amber cabochon, and a pair of pebbled black leather sandals lofted on carved horns.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Lyracellan ★

You see Lady Lyracellan the Fleetfooted Legion.

She appears to be a Half-Elf.
She is tall and has a svelte figure.  She appears to be young and sprightly.  She has gold-flecked crystal green eyes and bronze skin.  She has long, glossy honey blonde hair styled into a series of loops pinioned in place by a sanguine rune-painted invar hairstick.  She has slightly pointed ears.
She has a copper-inked jumble of small gears on her wrist.

She is wearing a delicate silver tiara, a soft ivory wool scarf pinned with a silver snowflake, a smooth cylindrical vial encased in thin silver strands on a narrow chain, a pair of silver gloves clasped with sapphires, a dashing satin purse slung over her shoulder, a backless ice blue lace gown trimmed with embroidered iridescent silver icicles, an intricately woven bracelet of gleaming ice blue diamonds and icy blue winter roses, and some winter white snowflake lace slippers beaded with silver iceblossoms.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Maleisse ★

You see Maleisse Veloth Nalfein the Confessor.

She appears to be an Elf.
She is average height.  She appears to be in the bloom of youth.  She has guileless lavender eyes and porcelain white skin.  She has calf-length, smooth alabaster hair drawn back from her face and bound in place by a carved polished ivory diadem set with an oval-cut dark citrine quartz.  She has a very petite nose.  Her snowy eyebrows are cultivated into slender lines, the color accentuating her eburnean complexion.  A perfectly round lemon-hued citrine brushed with cloudy tendrils is positioned between her eyes, which casts a sparkling pastel yellow sheen across her face.

She is wearing a pair of faceted citrine earrings, a translucent vaalin pendant, a tone-on-tone pelisse of elegantly swirled golden marbrinus, a pale silver samite kirtle jeweled with concave citrine quartz on the pointed sleeves, an oblique natural haon case, a tawny lacewood case with knotwork marquetry, and a pair of backless alabaster moire slippers.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Marloe ★

You see Maker Marloe.

She appears to be a Half-Elf.
She is a little short.  She appears to be very young.  She has sparkling, copper-haloed emerald eyes and ivory skin.  She has thick, curly rich auburn hair pulled into a messy bun at the nape of her neck.  She has a very symmetrical face and prominent cheekbones.

She is wearing a fine gold chain suspending a simple wide golvern band, a triple-belted oxblood leather waist-cincher with chunky brass buckles over a butterfly-sleeved sheer vanilla silk blouse with a white floral lace undershirt underneath, an oversized slouchy deep jade leather bag slung over her shoulder, a thin golvern band with tiny channel-set rubies, and a pair of pale cream kidskin leggings under some thigh-high dark cocoa leather boots folded over to the knee.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Maylan ★

You see Land Pirate Maylan the Mop Girl.

She appears to be an Aelotoi of the Mrae'ni Clan.
She is of a slight height and has a thin, wiry frame.  She appears to be in the meridian of life.  She has completely solid, vivid jade eyes and mocha freckled, ruddy skin.  She has raggedly cut, frizzy raven-sheened hair loosely bound within a frayed knitted lime green silk snood dappled in tiny cherry-shaped star rubies.  She has a narrow face, a gently sloped nose and a dimpled chin.  She has a small gap between her front teeth.  She has a golden candlestick pegleg for a leg.  She has a pair of crooked, jagged-edged pearly wings trailing some hemp-tassled chipped shell mosaics on their outer edges.
She has a sun-shaped gold stud in her right nostril.

She is wearing an extravagant headdress piled high with a vibrant array of fresh fruits, some spiraled diamond earrings dangling intricate banana charms, a double-tiered white gold choker with crystalline cantaloupe spacers, a sack-like pickle green ballgown adorned in a spiraling cornucopia of lemon yellow cloth ribbon fruit, a simply woven bracelet of bright red cranberries, and some malformed pumpkin orange high chopines beaded with green pearl apples.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Meliyara ★

You see Lady Meliyara the Ascendant.

