Clipped Wings/2020-01-12 Children Forcibly Removed from Greth's Custody (log): Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 20:41, 13 January 2020

This log is from premium storyline Clipped Wings on January 12, 2020, from the viewpoint of Darcena Wolf-Valslayer.


Summary provided by GM Quilic in the Official Discord.

Greth began the afternoon looking rather beat up (arm in a sling, and shiner under one eye), and in a rather surly mood. When everyone had gathered, he revealed that someone had barged in during the early morning hours, roughed him up, and severely injured Penre, en route to making off with the children that Greth had been harboring. He revealed that the interlopers were disguising their appearance, appearing to be friends of Greth's, but he revealed that each of them were wearing what was eventually determined to be a lily. He also disclosed that he had killed one of them, and that while they were talking amongst each other they used a language he had never heard before.

People were mildly annoyed at this revelation, and there was some calm discussion amongst the gathered parties. After some time, Selbi showed up and calmed everyone down with her levelheaded, logical explanations and assurances. Which is to say she was horribly biased toward the Flock and everyone was even more incensed when she announced that there would be new Government Posts established in the coming days, then flounced out the door.

The enruned dart made an appearance, burrowing through Nehor's neck. Before it could disappear, Socius slipped out of a shadow and grabbed it. He assured everyone that he had killed the remaining four kidnappers, in rather extreme fashion. He said it was justice, and then also said that none of them knew where the children had gone (else they'd have definitely said so). He said the dart was a Family artifact, and that his (adopted) sister must be the one using it. He said she died when they were 8 years old, and she had been an orphan that his father adopted, and they had been raised as brother and sister. Socius tasked the Defenders with finding where the children were being held, and they agreed. Socius said that he would do his best to track down his sister.

GM Cast: Greth, Penre, Selbi, Socius

Adventurers: Defender of Mist Harbor Akenna, Aleid, Darcena, Dhairn, Lord Faerinn, Juspera, Mistress Khobra, Lady Kioya, Lady in Waiting Lynaera, Mellny, Defender of Mist Harbor Naamit, Flockmaster Nehor, Opalina, Relic Hunter Ordim, Magister Raelee, Defender of Mist Harbor Rohese, Sreka, Steenk, High Lord Talinvor, Tatria, Chatelaine Traiva, Xanthium

Log Snippets

Editor’s notes:

  • Many of the ambient noises or individuals interacting with each other outside of the scope of the events of the night have been removed from this retelling. Some have been moved to the end of the log.
  • Grammar and spelling has been corrected for ease of understanding. Please let me know if I overcorrect.
  • Actions have been combined in places to reduce the length while maintaining the atmosphere. Some conversational pieces that were meant to happen sequentially but did not due to the nature of parsing speech in the game (i.e., player A says one piece of information, player B asks a question, player A continues with more information, then player A answers the question) have been reordered (e.g., player A says both pieces of information, player B asks a question, player A answers the question) in every situation where it makes sense to do so and doesn’t disrupt the actual proceedings.
  • If there are any errors, information left out or in when it shouldn't be, or otherwise you have a correction of any kind, please contact or ARMYJEN#0001 on Discord.

Preamble Chatter

You move toward a ramshackle brown-shingled store, striding away.
[Stumbling Pebble Bar II]
Dried, cracked boards mingle with newer knotted pine planks as they spread across the floor from the swinging oak doors to the white oak bar.  Several half-cask chairs are arranged in circles around the room, their backs weathered and cracked, while plump couches face a fireplace that looks as if it has seen better days.  A scattering of cracked peanut shells litters the floor around an oversized bowl that is set upon a faded blue rug.  You also see a coppery smear across the floor, a wide-mouthed mahogany barrel, a series of high barstools, a basket of sticks and Greth.
Also here: Sreka, Chatelaine Traiva who is sitting, Dhairn, Steenk, Flockmaster Nehor, Lady in Waiting Lynaera, Defender of Mist Harbor Akenna who is sitting, Lord Faerinn who is sitting, Relic Hunter Ordim who is sitting, Mistress Khobra
Obvious exits: none
Your mountain spirit followed.

Dhairn nods to Greth.

You dust yourself off.

You ask about the price of some greasy pale red broth. Greth hands you some greasy pale red broth and says, "Here's your purchase.  Thanks for your patronage."

Faint ripples in the floor beneath Akenna become apparent before quickly dissipating.

Traiva flutters her wings at you.

Speaking warmly to Greth, you say, "Thank you, Greth."

Drawing aside the fabric of her burnt umber cowl, Akenna kisses Traiva on the cheek.

You turn to face Traiva.

Lynaera nods in greeting to you.

Speaking playfully to Traiva, you say, "Thank you for that gentle breeze."

Akenna beams happily at you!

You chortle at Traiva.

Lynaera whispers to you.

Traiva grins at you.

You nod at Lynaera.

A large individual, Greth has the distinct look of a powerful man gone somewhat soft as the years have passed.  His arm is in a makeshift sling, and he sports a particularly large shiner under his left eye.

Ordim says, "Solhaven should secure several small schooners, setting sail south."

Ordim twitches, trying to control a vocal outburst, before settling into a disdained grumble while regaining composure.

Speaking to Greth, you ask, "Greth?"

You frown at Greth.

Traiva fans her jade-veined elongated emerald wings at you, stirring the air into a small, focused breeze that swirls about you.

Speaking to Greth, you ask, "What in the world happened?"

Dhairn whispers to you.

You hear a distant song that lifts your spirits and touches memories of revelry long past.  Just as you turn to try and find the source, you see Naamit appear out of thin air!

You give a sidelong glance at Dhairn.

Lynaera nods at Steenk.

Speaking to you, Faerinn says, "He'll tell us in a bit."

Speaking to you, Akenna says, "He's injured... it's going to be pales to pay when Xilona sees it."

Nehor glances at Naamit.

You nod at Akenna.

Speaking dryly to Naamit, Nehor says, "Speak of the demon..."

Speaking slowly to Akenna, you say, "You are very correct, there."

Speaking to you, Ordim says, "New recipe won."

Ordim nods knowingly to you.

You frown at Ordim.

Ordim shrugs at you.

Speaking to Akenna, Faerinn says, "I have a vodka in the wings for her."

Speaking stiffly to Nehor, Naamit says, "You never grow tired of talking about yourself. Do you."

Speaking to Faerinn, Akenna says, "Should have made it whiskey."

You nod to Khobra in greeting.

You smile at Khobra.

Naamit removes an ebon-handled lavender teacup from in her lambswool cloak.

Sreka nods to Akenna in greeting.

Dhairn quietly says, "I don't either; Doesn't make me a scoundrel."

Naamit takes a drink from her lavender teacup.

Dhairn grins slowly.

You take a drink from your pale red broth.

Khobra nods in greeting to you.

Akenna observes, "She really likes it."

Sreka nods to you in greeting.

Speaking airily to Naamit, Nehor declares, "One must always have something interesting to discuss, no?"

Khobra smiles at you.

You say, "I just woke up after a very late evening."

Nehor smirks.

Akenna nods cheerfully at Sreka.

Khobra casually observes her surroundings.

You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.

Akenna nods to Naamit in greeting.

Lynaera spends some time haggling with Greth Rottgut.

Akenna gestures crisply and utters a practiced phrase as raw elemental energies issue forth from her dimly glowing eyes.

Akenna gestures.

Akenna appears to be keenly aware of her surroundings.

Speaking to you, Faerinn says, "You slept? I'm envious."

Sreka smiles at Akenna.

Traiva takes a drink from her rosy hibiscus metheglin.

You fret, "Step foot on the isle, rush over here, and see Greth looking like this?"

Speaking dismissively to Nehor, Naamit says, "Whatever."

Naamit nods once at Akenna.

Lynaera takes a drink from her minty green tea.

You quietly whisper to Dhairn.

Ordim unhooks his copper flask from his off-white apron.

Ordim neatly pops the halfling pirate figurine-capped cork off of his copper flask.

Ordim briefly draws down the edges of his slate grey cowl.

Ordim nips a small sip from his copper flask.

Ordim grasps a halfling pirate figurine-capped cork, which hangs from a tiny chain on his copper flask, and smartly seals his flask.

Ordim hooks his copper flask to his off-white apron.

