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Vial flare

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Vial flares are four separate scripts that can be applied to weapons and runestaves for which, when the item activates, a vial of either health, mana, spirit', or stamina--determined by whichever specific script was applied to the weapon--is ejected from the shaft of the weapon. The vials can be used by the wielder or given away, and are good for 21 days before spoiling. Up to 9 vials can be created every 48 hours, as determined by Magic Item Use ranks. This script can be added to items with traditional flares and other Category B properties.

The chance for the flare is also based off the same stats/skills as described below, minus Mana Control and Physical Fitness, with some other factors:

  • Must not be a killing blow
  • Creature must have health for the health vial, mana for the mana vial, etc.

Health vials will restore 50-70 health points.

Spirit vials restore __ spirit points. The spirit weapons flare against undead creatures only.

Mana vials will restore 5-75 mana points depending on the character's stats and skills who drinks it (not the character who created the vial). Wisdom or Aura (depending on the profession), Magic Item Use (largest factor), and Mana Control (any type up to 100 skill bonus).

Stamina vials operate similar to mana vials and will restore 5-75 stamina points. Applicable stats/training of the character who drinks it are Wisdom or Aura (depending on the profession), Magic Item Use (largest factor), and Physical Fitness (up to 100 skill bonus).

Consecrate (1604) will not work to extend the life of the vials.

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