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CIShop:The Tides That Bind: Difference between revisions
VANKRASN39 (talk | contribs) m (→TTB, Entry: sign adjustment) |
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==2019== |
<section begin=2019 /> |
{{Festshop |
|shopname=The Tides That Bind |
|look=a small modwir-framed tunnel |
|location=[Map Room 46], Lich #26450, go tunnel |
|fest=eg |
|year=2019 |
|letter=T |
}} |
<!--==={{{ [The Tides That Bind] 26452 2019-10-07 20:34:34 -0500}}}===-->===The Tides That Bind=== |
{{RoomDescription| |
|roomname=The Tides That Bind - 26452 |
|desc=The entry tunnel opens into a large, smoothly hewn room inside a plateau. Orderly stone columns supported by wooden beams overhead line the sides of the chamber. Veins of colorful gemstones line the floor in unorderly patterns, snaking from wall to wall. Set between two supporting columns is an enruned archway with a carved sapphire keystone. |
|exits= east, out}} |
<blockquote> |
{{Container| |
|container=In the iron-banded black oak trunk you see:}} |
{| {{prettytable}} |
| an enruned gold-barred cage || Weight: <1 pound <br>Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)<br>one item|| |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-anenrunedgold-barredcage" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-anenrunedgold-barredcage">'''Analyze:'''<br>This gold-barred cage will work with imbued amulets. It will produce "a rune-carved coiled oak eel medallion".<br>A talented merchant could customize the appearance of the items produced from this gold-barred cage, or change the appearance of the cage itself. Not every merchant may be able to offer this.<br>Keep the following in mind when considering customization options:<br>First and foremost, the products produced MUST remain some sort of natural object. Tree bark amulets can not become vultite amulets.<br>The gold-barred cage can not mass produce gems and other fancy materials, so no diamond-encrusted wands.<br>Simple is best. Wands and rods should remain some sort of non magical wood, and must remain wands, rods, or batons. Amulets should keep their non magical tree bark/wooden nature, and bracelets and anklets should always be some sort of natural grass or other suitable substance.<br>The merchant ALWAYS has the right to deny a request that he or she might feel is out of line.<br>Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the cage's pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the cage is as light as it can get.</div> |
| 25000 |
|- |
| a cylindrical mistwood case || Weight: <1 pound <br>Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)<br>one item|| |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-acylindricalmistwoodcase" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-acylindricalmistwoodcase">'''Analyze:'''<br>This mistwood case will work with imbued wands and rods. It will produce "a carved silver mistwood wand or rod".<br>A talented merchant could customize the appearance of the items produced from this mistwood case, or change the appearance of the case itself. Not every merchant may be able to offer this.<br>Keep the following in mind when considering customization options:<br>First and foremost, the products produced MUST remain some sort of natural object. Tree bark amulets can not become vultite amulets.<br>The mistwood case can not mass produce gems and other fancy materials, so no diamond-encrusted wands.<br>Simple is best. Wands and rods should remain some sort of non magical wood, and must remain wands, rods, or batons. Amulets should keep their non magical tree bark/wooden nature, and bracelets and anklets should always be some sort of natural grass or other suitable substance.<br>The merchant ALWAYS has the right to deny a request that he or she might feel is out of line.<br>Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the case's pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the case is as light as it can get.</div> |
| 25000 |
|- |
| a battered small oak sea chest || Weight: <1 pound <br>Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)<br>one item|| |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-abatteredsmalloakseachest" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-abatteredsmalloakseachest">'''Analyze:'''<br>This small oak sea chest will work with imbued bracelets and anklets. It will produce "a woven dried seaweed bracelet or anklet".<br>A talented merchant could customize the appearance of the items produced from this small oak sea chest, or change the appearance of the chest itself. Not every merchant may be able to offer this.<br>Keep the following in mind when considering customization options:<br>First and foremost, the products produced MUST remain some sort of natural object. Tree bark amulets can not become vultite amulets.<br>The small oak sea chest can not mass produce gems and other fancy materials, so no diamond-encrusted wands.<br>Simple is best. Wands and rods should remain some sort of non magical wood, and must remain wands, rods, or batons. Amulets should keep their non magical tree bark/wooden nature, and bracelets and anklets should always be some sort of natural grass or other suitable substance.<br>The merchant ALWAYS has the right to deny a request that he or she might feel is out of line.<br>Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the chest's pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the chest is as light as it can get.</div> |
