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Sympathy (1120)

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Sympathy (1120)
Mnemonic [SYMPATHY]
Duration 10-60 sec.
Mana Cost 10
Attack Magic - Disabling  
Subtype Warding 
Target(s) Multi-target 
State(s) Inflicted Sympathetic
Empath Base Spells
Harm (1101) Attack
Heal (1101) Healing
Limb Repair (1102) Healing
System Repair (1103) Healing
Head Repair (1104) Healing
Organ Repair (1105) Healing
Bone Shatter (1106) Attack
Adrenal Surge (1107) Utility
Empathy (1108) Attack
Empathic Focus (1109) Defensive
Empathic Assault (1110) Attack
Limb Scar Repair (1111) Healing
System Scar Repair (1112) Healing
Head Scar Repair (1113) Healing
Organ Scar Repair (1114) Healing
Wither (1115) Attack
Rapid Healing (1116) Healing
Empathic Link (1117) Attack
Herb Production (1118) Utility
Strength of Will (1119) Defensive
Sympathy (1120) Attack
Troll's Blood (1125) Healing
Intensity (1130) Defensive
Solace (1140) Healing
Regeneration (1150) Healing

Sympathy shows how strongly Empaths are considered the "masters of emotions" by being able to extend it towards others. Each targeted creature or individual must pass a warding check in order to not be affected by the the Empath's sympathy. All creatures that fail the warding check will become unable to attack the Empath, or his group, and attempt to attack each other instead. Also, all player characters that fail the warding check will also be unable to harm the Empath or his group; however, they will not attempt to attack other player characters if the spell was cast by a player character. Training in Spiritual and/or Mental Mana Controls will increase the possible number of targets.

Sympathy is considered a disabling spell. It is considered a contribution to an attack for purposes of experience gain or treasure determination. A creature that is killed by a Sympathetic creature will only count as a kill for the Empath if the Empath has personally injured or disabled the creature.

By default, INCANTing Sympathy requires a visible target to be in the room, but targets that are in stealth must still make a warding roll (up to the number of targets the spell is able to affect) and will be revealed from stealth if they fail the roll. Sympathy can also be open cast whether or not any targets are visible, in which case it will attempt to affect both visible and hidden targets. Sympathetic targets are not prevented from re-hiding after being revealed.

Mana Control Benefit

Multi-target spells and abilities choose targets based on the following criteria, unless specified otherwise:

  • Multi-target spells activated by players via CAST and CHANNEL will not target other players. This includes both grouped and ungrouped players.
  • All multi-target spells offer an option to EVOKE the spell, which will possibly hit other players. This version still prioritizes creatures unless directly targeting another player.
  • All multi-target spells have a starting maximum targets of 3. This is increased by 1 additional target for every 50 Mana Control Skill Bonus associated with the spell circle.

As the Empath Base circle uses both Spiritual Mana Control (SMC) and Mental Mana Control (MMC), the multi-target Mana Control skill bonus is calculated as:

  • Mana Control skill bonus = (higher of SMC and MMC) + (lower of SMC and MMC)/2

Lore Benefits

The Undead, not possessive of feelings, are even harder to provoke with Sympathy. However, with advanced training in Mental Lore, Telepathy the caster is able to make them remember past feelings from being alive to simulate sympathy. At the minimum, the caster will need half the Undead's level in Mental Lore, Telepathy ranks to even have a chance to affect the undead creature. Furthermore, if the Empath's Mental Lore, Telepathy ranks are equal to, or greater than, the undead monster's level then the caster will successfully be able to affect the undead 100% of the time, subject to the target failing the warding check.

Player Effects

Player cast: All player characters that fail the warding check will also be unable to harm the Empath or his group; however, they will not attempt to attack other player characters instead.

Creature Cast: Each round while creature-cast Sympathy (1120) is active, you make a check. First, you look for other players in the room. If you find one, you'll be forced to attack them. If none are present, you will experience a random amount of cumulative roundtime.


Casting Sympathy:

You gesture at a kiramon defender.
Closing your eyes and expanding your mind outward, you attempt to instill a sense of sympathy into those within the area...
CS: +216 - TD: +148 + CvA: +25 + d100: +93 == +186
Warding failed!
A kiramon worker's eyes begin to glow black.

CS: +216 - TD: +177 + CvA: +25 + d100: +80 == +144
Warding failed!
A kiramon defender's eyes begin to glow black.

CS: +216 - TD: +177 + CvA: +25 + d100: +73 == +137
Warding failed!
A kiramon defender's eyes begin to glow black.

You open your eyes, feeling less focused.

Note: The color that the eyes glow is dependent on the eye color of the caster as long as the caster's eye color descriptor is under 14 characters in length. If the character's eye color field is 14 or more characters, the eye glow will default to purple.

Wearing off:

A kiramon defender's eyes cease to glow.