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And not let Caligos be where their Fate ends.</div>
And not let Caligos be where their Fate ends.</div>

== Boat Launches ==

=== Boat 1 ===

Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Tosh, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwhale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Tosh, and all those that helped him, on the fine job with of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered.

Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "Vaimiti and Nanami will travel ahead of their parents, Aparecida and Leander, with sailor Salacia, who will see her own children and theirs to safety."

Tosh nods his head in agreement but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

Carrying a child on each hip, a halfling woman with a string of skull-hugging braids crosses the beach and, one by one, places each child in the longboat. She turns to another villager that has followed her and begins relieving her of the bundles and parcels that she carries. The two embrace, briefly, before she climbs into the longboat.

Moments later, a pair of crying teenagers enters with a man and woman at their backs. The women kneels before the two of them, while the man hands haversacks and carryalls to the women already in the longboat.

Cupping the face of each child, the women uses her thumbs to rub the tears from their eyes and admonishes them to be brave for the younger children in the longboat.

Taking deep breaths, they hug the women each in turn and then, with the aid of the man, whose familial resemblance to them is uncanny, they climb into the longboat.

Pointing, the woman, who must be Salacia, begins instructing them on which lines to pull, and once they are busy, she turns back to the pair staying behind. "I will keep them safe; I swear to you."

The two nod and step back waiting for the vessel to sail.

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoots through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Tosh, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Tosh set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heave it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Tosh claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

Galaytea stops her chanting, though the other voice continues to sing for several more moments, but eventually the light in the water recedes.

Mouthing the words, "Thank you," to those still nearby, Omiko slowly wanders back to her post.

Moments later, Tosh comes in at the head of several villagers who are helping him carry the skeleton, which they carefully lower to the ground.

Rubbing his hands together, Tosh says, "Let's try to save a few more." He quickly starts working on a short-keeled longboat skeleton.

=== Boat 2 ===

Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Tosh, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwhale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Tosh, and all those that helped him, on the fine job with of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered.

Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "Tengiz and Meltem will be bringing Darya and Itsaso's children; the pair are capable sailors and will guard both the other couple's children and their own when they make landfall."

Tosh nods his head in agreement but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

Tengiz and Meltem cross the beach, each carrying a child piggyback style and with carryalls and haversacks in their arms and hands. Each woman helps the other, after placing their parcels within the longboat, with getting the children inside and then takes a moment collecting various other bundles that the gathering villagers pass to them. One of them climbs aboard, while the other waits.

Within a matter of moments, a woman carrying a sleeping child heads straight to the longboat. She whispers quietly to the waiting women and then turns to Omiko, "Alvis has runoff. Itsaso is looking for him, but he will have to travel with us. We can't keep everyone from their promised safety." She turns back to the woman by the longboat and passes the sleeping child to her, then runs off into the village calling out her son's name. Several villagers follow her.

The woman cradles the child, expelling a deep breath, and nods to the longboat as she says, "We will get them out. Get your family to safety."

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoots through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Tosh, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Tosh set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heave it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Tosh claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

Galaytea stops her chanting, though the other voice continues to sing for several more moments, but eventually the light in the water recedes.

Mouthing the words, "Thank you," to those still nearby, Omiko slowly wanders back to her post.

Moments later, Tosh comes in at the head of several villagers who are helping him carry the skeleton, which they carefully lower to the ground.

Rubbing his hands together, Tosh says, "Let's try to save a few more." He quickly starts working on a short-keeled longboat skeleton.

=== Boat 3 ===

Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Tosh, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwhale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Tosh, and all those that helped him, on the fine job of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered.

Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "Darya and Itsaso are bringing tents and extra supplies on their vessel so that when we make landfall we will have shelter and the means to build our new homes wherever we touch ground."

Tosh nods his head in agreement but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

Carrying a thrashing child over his shoulders, a towering man enters, followed by Darya. She climbs into the boat ahead of him and accepts the wiggling child, then promptly sits within the boat and hugs the child to her.

Clearly struggling to not be angry, the man turns and starts collecting various building materials, crates, and packages, which he unceremoniously drops into the vessel. Nodding once to Tosh and Omiko, he jumps into the longboat and prepares for departure.

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoots through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Tosh, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Tosh set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heave it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Tosh claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

Galaytea stops her chanting, though the other voice continues to sing for several more moments, eventually, the light in the water recedes.