| 25000 |
|- |
| a cylindrical red glass jar with a golden imflass lid || Weight: <1 pound <br>Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)<br>one item|| |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-acylindricalredglassjarwithagoldenimflasslid" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-acylindricalredglassjarwithagoldenimflasslid">'''Analyze:'''<br>It will produce : a rounded hazy red sea glass runestone<br>A talented merchant could customize the appearance of the items produced from this red glass jar, or change the appearance of the jar itself. Not every merchant may be able to offer this.<br>Keep the following in mind when considering customization options:<br>First and foremost, the products produced MUST remain some sort of stone or runestone. They should remain stone, gemstone, or something similar.<br>The merchant ALWAYS has the right to deny a request that he or she might feel is out of line.<br>Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the jar's pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the jar is as light as it can get.</div> |
| 25000 |
|- |
| a faceted black glass bottle with a rune-carved lid || Weight: <1 pound <br>Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)<br>one item|| |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-afacetedblackglassbottlewitharune-carvedlid" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-afacetedblackglassbottlewitharune-carvedlid">'''Analyze:'''<br>It will produce : a faceted black sea glass runestone<br>A talented merchant could customize the appearance of the items produced from this black glass bottle, or change the appearance of the bottle itself. Not every merchant may be able to offer this.<br>Keep the following in mind when considering customization options:<br>First and foremost, the products produced MUST remain some sort of stone or runestone. They should remain stone, gemstone, or something similar.<br>The merchant ALWAYS has the right to deny a request that he or she might feel is out of line.<br>Try as you might, you cannot get a good sense of whether or not the bottle's pockets could get any deeper, but you can tell that the bottle is as light as it can get.</div> |
| 25000 |
|- |
| a pair of vaalin-runed black silk casting gloves || Weight: <1 pound || hand-worn<br>functional |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-apairofvaalin-runedblacksilkcastinggloves" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-apairofvaalin-runedblacksilkcastinggloves">'''Analyze:'''<br>* It is fully alterable.<br>These silk casting gloves use normal messaging for WAVE.<br>These silk casting gloves use normal messaging for RAISE.<br>These silk casting gloves are not unlocked.</div> |
| 50000 |
|- |
| a pair of salt-stained leather gauntlets || Weight: <1 pound || hand-worn<br>functional |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-apairofsalt-stainedleathergauntlets" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-apairofsalt-stainedleathergauntlets">'''Analyze:'''<br>* It is fully alterable.<br>These leather gauntlets use normal messaging for WAVE.<br>These leather gauntlets use normal messaging for RAISE.<br>These leather gauntlets are not unlocked.</div> |
| 50000 |
|- |
| a circular black coral medallion set with a driftwood rune || Weight: <1 pound || |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-acircularblackcoralmedallionsetwithadriftwoodrune" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze, show description</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-acircularblackcoralmedallionsetwithadriftwoodrune">'''Analyze:'''<br>The black coral medallion is fully alterable.<br>This black coral medallion is set for fancy messaging. It is currently set to shadowy messaging.<br><br>'''Show:'''<br>The medallion bears a small circular slot which looks like it would fit a gold ring.</div> |
| 150000 |
|- |
| a set of white silk robes banded with bronze brocade || Weight: 8 pounds <br>Pocketed: Significant (100-119)<br>any number of items|| cloak-worn<br>functional |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-asetofwhitesilkrobesbandedwithbronzebrocade" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-asetofwhitesilkrobesbandedwithbronzebrocade">'''Analyze:'''<br>This item can be altered, but the noun must remain "robe" or "robes".<br>You sense that you could manipulate the robes in the following ways: PUSH PULL RUB RAISE</div> |
| 50000 |
|- |