She appears to be a Dhe'nar Dark Elf.
She is average height and has a curvy-figured silhouette.  She appears to have come of age.  She has sultry silver-flecked sapphire blue eyes and petal-soft, tanned skin.  She has shoulder length, sleek scarlet red hair with cascading waterfall braids woven about a spherical white opal arcrose seer-stone caged in obsidian.  She has a perfectly symmetrical, delicately featured face, a petite, gently sloped button nose and ample hips.  A tiny, circular rose-hued beauty mark sits high upon her right cheekbone.
She has an ethereal runestaff tattoo on her arm, a chain of intricate runes tattoo on her finger, several obsidian-inked rings of concentric circles on her wrist, an obsidian-caged soulstone half-ring in her left nostril, a pair of ruby teardrop earrings set along the slender tips of her pointed ears, an intricate inking of a flowering vine on her arm, and an intricate flower and vine tattoo on her neck.

She is wearing a waterfall pin cascading sapphires from chest to navel, a gauzy twilight-hued silk dress with dusk opals adorning the plunging neckline, some ash bangles sporting a subtle sunset-hued sapphire flamestalk mosaic, an elongated silver talon ring studded with ebon-striated vortex stones, and some black leather high-heeled boots criss-crossed up the thighs with strips of branded hide.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Missoni ★

You see Missoni Sabretache Faendryl the Witch.

She appears to be a Dark Elf.
She is shorter than average and has a fragile, slender frame.  She appears to have come of age.  She has long-lashed chimerical viridian eyes and richly toned, olive brown skin.  She has waist-length, glossy black hair drawn back from her face and bound in place by a plaited witchwood headband set with a lambent vaelfyren teardrop.  She has a pinched face, a sharp and severe nose and a prominent collarbone marked by a tiny mole.  Her pointed chin and delicate bone structure contribute to the waifish appearance of her visage.
She has an oval blood red eye tattoo on her neck, some inked whorls of mist on her arm, an eight-tined star tattooed in lapis ink on the top of her right hand, and a winged lark-shaped mark on her leg.
She has inky curls of extraplanar essence unfurling beneath her visible skin.

She is wearing a sumptuous length of overlapping valravn plumes draped casually over one shoulder, a breastplate of contorted vaelfyren unfurling smoky tendrils from sternum to earlobe, a column of ianthine bourde hugging the body in sleek lines, a lor signet ring, and a pair of night-hued tulle lace shoes lofted on nacreous glass heels.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Naelan ★

You see Naelan.

He appears to be a Human from Hendor.
He is taller than average.  He appears to be in the prime of life.  He has argent-haloed steel grey eyes and fair skin.  He has thick, flowing mahogany-shaded hair underneath a stiff leather tricorne on his head.  He has a ruggedly scruffy, angular face and a jagged scar across his neck.
He has a rough-edged dark ebon sunburst on his arm, and a darkened red-inked lip stain on his neck.

He is wearing a deeply-hooded charcoal wool cloak, a spiked light infantry shield slung over his shoulder, a burnished dark rolaren breastplate with a loose natural linen shirt drenched with blood underneath, a pair of scuffed fingerless black kidskin gloves, a series of cross-strapped leather belts lined with pouches, a leather weapons frog with a battle-worn rolaren backsword and a slender golvern short sword hanging from it, a midnight purple crushed velvet gempouch, a twisted wrought iron keyring, a scuffed leather locksmith's toolkit, a small worn leather bag, some dark silver-buttoned breeches, and some well-worn dark cuffed slouch boots fastened with tarnished silver buckles.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Nelesune ★

You see Nelesune Ydri the Archpriestess of Phoen.

She appears to be a Vaalor Elf.
She is tiny.  She appears to be very young.  She has sparkling crystal blue eyes and copper skin.  She has hip-length, thick cornsilk blonde hair gathered under a pristine white satin cowl, pale tendrils of flaxen escaping in chin-length curls.  She has a slender, delicately flared nose and classically elegant, chiseled high cheekbones.  A perfect orange imperial topaz is positioned between her eyes, which casts a sparkling fiery orange sheen across her face.
She has a burning flame tattoo on her ear.
She gives off a serene demeanor.

She is wearing a tanned leather knapsack, a five-plaited choker of dark leather and suede, a loosely gathered mantle of silk dyed a creamy shade of white, a single sleeve of layered gilt plates culminating in a sun-crested pauldron, a sculpted lamellar corselet of golvern scales with a raw linen shift split up the right side underneath, an iconographic ivory tile sash, and a pair of hammered gold knee-boots stacked on bronze-caged heels.
Vibrant auroras spring around her feet, dissipating into colorful mist as she moves.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Niadja ★

You see Niadja.