Mouthing the words, "Thank you," to those still nearby, Omiko slowly wanders back to her post.

Moments later, Tosh comes in at the head of several villagers who are helping him carry the skeleton, which they carefully lower to the ground.

Rubbing his hands together, Tosh says, "Let's try to save a few more." He quickly starts working on a short-keeled longboat skeleton.

=== Boat 4 ===

Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Tosh, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwhale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Tosh, and all those that helped him, on the fine job with of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered.

Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "Aparecida and Leander, head out to your children and meet them on the distant beaches. May the waters be kind to you."

Tosh nods his head in agreement, but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

Aparecida and Leander practically run to the longboat and quickly load it with their personal belongings. Once they are secured, Aparecida climbs aboard and begins shuffling the additional packages that Leander passes to her. They are quickly and efficiently working, though her eyes glance frequently to the open sea, and it is easy to see that she is anxious to be underway.

Leander passes her the last bundle and has a quiet word with her, causing her eyes to lift to Omiko and Tosh. She nods and turns to the contents of the longboat, carefully lashing large items down and tucking others under the weathertight tarps at the bow.

Omiko meets Leander halfway across the sands that separates them and wraps him in a tight embrace. "Mom," he starts to say but she hushes him immediately.

"I will find you as soon as the last person we can save is gone. Now go find my grandchildren," she says to him as she squeezes him one more time and moves back to Tosh's side.

Nodding, he climbs into the longboat.

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoots through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Tosh, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Tosh set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heave it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Tosh claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

Galaytea stops her chanting, though the other voice continues to sing for several more moments, but eventually the light in the water recedes.

Mouthing the words, "Thank you," to those still nearby, Omiko slowly wanders back to her post.

Moments later, Tosh comes in at the head of several villagers who are helping him carry the skeleton, which they carefully lower to the ground.

Rubbing his hands together, Tosh says, "Let's try to save a few more." He quickly starts working on a short-keeled longboat skeleton.
=== Boat 5 ===

Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Eni, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwhale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Eni, and all those that helped him, on the fine job of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered.
Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "Can someone help Adetokunbo and Llyr bring the girls up? They will be parting on this short-keeled longboat, and bringing Kailanis teenager with them."

Eni nods his head in agreement but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

Supporting a footlocker on his shoulder, a short half-krolvin man, clearly a blacksmith by trade, crosses the beach and deposits his burden in the longboat. He turns as a pale-haired human ushers a gaggle of young girls towards the longboat; the two men lock eyes for a moment and it is clear that some unspoken thing passes between them. The human closes his eyes first, nodding, and sets about helping the children get into the vessel.

The half-krolvin turns to Omiko and with a thick voice says, "I should stay. I'm not sure if I made enough nails or fixtures..."

Omiko raises her hand and stops him from continuing, "Adetokunbo, your family needs you. I know it is hard, but we will need you ahead of us so that you can start setting up a forge." She grips her hand, "Do not feel guilty."

He nods, his brow furrowed, and returns to the side of the longboat. As he climbs aboard, the human looks to Omiko and mouths, "Thank you" before following him into the longboat.

A moment or two later, a teenage elf runs to the longboat and climbs in, shrugging off the offers of help.

A moment or two later, a teenage elf runs to the longboat and climbs in, shrugging off the offers of help.

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoots through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Eni, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Eni set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heave it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Eni claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

=== Boat 6 ===

Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Rory, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwhale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Rory, and all those that helped him, on the fine job with of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered.
Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "This vessel was built for Asherah, may her name be proof and power on the open water. She brings with her Chema, whose mother fell two winters past, and her own sons Deniz and Gyatso. Their sailor to help guide the vessel will be Meirion."

Rory nods his head in agreement but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

A swarthy sailor climbs up onto the boat, nodding to Omiko and Rory as he does so. "We'll see you out in the sea, soon, aye?" he asks, though he does not wait for an answer but busies himself with stowing his gear. It is easy to see by his jerky movements that he is clearly choked up.

Trailing three toddlers, two clearly siblings, behind her, a tall dark elven woman makes her way to the longboat and slowly lifts the children to the waiting sailor. Silently, the children let themselves be lifted, and once inside the longboat they immediately duck under the oilcloth tarping. She hands several packages up to the sailor and then raises one finger to him. He nods and watches as she moves to Rory, wrapping him in an enormous hug.

