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Ashes to Ashes - 2022-04-09 - A Dash of Assault (log)
Olaesta 9-10, 5122
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the TownCrier
Amos calls out the krolvin warlord Tyrrax, who comes along with Kharusa and the half-elven scribe Rian. Tyrrax believes Amos is here to go along without a fight, but Amos surprises him with a punch back through his portal before using a signet ring to unlock Kharusa's shackles and take them.
...however, Kharusa soon screams that Tyrrax has her father and runs back through the portal herself--as does Rian, after ripping a parchment from his tome and stuffing it into Dendum's cloak. Amos charges through the portal and so do several Landing defenders.
A large scale clash erupts and it's eventually noticed that dead adventurers are being thrown into a brig with no visible exits--where clerics and empaths are able to fog in but not out. Triage reconvenes there for field raising as adventurers battle, Kharusa darts around the ships, and Amos clashes with Tyrrax--all of them being repeatedly pulled through portals along the way.
One of Amos' warships approaches and begins to fire on the krolvin ships, but as their clash continues, portals open along the Landing streets and skirmishes break out in the streets. Meanwhile, Adelynn, Kiyna, and others search for Kharusa, who in turn is searching for her father, but she gets dragged off--until waves knock the krolvin overboard. She reports seeing a silver panther.
Amos and Tyrrax continue clashing in a somewhat even battle, but Amos finally uses the magic of his tattoos to increase his strength and sends Tyrrax flying with a punch. However, Tyrrax crawls back and catches Amos with two hand pylon shots to the chest. Amos returns to the fight and breaks Tyrrax's nose on his knee, but Tyrrax burns off some of Amos' skin with his hand pylon, then fires shards from an urglaes bracer to impale Amos' chest as they keep fighting. However, a stray shot from Amos' warship sends Tyrrax back into his ship and Amos into the ocean!
Meanwhile, adventurers continue searching for Kharusa as she calls for help, struggling through a maze of chaotic portals. A small group of seven finds her mobbed by dozens of combatants and manages to kill over three dozen of them, but one slays Kharusa with Balefire! She gets tossed in the brig along with various other deaders.
Topps resurrects her. Perigourd seems to try to take her hand, but she scowls and warns him off; Missoni asks where they're keeping Kharusa's father and she says he might not be near. Topps says that Kharusa got many people killed by running back through the portal, but she says it was for her father and they didn't need to follow her, then she searches for the way out and crawls out of the area.
Kharusa soon reports being at another ship with a bar, so some go to check the Rusty Cutlass while others take to clearing the streets and still others search for Amos in the waters. Eventually Kharusa says she's safe and being fed. At last the portal closes and the krolvin ships begin to pull back.
With everything clearing up, Dendum reports that Rian's note was to his wife Elizabeth and a message that Tyrrax wants the Blue Suffer (Lalk Morgil) to make himself famous among krolvin. He later also shows it to Councilor Leafiara, where it confirms Xorus' assumption that Tyrrax's ultimate goal is the Star of Khar'ta.
Gathering at the Sands
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a midnight black kitten, the Aljian disk, the coffin-shaped Maevie disk, an irate badland spirit that is flying around, the eel-encircled Innez disk, an animated jeddart-axe hovering in mid-air, a timber jaguar, the web-draped Missoni disk, a lazy wild dark crimson dog, a jungle samoyed, the Stormyrain disk, the Lankas disk, the Zelig disk, the yellow Azriall disk, the Rahj disk, the Vrem disk, a sleek spotted brown jackal, the Drazaa disk, the red Nairena disk, the Peche disk, a white-bellied inky black marmoset, a golden brown coyote, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, the Kisun disk, the Kippe disk, an amber-eyed tawny range wolf, an iron-banded linden keg of spiced Vornavian apple beer, a drake falchion, the Guarrin disk, the rectangular Perigourd disk fashioned of oiled tanik, a large acorn, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, some sovyn clove, a mistwood serving cart with some stuff on it, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some wide stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Yardie, Miss Maevie, High Lord Aljian, Lady Innez, High Lady Ithilwyn, Conquerer of Reim Missoni, Pookia, Squire Legionnaire Iskandr, Pietra, Town Councilor Pukk, Sevanya, Arena Hero Rhaladin, Stormyrain, Town Councilor Chandrellia, Lankas, High Lord Zelig, Bernadette, Azriall, Great Lord Rahj, Things, Bakarus, Lord Remizycas who is sitting, Vrem, Conquerer of Reim Nairena, Conquerer of Reim Peche, Conquerer of Reim Markx, Conquerer of Reim Drazaa, Aeith, Kisun who is sitting, Great Lady Saraphenia, Kippe, Sir Cryheart, Sir Guarrin, Perigourd, Magister Raelee, Suniva
Speaking to Iskandr, Yardie exclaims, "I showed up target to the part, and there was no party!"
Kisun asks, "Who we joinins?"
Iskandr asks, "You're saying I get to go on a ship and kill Krolvin?"
Speaking to Nalver, Innez says, "Tomorrow, die again."
Speaking to Iskandr, Yardie says, "You going on the boat or are you staying in the...."
Pookia exclaims, "You'll have plenty of chances to die!"
Remizycas says, "Not me."
Nairena says, "I feel like killing stuff."
Speaking to Dendum, Yardie asks, "You're in this too?"
Iskandr asks, "Who is the defense lead and who is the assault lead?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Nairena says, "I got a little bit of both tonight."
[General] Amos thinks, "Good eve to all."
Remizycas says, "Oh."
Cryheart says, "Heavy rain."
Speaking to Nairena, Drazaa says, "I'd guess there will be an opportunity to do so."
Speaking to Yardie, Dendum says, ""Hrmm...have to see if crazy plan works yes? Is probably not worst plan from landing."
[General] Vaemyr thinks, "Good evening Amos."
Cryheart says, "Amos on the net."
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "Evening, Amos."
[General] Pietra thinks, "Ew, you."
[General] Kayse affably greets, "Fair evening, Amos."
[General] Lylia thinks, "And a good evening to you."
Speaking to Dendum, Yardie says, "Rather not see it. Rather keep the streets safe."
Speaking to Yardie, Dendum remarks, ""Do not think they are doing evil ritual this time with blood so there is that...."
[General] Adelynn asks, "How are you still alive, Amos?"
Cryheart says, "Lets hear what he hae to say."
Speaking to Cryheart, Nairena says, "You got my... fingers for waggling."
Speaking to Cryheart, Pietra says, "You're just so polite about things."
Cryheart says, "Well, keep those fingers ready, but hold them still until we find out what happens."
Speaking to her sewer rat, Nairena says, "You stay close by."
Remizycas says, "I gotta kill somthing too."
Leafiara asks, "As Iskandr asked... do we have groups split up for boarding the ship and defending the streets?"
[General] Amos thinks, "I shall be along to the Black Sands soon. It seems a few have gathered there already."
Speaking to Yardie, Dendum inquires, ""Any Krolvin that are good friends of the Yardie this time?"
Speaking to Cryheart, Drazaa says, "I'll follow you."
Lankas says, "Ohh no."
Cryheart says, "Gather around, heading to black sands soonish."
[General] Vaemyr thinks, "Just securing the area initially."
Iskandr says, "Ah, I suppose I was assuming Eastern levels of organization, I apologize."
Speaking to Cryheart, Guarrin says, "Seems like we are off to the beach again."
Kisun says, "I will do anything to get aboard one of those ships."
Speaking to Dendum, Yardie says, "I don't know what is in order. Doesn't make a difference to me."
Speaking to Cryheart, Lylia asks, "I am going to assume you intend to board?"
Speaking to Nairena, Remizycas asks, "Whats u giong to go kill?"
[General] Pookia thinks, "All who want to join knuckleheads meet at archer boyfriend HQ."
Speaking to Yardie, Dendum asks, ""Ahh plan is simple...we trick Krolvin..sink with brass words some other time. What could go wrong with such good plan?"
[General] Cryheart thinks, "We hae groups soon headed to the black sands."
Speaking to Remizycas, Nairena says, "Hopefully Tyrrax."
Speaking to Dendum, Yardie asks, "WHO is tricking the krolvin?"
Speaking to Yardie, Chandrellia says, "Amos is."
Speaking to Remizycas, Nairena says, "Maybe that lil halfling that turned my head into an exploding crystal."
Pukk recites:
"Be sure to buy your Leafiara chrisms while you can!"
Cryheart recites:
"Ok..headed to the black sands"
Lankas says, "No kidding."
Lankas says, "I need a leafi chrism."
Kothos says, "I will likely come back here, should things get...violent."
Speaking to Remizycas, Nairena says, "Id settle for some krolvins."
Speaking suddenly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Come to think of it, I was so busy making these batons I forgot to restock."
Cryheart recites:
"Moving out"
Leafiara says, "I'd better handle that. I'll catch up."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk exclaims, "We are doomed!"
Sir Cryheart's group just went northwest.
[General] Kisun thinks, "Aye, only a few of us is already there. Clearing out the kappas for safety, you know."
Leafiara says, "Nothing this night can even possibly work if our triage isn't on point."
Leafiara says, "Ah, they've already gone."
Leafiara says, "Point stands, though."
[Leafi's Confectionery Castle]
A cake-shaped gift box wrapped with a cherry-topped ribbon hangs on one of the candy cane-striped walls, and a bright vanilla-swirled ceiling rises overhead. A sizable sculpture of a sprinkle-covered ice cream bowl sits in one corner of a floor intermittently painted with faux chocolate splatters. There is a three-tray bakery display case with a colorful treat motif on one side of the shop and a statue of a cheery sylvan waitress offering a serving tray on the other. You also see a lopsided cookie-shaped menu.
Saraphenia says, "So, I asked several questions when I was in the square and got roundly ignored."
Leafiara asks, "What were you asking about?"
[while restocking chrisms]
Saraphenia says, "I was just asking what was going on tonight. I think I asked three or four times."
Leafiara asks, "Was it before all the regulars started showing up?"
Saraphenia says, "No, the regulars were there."
Leafiara says, "Alright, that should work as a supply..."
Leafiara says, "Maybe they're like me, where they don't like what's happening and so don't want to talk about it."
Leafiara says, "Only a guess, though."
[The Black Sands]
Black sands mix with white in this stretch of beach, the black encroaching from the west and the white defending from the east. To the southwest, rough mounds of porous black rock stretch from the Trollfang to the bay, their rounded forms giving an illusion of motion, as though they were still flowing. You also see a greater kappa, the Gespry disk, a stocky snow white puppy with oversized black-tipped paws, a handaxe, the web-draped Missoni disk, the Kippe disk, the rectangular Perigourd disk fashioned of oiled tanik, an amber-eyed tawny range wolf, a lazy wild dark crimson dog, a handaxe, a handaxe, the gold-dusted Berean disk crowned with sylvarraend rubies, a handaxe, the Peche disk, the Guarrin disk, the Stormyrain disk, the Drazaa disk, the red Nairena disk, the Dendum disk, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, a golden brown coyote, a white-bellied inky black marmoset, a jungle samoyed, a resplendent obsidian black raven, a handaxe, a handaxe and a tall wooden archery tower.
Also here: Xorus, The Infamous Gespry, Kiyna, Conquerer of Reim Markx, Conquerer of Reim Missoni, Kippe, Vaemyr, Perigourd, Oxhammer, Arena Hero Rhaladin, Magister Raelee, Conquerer of Reim Berean, Blades, High Lord Kezoku, Kothos, Goldstr, Arynth, Imperatrix Lylia, Dendum, Yardie, Squire Legionnaire Iskandr, Pietra, Town Councilor Pukk, Stormyrain, Town Councilor Chandrellia, Bernadette, Bakarus, Conquerer of Reim Nairena, Conquerer of Reim Peche, Conquerer of Reim Drazaa, Aeith, Sir Guarrin, Sir Cryheart
Leafiara says, "Ah."
Speaking to Xorus, Kothos says, "That is quite a hustle for a man of your learned years."
Speaking to Cryheart, Vaemyr says, "We were where we met with Tyrrax the other night, which was a bit west of here."
Nairena says, "Scary critters."
Vaemyr asks, "Is this where we're meeting tonight?"
Xorus says, "Lady Ardtin is at least three thousand years older than me."
Cryheart asks, "By the tower?"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Kothos says, "It's where they have berthed before."
Speaking melodically to Roelon, Gespry says, "I found something for you."
Speaking to her sewer rat, Nairena says, "At least now you are getting bathed."
Gespry offers Roelon a red goat hide kilt.
Bakarus says, "I am glad to see Icemule here to aid our allies."
Roelon deeply says, "Hrm. Red. Nae bad."
Roelon accepts Gespry's goat hide kilt.
Iskandr says, "They have beached before a bit further west, by the gap to the tunnels."
[General] Callayne thinks, "Will healers be stationed at Town Square Central or somewhere else? Healer here." [OOC note: Ordinarily, three types of talk I cut out of logs are greetings, anything related to spellups, anything related to healing, and anything related to raising. The triage situation this time was more unique than usual, so while I still cut out most of the talk--like who to heal/raise and in what order--I've left a lot of the planning in to show how things changed.]
Gespry melodically says, "Last worn by a rift crawler."
Speaking to Bakarus, Guarrin says, "Indeed. It is always appreciated."
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
[OOC note: at this point lag hits hard and several people get disconnected, so it takes some minutes to regroup and reconvene]
[General] Nairena asks, "Is a primary and secondary triage set up for the dead and wounded?"
[The Black Sands]
A narrow strip of black sand winds between the pulsing sea and the huddled rocks. You look out at the dark waters of the bay, set against the grey sky. With the black sands beneath your feet and the frozen black lava behind you, you feel as though all the color has been blotted out of the world. You also see the Stormyrain disk, the web-draped Missoni disk, a lazy wild dark crimson dog, the Lankas disk, the Kippe disk, the red Nairena disk, a white-bellied inky black marmoset, the Drazaa disk, the gold-dusted Berean disk crowned with sylvarraend rubies, the Gespry disk, the Peche disk, a stocky snow white puppy with oversized black-tipped paws, the rectangular Perigourd disk fashioned of oiled tanik, a tall wooden archery tower and the waters of Darkstone Bay.
Lankas says, "I want to see what happens, but I am afraid I might have to read about it later."
Speaking deeply to Gespry, Roelon says, "Whatever ye put in that packed ah punch..."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "If not yet, there'll probably need to be."
Speaking to her sewer rat, Nairena says, "No shame in hiding in my cloak or pack, buddy."
Goldstr exclaims, "Sheesh!"
Pukk exclaims, "I'm back!"
Blades says, "We're saved."
Speaking to Pukk, Nairena says, "You missed it.. its over. Amos is gone and we won."
Adelynn whispers something to Leafiara.
Cryheart says, "Ok..folks are arriving." [OOC note: back from disconnects]
Lankas says, "Going to tinker Sir Cryheart. Make him faster, stronger, able to jump well you get the idea."
Speaking to Pukk, Kisun exclaims, "It was insane!"
Pukk says, "Best news all night."
Gespry melodically says, "A smidge."
[General] Callayne thinks, "Please let me know where triage is so I can assist there."
Goldstr says, "Amos walked off east a bit ago."
Blades asks, "You been drinkin too much or somethin?"
Nairena says, "I feel so silly tonight."
Pukk says, "I was just going to tell Lylia that I bet she is a little disappointed that Gutstorm isn't here."
Missoni says, "He said he would return."
Blades says, "Wanderin about aimlessly."
Speaking to Blades, Stormyrain states, "You give it to me, so you tell me."
[General] Lankas thinks, "Well last time it was TSC until TSC was all dead. Then it was the trophy room in the Thrak Inn. Or Voln, too."
Blades asks, "I don't think that one was poisoned?"
Speaking to Missoni, Goldstr says, "Ah Tankee."
Speaking to Blades, Stormyrain inquires, "You don't think?"
Speaking to Nairena, Kezoku says, "It's good to see you spirited."
Blades says, "Fifty fifty."
[General] Nairena thinks, "Plan for TSC being primary and Thrak Inn for secondary."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Triage will be in TSC unless it gets overrun, then it will be at Thraks Inn in the trophy room."
Pukk recites:
"Rejoin Cryheart while the getting is good!"
[General] Nairena thinks, "And by some mircale Thraks gets bad, try to regroup at the Voln Temple."
[General] Callayne thinks, "Thank you. I appear to be the only healer in TSC at the moment."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Adelynn whispers something to Leafiara.
Speaking to Pukk, Kisun asks, "Can the gettin, get better?"
Speaking to Kisun, Pukk says, "Always."
[General] Kisun exclaims, "Then do your best!"
Chandrellia recites:
"I'm moving back to TSC to help heal"
Speaking to Pukk, Lylia asks, "I assumed he is 'sleeping it off,' I believe is the common vernacular?"
Speaking to Chandrellia, Pietra says, "Be careful."
Chandrellia says, "Be safe friends."
Leafiara whispers something to Adelynn.
Speaking to Lylia, Saraphenia says, "It's been awhile since I saw you."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "She has help at TSC."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
[General] Pietra thinks, "Chandrellia is on her... yep."
Lylia agrees, "It has. I have been traveling a bit. But it is good to be back, and good to see you."
Speaking to Lylia, Saraphenia asks, "Did you know that Leafiara and I got married?"
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Nairena exclaims, "You little thief!"
Lylia says, "I did not! Congratulations to you both, then, and may all the joys of wedded bliss be yours."
Speaking to her sewer rat, Nairena exclaims, "You know I use that!"
Speaking curiously to Leafiara, Adelynn asks, "That so?"
Speaking to Adelynn, Leafiara says, "It's so, as of the 26th."
Adelynn disappointedly asks, "Where was my invite?"
Speaking to Xorus, Kothos says, "The picture of wedded bliss, right down the ozone and poison."
Leafiara says, "That said, as much as I don't even like tonight's plan, I do at least want to concentrate on it..."
Blades says, "I'd rather drink poison."
Speaking to Blades, Kayse offers, "I have some if you like."
Xorus asks, "Which kind of poison?"
Adelynn vexedly says, "A wedding, the perfect time for some young man to swoop in and get me drunk."
Blades says, "I have my own thanks."
Kothos says, "I mean that as a compliment, the two of them have quite an amazing aesthetic."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Kayse says, "You found it funny that ONE time."
Speaking to Xorus, Lylia asks, "Were you about to make suggestions?"
Adelynn coyly says, "I mean, um."
Speaking to Xorus, Kothos says, "Snake venom."
Xorus says, "Best to not make it a too valuable one, it will become communal property and everyone will destroy it."
Speaking brightly to Kothos, Adelynn interjects, "Ooh, I have some of that!"
Speaking to Kayse, Stormyrain says, "It's not funny now because he isn't sure if the drink he handed me was the poisoned one."
Speaking to Adelynn, Saraphenia says, "We put the wedding together in two weeks. We invited everyone, it was held in the Rose Garden at Paupers."
Kothos says, "As do I."
Speaking honestly to Stormyrain, Kayse says, "I have not used any poison since."
Thunder rumbles in the distance.
[General] Lankas thinks, "I am with the dead one in River's Rest."
Speaking frustratedly to Saraphenia, Adelynn says, "And I missed my opportunity to get laid."
Guarrin says, "Congratulations to you both."
Leafiara says, "I swear, you know something's going awry when almost everyone gathered here is less serious than me."
Speaking happily to Saraphenia, Nairena says, "Im very happy for the two of you. Im sorry I missed it."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking to Kayse, Stormyrain says, "..he meant his I'm sure."
[General] Chandrellia asks, "Knuckleheads, are you in position?"
[General] Pookia exclaims, "Knuckleheads are in position!"
[General] Chandrellia exclaims, "Woot! You Knuckleheads rock!"
[General] Sevanya exclaims, "We're always ready to go!"
[General] Leafiara wishes, "Good luck, Knuckleheads. The entire Landing is counting on you."
Kisun whispers to the group, "Is this the group going on the ship?"
[General] Pookia thinks, "By in position i mean comfortably in my archer boyfriends lap thats what you mean too right."
Leafiara whispers to the group, "I think so, but it's unclear to me whether we have any town defense group beyond the Knuckleheads..."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Lylia whispers to the group, "I intend to, yes."
Pietra whispers something to Pukk.
Kisun whispers to the group, "Do we need any more!!"
Leafiara whispers to the group, "A fair point, I suppose."
Nairena says, "This reminds of the the nights of the Demon and Kingslayer."
Guarrin whispers to the group, "A good point Leafiara."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Oh I could think ssoo much right now."
[General] Pookia thinks, "Wait what the entire landing??? yeah! no problem at all! no pressure! \."
Nairena says, "Always rain and lots of it."
Guarrin whispers to the group, "I am told that we are expecting more forces on the assault than near the Landing though."
Xorus whispers something to Lylia.
Cryheart says, "We do need a group to defend the town as welll, hope the knuckleheads can do."
[General] Remizycas asks, "What are we rocking?"
Kisun whispers to the group, "I would imagine they won't stray too far from the ships, if one is being attacked."
Speaking to Cryheart, Vaemyr says, "If it's too bad some can retreat back to town to help out while others continue to secure the krolvin ship."
Lylia whispers something to Xorus.
Leafiara considers, "If the krolvin just take more captives, we'll be right back in the same scenario. ...but their portals are fizzling, so there's that."
Rhaladin whispers to the group, "If it goes off successfully here they shouldn't even know anything is amiss until it's too late, and then the fleet will likely be focused on us."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "I think I'm inclined to agree."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara concludes, "So stay flexible and ready to split up, then."
Guarrin whispers to the group, "That is the hope."
Nairena says, "Consider me a war mage of the Landing this eve. Tell me where I am better placed and needed."
Kiyna says, "Ware those portals, by the way. I saw one slice a krol in half when it collapsed."
Speaking to Nairena, Stormyrain says, "Wherever the fight is."
[General] Showstoper thinks, "You are rocking a lute."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Plus if Tyrrax is being occupied, he won't be able to use too many of the portals I suspect."
[General] Remizycas thinks, "I din't like my boat to be rocking unless we in the smokiing section."
[Realm] The invoker thinks, "Residents of Wehnimer's Landing, I am currently at Town Square, Small Park and offering spells to those in need."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara acknowledges, "Suppose one can hope."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "The Knuckleheads will be rocking some wood in a bit I am sure."
[General] Callayne thinks, "Invoker here to get your spells."
[General] Wonkus exclaims, "Time to get into that lute suit and save the Landing! Sounds like it needs help!"
[General] Remizycas thinks, "I could try and flute was thinkg of it."
Thunder rumbles in the distance. [OOC note: repeat messaging to, I assume, catch more of people who got disconnected and returned]
Leafiara muses, "That thunder's been rumbling quite a while."
Speaking to Cryheart, Nairena says, "I guess im testing my shaky sea legs with you, big guy."
Lord Amos just arrived.
Speaking to Leafiara, Adelynn adds, "Seems rather far away, too."
