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Stalking and Hiding
Stalking and Hiding is the primary skill considered with the stealth system. It is also a factor in the success of Rogue Gambits Stealth.
Ranks and Training Costs
Type | Square | Semi | Pure | ||||||||
Profession | Rogue | Warrior | Monk | Bard | Paladin | Ranger | Cleric | Empath | Savant | Sorcerer | Wizard |
Max Ranks Per Level | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | - | 1 | 1 |
Training Point Cost | 1/1 | 3/2 | 3/2 | 3/2 | 4/4 | 2/1 | 5/4 | 5/4 | - | 5/4 | 5/4 |
Race | Stalking and Hiding Bonus |
Human | +10 while in town |
Giantman | -10 everywhere |
Half-elf | +5 everywhere |
Sylvankind | +30 in forests |
Dwarf | +15 in mountain caves +10 outdoors in the mountains |
Halfling | +10 everywhere |
Forest Gnome | +30 in forests |
Burghal Gnome | +10 in town |
To enter stealth, use the HIDE verb. To track a specific target while being hidden, use the STALK verb. To move to another room while remaining hidden, use the SNEAK verb.
Success factors
Success in hiding and remaining hidden is determined by hidden rolls. Stalking and Hiding skill bonus adds directly to the roll result. For example, a character with 50 skill ranks gains a bonus of 150 to each roll. There are also potentially large bonuses based on the hider's profession and race. For example, at level 100, a rogue with 100 skill ranks can hide slightly better than a warrior with 200 skill ranks. Rogues and rangers are the only professions for whom hiding is typically useful in combat.
Characters or creatures can attempt to SEARCH for someone who is hidden. There is a bonus based on the searcher's Perception. For player characters, searching incurs some minor roundtime and does not reveal the hider even on a success unless the searcher uses the POINT verb afterwards; for creatures, a successful search incurs no roundtime, reveals instantly, and they can attack immediately after revealing a hidden character. Generally, wild animals and the undead have very high perception and are much more difficult to stay hidden from.
Your success during the initial hide attempt is based on your Discipline bonus and your Racial modifier. Your ability to remain hidden is based on Discipline bonus and Dexterity bonus. Racial modifiers do not apply while attempting to remain hidden.
Discipline bonus is a 1:1 bonus to hiding, and is equivalent to 1 bonus in Stalking and Hiding. This makes Dwarves exceptional hiders, and Elves not so exceptional.
Ambush and sniping
Melee combatants can attack from stealth with the AMBUSH verb, receiving a stance pushdown and critical weighting if trained in the Ambush skill. Using the ATTACK verb from stealth automatically uses ambushing mechanics. Ambushing reveals the attacker, so to reuse this ability it is necessary to hide again afterwards. The Silent Strike combat maneuver available to rogues allows them to attack while remaining hidden, and with additional training they may also use the Cutthroat and Subdue maneuvers in such a manner.
Two-handed polearms cannot be used to ambush from hiding.
When using ranged weapons, using the FIRE verb from stealth (also known as sniping) will make an automatic hiding check. If successful, the attacker will stay hidden after the attack.
Roundtime Benefits
Training in Stalking and Hiding reduces SNEAK and HIDE roundtimes at the following ranks:
- 30 ranks: -1 sneak RT
- 60 ranks: -1 hide RT
- 90 ranks: -1 sneak RT
- 120 ranks: -1 hide RT