Speaking seriously to Faerinn, you say, "I take sleep very seriously."

Naamit takes a few steps back.

Naamit pulls out a oak half-cask chair and plops down into it with a weary sigh.

Akenna says, "My neighbors are noisey... I take a sleeping draught most nights."

Akenna folds her arms at the waist.

Speaking to Akenna, you ask, "Bad part of town?"

Xanthium just arrived.

Tatria just arrived.

You cock your head.

You nod to Xanthium in greeting.

Lynaera nods in greeting at Xanthium.

You nod to Tatria in greeting.

Speaking to you, Akenna says, "No, Talinvor is my neighbor."

Faerinn takes a drink from his black coffee.

Nehor nods to Xanthium in greeting.

Xanthium smiles at you.

You groan at Akenna.

Traiva snickers at Akenna.

Tatria nods in greeting.

Xanthium smiles at Lynaera.

Speaking to Akenna, you say, "How terrible."

You shudder.

Xanthium gives Traiva a lingering kiss on the cheek.

Speaking politely to Xanthium, Nehor asks, "Mistress Xanthium. How are you this afternoon?"

Speaking to you, Akenna says, "Yes, it is."

Xanthium kisses you tenderly on the cheek.

Akenna's eyes crease slightly downward.

Speaking to Akenna, Traiva says, "My sympathies."

Dhairn whispers to you.

Faerinn says, "I take sleep as seriously as any other part of my life."

Xanthium strides over to stand before Nehor.

Traiva flutters her wings at Xanthium.

Sreka glances at Akenna.

Faerinn nods to Xanthium in greeting.

Nehor examines Xanthium closely, sizing her up and taking note of all the details.

You nod slowly at Dhairn.

Ordim fidgets.

Nehor smirks.

You quietly whisper to Dhairn.

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium says, "You look well this morning.  I hope you got enough rest."

Speaking to Xanthium, Faerinn says, "And a "Aua qie vieme zhi eobd-zhbuqib ru ki uv zhi uqmib'z torv-kri jiem" to you too Xanthium."

Akenna's eyes wrinkle at the edges in mirth.

You nod.

Speaking to Greth, Steenk says, "You have a shiner."

Xanthium stares at Faerinn.

You glance meaningfully at Tatria.

Faerinn says, "He'll get to it."

You nod to Steenk in greeting.

Dhairn whispers to you.

Speaking to Steenk, you say, "My apologies, I did not see you here."

Nehor offhandedly declares, "I was kept up most of the night with important business...but I decided to do the rounds and see how my town is faring thus far."

Tatria raises an eyebrow.

Steenk says, "Oh."

Speaking to Faerinn, Xanthium asks, "Was that Gnomish?"

Xanthium grins at Faerinn.

Faerinn exclaims, "Enjoy it!"

Faerinn grins at Nehor.

Dhairn whispers to you.

Speaking to you, Steenk says, "You were not here when I lit up the place."

Speaking confusedly to Steenk, you ask, "Lit up?"

Speaking to you, Steenk says, "No one missed it."

High Lord Talinvor just arrived.

Speaking to Steenk, you ask, "Are you the reason Greth looks as he did?"

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium says, "Morning constitutionals are important.  I worked on the barre for an hour or so myself."

Speaking to Nehor, Faerinn says, "Fortune can be as feeling as trying to hold sand."

Lynaera gives a sidelong glance at Greth.

Naamit points at a coppery smear across the floor.

Nehor whispers something to Xanthium.

Tatria frowns.

Speaking to you, Steenk says, "Not at all.  At least I hope not."

Tatria takes a moment to observe Greth.

Khobra glances at Greth.

Xanthium smiles at Nehor.

Talinvor joins Nehor's group.

Akenna briefly draws down the edges of her burnt umber cowl.

Akenna takes a drink from her minty green tea.

Speaking to Nehor, Faerinn exclaims, "Oh! Maybe that is what the proverb translates to!"

Speaking to Naamit, Faerinn says, "Greth will tell us when he's ready."

Akenna briefly draws down the edges of her burnt umber cowl.

Akenna takes a drink from her minty green tea.

Ordim giggles at Faerinn.

Xanthium perches atop one of the nearby high barstools and leans forward against the white oak bar.

Speaking to Greth, Tatria asks, "Fall down?"

Speaking simply to Faerinn, Nehor says, "One must never rely on fortune. Hard work and practice win the day. Those who will, win."

Xanthium scoots over next to Faerinn.

Nehor nods sagely.

Speaking to Faerinn, Naamit says, "I've no doubt of that."

Juspera just arrived.

Xanthium spends some time haggling with Greth Rottgut.

Akenna adds Traiva to her group.

Traiva flutters her wings at Juspera.

Xanthium gives a sidelong glance at Juspera.

Juspera glances warily around the room.

Using one hand, Talinvor unfastens the straps of his dark grey crow mask and allows it to fall free into his opposite hand.

Xanthium nods at Nehor.

Akenna nods to Juspera in greeting.

Nehor begins chuckling at Xanthium!

Juspera glances at Traiva.

Xanthium kisses Juspera on the cheek.

Faerinn nods to Traiva in greeting.

Talinvor tucks a hooded dark grey crow mask into a small pocket inside of his silver-buckled longcoat.

Juspera kisses Xanthium tenderly on the cheek.

Traiva flutters her wings at Faerinn.

Speaking to Greth, Tatria asks, "Maybe trip on toy?"

Lynaera waves to Juspera.

Greth is Injured and Begins to Talk

Greth repeats, "Ah'm waitin' for everyone else 'fore I say what happened.  Can't trust hardly nobody, an' everyone should hear at the same time."

Juspera grins at Lynaera weakly.

Greth grunts and adjusts his makeshift sling.

Talinvor gazes with interest at Greth.

Xanthium looks thoughtfully at Lynaera.

Lynaera peers quizzically at Juspera.

Speaking to Greth, Naamit says, "Wise move."

Tatria nods thoughtfully.

Ordim stares at a coppery smear across the floor.

Lady Kioya just limped in.

Lynaera whispers something to Juspera.

Xanthium nods slowly at Kioya.

Nehor nods to Kioya in greeting.

Steenk gulps.

Kioya nods curtly at Nehor.

Traiva nods at Juspera.

Faerinn grins at Xanthium.

Speaking to herself, Tatria muses, "Probably not trip then."

Speaking to Kioya, Xanthium says, "Lady Kioya.  It's good to see you."

Traiva grins at Juspera.

Traiva flutters her wings at Juspera.

Traiva giggles.

Juspera blinks at Traiva.

Defender of Mist Harbor Rohese just arrived.

Kioya gives Xanthium a slight curtsy, barely more than a quick bob.

Dhairn narrows his eyes.

Talinvor taps Nehor lightly on his shoulder.

Lynaera curtsies gracefully to Rohese.

Talinvor beckons Nehor closer with a slow curl of his forefinger.

Nehor glances at Tatria.

Rohese nods, ambient light briefly haloing her preternaturally pale skin from within the confines of the hood on her lamb's wool cowl.

Akenna nods to Rohese in greeting.

Pulling and tugging on the fabric, Rohese arranges the hood of her lamb's wool cowl to better conceal her features.

Rohese's eyes crinkle upward at the edges, though the rest of her face is concealed by the folds of her lamb's wool cowl.

Nehor turns to face Talinvor.

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium says, "I thought you would find it amusing.  I love to share tidings."

Nehor raises an eyebrow.

Xanthium grins at Nehor.

Rohese glances around the room.

Greth exhales, his face a mask of roughly-suppressed anger.

Tatria glances to her left.

Xanthium smiles at Rohese.

Faerinn nods to Rohese in greeting.

Speaking to Xanthium, Nehor agrees, "It is quite...different."

Rohese graciously says, "Good afternoon, all."

Faerinn removes a shot of Incandescent vodka from on a cask-faced white oak bar.

Speaking to Greth, you say, "You have always been able to trust me before."

Dhairn quietly says, "Greth... say it ain't so."

Nehor glances at Rohese.

You frown at Greth.

Traiva glances at Greth.

Nehor turns an inquisitive ear toward Talinvor.

Akenna says, "Good afternoon."

Faerinn offers Rohese a shot of Incandescent vodka.

Tatria nods politely at Rohese.