"Thank you," she whispers and reaches behind her for Omiko's hand. She clings to them both for a few moments more and then turns, wiping the tears from her eyes, and climbs into the boat next to Meirion.

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoots through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Rory, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Rory set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heave it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Rory claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

Galaytea stops her chanting, though the other voice continues to sing for several more moments, but eventually the light in the water recedes.

Mouthing the words, "Thank you," to those still nearby, Omiko slowly wanders back to her post.

Moments later, Rory comes in at the head of several villagers who are helping him carry the skeleton, which they carefully lower to the ground.

Rubbing his hands together, Rory says, "Let's try to save a few more." He quickly starts working on a short-keeled longboat skeleton.

=== Boat 7 ===
Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Eni, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwhale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Eni, and all those that helped him, on the fine job of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered.
Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "Ona and Maraja will be bringing their siblings ahead of their parents; please help them get situated." She turns to Eni and quietly says, "I'll let you say your goodbyes."

Eni nods his head in agreement but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

Eni disappears into the village.

Coming onto the beach from opposing directions, two families move toward the longboat, each teary-eyed and laden with haversacks and bindles. The adults hug each of the children, tender moments of farewell ensue, and slowly each child climbs into the longboat.

Eni returns quietly, his fingers interlaced with those of a swarthy female sailor. He leads her to the longboat, murmuring that he made it as seaworthy as possible. She cups his face in her hands, saying, "I know." And then, climbs into the longboat. Looking past Eni, she says to the anxious adults, "I'll keep them safe and will see you on the beaches soon."

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoots through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Eni, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Eni set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heave it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Eni claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

Galaytea stops her chanting, though the other voice continues to sing for several more moments, eventually, the light in the water recedes.

Mouthing the words, "Thank you," to those still nearby, Omiko slowly wanders back to her post.

Moments later, Eni comes in at the head of several villagers who are helping him carry the skeleton, which they carefully lower to the ground.

Rubbing his hands together, Eni says, "Let's try to save a few more." He quickly starts working on a short-keeled longboat skeleton.

=== Boat 8 ===

Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Rory, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Rory, and all those that helped him, on the fine job of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered.
Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "Rory has given up his lot-drawn place on this vessel so that Yam and Pelagiya can bring their children together off the island. He was to be the sailor for this vessel, but well..." She smiles, "he has decided to stay behind to help us build more."

Rory nods his head in agreement but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

Each carrying a small child, with two more trailing behind them, a human woman and an elven man move to the longboat. She climbs in first so that he can start lifting the children up to her; Rory moves to his side and begins helping to load both the children and their supplies. Once the children are loaded, she turns to the task of settling them under the tarp.

The elf turns to Rory and offers him his hand, a look of gratitude visible in his gaze.

Rory says, "We'll meet on the next beach, my friend."

Yam suddenly grins. "You get on a boat as soon as you can," he says as he climbs into the longboat.

"Don't worry, I'm right behind you," Rory replies.

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoot through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Rory, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Rory set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heaving it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Rory claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

Galaytea stops her chanting, though the other voice continues to sing for several more moments, eventually, the light in the water recedes.

Mouthing the words, "Thank you," to those still nearby, Omiko slowly wanders back to her post.

Moments later, Rory comes in at the head of several villagers who are helping him carry the skeleton, which they carefully lower to the ground.

Rubbing his hands together, Rory says, "Let's try to save a few more." He quickly starts working on a short-keeled longboat skeleton.

=== Boat 9 ===

Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Eni, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwhale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Eni, and all those that helped him, on the fine job of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered.
Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "Voirrey will be guiding some of our elders out to sea."

Eni nods his head in agreement but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

A young man, barely older than a boy, runs onto the beach laden with haversacks and carryalls. He rushes up to the longboat and tosses them, before turning and leaving once more. The spritely boy does this two more times before five elderly men and women step foot on the beach.

Politely, if a bit impatiently, he waits at the edge of the longboat as they one by one make their goodbyes to both Omiko and Eni.

With the help of Eni, the boy gets them all into the boat and seated around the mast. Leaning over the gunwhale, he calls down to Omiko, "I'll get them to safety, and I brought a tent to keep them warm and comfortable until you arrive. I won't let you down."