She appears to be a Half-Elf from Aldora.
She is shorter than average.  She appears to be very young.  She has thick-lashed glacial blue eyes and lily white skin.  She has long, glossy platinum hair falling in tousled waves to the middle of her back, the wavy locks shaded in ombre hues of pastel pink deepening to dark red winterberry.  She has a delicate face and slender wrists.
She has an inked pile of shoes accented with assorted gem settings on her neck, and some silver sapphire-dusted hoops in the ridges of both her ears.

She is wearing a frosty mint brocade pack swirled with viridian flourishes, a braided silken ribbon choker, a belted periwinkle velvet longcoat collared with fluffy white lynx fur, a White Haven bear head pin, a side-laced ice green and periwinkle silk gown with some frosty white satin petticoats with opaline snowflakes, a faceted crystalline signet, an etched white gold wedding band, a tiny gossamer silk pouch embroidered with colorful thread, a carved cypress case with gilded floral accents, and some sheer spidersilk stockings under a pair of silvery white silk shoes with five-petalled alexandrite toes.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Obelin ★

You see Arena Champion Obelin the Tall Tale.

He appears to be a Human.
He is taller than average.  He appears to be an adult.  He has gold-flecked void black eyes and freckled skin.  He has chin length, wavy brunette hair and a midnight black tricorn edged in silver chains and sporting an anatomical sanguine garnet heart cameo worn at a rakish angle.  He has a clean-shaven face, an aquiline nose and a birth mark.  He has feather-like wings of metallic onyx pigment encircling his eyes.
He has a chain-wreathed open hand sleeve tattoo haloed in blue flames on his arm, an inked bright blue and white racer coiled languidly beneath his ear on his neck, an ethereal snow white inked snowcat on his ankle, and an inked stylized horned owl formed from autumnally-shaded geometric shapes on his wrist.
An outline of ethereal blue flame encircles his form, the blaze rising as it licks hungrily into the air.

He is wearing a crisp white linen shirt with a one-eared rabbit-embroidered pocket, a pristine pure white greatcloak with faint blue flames embroidered along the hem, a rich sapphire leather harness cinched with ivory buckles, some stylized ghezyte-plated gauntlets inlaid with a crushed onyx and marble pattern, a sleek black leather belt, a pair of crisp ivory flyrsilk slacks adorned with dagger-shaped buttons, a bleached white bone thigh-scabbard, and some knee-high weathered leather boots with wide silver buckles.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Ordim ★

You see Relic Hunter Ordim the Grand Spookster of Naidem.

He appears to be a Brughan Halfling.
He is average height.  He appears to be young and robust.  He has virescent cinereous eyes and ashen skin.  He has short, thick chestnut hair brushed up in flame-like projections around a cast iron stew pot crawling with an infestation of dark-saddled earthworms.  He has a haggard face, a pockmarked, crooked nose and a spiderweb of grey skin extending from his right temple.  He has crystal-tipped wintry blue gloss brushed onto his well-manicured fingernails.
Superimposed over Ordim's form is the ghostly silhouette of a Burghal gnome deceiver, a scowling expression on her face.  As you watch, she glares about the area, disappointed and disgusted by everything and everyone before grinding her teeth a bit, looking slightly more peeved than usual.
He has a scale-bowled wyrwood pipe clenched between his teeth, a mostly mottled mocha muffin tattoo on his arm, and a runic dachre tattoo on his neck.
A myriad of ethereal muffins appear to be following his every move.

He is wearing a fiery orange sugar maple leaf, a simply woven necklace of incised morduska fangs and ridgeweaver silk, a layered pale crimson shroud painted with mournblooms, a simple necklace suspending a swirled lightning glass shard charm etched with a flock of fuliginous birds, a moon-filled kelyn pendant, a hemp-strung sugargum whistle decorated in pale hues, a patchwork longcloak stitched with an inky black kraken, a burnished bronze medal etched with a small orange jack-o'-lantern design, a two-armed zoetic quill with an amber rachis and azure vane, a fluffy feathered toy owl dangling from an ethereal chain, a silver v-shaped pin set with clear scarlet-tinged crystal wings, a slender burled witchwood case capped with eahnor slung over his shoulder, a knitted dark grey satchel slung over his other shoulder, an asymmetric pewter grey vest over a silk-lined black leather tunic front-laced with thin silver cording, a silver kraken-wrapped bracer, a narrow erithi-crafted wristlet, a white pearl-inlaid bracer clasped with a sliver of nacre, a pair of soft leather gloves, a full-finger dark vaalin talon ring, a carved bloodstone signet, a kraken-wrapped blood marble ring, an urglaes thumb-ring, a smoke-colored branded leather belt affixed with a strap-bound skeletal leaf teacup, a corked specimen jar holding glowing poison green roly polies, a muffin-shaped key strung from a twisted chain, a polished silver pocket watch with a fine silver chain, a bone white cage of twisted mithril wire, a large widowwood basket, some aged crow black cordovan breeches with draped pockets, a labyrinthine crescent-woven anklet, and some flat silver-laced sandals.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Perigourd ★

You see Perigourd Sabretache the Ka'Fahar'a dyur Kontiquaela.