| an embroidered cobalt wool robe || Weight: 8 pounds <br>Pocketed: Significant (100-119)<br>any number of items|| cloak-worn<br>functional |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-anembroideredcobaltwoolrobe" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-anembroideredcobaltwoolrobe">'''Analyze:'''<br>This item can be altered, but the noun must remain "robe" or "robes".<br>You sense that you could manipulate the robe in the following ways: PUSH PULL KNEEL LIE</div> |
| 50000 |
|- |
|} |
{{sign|margin-right=30% |
|sign='''gold-inked sign''' |
In the Common language, it reads:<br>The items in this trunk have been imported at great expense.<br>The gold-barred cage is an imbue box for medallions.<br>The mistwood case is an imbue box for wands and rods.<br>The small oak sea chest is an imbue box for bracelets and anklets.<br>The glass jar and bottle are runestone carvers that will produce sea glass runestones.<br>The gloves and gauntlet are functional casting gloves that can transfer magic from a wand or rod into the gloves themselves.<br>The medallion is a gold ring holder.<br>The robe and robes are based off of designs made popular by Xojium. The white silk robes will all be able to be PUSHed, PULLed, RUBed, and RAISEd. The cobalt wool robe will be able to be PUSHed, PULLed and randomly imbued with two other movements when you purchase it, each purchase will be different so be warned.}}</blockquote> |
<!-- additional room --> |
{{Festshop |
|shopname=The Tides That Bind |
|look=a small modwir-framed tunnel |
|location=[Map Room 46], Lich #26450, go tunnel, east |
|fest=eg |
|year=2019 |
|letter=T |
}} |
<!--==={{{ [The Tides That Bind, Undertow] 26550 2019-10-07 20:37:10 -0500}}}===-->===The Tides That Bind, Undertow=== |
{{RoomDescription| |
|roomname=The Tides That Bind, Undertow - 26550 |
|desc=This small chamber to the side of the entryway continues the column and beam architectural flourishes from the main cavern. A long white modwir rack and a short shield stand are the only intentional decoration in the otherwise sparse chamber. Veins of gemstones spiral across the floor in random patterns, occasionally interspersed with sparkles of shining metal. |
|exits= west}} |
{{sign|margin-right=40% |
|sign=Everything in here is the equivalent of vultite. And sanctified! Even the shields.}}<blockquote> |
{{Container| |
|container=On the long white modwir rack you see:}} |
{| {{prettytable}} |
| a dual-bladed black vultite waraxe edged with white ora || Weight: 5 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| [[handaxe]]|| |
| 69000 |
|- |
| an eonake-edged crimson mithglin warblade swirled with gold || Weight: 4 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| [[falchion]]|| |
| 119000 |
|- |
| an onyx-hued mithril wakizashi edged with eonake || Weight: 4 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| [[short sword]]|| |
| 52000 |
|- |
| an eonake-inset grey vultite longsword with feather quillons || Weight: 4 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| [[longsword]]|| |
| 75500 |
|- |
| a cerulean glaes bastard sword with a silvery eonake core || Weight: 13 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| [[bastard sword]]|| |
| 158000 |
|- |
| a glossy ebon glaes mace set with white eonake studs || Weight: 12 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| [[mace]]|| |
| 81500 |
|- |
| a blackened mithril war hammer set with angular eonake runes || Weight: 6 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| [[war hammer]]|| |
| 85500 |
|- |
| an eonake-gilded vultite spikestar with an ironwood haft || Weight: 6 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| [[morning star]]|| |
| 96500 |
|- |
| a reinforced golden vultite lance with a white ora tip || Weight: 12 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| [[lance]]|| |
| 75500 |
|- |
| a thick mithril-shafted spear with a leaf-shaped eonake tip || Weight: 5 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| [[spear]]|| |
| 20000 |
|- |
| a ruic-hafted blued ora scythe edged with white eonake || Weight: 9 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| [[halberd]]|| |
| 79500 |
|- |
| an angular silvery mithril maul set with eonake runes || Weight: 7 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| [[maul]]|| |
| 116000 |
|- |
| an eonake-edged ebon mithril greataxe with an ironwood haft || Weight: 8 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| [[battle axe]]|| |
| 139000 |
|- |
| an eonake-edged golden vultite no-dachi carved with sigils || Weight: 10 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| [[twohanded sword]]|| |
| 157000 |
|- |
| a swirled blue and gold vultite sai with an eonake tip || Weight: 2 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| [[sai]]|| |
| 15500 |
|- |
| an eonake-edged mithglin fist-scythe swirled with silver || Weight: 4 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| [[fist-scythe]]|| |
| 61500 |
|- |
| a leaf-bladed golden mithril katar edged with white ora || Weight: 4 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| [[katar]]|| |