Speaking warmly to Greth, Rohese says, "Good afternoon."

Traiva flutters her wings at Rohese.

Speaking to Rohese, Faerinn says, "You may wan this fortificaoin."

Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.

Speaking softly to Faerinn, Rohese says, "Thank you, but no."

Rohese tilts her head in Faerinn's general direction, the folds of her hood obscuring her expression from view.

Traiva begins chortling at Juspera.

Greth grumbles, "After this mornin', hard ta know who to trust."

Juspera blinks.

Speaking softly to Faerinn, Rohese says, "I have tea."

Speaking to Rohese, Faerinn says, "Suit yourself."

Speaking to Rohese, Xanthium says, "Good day, Chatelaine."

Nehor blinks.

Tatria peers quizzically at Greth.

Faerinn nods to a coppery smear across the floor.

Speaking to Greth, you say, "I have never done anything to harm you."

You frown at Greth.

Speaking to Greth, Sreka asks, "What happened?"

Rohese draws the hood of her cowl off of her head, she loosens the toggles at her neckline, and pulls the piece free.

Akenna's eyes crease slightly downward.

Ordim glances between Greth and yourself.

You say, "And look at all the custom I've brought to your bar."

You fold your arms over your chest.

Speaking to Greth, Traiva asks, "What in the name of all spirits happened?"

Nehor smiles in surprise as Talinvor whispers to him, sending a sharp glance toward Tatria.

Akenna loosens the toggles at the neckline of her burnt umber cowl and pulls the piece free.

Rohese looks with concern at Greth.

Greth grunts and adjusts his makeshift sling.

Xanthium takes a drink from her glass of absinthe.

Rohese nods slowly at Lynaera.

Naamit cocks her head at Greth.

A white-tailed broom hare hops in.

Faerinn says, "Altercation."

You stride over to stand before Rohese.

You give Rohese a friendly hug.

Rohese whispers something to Akenna.

Xanthium leans forward.

Rohese smiles at you.

Nehor whispers something to Tatria.

Xanthium lightly places her hand on the broom hare, which responds by moving his body beneath her hand for a thorough rubbing.

The broom hare sits down.

Rohese kisses you tenderly on the cheek.

Nehor frowns.

Ordim glances at a white-tailed broom hare.

Ordim giggles.

Rohese nods slowly at Akenna.

Speaking to a white-tailed broom hare, Xanthium says, "Hello, Prince."

Juspera smiles at Rohese.

Speaking to Greth, Faerinn says, "I hope the other one looks worse. And that's someone elses."

Sreka turns an inquisitive ear toward Greth.

Tatria blinks at Nehor.

You smile at Rohese.

Rohese surreptitiously glances at Nehor.

Faerinn glances at a coppery smear across the floor.

Rohese kisses Juspera on the cheek.

The broom hare stands up.

The broom hare moves closer to Ordim.

>l smear

You see nothing unusual.

Naamit whispers to you.

Rohese kisses Xanthium on the cheek.

The broom hare chitters.

Faerinn nods to Juspera in greeting.

Greth growls, "So... this mornin', we was attacked.  Me'n Penre.  An' they took the kids."

Dhairn removes a split-bladed ebon golvern kama from in his black leather thigh-sheath.

Quick as the wind, Dhairn draws his ebon kunai and brandishes it, a wicked little gleam in his eye.

It smells like a coppery smear across the floor.

Talinvor glances at a coppery smear across the floor.

Rohese bites her lip.

Xanthium smiles at Rohese.

Talinvor frowns.

Juspera exclaims, "Attacked!"

Lynaera blinks.

Traiva gazes narrowly at Greth, smoothly maintaining her composure.

Ordim raises an eyebrow.

Nehor whispers something to Talinvor.

Juspera asks, "By who?"

Rohese agrees with Akenna.

Tatria gawks at Greth.

You quietly whisper to Naamit.

Khobra blinks at Greth.

Speaking to Greth, Xanthium says, "You have news for us."

Steenk's concentration shifts and becomes more focused as he slightly tilts an ear in a particular direction.

Xanthium gives a sidelong glance at Nehor.

Speaking to Greth, you growl, "Penre was hurt?"

Juspera asks, "And who in their right mind would want children?"

Speaking to Juspera, Nehor exclaims, "I too would like to know by whom, so that the parties can be brought to justice!"

Mellny just skipped merrily in.

Rohese inclines her head.

Akenna gasps, "They took the children?"

Speaking to Rohese, Faerinn asks, "Still a no?"

Juspera glowers darkly at Nehor.

Mellny skips in a merry little circle around a wide-mouthed mahogany barrel.

You belt out, "Penre?"

Tatria scowls.

Akenna asks, "Where is Penre?"

Greth growls "That's the problem... they was hidin' themselves with magic.  Pretendin' to be other'n who they were."

Naamit whispers to you.

Speaking appreciatively to Faerinn, Rohese says, "Still a no but I appreciate the concern."

Juspera mutters under her breath.

Akenna's jaw drops.

Ordim cocks his head.

Khobra rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Naamit whispers to you.

Rohese shakes her head, totally at a loss.

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium muses, "Greth is a popular man.  Striking out against him..."

Tatria asks, "Who pretend to be?"

Sreka asks, "Who in the name of the sea and stars is Penre?"

Dhairn closes his eyes for a moment.

Juspera says, "Well, -I- know who did it."

Juspera folds her arms over her chest.

Ordim glances at Juspera.

Speaking to Juspera, Xanthium says, "Let me guess.  Not you."

The broom hare chitters at Ordim.

Greth snarls, "One of 'em was pretendin' to be Elspie, for the love of Jastev!"

Speaking incredulously to Juspera, Nehor accuses, "Are you admitting to being behind this action?"

You frown at Sreka.

Ordim reaches into the depths of his talon-toggled coat and pulls out a blob of white chocolate frosting from an inner pocket, causing the multicolored beaks to rattle with the movement.

Juspera stares unwaveringly at Ordim.

Xanthium looks thoughtfully at Greth.

Naamit cocks her head at Greth.

Rohese furrows her brow.

Faerinn blinks.

Akenna's jaw drops.

Juspera snorts derisively at Nehor!

Xanthium asks, "One of...them?"

Talinvor raises an eyebrow.

Speaking quietly to Sreka, Traiva says, "Penre is a good man. He was helping to care for the children."

Ordim briefly draws down the edges of his slate grey cowl.

Ordim takes a bite of his white chocolate frosting.

Rohese put a pure white lamb's wool cowl in her lamb's wool robes.

Naamit says, "Well that seems inappropriate."

You nod slowly at Naamit.

Naamit folds her arms over her chest.

Faerinn asks, "Who were the others?"

The broom hare twitches his ears.

Rohese lets out a long, contemplative breath.

Akenna says, "What?  But... Elspie is... well she's not here anymore."

You shortly say, "Greth."

Dhairn stares at Tatria.

You ask, "Where is Penre?"

Speaking to Greth, Xanthium says, "Take a breath.  Tell it at a pace, not a leap."

You say, "I need to hear the rest, but I need to know he is okay."

Speaking in Faendryl, Khobra softly says something you don't understand.

You frown at Greth.

Tatria stares at Dhairn.

Speaking to Traiva, Sreka says, "Ah, thank you. I've never met the man and hadn't heard of him until today."

Greth growls, "There was five of 'em in total.  Penre... he tried to stan' up to 'em."

Faerinn carefully placed a shot of Incandescent vodka on a cask-faced white oak bar.

Naamit stands up.

Juspera exclaims, "Five!"

You slowly growl, "Greth?"

Ordim asks, "Five Penres ?"

(Faerinn pushes the vodka towards Greth.)

Ordim frets.

Darcena is very anxious right now.

The broom hare hops around the area.

Speaking to Greth, Faerinn says, "On the house."

Mellny confusedly asks, "Da raggedy pants man?"

Naamit places her hand on her hourglass girdle.

Naamit shifts her weight.

Nehor whispers something to Talinvor.

Speaking quietly to Greth, Dhairn says, "How long ago, Greth."

Greth mutters, "Penre got hurt bad, but he's restin'.  He's alive, at least."

Tatria asks, "How long?"

Dhairn quietly says, "Quickly."

You pant.

Akenna frowns at Greth.