Looking slightly pale and suddenly nervous, the boy pulls the oars and waits.

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoots through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Eni, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Eni set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heave it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Eni claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

Galaytea stops her chanting, though the other voice continues to sing for several more moments, eventually, the light in the water recedes.

Mouthing the words, "Thank you," to those still nearby, Omiko slowly wanders back to her post.

Moments later, Eni comes in at the head of several villagers who are helping him carry the skeleton, which they carefully lower to the ground.

Rubbing his hands together, Eni says, "Let's try to save a few more." He quickly starts working on a short-keeled longboat skeleton.

=== Boat 10 ===

Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Rory, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwhale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Rory, and all those that helped him, on the fine job of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered.
Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "Muirgen and Hurlee, Dayleg and Nefas' twins, will be manning the longboat for the children of Esse. They are both strong and will be good guardians to the children wherever the tide takes them."

Rory nods his head in agreement but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

Towering over those nearby, a pair of young giantkin with bundles held high on their shoulders move to the edge of the longboat. It is impossible to tell the two apart, for not only are they identical in body and height, but they dress and wear their hair the same. As they climb into the longboat, movement at their back draws attention to the baskets they wear and quickly becomes evident that these are sleeping babies inside.

As they settle about the task of stowing their items, another giantkin, ancient and slightly bowed of shoulder, ushers in three halfling children.

"Up you go," she says to them, and one by one passes them to those inside the longboat. As the last child is safely aboard, the woman grabs the hand of each twin.

"I'm so proud of you both," she says, and the familial resemblance suddenly is clear to see. Squeezing their hands one more time, she steps back from the longboat.

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoots through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Rory, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Rory set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heave it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Rory claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

Galaytea stops her chanting, though the other voice continues to sing for several more moments, eventually, the light in the water recedes.

Mouthing the words, "Thank you," to those still nearby, Omiko slowly wanders back to her post.

Moments later, Rory comes in at the head of several villagers who are helping him carry the skeleton, which they carefully lower to the ground.

Rubbing his hands together, Rory says, "Let's try to save a few more." He quickly starts working on a short-keeled longboat skeleton.

=== Boat 11 ===

Tosh called for all those not yet assigned to a boat to come to the water's edge. Though many still stayed behind to help with the launch, at least five tradespeople launched with it.

=== Boat 12 ===


Latest revision as of 13:08, 4 November 2022


Three years ago, fleeing from the hungry mist and the pressures of the ever manipulative, intimidating, and deceptive ways of Ghezresh and his followers, people fled from the main island to a place of safety on the northern edge of the island. Huddled and afraid, they found comfort in the fact that for the first time in over a year they had escaped the hungry mist and the dreamy, drugged denizens that kept trying to offer them salvation by embracing something that they were unwilling to embrace.

In this new place, still damp and dreary, they found standing stones that were blessed by Charl and they protected the group from the hungry mist. They knew that if it hadn’t been for the visiting adventurers, who were somehow able to come and go from the island, that they may have never escaped its clutches and could have remained one of those in a daze.

After a year on this side of the island, they learned to take what they could from the land and one among them began to stand out. She knew every person’s name in the group. She knew their children, their worries, and their ails and she began to make plans to build homes. If they couldn’t escape, they could at least survive.

Once again, adventurers came to their aid and help them become a better community. Villagers. They were a fishing village of villagers. The adventurers helped to build the homes and once they had shelter, they began to flourish.

Another year passed, and Omiko, for that was her name, began to see bits and pieces of Charl’s plan. She continued to care for the rest of the village, for her community, for her family, and slowly, she worked towards a way to save them all.

Last year, with the aid of adventures once more, she used the gifts that Charl had granted to her and parted the waterways. She brought the brave and the courageous into the pathway she created and guided them to removing Ghezresh’s presence in a straight path deeper into the sea. They fought side by side, battling those that would keep them from their task, but in the end they were successful.

When the adventurer’s left, Omiko began a new task.

Quest: A Tale of Survival

The Wise Woman of the Fishing Village needs your help in getting her villagers off of the Isle of Caligos. It had always been her goal, but the warning of the Nereid Galaytea has made it an imperative.

As such, she has enlisted the help of three shipwrights from within the village. They are willing to guide all helping hands into making longboats so that each villager can escape.

As clever as she is wise, Omiko has not put all her eggs into one basket and still looks to the seas for additional pathways off the island.

She must be ready, she must keep moving forward, for the Eve of Reunion approaches and with it the Storm Father’s promise of reckoning.

The Quest, A Tale of Survival, begins on October 8th at 9pm.

The race against time to get the villagers off the island begins and you can help in their plight.

Bring a ghezyte-veined sea glass bauble to the wise woman, Omiko, in the Fishing Village. She is collecting them as a means of currency for when her people get off the island. Each time you do, she will give you some kind of building material to bring to one of the three shipwright.

ANALYZE your building material for instructions.

ANALYZE the boat you are building to gather more information.

LOOK at the boat to see your progress in its construction.

Pay close attention to the messages that the shipwrights give you, and if you are very lucky, then you will get to see the villagers off the island and to safety…

And not let Caligos be where their Fate ends.

Boat Launches

Boat 1

Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Tosh, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwhale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Tosh, and all those that helped him, on the fine job with of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered.

Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "Vaimiti and Nanami will travel ahead of their parents, Aparecida and Leander, with sailor Salacia, who will see her own children and theirs to safety."

Tosh nods his head in agreement but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

Carrying a child on each hip, a halfling woman with a string of skull-hugging braids crosses the beach and, one by one, places each child in the longboat. She turns to another villager that has followed her and begins relieving her of the bundles and parcels that she carries. The two embrace, briefly, before she climbs into the longboat.

Moments later, a pair of crying teenagers enters with a man and woman at their backs. The women kneels before the two of them, while the man hands haversacks and carryalls to the women already in the longboat.

Cupping the face of each child, the women uses her thumbs to rub the tears from their eyes and admonishes them to be brave for the younger children in the longboat.

Taking deep breaths, they hug the women each in turn and then, with the aid of the man, whose familial resemblance to them is uncanny, they climb into the longboat.

Pointing, the woman, who must be Salacia, begins instructing them on which lines to pull, and once they are busy, she turns back to the pair staying behind. "I will keep them safe; I swear to you."

The two nod and step back waiting for the vessel to sail.

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoots through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Tosh, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Tosh set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heave it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Tosh claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

Galaytea stops her chanting, though the other voice continues to sing for several more moments, but eventually the light in the water recedes.

Mouthing the words, "Thank you," to those still nearby, Omiko slowly wanders back to her post.

Moments later, Tosh comes in at the head of several villagers who are helping him carry the skeleton, which they carefully lower to the ground.

Rubbing his hands together, Tosh says, "Let's try to save a few more." He quickly starts working on a short-keeled longboat skeleton.

Boat 2

Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Tosh, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwhale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Tosh, and all those that helped him, on the fine job with of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered.

Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "Tengiz and Meltem will be bringing Darya and Itsaso's children; the pair are capable sailors and will guard both the other couple's children and their own when they make landfall."

Tosh nods his head in agreement but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

Tengiz and Meltem cross the beach, each carrying a child piggyback style and with carryalls and haversacks in their arms and hands. Each woman helps the other, after placing their parcels within the longboat, with getting the children inside and then takes a moment collecting various other bundles that the gathering villagers pass to them. One of them climbs aboard, while the other waits.

Within a matter of moments, a woman carrying a sleeping child heads straight to the longboat. She whispers quietly to the waiting women and then turns to Omiko, "Alvis has runoff. Itsaso is looking for him, but he will have to travel with us. We can't keep everyone from their promised safety." She turns back to the woman by the longboat and passes the sleeping child to her, then runs off into the village calling out her son's name. Several villagers follow her.

The woman cradles the child, expelling a deep breath, and nods to the longboat as she says, "We will get them out. Get your family to safety."

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoots through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Tosh, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Tosh set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heave it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Tosh claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

Galaytea stops her chanting, though the other voice continues to sing for several more moments, but eventually the light in the water recedes.

Mouthing the words, "Thank you," to those still nearby, Omiko slowly wanders back to her post.

Moments later, Tosh comes in at the head of several villagers who are helping him carry the skeleton, which they carefully lower to the ground.

Rubbing his hands together, Tosh says, "Let's try to save a few more." He quickly starts working on a short-keeled longboat skeleton.

Boat 3

Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Tosh, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwhale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Tosh, and all those that helped him, on the fine job of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered.

Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "Darya and Itsaso are bringing tents and extra supplies on their vessel so that when we make landfall we will have shelter and the means to build our new homes wherever we touch ground."

Tosh nods his head in agreement but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

Carrying a thrashing child over his shoulders, a towering man enters, followed by Darya. She climbs into the boat ahead of him and accepts the wiggling child, then promptly sits within the boat and hugs the child to her.

Clearly struggling to not be angry, the man turns and starts collecting various building materials, crates, and packages, which he unceremoniously drops into the vessel. Nodding once to Tosh and Omiko, he jumps into the longboat and prepares for departure.

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoots through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Tosh, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Tosh set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heave it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Tosh claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

Galaytea stops her chanting, though the other voice continues to sing for several more moments, eventually, the light in the water recedes.

Mouthing the words, "Thank you," to those still nearby, Omiko slowly wanders back to her post.

Moments later, Tosh comes in at the head of several villagers who are helping him carry the skeleton, which they carefully lower to the ground.

Rubbing his hands together, Tosh says, "Let's try to save a few more." He quickly starts working on a short-keeled longboat skeleton.

Boat 4

Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Tosh, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwhale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Tosh, and all those that helped him, on the fine job with of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered.

Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "Aparecida and Leander, head out to your children and meet them on the distant beaches. May the waters be kind to you."

Tosh nods his head in agreement, but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

Aparecida and Leander practically run to the longboat and quickly load it with their personal belongings. Once they are secured, Aparecida climbs aboard and begins shuffling the additional packages that Leander passes to her. They are quickly and efficiently working, though her eyes glance frequently to the open sea, and it is easy to see that she is anxious to be underway.

Leander passes her the last bundle and has a quiet word with her, causing her eyes to lift to Omiko and Tosh. She nods and turns to the contents of the longboat, carefully lashing large items down and tucking others under the weathertight tarps at the bow.

Omiko meets Leander halfway across the sands that separates them and wraps him in a tight embrace. "Mom," he starts to say but she hushes him immediately.

"I will find you as soon as the last person we can save is gone. Now go find my grandchildren," she says to him as she squeezes him one more time and moves back to Tosh's side.

Nodding, he climbs into the longboat.

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoots through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Tosh, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Tosh set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heave it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Tosh claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

Galaytea stops her chanting, though the other voice continues to sing for several more moments, but eventually the light in the water recedes.

Mouthing the words, "Thank you," to those still nearby, Omiko slowly wanders back to her post.

Moments later, Tosh comes in at the head of several villagers who are helping him carry the skeleton, which they carefully lower to the ground.

Rubbing his hands together, Tosh says, "Let's try to save a few more." He quickly starts working on a short-keeled longboat skeleton.

Boat 5

Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Eni, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwhale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Eni, and all those that helped him, on the fine job of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered. Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "Can someone help Adetokunbo and Llyr bring the girls up? They will be parting on this short-keeled longboat, and bringing Kailanis teenager with them."

Eni nods his head in agreement but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

Supporting a footlocker on his shoulder, a short half-krolvin man, clearly a blacksmith by trade, crosses the beach and deposits his burden in the longboat. He turns as a pale-haired human ushers a gaggle of young girls towards the longboat; the two men lock eyes for a moment and it is clear that some unspoken thing passes between them. The human closes his eyes first, nodding, and sets about helping the children get into the vessel.

The half-krolvin turns to Omiko and with a thick voice says, "I should stay. I'm not sure if I made enough nails or fixtures..."

Omiko raises her hand and stops him from continuing, "Adetokunbo, your family needs you. I know it is hard, but we will need you ahead of us so that you can start setting up a forge." She grips her hand, "Do not feel guilty."

He nods, his brow furrowed, and returns to the side of the longboat. As he climbs aboard, the human looks to Omiko and mouths, "Thank you" before following him into the longboat.

A moment or two later, a teenage elf runs to the longboat and climbs in, shrugging off the offers of help.

A moment or two later, a teenage elf runs to the longboat and climbs in, shrugging off the offers of help.

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoots through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Eni, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Eni set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heave it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Eni claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

Boat 6

Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Rory, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwhale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Rory, and all those that helped him, on the fine job with of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered. Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "This vessel was built for Asherah, may her name be proof and power on the open water. She brings with her Chema, whose mother fell two winters past, and her own sons Deniz and Gyatso. Their sailor to help guide the vessel will be Meirion."

Rory nods his head in agreement but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

A swarthy sailor climbs up onto the boat, nodding to Omiko and Rory as he does so. "We'll see you out in the sea, soon, aye?" he asks, though he does not wait for an answer but busies himself with stowing his gear. It is easy to see by his jerky movements that he is clearly choked up.

Trailing three toddlers, two clearly siblings, behind her, a tall dark elven woman makes her way to the longboat and slowly lifts the children to the waiting sailor. Silently, the children let themselves be lifted, and once inside the longboat they immediately duck under the oilcloth tarping. She hands several packages up to the sailor and then raises one finger to him. He nods and watches as she moves to Rory, wrapping him in an enormous hug.

"Thank you," she whispers and reaches behind her for Omiko's hand. She clings to them both for a few moments more and then turns, wiping the tears from her eyes, and climbs into the boat next to Meirion.

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoots through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Rory, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Rory set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heave it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Rory claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

Galaytea stops her chanting, though the other voice continues to sing for several more moments, but eventually the light in the water recedes.

Mouthing the words, "Thank you," to those still nearby, Omiko slowly wanders back to her post.

Moments later, Rory comes in at the head of several villagers who are helping him carry the skeleton, which they carefully lower to the ground.

Rubbing his hands together, Rory says, "Let's try to save a few more." He quickly starts working on a short-keeled longboat skeleton.

Boat 7

Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Eni, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwhale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Eni, and all those that helped him, on the fine job of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered. Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "Ona and Maraja will be bringing their siblings ahead of their parents; please help them get situated." She turns to Eni and quietly says, "I'll let you say your goodbyes."

Eni nods his head in agreement but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

Eni disappears into the village.

Coming onto the beach from opposing directions, two families move toward the longboat, each teary-eyed and laden with haversacks and bindles. The adults hug each of the children, tender moments of farewell ensue, and slowly each child climbs into the longboat.

Eni returns quietly, his fingers interlaced with those of a swarthy female sailor. He leads her to the longboat, murmuring that he made it as seaworthy as possible. She cups his face in her hands, saying, "I know." And then, climbs into the longboat. Looking past Eni, she says to the anxious adults, "I'll keep them safe and will see you on the beaches soon."

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoots through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Eni, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Eni set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heave it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Eni claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

Galaytea stops her chanting, though the other voice continues to sing for several more moments, eventually, the light in the water recedes.

Mouthing the words, "Thank you," to those still nearby, Omiko slowly wanders back to her post.

Moments later, Eni comes in at the head of several villagers who are helping him carry the skeleton, which they carefully lower to the ground.

Rubbing his hands together, Eni says, "Let's try to save a few more." He quickly starts working on a short-keeled longboat skeleton.

Boat 8

Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Rory, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Rory, and all those that helped him, on the fine job of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered. Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "Rory has given up his lot-drawn place on this vessel so that Yam and Pelagiya can bring their children together off the island. He was to be the sailor for this vessel, but well..." She smiles, "he has decided to stay behind to help us build more."

Rory nods his head in agreement but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

Each carrying a small child, with two more trailing behind them, a human woman and an elven man move to the longboat. She climbs in first so that he can start lifting the children up to her; Rory moves to his side and begins helping to load both the children and their supplies. Once the children are loaded, she turns to the task of settling them under the tarp.

The elf turns to Rory and offers him his hand, a look of gratitude visible in his gaze.

Rory says, "We'll meet on the next beach, my friend."

Yam suddenly grins. "You get on a boat as soon as you can," he says as he climbs into the longboat.

"Don't worry, I'm right behind you," Rory replies.

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoot through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Rory, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Rory set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heaving it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Rory claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

Galaytea stops her chanting, though the other voice continues to sing for several more moments, eventually, the light in the water recedes.

Mouthing the words, "Thank you," to those still nearby, Omiko slowly wanders back to her post.

Moments later, Rory comes in at the head of several villagers who are helping him carry the skeleton, which they carefully lower to the ground.

Rubbing his hands together, Rory says, "Let's try to save a few more." He quickly starts working on a short-keeled longboat skeleton.

Boat 9

Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Eni, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwhale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Eni, and all those that helped him, on the fine job of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered. Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "Voirrey will be guiding some of our elders out to sea."

Eni nods his head in agreement but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

A young man, barely older than a boy, runs onto the beach laden with haversacks and carryalls. He rushes up to the longboat and tosses them, before turning and leaving once more. The spritely boy does this two more times before five elderly men and women step foot on the beach.

Politely, if a bit impatiently, he waits at the edge of the longboat as they one by one make their goodbyes to both Omiko and Eni.

With the help of Eni, the boy gets them all into the boat and seated around the mast. Leaning over the gunwhale, he calls down to Omiko, "I'll get them to safety, and I brought a tent to keep them warm and comfortable until you arrive. I won't let you down."

Looking slightly pale and suddenly nervous, the boy pulls the oars and waits.

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoots through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Eni, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Eni set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heave it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Eni claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

Galaytea stops her chanting, though the other voice continues to sing for several more moments, eventually, the light in the water recedes.

Mouthing the words, "Thank you," to those still nearby, Omiko slowly wanders back to her post.

Moments later, Eni comes in at the head of several villagers who are helping him carry the skeleton, which they carefully lower to the ground.

Rubbing his hands together, Eni says, "Let's try to save a few more." He quickly starts working on a short-keeled longboat skeleton.

Boat 10

Villagers suddenly appear at the side of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, seemingly coming from all directions with parcels and bundles. Shorter villagers pass the items to Rory, who quickly stows them inside, while taller villagers reach over the gunwhale and drop theirs in the bottom of the longboat. All eyes turn as Omiko moves into the area.

Omiko congratulates Rory, and all those that helped him, on the fine job of building a single-masted short-keeled longboat and offers a quick blessing over the vessel before turning towards those gathered. Omiko raises her voice above the sound of the tide and the rushing wind, "Muirgen and Hurlee, Dayleg and Nefas' twins, will be manning the longboat for the children of Esse. They are both strong and will be good guardians to the children wherever the tide takes them."

Rory nods his head in agreement but turns to help two other villagers lash oilcloth coverings from bow to mast. Once done, they turn and wait.

Towering over those nearby, a pair of young giantkin with bundles held high on their shoulders move to the edge of the longboat. It is impossible to tell the two apart, for not only are they identical in body and height, but they dress and wear their hair the same. As they climb into the longboat, movement at their back draws attention to the baskets they wear and quickly becomes evident that these are sleeping babies inside.

As they settle about the task of stowing their items, another giantkin, ancient and slightly bowed of shoulder, ushers in three halfling children.

"Up you go," she says to them, and one by one passes them to those inside the longboat. As the last child is safely aboard, the woman grabs the hand of each twin.

"I'm so proud of you both," she says, and the familial resemblance suddenly is clear to see. Squeezing their hands one more time, she steps back from the longboat.

Graceful and elegant, Galaytea steps into the water as she murmurs a quiet chant. From around her, a second, disembodied voice joins the sound, causing an aquamarine light edged in pale sea green hues to spread from Galaytea's submerged feet and shoots through the turbulent waters towards the distant misty shroud that encircles the island.

Turning, Galaytea says to Rory, "Have them push the boat into the lighted pathway."

Shifting her gaze, Galaytea says to the sailor at the helm of a single-masted short-keeled longboat, "Use your oars to get you out past the island and, once out of the mist, lift your sails. The Lady will guide you to safety."

Omiko and Rory set their backs to the stern, each taking a position opposite the tiller, and heave it into the water. As soon the bow touches upon the light, their task seems to become easier and the longboat gently glides into the channel of light.

As soon as the longboat is free of the sand, oars come out, and those inside begin to move it along the channel of light. Slowly, it grows distant, and eventually, it disappears into the mist.

Rory claps Omiko on the back and nods to her before turning and heading into the village with a cry for more timber to be brought to the beach.

Galaytea stops her chanting, though the other voice continues to sing for several more moments, eventually, the light in the water recedes.

Mouthing the words, "Thank you," to those still nearby, Omiko slowly wanders back to her post.

Moments later, Rory comes in at the head of several villagers who are helping him carry the skeleton, which they carefully lower to the ground.

Rubbing his hands together, Rory says, "Let's try to save a few more." He quickly starts working on a short-keeled longboat skeleton.

Boat 11

Tosh called for all those not yet assigned to a boat to come to the water's edge. Though many still stayed behind to help with the launch, at least five tradespeople launched with it.

Boat 12