[General] Showstoper thinks, "I will do the wave."
[General] Remizycas thinks, "The lute i dunno."
Speaking to Amos, Kothos greets, "Lord Amos."
Amos nods at Kothos.
Speaking to Amos, Kisun says, "Evening."
Amos says, "Say it once more, I enjoy hearing it."
Amos smirks at Kothos.
Speaking to Amos, Saraphenia says, "So you're Amos..."
Amos bows to Saraphenia.
Kayse settles her gaze on Amos, watching him intently.
Adelynn whispers something to Leafiara.
Amos grins at Kayse.
Amos nods at Kayse.
Kisun whispers to the group, "Always thought Amos would ride up on a steed.."
Kayse nods once at Amos.
[General] Aurien thinks, "Just hit invoker."
Kezoku whispers to the group, "Horses only get so big..."
Leafiara whispers something to Adelynn.
(OOC) Pietra's player whispers to the group, "With the clippy clop coconut noises?"
Gespry melodically says, "Or at least be armed."
Amos says, "I will call out to the krol soon."
Rhaladin whispers to the group, "He doesn't like moose."
Vaemyr whispers something to Amos.
[General] Lankas thinks, "No rain in River's Rest."
Nairena whispers to the group, "That does sound about right. A rich man just casually walking into the area. nope."
Amos says, "We have prepared this location. Ayred is ready to snatch control of their portal, as best he can."
Adelynn whispers something to Leafiara.
Guarrin whispers to the group, "There are horses large enough for kindred."
Rhaladin whispers to the group, "I'd bet a fair bit here are richer than Amos, and most of us walk most places."
Speaking to Amos, Guarrin asks, "Do we know how long it will hold?"
Nairena whispers to the group, "Or a massive chariot pulled by 2 clydesdales."
Amos asks, "I will go for the halfling's chains. Then we will bring war to the krolvin. Are there any questions?"
Missoni asks, "What of the scribe?"
Amos fidgets with his thick silver signet.
Kisun whispers to the group, "I'd rather have a massive chariot pulled by 10 roltons and a gak at the lead."
Rhaladin says, "Voices carry o'er tha' water."
Kothos whispers to the group, "I've groomed that Modig often enough to verify that."
Vaemyr says, "So it's the signet Tyrrax was wearing."
Amos says, "We will get them both. But nothing can be done before the halfling's shackles are done."
Speaking to Amos, Goldstr asks, "We jess hold on attackin till ye say?"
Kothos whispers to the group, "Guarrin's war horse is certainly big enough to carry him."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Amos says, "You will know when."
Amos nods at Goldstr.
Amos says, "The krol will not take the betrayal lightly."
Cryheart says, "So we attack and keep the krols out whilst ye unshackle her."
Goldstr nods at Amos.
Lylia says, "They are not being betrayed."
Amos says, "No."
Guarrin asks, "The scribe is another objective as well?"
Lankas says, "Ohh they are going to attack Landing for sure."
Lylia says, "They are getting the very letter of the law."
[General] Pookia asks, "Hows the beach?"
Amos says, "No attacking until I free her."
Speaking to Amos, Lankas asks, "Are your warships ready to go?"
Speaking blithely to Amos, Adelynn asks, "No offense, but, why should we listen to you?"
[General] Pietra thinks, "Breezy, with some rain."
Speaking to Lylia, Guarrin says, "In a way, they are getting a bonus."
Rhaladin says, "Jes tell them shiney constructs nae tae shoot tha flagship."
Amos laughs at Adelynn!
Speaking to Guarrin, Lylia says, "I like the way you think."
Adelynn wryly observes, "You haven't exactly been a trustworthy figure for us."
Amos asks, "Who should you listen to?"
Amos peers quizzically at Adelynn.
Speaking to Adelynn, Rhaladin asks, "Do ye have a better plan?"
Lylia says, "I would like to grant many 'bonuses' to them, in fact."
Speaking to Amos, Vaemyr asks, "Are we freeing Rian as well?"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Lylia says, "We are."
Amos says, "Free whomever you can."
[General] Aeith thinks, "Still talking over the plan on the beach."
Speaking brightly to Amos, Adelynn says, "I tend to just wing it and do what I want, it usually works out pretty well."
Adelynn grins impishly at Amos.
Kiyna says, "His restraints are not so... difficult."
Speaking to Adelynn, Stormyrain says, "The Mayor? Who sanctioned this."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking mischievously to Stormyrain, Adelynn replies, "I don't do well with authority figures."
Lylia says, "I told Elizabeth Larson I would try to return Rian. His knowledge is too important to let sink to the bottom of the bay or be consumed in balefire."
Speaking to Lylia, Guarrin asks, "His scribe, yes?"
Speaking to Adelynn, Stormyrain offers, "Then you'll really dislike Tyrrax."
Speaking to Lylia, Vaemyr says, "I will do what I can to help."
Speaking to Guarrin, Lylia says, "Yes, Rian is his name."
Speaking to Adelynn, Stormyrain adds, "All the better to spear him with your blade."
Speaking to Missoni, Kothos asks, "Watch after Perigourd, yes?"
Gespry whispers something to Roelon.
Iskandr says, "Let us just get to the killing part."
Speaking to Kothos, Missoni says, "Always."
Saraphenia says, "I will do whatever I can to help in whatever way I can."
[General] Amos thinks, "Dog of the sea, I can almost hear your brothers yapping like spineless puppies on the horizon of the bay. I am ready. But I will not swim."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Adelynn contends, "I'm always a fan of a rough, depraved pirate."
Cryheart says, "We wait until Amos frees the halfling afore we attack."
Roelon whispers something to Gespry.
Nairena says, "I guess thats the plan."
Saraphenia says, "I'm going to lose my spells soon."
Speaking to Saraphenia, Kezoku says, "Invoker's in the park."
Speaking to Saraphenia, Stormyrain says, "The invoker is in town for a few more minutes."
Rhaladin says, "Da portal tends ta strip dem anyways."
Speaking to Saraphenia, Kisun says, "Run to the invoker real quicks."
(OOC) Peche's player whispers to the group, "Grab the invoker while you can."
Iskandr says, "Yes, I will not kill until told, but do tell me when I might start."
Speaking to Iskandr, Dendum says, ""Reminds this one of Boln."
[General] Pookia thinks, "Swimming is a good low impact excercise for weary joints dont put it down."
Speaking to Iskandr, Dendum says, ""Just before the horde."
[General] Tyrrax thinks, "Ah, the lion has stirred from its den."
Leafiara mutters, "What is it with all the animal metaphors."
Rhaladin says, "If ya' kill the warlord ya get a pay raise."
Speaking to Dendum, Iskandr says, "I think Yardie is pulling a Boln this night."
Bakarus says, "As a less capable combatant, I will stay near the rear and provide support as needed."
[General] Sevanya asks, "Why don't you two get a room at Silvergate and kiss already?"
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "To the younger citizens of Landing be very wary while wandering thru town, it may get dangerous."
[Leafi and a few others break away to the invoker]
[General] Directed to Chandrellia, Yardie thinks, "I'll be on the look out for them as best I can."
[General] Chandrellia asks, "Thank you Yardie, I'll be stationed at TSC if you need assistance?"
[General] Cryheart thinks, "Aye, the lion stirs this night."
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Rahj disk, the Lankas disk, the Nisugi disk, a black semi-melanistic panther, the Remizycas disk, the Faiyth disk, the Kialeigh disk, a great white wolf, the Wolfies disk, the Yardie disk, the Callayne disk, the faenor Chandrellia disk inlaid with intersecting bands of jet, the Safaetar disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl that is flying around, an ivy-covered white monir tower, a cherry red ash baton wrapped in crisscrossing white ribbons, a cherry red ash baton wrapped in crisscrossing white ribbons, a cherry red ash baton wrapped in crisscrossing white ribbons, a cherry red ash baton wrapped in crisscrossing white ribbons, a cherry red ash baton wrapped in crisscrossing white ribbons, a cherry red ash baton wrapped in crisscrossing white ribbons, an iron-banded linden keg of spiced Vornavian apple beer, a drake falchion, a large acorn, some sovyn clove, a mistwood serving cart with some stuff on it, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some wide stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: Great Lord Rahj, Lankas, Nisugi, Kothos, Lord Remizycas who is sitting, Faiyth, Kialeigh, Nochternus, Wolfies, Yardie, Great Lady Callayne, Town Councilor Chandrellia, Safaetar, Bodom
Kialeigh says, "I do more damage to myself than he ever could to me."
Leafiara asks, "Are we all set here for triage?"
Leafiara asks, "Or... set enough?"
Lankas says, "I'll make you an even better empath."
Lankas says, "On rezzing duty."
Leafiara says, "...very well."
In the distance, a dark wall of clouds forms and several black shapes of warships come into view.
Remizycas asks, "We having an invasion again?"
Leafiara says, "I expect I'll be back here relatively shortly, but we'll see."
Remizycas says, "Oh my."
Kothos says, "I expect it'll be very busy here shortly."
[The Black Sands]
A narrow strip of black sand winds between the pulsing sea and the huddled rocks. You look out at the dark waters of the bay, set against the grey sky. With the black sands beneath your feet and the frozen black lava behind you, you feel as though all the color has been blotted out of the world. You also see the red Nairena disk, a white-bellied inky black marmoset, the Guarrin disk, a fluffy white cat, the Lylia disk, the Saraphenia disk, the Khoal disk, the Kisun disk, the bloodstained Xorus disk with scuffed and dented sides, the Dendum disk, the Pukk disk, the Stormyrain disk, a green-eyed white kitten, the web-draped Missoni disk, the Vaemyr disk, the rectangular Perigourd disk fashioned of oiled tanik, a lazy wild dark crimson dog, the Peche disk, the Markx disk, the Iskandr disk, the Bernadette disk, the gold-dusted Berean disk crowned with sylvarraend rubies, the Kiyna disk, the Kezoku disk, the Gespry disk, a stocky snow white puppy with oversized black-tipped paws, a tall wooden archery tower and the waters of Darkstone Bay.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Lady Nairena, Lady Adelynn, Sir Guarrin, Imperatrix Lylia, Great Lady Saraphenia, Aeith, The Infamous Khoal, Magister Raelee, Kisun, Xorus, Dendum, Bakarus, Town Councilor Pukk, Blades, Stormyrain, Pietra, Missoni, Kippe, Vaemyr, Perigourd, Markx, Conquerer of Reim Peche, Squire Legionnaire Iskandr, Lord Amos, Bernadette, Conquerer of Reim Berean, Earthdiver, Kiyna, High Lord Kezoku, Roelon, The Infamous Gespry, Oxhammer, Arena Hero Rhaladin, Goldstr, Sir Cryheart
Rhaladin says, "Ah need one o' dem magic mushrooms."
Earthdiver offers Rhaladin a mottled light brown spore.
Rhaladin accepts Earthdiver's light brown spore.
Speaking to Earthdiver, Rhaladin says, "Thank ya's."
Speaking to Amos, Nairena says, "We thank you for your sacrifice."
A fleck of golden light rises up from a warship in the distance and begins to soar towards the Black Sands.
Amos twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved.
Speaking to Kezoku, Drazaa says, "I wouldn't mind."
Amos asks, "Are you ready?"
Vaemyr says, "Here comes the portal."
Rhaladin says, "Dem motes comin'."
Speaking to Amos, Lylia says, "Of course."
Markx says, "Thar tis."
Kezoku says, "Best foot forward."
Blades asks, "Are they ready?"
Amos says, "Ayred will grab the portal as well. So it will hold for us."
Speaking to Amos, Lylia says, "No fighting, though, until your signal."
Amos nods at Lylia.
Kayse whispers something to Amos.
Amos says, "You will know when."
Saraphenia asks, "We're waiting on a sign to fight?"
Cryheart says, "To enter the portal."
Amos whispers something to Kayse.
Rhaladin says, "Amos gon' say when tae kill 'ems."
Kayse nods slightly at Amos.
Cryheart says, "Hold attacks until Amos frees the halfling."
Lylia says, "It does no good to fight until our goals are within our grasp. Kharusa -- and Rian."
Kisun whispers to the group, "I'm glad all the dogs and cats made their way to the battlefield."
A golden speck of light floats into the area.
Blades asks, "Does it smell like lavender around here?"
Adelynn offhandedly suggests, "I mean, do we even have to free the halfling? We could just leave him ..."
Blades says, "Smells funny."
Saraphenia whispers to the group, "Dogs and cats?"
Kiyna says, "I'm less of a fighter than you lot. I'll see about securing the slaves."
Speaking to herself, Nairena says, "Let tonight turn the bay of Darkstone into a sea of krolvin blood."
Rhaladin says, "Aye ya's may want tae put dem snacks back in der bags afore a krol' eats em."
Stormyrain says, "A bit."
Rhaladin says, "Nae you, lass."
Speaking to Kayse, Stormyrain says, "Speaking of, did you get the lavender I sent? I thought you might like it."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Rhaladin says, "Da kitten."
Lylia wearily says, "Kharusa is a weapon. It would be foolhardy not to attempt to take her from her captor."
Earthdiver says, "From the start."
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Kiyna says, "Focus on fighting. Once it starts. I'll try and get her to safety."
Pietra whispers something to Markx.
Speaking to Lylia, Adelynn protests, "But halflings are so ... squeaky and annoying!"
Speaking to Kiyna, Pietra asks, "She trusts you, then?"
Lylia pointedly says, "Yes, they do make very many silly statements sometimes and have to have things explained to them. Patiently. And slowly."
The golden mote of light expands, twisting and churning into a bright yellow portal.
Amos glances at a bright yellow portal.
Markx says, "Thar tis."
Cryheart asks, "Now?"
Goldstr exclaims, "OK Gear up but hold on attackin folks!"
Speaking to Stormyrain, Kayse says, "Oh, I did, but you should know I prefer Iceblossoms."
Speaking to Kayse, Stormyrain says, "I'll remember that."
Amos reaches out and touches something in a flowing black bear hide greatcloak.
Amos reaches out and touches his silver signet.
Nairena says, "May we fight well tonight and celebrate after."
Iskandr says, "The celebration IS killing Krolvin."
Stormyrain whispers something to Asben.
Speaking to Iskandr, Adelynn says, "I'd prefer to celebrate in far more ... alcoholic and intimate ways, if you know what I mean."
You quietly whisper to XYZ, "Everyone is filling the role of 'unnecessarily jovial as we run into yet another stupid situation.' I'm not needed for it tonight."
Iskandr says, "I left a keg in the square and a keg in the small park, so yes."
Nairena says, "Thats a strong portal."
Adelynn offhandedly remarks, "But I suppose killing pirates is as better than nothing."
Nairena says, "Impressive."
Iskandr says, "Drink in when you've fallen and need a boost to get back out here."
Tyrrax emerges from the yellow portal.
Speaking affably to Iskandr, Adelynn remarks, "Noted."
Xorus says, "Evening. Czag Pritz."
Kharusa walks in through the portal, behind Tyrrax.
A half-elven scholar arrives through the portal, standing near Tyrrax and writing in his tome.
Kharusa glances at Kiyna.
Tyrrax glances at Amos.
Tyrrax says, "I see you have chosen wisely. To come, and not be taken."
Amos glances at Kharusa.
Adelynn thoughtfully muses, "The krolvin now travel with academics?"
Amos twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved.
Adelynn amusedly adds, "Without eating them?"
Speaking to Adelynn, Leafiara say, "This one does."
Raelee says, "... everyone should travel with an academic."
Speaking quietly to Raelee, Falvicar says, "Owl bet."
Saraphenia says, "I could be an acedemic..."
Speaking distantly to Raelee, Adelynn says, "The problem with that, is sooner or later they return to their books."
Rhaladin says, "Ah used tae, den she got kilt tryna ta sniff a specific type o' rose."
Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "Even Tehiri children."
Speaking to Saraphenia, Kisun says, "That's the spirit."
Amos begins to twitch.
Pietra whispers something to Pukk.
Speaking dryly to Adelynn, Raelee says, "If only I could tonight."
Amos steps forward.
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Amos wastes absolutely no time with pleasantries or posturing and with a mighty roar reminiscence of a great plain's lion, he lunges forward with tremendous speed for his size! Tyrrax is taken off guard and stumbles back, but it is not in enough time before Amos's fists collide with his chest and face, sending the krolvin warlord flying back in through the portal! Amos stoops down and places the surface of his signet into the shackles binding Kharusa and he turns the ring. CLICK! The shackles unlatch and Amos snatches them, stuffing them into his greatcloak.
Suddenly, white light sparks within the yellow portal and begins to mix with the color as it widens to a larger size.
Rhaladin says, "Ah guess it be time."
Speaking to Rhaladin, Leafiara concludes, "Sure seems it."
Kharusa stands paralyzed in shock, then snaps back to reality. She screams and shouts, "He has my father! He will kill him!" Against her better judgment, the halfling woman runs back in through the portal! The half-elven scholar suddenly rips a scrap of parchment from his tome and stuffs it in Dendum's cloak, then turns and chases the halfling back through the portal. Amos roars again and charges through the portal.
Gespry melodically says, "Nicely done."
Leafiara says, "What--"
Sir Cryheart's group just went through a bright yellow portal.
[Czag Mordg, Deck]
A huge notched mainmast reaches above the deckline, its pitch black shrouds flapping against the feral breeze. Armored krolvin warriors patrol the deck. You also see a wide yellow-white portal.
Berean quietly says, "May my arrows fly true."
[extended combat]
Rhaladin says, "Dendum."
Rhaladin says, "In yer' cloak."
Cryheart says, "I cannae move."
Stormyrain asks, "What did it say?"
Rhaladin says, "Wha."
[General] Kharusa exclaims, "My father!"
Nairena says, "Some of my head is on the ground over in the corner."
Cryheart says, "Moving south."
Kisun says, "Aye."
[Czag Mordg, Deck]
A huge notched mainmast reaches above the deckline, its pitch black shrouds flapping against the feral breeze. Armored krolvin warriors patrol the deck. You also see the Kiyna disk, the Vaemyr disk, a blue sapphire, a blue sapphire and a wide yellow-white portal.
Speaking to Lylia, Dendum says, ""You must deliver this message."
[General] Stormyrain asks, "Where?"
[extended combat]
Cryheart says, "Moving."
Goldstr says, "We should a seen da a comin."
[Realm] Kothos asks, "My lady, can you tell us more?"
Rhaladin asks, "Dis be da flagship?"
[General] Directed to Yardie, Dendum thinks, "Prepare landing."
[extended combat]
[General] Leafiara asks, "Is town safe for now?"
[extended combat]
[General] Pookia exclaims, "So far so good!"
[extended combat]
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Yes havent heard anything yet."
[extended combat]
[General] Sevanya thinks, "Looks like it, yes. All the town centers are clear."
[extended combat]
Cryheart says, "Moving."
[General] Toxana thinks, "Well...I'm here, so..."
Guarrin says, "Unecessary but appreciated."
There is an echo of wild krolvin barking and several golden rings fly up into the air over Darkstone Bay, flickering and twisting and scattering about!
Leafiara says, "Well."
Rhaladin says, "Aye."
Rhaladin says, "Dems awake now."
Drazaa says, "Here they are."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "I do believe they're on their way."
[General] Pookia exclaims, "You'd figure tyraxx's rings woulda run out of charges by now! hmph!"
[General] Sevanya thinks, "His tactics are starting to bore me."
The air pops and a bright yellow portal suddenly tears open, pulling Adelynn through to the other side before snapping shut!
The air pops and a bright yellow portal suddenly tears open, pulling Falvicar through to the other side before snapping shut!
The air pops and a bright yellow portal suddenly tears open, pulling Dendum through to the other side before snapping shut!
The air pops and a bright yellow portal suddenly tears open, pulling Drazaa through to the other side before snapping shut!
The air pops and a bright yellow portal suddenly tears open before you, engulfing you in a bright cirtine light before snapping shut!
[Pluuk Gzadmor, Barracks]
Rows of weapon racks line the walls of the barracks and a number of steel helms and light armor have been piled in one corner. Large burlap sacks hang from a series of hooks along another wall.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Conquerer of Reim Drazaa, Dendum, Falvicar
Obvious exits: east
A portal of bright yellow energy churns into existence, spitting out Nairena before it snaps shut!
[and a bunch of others]
Nairena says, "We stubborn Landingeers cant be trusted."
Leafiara says, "Hm."
[General] Vaemyr thinks, "There's portals to other ships."
Dendum says, "Err."
Iskandr asks, "What is our goal now?"
Gespry melodically says, "Alot of portalin."
The voice of Adelynn says, "What."
Speaking to Iskandr, Aeith asks, "Survive?"
[General] Leafiara ask, "Knuckleheads, how are the streets?"
Rhaladin rushes into a bright yellow portal, disappearing!
Guarrin says, "Through the portal."
[various people go through]
[very extended combat]
[General] Pookia exclaims, "The streets run clear with the blood of nothing!"
[extended combat]
[General] Pookia thinks, "So far.."
[General] Markx thinks, "Streets are clear thus far."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "Thanks. Keep us posted."
[extended combat]
[General] Yardie plainly thinks, "If the Knuckleheads do not carry knuckle-dusters, I will be SORELY disappointed."
[very extended combat]
[General] Sevanya thinks, "That's what I think everytime you deny being king of the kobolds."
Change of Triage Plans
[combat, but Leafi fogs away to a deader to find...]
[Czag Mordg, Brig]
A humanoid skeleton can be seen in the darkness of the brig, its bones shackled to a nearby wall. A small rat nibbles on one of the skeleton's toe bones. A series of unclaimed chains hang from the ceiling, all awaiting a new victim. You also see the faenor Chandrellia disk inlaid with intersecting bands of jet.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Town Councilor Chandrellia, the body of Kisun who is lying down
Chandrellia reaches down and tenderly cradles Kisun's lifeless hand in hers.
Ephemeral twists of silver-hazed mist wreathe Chandrellia's forearms as she murmurs a serene phrase...
Chandrellia gestures.
Nothing happens.
The ghostly voice of Kisun exclaims, "Heya!"
With a powerful bark, a sharp-eyed krolvin huntmaster comes bounding into view!
The ghostly voice of Kisun exclaims, "Thanks!"
Leafiara says, "Go."
Chandrellia says, "Oh hell."
Leafiara invokes a guiding spirit, imploring it to return her to safety...
Leafiara gestures.
Nothing happens.
Chandrellia exclaims, "I cant!"
Leafiara says, "Ah, right... of course."
A huntmaster runs out.
The ghostly voice of Kisun says, "Wait."
The spirit of Kisun beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.
Invading the sudden peace of the area, an indigo mist oozes from the floor and begins to encompass Kisun's corpse in its cloying, damp clutches. Anguillid shapes begin to take form upon his skin, their twisting and twining bodies mucousy and slimy. Two rise from Kisun's chest and form an intimidating shadow over him, their silvery grey eyes focused on him. With an aquatic gurgle, they lunge toward Kisun's face and disappear in his nostrils.