Tatria peers quizzically at Greth.

You say, "Where is he? Perhaps I can help."

You fret.

Speaking to Greth, Faerinn asks, "Is that his?"

Rohese bites her lip.

Faerinn glances at a coppery smear across the floor.

Akenna slowly asks, "So someone used a glamour?"

Nehor slowly growls, "...they hurt Penre?"

Juspera glances at Akenna.

Nehor narrows his eyes.

Faerinn says, "A good one. A alot of glamours."

Greth snarls, "Tha's the PROBLEM, innit?  How kin I KNOW ye're you?!"

Juspera rolls her eyes at Nehor.

Ordim glances at Greth.

Faerinn peers quizzically at Greth.

You take a deep breath.

You say, "Greth."

The broom hare chitters at Greth.

Khobra rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Opalina just arrived.

Speaking incredulously to Greth, Nehor exclaims, "Have you listened to me talk? Who else can be so verbose?!"

Ordim pets a white-tailed broom hare.

Xanthium glances at Faerinn.

Juspera asks, "That's a very good question, actually. IS there something that will dispel a glamour?"

You ask, "What test will make you feel better to talk with us?"

Speaking to Greth, Akenna asks, "Who were the others?"

Akenna asks, "I mean, who you thought you saw?"

Nehor whispers something to Talinvor.

Faerinn asks, "Five folks did this? Five against two, and the worst you got a shiner and a sling?"

Juspera grins at Faerinn.

Akenna frowns.

Speaking quietly to Greth, Dhairn says, "You know who you are. We'll get someone else to tend while you watch Penre. Did you see which way they went? And how long ago."

Rohese appears lost in thought.

Juspera fidgets.

Nehor whispers something to Tatria.

Akenna glances at Nehor.

The broom hare scratches at one of his ears.

Speaking to yourself, you mutter, "Penre still has ancillary pack protection. This should not have happened."

You pace back and forth.

Greth growls, "I'm not takin' no chances no more.  This here's supposed to be a safe place.  An' the Flock or whoever... they just came in an'-"

Speaking to Greth, Xanthium says, "He's not wrong.  And there are ways to cancel magical concealment."

Ordim cocks his head.

You stare at Greth.

Tatria scowls at Nehor.

Sreka says, "They probably had jewelry like the sort sold at festivals. Makes you look like a different race."

Greth grunts and lowers his head for a moment, taking a deep breath.

Speaking to Greth, Nehor stresses, "Whomever it was, I assure you it was *not* the flock."

(Faerinn kicks against the bar and send himself spinning on his barstool for several rotations.)

Steenk says, "Light."

Rohese inclines her head.

The broom hare hops around the area.

Talinvor glances between Tatria and Nehor.

You scowl at Nehor.

Talinvor frowns.

Nehor stands there stubbornly, folding his arms over his chest.

The broom hare sits down.

Speaking to Greth, Naamit asks, "Describe the voices to us. How many were there?"

Speaking to Nehor, Faerinn says, "Certainly not all of it."

Greth takes a long breath, and nods once before lifting his head once more.

Opalina leans against a cask-faced white oak bar.

Ordim fidgets.

Juspera squints.

Xanthium frowns.

You reach out and touch a coppery smear across the floor.

Greth Tries to Explain from the Beginning - Adventurers Question About the Flower

Greth states, "So... from tha beginnin'"

Dhairn sniffs at a coppery smear across the floor.

Khobra stares at Greth.

Talinvor takes a drink from his spiced blood wine.

Ordim turns an inquisitive ear toward Greth.

Speaking to Greth, Xanthium says, "You mean the children."

Khobra nods to Greth.

You weakly ask, "Could you clean this up first?"

Speaking softly to Greth, Rohese soothes, "Try not to fret, we are all here to help so take a moment and try to explain as best you can."

Opalina turns an inquisitive ear toward Greth.

You distractedly glance at a coppery smear across the floor.

Juspera mumbles something under her breath.

(Darcena buries her nose in her broth.)

Sreka reaches out and touches a coppery smear across the floor.

Akenna stands up.

Nehor rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Steenk says, "Odd color."

Sreka says, "Not wet, at least."

Greth begins, "This mornin', me'n Penre was gettin' ready fer the day.  Penre was cleanin' the fireplace.  Five folks came in... folks I recognized."

Akenna sniffs at a coppery smear across the floor.

The broom hare scratches at one of his ears.

Akenna kneels down.

Juspera raises an eyebrow.

Ordim glances at a weathered rough stone fireplace.

Traiva turns an inquisitive ear toward Greth.

You glance uneasily at Greth.

Faerinn asks, "Elspie was one. Who were the other four?"

Rohese inclines her head.

Rohese smiles at Juspera.

Sreka asks, "Who did you recognize?"

Speaking eagerly to Greth, Mellny urges, "Ands?"

Juspera shifts her weight.

Greth continues, "They was wearin' black cloaks... an' each of em had some sorta flower pinned to their chest"

Faerinn asks, "Lilly?"

Ordim glances at his thorned black rose.

Faerinn peers quizzically at Greth.

Ordim places his hand on his thorned black rose.

Ordim furrows his brow.

Tatria thrusts her chest out, angrily folding her arms over it.

Akenna suddenly asks, "Flower?"

Lynaera surreptitiously casts her eyes around the room.

Nehor nods at Talinvor.

Greth grumbles, "Dunno... not a flower identifyin' kinda person"

Faerinn sighs.

You glance sharply at Nehor.

Opalina raises an eyebrow.

Speaking to Greth, Ordim asks, "Did the flowers do this?"

You ask, "Does anyone have a lily on hand?"

Ordim's thorned black rose gurgles for a moment before spitting a stream of water at him!

Ordim flails his arms comically in the air in frustration while crumbs tumble off his clothing.

Khobra just closed a floor-length midnight black cloak.

Speaking to Greth, Akenna asks, "What did it look like?"

Speaking to his thorned black rose, Ordim scolds, "Terrible aim!"

You stare at Talinvor.

Juspera nods at Rohese.

Traiva just opened a sweeping back-slit cloth-of-silver cloak with a deep velvet trimmed hood.

Speaking to Talinvor, you say, "You like to give people flowers."

You fold your arms over your chest.

Talinvor raises an eyebrow in your direction.

Speaking to Talinvor, you ask, "Do you have a lily on hand?"

Rohese smiles at Juspera.

Traiva leans over and whispers to you.

(Darcena lightly touches her white alyssum.)

Traiva gets a blank look on her face.

Greth squints and says, "Was kinda long and had the things stickin' out the middle."

Speaking curiously to you, Talinvor asks, "Do I look like a person who carries lilies?"

Talinvor removes a jade-traced black rose from in his black suede case.

You scowl at Talinvor.

Talinvor tilts his black rose side to side, making the light play off it.

Akenna says, "Sounds like a lily."

Naamit nods slowly at Talinvor.

Speaking to Xanthium, Juspera says, "If only your mother were here."

Talinvor lifts his black rose to his nose and inhales deeply.

Juspera grins wryly.

Dhairn nods.

Talinvor tucks a jade-traced black rose into a small pocket inside of his silver-buckled longcoat.

Speaking to Greth, Xanthium asks, "A hollyhock?  Or a thistle?"

Sreka says, "There are lots of long-stemmed flowers."

Tatria paces back and forth.

Speaking to Talinvor, Mellny blurts, "No, no, you be more like moss!"

Speaking to Greth, Akenna asks, "Kind of cone shaped?"

Rohese gazes in amusement at Mellny.

Speaking to Greth, Xanthium asks, "Things sticking out, do you mean spines, or thorns?  Or petals?"

Naamit removes a piece of white paper from in her crimson backpack.

Naamit put an ebon-handled lavender teacup in her lambswool cloak.

You nod slowly at Naamit.

Naamit removes a sharp-nibbed red feather quill from in her black leather bag.

Greth slams a fist down on the bar!  "Ah don't CARE 'bout the flower!  Ah CARE 'bout the KIDS!" he roars.

Ordim giggles.

Traiva just closed a sweeping back-slit cloth-of-silver cloak with a deep velvet trimmed hood.

Speaking to Greth, you say, "Naamit has the right idea."

Speaking puzzledly to Mellny, Talinvor asks, "Moss?"