He appears to be a Human from Selanthia.
Drawn up over his head is a forest green suede hood, its loose weathered folds settling upon his shoulders in a pooled mantle.  Ranging throughout the hood in sienna embroidery are small silhouettes of woodland animals.
He is tall and has a broad-centered physique.  He appears to be very old.  He has thoughtful, amber-flecked umber eyes and slightly tanned skin.  He has shoulder length, thick dark brown hair just visible under a forest green suede hood.  He has a rough-hewn ovate face, a straight nose and a closely trimmed dark brown beard sprinkled with strands of grey.
He has a silver and azure comet tattoo on his ankle, a tattooed symbol of Imaera on his wrist, and a blue-stitched crescent mark on his wrist.
Slender vines of Imaera's Lace wend across his exposed skin, the lengths unfurling with ethereal white blooms.
He gives off a fierce demeanor.

He is wearing a mottled forest green suede cloak, a golvern-clasped dark leather baldric, a surcoat of quartered forest green and umber chainsil over some rugged golvern plate-and-mail with a quilted forest green gambeson marred with grime underneath, a pair of golvern vambraces, a set of green glaes talons, an intricate golvern signet ring, a dark leather swordbelt girded through twin golvern rings, a chain of thick golvern roundels, a chocolate suede hip-satchel with forest jade beading, a burled faewood scabbard with parqueted oak leaves, an amber-set pale golden warhorn, a rectangular golvern quiver with chamfered edges, a pair of hunter green trousers, a pair of golvern leg greaves, and some turned-down russet suede stalking boots.
Flickering near Perigourd is a wiry opossum, its luminous figure composed of nightshade-hued energy.  With an upbeat gait and whiskered nose in the air, it trundles in a protective circle around him.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Queatus ★

You see Queatus the Tall Tale.

He appears to be a Half-Sylvan.
He is taller than average and has a muscular, able-bodied physique.  He appears to be in the prime of life.  He has sparkling pale blue eyes and tanned skin.  He has short, tousled black hair with grey at the temples.  He has an unshaven face, a broken nose and a thick scar that sweeps across his neck from one ear to the other.  A full, thick beard of coarse black hair barely obscures his strong jawline.
Superimposed over Queatus's form is the ghostly silhouette of a human thief, a wary expression on his face.  As you watch, he glances around the room, a wary expression clear on his face.
He is surrounded by a circle of shifting stones.

He is wearing a deep blue tri-cornered hat, a white gold halfmoon-shaped locket, a finely-tailored navy wool jacket with notched lapels, an indigo elesine cravat patterned with silvery grey mist, a slim-cut pale dove grey tweed waistcoat, a fitted dark grey byssus shirt sewn with upturned ivory silk cuffs, a simple vaalin band cradling a black diamond ring, a sleek black leather belt, a pair of overlong ebon twill trousers, some fine ebon elesine socks patterned with misty whorls of indigo, and a pair of oiled dark leather boots with vaalorn buckles.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Raelee ★

You see Magister Raelee Svala the Scholar of the Hall of Mages.

She appears to be a Human from Chastonia.
She is shorter than average and has a small-boned build.  She appears to be an adult.  She has distant, gold-flecked snow white eyes and milky white skin.  She has long, loosely ringleted copper red hair pulled back into a half-ponytail.  She has a small, tangled burn mark on her neck.  She has a slender, porcelain-like countenance, made more striking by the rounded angles of her face.
She has a complex gold circular tattoo on the back of her right hand, a pale pattern of gold lines and sigils tattooed up her right arm, an inky black sigil on her wrist, and a quartet of tiny glyphs tattooed vertically along the inside of her left forearm.