Kisun is suddenly surrounded by a vivid white light as magic gathers around him!
Kisun awakens looking somewhat confused and drained.
Leafiara says, "Join."
Leafiara says, "Or that."
Leafiara asks, "How did you get here?"
Chandrellia says, "I fogged in but cant fog out."
Leafiara says, "Hmm, there doesn't appear to be a way out..."
You discover a small crack in the wall while searching the area!
Kisun says, "Died and woke up here.."
Leafiara says, "Ah."
Leafiara says, "Appearances can be deceiving."
Leafiara points at a small crack in the wall.
>go crack
You get on your hands and knees. You duck your head and crawl into the small crack.
It's too dark to see anything at all.
Chandrellia crawls in.
You crawl north.
It's too dark to see anything at all.
You crawl southwest.
It's too dark to see anything at all.
You crawl southeast.
It's too dark to see anything at all.
You crawl east.
[Czag Mordg, Pens]
Dozens of metal cages lay empty, several of them dented beyond functionable use. Scorched marks cover half of the area and water from the sea and storm sloshes about the floor, rising and falling as the vessel shifts. You also see a large jagged opening in the side of the ship.
Obvious exits: west
* Kiyna just bit the dust!
[Czag Mordg, Brig]
A humanoid skeleton can be seen in the darkness of the brig, its bones shackled to a nearby wall. A small rat nibbles on one of the skeleton's toe bones. A series of unclaimed chains hang from the ceiling, all awaiting a new victim. You also see the coffin-shaped Toxana disk.
Also here: the body of Kiyna who is lying down, Lady Toxana, Kisun
[fog in]
Leafiara says, "This simply won't do."
Leafiara says, "Search the area to find the way out."
Kharusa can be seen running nearby, some krolvin chasing her, as she slips through a yellow portal!
A bright yellow portal rips open in mid-air and Kayse's body falls from it, landing on the ground with a thud.
Jara says, ""
Speaking to Jara, Toxana says, "We keep meeting like this..."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "The good news is that their brig is easy to get into with... means I'm sure that many of you will try immediately."
Jara asks, "Should we take to town, yes?"
Leafiara says, "Can't."
Speaking to Jara, Kisun says, "Can't.."
Leafiara says, "You'll have to get out of here the hard way."
Jara says, "Unfortunate."
Leafiara says, "Through the crack."
[General] Guarrin asks, "Has her father been located then?"
[General] Leafiara thinks, "The less good news is that anyone whose corpse is dumped here will have to get out of here the hard way."
Jara asks, "Should I heal everyone?"
Leafiara says, "There's no magical way out of here, so yes."
Leafiara says, "Every raise will have to be done here."
Kharusa appears nearby, slipping into a yellow portal then disappearing! Some krolvin run by, barking and searching for her.
[General] Leafiara clearly thinks, " other words, in case it's not clear, tonight will be a lot about field raising."
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "--some of us are engaged in the waters of the bay."
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "..IN..the waters of the bay."
Kisun says, "Can't fog out of here huh.."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "The flow of bodies to the krolvin brig seems to have slowed for now."
Kayse surprisedly says, "What even happened back there."
[General] Rhaladin asks, "If you die you end up in the brig?"
Speaking to Kayse, Missoni says, "Excellent question."
Kisun says, "Cry went through the portal and it left everyone ungrouped. and out of position."
Speaking to Kisun, Kayse says, "That is not what I meant."
[General] Tyrrax thinks, "Traitors....your word is broken constantly..."
Speaking to Kayse, Kisun asks, "You mean the whole father thing?"
[General] Pookia exclaims, "You're to talk !"
[General] Pietra thinks, "Some of us are not traitors, Tyrrax."
[General] Pookia exclaims, "You're one to talk!"
Missoni says, "Kharusa is running through portals left and right, it seems."
[General] Directed to Cryheart, Stormyrain thinks, "Swim to the west, you will end up on the shore."
[General] Kharusa exclaims, "They are after me!"
[General] Earthdiver thinks, "Warmongers reap what they sow."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Nice to hear your thoughts Tyrrax, we delivered Amos as promised, we just didnt tell you about the rest thats all."
[General] Vaemyr asks, "Which ship are you on?"
[General] Ycelacie asks, "Where is all this?"
[General] Lylia thinks, "You simply do not understand how to parse the words. There was no treachery here. Amos was brought to you."
Jara says, "I am off to somewhere safer than here."
Leafiara sighs, "I suppose this is all there is to it."
[General] Rhaladin thinks, "Next time you should read the fine print."
[General] Pietra asks, "Kharusa Where are you?"
[General] Sevanya thinks, "He broke his word with the hostages, so he really is one to talk."
[Czag Mordg, Pens]
Dozens of metal cages lay empty, several of them dented beyond functionable use. Scorched marks cover half of the area and water from the sea and storm sloshes about the floor, rising and falling as the vessel shifts. You also see the coffin-shaped Toxana disk, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk and a large jagged opening in the side of the ship.
Kisun says, "Weird."
>go open
[Darkstone Bay, Underwater]
Icy, murky black waters rush all around you. Your body is thrown about as the underwater current pulls you long.
The waters swirl around Kisun before he is pushed to the surface!
The water churns rapidly around you, throwing you about before pushing you to the surface!
[Darkstone Bay]
Thick fog rolls along the water as the shadowy forms of krolvin warships sail by. Saltwater sprays upward violently as the storm churns all around you. You also see the coffin-shaped Jara disk.
Leafiara says, "Ah..."
You carefully move northwest, skimming lightly over the choppy surface of the water.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[Darkstone Bay]
The debris of broken ships floats along the feral waves of the bay, accompanied by a number of bloated corpses. A chillingly cold wind rushes across the surface of the water. You also see the Dendum disk, a feras twohanded sword, some silver coins, some icy blue chain hauberk, a stained dark shield, some sleek black leathers, a notched blue steel sabre, a dented storm grey buckler, some stained brigandine armor, a reinforced dark wooden shield, a wide red-bladed broadsword, a jeddart-axe, a chain hauberk, a dark grey steel voulge, some pitch black chain hauberk, a marred blue steel buckler, a dented dark blue shield, some black brigandine armor, a rune staff, a bone white steel jeddart-axe, a small dark red shield, a slender orange steel falchion, a scratched black buckler, a large sleek black jeddart-axe, a heavy dark grey jeddart-axe, some scratched pale chain hauberk, a slender blue steel cutlass, a notched dark steel broadsword and the Saraphenia disk.
Saraphenia exclaims, "I am SO confused as to what we're doing now!"
You carefully move west, skimming lightly over the choppy surface of the water.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[Darkstone Bay]
Krolvin warships and galleons dot the horizon, the vessels rising and falling with the giant waves. Cold water splashes up around you as the storm tosses you about.
The water churns rapidly around you, throwing you about before finally pushing you towards the shoreline of the Black Sands.
[The Black Sands]
A narrow strip of black sand winds between the pulsing sea and the huddled rocks. You look out at the dark waters of the bay, set against the grey sky. With the black sands beneath your feet and the frozen black lava behind you, you feel as though all the color has been blotted out of the world. You also see the Lylia disk, a green-eyed white kitten, the Peche disk, the Drazaa disk, a wide yellow-white portal, a white-bellied inky black marmoset that is sitting, a lazy wild dark crimson dog, a tall wooden archery tower, the waters of Darkstone Bay and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Jara says, "Woosh."
Cryheart says, "Moving."
[General] Kiyna asks, "Kharusa, which ship?"
Dendum says, "Hrmph."
Dendum says, "That is very annoying ship."
Pietra asks, "How many ships are there...?"
Speaking to Dendum, Drazaa asks, "Did you get a chance to read that slip of paper?"
Adelynn asks, "Now what?"
Speaking to Drazaa, Dendum says, ""Hrmm yes."
Cryheart says, "Back to that portal."
Goldstr says, "We should a thought dat tyyrax had a family member a Kharusa captive."
Speaking to Drazaa, Dendum says, ""The Krolvin Captain of Captains seeks to unite the Krolvin."
Dendum says, "By making name for himself here."
Speaking to Guarrin, Ycelacie says, "Take me there."
Speaking to Ycelacie, Guarrin says, "I am recovering."
[back to the brig, where bodies are piling up]
[Czag Mordg, Brig]
A humanoid skeleton can be seen in the darkness of the brig, its bones shackled to a nearby wall. A small rat nibbles on one of the skeleton's toe bones. A series of unclaimed chains hang from the ceiling, all awaiting a new victim. You also see the coffin-shaped Toxana disk and a fluffy white cat.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, the body of Vaemyr who is lying down, Kothos, Lady Toxana, the body of The Infamous Khoal who is lying down, Falvicar, the body of Perigourd who is lying down, the body of Earthdiver who is lying down, the body of Oxhammer who is lying down, the body of Aeith who is lying down, the body of Lady Nairena who is lying down, Missoni, Kayse, Drektor
Falvicar quietly says, "Wonder if we can move them."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "Fresh round of bodies in the brig, where we'll need field triage."
Missoni says, "Could we ever..."
[General] Kharusa thinks, "I see a stone gargoyle."
[General] Saraphenia asks, "Where am I going?"
The ghostly voice of Pietra says, "Crap."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Nairena says, "Im giving you a dead mental poke at this very moment."
[General] Pukk thinks, "Portal is still here."
The ghostly voice of Gespry melodically says, "Talk about a random loss of 50% of my defense."
[General] Sevanya thinks, "Town is still clear."
[General] Ycelacie asks, "Where?"
[General] Leafiara thinks, "Empaths and clerics wil need to fog here, no way around it that I can see."
Along the deck of a ship, Amos and Tyrrax cross paths again. They rush each other, snarling and shouting as they collide! A yellow portal snaps open around them and they disappear.
Toxana asks, "I got side-tracked...who's getting up?"
[General] Ycelacie thinks, "Not a soul has told me and I have asked many."
Jara says, "Woosh."
[General] Novarian asks, "How do you get to the brig?"
Behind the krolvin ships at sea, another vessel soon appears, its grey hue seen almost glowing agains the flashes of lightning above. Golems line the deck, manning huge bluish-white pylons as the imperial warship comes up behind the krolvin.
Speaking wryly to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "Turns out triage was in neither the square nor the trophy room nor Voln, but on the ship directly."
[General] Pookia asks, "Is amos gonna point those pylons at all your bodies?"
[General] Toxana thinks, "Break a pirate rule, but a minor don't wanna walk the plank."
Dendum asks, "Err...we are still on ship?"
Speaking to Dendum, Aeith says, "I think bringing everyone back to life is the priority, then next will be getting off this ship."
Dendum says, "Sounds as if they still fight."
The ghostly voice of Oxhammer hoarsely says, "Boom boom."
Nairena says, "I think Amos made Tyrrax mad."
[General] Sevanya thinks, "Sure hope yer good buddy Amos isn't friendly firing all of you into oblivion right now."
Falvicar quietly says, "Wonder what the odds are of Thadston and Tyrrax working against Amos."
Vaemyr says, "I mean I said, Amos hate's slavers more than just bout anything, and well Krolvin are slavers."
[General] Pookia thinks, "Hope those booms werent you all."
Kharusa runs along the deck of a ship, krolvin almost cornering her. She prepares to fight when a yellow portal engulfs them all.
Speaking to Vaemyr, Kothos says, "I think he's good and angry, from what I can tell."
[General] Sevanya asks, "How hard do you think their bodies would have to hit the bay to make that noise?"
Kothos says, "Run, girl, run."
Dendum says, "Oi, these portals are swallowing everything."
Aeith asks, "Who is controlling these portals?"
A thunderous BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM echoes across the sea as crackling bolts of blue-white energy slam into krolvin warships, devastating them and sending debris and krolvin bodies flying! [OOC note: this one's ambient messaging]
[General] Pookia asks, "Hard enough to forget to check in with us about whether our idea is correct or not??"
Earthdiver says, "Not going to be much left of ships left to portal to, soon."
Aeith says, "I hope they don't hit this one before we can get off."
Bakarus asks, "How do we leave this area?"
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "We are good Knuckleheads."
Leafiara dubiously says, "Hmm... I know I've been raising constantly, but almost feels as if our spirit doesn't recover in this area..." [no, it was normal... albeit normal for a non-noded area, which is why it felt slow]
Leafiara says, "To exit, search for the crack and crawl your way out."
[General] Pookia exclaims, "We were just about to have a two hour meeting to decide how to split the town between the knuckleheads i mean... i mean its great youre okay! hang in there!"
[General] Sevanya exclaims, "Yeah! a nice long one in your honor!"
[General] Lankas asks, "Have the people in the brig managed to get out yet?"
Leafiara says, "Speaking of which, I have to withdraw. One more raise and I'll be among the dead if I can't recover in the square."
Leafiara says, "I'll be back when I can be."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "Work in progress."
[General] Nairena thinks, "3 left dead. Clergy feeling the strain."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "It feels as if our spirit barely recovers in that room, if at all."
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a shifting portal, a sleek raven black kitten masked in stormy grey fur, a tiny orange calico kitten wearing a tiny tricorn charm, the faenor Chandrellia disk inlaid with intersecting bands of jet, the Remizycas disk, a badly damaged monir strongbox, an acid-pitted steel box, an outgoing lake spirit that is flying around, the Faiyth disk, the Lankas disk, the Rahj disk, a vengeful lake spirit that is flying around, a wafer of candied seeds, a wafer of candied seeds, the Kialeigh disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl that is flying around, an ivy-covered white monir tower, a cherry red ash baton wrapped in crisscrossing white ribbons, a cherry red ash baton wrapped in crisscrossing white ribbons, a cherry red ash baton wrapped in crisscrossing white ribbons, an iron-banded linden keg of spiced Vornavian apple beer, a drake falchion, a large acorn, a mistwood serving cart with some stuff on it, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some wide stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: Sterke, Drektor, Kayse, Markx, Town Councilor Chandrellia, Lord Remizycas, Sunwu, Archious, Lord Kellafar, Lady Nyaria who is kneeling, Faiyth, Lord Braugi, Lankas, Great Lord Rahj, Kialeigh
[General] Lankas asks, "Can we fog into the room?"
[General] Pookia thinks, "Have you tried cheering i hear that raises spirit."
[General] Sevanya asks, "Have you tried the healing power of mass prayer?"
Leafiara says, "I'm in no fighting condition at all... that brig is rough."
Braugi squeakily asks, "Why do they always invade in the middle of the night?"
[General] Pookia thinks, "The knuckleheads thoughts and prayers are with you all."
Remizycas says, "Thats when i would."
Speaking to Braugi, Remizycas asks, "Care to prowl?" Braugi squeakily says, "Sure."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "Looks like the brig is filling again. Heading back."
[back to it]
[Czag Mordg, Brig]
A humanoid skeleton can be seen in the darkness of the brig, its bones shackled to a nearby wall. A small rat nibbles on one of the skeleton's toe bones. A series of unclaimed chains hang from the ceiling, all awaiting a new victim. You also see the Asben disk, a green-eyed white kitten, the Callayne disk, the coffin-shaped Jara disk, the Gamiron disk, a stocky snow white puppy with oversized black-tipped paws, the coffin-shaped Toxana disk and a fluffy white cat.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, the body of Wolfloner who is lying down, Bakarus who is kneeling, the body of Inck who is lying down, the body of Kisun who is lying down, the body of Kiyna who is lying down, the body of Squire Legionnaire Iskandr who is lying down, the body of Roelon who is lying down, Conquerer of Reim Peche, Great Lady Saraphenia, Novarian, Great Lady Callayne, Jara, Gamiron, Lord Asben, The Infamous Gespry who is sleeping, Kothos, Lady Toxana, Falvicar, Earthdiver, Aeith, Lady Nairena
The ghostly voice of Kiyna says, "Agh... damned elementals."
Gamiron asks, "Ya know... shouldn't leafy just be able to mass raise half a town by now?"
Leafiara recites:
"If you want to get out, search for the crack and crawl."
[General] Nairena thinks, "Lets get glowly and back into the fight."
Vaemyr asks, "Crawl which direction exactly?"
Leafiara says, "I believe it's south, southwest, southeast, and east." [OOC not: Close; it was north first, then the rest is correct. I was a little surprised people had trouble with this, but I guess they must not be using the Room window in Wrayth, which basically cheats around the whole issue of not being able to see.]
Saraphenia asks, "What the hell?? Are they snatching up folks and killing them??"
* Cryheart just bit the dust!
Kiyna says, "Alright... back at it."
[General] Kharusa exclaims, "He will kill my father!"
The ghostly voice of Kisun says, "Cryheart went down.."
The ghostly voice of Pukk asks, "So, how is everybody's night going so far?"
The ghostly voice of Kisun says, "Ooh, he's right here.."
The ghostly voice of Inck says, "Meh."
[General] Chandrellia asks, "Kharusa who will kill your father?"
Speaking dryly to Pukk, Leafiara deadpans, "Just fantastic."
The ghostly voice of Cryheart says, "Feras."
The ghostly voice of Kisun says, "Seems their brig is where they keep the bodies."
The ghostly voice of Pukk says, "Good good."
[General] Nairena thinks, "We didnt think that far ahead aside from freeing you, lil head-exploder."
Speaking to Cryheart, Kothos asks, "Things are intense out there, hm?"
[General] Leafiara asks, "Or better yet where is your father?"
The ghostly voice of Pukk says, "I would like to say that this isn't my fault."
Iskandr says, "Best laid plans....."
[General] Kharusa exclaims, "Tyrrax! He has held him! Somewhere on one of his ships!"
The ghostly voice of Pukk says, "I blame Roelon."
[General] Lankas exclaims, "And who!"
Nairena asks, "Where is Amos??"
Kothos says, "And these are hardly the best laid, I'd know."
Speaking deeply to Pukk, Roelon says, "Ah kilt flared the wrong Krolvin it seems."
Nairena says, "His plan to storm aboard the ship."
Speaking to Roelon, the ghostly voice of Pukk says, "You flashed me and I went blind."
The ghostly voice of Kisun asks, "Amos is Kharusa's father?"
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Kharusa, we will do everything we can to find him."
The ghostly voice of Cryheart says, "I am mostly dead."
Leafiara says, "No, Tyrrax has Kharusa's father."
The ghostly voice of Kisun says, "Ahh."
Nairena says, "That poor halfling woman."
[General] Missoni thinks, "What is his name, Kharusa? We will look for him."
The ghostly voice of Bernadette softly says, "Dem tings make a person blind."
Leafiara recites:
"If you want to get out, search for the crack and crawl out."
A yellow portal rips open along a deck and Amos and Tyrrax come pouring out of it. They scrap wildly, fists flying, spit soaring. Neither one gains the upper hand as they stumble about the ship, swinging and grappling. Another yellow portal swallows them up.
Kothos says, "So he can help us."
Roelon deeply says, "Felt like the closer we got to something ...the portals grabbed us."
Leafiara recites:
"South, southwest, southeast, and east."
[General] Faiyth thinks, "If you see my father feel free to kill him..."
Leafiara admits, "I'm surprised Tyrrax seems to be an even match for Amos. I thought Amos would just crush him."
Aeith asks, "Where does that put you after you crawl out? Is it safe or is it a deck crawling with Krolvin?"
Speaking to Aeith, Leafiara says, "It's... relatively safe. You'll end up in the bay."
Leafiara says, "The waters."
Speaking to Aeith, Chandrellia says, "The Black Sands."
Wild barking erupts from several of the ships out upon Darkstone Bay.
Leafiara says, "Washing out to the shore."
Saraphenia says, "Wait a minute..."
Saraphenia asks, "How'd we end up here??"
Speaking to Saraphenia, Chandrellia says, "This where the dead come."
Speaking to Saraphenia, Leafiara says, "They're tossing bodies in here."
Leafiara says, "It seems like a good diversion."
Toxana says, "I feel like my spirit isn't returning very quickly. I hate boats."
Speaking to Falvicar, Pukk exclaims, "You make such a great cleric. Congrats!"
Iskandr asks, "Any group reforming to break out of here?"
Iskandr asks, "Or shall we wait for all?"
Gamiron exclaims, "Worst jailers ever, just like.... THROW THE BODIES IN THE BRIG! IGNORE THE ARMY OF PEOPLE RAISING THEM BACK UP!"
Leafiara says, "Can't escape this area in a group."
Speaking to Falvicar, Toxana says, "You've found your calling."
Leafiara says, "Go alone through the crack."
Leafiara says, "You'll end up washed out back to the shore."
Aeith says, "This is indeed not a very high spirited place."
Falvicar firmly exclaims, "No!"
Leafiara says, "Okay... I think we've recovered here..."
Speaking to Falvicar, Toxana says, "Then why you insist on me calling you that."
Saraphenia asks, "Okay, HOW do we get out of here again?"
Leafiara recites:
"Again, to escape this area, search for the crack leading out. Then crawl your way through the darkness, out to the sea, and wash out to the shore."
The ghostly voice of Cryheart says, "Crack I think."
Back in Town
[General] Sevanya thinks, "Town square southeast is under attack."
[General] Chandrellia asks, "How safe is town?"
[General] Pookia exclaims, "Invaders in town! fire ballistas!"
[General] Dendum thinks, "Safe."
[Darkstone Bay]
The debris of broken ships floats along the feral waves of the bay, accompanied by a number of bloated corpses. A chillingly cold wind rushes across the surface of the water. You also see the faenor Chandrellia disk inlaid with intersecting bands of jet, a feras twohanded sword, some silver coins, some icy blue chain hauberk, a stained dark shield, some sleek black leathers, a notched blue steel sabre, a dented storm grey buckler, some stained brigandine armor, a reinforced dark wooden shield, a wide red-bladed broadsword, a jeddart-axe, a chain hauberk, a dark grey steel voulge, some pitch black chain hauberk, a marred blue steel buckler, a dented dark blue shield, some black brigandine armor, a rune staff, a bone white steel jeddart-axe, a small dark red shield, a slender orange steel falchion, a scratched black buckler, a large sleek black jeddart-axe, a heavy dark grey jeddart-axe, some scratched pale chain hauberk, a slender blue steel cutlass and a notched dark steel broadsword.
Also here: Lady Nairena, Town Councilor Chandrellia
Leafiara gathers the remaining coins.
Chandrellia exclaims, "Yoink!"
Leafiara says, "Hmm."
[General] Dendum thinks, "Err not so safe."
[General] Lankas thinks, "Krolvin are IN THE TOWER."
[General] Pietra asks, "Kharusa, where are you?"
Several yellow portals rapidly open and close throughout the streets of Wehnimer's Landing.
[General] Lunatick thinks, "Classic."
[General] Pookia exclaims, "Raiders climbing the tower be on the lookout knuckleheads!"
[General] Dendum thinks, "Even less safe than last time."
[General] Lankas thinks, "Krolvin EVERYWHERE."