Juspera cringes.

Akenna winces.

Ordim nods in agreement to Greth.

Tatria agrees with Greth.

Juspera glances at Greth.

Mellny happily exclaims, "Oy!"

Akenna stands up.

Khobra agrees with Greth.

Dhairn quietly says, "It doesn't matter. If they were magically disguised, the flowers were meant to tell you who they were disguised as. But that doesn't mean it wasn't them anyway."

Akenna clears her throat.

Speaking sternly to Greth, you say, "That is enough of that."

(Naamit begins sketching out a few flower shapes.)

Opalina slowly empties her lungs.

Speaking to Greth, Nehor soothes, "Calm down. What about the kids. Are you saying they are gone? Are they in danger?"

Tatria asks, "What happen then?"

Talinvor gives a sidelong glance at Greth.

Speaking to Greth, Faerinn says, "Flower could tell us a lot about the kids."

Naamit tilts her head up.

Speaking to Greth, Juspera says, "We need to be able to find them. So we need clues."

Speaking to Greth, Xanthium says, "We understand.  I know you're upset, but details are important."

Speaking to Greth, Traiva soothes, "We do, too, but we are trying to help identify who took them."

Juspera fidgets.

The broom hare forages around the area.

Sreka nods at Traiva.

Juspera takes a few steps back.

Speaking calmly to Greth, Akenna whispers aloud, "I know you're upset, Mister Greth... but maybe that flower could help us find them."

Talinvor rubs his chin thoughtfully.

You fold your arms over your chest.

Rohese touches Juspera.

Greth continues through clenched teeth, "If I saw the flower ag'in, I could tell ya.  But ya need ta hear the rest while yer all here."

Nehor turns an inquisitive ear toward Greth.

Akenna nods to Greth.

Naamit purposefully takes a few steps toward Greth.

Xanthium nods slowly to Greth.

Traiva nods slowly to Greth.

Tatria nods.

Talinvor Admits He Has Custody of the Children

Talinvor quietly says, "The children are safe."

Xanthium surreptitiously glances at Nehor.

Opalina folds her arms over her chest.

Speaking quietly to you, Dhairn says, "I'm going to jail today."

Dhairn sighs.

Juspera stares at Talinvor.

Akenna turns to face Talinvor.

Nehor glances at Talinvor.

You ask, "Didn't he just say they took the children?"

Tatria glances sharply at Talinvor.

Greth whips his head towards Talinvor.

You stare at Talinvor.

Rohese nods encouragingly at Juspera.

Speaking softly to Greth, Traiva says, "I can send my assistant to you with a variety of flowers."

Speaking to Talinvor, Sreka asks, "How would you know that?"

Speaking slowly to Talinvor, Nehor drawls, "Are they now?"

Dhairn put a split-bladed ebon golvern kama in his black leather thigh-sheath.

Dhairn slides his ebon kunai in his eahnor thigh-sheath with a satisfying *SWISH*!

Talinvor takes a slow, deep breath then pinches the bridge of his nose.

Rohese studies Talinvor, giving him an intense consideration.

Naamit shows Greth her white paper.

Rohese nods understandingly at Juspera.

Speaking to Greth, Naamit asks, "Do any of those look correct?"

Ordim nods approvingly at Talinvor.

Speaking quietly to Talinvor, Akenna inquires, "Where are they?"

Ordim offers, "Well, that settles that then."

Ordim beams!

Speaking to Greth, Sreka says, "Anyway, please continue."

Naamit gives a sidelong glance over her shoulder at Talinvor.

Speaking sharply to Talinvor, Tatria asks, "Where kids?"

Speaking lightly to Talinvor, you growl, "You are not admitting to harm one under the protection of my pack, are you?"

Speaking to Akenna, Talinvor echoes, "They are safe, that is all I can say about that. The means they were brought is only that they were."

The broom hare stands up on his hind feet and gazes around the area.

Talinvor stretches his arms out in front of him, attempting to loosen the tension in his neck and shoulders.

Speaking to Talinvor, Akenna repeats, "Where are they?"

Speaking to Talinvor, Sreka asks, "The means they were brought? What does that mean?"

Nehor narrows his eyes.

Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.

Juspera furtively glances at Lynaera.

Speaking to Akenna, Talinvor says, "That is not for me to say. Considering I expect retaliation. It is bad enough it apparently came to this."

Opalina peers quizzically at Greth.

Talinvor takes a slow, deep breath then pinches the bridge of his nose.

Lynaera whispers something to Juspera.

Speaking to Talinvor, you snarl, "Talinvor? Did you order one under the protection of my pack harmed?"

Xanthium takes a drink from her glass of absinthe.

You ask, "Did you help in this action?"

Speaking annoyedly to you, Talinvor asks, "Your pack?"

Speaking quietly to Nehor, Dhairn asks, "Is this the kind of person you keep in your employ?"

Traiva calmly flutters her wings at you to an unheard rhythm.

Speaking calmly to Talinvor, Akenna explains, "Penre is under her care... protection."

Sreka bites her lip.

Speaking to Talinvor, you snarl, "Penre has been under our protection for nearly a year now."

Speaking to Talinvor, you say, "You surely would not interfere with that."

You scowl at Talinvor.

(Naamit draws a few more sketches upon her white paper and refines the detail on the others for clarity.)

Speaking flatly to Nehor, Tatria asks, ""

Greth rumbles menacingly, "Lemme get this straight, first, last, an' always... did any of those kids get harmed?  If so, yer gonna get what that last one got."  Greth nods meaningfully to the smear on the floor.

Speaking smoothly to Dhairn, Nehor asks, "I assure you, this was not done under my orders. I would never strike out at Penre...or children. What need have I of such violence?"

Talinvor says, "I did not order this, neh. I was asked to be somewhere, to expect the arrival of the children."

Rohese gazes in amusement at Xanthium.

Xanthium winks at Rohese.

Traiva gazes at Greth.

You take a deep breath.

Akenna clenches her jaw.

Ordim glances at a coppery smear across the floor.

Rohese gently rests her hand on Akenna's shoulder.

Tatria asks, "This be Selbi?"

Speaking to Talinvor, you say, "If you want any chance at reparations, Talinvor, we will speak of this later."

Tatria scowls.

Steenk glances at Talinvor.

Faerinn grins at Greth.

Mellny fidgets.

You glance away from Talinvor.

Speaking to Greth, Faerinn whispers aloud, "I knew you had it in you."

Khobra turns an inquisitive ear toward Greth.

Xanthium casts an appraising gaze over her surroundings, seemingly taking in every detail.

Speaking to Greth, Talinvor says, "They are in one piece. Startled, scared perhaps. But I assure you all they are safer than here."

Xanthium glances at a coppery smear across the floor.

Speaking calmly to Greth, Traiva asks, "Is there any word of where the children are now?"

Speaking quietly to Nehor, Dhairn asks, "Then why do you stand there silent being defied by this kidnapping charlattan?"

(Akenna closes her eyes and rubs at her temples with trembling fingers, a scarlet wave of color spreading over her face.)

Traiva glances between Talinvor and Greth.

Rohese whispers something to Akenna.

Juspera ponders.

Naamit tilts her head up.

Naamit glances meaningfully at Talinvor.

Nehor glances at Dhairn.

Ordim nervously giggles.

Greth squints in suspicion, then rumbles, "'F I hear different, gonna be the hells to pay."

Akenna nods grimly at Rohese.

Speaking to Nehor, Sreka says, "You and the Flock would do anything to gain power, padlinozerca."

Rohese studies Talinvor, giving him an intense consideration.

Nehor glances between Dhairn and Sreka.

Sreka turns away from Nehor, ignoring him.

Rohese lets out a long, contemplative breath.

Speaking to Nehor, Akenna says, "This is your lowest scheme yet."

Kioya shifts her weight, restlessly leaning back and forth.

Ordim giggles to himself.

Greth exhales, closing his eyes momentarily.

Nehor sternly says, "Enough of this."

Nehor turns to face Talinvor.

Speaking wryly to Greth, Talinvor says, "Bring on hell then. They are under MY protection now, and I will keep them that way. I cannot offer a better recourse for... what happened here."

Speaking ominously to Talinvor, Nehor growls, "You and I will have *words*, sirrah."