She is wearing a complicated gold-wired earcuff, a round-linked gold choker draping tiers of white sunstone beads, a corseted golvern-hued silk gown with nacreous ivory beadwork on the flowing skirts, a pair of gold wire-latticed wristcuffs, a blue-jeweled heavy gold ring, a sunstone-set bronze and gold band, and some silk slippers beaded with gilded nacre droplets.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Roelon ★

You see Roelon McColend the Town Councillor of Icemule Trace.

He appears to be a Giantman of the Wsalamir Clan.
He is taller than average.  He appears to be in the meridian of life.  He has piercing blue-tinged silver eyes and tanned skin.  He has long, braided white hair loosely entangled in a ponytail by a thin chain of veil iron thorns entwined with silver wire.  He has a broad face, a classical nose and a neatly-trimmed beard with an icy blue streak down one side.  Obscured behind his beard is a rugged, muscular jawline that is further emphasized by weather-worn cheeks.  A faceted sliver of grey shadowglass is positioned between his eyes, which casts a sparkling pale grey sheen across his face.
He has some converging Saramar runes on his neck, a tattoo of a somber black dragon that coils upwards from jaw to temple, and a circular blue tribal tattoo on his neck.

He is wearing a wintry black leather duster, an old dark silver insignia of ruby-inlaid crossed waraxes, a carved wendigo totem strung from a leather cord, a silvery tartan-furred dormouse, a scaled black leather travel pack, a studded dark alloy weapons bandolier, a dark alloy scaled leather coat-of-plates adorned with a single rhimar-studded pauldron, a vine-etched aranthium armlet, some rugged ebon leather gloves with rhimar studs set in each knuckle, a veil iron signet ring entwined with rolaren, a massive Wsalamir herb kit crafted from wintery grey animal furs, a patchwork tartan hip-satchel crafted from repurposed kilts stitched together, a chewed-on dark tartan sack, a brushed black leather saddlebag, a roughly knit woolen kilt threaded with rhimar studs, and some blackened leather hiking boots.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Rohese ★

You see Loremaster Rohese Bayvel Illistim the Patron of the Displaced.

She appears to be an Elf.
She is taller than average with a slender willowy form.  She appears to be of a tender age.  She has silver-lashed misty grey eyes and preternaturally pale skin.  She has lustrous, cool silver hair in a five-stranded crown braid woven to one side and offset by an opaline clock face ornament framed in bronze.  She has slender ears peeking through her hair that taper to fine points.  Her composed expression has a sense of scholarly authority despite her youthful, fey-like appearance.
She has a scattering of tiny opal droplets set along the slender tips of her pointed ears, a cascade of tiny silver stars tattooed over her right eyebrow that fades into her hairline, and an inking of a faint star constellation on her neck.
She has occasional faint traces of text flowing beneath her visible skin.

She is wearing a pearl and ivory cameo choker, a high-collared pearl mink fur jacket, a plush toffee velvet gown embellished across the open shoulders in fractal-patterned lace, a wedding band of midnight-tinted glaes trailing across the left ring finger, and some nacre velvet pompes dripping thin chains down each ankle.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Rolfard ★

You see Purveyor Rolfard the Officer of Twilight Hall.

He appears to be a Dark Elf.
He appears to be ancient.  He has pale moonlight silver eyes and smooth ebon skin.  He has waist-length, perfectly straight pure white hair that spills across his shoulders into lengths that are loosely fettered by simple invar rings.  He has angular pointed ears.  The black palette of his skin is pricked with a design of tiny silver striations, not unlike shooting stars on a night sky.  An owl feather quill tipped with an enruned silvery mithril nib is tucked behind his ear.
He has a crimson vaalin owl stud in the upper ridge of his left ear, a silver-eyed ki-lin tattoo on his arm, a small puzzle box tattoo on his wrist, the edges of an Elanthian map tattoo spreading down both of his arms, and a peaks of Elanthia tattoo on his neck.
Miniature shimmering stars spiral outward from him before fading away.

He is wearing a glaes-bound kiramon chitin badge, a billowing purple cloak, a mithril Twilight Hall pin, a patinated leather satchel slung over his shoulder, a purple silver-buckled pack, a pouch-lined harness over a glaes and leather pourpoint with a soft purple undershirt underneath, some singed fingerless gloves, an iridescent lizard skin belt, an arena winnings package, a pebbled leather kit, a large mithril mesh sack, a mephitic herb case, some dusty pants, and a scratched razern fetter under some fuzzy purple slippers.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Starletdawn ★

You see Lady Starletdawn the Witch.