[General] Sevanya thinks, "They cut pook's boyfriends guts open."
[General] Nairena asks, "Are we regrouping?"
[General] Pookia thinks, "They KILLED MY BOYFRIEND."
[General] Pookia thinks, "ITS OVER."
[Sovyn Safeguard, Nexus]
Wooden planks reinforced with bands of steel form a circular platform high into the sky. A tall ladder with green and silver rags tied to its rails is bolted to the side of the tower, leading down towards the ground far below. An arched roof provides shelter from the elements, and the tower branches off into four main sections from this point. The surrounding landscape is visible for miles, the horizon blurring into a blend of land and sky. You also see a snarling krolvin raider, the Pookia disk, a snarling krolvin raider, a snarling krolvin raider, a snarling krolvin raider, a spirited young aelotian archer that appears dead, a large faewood cabinet, an arched slitted window, an oversized verdant-hued flag, a sovyn-crested green steel vat, a sovyn-crested silver steel vat and an arched slitted window.
[General] Pookia thinks, "IM KILLING EVERYONE."
>appr rai
The krolvin raider is medium in size and about five feet high in his current state.
The raider is too easy for the likes of you!
[Pookia starts attacking them]
[General] Lankas thinks, "I am back in Voln but I passed by rooms of them on my way out of town."
Speaking to Pookia, Leafiara says, "You've got this."
Sevanya climbs up the ladder from below.
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "If you feel you cant attack the krolvin get to a safe place."
Leafiara says, "These look a bit... easy for me."
Leafiara says, "Good luck."
[Town Square, Northwest]
This corner of the square is lively and hectic even at night. A number of representatives of the Landing's population, including several elven loggers and a party of rough-looking dwarves, loiter around the door of the Raging Thrak Inn, where the rowdy cheers of patrons and voices raised in songs of many sorts, from snatches of heroic ballads to blushingly bawdy tunes, beckon you to enter. You also see a red-eyed krolvin pyromancer, a bulky krolvin legionnaire, a one-eyed krolvin pirate, an armored krolvin mercenary, a seasoned krolvin lieutenant, a large krolvin shaman, a massive krolvin champion, the Raging Thrak Inn and a polished granite statue.
Leafiara says, "Hmm."
* Sevanya just bit the dust!
[General] Lankas thinks, "So far I am alone at Voln."
[General] The ghost of Sevanya thinks, "Leafi the second you called them easy one of them cut my head off."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "Most of the krolvin on the streets don't seem terribly dangerous to the best trained, but--"
[General] Iskandr thinks, "Since i've been spit into the bay five times, I'm going to help with the town."
The ghostly voice of Braugi squeakily says, "Ow."
[General] Leafiara notes, "I was about to say now I spotted a champion roaming the streets."
[General] Roelon thinks, "One of them warbringers or two as well."
[Sovyn Safeguard, Nexus]
Wooden planks reinforced with bands of steel form a circular platform high into the sky. A tall ladder with green and silver rags tied to its rails is bolted to the side of the tower, leading down towards the ground far below. An arched roof provides shelter from the elements, and the tower branches off into four main sections from this point. The surrounding landscape is visible for miles, the horizon blurring into a blend of land and sky. You also see the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, some pitch black chain hauberk, a badly damaged tanik coffer, some pitch black chain hauberk, a dark grey steel voulge, a heavy quartz orb, a dark grey steel voulge, a dark grey steel voulge, the Pookia disk, a snarling krolvin raider that appears stunned, a snarling krolvin raider, a spirited young aelotian archer that appears dead, a large faewood cabinet, an arched slitted window, an oversized verdant-hued flag, a sovyn-crested green steel vat, a sovyn-crested silver steel vat and an arched slitted window.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, the body of Sevanya who is lying down
Pookia leaps from hiding to attack!
Pookia swings a bright fuchsia vultite backsword at a snarling krolvin raider!
AS: +329 vs DS: +103 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +49 = +301
... and hits for 88 points of damage!
Beautiful shot pierces both lungs, the krolvin raider makes a wheezing noise, and drops dead!
The krolvin raider rolls over on the floor and goes still.
[Leafi drags Sevanya out and goes back to Pookia; combat]
[General] Dendum thinks, "Stormcrow in the landing."
Pookia says, "Thank you."
[back to TSC]
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see some torban leaf, a sleek raven black kitten masked in stormy grey fur, a tiny orange calico kitten wearing a tiny tricorn charm, the coffin-shaped Jara disk, the faenor Chandrellia disk inlaid with intersecting bands of jet, the Remizycas disk, the eel-encircled Innez disk, an animated jeddart-axe hovering in mid-air, the Faiyth disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, a badly damaged monir strongbox, an acid-pitted steel box, a vengeful lake spirit that is flying around, a wafer of candied seeds, a wafer of candied seeds, the Kialeigh disk, an ivy-covered white monir tower, a cherry red ash baton wrapped in crisscrossing white ribbons, a cherry red ash baton wrapped in crisscrossing white ribbons, a cherry red ash baton wrapped in crisscrossing white ribbons, an iron-banded linden keg of spiced Vornavian apple beer, a drake falchion, a large acorn, a mistwood serving cart with some stuff on it, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some wide stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: Lord Bigsword, the body of Sevanya who is lying down, the body of Raiyner who is lying down, Town Councilor Chandrellia, Jara, Showstoper, the body of Lord Braugi who is lying down, Lord Remizycas, the body of Oxhammer who is lying down, Lady Innez, Faiyth, Sunwu, Archious, Lord Kellafar, Kialeigh Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest
Speaking to Leafiara, the ghostly voice of Sevanya says, "Hello. You have an incredible sense of timing."
Speaking squeakily to Bigsword, the ghostly voice of Braugi asks, "They stab you in the head also?"
Leafiara says, "I realize this is saying a lot, but this is truly one of the most ill conceived plans we've ever had."
The ghostly voice of Braugi squeakily says, "They basically just took me out of the fight."
From nearby, you hear Pookia yell, "They killed my boyfriend!"
[combat in the streets]
[General] Leafiara thinks, "A few stray fighters have split up to handle the streets, most of them strong."
[General] Pookia thinks, "Tower is cleared... if there are any other targets for me to eviscerate lemme at em."
[General] Kiyna thinks, "Is there a large group? I'm trying to meet up."
[General] Leafiara asks, "Not that I see in town. How about on the ships?"
[General] Gamiron thinks, "Ok i'm stuck in a dark place outside the brig and i can't see anything or do anything and searching doesn't seem to do anything."
[General] Nairena thinks, "I will scout the dock."
[General] Nairena thinks, "North docks are clear."
Leafiara says, "These elementals are really something..."
[extended combat]
[General] Gamiron asks, "So, how come other people seem to be able to see any move and i can't do crap?"
[Wehnimer's, Lyon Way]
The intermittent rhythm of movement through the street to the east and west is accentuated by a constant loud clanging coming from the north, where a column of smoke rises from a towering chimney. A flatbed wagon has been abandoned here where it collided with the wall of a shabby workshop, and now serves only as a home for a few scrawny rats which scamper around its ruined platform. You also see the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk and a seasoned krolvin lieutenant.
Speaking to a seasoned krolvin lieutenant, Leafiara says, "Tell Tyrrax... he's right. There are a lot of deceivers and dishonorable fighters here."
[General] Kiyna exclaims, "This is the gargoyle ship! D'karz Criga!"
[combat... not with the lieutenant, but another enemy that wandered in]
Leafiara says, "Or fight to the death and others will take you, I suppose."
[General] Chandrellia exclaims, "Careful Kiyna!"
[combat against another enemy]
Sheets of heavy rain drown you in an unrelenting curtain of water.
Leafiara absently says, "No heavy rain can cleanse this..."
A shadowy gloom swiftly pushes upward from the ground. When the darkness lifts, Chandrellia is standing in its place.
[combat against another enemy]
Chandrellia screams!
Leafiara asks, "What?"
Chandrellia exclaims, "Didnt mean to poof here!"
Leafiara says, "Kezoku down in the brig."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "Coming shortly."
[General] Nairena thinks, "Atleast the flower girl is safe...."
Titanic Clash
[General] Adelynn exclaims, "Sighted Kharusa on d'karz criga!"
Leafiara says, "There..."
Leafiara says, "Okay, going for Kez."
Leafiara says, "The rest of these aren't that strong."
[Czag Mordg, Brig]
A humanoid skeleton can be seen in the darkness of the brig, its bones shackled to a nearby wall. A small rat nibbles on one of the skeleton's toe bones. A series of unclaimed chains hang from the ceiling, all awaiting a new victim. You also see a bone white steel jeddart-axe, some icy blue chain hauberk, the coffin-shaped Toxana disk, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, a stained dark shield, a stained dark shield, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, a small wild rice and millet cake laced with maple syrup, some golden brown elven waybread, a thin wafer of crispy elven waybread, a thin wafer of crispy elven waybread and a thin wafer of crispy elven waybread.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Lady Toxana, the body of High Lord Kezoku who is lying down
Leafiara says, "Ah, perfect."
Toxana says, "They can come in here."
[General] Kiyna exclaims, "She got dragged off!"
[back to TSC]
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a wispy reddish-orange sprite with pointed ears, a sparkly sea green sprite with slender wings, the Rahj disk, a glass of orange juice, the Callayne disk, a vengeful lake spirit that is flying around, the Lankas disk, a grilled flour flatbread drizzled with chile oil, the Faiyth disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, a wafer of candied seeds, a wafer of candied seeds, the Kialeigh disk, an ivy-covered white monir tower, a cherry red ash baton wrapped in crisscrossing white ribbons, a cherry red ash baton wrapped in crisscrossing white ribbons, a cherry red ash baton wrapped in crisscrossing white ribbons, an iron-banded linden keg of spiced Vornavian apple beer, a drake falchion, a large acorn, a mistwood serving cart with some stuff on it, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some wide stone benches with some stuff on it.
[General] Adelynn exclaims, "Yikes! found a spiritualist!"
[General] Adelynn exclaims, "And a lieutenant!"
[triage, rescues]
Speaking to Leafiara, the ghostly voice of Saraphenia says, "I went to check on our house."
[General] Rhaladin asks, "Mebbe get ah group on each ship tae find da dang halflin?"
[General] Nairena asks, "Is she still on the ships???"
[General] Leafiara asks, "How many ships are there?"
[General] Leafiara asks, "...and where's Rian?"
[General] Lylia thinks, "I have not seen him at all. I have been trying to find him."
[General] Kharusa thinks, "I am free again! Waves knocked the krolvin overboard!"
[General] Cryheart asks, "Back to bashing the ships are you on them?"
[General] Archious thinks, "That one has been returned to town."
[General] Pietra asks, "Kharusa, which ship are you on?"
[General] Qatari thinks, "Mercenaries along north ring road."
[General] Pietra thinks, "Kiyna, your halfling friend is looking for you."
[General] Lylia asks, "Kharusa, where are you? Where is your father held?"
[General] Kharusa thinks, "I saw a silver panther."
[General] Lylia thinks, "Have you seen Rian? The half-elven scholar, tall and brown-haired? The one always by Tyrrax's side..."
[General] Lylia thinks, "Thank you."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "It looks like a small Cryblob has assembled on the streets, along with a Gespry group."
[General] Kharusa thinks, "I do not know where he is held. My father, or the scribe."
[General] Leafiara asks, "How are the the forces on the ships?"
[General] Bigsword asks, "What is a cryblob?"
[General] Directed to Leafiara, Stormyrain thinks, "Slow, but still a straggler or two."
[General] Leafiara offhandedly thinks, "Local nickname for groups led by Cryheart."
[travel, combat]
[General] Bigsword thinks, "Haha nice."
[General] Pookia thinks, "A cryblob is me, right now, because my boyfriend is dead."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "We'll get him patched up in no time."
[General] Directed to Stormyrain, Leafiara asks, "That's the Landing's forces or the krolvin's?"
[General] Directed to Leafiara, Stormyrain thinks, "Krolvin's."
[General] Ycelacie curiously asks, "Did everyone get dispelled?"
[General] Sevanya thinks, "There better be some kind of official funeral for that archer."
[General] Chandrellia asks, "Anymore dead aboard the ships?"
[General] Cryheart asks, "You all still on the warships?"
[General] Directed to Cryheart, Stormyrain thinks, "Yes."
[General] Guarrin thinks, "Aye we saw Kharusa for a moment."
[General] Pookia asks, "How many are on the warships?"
[General] Stormyrain asks, "Where did Lylia fall?"
[General] Goldstr thinks, "I was just able to Voln return off da ship."
[Czag Mordg, Brig]
A humanoid skeleton can be seen in the darkness of the brig, its bones shackled to a nearby wall. A small rat nibbles on one of the skeleton's toe bones. A series of unclaimed chains hang from the ceiling, all awaiting a new victim. You also see a bone white steel jeddart-axe, some icy blue chain hauberk, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, a stained dark shield, a stained dark shield, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, a small wild rice and millet cake laced with maple syrup, some golden brown elven waybread, a thin wafer of crispy elven waybread, a thin wafer of crispy elven waybread and a thin wafer of crispy elven waybread.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, the body of Lady Adelynn who is lying down
[General] Dendum thinks, "Last time she was on ship."
With a powerful bark, a massive krolvin champion comes bounding into view!
The ghostly voice of Adelynn exclaims, "Watch out!"
[Leafi one-shots it]
The ghostly voice of Adelynn says, "Or not."
[General] Lylia thinks, "I was on a ship. I was on the V'Koort Renqua, I think. Legonnaires. Swashbucklers. And then it all went dark."
Leafiara says, "It's almost sad."
Leafiara says, "No."
Leafiara says, "It is sad."
A bright yellow portal rips open in mid-air and Bigsword's body falls from it, landing on the ground with a thud.
* Earthdiver was just vaporized! * Earthdiver just bit the dust! * Guarrin just bit the dust! * Kiyna just bit the dust!
A bright yellow portal rips open in mid-air and Earthdiver's body falls from it, landing on the ground with a thud.
A bright yellow portal rips open in mid-air and Kiyna's body falls from it, landing on the ground with a thud.
A bright yellow portal rips open in mid-air and Guarrin's body falls from it, landing on the ground with a thud.
The ghostly voice of Bigsword exclaims, "I found them!"
[General] Leafiara informs, "'nother fresh round of corpses in the brig."
Adelynn weakly moans, "Ohh, my head!"
Adelynn says, "Or what's left of it..."
The ghostly voice of Aurien says, "That was a nasty pile of krol."
[General] Iskandr asks, "Town is pretty well patroled currently, more help needed with ships again?"
[General] Pietra exclaims, "Pukk! Nooo!"
[General] The ghost of Pukk exclaims, "I got home the fast way!"
[General] The ghost of Pukk exclaims, "I win!"
[Help] Jubbley: "Can ye grab em all and fog em to voln?"
[Help] Leafiara: "No, can't fog out of here."
[Help] Jubbley: "Well that sucks."
Adelynn asks, "Now how do we ... get out of here?"
Adelynn says, "In particular, back to town to get respelled."
Leafiara says, "Search for the crack leading out, then crawl your way out."
Speaking to Adelynn, Chandrellia says, "Go thru teh crack and follow it around."
[General] The ghost of Kiyna thinks, "Kharusa, where are you now? Are you safe? We're making our way to the silver panther."
The ghostly voice of Xorus says, "That was unfortunate."
Along the deck of a ship, a yellow portal rips open and Amos and Tyrrax come stumbling through. They are bleeding, broken, and bruised. They throw wide punches, some landing, some missing. Tyrrax barks loudly while Amos roars to match the ferocity. They are engulfed by a yellow portal.
[General] Pookia exclaims, "They are kissing!"
[General] Nairena exclaims, "Way to go Amos!"
[General] Sevanya exclaims, "Boys will be boys!"
[General] Pookia exclaims, "Fist kisses!"
Leafiara reiterates, "I'm really, really surprised Tyrrax is actually holding out against Amos. Seriously thought Amos would just smash him."
[General] Vaemyr thinks, "Get him Amos, he's left tons of bodies of dead half krolvin in their holds just to rot."
The ghostly voice of Xorus says, "Tyrrax has been confident enough to stand alone in large crowds."
The ghostly voice of Xorus says, "His artifacts must be potent."
[General] Adelynn exclaims, "How does one follow this crack, I can't see anything!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Guess I'll be making a withdrawal later." [a withdrawal of silvers to buy more chrisms]
[General] Leafiara thinks, "Crawl about to find the way out."
[General] Roelon thinks, "They keep at it like that and Thadston might get jealous..."
[General] Peggyanne asks, "Am i too late?"
[General] Pookia sadly thinks, "Wail on him at least once for my archer ex boyfriend."
[General] Guarrin asks, "Do we have a route to that last ship?"
[General] Lankas asks, "Soo, umm are you single now?"
[General] Sevanya asks, "Why don't you go find a hole in the ground instead?"
[General] Peggyanne asks, "Too late to join in the fun?"
Speaking to Earthdiver, Bigsword asks, "Holy heck, did you have a growth spurt??" [OOC note: Heh, Earthdiver had run into a problem where he was unable to pick up his stuff from the constable because he was a halfling, so he fixraced to giant as a temporary measure when no GMs were awake to help. Not sure if that ever got sorted or what.]
[General] Directed to Lankas, Pookia thinks, "I havent even seasoned him yet."
[General] Oxhammer thinks, "TSNW is rocking."
Lylia whispers something to Xorus.
[General] Leafiara asks, "Would that be in a good or bad way?"
[General] Sevanya thinks, "Looks like a good one."
A great roar echoes from the deck of a krolvin warship. Amos throws back his head, his greatcloak thrown back to reveal several tribal tattoos covering his chest and shoulder. He touches them briefly and his veins pulse and his eyes spark! He swings hard at Tyrrax and sends him flying through the air, smashing into the wall of the nearby quarterdeck.
[General] Lankas thinks, "He is standing on a mound of discarded armor, shield, and weapons."
[General] Aeith thinks, "They keep coming there but they are being held at bay well when they do."
Leafiara says, "Ah, I see, Amos was holding back."
* Cryheart just bit the dust!
A bright yellow portal rips open in mid-air and Cryheart's body falls from it, landing on the ground with a thud.
A bright yellow portal rips open in mid-air and Rhaladin's body falls from it, landing on the ground with a thud.
A bright yellow portal rips open in mid-air and Ycelacie's body falls from it, landing on the ground with a thud.
A bright yellow portal rips open in mid-air and Whisker's body falls from it, landing on the ground with a thud.
The ghostly voice of Xorus says, "Ah."
[General] Pookia thinks, "Dead archer ex boyfriend tower clear."
Leafiara says, "Well then."
The ghostly voice of Cryheart says, "Gads."
Bigsword says, "Fresh meat."
The ghostly voice of Iskandr says, "Sure fun to dive thru a portal with cryheart and everyone die somewhere else."
The ghostly voice of Whisker says, "Dern that first step was a doozy."
The ghostly voice of Rhaladin says, "Ah got hit by abouts twenty seven things at once."
The ghostly voice of Ycelacie says, "This was bad."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "If there are any more clerics out there capable of fogging to the brig, we could use the aid."
[Czag Mordg, Brig]
A humanoid skeleton can be seen in the darkness of the brig, its bones shackled to a nearby wall. A small rat nibbles on one of the skeleton's toe bones. A series of unclaimed chains hang from the ceiling, all awaiting a new victim. You also see a thin wafer of crispy elven waybread, the coffin-shaped Jara disk, the coffin-shaped Toxana disk, the Callayne disk, a tiny orange calico kitten wearing a tiny tricorn charm, the faenor Chandrellia disk inlaid with intersecting bands of jet, a sleek raven black kitten masked in stormy grey fur, some icy blue chain hauberk, a bone white steel jeddart-axe, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, a bone white steel jeddart-axe, some icy blue chain hauberk, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, a stained dark shield, a stained dark shield, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, a small wild rice and millet cake laced with maple syrup, a thin wafer of crispy elven waybread, a thin wafer of crispy elven waybread and a small crack in the wall (hidden).
Also here: Eyona, the body of Whisker who is lying down, the body of Mistress Ycelacie who is lying down, the body of Arena Hero Rhaladin who is lying down, the body of Sir Cryheart who is lying down, the body of Squire Legionnaire Iskandr who is lying down, Kisun, Jara, Lady Toxana who is kneeling, Haeven, the body of Bernadette who is lying down, High Lady Jubbley, the body of Xorus who is lying down, the body of Magister Raelee who is lying down, Stormyrain who is sleeping, Imperatrix Lylia who is kneeling, Missoni who is sleeping, Argent Master Aurien who is sitting, Great Lady Callayne who is kneeling, Wolfloner who is sleeping, Kothos, Town Councilor Chandrellia, Town Councilor Leafiara, Lord Bigsword, Novarian who is kneeling
Speaking to Eyona, Leafiara says, "Well, love, welcome to the battlefield."
[General] Kiyna thinks, "I'm at the Sands. We're gonna need to amass a large force to break through. Especially large since the portals will split us up."
The ghostly voice of Iskandr says, "I didn't even see where I was when I dove through the portal, just that it was horrible."
Speaking to Eyona, Leafiara says, "Or the triage field at least. This area is safe."
Speaking to Xorus, Kothos says, "If you would prefer a more horizontal perspective."
Speaking in Elven to Leafiara, Eyona adds something you don't understand.
The ghostly voice of Xorus says, "The horizontal expression of a vertical desire."
Speaking to Xorus, Kothos says, "I admire your wit as a corpse, at the least."
Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "I am not sure that is how that phrase goes...but if you say it, it must be so."
The ghostly voice of Xorus says, "It was apropos."
The ghostly voice of Markx says, "Twas goin so good too."
Lylia says, "It is."
[General] Pookia thinks, "Alive archer current boyfriend tower is clear! we brought him back! im just THAT loveable."
Speaking to Kothos, the ghostly voice of Xorus says, "In the Krolgeh tongue, that is Czag Mordg."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "A rather large portion of our forces are dead in the brig at the moment."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "Or recovering."
[Czag Mordg, Brig]
A humanoid skeleton can be seen in the darkness of the brig, its bones shackled to a nearby wall. A small rat nibbles on one of the skeleton's toe bones. A series of unclaimed chains hang from the ceiling, all awaiting a new victim. You also see a thin wafer of crispy elven waybread, the coffin-shaped Jara disk, the coffin-shaped Toxana disk, the Callayne disk, a tiny orange calico kitten wearing a tiny tricorn charm, the faenor Chandrellia disk inlaid with intersecting bands of jet, a sleek raven black kitten masked in stormy grey fur, some icy blue chain hauberk, a bone white steel jeddart-axe, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, a bone white steel jeddart-axe, some icy blue chain hauberk, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, a stained dark shield, a stained dark shield, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, a small wild rice and millet cake laced with maple syrup, a thin wafer of crispy elven waybread, a thin wafer of crispy elven waybread and a small crack in the wall (hidden).