(Editor's note: the following is from Xanthium's point of view through mychars and specialized messaging.)

Xanthium moves closer to the smear on the floor, swinging her long legs over enough to nearly crouch over it from her stool, and starts to hum, low, under the bustle of the crowd, directing her tender tones at the stain. 

Xanthium thinks to herself, "Tell me your story, and from who you came me your face, and where we might find you.  Listen to my voice.  I call to you."

Speaking to Nehor, Akenna hisses, "No, no... don't turn to him-- we know who pulls the strings."

Akenna walks toward Nehor.

The broom hare hops around the area.

Nehor scowls at Akenna.

Ordim clasps his arms around his knees and rocks back and forth.

Speaking quietly to Nehor, you growl, "Apparently you are no longer the Flockmaster."

Tatria glances between Nehor and Akenna.

Speaking to Nehor, Akenna says, "We are not fools."

Naamit starts chuckling at you!

Nehor accuses, "For all I know, you and your Rebels broke in to frame the Flock!"

Speaking to Nehor, Akenna hisses, "Take him."

Speaking softly to Nehor, Rohese snaps, "Don't be ridiculous!"

Speaking to Nehor, Naamit asks, "Lost a touch of control, did you?"

Ordim removes a cast iron muffin tin from in his dark grey satchel.

Ordim removes a warm orange muffin from in his muffin tin.

Speaking to Talinvor, Faerinn asks, "Holding the perpetrators to higher standards and repercussions for doing a bad job, perhaps?"

Speaking to Nehor, Akenna says, "And us.. to the children."

Ordim put a cast iron muffin tin in his dark grey satchel.

More Infighting

Greth growls, "Enough!  If the kids're safe... we got more ta discuss."

Lynaera leans over and whispers to you.

Dhairn quietly says, "Yet your man stands here admitting the deed."

You growl at Nehor.

Ordim briefly draws down the edges of his slate grey cowl.

Ordim takes a bite of his orange muffin.

Speaking to Talinvor, Faerinn says, "Something to consider."

Xanthium closes her eyes for a moment.

Dhairn examines his fingernails.

Khobra agrees with Greth.

Traiva nods in agreement to Greth.

Speaking to Greth, Akenna exclaims, "We both know those children won't be safe!"

Speaking to Greth, Naamit says, "Take a look at the paper again. Amuse me if you would."

You nod slowly at Lynaera.

Tatria frowns at Greth.

Naamit shows Greth her white paper.

Speaking firmly to Akenna, Nehor says, "No. I cannot trust you and yours will not do violence to them. You snatched them away from Greths, all for spite, to frame me."

Nehor walks toward Naamit.

The broom hare forages around the room.

Speaking to Greth, Akenna exclaims, "Would you leave a wounded goat in a pack of wolves?!"

Speaking to Talinvor, Sreka asks, "So where are the children, and what does 'safe' mean to you?"

Speaking calmly to Greth, Traiva says, "Please continue."

Greth glances at Naamit, and the paper being held out.  He squints, distracted, an' nods.  "Yeh, that one there, on the end."

Speaking to you, Akenna apologizes, "Sorry."

Naamit nods firmly to Greth.

Speaking disgustedly to Naamit, Nehor scolds, "You should be ASHAMED, mistress."

Nehor stares darkly at Naamit then sticks his nose up and turns his head away from her with a snap.

Naamit says, "A lily."

Naamit just punched Nehor.

Faerinn nods at Naamit.

Juspera is admiring Lynaera.

Speaking to Faerinn, Talinvor says, "I will find out what I can about the accosters. But for now, the objective to move the children to safer environs is accomplished, even if I do not agree with the means."

Sreka applauds Naamit.

Speaking to Nehor, Naamit says, "Get out of my breathing space."

Speaking sternly to Akenna, you say, "We spoke of this."

Lynaera shrugs innocently at Juspera.

Ordim giggles to himself.

Juspera grins slowly.

The broom hare chitters.

Rohese bites her lip.

Khobra folds her arms over her chest.

Sreka says, "No, sit on Nehor. Keep him here."

Khobra casually observes her surroundings.

Akenna whispers to you.

Akenna shifts her weight.

Talinvor grins slowly at Faerinn.

Rohese takes a slow, deep breath then pinches the bridge of her nose.

You slowly say, "Greth, we have all been a little shocked."

Rohese nods in agreement.

You ask, "First, would you let me look at your wounds?"

Naamit simply notes, "The people who came wore lilies on their cloaks."

Faerinn blinks at Talinvor.

Naamit folds shut her paper.

Mellny cheekily repeats, "Sit on 'im!"

Juspera glances at Naamit.

You distractedly glance at Naamit.

You nod at Naamit.

You turn to face Greth.

Tatria says, "So kids are with Flock, like poster outside."

Ordim glances nervously at Mellny.

Steenk nods.

Naamit tucks her red feather quill behind her ear, adjusting the quill slightly.

Speaking to Mellny, Ordim suggests, "He doesn't like that."

Naamit put a piece of white paper in her black leather bag.

Ordim furrows his brow.

Traiva folds her wings across her back.

Speaking to Talinvor, Faerinn asks, "What is that expression?"

Sreka says, "The posters went up yesterday, I think."

Rohese softly suggests, "Can we all try and remain calm so that Greth can perhaps tell us what else he knows?"

Rohese glances around the room.

Greth Feels Guilt

Greth grumbles, "No, wit' my apologies.  Can't trus' you are who you say, 'n I know too much."

Speaking excitedly to Ordim, Mellny blurts, "You done tried?"

Speaking grudgingly to Tatria, Nehor admits, "They are. Regardless of how they came to be there...I *will* ensure their safety."

Traiva nods in agreement at Rohese.

Ordim nods knowingly at Mellny.

Ordim furrows his brow.

Sreka nods to Greth.

Khobra stares at Greth.

Speaking to Greth, Sreka says, "You have a point."

Speaking impatiently to Greth, you say, "You could always ask me something that only I would know."

Ordim briefly draws down the edges of his slate grey cowl.

Ordim takes a bite of his orange muffin.

Juspera grins at you.

Speaking approvingly to Greth, Nehor says, "You are wise not to trust them. Odds are they struck at the Flock through you. I am sorry they did such a terrible thing."

You say, "But I won't push it, if you are comfortable."

Speaking quietly to Faerinn, Talinvor says, "Nothing, lawmaster - I was considering of having you help me with a little something later."

You nod slowly to Greth.

Speaking to Nehor, Tatria hisses, "I will see myself."

Juspera glances at Nehor.

Juspera covers her ears.

Juspera gazes heavenward.

Speaking to Nehor, Akenna hisses, "Your lies are going to lose you more than a limb, Nehor.  Mark my words, you hurt those children--"

Greth snarls, "Ah'm not a smart man, an' I know it.  Ah'd be easy ta fool.  LOOK WHAT I LET HAPPEN TO PENRE!"

Nehor whispers something to Tatria.

Akenna glances away.

Speaking to you, Sreka says, "That would only work once, and you'd be revealing something only you know to three members of the Flock."

Greth gnashes his teeth, turning away and breathing heavily.

Juspera frowns at Greth.

Speaking softly to Greth, Rohese assures, "You are not to blame here."

Tatria folds her arms over her chest.

You take a deep breath.

You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.

Tatria nods once.

Speaking calmly to Greth, Traiva soothes, "You surely did not allow it to happen."

Speaking calmly to Greth, you say, "I do not blame you for that."

Speaking to Greth, Juspera says, "You are taking on a lot that does not belong to you."

Speaking to Greth, Ordim offers, "The Militia tricked you into being bait for the assassin."

Ordim shakes his head, clucking his tongue.

Greth moves out of Khobra's reach before she can touch him.

The broom hare stands up on his hind feet and gazes around the room.

Raelee suddenly fades into view.

Nehor nods at Ordim.

Raelee surveys the area.

Juspera smiles at Raelee.

Speaking to Greth, Faerinn says, "Breath in for a count of four; Out at a count of six."

Sreka blinks at Raelee.

Raelee's gaze takes on an intense focus as her eyes flare brilliantly with a hot white glow. 

Rohese nods in greeting at Raelee.

Traiva flutters her wings at Raelee.

Steenk glances at Raelee.