She appears to be a Sylvankind.
She is taller than average and has an hourglass figure.  She appears to be very young.  She has luminous violet eyes and fair skin.  She has waist-length, golden coppery red hair falling in a glossy cascade down her back.  She has a delicate face, a thin nose and full, rose-red lips.  She has small, finely-pointed ears peeking up through her hair.  She has a curvilinear stroke of smoke black lined across her lashes, the ink tapering towards her brow.
She has an inked trail of delicate silvery-gold stars encircling the skin on her ankle.

She is wearing some onyx hair ornaments wreathed in black frigatebird feathers, a shadowy black star-covered cloak, a pair of triple-tiered earrings with a white diamond constellation, a small stone oculoth on a chain, a strapless ebon satin ballgown with a long tulle train spangled with lustrous white scolecite chips, a black diamond band cradling a simple vaalin ring, a moon-clasped glittering diamond wristlet, an indigo glaesine orb, a small ebony cricket box, some whisper-thin stockings, and a pair of black spidersilk slippers sprinkled with stardust.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Stormyrain ★

You see Stormyrain the Marshal of the Wehnimer's Landing Militia.

She appears to be a Sylvankind.
It is difficult to properly see her features as the pampilion-trimmed lambskin hood of her jacket is pulled down over her face.
She has a diamond-inset bloodjewel half-ring in her left eyebrow, a vine of thorns cradling lucent nightblooms tattoo climbing from wrist to elbow on her arm, a black widow tattoo on her finger, a series of interwoven sanguine runes winding across the back of her hands, a tattooed silvery sailboat flying a black flag on her arm, and a tattoo of a white skull on a field of black on her neck.

She is wearing a thorn-etched silver locket, a sanguine translucent crystal, a low-cut crimson silk gown draped from a tangle of black thorns, and some knee-high black leather boots with silver riveted eyelets.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Teveriel ★

You see Lord Teveriel Anduin Vaalor the Nobleman.

He appears to be an Elf.
He is tall in stature and has a hard-muscled physique.  He appears to have come of age.  He has brooding steel grey eyes and fair skin.  He has mid-back length, straight pale blonde hair encircled by a spindy haon stem crown capped in crimson blazestar berry clusters across the perch of his brow.  He has a chiseled, angular face, a straight nose and broad shoulders.  His steeply arched, dark eyebrows and symmetrical features lend him a dour countenance.

He is wearing a floor-grazing cloak of scarlet velvet shadowed with silhouettes of grey lasimor boughs, a pair of long chitinous vaalorn pauldrons shadowed by black nacre inlay, a calf-length dark charcoal brocade tunic with metallic silver threads woven into the weft, a floriated broad lasimor band anchored on the left ring finger, a low-slung black leather belt wrapped around a scarlet velvet sash, a gold-braced maroon leather case, a pair of silver aqilorn pants reinforced across the seams in ebony thread, and some austere grey leather boots studded with scarlet red blazestars.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Tolwynn ★

You see Warden Tolwynn Verethundi the Fortune Seeker.

He appears to be a Human from Seareach.
He is tall.  He appears to be in the prime of life.  He has tempestuous grey-green eyes and evenly bronzed skin.  He has waist-length, thick jet black hair pulled back into a kelyn-bound braid.  He has a chiseled angular face and slightly upswept ears.
He has a stylized green wisp marking on his neck.
Miniature wisps of green spiral outward from him before fading away.

He is wearing a mercurial urnon Ivas symbol, a frost opal amulet, a gilded black glaes finch figure, a sleek black cloth-of-veniom longcoat, a knitted stag-patterned greenish black silk vest, some sleek kelyn-traced armor, some silvered black steel bracers, a wide gold and black jade band, some formal-cut black silk trousers fastened with a double row of matte black kelyn buttons, and a pair of polished black leather boots buckled with kelyn.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Traiva ★

You see Chatelaine Traiva Verethundi the Incantress.

She appears to be an Aelotoi of the Mrae'ni Clan.
She is petite in stature and has an hourglass figure.  She appears to be in the prime of life.  She has smoldering, viridian-flecked dark hazel eyes and rose-tinted ivory skin.  She has hip length, softly curled deep cordovan hair pulled back with a silver-chained caul draped in chains of star emerald, leaving her side-swept bangs to brush across her temples.  She has a heart-shaped face and high cheekbones.  She has shimmering pale gold polish brushed onto her sleekly ovate fingernails.  She has a pair of jade-veined elongated emerald wings.
She has some black opal teardrop earrings in the ridges of both her ears, a knotwork and dragonfly tattoo on her neck, and a stalk of blush-hued tuberoses nestled in vivid jade green leaves on her arm.