Also here: Topps, the body of The Infamous Peggyanne who is lying down, the body of Markx who is lying down, Alisah, Eyona, Whisker who is kneeling, Arena Hero Rhaladin, the body of Sir Cryheart who is lying down, the body of Squire Legionnaire Iskandr who is lying down, Kisun, Jara who is kneeling, Lady Toxana who is kneeling, Haeven, Bernadette who is lying down, High Lady Jubbley, the body of Xorus who is lying down, Magister Raelee, Stormyrain who is sleeping, Imperatrix Lylia who is kneeling, Missoni who is sitting, Argent Master Aurien who is kneeling, Great Lady Callayne who is kneeling, Wolfloner who is lying down, Kothos, Town Councilor Chandrellia, Town Councilor Leafiara, Novarian who is kneeling
The walls tremble violently as the blast from a pylon lands nearby! Wisps of blue-white smoke seeps in through cracks in the wall of the brig.
[General] Kiyna thinks, "Aye. Let's regroup instead of trickling in a little at a time. Gather up for a big push."
Speaking to a small crack in the wall, Kisun exclaims, "Hey, we're in here! Stop that!"
Chandrellia recites:
"To leave look for a crack, and travel the path, you will end up on the sands at some point"
[General] Adelynn asks, "I'm ready for more, who is leading and where?"
Speaking to Chandrellia, Toxana asks, "Any crack?"
Kisun recites:
"Don't forget to use yer recalls, no use in serving for Voln, if ya aint using what ya earned."
[General] Kiyna thinks, "Bulk of our best are recovering from death."
Speaking to Toxana, Chandrellia says, "Normally I would have a witty statement for such, but I am a bit over busy."
Tyrrax crawls out of the rubble of a wall upon the deck, grabbing a stark white hand-held pylon and hoisting his arm up to fire rapidly at Amos! The giantman moves to the left, then right, dodging the first two bolts but then is struck in the chest by a third and fourth. He howls in pain, the runes along his skin glowing and his flesh bubbling.
Xorus says, "That is irony."
Kisun says, "Oh man.."
Kisun says, "Tyrrax shot Amos with da pylon."
[General] Guarrin thinks, "Clearing the roads until we can regroup."
Rhaladin says, "Mebbe somebody shoulda told Amos dat swords exist."
Rhaladin says, "Woulda' been much faster 'an punchin."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "Only one still dead in the brig. We can probably at least begin to reconvene."
[Realm] Kothos asks, "Nearly all the bodies in the brig are up, how is Town Square?"
[General] Lankas thinks, "Clear."
Leafiara recites:
"To escape this area, search for the crack, then crawl out... due north, southwest, southeast, and east if you can get your bearings in the darkness."
[Realm] Kothos exclaims, "Excellent!"
[General] Clunk asks, "All is well?"
Leafiara says, "You'll end up in the waters and washed out to shore."
[General] Wonkus exclaims, "Good job, everybody!"
Speaking in Guildspeak, Jara says something you don't understand.
[General] Roelon thinks, "The streets are mosty clear of the invaders."
[General] Chandrellia asks, "Kharusa, can you still hear us?"
[General] Kharusa thinks, "Help me..."
[The Black Sands]
A narrow strip of black sand winds between the pulsing sea and the huddled rocks. You look out at the dark waters of the bay, set against the grey sky. With the black sands beneath your feet and the frozen black lava behind you, you feel as though all the color has been blotted out of the world. You also see the Vaikeses disk, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, a fluffy white cat, a lazy wild dark crimson dog, a ragged earred wolf, a small raven that is flying around, a wide yellow-white portal, a tall wooden archery tower, the waters of Darkstone Bay and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Missoni, Vaikeses, Pietra, Sir Guarrin, Drektor, Kayse, High Lord Kezoku, Mistress Ycelacie, Magister Raelee, Vaemyr, Kiyna
Guarrin says, "There are some of them now."
Leafiara says, "Well..."
Vaemyr says, "Here's more."
[General] Vaemyr thinks, "We're coming."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "We're trying hon, we going as fast as we can."
[General] Leafiara asks, "Where are you?"
[Merchant] Missoni: "Where are you?"
[General] Guarrin thinks, "Reforming on the sands for another attempt."
Vaemyr says, "She's on the ship of death."
Leafiara mutters, "And where's Rian, for that matter?"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Pietra asks, "Arent they all?"
Speaking dryly to Vaemyr, Missoni asks, "Which one?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Good question."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Pietra says, "Ships of death that is."
[General] Dendum exclaims, "Have looked all over these ships see no halfling!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Guarrin says, "Haven't seen him since he gave something to Dendum."
Vaemyr says, "Silver panther one."
[General] Dendum thinks, "Did find one moldy cupcake."
Vaemyr says, "The one with a million elementals and stormcrows."
Leafiara says, "This looks like a... reasonable sized group."
[General] Clunk thinks, "Heh."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Till we get seperated."
(OOC) Guarrin's player whispers to the group, "One of them is just insta death walking into the portal lol."
(OOC) Pietra's player whispers to the group, "The Pluuk ship is just FULL of em."
[General] Dendum thinks, "Also terrible krolvin steak....Light Bringer should be fighting his cook not Amos."
The yellow and white portal begin to flicker.
(OOC) Ycelacie's player whispers to the group, "I jumped in after cryheart like yolo, but luckily thats not true."
(OOC) Vaemyr's player whispers to the group, "I'm going to be open imploding to prevent them from open imploding."
Guarrin says, "Alright folks."
Perigourd says, "This may be our last attempt."
Vaemyr says, "We need to go."
Guarrin asks, "Are we ready for another push?"
Leafiara says, "Sure looks like it."
[The Black Sands]
A narrow strip of black sand winds between the pulsing sea and the huddled rocks. You look out at the dark waters of the bay, set against the grey sky. With the black sands beneath your feet and the frozen black lava behind you, you feel as though all the color has been blotted out of the world. You also see the Earthdiver disk, the Falvicar disk, the green Nairena disk, a white-bellied inky black marmoset, the Vaikeses disk, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, a fluffy white cat, a lazy wild dark crimson dog, a ragged earred wolf, a small raven that is flying around, a wide yellow-white portal, a tall wooden archery tower, the waters of Darkstone Bay and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Also here: Lady Adelynn, Earthdiver, Lord Bigsword, Town Councilor Pukk, Squire Legionnaire Iskandr, Arena Hero Rhaladin, Falvicar, Lady Nairena, Kisun, Imperatrix Lylia, Stormyrain, Perigourd, Town Councilor Leafiara, Missoni, Vaikeses, Pietra, Sir Guarrin, Drektor, Kayse, High Lord Kezoku, Mistress Ycelacie, Magister Raelee, Vaemyr, Kiyna
Vaemyr says, "This is what we got."
[General] Dezter thinks, "Or....anything...."
Guarrin exclaims, "Here we go!"
[General] Dendum thinks, "Will be famous for having terrible cook and losing fleet in Darkstone Bay."
(OOC) Ycelacie's player whispers to the group, "Because i live again."
[General] Rhaladin thinks, "Aye dat's da truth Dendum."
Guarrin says, "Moving."
[travel, combat]
[General] Clunk thinks, "Them is near House Phoenix."
Guarrin says, "Moving."
[travel, combat]
[Czag Mordg, Quarterdeck]
The railing of the quarterdeck has been scorched from fire long ago, its hue matching the black-shrouded masts overhead. An open hatchway leads down into captain's quarters. You also see the Earthdiver disk, the gold-dusted Adelynn disk crowned with sylvarraend rubies, the green Nairena disk, the Falvicar disk, a bone white steel jeddart-axe, some icy blue chain hauberk, the Vaikeses disk, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, a scratched plate, a flickering bright yellow portal and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Guarrin says, "Alright, reform on the other side."
Vaemyr says, "Here we go."
You go through the bright yellow portal, rushing forward until you find that your surroundings have changed.
[V'Koort Renqua, Forecastle]
The ship's bow is affixed with a huge bleached skull figurehead, its lower jawbone completely missing. Wind and rain continue to assault the deck, the water mixing in with blood along the wooden planks. You also see a heavy dark grey jeddart-axe, a mangled arm, a flayed arm, a bloody arm, a decayed arm, a skeletal arm, a pair of three-fingered arms, a seasoned krolvin lieutenant that appears dead and a moldy lemon cupcake.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, High Lord Kezoku, Vaemyr
The voice of Adelynn says, "Hmm."
[General] Adelynn asks, "Is it random where we come out of the portal?" [...seems to be, so therefore there's no reforming on the other side]
[travel, some combat]
Leafiara says, "Hm."
[Czag Mordg, Captain Quarters]
An ebony desk has been smashed in two, many splintered pieces littering the center of the cabin. Three broken windows allow the storm's winds to rush through the small area, scattering a number of old maps and parchments along the floor. You also see some icy blue chain hauberk, a bone white steel jeddart-axe, a huge blood red jeddart-axe, some large coal black hauberk, a huge blood red jeddart-axe, some large coal black hauberk, some silver coins, a bone white steel jeddart-axe, some icy blue chain hauberk, some dark flame-etched leathers, some scuffed brigandine, a chain hauberk, a wide red-bladed broadsword, a stained dark shield, some sleek black leathers, a round barrel chair, a round barrel chair, a wooden hatch and a stained driftwood chest with some stuff on it.
>l on che
On the driftwood chest:
Food/Drink [6]: a bowl of halibut stew, a tankard of icy golden lager, some fried squid rings, a flask of black currant vodka, a marinated barracuda filet, an aged walrus steak
[General] Kiyna thinks, "Yeah."
[travel, some combat]
[General] Leafiara asks, "Which ship is everyone trying to reach?"
[General] Vaemyr thinks, "Kharusa we're on the silver panther."
Amos rushes towards Tyrrax on the deck of a ship, leaping then clapping his hands on the sides of his head! The krolvin howls, blood spewing from his ears and he stumbles backwards. Amos grabs Tyrrax's face then pulls his head hard into his knee, once, then twice, shattering his nose. Tyrrax fires up with his hand-pylon, burning away part of Amos's skin along his right shoulder. The krolvin touches his urglaes bracer and tiny red shards leap out from it, impaling Amos's chest and burrowing into his skin! The two behemoths continue their battle.
[travel, combat]
[General] Clunk thinks, "Ughh."
[General] Kharusa exclaims, "I am near!"
[General] Pookia thinks, "The two behemoths really need a room."
[General] Dendum thinks, "Oi, Czag Brakat you having trouble with merchant of landing? City is full of them."
Adelynn asks, "Is this the right ship?"
[travel, some combat]
Leafiara says, "Hm."
[travel, accidentally ending up back on the sands]
[The Black Sands]
A narrow strip of black sand winds between the pulsing sea and the huddled rocks. You look out at the dark waters of the bay, set against the grey sky. With the black sands beneath your feet and the frozen black lava behind you, you feel as though all the color has been blotted out of the world. You also see a sleek raven black kitten masked in stormy grey fur, a tiny orange calico kitten wearing a tiny tricorn charm, the faenor Chandrellia disk inlaid with intersecting bands of jet, the Vaikeses disk, the green Nairena disk, a white-bellied inky black marmoset, a fluffy white cat, a lazy wild dark crimson dog, a ragged earred wolf, a small raven that is flying around, a wide yellow-white portal, a tall wooden archery tower and the waters of Darkstone Bay.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Town Councilor Chandrellia, Dendum, Magister Raelee, Kisun, Conquerer of Reim Drazaa, Vaikeses, Lady Nairena, Topps, Alisah, High Lord Kezoku, Xorus, High Lady Jubbley, Arena Hero Rhaladin, Imperatrix Lylia
Lylia says, "I intend to, but not alone."
[travel, some combat]
From nearby, you hear Adelynn yell, "Hiya!"
[General] Directed to Guarrin, Stormyrain thinks, "We are on the Pluuk Gzadmor."
[Pluuk Gzadmor, Main Deck]
Three large black masts flap against the harsh wind rushing across the Darkstone Bay. Krolvin bark wildly as they run along the main deck. You also see some battered full leather, a salt-stained reinforced shield, a gruesome blood red falchion, some battered full leather, a salt-stained reinforced shield and a large sack.
Speaking to Leafiara, Stormyrain asks, "This is the right ship, if memory serves?"
Stormyrain asks, "For the halfling?"
The voice of Asben asks, "Maybe?"
Speaking to Stormyrain, Leafiara admits, "I wouldn't know."
Suddenly a blast of crackling blue-white energy streaks across the bay and strikes near Tyrrax and Amos! The deck of the ship is torn to shreds, light and debris flying everywhere! Tyrrax goes flying back, falling into the depths of the ship, while Amos is thrown up, his body twisting in the air unnaturally before he lands in the water with a loud splash!
Finding Kharusa
Leafiara says, "Hm."
Stormyrain says, "Guarrin and Missoni said it was."
[Pluuk Gzadmor, Cargo Hold]
Chains hang from the walls of the cargo hold and more than a few corpses litter the floor, all slaves who found only an escape through death. The light from lanterns casts flickering shadows along the corridor of the hold. You also see the gold-dusted Adelynn disk crowned with sylvarraend rubies, the gold-dusted Berean disk crowned with sylvarraend rubies, a small dark red shield, some dark flame-etched leathers, a slender orange steel falchion, the Earthdiver disk and a stale lemon tart.
Also here: Kiyna, Vaemyr, Earthdiver
Adelynn, Berean and Stormyrain followed.
Vaemyr says, "She was here somewhere."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Okay, I feel better knowing you're here."
Vaemyr says, "But might be hiding."
Leafiara recites:
"Group on Vaemyr!"
Earthdiver yells, "Kharusa!"
Leafiara says, "I've mostly been resurrecting, so I don't know the layouts as well as I should."
The voice of Asben exclaims, "You're not Pukk!"
Adelynn yells, "Heeeeere hobbit hobbit hobbit! We've got tarts!"
Leafiara says, "...and there's that."
Earthdiver says, "I've mostly been here. And don't know the layout."
Vaemyr says, "Keep a look out for her."
[cobmat; Rift dispels kick in]
Leafiara mutters, "Well, that'll put a significant cramp in my style and power."
Vaemyr says, "Moving about."
The voice of Adelynn irritatedly grates, "This anti-mana garbage is really starting to get on my nerves."
[D'karz Criga, Main Deck Aft]
Rising high above the deck is the crow's nest and mainmast, which pulls against the wind rushing by. Krolvin toss the corpses of unfit victims over the side of the ship, laughing and barking as they fall with a splash. You also see some large coal black hauberk, a large sleek black jeddart-axe, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, the Earthdiver disk, the gold-dusted Adelynn disk crowned with sylvarraend rubies, the gold-dusted Berean disk crowned with sylvarraend rubies, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, some scuffed brigandine, a jeddart-axe, a chain hauberk and some black brigandine armor.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Earthdiver, Vaemyr, Kiyna, Conquerer of Reim Berean, Lord Asben, Mistress Ycelacie
Vaemyr says, "We got moved."
Leafiara says, "We did."
Ycelacie says, "It is."
Vaemyr says, "Welp see ya on the flip side."
Lady Kharusa just arrived.
Lady Kharusa just went north.
Vaemyr's group just went north.
[D'karz Criga, Main Deck]
The ship's figurehead arcs high into the air above the front of the vessel, its stone grey gargoyle face staring up into the sky. A stained gangplank stretches out from the side of the ship and wobbles slightly from the rocking of the waves. You also see an armored krolvin mercenary, a ravenous krolvin berserker, a red-eyed robed krolvin stormcrow, a sharp-eyed krolvin huntmaster, a large krolvin shaman, a rune staff, a one-eyed krolvin pirate, a scarred krolvin brigand, a lithe krolvin swashbuckler, a huge murky water elemental, an enormous krolvin warbringer, a burly krolvin myrmidon, a wild-eyed krolvin plunderer, a seasoned krolvin lieutenant, a massive krolvin champion, a white-haired krolvin stormcrow, a tall krolvin campaigner, some discolored full leather, some stained brigandine armor, a reinforced dark wooden shield, a wide red-bladed broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield and a dented dark blue shield.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Conquerer of Reim Berean, Mistress Ycelacie, Kiyna, Earthdiver, Vaemyr, Lady Kharusa
The voice of Adelynn says, "Hi."
Leafiara says, "The maze of portals is... an interesting strategy. I'm surprised even they can figure it out."
[extended combat]
[D'karz Criga, Main Deck]
The ship's figurehead arcs high into the air above the front of the vessel, its stone grey gargoyle face staring up into the sky. A stained gangplank stretches out from the side of the ship and wobbles slightly from the rocking of the waves. You also see a notched blue steel sabre, a huge murky water elemental, an enormous krolvin warbringer that is lying down, a red-eyed robed krolvin stormcrow that is lying down, a sharp-eyed krolvin huntmaster, a one-eyed krolvin pirate, an armored krolvin mercenary, a bulky krolvin legionnaire, a snarling krolvin raider, a burly krolvin myrmidon, a wild-eyed krolvin plunderer, a seasoned krolvin lieutenant that appears stunned, a lithe krolvin swashbuckler, a scarred krolvin brigand, a ravenous krolvin berserker, a large krolvin shaman, a massive krolvin champion, a red-eyed krolvin pyromancer, a white-haired krolvin stormcrow, a slender blue steel cutlass, a huge murky water elemental, an enormous krolvin warbringer, a red-eyed robed krolvin stormcrow that appears dead, a sharp-eyed krolvin huntmaster, a one-eyed krolvin pirate that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, a bulky krolvin legionnaire that appears stunned, a snarling krolvin raider that appears dead, a burly krolvin myrmidon that appears dead, a wild-eyed krolvin plunderer that appears dead, a seasoned krolvin lieutenant that appears stunned, a lithe krolvin swashbuckler that appears stunned, a scarred krolvin brigand that appears stunned, a ravenous krolvin berserker that appears stunned, a large krolvin shaman that appears stunned, a massive krolvin champion, a red-eyed krolvin pyromancer, a white-haired krolvin stormcrow, the Earthdiver disk, the gold-dusted Adelynn disk crowned with sylvarraend rubies, the gold-dusted Berean disk crowned with sylvarraend rubies, a slender blue steel cutlass, a stained dark shield, a clawed arm, a skeletal arm, a gnarled arm, a mangled arm, a putrid arm, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, a ravenous krolvin berserker that appears stunned, a red-eyed robed krolvin stormcrow that appears dead, a sharp-eyed krolvin huntmaster, a large krolvin shaman that appears dead, a rune staff, a one-eyed krolvin pirate that appears dead, a scarred krolvin brigand that appears stunned, a lithe krolvin swashbuckler that appears dead, a huge murky water elemental, an enormous krolvin warbringer, a burly krolvin myrmidon that appears dead, a wild-eyed krolvin plunderer that is lying down, a seasoned krolvin lieutenant, a massive krolvin champion, a white-haired krolvin stormcrow, a tall krolvin campaigner that is lying down, some discolored full leather, some stained brigandine armor, a reinforced dark wooden shield, a wide red-bladed broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield and a dented dark blue shield.
Also here: Earthdiver who is lying down, Town Councilor Leafiara, a stunned Conquerer of Reim Berean who is lying down, Lord Asben who is lying down, Lady Adelynn who is lying down, Mistress Ycelacie who is lying down and immobilized, Vaemyr who is lying down and immobilized, Lady Kharusa
[that's 40 enemies alive and 12 dead]
[D'karz Criga, Main Deck]
The ship's figurehead arcs high into the air above the front of the vessel, its stone grey gargoyle face staring up into the sky. A stained gangplank stretches out from the side of the ship and wobbles slightly from the rocking of the waves. You also see a large sleek black jeddart-axe, a scratched black buckler, a wide red-bladed broadsword, a rune staff, a notched blue steel sabre, a huge murky water elemental, an enormous krolvin warbringer, a red-eyed robed krolvin stormcrow that appears dead, a sharp-eyed krolvin huntmaster that is lying down, a one-eyed krolvin pirate that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, a bulky krolvin legionnaire that appears dead, a snarling krolvin raider that appears dead, a burly krolvin myrmidon that appears dead, a wild-eyed krolvin plunderer that appears dead, a seasoned krolvin lieutenant that appears dead, a lithe krolvin swashbuckler that appears dead, a scarred krolvin brigand that appears dead, a ravenous krolvin berserker that appears stunned, a large krolvin shaman that appears dead, a massive krolvin champion that appears stunned, a red-eyed krolvin pyromancer that appears stunned, a white-haired krolvin stormcrow, a slender blue steel cutlass, a huge murky water elemental, an enormous krolvin warbringer, a red-eyed robed krolvin stormcrow that appears dead, a sharp-eyed krolvin huntmaster, a one-eyed krolvin pirate that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, a bulky krolvin legionnaire that appears stunned, a snarling krolvin raider that appears dead, a burly krolvin myrmidon that appears dead, a wild-eyed krolvin plunderer that appears dead, a seasoned krolvin lieutenant that appears stunned, a lithe krolvin swashbuckler that appears stunned, a scarred krolvin brigand that is lying down, a ravenous krolvin berserker that appears stunned, a large krolvin shaman that appears stunned, a massive krolvin champion, a red-eyed krolvin pyromancer, a white-haired krolvin stormcrow, the Earthdiver disk, the gold-dusted Adelynn disk crowned with sylvarraend rubies, the gold-dusted Berean disk crowned with sylvarraend rubies, a slender blue steel cutlass, a stained dark shield, a clawed arm, a skeletal arm, a gnarled arm, a mangled arm, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, a ravenous krolvin berserker that appears stunned, a red-eyed robed krolvin stormcrow that appears dead, a sharp-eyed krolvin huntmaster, a large krolvin shaman that appears dead, a rune staff, a one-eyed krolvin pirate that appears dead, a scarred krolvin brigand that appears stunned, a lithe krolvin swashbuckler that appears dead, a huge murky water elemental, an enormous krolvin warbringer, a burly krolvin myrmidon that appears dead, a wild-eyed krolvin plunderer that is lying down, a seasoned krolvin lieutenant, a massive krolvin champion, a white-haired krolvin stormcrow, a tall krolvin campaigner that is lying down, some discolored full leather, some stained brigandine armor, a reinforced dark wooden shield, a wide red-bladed broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield and a dented dark blue shield.
Also here: Earthdiver, Town Councilor Leafiara, a stunned Conquerer of Reim Berean who is lying down, a stunned Lord Asben, Mistress Ycelacie who is lying down, the body of Vaemyr who is lying down, Lady Kharusa
[extended combat]
Leafiara says, "Ooh boy..."
