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Water witch

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Water witch
Water witch.jpg
Level 5
Family Witch family creatures
Body Type Biped
Classification(s) Living
Area(s) Found Vornavian Coast
HP 80
Attack Attributes
Physical Attacks
Spear 94 AS
Defense Attributes
None (natural) ASG 1N
Defensive Strength (DS)
Melee 42
Bolt 16
Unarmed Defense Factor
Target Defense (TD)
Bard Base 15
Cleric Base
Empath Base
Paladin Base
Ranger Base
Sorcerer Base
Wizard Base
Minor Elemental 15
Major Elemental 15
Minor Spiritual
Major Spiritual
Minor Mental
Treasure Attributes
Coins Yes
Gems ?
Magic Items Yes
Boxes ?
Skin None

The water witch is never found far from its life-giving oceans.  Although the water witch is humanoid in shape, it has well-defined piscatorial features including bright crimson, flaring gills and light green, scaly skin.  A spiny, dull red sail stands erect on the top of its head, becoming an angry scarlet when danger approaches.  The water witch prefers lonely, shallow bays where it can waylay an occasional single adventurer before returning quickly to the seas.

Hunting strategies

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Other information

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Near-level creatures - edit
Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
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