Speaking quietly to Nehor, Talinvor admits, "I've no idea what happened to Penre. He could be dead, if he grew violent at the attempt to move the children."

Speaking distractedly to Sreka, you say, "I would not let them hear."

Akenna annoyedly says, "And now a magister."

Mellny gawks at Raelee.

Xanthium smiles at Raelee.

Raelee narrows her eyes.

Talinvor shakes his head, clucking his tongue.

The broom hare scratches at one of his ears.

Ordim briefly draws down the edges of his slate grey cowl.

Ordim takes a bite of his orange muffin.

Speaking fondly to Raelee, Xanthium says, "Good afternoon, Magister Svala."

Speaking to Akenna, Raelee says, "Fear not.  I am leaving.  This has nothing to do with me."

(Akenna throws up her hans and walks out.)

Speaking softly to Nehor, Talinvor asks, "Why must it always end in violence?"

Defender of Mist Harbor Akenna just went through a set of swinging oak doors.

Magister Raelee just went through a set of swinging oak doors.

(Editor's note: the following is from Xanthium's point of view through mychars and specialized messaging.)

Xanthium continues to coax whatever she can out of the stain, singing just loudly enough for Faerinn to overhear her wordless melody.

Xanthium gets the slightest echo back... the blood sings of blunt trauma, and the snuffing of the spark of life.

Speaking to a set of swinging oak doors, Juspera says, "But--"

Mellny glances at a set of swinging oak doors.

Speaking calmly to Greth, Traiva asks, "There is more you need to say, yes?"

Mellny yells, "Bye!"

Talinvor takes a slow, deep breath then pinches the bridge of his nose.

Juspera mumbles something under her breath.

Rohese glances at a set of swinging oak doors.

Rohese sighs.

Speaking carefully to Talinvor, Nehor says, "I suggest, Sir Talinvor, that you make very sure that Penre is safe. He is NOT to be harmed."

Xanthium stares off into space.

Greth nods once, his jaw clenched.

You give a sidelong glance at Nehor.

Xanthium glances at Faerinn.

You nod slowly at Nehor.

The broom hare forages around the room.

Dhairn folds his arms over his chest.

(Faerinn pulls one of his legs up into the barstool with him.)

Speaking calmly to Greth, Traiva says, "Please, let us hear it."

Speaking to Nehor, you say, "On this we are in agreement, Nehor."

Nehor mutters under his breath.

Xanthium points at a coppery smear across the floor.

Nehor nods once to you.

Rohese glances down.

Rohese purses her mouth, pondering a coppery smear across the floor.  The expression on her face speaks volumes.

Rohese wrinkles her nose.

Speaking quietly to Talinvor, Dhairn says, "You breathe only until the time comes where someone else knows the whereabouts of the children."

Speaking to Talinvor, Sreka says, "I suggest that you make very sure no harm comes to the children."

Speaking to Nehor, Talinvor says, "I have no idea where he is, Flockmaster. He was not delivered to me with the children."

Dhairn stares at Talinvor.

The broom hare wiggles his nose.

Talinvor raises an eyebrow in Dhairn's direction.

Speaking quietly to Talinvor, you say, "I will not forget this, Talinvor."

Greth Tells About the Assailants' Identities and Xanthium Discovers One Was Killed

Greth growls, "The firs' one was wearin' the face of one 'o my regulars.  She pushed past Penre, who was confused."

Nehor crisply says, "Then we must find him. Post haste."

Speaking quietly to Dhairn, Talinvor says, "I would not make threats to me, while they are."

Faerinn nods at Xanthium.

You take a moment to observe everything you can about Greth.

Steenk asks, "Was'nt there an owl in here about a week ago that had that color?"

Steenk glances at a coppery smear across the floor.

Lynaera inclines her ear, listening intently.

Speaking calmly to Greth, Traiva asks, "You mentioned Elspie. This is another?"

Dhairn quietly asks, "You be sure you're the only one who knows then, Eii?"

Dhairn smirks as a haughty expression flits across his face.

Speaking to Nehor, Ordim suggests, "Greth said he's recovering in the other room."

Greth roars, "Ah tol' you already!  Penre's restin', in the back, and I'll KILL any'un who approaches him!"

Ordim giggles.

Ordim glances nervously at Greth.

Dhairn quietly says, "Someone else can tell me where they are, I have no reason to stay my hand."

Naamit nods firmly to Greth.

Talinvor glances at a set of swinging oak doors.

Nehor whispers something to Ordim.

Opalina slowly empties her lungs.

Speaking quietly to Talinvor, you ask, "Did you just threaten the children in order to maintain your own safety?"

Traiva calmly flutters her wings at the Greth in time to an unheard rhythm.

Speaking to Greth, Naamit says, "You're a good man, Greth."

You mutter something better left unheard.

Speaking curiously to you, Talinvor asks, "Did I?"

Traiva stands up.

Talinvor ponders.

Traiva stands in front of Greth.

Xanthium says, "I think someone died here."

Ordim glances nervously at Greth.

Xanthium points at a coppery smear across the floor.

Rohese agrees with Naamit.

The broom hare twitches his ears.

You glance at a coppery smear across the floor.

Juspera glances at Xanthium.

Nehor nods slowly at Ordim.

Greth grumbles, "Not good 'nuff.  But Ah do what I kin."

Ordim briefly draws down the edges of his slate grey cowl.

Ordim takes a bite of his orange muffin.

You pragmatically say, "If they were attacking Greth, they deserved it."

Speaking calmly to Greth, Traiva asks, "Did you recognize anyone besides Elspie?"

Xanthium nods at Faerinn.

Nehor whispers something to Xanthium.

You say, "But perhaps we could look at the corpse, if so."

You nod slowly at Xanthium.

Speaking to you, Ordim scolds, "No eating the corpse!"

You glance guiltily at Ordim.

Xanthium stares at Nehor.

Greth glances up and states in a flat tone, "Xilly Girl, Darcena here, Sarmoya, Elspie.... n' Socius."

You blink at Greth.

Rohese raises an eyebrow.

Naamit frowns.

You slowly whine, "Me?"

Lynaera gives a short little hum of surprise.

Xanthium nods slowly to Greth.

Traiva cocks her head at Greth.

Tatria glances sharply around the room.

Ordim mutters, "The butcher!"

Ordim scowls.

Khobra glances between Greth and yourself.

Rohese softly states, "Then I think we know it was all a ruse."

Speaking quickly to Greth, you reassure, "I would never harm you, Greth."

Naamit nods in agreement at Rohese.

Speaking sympathetically to Greth, Traiva says, "Oh Greth, no wonder you are so upset. Xilona, too.."

Greth growls, "Tha's what ah mean when ah say we can't trust what I saw of 'em"

Speaking to Greth, Juspera says, "Well. Thank you for deciding you didn't know who to trust, rather than deciding they had all turned outlaw."

Opalina raises an eyebrow.

Talinvor rubs his chin thoughtfully.

You nod slowly at Juspera.

Faerinn looks over at Juspera and shakes his head.

You say, "That must have been a shock to your system."

You fret.

The broom hare chitters.

Greth growls, "Ah know mah friends, n' they couldn't do what these did to Penre."

Juspera mutters under her breath.

Speaking quietly to Greth, you say, "I am so sorry that they used me to hurt you."

Speaking softly to Greth, Rohese says, "For what it's worth, I will vouch for everyone of those individuals."

Traiva nods in agreement to Greth.

Tatria frowns at Talinvor.

Nehor suggests, "We should check the area for any traces of magic. Is any skilled in such arts?"

The broom hare stands up on his hind feet and gazes around the room.

Ordim fidgets.

Speaking to Greth, Faerinn says, "So...were are you keeping the owner of...this..."

Faerinn points at a coppery smear across the floor.

Speaking to Nehor, Tatria says, "Why, know where kids are. Flock has then."

Tatria scoffs.

Rohese glances appraisingly at a coppery smear across the floor.

Speaking to Nehor, Naamit says, "How can you not control your own little people to the extent that you've no idea what they've done and where."

Naamit snorts a derisive laugh, sneering at Nehor in mockery.

Kioya shifts her weight, restlessly leaning back and forth.

Traiva pulls out a oak half-cask chair and plops down into it with a weary sigh.

Speaking to Naamit, Nehor counters, "How can you sit here in front of those you and your rebels assaulted, just to strike out against the Flock?"