[extended combat]
[D'karz Criga, Main Deck]
The ship's figurehead arcs high into the air above the front of the vessel, its stone grey gargoyle face staring up into the sky. A stained gangplank stretches out from the side of the ship and wobbles slightly from the rocking of the waves. You also see a marred blue steel buckler, a heavy dark grey jeddart-axe, a dented storm grey buckler, a bone white steel jeddart-axe, a large sleek black jeddart-axe, a bone white steel jeddart-axe, a large sleek black jeddart-axe, a bone white steel jeddart-axe, a large sleek black jeddart-axe, a scratched black buckler, a wide red-bladed broadsword, a rune staff, a notched blue steel sabre, a huge murky water elemental, an enormous krolvin warbringer that is lying down, a red-eyed robed krolvin stormcrow that appears dead, a sharp-eyed krolvin huntmaster that appears dead, a one-eyed krolvin pirate that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, a bulky krolvin legionnaire that appears dead, a snarling krolvin raider that appears dead, a burly krolvin myrmidon that appears dead, a wild-eyed krolvin plunderer that appears dead, a seasoned krolvin lieutenant that appears dead, a lithe krolvin swashbuckler that appears dead, a scarred krolvin brigand that appears dead, a ravenous krolvin berserker that appears dead, a large krolvin shaman that appears dead, a massive krolvin champion that appears dead, a red-eyed krolvin pyromancer that appears dead, a white-haired krolvin stormcrow, a slender blue steel cutlass, a huge murky water elemental, an enormous krolvin warbringer that is lying down, a red-eyed robed krolvin stormcrow that appears dead, a sharp-eyed krolvin huntmaster that is lying down, a one-eyed krolvin pirate that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, a bulky krolvin legionnaire that appears dead, a snarling krolvin raider that appears dead, a burly krolvin myrmidon that appears dead, a wild-eyed krolvin plunderer that appears dead, a seasoned krolvin lieutenant that appears dead, a lithe krolvin swashbuckler that appears dead, a scarred krolvin brigand that appears dead, a ravenous krolvin berserker that appears dead, a large krolvin shaman that appears dead, a massive krolvin champion that appears dead, a red-eyed krolvin pyromancer that appears dead, a white-haired krolvin stormcrow, the Earthdiver disk, the gold-dusted Adelynn disk crowned with sylvarraend rubies, the gold-dusted Berean disk crowned with sylvarraend rubies, a slender blue steel cutlass, a stained dark shield, a clawed arm, a skeletal arm, a gnarled arm, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, a ravenous krolvin berserker that appears dead, a red-eyed robed krolvin stormcrow that appears dead, a sharp-eyed krolvin huntmaster that is lying down, a large krolvin shaman that appears dead, a rune staff, a one-eyed krolvin pirate that appears dead, a scarred krolvin brigand that appears dead, a lithe krolvin swashbuckler that appears dead, a huge murky water elemental, an enormous krolvin warbringer that is lying down, a burly krolvin myrmidon that appears dead, a wild-eyed krolvin plunderer that appears stunned, a seasoned krolvin lieutenant that appears stunned, a massive krolvin champion, a white-haired krolvin stormcrow, a tall krolvin campaigner, some discolored full leather, some stained brigandine armor, a reinforced dark wooden shield, a wide red-bladed broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield and a dented dark blue shield.
Also here: Earthdiver, Town Councilor Leafiara, a stunned Conquerer of Reim Berean who is lying down, a stunned Lord Asben, Mistress Ycelacie, Lady Kharusa
A red-eyed robed krolvin stormcrow gestures at Kharusa!
A red-eyed robed krolvin stormcrow hurls a ball of greenish-black flame at Kharusa!
AS: +352 vs DS: +103 with AvD: +55 + d100 roll: +61 = +365
... and hits for 125 points of damage!
Powerful lash of plasma travels down neck to Kharusa's heart!
* Kharusa drops dead at your feet!
The ball of greenish-black flame strikes Kharusa, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
A burst of flame from a red-eyed robed krolvin stormcrow's ball of greenish-black flame flies off and hits Asben!
... 5 points of damage!
Searing strike to back causes Asben to grunt in pain.
A red-eyed robed krolvin stormcrow begins thumping the ground with its feet while barking up towards the sky!
* Kharusa is off to a rough start! She just bit the dust!
A bright yellow portal rips into existence, engulfing Kharusa's body before snapping closed!
[extended combat before anyone notices, because that's what happens when you have two wizards and a cleric working at the swarm]
[D'karz Criga, Main Deck]
The ship's figurehead arcs high into the air above the front of the vessel, its stone grey gargoyle face staring up into the sky. A stained gangplank stretches out from the side of the ship and wobbles slightly from the rocking of the waves. You also see a crystal amulet, some scratched pale chain hauberk, a notched blue steel sabre, a dented storm grey buckler, some stained brigandine armor, a reinforced dark wooden shield, a wide red-bladed broadsword, a dark grey steel voulge, some pitch black chain hauberk, a jeddart-axe, a chain hauberk, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a notched dark steel broadsword, a dented dark blue shield, some black brigandine armor, some scratched pale chain hauberk, a dark grey steel voulge, some pitch black chain hauberk, a chain hauberk, a star ruby, a heavy dark grey jeddart-axe, a jeddart-axe, some large coal black hauberk, a copper lockpick, a large white pearl, some ambrominas leaf, a weathered modwir strongbox, a small dark red shield, some dark flame-etched leathers, a slender orange steel falchion, some icy blue chain hauberk, a feras twohanded sword, a star ruby, a stained dark shield, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, some polished red coral, a rune staff, a slender blue steel cutlass, a marred blue steel buckler, a green garnet, some scratched pale chain hauberk, a dented storm grey buckler, a heavy dark grey jeddart-axe, some stained brigandine armor, a reinforced dark wooden shield, a dark grey steel voulge, some pitch black chain hauberk, a jeddart-axe, a chain hauberk, a notched dark steel broadsword, a dented dark blue shield, some black brigandine armor, some large coal black hauberk, a rusty bracelet, a notched blue steel sabre, a dented storm grey buckler, a rose-marrow potion, a razor-sharp dark blue falchion, a cracked wooden shield, some stained brigandine armor, a reinforced dark wooden shield, a wide red-bladed broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a notched dark steel broadsword, a dented dark blue shield, some black brigandine armor, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a piece of rose quartz, a heavy dark grey jeddart-axe, a huge murky water elemental, an enormous krolvin warbringer, a sharp-eyed krolvin huntmaster that is lying down, a lithe krolvin swashbuckler that appears stunned, a scarred krolvin brigand that appears stunned, a ravenous krolvin berserker that appears stunned, a large krolvin shaman that appears stunned, a massive krolvin champion that appears stunned, a red-eyed krolvin pyromancer that appears stunned, a white-haired krolvin stormcrow, a small grey pearl, a medium grey pearl, a white opal, an enormous krolvin warbringer that appears immobilized, a white-haired krolvin stormcrow that appears immobilized, an enormous krolvin warbringer that appears immobilized, a large krolvin shaman that appears dead, a massive krolvin champion that appears dead, a red-eyed krolvin pyromancer that appears dead, a white-haired krolvin stormcrow that appears immobilized, the Earthdiver disk and a bunch of other stuff.
Also here: Earthdiver, Town Councilor Leafiara, the body of Conquerer of Reim Berean who is lying down, a stunned Lord Asben, a stunned Mistress Ycelacie
[extended combat]
[General] The ghost of Adelynn thinks, "....neat."
[D'karz Criga, Main Deck]
The ship's figurehead arcs high into the air above the front of the vessel, its stone grey gargoyle face staring up into the sky. A stained gangplank stretches out from the side of the ship and wobbles slightly from the rocking of the waves. You also see the phantasmal Ycelacie disk, a huge blood red jeddart-axe, a large sleek black jeddart-axe, a rune staff, some discolored full leather, some scratched pale chain hauberk, a large sack, a metal wand, a notched blue steel sabre, a stale chocolate tart, some large coal black hauberk, an acid-pitted mithril box, a metal wand, a small dark red shield, some dark flame-etched leathers, a slender orange steel falchion, a stained dark shield, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, a blue crystal, a marred blue steel buckler, a small dark red shield, some dark flame-etched leathers, a slender orange steel falchion, some icy blue chain hauberk, a feras twohanded sword, a stained dark shield, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, a star sapphire, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, a cracked leather belt, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a cracked leather belt, a notched dark steel broadsword, a dented dark blue shield, some black brigandine armor, some stained brigandine armor, a reinforced dark wooden shield, a wide red-bladed broadsword, a cracked leather belt, a marred blue steel buckler, a slender blue steel cutlass, a crystal amulet, some scratched pale chain hauberk, a notched blue steel sabre, a dented storm grey buckler, some stained brigandine armor, a reinforced dark wooden shield, a wide red-bladed broadsword, a dark grey steel voulge, some pitch black chain hauberk, a jeddart-axe, a chain hauberk, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a notched dark steel broadsword, a dented dark blue shield, some black brigandine armor, some scratched pale chain hauberk, a dark grey steel voulge, some pitch black chain hauberk, a chain hauberk, a star ruby, a heavy dark grey jeddart-axe, a jeddart-axe, some large coal black hauberk, a copper lockpick, a large white pearl, some ambrominas leaf, a weathered modwir strongbox, a small dark red shield, some dark flame-etched leathers, a slender orange steel falchion, some icy blue chain hauberk, a feras twohanded sword, a star ruby, a stained dark shield, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, some polished red coral, a rune staff, a slender blue steel cutlass, a marred blue steel buckler, a green garnet, some scratched pale chain hauberk, a dented storm grey buckler, a heavy dark grey jeddart-axe, some stained brigandine armor, a reinforced dark wooden shield, a dark grey steel voulge, some pitch black chain hauberk, a jeddart-axe and a bunch of other stuff.
Also here: Blades, Earthdiver, Town Councilor Leafiara, Lord Asben, Mistress Ycelacie
Leafiara says, "Well.." [finally noticing Kharusa was gone]
[General] Dendum thinks, "Czag Dung...Light think the Amos is scary? He sells ROCKS! We will have you meet the one who deals in skins of his enemies next."
[General] The ghost of Adelynn thinks, "We're in the brig with a dead Kharusa."
[General] The ghost of Kayse thinks, "Need clerics to the brig. There's a bunch of us dead again with Kharusa."
[D'karz Criga, Main Deck]
The ship's figurehead arcs high into the air above the front of the vessel, its stone grey gargoyle face staring up into the sky. A stained gangplank stretches out from the side of the ship and wobbles slightly from the rocking of the waves. You also see some icy blue chain hauberk, a feras twohanded sword, some icy blue chain hauberk, a feras twohanded sword, a drake dagger, the phantasmal Ycelacie disk, some discolored full leather, some scratched pale chain hauberk, a large sack, a notched blue steel sabre, a stale chocolate tart, some large coal black hauberk, a metal wand, a small dark red shield, some dark flame-etched leathers, a slender orange steel falchion, a stained dark shield, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, a blue crystal, a marred blue steel buckler, a small dark red shield, some dark flame-etched leathers, a slender orange steel falchion, some icy blue chain hauberk, a feras twohanded sword, a stained dark shield, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a notched dark steel broadsword, a dented dark blue shield, some black brigandine armor, some stained brigandine armor, a reinforced dark wooden shield, a wide red-bladed broadsword, a marred blue steel buckler, a slender blue steel cutlass, some scratched pale chain hauberk, a notched blue steel sabre, a dented storm grey buckler, some stained brigandine armor, a reinforced dark wooden shield, a wide red-bladed broadsword, a dark grey steel voulge, some pitch black chain hauberk, a jeddart-axe, a chain hauberk, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a notched dark steel broadsword, a dented dark blue shield, some black brigandine armor, some scratched pale chain hauberk, a dark grey steel voulge, some pitch black chain hauberk, a chain hauberk, a heavy dark grey jeddart-axe, a jeddart-axe, some large coal black hauberk, a copper lockpick, a small dark red shield, some dark flame-etched leathers, a slender orange steel falchion, some icy blue chain hauberk, a feras twohanded sword, a stained dark shield, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, a slender blue steel cutlass, a marred blue steel buckler, some scratched pale chain hauberk, a dented storm grey buckler, a heavy dark grey jeddart-axe, some stained brigandine armor, a reinforced dark wooden shield, a dark grey steel voulge, some pitch black chain hauberk, a jeddart-axe, a chain hauberk, a notched dark steel broadsword, a dented dark blue shield, some black brigandine armor, some large coal black hauberk, a rusty bracelet, a notched blue steel sabre, a dented storm grey buckler, a razor-sharp dark blue falchion, a cracked wooden shield, some stained brigandine armor, a reinforced dark wooden shield, a wide red-bladed broadsword and a bunch of other stuff.
Also here: Earthdiver who is lying down, Town Councilor Leafiara, Lord Asben, Mistress Ycelacie
[combat, but at this point Leafi withdraws to the brig; there's so much in the room that it's not clear how many enemies were even still left]
[Czag Mordg, Brig]
A humanoid skeleton can be seen in the darkness of the brig, its bones shackled to a nearby wall. A small rat nibbles on one of the skeleton's toe bones. A series of unclaimed chains hang from the ceiling, all awaiting a new victim. You also see a large krolvin shaman, some large coal black hauberk, a huge blood red jeddart-axe, a stained dark shield, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, some icy blue chain hauberk, a bone white steel jeddart-axe, a bone white steel jeddart-axe, some icy blue chain hauberk, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, a stained dark shield, a stained dark shield, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, a small wild rice and millet cake laced with maple syrup, a thin wafer of crispy elven waybread and a thin wafer of crispy elven waybread.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, the body of Town Councilor Pukk who is lying down, the body of Conquerer of Reim Berean who is lying down, a stunned Novarian, the body of Lady Adelynn who is lying down, the body of Kharusa who is lying down, the body of Vaemyr who is lying down, the body of Kiyna who is lying down, the body of Kayse who is lying down, the body of Drektor who is lying down, the body of Lord Bigsword who is lying down
[General] The ghost of Kiyna exclaims, "To the brig! Kharusa is down and so are we!"
[General] The ghost of Adelynn thinks, "And a shaman in here."
[Czag Mordg, Brig]
A humanoid skeleton can be seen in the darkness of the brig, its bones shackled to a nearby wall. A small rat nibbles on one of the skeleton's toe bones. A series of unclaimed chains hang from the ceiling, all awaiting a new victim. You also see the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, a large krolvin shaman that appears dead, some large coal black hauberk, a huge blood red jeddart-axe, a stained dark shield, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, some icy blue chain hauberk, a bone white steel jeddart-axe, a bone white steel jeddart-axe, some icy blue chain hauberk, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, a stained dark shield, a stained dark shield, some sleek black leathers, a curved black steel warblade, a small wild rice and millet cake laced with maple syrup, a thin wafer of crispy elven waybread and a thin wafer of crispy elven waybread.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, the body of Town Councilor Pukk who is lying down, the body of Conquerer of Reim Berean who is lying down, a stunned Novarian, the body of Lady Adelynn who is lying down, the body of Kharusa who is lying down, the body of Vaemyr who is lying down, the body of Kiyna who is lying down, the body of Kayse who is lying down, the body of Drektor who is lying down, the body of Lord Bigsword who is lying down
Leafiara says, "Oof."
Leafiara says, "Had to pull back."
Leafiara says, "Way too beat up out there..." [OOC note: Well... sort of. She only had a 4 health neck bleeder and minor back wound, but she'd burned a couple of Soul Ward spirit infusions, so was low on spirit, and had already used emergency Symbol of Transcendence.]
The ghostly voice of Vaemyr says, "He got hit."
The ghostly voice of Bigsword says, "Medic squad blinking in."
The ghostly voice of Berean quietly says, "I finally fell."
The ghostly voice of Berean quietly says, "Hopefully can get back to it soon."
The ghostly voice of Kharusa raspily says, "Please...I need life."
The ghostly voice of Pukk says, "So, there I was...just me and Amos and Tyrrax...I was beating both of them...then I found out that I was hit over the head and dreamt the whole thing."
Topps says, "I can get her."
Topps raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Topps gestures at Kharusa.
A silvery translucent thread extends from Topps encompassing Kharusa's corpse.
The spirit of Kharusa sighs softly, raising the hairs on the back of your neck.
The ghostly voice of Iskandr says, "Ha."
Speaking to Kharusa, Missoni asks, "What happened?"
The ghostly voice of Adelynn says, "Oh, lovely."
Topps raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Topps gestures at Kharusa.
Topps weaves his hands in a fluid pattern that matches the tempo of his soft incantation. The subtle scent of the ocean tickles your nose as Topps tenses momentarily. With a wide smile, Topps caresses Kharusa's cheek before placing his hand above Kharusa's heart. Wisps of rainbowed energy flow from Topps's fingertips and into the body of Kharusa, washing over her and rescuing her from the clutches of the abyss.
Kharusa's body suddenly grows darker.
Speaking to Kharusa, Leafiara says, "It looks like someone will have you up shortly--"
Wisps of pale viridian light begin to swirl around Missoni's hand as she prepares a spell...
Missoni gestures at Kharusa.
The glazed look leaves Kharusa.
Kharusa raspily says, "I was on the ship, many of you came, then the krolvin swarmed us."
Perigourd pulls Kharusa to her feet.
Jubbley quietly says, "Eep."
Motes of silvery light sparkle across Leafiara's skin, twinkling like stars, as she prepares a spell...
Leafiara gestures at Kharusa.
A brilliant shaft of pure white light suddenly surrounds Kharusa.
Kharusa cowers away from Perigourd.
Speaking to Kharusa, Leafiara reassures, "There you go."
Speaking to Kharusa, Perigourd says, "It would seem they've been doing that often."
Kharusa raspily exclaims, "Stop trying to grab my hand!"
Kharusa scowls at Perigourd.
The ghostly voice of Iskandr says, "Well, I have returned to this wonderful place."
Kharusa gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Speaking to Kharusa, Perigourd says, "As you prefer."
Chandrellia whispers something to Kharusa.
Kharusa glances at Kiyna.
Speaking to Kharusa, Missoni asks, "Do you know where they are keeping your father?"
Kharusa raspily says, "He may not even be near...."
Kharusa raspily says, "Tyrrax held him, to further ensure my cooperation."
The ghostly voice of Iskandr says, "Perigourd and Missoni took the living way, I decided to take the dead way."
Speaking to Iskandr, Perigourd says, "Only in this last sojourn through the portals."
Speaking to Kharusa, Topps says, "You got many of us killed with that act of running back through the portal."
Leafiara regretfully says, "Dozens of the Landing's people and allies from neighboring towns have been all over the ships and seen no sign..."
Kharusa searches around for a moment.
Kharusa glances at Topps.
Kharusa raspily says, "It was for my father."
Speaking to Topps, Chandrellia says, "She was scared and wanted her father, it happens in war."
Kharusa raspily says, "You did not need to follow me."
Kharusa searches around for a moment.
Speaking to Kharusa, Perigourd says, "We did not see him on any of the ships we searched."
Speaking to Kharusa, Kiyna says, "Tyrrax is in shambles. I don't think he's dead, but I saw him fall in battle."
Speaking to Kharusa, Missoni asks, "What is your plan?"
[Realm] The invoker thinks, "Residents of Wehnimer's Landing, I will be arriving to Town Square, Small Park in approximately 15 minutes to offer spells to those in need."
Kharusa ducks her head and crawls into a small crack in the wall.
The ghostly voice of Iskandr says, "I like when we just wait on the beaches and kill them when they come to us."
The ghostly voice of Adelynn exclaims, "She went through the crack!"
The ghostly voice of Iskandr says, "This portal jumping is....something."
Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "She may be addled."
Speaking wryly to Iskandr, Leafiara says, "Yeah, that's part of why I never wanted to go to Glaoveln."
Missoni says, "How are we supposed to help her when...."
The ghostly voice of Adelynn says, "Or she's just a halfling."
The ghostly voice of Adelynn says, "They're like that."
The ghostly voice of Adelynn brightly exclaims, "That's why I suggested we just leave her here!"
Vaemyr says, "I didn't see Rian anywhere... but I saw a bunch of dead."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Tyrrax is torturting, experimenting on Half Krolvin."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara asks, "Meaning what?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Meaning, we cannot let him get what he wants."
[General] Kharusa thinks, "I am...I am at the shore."
Vaemyr says, "Going to go out in the bay to look for Amos... can't let him get captured."
Topps says, "There's wanting to save someone and then there's idiocy."
Leafiara recites:
"To escape this area, search for the crack, then crawl out... due north, southwest, southeast, and east if you can get your bearings in the darkness. You'll end up in the waters and washed out to shore."
The ghostly voice of Adelynn says, "Brilliant, she's at the shore."
Bigsword asks, "What if she is acting in a crisis, what do you call that type of person again?"
[General] Kharusa asks, "Where...another ship? With...a bar?"
Speaking to Bigsword, Adelynn suggests, "A hobbit?"
Leafiara says, "Okay... I think we're good here on triage... heading back out to the battlefield."
[General] Directed to Kharusa, Stormyrain asks, "The Cutlass? In town?"
A thunderous BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM echoes across the sea as crackling bolts of blue-white energy slam into krolvin warships, devastating them and sending debris and krolvin bodies flying!
[General] Dendum thinks, "Hrmph she was taken from sands."
[General] Pookia exclaims, "Knuckleheads are firing from the very alive very handsome archer boyfriend tower!"
[Darkstone Bay]
The debris of broken ships floats along the feral waves of the bay, accompanied by a number of bloated corpses. A chillingly cold wind rushes across the surface of the water. You also see the faenor Chandrellia disk inlaid with intersecting bands of jet, some icy blue chain hauberk, a dented storm grey buckler, a reinforced dark wooden shield, a wide red-bladed broadsword, a jeddart-axe, a chain hauberk, a dark grey steel voulge, a marred blue steel buckler, some black brigandine armor, a bone white steel jeddart-axe, a large sleek black jeddart-axe, a heavy dark grey jeddart-axe, some scratched pale chain hauberk and a slender blue steel cutlass.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Eyona, Town Councilor Chandrellia
Leafiara relievedly says, "Whew."
Leafiara says, "We'll be washed to shore shortly."
Leafiara says, "Or maybe we need to move."
You carefully move west, skimming lightly over the choppy surface of the water.
[Darkstone Bay]
Krolvin warships and galleons dot the horizon, the vessels rising and falling with the giant waves. Cold water splashes up around you as the storm tosses you about.
The water churns rapidly around you, throwing you about before finally pushing you towards the shoreline of the Black Sands.
[The Black Sands]
A narrow strip of black sand winds between the pulsing sea and the huddled rocks. You look out at the dark waters of the bay, set against the grey sky. With the black sands beneath your feet and the frozen black lava behind you, you feel as though all the color has been blotted out of the world. You also see the faenor Chandrellia disk inlaid with intersecting bands of jet, a sleek raven black kitten masked in stormy grey fur, a tiny orange calico kitten wearing a tiny tricorn charm, a small raven that is flying around, a wide yellow-white portal, a tall wooden archery tower and the waters of Darkstone Bay.
Leafiara muses, "Yep."
Leafiara says, "Okay..."
[General] Lankas thinks, "Sorry Pookia, I went down to raise someone."
Iskandr says, "Following you."
[General] Pals asks, "OoO was there troubles tonight?"
[General] Directed to Lankas, Pookia exclaims, "No worries i took over your post! yer still a knucklehead now! awooo!"
[General] Vaemyr asks, "Are you safe Kharusa?"
[travel, combat in town]
The yellow-white portal along the Black Sands suddenly crackles, flickers, then snaps shut!
[General] Nairena asks, "Have you checked the rusty cutlass?"
[General] Guarrin thinks, "We are there."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "We are here now looking."
Leafiara says, "Whew."
[General] Blades thinks, "I'm lookin real hard."
[General] Nairena thinks, "The portal is gone."
[General] Sevanya thinks, "We're still fighting krolvin in town square northwest."
[Town Square, Northwest]
This corner of the square is lively and hectic even at night. A number of representatives of the Landing's population, including several elven loggers and a party of rough-looking dwarves, loiter around the door of the Raging Thrak Inn, where the rowdy cheers of patrons and voices raised in songs of many sorts, from snatches of heroic ballads to blushingly bawdy tunes, beckon you to enter. You also see a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, the Gamiron disk, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, a snarling krolvin raider that appears dead, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a dented storm grey buckler, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, the oak and bronze Terfel disk shaped like a treasure chest, the Warre disk, a great white wolf, a warped grey shield, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, the night watchman, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a huge blood red jeddart-axe, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, some scuffed brigandine and a bunch of other stuff.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Gamiron, Bernadette, Aeith, Terfel, Warre, Neopuron, the body of Lord Braugi who is lying down
[General] Leafiara thinks, "Heading there." [well... had gotten there by the time she said it, but whatever]
[General] Kharusa thinks, "There was a giant bronze bird. I...I think I am safe."
Neopuron says, "Nah I am good."
Leafiara says, "Whew."
Leafiara says, "That is a lot of junk on the ground."
[Town Square, Northwest]
This corner of the square is lively and hectic even at night. A number of representatives of the Landing's population, including several elven loggers and a party of rough-looking dwarves, loiter around the door of the Raging Thrak Inn, where the rowdy cheers of patrons and voices raised in songs of many sorts, from snatches of heroic ballads to blushingly bawdy tunes, beckon you to enter. You also see a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, the Gamiron disk, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, the night watchman, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield and a bunch of other stuff.
Gamiron says, "You have no idea."
An armored krolvin mercenary leaps into the area!
An armored krolvin mercenary leaps into the area!
An armored krolvin mercenary leaps into the area!
An armored krolvin mercenary leaps into the area!
An armored krolvin mercenary leaps into the area!
An armored krolvin mercenary leaps into the area!
An armored krolvin mercenary leaps into the area!
An armored krolvin mercenary leaps into the area!
An armored krolvin mercenary leaps into the area!
Leafiara says, "I think you need an implosion or breeze or something."
Gamiron asks, "See what i mean?"
Leafiara says, "I can't even see the ground."
[General] Iskandr thinks, "No one is ever safe from birds."
Gamiron says, "I killed like.... hundreds of these things prolly."
[General] Vaemyr thinks, "Amos if you are out there, let us know if you need any assistence getting back to shore, I've looked through the bay so far, no sign."
Leafiara says, "Whew."
[General] Clunk asks, "Dragon?"
[General] Leafiara thinks, "Clearing stragglers around the square."
[General] Directed disdainfully to Vaemyr, Adelynn thinks, "Let him drown."
[General] Pookia exclaims, "Ballista targets clear!"
[scouting, but they seem to all be in TSNW]
[Town Square, Northwest]
This corner of the square is lively and hectic even at night. A number of representatives of the Landing's population, including several elven loggers and a party of rough-looking dwarves, loiter around the door of the Raging Thrak Inn, where the rowdy cheers of patrons and voices raised in songs of many sorts, from snatches of heroic ballads to blushingly bawdy tunes, beckon you to enter. You also see a thrashing cypress vine twisted with silvery spike thorns, a green-eyed white kitten, a ravenous krolvin berserker that appears dead, a warped grey shield, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, the night watchman, a fresh ginger doughnut, an iced cinnamon muffin, the Raging Thrak Inn and a polished granite statue.
Speaking to Leafiara, Peggyanne says, "Hope ya dont mind me hitching a ride."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "They appear to mostly be still coming to the northwest town square."
Speaking to Peggyanne, Leafiara says, "Not at all."
Leafiara tiredly says, "Alright."
[Town Square, Northwest]
This corner of the square is lively and hectic even at night. A number of representatives of the Landing's population, including several elven loggers and a party of rough-looking dwarves, loiter around the door of the Raging Thrak Inn, where the rowdy cheers of patrons and voices raised in songs of many sorts, from snatches of heroic ballads to blushingly bawdy tunes, beckon you to enter. You also see some scuffed brigandine, a ravenous krolvin berserker that appears dead, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a sleek raven black kitten masked in stormy grey fur, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, an armored krolvin mercenary that appears dead, a tiny orange calico kitten wearing a tiny tricorn charm, the faenor Chandrellia disk inlaid with intersecting bands of jet, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, an aquamarine wand, a violet spinel, a cracked leather belt, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a cracked leather belt, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a cracked leather belt, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, a sturdy steel chest, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a black semi-melanistic panther, a blue sapphire, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, a thrashing cypress vine twisted with silvery spike thorns, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, a fresh ginger doughnut, an iced cinnamon muffin, the Raging Thrak Inn and a polished granite statue.
Also here: Stormyrain, Blades, Arena Hero Rhaladin, Town Councilor Chandrellia, Master Ibbo, The Infamous Peggyanne, Squire Legionnaire Iskandr, Town Councilor Leafiara, Aeith, Lord Bigsword, Bernadette, Oxhammer
Stormyrain says, "Damnit."
[General] Nairena exclaims, "Kharusa!"
Aeith says, "They've been coming through steadily here, but folks like Oxhammer have been keeping them at bay all evening."
[General] Nairena asks, "Where you at, sweetie?"
[General] Pietra asks, "Where did she go?"
Leafiara says, "Okay..."
Bigsword says, "Hopefully the Landing can recycle this equipment."
Leafiara says, "Ugh, this ground is littered..."
Clunk deeply asks, "I hit em low, ye all hit em high?"
[General] Iskandr asks, "Where is Amos ?"
Oxhammer hoarsely says, "Yupper Clunk."
[General] Kharusa thinks, "It is safe. I am being fed. I can say no more. I am safe."
Blades says, "Guess they like this spot."
[General] Leafiara asks, "Is anywhere else still being attacked or just town square northwest?"
[General] Pietra asks, "Where's Tyrrax?"
[General] Lylia thinks, "I have not seen him since I saw him plunged into the water."
Oxhammer hoarsely says, "Sure do."
[General] Guarrin thinks, "I believe I saw him get tossed into the bay."
[General] Sevanya thinks, "It appears to be contained to the northwest."
[General] Pookia exclaims, "They took my advice and took up swimming!"
[General] Lylia asks, "All of this fighting for you, dying for you, and you cannot tell us more than you are safe? Well, how nice for YOU. What of Rian? What of Amos?"
[General] Vaemyr thinks, "I searched what I could of the bay and the sands, no sign of him."
[General] Directed to Sevanya, Leafiara thinks, "Okay, that's manageable then."
[General] Directed to Kiyna, Dendum asks, "Where is the halfling?"
[General] Lylia thinks, "Do you realize all you have cost us? You had better be worth it..."
[General] Sevanya asks, "You all couldn't tell if you wanted to kill her or rescue her for ages. Why do you expect her to be forthcoming with information?"
Clunk deeply says, "Ye all is fast."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Lylia I know you are frustrated, but she said she doesnt know where Rian was being held, she was looking for her father."
Blades asks, "Wha?"
Cryheart says, "Young krols."
Guarrin says, "Aye."
[General] Adelynn asks, "No, I agree with Lylia. This startled rabbit of a hobbit jumping from ship to ship, getting us all killed, because she can't slow down and let us help?"
Clunk deeply says, "I be seein things too."
Guarrin says, "But a steady stream of them it seems."
Leafiara says, "Even so, these are our streets."
Oxhammer hoarsely says, "For a long while now."
Suddenly, a bright yellow portal churns into existence and a snarling krolvin raider appears from the other side and rushes in, weapon brandished!
A snarling krolvin raider stumps north.
Leafiara asks, "...but is that the last of them?"
Leafiara says, "Nope."
[General] Adelynn irritatedly agrees, "She'd better be worth it."
[General] Neopuron thinks, "I got out of bed for that..."
[travel, combat]
[General] Lylia thinks, "I am not 'frustrated,' with due respect, Councilor. I become frustrated when my hair gets caught on a button or I step in one of the Landing's many sources of stench. This is something more than that."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Ok thats enough, she is a young girl and scared, she was looking for her father, we all sacrificed today, we will still do what we can to search the remaining ships."
Oxhammer hoarsely says, "Been awhile since I've hunted spelless."
Clunk deeply says, "Heh."
Speaking to Oxhammer, Aeith says, "You've been doing a fine job."
Clunk deeply says, "I done got splatted in Rift today."
[General] Topps thinks, "Actually... we cannot, the portals are closed, we are out of time."
[General] Lylia thinks, "You do as you wish. I am going to seek those of our own citizenry who are lost. Amos. Rian."
Oxhammer hoarsely says, "With your help."
Leafiara asks, "...was that all of them?"
Aeith says, "For some reason the Krolvin have been using this part of town square as their entry point by the hundreds."
Vaemyr says, "Gonna go check the sands again."
[General] Adelynn thinks, "*I* don't sacrifice without getting something out of it. I'll expect a hefty sum from the town for my assistance."
[General] Kayse thinks, "I looked for Amos too. I could not see him."
Guarrin says, "Perhaps, going to sweep through town again."
Nairena says, "We encountered a few near the north gate."
Nairena says, "It seems their elementalists need to rest."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "If the ships are in the bay then may be a way to get to them, if either Amos or Rian are one of the ships perhaps we can still find them."
[General] Lylia thinks, "Perhaps they have washed ashore, or at least some evidence of what has become of them, or even of Tyrrax."
[General] Sevanya thinks, "I don't recall anyone hiring mercenaries. Good luck getting paid."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "Believe we've cleared the last who were portaling into town square northwest. Guarrin's group is doing a sweep now as well."
[General] Clunk thinks, "When I woke, had to fite my way to town center from Phoenix."
Oxhammer hoarsely says, "Lookin clear."
Clearing Up
[Town Square, Northwest]
This corner of the square is lively and hectic even at night. A number of representatives of the Landing's population, including several elven loggers and a party of rough-looking dwarves, loiter around the door of the Raging Thrak Inn, where the rowdy cheers of patrons and voices raised in songs of many sorts, from snatches of heroic ballads to blushingly bawdy tunes, beckon you to enter. You also see the night watchman, the Callayne disk, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a sleek raven black kitten masked in stormy grey fur, a tiny orange calico kitten wearing a tiny tricorn charm, the faenor Chandrellia disk inlaid with intersecting bands of jet, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a black semi-melanistic panther, a warped grey shield, a blood-stained dark steel broadsword, a warped grey shield, some scuffed brigandine, a fresh ginger doughnut, an iced cinnamon muffin, the Raging Thrak Inn and a polished granite statue.
BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The pylon ship on the bay continues to fire upon the krolvin warships as they maneuver and begin to disappear into the wall of darkness on the horizon.
Leafiara says, "Whew."
[Realm] The invoker thinks, "Residents of Wehnimer's Landing, I am currently at Town Square, Small Park and offering spells to those in need."
[General] Aurien asks, "So what was their purpose tonight?"
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the gold-dusted Berean disk crowned with sylvarraend rubies, the Braugi disk, the Lunatick disk, the Rahj disk, the Kialeigh disk, the Callayne disk, a lazy wild dark crimson dog, the gold-dusted Adelynn disk crowned with sylvarraend rubies, the Gamiron disk, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, the Lankas disk, an iridescent light green sprite with tangled hair, an icy dark blue sprite with a sharply-pointed nose, an iridescent sea green sprite with slender wings, a sparkly blue-grey sprite with tangled hair, some manna bread, a drake falchion, a sweet pineapple-glazed pumpkin loaf, a wafer of candied seeds, a small wild rice and millet cake laced with maple syrup, a small wild rice and millet cake laced with maple syrup, a sparkly sea green sprite with slender wings, a glass of orange juice, a grilled flour flatbread drizzled with chile oil, the Faiyth disk, a wafer of candied seeds, an ivy-covered white monir tower, an iron-banded linden keg of spiced Vornavian apple beer, a large acorn, a mistwood serving cart with some stuff on it, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin, some wide stone benches with some stuff on it and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Also here: Bernadette, Town Councilor Leafiara, Conquerer of Reim Berean, Lord Braugi, Lunatick, Great Lord Rahj, Kialeigh who is sitting, Great Lady Callayne, Missoni, Perigourd, Markx, Arena Hero Rhaladin, Haeven, High Lady Jubbley, Delyorik, Gamiron, Lady Adelynn who is sitting, High Lord Tynks, Lord Remizycas who is sitting, Lankas who is sitting, Andromalius who is sitting, Showstoper, Sorgrad who is lying down, Lord Sanori, Faiyth, Lord Kellafar
Kisun says, "Invoker."
Gamiron says, "Someonw needs to tell the people running the defenses, that the goal is to fire BEFORE hundreds die, not after... just a thought."
Braugi squeakily asks, "Did the krolvins just sail away?"
Kialeigh says, "Well yeah.. I'd fall back too if the invoker came around."
[General] Guarrin thinks, "The roads seem clear."
[General] Topps thinks, "To capture Amos, I believe, he remains missing."
[General] Lylia thinks, "They hoped to glean information from Amos' head with their little weapon of war."
[General] Clunk thinks, "They had'n run away from Clunk yet."
Leafiara says, "Well."
[General] Topps thinks, "He fell into the water, quite injured from a pylon blast."
[General] Aurien asks, "So we got the weapon of war and they got amos?"
Leafiara concludes, "That was... something."
[General] Kisun thinks, "Missing, or captured. Not sure what is worse."
[General] Lylia thinks, "Amos is missing; we do not know if they have him or not. I suspect not."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Who is no longer with them and seems to be safe for the time being."
[General] Directed to Aurien, Adelynn thinks, "Seems like a good trade."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "No sign of Rian either, which is troubling."
Lankas says, "He didn't want it, and I have eaten like ten pounds of mana bread."
[General] Adelynn thinks, "Hopefully Amos simply drowned."
[General] Lylia thinks, "I made a promise to find him if I could, and I feel I have failed."
[General] Kayse asks, "What was the note he shoved in Dendum's pocket?"
[General] Remizycas asks, "Is it over?"
[General] Rhaladin thinks, "I'd bet the hafling is currently swimming trying to catch up to their ships."
Leafiara says, "Hmm, wonder if Amos even managed to hold on to this prize while fighting that battle."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "As much as I dislike the man, he did assist with the ships and tonights raid, so, I suppose, I hope he is ok actually."
[General] Rhaladin thinks, "For a "slave" she sure does have a lot of reasons she can't be rescued."
Clunk deeply asks, "Prize?"
Iskandr says, "I couldn't pay much attention."
[General] Rhaladin thinks, "The chains will kill me, oh, they have my father."
[General] Dendum thinks, "It was note to lover...and message that the light bringer was coming for the blue suffer to make himself famous amongst the Krolvin."
Speaking to Clunk, Leafiara says, "His entire aim tonight was to get the shackles that were on Kharusa."
Earthdiver says, "He was after Kharusa's shackles."
Cryheart says, "The halfling says she is safe ow."
Earthdiver says, "Truthsayer shackles."
Iskandr says, "I saw him blasted into the seas, but I've been so turned around by portals I'm not even sure what ship I or he was on at the time I saw it."
Dezter says, "Had a lil drama tonight, I heard."
Speaking to Dezter, Leafiara says, "Don't think I've seen you on this side of the mountains before, friend."
Speaking drolly to Dezter, Leafiara says, "Oh, yes, one of the best plans we've ever had."
Missoni says, "Perhaps one of his ships retrieved him from the bay."
Showstoper says, "I like the prize I see every morning."
Ycelacie remarks, "Did we accomplish anything?"
Clunk deeply asks, "Amos is famuss?"
Dezter says, "There wasn't nothin goin on on the other sidea the mountains, thought I'd check it out..."
Speaking tiredly to Ycelacie, Leafiara says, "I have absolutely no idea."
Remizycas says, "I killed like 5 of them."
Speaking offhandedly to Iskandr, Adelynn says, "Hey, at least there was vodka on one of the ships."
Leafiara says, "I suppose Amos got the shackles and Kharusa got away."
Dendum asks, "Where did they take the halfling?"
Leafiara says, "So there's that."
Leafiara says, "But we missed Rian."
Speaking to Ycelacie, Kisun says, "Kharusa is in town somewhere, at the Cutlass I believe."
Iskandr says, "I assume he's probably not dead because he's tough and wants to live to make more money."
Vaemyr says, "Tyrrax says a lot of things, but what I saw on those ships was dispicable... I don't think I believe for a moment he doesn't want the blue suffer just to gain more power."
Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, ""The halfling did not run she was taken."
Speaking to Dendum, Adelynn says, "She says she's safe, but won't say where."
Kialeigh says, "Those were prolly the 5 that were coming for the center so you're a hero."
Ycelacie asks, "Yes?"
Bernadette softly asks, "Dang dey gots Rian still?"
Gamiron asks, "So... what are these?"
[General] Pietra thinks, "Whoa. Dendum. Lucky you."
Dezter says, "Y'all just let me know if ya need anything. Specially healing."
Speaking to Dendum, Nairena says, "She says shes fine. Shes eating her kurds and apple juice, humming a jolly song."
[General] Pietra exclaims, "Salacious!"
Lankas says, "I killed lots! If you count the people who I raised from the dead and went on killing."
Nairena says, "Cant tell us where shes at."
Leafiara says, "I suppose Tyrrax will regroup after this if he survived."
Leafiara says, "Looked like he fell into the ocean." [no, that was Amos]
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Kharusa got led off by... someone... but I trust she's safe."
Speaking to Nairena, Missoni asks, "So, we chased her all around, only to have her go hide?"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Guarrin asks, "Someone?"
Iskandr asks, "She got led off by.....bronze.....bird?"
Vaemyr whispers something to Leafiara.
Earthdiver says, "Tyrrax and Amos seem evenly matched."
Speaking to Missoni, Nairena says, "She says shes safe."
Aeith says, "I can't believe they weren't sliced apart from all those portals they kept fighting and falling in and out of."
Adelynn tiredly says, "I am exhausted. I am going to find a bed ... surprisingly, by myself."
Rhaladin says, "Aye she says a lot o' things."
[General] Directed to Kiyna, Dendum asks, ""Where is the halfling?"
Remizycas says, "I'm just glad to help and wasn't too much a hinderence only died twice."
Speaking to Nairena, Missoni says, "Well, that is good at least."
Speaking to Earthdiver, Leafiara says, "I don't understand why Amos didn't activate his tattoos quite a bit earlier. Unless there's some kind of limitation."
Bigsword asks, "Where did Tyrrax get a hand pylon?"
Speaking to Iskandr, Kisun says, "The bronze bird she speaks of, is inside the Cutlass.. I believe she's roomed up in their for the time being."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Guarrin asks, "You did not see who it was?"
Speaking to Guarrin, Vaemyr says, "As Dendum, he saw it, I... confirmed things."
Speaking tiredly to Bigsword, Leafiara says, "From Praxopius' cache."
Kialeigh says, "I found you quite helpful indeed."
Earthdiver asks, "There were many limitations on those ships. Perhaps that is why?"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Dendum says, ""Dendum is trying to think to this person now but she does not respond."
Lankas says, "He had the hand pylon at our last meeting."
Lankas says, "He showed it to us."
Adelynn sleepily says, "You all have a good rest of the night."
Speaking in Sylvankind to Falvicar, Nairena asks something you don't understand.
Speaking quietly in Sylvankind to Nairena, Falvicar says something you don't understand.
Speaking in Sylvankind to Falvicar, Leafiara mutters something you don't understand.
Speaking in Sylvankind, Nairena says something you don't understand.
Bigsword says, "Those hand pylons nasty, the great equalizer."
Speaking to Dendum, Vaemyr says, "Aye, I believe she is busy... probably helping Kharusa escape to keep her away from so many that would potentially harm her."
Speaking quietly in Sylvankind to Leafiara, Falvicar says something you don't understand.
Dendum says, "We should search for the Amos."
Speaking deeply to Guarrin, Clunk says, "Why they came to Phoenix."
Guarrin asks, "We can confirm it was not Stone that she went with though?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Sevanya says, "Thanks for letting me die and then saving me. I appreciate being reminded of how fragile my life is in the hand of the gods."
Speaking to Dendum, Leafiara says, "I looked in the Bay but didn't see him."
Speaking to Guarrin, Vaemyr says, "It was not Stone."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Guarrin asks, "Harm her?"
Missoni says, "I think most of us were trying to keep her safe. Not harm her."
Speaking to Guarrin, Vaemyr says, "I mean for a couple weeks people wanted to just "get rid of her"."
Speaking to Guarrin, Perigourd says, "She was very adamant not to go with just anyone."
Sevanya says, "There was much discussion of killing her, if I recall."
Speaking quietly in Sylvankind to Leafiara, Falvicar says something you don't understand.
Speaking to Guarrin, Perigourd says, "And rather scolded me."
Speaking to Sevanya, Rhaladin asks, "An' rescuin' her worked so well did it nae?"
Speaking in Sylvankind to Falvicar, Nairena says something you don't understand.
Rhaladin says, "Da landing citizen still missin, Amos mebbe dead."
Speaking to Perigourd, Guarrin asks, "For trying to get her to join you?"
Speaking to Guarrin, Perigourd says, "Indeed."
Sevanya says, "I had no opinion one way or the other. Just that that a consensus should've been reached."
Speaking to Sevanya, Leafiara says, "For what it's worth, I'm sure you did great."
Rhaladin says, "All fer her tae say "I cannae tell ye where ah am"."
Iskandr says, "Well, I got to kill my share, as much of a whirlwind as that was."
Speaking to Perigourd, Guarrin says, "Grand."
Speaking wryly to Sevanya, Leafiara says, "There's almost never consensus around here."
Speaking to Leafiara, Sevanya says, "I've...noticed."
Vaemyr says, "Amos most likely got picked up by his ship he had out on the waters."
Speaking to Leafiara, Nairena says, "We had some Icemule defenders come down to aid us."
Speaking to Perigourd, Guarrin says, "Seems we could have just sent a select few onto the ships then."
Pookia asks, "Is he really alive?"
Rhaladin says, "Mebbe, I dinnae ken if dem constructs can swim."
[General] Stormyrain asks, "Can I get someone to the north dock for Drektor please?"
Iskandr says, "Thank you again Landing for letting me kill the Krol, will let you get to the politics of it all, call on me again when you need more of them dead after all the politics fails."
Leafiara says, "Status of Amos and Rian unknown..." [trying to respond to Pookia, but she had already gone back up the tower]
[General] Kayse asks, "Can I get a cleric and healing to the dock for Drektor? Since Ycelacie can't control her anger?"
Speaking to Guarrin, Perigourd asks, "Does anyone know if the Scholar made it off in the melee?"
Vaemyr says, "And Tyrrax for that matter."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "Coming."
[fogging over to Stormy]
[Wehnimer's, North Dock]
The dock's planks are dull and weathered from the salt spray of many seasons. Northward beyond the massive sea gates, a flock of ice geese passes, silhouetted against the sky over the waters of Darkstone Bay. The hulk of a derelict coastal sailer is tethered to the end of the pier. You also see the Aurien disk, a golden brown coyote, a huge grey imperial warship, a huge grey imperial warship, a huge grey imperial warship, a rope-lined wooden plank bridge that leads to the archway of a large moored white-masted ship, a wide ramp, a stack of empty crates, a portly portmaster and a black imperial wagon with a glowing blue-white pylon on it.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Argent Master Aurien, Xorus, the body of Drektor who is lying down, Kayse who is kneeling, Stormyrain, Blades, Conquerer of Reim Drazaa
[amdist the raising, Dendum shows Leafi the note from Rian]
Dendum shows you a tree-embossed soft leather binder, which he is holding in his right hand. The binder has 9 pages in it and you are turned to page 8, which is a scrap of stained parchment. Looking more closely at it, you see...
The parchment is small and stained by salt water. The edges are jagged, having appeared to been quickly torn free from a book. There are several sentences scribbled on the paper. "The light bringer seeks to end Lalk Morgil. Wishes to unite krolvin under him as a historical legend. Wants to rally to take back Star of Khar'ta and defeat the blood heretic. Watch over my wife. Tell her I love her. Tell her I should have listened." The scrap of paper is signed, "R.L."
[General] Citan thinks, "The invoker is in the small park of landing... Offering helpful spells to those who ASK about spells."
Leafiara says, "Hmm..."
Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, ""In case the Fanedryl can not get message to wife of militia hathlyn...council can."
Leafiara asks, "Who's this lightbringer? Tyrrax?"
Dendum nods at Leafiara.
Xorus says, "Czag Pritz means Lightbringer in Krolgeh."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Xorus says, "So, yes. Tyrrax."
[General] Pietra asks, "What the hell?"
Leafiara says, "Tyrrax is going to need a lot more than he currently has if *that's* his stated goal..."
[General] Peggyanne asks, "Oh suprise... Ycelacie killed somone?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, ""It is not for you he wishes to preen Leafiara."
Xorus asks, "I assume his ultimate goal is the Star of Khar'ta?"
Speaking to Stormyrain, Leafiara says, "He wants to take back the Star of Khar'ta."
Leafiara nods at Xorus.
Xorus says, "That is why it was the very first thing I spoke to him about."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Speaking to Guarrin, Stormyrain says, "Ycelacie decided to kill Drektor for an unknown reason."
Leafiara says, "And defeat the 'blood heretic'--I assume Grishom Stone."
Stormyrain says, "I put her to sleep."
Stormyrain says, "Let her think about it."
Leafiara says, "The last Czag Dubra had no hope of that one either."
[General] Peggyanne thinks, "I have no idea how she gets away with that so often."
[General] Clunk thinks, "Berserker on east ring."
Guarrin says, "As if there wasn't enough blood tonight."
Vaemyr asks, "Everything ok?"
Leafiara says, "If he had told us that weeks ago, at least some of the town probably would have been more... willing to hear it out."
Stormyrain growls, "Fine."
Leafiara emphasizes, "Only some."
[General] Clunk thinks, "Berserker gone."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr asks, "Talkin bout Amos?"
[General] Clunk thinks, "Straggler think."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Ycelacie says, "I mean it."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "No, no..."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "The note from Rian."
Speaking to Ycelacie, Stormyrain says, "As do I."
Vaemyr asks, "Oh whom?"
Vaemyr asks, "Wait what note from Rian?"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Tyrrax wants to take the Star of Khar'ta back and defeat Grishom."
Speaking firmly to Ycelacie, Kayse says, "You had no right to kill him or harass anyone here. Leave."
[General] Peggyanne thinks, "Put my shield up his nose..."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "The one he passed to Dendum quickly."
[General] Clunk thinks, "Mebbe they is scoutin Aspis, like they was Pheonix."
Speaking flatly to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Seriously, that's what it said."
Vaemyr asks, "A note Tyrrax gave Dendum?"
Leafiara says, "Rian."
Speaking to Drektor, Ycelacie says, "Your turned your back on me."
Dendum says, "Err."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Rian passed it over before running back into the portal."
Speaking to Drektor, Ycelacie says, "I am so furious."
Dendum says, "There is no proof he speaks of Grishom."
Leafiara says, "I don't understand why Rian went back in."
Speaking to Drektor, Ycelacie says, "Don't say another word to me, or you will not like my response."
Speaking to Dendum, Leafiara says, "Fair, I suppose the 'blood heretic' could be someone else."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Me either."
Speaking to Drektor, Ycelacie says, "You are dead to me."
Leafiara says, "Hard to imagine who else when it's thinking about people around here, though."
Xorus says, "Amusing that he thinks destroying the Lalk Morgil is the right way to approach that goal."
Speaking sternly to Ycelacie, Kayse says, "You alienate people yourself. Leave him alone he did nothing to you."
Speaking to Ycelacie, Drektor says, "Easier on everyone then."
Speaking to Blades, Ycelacie says, "I note I do really not appreciate the waggling, kindly."
Xorus says, "If you are to go after Grishom Stone, you need all of the dark magic you can get."
Speaking to Leafiara, Dendum says, ""Krolvin speak of blood like Forest Gnomes speak of blood...blood heretic could be traitor in their eyes."
[General] Troyi asks, "Did i just miss the invoker by 1 minute?"
[General] Bernadette thinks, "Mebbe."
Speaking to Xorus, Guarrin says, "That path seems...odd."
Speaking to Xorus, Vaemyr says, "I don't know anymore that he wants it destroyed."
Lankas exclaims, "Hey!"
Speaking to Dendum, Leafiara considers, "Hmm, interesting perspective..."
Vaemyr says, "I think he wants power."
Ycelacie says, "Then you do not care what I do or don't appreciate."
Lankas roars, "We do not speak of blood!"
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Lankas says, "I mean, sure at times."
Speaking to Lankas, Kisun says, "You a good gnomes."
Speaking coldly to Blades, Ycelacie says, "Noted."
Speaking to Lankas, Dendum exclaims, ""Like Blood Lines!"
Lankas says, "Ohh."
Lankas says, "Ok."
The last sign of the storm dissipates from Darkstone Bay, as the quiet of night returns to wash over the lands.
Talk Afterward
Speaking to Xorus, Vaemyr says, "There were also... what I could only say were experiments in one of the holds."
Leafiara says, "I guess the 'blood heretic' could be someone like Falzcrow if he sees half-krolvin as abominations."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Guarrin says, "Yes, one of the ships..."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara asks, "You said he was torturing half-krolvin?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Was... more like... experimenting on them."
Speaking to Guarrin, Perigourd says, "Told you I had a bad feeling."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "I see..."
Xorus says, "That is likely the same hold I came across weeks ago."
Vaemyr says, "I looked over some of the maps he had in his quarters, but didn't seem too much information to gain there."
[General] Clunk thinks, "Zerker is gone from East ring. Thank Peggyanne."
[General] Chandrellia exclaims, "Knuckleheads, job well done, as expected!"
Dendum says, "Captures this drink from Czag Dung."
Speaking to Drazaa, Peggyanne says, "Well met Sylph. I too have felt the sting of her magic. You are not alone."
Dendum raises his icy golden lager in a toast!
[General] Sevanya thinks, "Except for the tower archer...."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Guarrin says, "Aye, I was hoping to come across something."
Speaking to Peggyanne, Kisun says, "Ya'll should start a support groups."
[General] Leafiara asks, "Pookia said he was saved, right?"
[General] Pukk exclaims, "The knuckleheads didn't target me tonight, so they did really well!"
[General] Pookia thinks, "I was just... i thought maybe he came back..."
Vaemyr says, "Hate to say it, but I am a bit worried about Amos... not hearing anything from him is, concerning in multiple ways."
[Focused] Pookia thinks, "Someone searched him and he came back and it makes no sense at all hes dead haha."
Speaking to Kisun, Peggyanne says, "Id rather the law take care of her appropriately. It is not my job to clean the streets of villianous scum."
Soan says, "Got a place you wanta be? I can probably help you get there!"
Kisun exclaims, "Go away!"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Dendum says, ""Searched the waters and the sands...."
Aurien asks, "Both he and that krol fell into the bay?"
Speaking to Dendum, Vaemyr says, "Me too."
Speaking to a portly portmaster, Kisun says, "Go away."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "No Rian either, that's really unfortunate. The way he wrote, it's like he doesn't expect to return."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "I still don't understand that one."
Speaking to a yellow-eyed blue-black panther, Peggyanne says, "Go get it Sheba..."
Speaking curiously to Leafiara, Nairena asks, "The half elf scholar with Tyrrax?"
Speaking to Nairena, Leafiara says, "Yeah..."
Speaking to Nairena, Leafiara says, "He wrote to watch over his wife, tell her he loves her, and tell her he should have listened."
Leafiara says, "Apparently he had that planned out before darting straight back into the portal."
Vaemyr says, "Tyrrax must of shown Rian something... worth dying for to learn more about."
Nairena says, "I remember him mentioning something about choosing to stay on until the job was done."
Speaking to Leafiara, Kisun says, "Sounds like a goodbye letter."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "It's the only explanation."
Nairena says, "During one of the past visits."
Vaemyr says, "He has a family here, he was free."
Vaemyr says, "But he ran back."
Vaemyr says, "Knowing that it probably means his life."
Rhaladin asks, "He ran back onto da ship?"
Blades says, "This is the fourth one."
Nairena says, "Again. I tend to notice and remember small tid-bits I see and hear."
Guarrin says, "I think I will take another look for Amos."
Peggyanne says, "It is in Our Lady's hands now."
Vaemyr says, "There's gotta be a reason, the guy was... too logical for it to just be chance."
Leafiara says, "Kharusa and Rian both immediately ran back onto the ship. Couldn't have seen that coming."
Rhaladin says, "Pretty dumb hostages."
Rhaladin says, "Best kind ah suppose."
Nairena says, "She has her father to worry about."
Nairena says, "And he..."
Rhaladin says, "She did nae mention anything of da kind before."
Drazaa asks, "You believe Amos is still here?"
Rhaladin says, "Always has a reason."
Aurien asks, "They both go back for the saem reason?"
Rhaladin says, "Da chains will kill me, da krol will kill my dad."
Speaking to Drazaa, Leafiara says, "I don't think for a second he died. Whether he's here... that I'm not sure of."
Clunk deeply says, "I gonna check the mine."
[General] Pookia exclaims, "Archer boyfriend... IS alive! im not stupid this time! knuckleheads win again!"
Nairena says, "If they returned to Tyrraz, then the events of tonight were for nothing."
Blades says, "Meh."
Speaking to Leafiara, Drazaa replies, "I assume he lives too. Though, whether that is here or on a warship or elsewhere is beyond me."
[General] Sevanya thinks, "He was just pretending to be gutted. I think."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "My bets are still that he managed to get back to his ship out there, was hoping to see if it sailed back."
Dendum asks, "Hrmm anyone see that Krol stick something in Amos?"
[General] Chandrellia exclaims, "Wwoohhoo Three cheers for the KNucklheads!"
Speaking to Nairena, Leafiara says, "Not quite, Amos got the shackles. Assuming he didn't lose them in the battle."
Kayse measuredly says, "We can only keep searching for Amos. Hopefully he was picked up by his ship or something friendly."
Earthdiver asks, "The shards?"
Rhaladin says, "Some urglaes bits from 'is bracer."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Drazaa asks, "Half of his ships are here, are they not?"
Rhaladin says, "Dey went intae his chest."
Leafiara says, "Ahh, that, yeah."
Earthdiver says, "Now he and Thadston can match."
Nairena says, "He stashed them in his greatcloak."
Nairena says, "The shackles."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "He played dead, was wondering if that trick actually worked."
Rhaladin asks, "Kin we claim salvage rights on dem?"
Rhaladin says, "Der owner nae here, after all."
Speaking to Nairena, Leafiara says, "Sure, but he was fighting all over ships and getting thrown into the ocean. I do assume he guarded them with his life, but... anything's possible."
Nairena says, "Once death has been confirmed."
Rhaladin says, "Dibs on dat one."
Vaemyr whispers something to Leafiara.
Nairena says, "I want the cyclops whatever."
Speaking to Rhaladin, Kisun says, "Amos already stated I could have one.."
Dendum exclaims, "Oi, if the Amos lacks will...Darkstone Bay Consortium will determine how things get passed out!"
Kisun says, "You all heard him, right.."
Kisun asks, "Right?"
Speaking to Kisun, Rhaladin says, "Nae nae, dat was da other one."
[General] Chandrellia exclaims, "Well done Landing defenders, healers, and clerics!"
Rhaladin says, "Da one that sailed."
Speaking to Xorus, Dendum asks, ""Early investors each get warehouse and ship?"
Xorus says, "I call 'dibs' on the Titan."
Speaking to Xorus, Dendum says, ""Call dibs on other one named after stupid large things."
Lankas says, "Kisun, you can have my warship. I will not take one."
Rhaladin says, "Deres only three an' six dibs."
Speaking deeply to Aurien, Clunk says, "Think they was scoutin Aspis."
Speaking to Lankas, Kisun says, "Nae, I called dibs the day they cames in. An Amos nodded at me. It is known."
[General] Pukk thinks, "For all your hard work the first 5 people to tap Chandrellia in TSC will get chrisms."
Kisun points at a huge grey imperial warship.
Kisun says, "That one."
[General] Pukk exclaims, "Thank you Chandrellia!"
Vaemyr whispers something to Leafiara.
[General] Pietra asks, "Chandi, can I get one too?"
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "I would, except Leafi has my chrism for the dead that were on the ships."
Kisun says, "Well, I'm off to hunt I supposed."
[General] Pietra exclaims, "Hrmph!"
Dendum says, "Hrmm...not so great."
[fog to TSC]
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Kisun disk, a plain thanot box, the Gamiron disk, a sullen forest spirit that is flying around, the Marlborax disk, a sleek raven black kitten masked in stormy grey fur, a tiny orange calico kitten wearing a tiny tricorn charm, the faenor Chandrellia disk inlaid with intersecting bands of jet, the coffin-shaped Jara disk, the Braugi disk, the Lunatick disk, the Remizycas disk, the Honeydew disk, the Novarian disk, the Kialeigh disk, an icy dark blue sprite with a sharply-pointed nose, an iridescent sea green sprite with slender wings, a sparkly blue-grey sprite with tangled hair, some manna bread, a drake falchion, a sweet pineapple-glazed pumpkin loaf, a wafer of candied seeds, a small wild rice and millet cake laced with maple syrup, a small wild rice and millet cake laced with maple syrup, a glass of orange juice, a grilled flour flatbread drizzled with chile oil, a wafer of candied seeds, an ivy-covered white monir tower, an iron-banded linden keg of spiced Vornavian apple beer, a large acorn, a mistwood serving cart with some stuff on it, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some wide stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Kisun, Gamiron, Marlborax, Town Councilor Chandrellia, Jara, Lord Zahhak who is sitting, Citan, Lord Braugi who is sitting, Nakin, Lunatick who is sitting, Delyorik, Lord Remizycas, Honeydew who is lying down, Novarian, Kialeigh who is sitting, Andromalius who is sitting, Sorgrad who is lying down, Lord Sanori
Lunatick says, "I should kill things."
Speaking to a bundle of kappa fins, Kisun says, "Aahh, da spoils of war.."
Lunatick says, "I think i lost motivation to hunt again."
[General] Pukk exclaims, "For all those that died. Well fought! Don't forget to stock up on your chrisms at Leafiara's shop! Yes! You too can have that comfort of knowing that you have one of her great chrisms with you!"
Kialeigh says, "I'm gonna go kill some giants."
Lunatick says, "Three trains in 10 years.. I"ll cap in a few hundred years."
[General] Pietra asks, "I thought she was all out? Had to restock?"
[General] Leafiara thinks, "I restocked earlier, but after the last couple hours I wouldn't be surprised if I need to restock again."
Nairena raspily asks, "Weapon polish?"
Kialeigh says, "Let's go be amazing."
Remizycas says, "Oo."
[General] Sevanya asks, "How do we know leafiara isn't arranging these various crises so we have to buy chrisms from her shop?"
Lunatick says, "Yes i am."
Kialeigh says, "Let me stand up first.."
Delyorik says, "But they're all for me."
Remizycas says, "Keep an eye out."
Speaking to Leafiara, Kisun says, "Ooh, you need to restock again.."
[General] Directed wryly to Sevanya, Leafiara thinks, "Because it's not nearly profitable enough."
Kialeigh says, "Cause I'm sore from sitting in one spot and losing arms."
Kialeigh says, "And lets.."
Speaking squeakily to Kialeigh, Braugi says, "Just don't go dyin' on me."
[General] Sevanya thinks, "Perhaps it is another arm of your secret plan for world domination."
[General] Pukk exclaims, "Leafiara! How could you?! You know we truly need your chrisms! They are a lifesaver and at such a good price!"
[General] Pookia exclaims, "Knuckleheads are onto your ways leafiara! we'll uncover your ploy one of these days!"
Kialeigh says, "And if my runestaff bites me again, help me out."
Lunatick says, "Sure."
Speaking to Remizycas, Kisun says, "I could always sing to yas."
Lunatick says, "Nothing better to do."
[General] Jara thinks, "Leafiara always has great prices."
[General] Leafiara sagely thinks, "You're the Landing's best and only hope."
Speaking to Delyorik, Nairena asks, "What kind?"
Braugi squeakily says, "Lets save this runt."
[General] Sevanya asks, "Great prices...but at what cost?"
[General] Directed to Pookia, Pukk exclaims, "She has nothing but good things to say about you guys!"
[General] Pookia thinks, "Its a very convoluted plot..."
[General] Sevanya thinks, "Maybe we're in on it too. You never know."
[General] Pookia thinks, "Who knows how deep the twists turn."
Kisun sings:
"Remi, Remi
I am no bard.
Remi, Remi
Dis singin, be hard."
[General] Directed to Pookia, Pukk thinks, "Well that does sound like her..."
[General] Pietra thinks, "She has to, as the Knuckleheads occasionally target you know... council members."
Leafiara says, "Whew."
[General] Pookia thinks, "How many times do i have to say its not my fault his head is so huge."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "You were just testing Pukk's dodging skill. Gotta keep him sharp."
[General] Bigsword thinks, "Nice knowing you pookia, i don't think you will be alive much longer since your discovery."
[General] Pookia exclaims, "It just gets in the way!"
[General] Leafiara thinks, "Work those reflexes."
[General] Sevanya thinks, "As militia members we're very familiar with the concept of drills."
Speaking to himself, Kisun says, "Think that's how bards work."
[General] Sevanya thinks, "And we were just going to drill Pukk in the head. I mean...anyway."
[General] Pookia thinks, "My archer boyfriend is especially familar with drills."
[General] Pukk asks, "Oh what discovery did I miss?"
Delyorik picks up a plain thanot box.
Leafiara picks up a simple wooden coffer.
Chandrellia says, "Yoink."
Nairena confusedly asks, "Threatening?"
Leafiara says, "They're all empty, just cleaning up."
Chandrellia says, "Oh."
Speaking sweetly to a white-bellied inky black marmoset, Nairena asks, "Whos the sweetest monkey in the landing..???"
[General] Peggyanne thinks, "You sure talk about this "archer boyfriend" a lot."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "You can come see him any time in the Sovyn mobile tower."
[General] Pookia exclaims, "Thats because he saved my life and i just watched him get gutted and then come back to life!"
Speaking to Nairena, Kisun asks, "Tyrrax?"
Vaemyr says, "Sands and bay are clear."
[General] Pookia thinks, "We're DATING."
[Sovyn Safeguard, Nexus]
Wooden planks reinforced with bands of steel form a circular platform high into the sky. A tall ladder with green and silver rags tied to its rails is bolted to the side of the tower, leading down towards the ground far below. An arched roof provides shelter from the elements, and the tower branches off into four main sections from this point. The surrounding landscape is visible for miles, the horizon blurring into a blend of land and sky. You also see an engraved iron trunk, the Sevanya disk, the Pookia disk, a spirited young aelotian archer, a large faewood cabinet, an arched slitted window, an oversized verdant-hued flag, a sovyn-crested green steel vat, a sovyn-crested silver steel vat and an arched slitted window.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Sevanya, Pookia who is sitting
Leafiara looks at a spirited young aelotian archer and cheers!
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Vaemyr disk, the Lankas disk, a tiny orange calico kitten wearing a tiny tricorn charm, the faenor Chandrellia disk inlaid with intersecting bands of jet, a sleek raven black kitten masked in stormy grey fur, a bundle of kappa fins, the green Nairena disk, a white-bellied inky black marmoset, the Kisun disk, the Marlborax disk, the Remizycas disk, an icy dark blue sprite with a sharply-pointed nose, an iridescent sea green sprite with slender wings, a sparkly blue-grey sprite with tangled hair, some manna bread, a drake falchion, a sweet pineapple-glazed pumpkin loaf, a wafer of candied seeds, a small wild rice and millet cake laced with maple syrup, a small wild rice and millet cake laced with maple syrup, a glass of orange juice, a grilled flour flatbread drizzled with chile oil, a wafer of candied seeds, an ivy-covered white monir tower, an iron-banded linden keg of spiced Vornavian apple beer, a large acorn, a mistwood serving cart with some stuff on it, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some wide stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Vaemyr, Lankas, Town Councilor Chandrellia, Lady Nairena who is sitting, Kisun who is sitting, Marlborax, Citan, Nakin, Delyorik, Lord Remizycas, Andromalius who is sitting, Sorgrad who is lying down, Lord Sanori
[General] Pietra thinks, "Hrm."
Speaking to Kisun, Nairena says, "I like that."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Hey, a girl likes to talk about her boyfriend nothing wrong with that, shes proud of him."
[General] Peggyanne thinks, "Uh huh."
Vaemyr says, "Gonna get some rest I think, I... have some things to think about."
[General] Sevanya thinks, "Sounds like someone doesn't have any maidens."