She is wearing some drop earrings of faceted emeralds bound by a twisted imflass rope dangling from the earlobes, a sleek ebon silk choker set with malachite chips, a cushion-cut star emerald talisman, a split-sleeve jade crepe silk bliaut veiled in a fall of geometric ebony lace, a series of spiraling deathstone and malachite bangles, some whisper-thin stockings of black pearl gossamer, and a pair of jade green silk chopines set on wisp-etched crystal heels.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Twittie ★

You see Miss Twittie.

She appears to be a Forest Gnome of the Greengair Bloodline.
She is tiny.  She appears to be very young.  She has bright aquamarine eyes and ruddy skin.  She has waist length, fine brown hair held in a long ponytail by a circlet of woven daisies.  She has a cherubic face, a large nose and a pronounced overbite.

She is wearing a grass-stained leather shirt, a bright green leather pouch with a grinning gnomish face stitched on its flap, some too-long light brown trousers with frayed cuffs, and some bright yellow boots festooned with embroidered yellow daisies.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Uniana ★

You see Lady Uniana Anduin the Socialite.

She appears to be a Nalfein Elf.
She is shorter than average.  She appears to have come of age.  She has violet-shadowed, pale lilac eyes and ivory skin.  She has long, silky black cherry-hued hair caught in a sleek reverse plait and ensnared at the nape by several splayed branches of petrified haon.  She has an unlined face and subtly arched eyebrows.  Her soft lips are tinged with understated carmine.
She has a thin scar of delicate intertwined thorns on her neck.

She is holding a bloom-framed lavender silk fan in her right hand.
She is wearing a silvery grey petrified haon back-pendant, a wet-sheened wild silk bliaut caught across the low back in lacquered leather roots, a smooth case featuring a thistle lattice design, a floriated petite lasimor band gracing the left ring finger, and a pair of nude devore lace pompes inset with dusky lilac iolites.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Vaikhen ★

You see Ambassador Vaikhen.

He appears to be a Human from Mestanir.
He is taller than average and has a trim build.  He appears to be youthful.  He has bright hazel eyes and fair skin.  He has short, tousled dark brown hair with short up-swept bangs.  He has a clean-shaven face and thin, lithely muscled arms and wrists.  He has a gilded jet clockwork owl perched on his shoulder.

He is wearing a shoulder-pinned ivory ramie linen cloak, a shiny gold coin pin, a mithril Twilight Hall pin, a rune-branded black leather wand harness, a crystal-set runestaff sling, a gold trimmed black silk satchel, a pressed ivory Vornavian silk shirt, some elegant dragon-tooled armor, a glacial white smooth glaes armband, a pair of vaalin-runed black silk casting gloves, an emerald vaalin-inlaid polished gold band, an ornate fel tincture case, some tailored ebon linen trousers with crisp pleating, and some onyx leather boots side-buckled by hammered gold.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Vincien ★

You see Vincien Illithien Ardenai the Academic.

He appears to be an Elf.
He is tall and has a broad-shouldered slender frame.  He appears to be in the prime of life.  He has dark ink blue eyes and fair skin.  He has mid back-length, sleek platinum hair tucked neatly behind his ears.  He has a chiseled, angular face, an aquiline nose and dark, well-defined eyebrows.

He is wearing a dark leather button-through longcoat with a tone-on-tone onyx brocade pocket square, a lacquered parchment quill pin, an open-necked ebon silk shirt with ovular onyx buttons, a bronze stag head ring with five-tined ivory antlers, a sepia-toned oilcloth map satchel, a pair of grey merino wool trousers with crisp creases, and a pair of oiled dark leather boots with vaalorn buckles.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Vyrshkana ★

You see Vyrshkana.

She appears to be a Forest Gnome.
She is average height.  She appears to be very young.  She has avid gold-sparked moss green eyes and richly bronzed flawless skin.  She has ankle-length, wispy stark white hair loosely bound by dozens of tiny silver-threaded braids.  She has a delicate, angular face, a flaring snub nose and sharp cheekbones dusted with a smattering of mocha freckles.
She has a twined silver iceblossom tattoo on her neck, a curled eagle feather tattoo on her arm, a six-pointed star tattoo on her wrist, an onyx-tipped etched silver ring in the upper ridge of her right ear, and a delicate chain of moss agate beads and silver feathers in the upper ridge of her left ear.