| 74000 |
|- |
| a pair of thick leather gauntlets with polished eonake studs || Weight: <1 pound <br>Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)<br>a couple of items<br>Enchant: +20|| UAC gloves |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-apairofthickleathergauntletswithpolishedeonakestuds" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-apairofthickleathergauntletswithpolishedeonakestuds">'''Analyze:'''<br>You can tell that the gauntlets is as light as it can get.</div> |
| 50000 |
|- |
| a pair of thick eonake-toed leather boots || Weight: <1 pound <br>Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)<br>a couple of items<br>Enchant: +20|| UAC boots |
| <div class="mw-customtoggle-apairofthickeonake-toedleatherboots" style="text-decoration: underline">analyze</div> |
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-apairofthickeonake-toedleatherboots">'''Analyze:'''<br>You can tell that the boots is as light as it can get.</div> |
| 100000 |
|- |
|} |
{{Container| |
|container=On the short shield stand you see:}} |
{| {{prettytable}} |
| a rectangular vultite greatshield riveted with silvery eonake || Weight: 10 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| tower [[shield]]|| |
| 100000 |
|- |
| a circular black mithril aegis emblazoned with eonake stars || Weight: 9 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| large [[shield]]|| |
| 85000 |
|- |
| an eonake-rimmed vultite knight's shield || Weight: 6 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| medium [[shield]]|| |
| 75000 |
|- |
| an enruned dark ironwood buckler bound with eonake || Weight: 5 pounds <br>Enchant: +20|| small [[shield]]|| |
| 60000 |
|- |
|} |
</blockquote> |
<!-- Other Rooms Here --> |
<section end=2019 /> |
<section end=2019 /> |
==2018== |
==2018== |
<section begin=2018 /> |
<section begin=2018 /> |
Revision as of 19:33, 7 October 2019
a small modwir-framed tunnel, [Map Room 46], Lich #26450, go tunnel
The Tides That Bind
[The Tides That Bind - 26452] | |
The entry tunnel opens into a large, smoothly hewn room inside a plateau. Orderly stone columns supported by wooden beams overhead line the sides of the chamber. Veins of colorful gemstones line the floor in unorderly patterns, snaking from wall to wall. Set between two supporting columns is an enruned archway with a carved sapphire keystone. | |
Obvious exits: east, out |
In the iron-banded black oak trunk you see:
an enruned gold-barred cage Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item25000 a cylindrical mistwood case Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item analyze25000 a battered small oak sea chest Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item analyze25000 a cylindrical red glass jar with a golden imflass lid Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item analyze25000 a faceted black glass bottle with a rune-carved lid Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
one item analyze25000 a pair of vaalin-runed black silk casting gloves Weight: <1 pound hand-worn
functional analyze50000 a pair of salt-stained leather gauntlets Weight: <1 pound hand-worn
functional analyze50000 a circular black coral medallion set with a driftwood rune Weight: <1 pound analyze, show description150000 a set of white silk robes banded with bronze brocade Weight: 8 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of itemscloak-worn
functional analyze50000 an embroidered cobalt wool robe Weight: 8 pounds
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of itemscloak-worn
functional analyze50000 gold-inked sign In the Common language, it reads:
The items in this trunk have been imported at great expense.
The gold-barred cage is an imbue box for medallions.
The mistwood case is an imbue box for wands and rods.
The small oak sea chest is an imbue box for bracelets and anklets.
The glass jar and bottle are runestone carvers that will produce sea glass runestones.
The gloves and gauntlet are functional casting gloves that can transfer magic from a wand or rod into the gloves themselves.
The medallion is a gold ring holder.
The robe and robes are based off of designs made popular by Xojium. The white silk robes will all be able to be PUSHed, PULLed, RUBed, and RAISEd. The cobalt wool robe will be able to be PUSHed, PULLed and randomly imbued with two other movements when you purchase it, each purchase will be different so be warned.
a small modwir-framed tunnel, [Map Room 46], Lich #26450, go tunnel, east
The Tides That Bind, Undertow
[The Tides That Bind, Undertow - 26550] | |
This small chamber to the side of the entryway continues the column and beam architectural flourishes from the main cavern. A long white modwir rack and a short shield stand are the only intentional decoration in the otherwise sparse chamber. Veins of gemstones spiral across the floor in random patterns, occasionally interspersed with sparkles of shining metal. | |
Obvious exits: west |
Everything in here is the equivalent of vultite. And sanctified! Even the shields.
On the long white modwir rack you see:
a dual-bladed black vultite waraxe edged with white ora Weight: 5 pounds
Enchant: +20handaxe 69000 an eonake-edged crimson mithglin warblade swirled with gold Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20falchion 119000 an onyx-hued mithril wakizashi edged with eonake Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20short sword 52000 an eonake-inset grey vultite longsword with feather quillons Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20longsword 75500 a cerulean glaes bastard sword with a silvery eonake core Weight: 13 pounds
Enchant: +20bastard sword 158000 a glossy ebon glaes mace set with white eonake studs Weight: 12 pounds
Enchant: +20mace 81500 a blackened mithril war hammer set with angular eonake runes Weight: 6 pounds
Enchant: +20war hammer 85500 an eonake-gilded vultite spikestar with an ironwood haft Weight: 6 pounds
Enchant: +20morning star 96500 a reinforced golden vultite lance with a white ora tip Weight: 12 pounds
Enchant: +20lance 75500 a thick mithril-shafted spear with a leaf-shaped eonake tip Weight: 5 pounds
Enchant: +20spear 20000 a ruic-hafted blued ora scythe edged with white eonake Weight: 9 pounds
Enchant: +20halberd 79500 an angular silvery mithril maul set with eonake runes Weight: 7 pounds
Enchant: +20maul 116000 an eonake-edged ebon mithril greataxe with an ironwood haft Weight: 8 pounds
Enchant: +20battle axe 139000 an eonake-edged golden vultite no-dachi carved with sigils Weight: 10 pounds
Enchant: +20twohanded sword 157000 a swirled blue and gold vultite sai with an eonake tip Weight: 2 pounds
Enchant: +20sai 15500 an eonake-edged mithglin fist-scythe swirled with silver Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20fist-scythe 61500 a leaf-bladed golden mithril katar edged with white ora Weight: 4 pounds
Enchant: +20katar 74000 a pair of thick leather gauntlets with polished eonake studs Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
a couple of items
Enchant: +20UAC gloves analyze50000 a pair of thick eonake-toed leather boots Weight: <1 pound
Pocketed: Very small (<2-4)
a couple of items
Enchant: +20UAC boots analyze100000 On the short shield stand you see:
a rectangular vultite greatshield riveted with silvery eonake Weight: 10 pounds
Enchant: +20tower shield 100000 a circular black mithril aegis emblazoned with eonake stars Weight: 9 pounds
Enchant: +20large shield 85000 an eonake-rimmed vultite knight's shield Weight: 6 pounds
Enchant: +20medium shield 75000 an enruned dark ironwood buckler bound with eonake Weight: 5 pounds
Enchant: +20small shield 60000
a small modwir-framed tunnel, [Map Room 46], Lich #26450, go tunnel
TTB, Entry
[The Tides That Bind] | RNUM: 26452 |
The entry tunnel opens into a large, smoothly hewn room inside a plateau. Orderly stone columns supported by wooden beams overhead line the sides of the chamber. Veins of colorful gemstones line the floor in unorderly patterns, snaking from wall to wall. Set between two supporting columns is an enruned archway with a carved sapphire keystone. | |
Obvious exits: east, out |
The items in this trunk have been imported at great expense. The gold-barred cage is an imbue box for medallions. The mistwood case is an imbue box for wands and rods. The small oak sea chest is an imbue box for bracelets and anklets. The glass jar and bottle are runestone carvers that will produce sea glass runestones. The gloves and gauntlet are functional casting gloves that can transfer magic from a wand or rod into the gloves themselves. The medallion is a gold ring holder. The robe and robes are based off of designs made popular by Xojium. The white silk robes will all be able to be PUSHed, PULLed, RUBed, and RAISEd. The cobalt wool robe will be able to be PUSHed, PULLed and randomly imbued with two other movements when you purchase it, each purchase will be different so be warned.
In the iron-banded black oak trunk you see:
an enruned gold-barred cage Imbue box Medallions 25000 a cylindrical mistwood case Wands and rods a battered small oak sea chest Bracelets and anklets a cylindrical red glass jar with a golden imflass lid Runestone carver 25000 a faceted black glass bottle with a rune-carved lid a pair of vaalin-runed black silk casting gloves Bazzelwyn gloves hand-worn
functional50000 a pair of salt-stained leather gauntlets a circular black coral medallion set with a driftwood rune Gold ring holder 150000 a set of white silk robes banded with bronze brocade Xojium
Pocketed: Significant (100-119)
any number of items
functionalPUSH, PULL, RUB, and RAISE 50000 an embroidered cobalt wool robe PUSHed, PULLed and random 2 others 50000
You need to purchase a service pass to enter the archway.
TTB, Undertow
[The Tides That Bind, Undertow] | RNUM: 26550 |
This small chamber to the side of the entryway continues the column and beam architectural flourishes from the main cavern. A long white modwir rack and a short shield stand are the only intentional decoration in the otherwise sparse chamber. Veins of gemstones spiral across the floor in random patterns, occasionally interspersed with sparkles of shining metal. | |
Obvious exits: west |
Everything in here is the equivalent of vultite. And sanctified! Even the shields.
All items are +20 enchant and sanctified
On the long white modwir rack you see:
a dual-bladed black vultite waraxe edged with white ora handaxe 69000 an eonake-edged crimson mithglin warblade swirled with gold falchion 119000 an onyx-hued mithril wakizashi edged with eonake short sword 52000 an eonake-inset grey vultite longsword with feather quillons longsword 75500 a cerulean glaes bastard sword with a silvery eonake core bastard sword 158000 a glossy ebon glaes mace set with white eonake studs mace 81500 a blackened mithril war hammer set with angular eonake runes war hammer 85500 an eonake-gilded vultite spikestar with an ironwood haft morning star 96500 a reinforced golden vultite lance with a white ora tip lance 75500 a thick mithril-shafted spear with a leaf-shaped eonake tip spear 20000 a ruic-hafted blued ora scythe edged with white eonake halberd 79500 an angular silvery mithril maul set with eonake runes maul 116000 an eonake-edged ebon mithril greataxe with an ironwood haft battle axe 139000 an eonake-edged golden vultite no-dachi carved with sigils twohanded sword 157000 a swirled blue and gold vultite sai with an eonake tip sai 15500 an eonake-edged mithglin fist-scythe swirled with silver fist-scythe 61500 a leaf-bladed golden mithril katar edged with white ora katar 74000 a pair of thick leather gauntlets with polished eonake studs Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
a couple of itemsUAC gloves 50000 a pair of thick eonake-toed leather boots Pocketed: VSA (<2-4)
a couple of itemsUAC boots 100000 On the short shield stand you see:
a rectangular vultite greatshield riveted with silvery eonake tower shield 100000 a circular black mithril aegis emblazoned with eonake stars large shield 85000 an eonake-rimmed vultite knight's shield medium shield 75000 an enruned dark ironwood buckler bound with eonake small shield 60000
2017 Inventory
a small modwir-framed tunnel, [Map Room 46], Lich #26450, go tunnel (RAVINE'S HEART, HIGH PLATEAU AREA)
TTB entry
[The Tides That Bind] | RNUM: 26452 |
The entry tunnel opens into a large, smoothly hewn room inside a plateau. Orderly stone columns supported by wooden beams overhead line the sides of the chamber. Veins of colorful gemstones line the floor in unorderly patterns, snaking from wall to wall. Set between two supporting columns is an enruned archway with a carved sapphire keystone. | |
Obvious exits: east, out |
The items in this trunk have been imported at great expense. The gold-barred cage is an imbue box for medallions. The mistwood case is an imbue box for wands and rods. The small oak sea chest is an imbue box for bracelets and anklets. The glass jar and bottle are runestone carvers that will produce sea glass runestones. The gloves and gauntlet are functional casting gloves that can transfer magic from a wand or rod into the gloves themselves. The medallion is a gold ring holder. The robe and robes are based off of designs made popular by Xojium. The white silk robes will all be able to be PUSHed, PULLed, RUBed, and RAISEd. The cobalt wool robe will be able to be PUSHed, PULLed and randomly imbued with two other movements when you purchase it, each purchase will be different so be warned.
In the iron-banded black oak trunk you see:
an enruned gold-barred cage Imbue box - medallions "a rune-carved coiled oak eel medallion" 25000 a cylindrical mistwood case Imbue box - wands/rods "a carved silver mistwood wand or rod" 25000 a battered small oak sea chest Imbue box - bracelets/anklets "a woven dried seaweed bracelet or anklet" 25000 a cylindrical red glass jar with a golden imflass lid Runestone carver "a rounded hazy red sea glass runestone" 25000 a faceted black glass bottle with a rune-carved lid Runestone carver "a faceted black sea glass runestone" 25000 a pair of vaalin-runed black silk casting gloves Bazzelwyn gloves - not unlocked hand-worn, functional 50000 a pair of salt-stained leather gauntlets a circular black coral medallion set with a driftwood rune Gold ring holder It is currently set to shadowy messaging.150000 a set of white silk robes banded with bronze brocade Xojium robe - PUSH PULL RUB RAISE cloak-worn, functional
Pocketed: Significant (100-119), any number of items50000 an embroidered cobalt wool robe Xojium robe - PUSH PULL KNEEL LIE cloak-worn, functional
Pocketed: Significant (100-119), any number of items50000
The armaments within this footlocker are known as "Shock Lances." They are the equivalent of vultite and come with suitable flares as fits their element.
In the long wooden footlocker you see:
a slender drakar-bladed naginata Shock Weapons naginata 2000000 a slender rhimar-bladed naginata naginata 2000000 a slender gornar-bladed naginata naginata 2000000 a slender zorchar-bladed naginata naginata 2500000 an enruned drakar-tipped lance lance 1500000 an enruned rhimar-tipped lance lance 1500000 an enruned gornar-tipped lance lance 1500000 an enruned zorchar-tipped lance lance 2000000 an enruned drakar-shod runestaff runestaff 1500000 an enruned rhimar-shod runestaff runestaff 1500000 an enruned gornar-shod runestaff runestaff 1500000 an enruned zorchar-shod runestaff runestaff 2000000 an enruned rhimar-tipped spear spear 1500000 an enruned gornar-tipped spear spear 1500000 an enruned drakar-tipped spear spear 1500000 an enruned zorchar-tipped spear spear 2000000
A Service Pass is required to enter the enruned archway
TTB undertow
[The Tides That Bind, Undertow] | RNUM: 26550 |
This small chamber to the side of the entryway continues the column and beam architectural flourishes from the main cavern. A long white modwir rack and a short shield stand are the only intentional decoration in the otherwise sparse chamber. Veins of gemstones spiral across the floor in random patterns, occasionally interspersed with sparkles of shining metal. | |
Obvious exits: west |
Everything in here is the equivalent of vultite. And sanctified! Even the shields.
On the long white modwir rack you see:
a dual-bladed black vultite waraxe edged with white ora Sanctified handaxe 69000 an eonake-edged crimson mithglin warblade swirled with gold falchion 119000 an onyx-hued mithril wakizashi edged with eonake short sword 52000 an eonake-inset grey vultite longsword with feather quillons longsword 75500 a cerulean glaes bastard sword with a silvery eonake core bastard sword 158000 a glossy ebon glaes mace set with white eonake studs mace 81500 a blackened mithril war hammer set with angular eonake runes war hammer 85500 an eonake-gilded vultite spikestar with an ironwood haft morning star 96500 a reinforced golden vultite lance with a white ora tip lance 75500 a thick mithril-shafted spear with a leaf-shaped eonake tip spear 20000 a ruic-hafted blued ora scythe edged with white eonake halberd 79500 an angular silvery mithril maul set with eonake runes maul 116000 an eonake-edged ebon mithril greataxe with an ironwood haft battle axe 139000 an eonake-edged golden vultite no-dachi carved with sigils twohanded sword 157000 a swirled blue and gold vultite sai with an eonake tip sai 15500 an eonake-edged mithglin fist-scythe swirled with silver fist-scythe 61500 a leaf-bladed golden mithril katar edged with white ora katar 74000 a pair of thick leather gauntlets with polished eonake studs UAC gloves (pocketed) 50000 a pair of thick eonake-toed leather boots UAC boots (pocketed) 100000 On the short shield stand you see:
a rectangular vultite greatshield riveted with silvery eonake Sanctified tower shield 100000 a circular black mithril aegis emblazoned with eonake stars large shield 85000 an eonake-rimmed vultite knight's shield medium shield 75000 an enruned dark ironwood buckler bound with eonake small shield 60000