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Shield Specialization

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Shield Specialization is a maneuver system similar to Combat Maneuvers for Warriors, Rogues, and Paladins. Each rank in Shield Use provides one Shield Training Point, which can be used to train in various shield-based abilities and attacks.

A character may not devote more than 1 Shield Training Point per level to a single skill.

List of available Shield Specializations


Name Warrior Rogue Paladin Prerequisites Description
Small Shield Focus X X None Adds attack bonus and CvA with small shields, unlocks other abilities
Medium Shield Focus X X X None Adds attack bonus and CvA with medium shields, unlocks other abilities
Large Shield Focus X X X None Adds attack bonus and CvA with large shields, unlocks other abilities
Tower Shield Focus X X X None Adds attack bonus and CvA with tower shields, unlocks other abilities
Shield Bash X X X None Attempt to wallop your foe with your shield, causing stance change/knockdown/RT/minor damage.
Shield Charge X X Shield Bash (rank 2) Improved version of Shield Bash.
Shield Push X X Shield Bash (rank 2) Push an enemy into another room and give RT.
Shield Pin X* Shield Bash (rank 2) Fake a shield bash, followed by a weapon attack with critical weighting.
Shield Swiftness X X X Shield Focus (rank 3), small/medium shield Reduces dodge DS penalty from shield.
Shielded Brawler X X X Shield Focus (rank 3) Reduces MM penalty from shield.
Prop Up X X Shield Focus (rank 3), large/tower shield Reduced chance to be knocked down from critical damage, CML defense against knockdown maneuvers.
Adamantine Bulwark X* Prop Up (rank 2) Reduced RT inflicted on you by physical attacks.
Shield Riposte X X Shield Bash (rank 2) Martial Stance, give extra RT to attacking opponents.
Shield Forward X X X None Gain a bonus to defensive Shield Use after using offensive shield attacks.
Shield Spike Focus X X X None Reduces the penalty when using a spiked shield to attack.
Shield Spike Mastery X X X Shield Spike Focus (rank 2) Allows reactive shield spike flares.
Deflection Training X X Shield Focus (rank 3) Redirect ranged/thrown attacks at enemies.
Deflection Mastery X X Deflection Training (rank 3) Additional CML and maneuver defense.
Block the Elements X X None Reduces damage from elemental flares and ball explosions.
Deflect the Elements X X None Provides a chance to block elemental flares and ball explosions.
Steady Shield X X Stun Maneuvers (rank 2) Reduces the penalty to block chance from being stunned.
Disarming Presence X X Disarm Weapon (rank 2) Martial Stance, chance to disarm on a block.
Guard Mastery X* None Increased effectiveness when GUARDing.
Tortoise Stance X* Block Mastery (rank 2) Martial Stance, reduced AS and additional block chance.
Spell Block X X X Shield Focus (rank 3), ensorcelled/anti-magic shield Allows blocking magical bolts and balls.
Shield Mind X X X Spell Block (rank 2) Ten seconds of automatic warding success while in defensive stance.
Protective Wall X X Shield Focus (rank 2), tower shield Reduced DS penalty from conditions on group members/self.
Shield Strike X X X Shield Bash (rank 2) Quick shield bash followed by weapon attack.
Shield Strike Mastery X X X Shield Strike (rank 3), 30 ranks MOC End your mstrikes with a shield bash.
Shield Trample X* Shield Charge (rank 2) Knock down multiple targets and give RT.
Shield Trample Mastery X* Shield Trample (rank 3), 30 ranks MOC Additional targets for Shield Trample.
Steely Resolve X X Shield Focus (rank 3), tower shield Bonus DS and block chance for a brief period.
Phalanx X X X None Work with group members with Phalanx to grant your group extra block chance.