Speaking quietly to Nehor, Dhairn says, "You know who did it, from what your own man said. Why would you seek traces of magic? Simply ask him where they are."

Speaking to Nehor, Juspera says, "This is good to look very bad for the Flock's image."

Xanthium whispers, "I was humming to it.  And I felt something blunt and hard hit...and then there was nothing.  I think this wound here was fatal."

Speaking to Nehor, Sreka says, "Sounds like factions are forming within the Stado."

Speaking to Greth, Faerinn says, "That's alot of blood, and a long fall."

Traiva leans against a cask-faced white oak bar.

Kioya glances meaningfully at Nehor.

Speaking quietly to Nehor, Dhairn says, "And when he tells you, you'll know.. and I can kill him."

Speaking curtly to Juspera, Nehor asks, "Is that why you orchestrated this? To hurt our image?"

Dhairn shrugs.

Naamit bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter.

You nod slowly at Xanthium.

Speaking to Nehor, Sreka says, "You know what a Stado is? A flock. A flock of birds. Or sheep."

Talinvor glances at a flute of spiced blood wine in his hand.

They Escaped Through a Portal

Greth grumbles, "Ta tell it out of order, ah guess... the smear there is the last one who was on their way out.  They di'nt make it."

Juspera grins slowly.

Faerinn says, "Clearly."

Xanthium looks thoughtfully at Nehor.

Faerinn grins.

Talinvor takes a drink from his spiced blood wine.

Speaking to Greth, you ask, "May we please examine the corpse?"

Rohese closes her eyes for a moment.

Kioya stares at you for what seems like an eternity, doing her best to unnerve you.

Ordim furrows his brow.

Traiva looks thoughtfully at Greth.

Speaking cheerfully to Nehor, Mellny blurts, "Oy!  I sees now!  All dat word practice, you be storyteller!"

Speaking uncomfortably to Kioya, you say, "Don't look at me like that."

Speaking horrifiedly to Greth, Rohese asks, "Not a child, surely?"

Mellny gazes admiringly at Nehor.

Speaking to Greth, Naamit asks, "Who did the last one look like and did the ruse dissipate upon their falling?"

Nehor raises an eyebrow in Mellny's direction.

Kioya exhales slowly, and the sheer gauze veil on her marbrinus headscarf billows.

Tatria looks thoughtfully at Naamit.

Speaking to Naamit, Faerinn says, "Hopefully we'll be able to see their face soon."

Rohese relievedly says, "Oh, one of the five.  I thought you meant a child for a moment."

Rohese places a hand over her heart.

Greth squints in irritation, "Soon's they were dealt with, a portal popped up an' a pair of folks spirited it away.  An' then I passed out fer a spell."

Dhairn quietly says, "Why are we trying to discern anything about this event? He's right there. Tie him up and lets make with the fingernails."

Dhairn points at Talinvor.

Traiva furrows her brow.

Ordim giggles.

Nehor slowly says, "So they took the corpse, then."

Nehor slowly empties his lungs.

Khobra rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Opalina sighs.

Speaking calmly to Greth, Traiva asks, "Who was that last one?"

Speaking vaguely to Greth, Naamit whispers aloud, "How unfortunate."

Xanthium glances at Nehor.

Greth nods his head slowly.  "Aye," he intones.

Rohese looks over at Juspera and shakes her head.

Nehor paces back and forth.

Speaking politely to Greth, Lynaera asks, "Did you catch any of their features? Or were they also concealed?"

Nehor rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Speaking impishly to herself, Mellny repeats, "Fingernails."

Mellny giggles to herself.

Tatria looks thoughtfully at Dhairn.

Naamit says, "Pardon me."

Naamit touches her small iron stickpin and gives a slight shudder.  A blood red mist surrounds her as her skin begins to peel from her body in thin strips.  As the flayed skin unravels, the muscles, tendons, and ligaments beneath begin to unwind and vanish in to the crimson cloud around her.  A final shudder runs through the cloud, and it vanishes with a faint popping sound.

Juspera says, "Right, when they were dead would be a good time to check their identity..."

Rohese whispers something to Juspera.

Xanthium smirks at Nehor.

You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.

Speaking to Greth, Traiva clarifies, "Rather, what was their disguise?"

Nehor begins chuckling at Xanthium!

Ordim furrows his brow.

Speaking to Dhairn, Tatria says, "Have point but maybe not take nails."

You pace back and forth.

Greth exhales, "Tha las' one was the one who put the knife to Penre's neck.  Mah arm was busted good, but I still got her," he grumbles.

Dhairn quietly says, "Fine. Chop off his elfhood for all I care."

Dhairn quietly says, "He'll talk."

Rohese nods in agreement at Juspera.

Speaking horrifiedly to Greth, you ask, "Which one did you kill?"

You slowly whisper aloud, "Who attacked Penre?"

Speaking eagerly to Greth, Mellny asks, "Where'd you get hers?"

Speaking softly to Greth, Traiva asks, "The one disguised as Elspie?"

You fret.

Rohese whispers something to Juspera.

Dhairn quietly asks, "Has anyone here ever known a meglamaniacal bard to shut up?"

Dhairn raises his hand.

Defender of Mist Harbor Naamit just arrived.

Naamit purposefully strides a few steps forward.

Faerinn says, "Let him breath and I'm sure we'll aall see in due time."

Talinvor gives a sidelong glance at Dhairn.

Speaking to you, Sreka says, "I assume the last one was Elspie since he didn't know if you were you."

Naamit removes a coil of thick rope from in her black leather bag.

The broom hare forages around the room.

Speaking to Dhairn, Naamit says, "Perhaps you'd like to have the honors."

Greth glances around the room, "The one ah killed was the one wearin' Elspie's face," he growls.

Naamit offers Dhairn a coil of thick rope.

Opalina frowns.

Dhairn nods at Naamit.

Dhairn accepts Naamit's thick rope.

Dhairn turns to face Talinvor.

Sreka nods to Greth.

Ethereal bearded-dragon eels coil to life around Dhairn's arm and chest, writhing and riding hidden currents to form a chelioboros above his gesturing hand. They fade away while his voice becomes but a whisper.

Traiva nods slowly to Greth.

Kioya stares unwaveringly at Talinvor.

Juspera asks, "But... did the illusion not fall away once they were killed?"

Khobra rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Xanthium takes a drink from her glass of absinthe.

Xanthium looks rather relaxed.

Speaking to Juspera, Faerinn says, "Depends on the caster."

(Talinvor moves to stand in front of Nehor, a smug grin on his face as he takes another sip of wine.)

You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.

Juspera says, "But I'm asking if it did this time."

Talinvor takes a drink from his spiced blood wine.

Greth nods his head.  "S'right, the face stayed on, even after," he grumbles.

Speaking relievedly to Greth, you say, "I am glad to hear that, at least."

Speaking to Juspera, Xanthium says, "Not if they were cloaked by one of the ones still living."

Lynaera takes a moment to observe Talinvor.

Juspera blinks at Greth.

Naamit whispers something to Dhairn.

Faerinn says, "We'll need a dispel."

Ordim fidgets.

Nehor warns, "There will be no mob justice here. We will have Order, this is no longer the Butchers town, to just murder on a whim."

Rohese paces back and forth, muttering something about help.

Kioya nods slowly at Nehor.

Steenk comes out of hiding.

Steenk takes a drink from his aged cactus juice.

Juspera asks, "We still have the body, don't we?"

Juspera asks, "Where's the body?"

Speaking to Dhairn, you say, "Stand down."

Ordim looks over at Juspera and shakes his head.

Traiva waves a hand at Nehor, dismissing him indifferently.

Naamit begins chortling at Nehor.

Speaking to Juspera, Xanthium says, "Some bards and other elementalists can craft cunning illusions.  Most of the time for theatrics and tricks for fighting."

Juspera glances at Greth.

Speaking to Juspera, Nehor reminds, "They took the body, unfortunately."

Speaking to Juspera, Ordim says, "Garth said a portal opened and it got sucked in."

Juspera says, "Oh."

Speaking to Juspera, Xanthium says, "But not always, clearly."

Juspera exclaims, "What?!"

Juspera asks, "A portal?"

Speaking softly to Nehor, