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Level 64
Family Griffin family creatures
Body Type Hybrid
Classification(s) Living
Area(s) Found Griffin's Keen
HP 260
Attack Attributes
Physical Attacks
Impale 342 AS
Bite 342 AS
Claw 352 AS
Misc. Offensive Spells
Call Wind (912)
Defense Attributes
Brigandine Armor (natural) ASG 12N
Defensive Strength (DS)
Melee 265
Bolt 263
Unarmed Defense Factor
Target Defense (TD)
Bard Base
Cleric Base
Empath Base
Paladin Base
Ranger Base
Sorcerer Base
Wizard Base
Minor Elemental
Major Elemental
Minor Spiritual
Major Spiritual
Minor Mental
Treasure Attributes
Coins No
Gems Yes
Magic Items No
Boxes No
Skin a grifflet pelt
Other None
The grifflet is a young, yet magnificent beast.  Mottled brown feathers marked with light splotches cover the grifflet's front legs, forebody, and wings, while the creature's eagle-like head is almost completely grey.  The rear half of the grifflet's body is that of a young lion, with short, pale yellow fur and a long feline tail.  Even at this immature stage of life, the horse-sized grifflet is a deadly foe.

Hunting strategies

Grifflets, being a flying creature, are sometimes out of reach for melee attacks, predominantly when they have just soared into a room (though they also sometimes use it as a form of retreat).

Therefore, melee hunters should wait until the grifflet itself attempts a melee attack (either with its beak or claws) against an adventurer before advancing (they can melee attack the yeti while remaining at high altitude). Ranged weapons and magical attacks perform as usual, although many knockdown and nature type spells (for example, Tremors (909) does not affect them as they are not on the ground. Unlike the Lesser griffin and Storm griffin, Grifflets can be stunned and do not break it.

They also have various maneuver and spell style abilities which can cause roundtime, and can beat their wings for a Call Wind (912) style effect.

Other information

When using its claw attack, the grifflet attacks with two claws at once (similar to Two Weapon Combat).


Near-level creatures - edit
Level 62

Level 63 Level 64 Level 65


Level 66

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