She is wearing a spherical diamond pendant suspending a huntress motif, a hooded thick white velvet mantle, an etched silver eagle feather banded with bezel-set onyx, an aurora green shawl lined in intricate constellations, a crocheted nebula blue dress trailing a swirl of diamond dust stars, a narrow gold ring, some inky black leggings swirled in ethereal purple and red, and some twilight blue slippers ribboned in midnight silk.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Yardie ★

You see Blade Yardie the Palestra.

He appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
He is average height and has a trim build.  He appears to be young.  He has piercing violet eyes and silken black skin.  He has very long, straight blue-black hair woven into a wrist-thick herringbone braid that is bound with an ornate argent lor band.  He has an intricately carved ivory mask edged in mithglin partially covering his face and full lips.  He has a puckered, raised scar on the back of his left hand that forms a perfectly symmetrical spiderweb.  He also has a tapered jawline and well-proportioned features.
He has an inked crimson crest depicting a crossed quill and rose on his wrist.

He is wearing a vaalin-bound mist grey shard suspended from an intricate mithglin chain, an intricately woven necklace of coppery damask and sable flyrsilk ribbons, a heart-shaped dichroic glass locket, an enameled onyx night sky pendant, an ebon-sheened silvery lor quill tucked behind one ear, a woodland creature-shaped relic, a lor triskele inset with three ebon-veined despanals, a crisp garnet linen shirt with faint tonal embroidery, a thin etched eahnor band, a delicately crafted hexagonal mithglin ring, a polished silver pocket watch with a fine silver chain, a pair of tailored sable linen trousers, a wiregrass anklet, and a pair of cushioned silver-threaded black socks under some charcoal silk shoes paneled in matching suede.
A medley of woodland creatures stand behind Yardie, leaving a blur of fur and feathers as they scamper around.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Zhagen ★

You see Zhagen Stormhood the Grandmaster Alchemist.

He appears to be a Halfling.
He is taller than average.  He appears to be middle-aged.  He has silver-flecked stormy grey eyes and lily white skin.  He has short, frizzy dark brown hair streaked with silver.  He has a broad face, a sloping nose and muscular thighs.  He has a silver clockwork owl perched on his shoulder.
He has an inked pair of intertwining black and white serpents fighting for dominance on his neck, and a soaring white dragon tattoo on his wrist.

The snakeskin of his robe writhes unnaturally about him, concealing his form.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Zhalizar ★

You see Zhalizar the Necromancer.

He appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
He is very tall and has a lean, rangy build.  He appears to be very young.  He has piercing violet eyes and fair skin.  He has very long, silky platinum hair worn in elaborate braids.  He has a triangular face, a classical nose and elegantly tapered arms.  He has a small opaque spider on his left upper arm.
He has a leering black demon tattoo on his neck.
His hands are covered in a thin layer of bright red blood.

He is wearing a pair of onyx skull earrings, a pear-cut green garnet neckchain, a little round mirror, a silver-bladed dagger medallion, a silver-runed locket, a shadowy black silk cloak, a brass-bound leather badge, a copper-shod runestaff sling, a folded driftwood chair, a gold-tinged jet spidersilk backpack, a sleek raven silk vest bound with silver talons, some thick double leather, a faint-sheened kohl black silk shirt, a series of bone bracelets carved with screaming faces, a tiny ebon skull bead bracelet, a sinuous ghezyte serpent ring, a segmented bleached bone belt, a skull-buckled grey wand belt, a bloodstained leather survival kit, an ora chainmail pouch with a fine-linked invar draw-chain, some crisply pleated raven black trousers, and a pair of inky black boots with indigo stitching.

Click Here to Expand - ★ Zofiya ★

You see Administrator Zofiya.

She appears to be a Giantman of the Grishknel Clan.
She is solidly built and has broad shoulders.  She appears to be youthful.  She has piercing emerald green eyes and ruddy skin.  She has long, shaggy chestnut hair pulled back into a tail by a sturdy leather thong.  She has a weathered face and a heavy jawline.

She is wearing a tooled leather tunic embossed with a stylized toucan near the collar, a hip-slung black leather pouch with mahogany toggles, a large leather back scabbard, a large sack, some black leather breeches, and some scuffed leather boots.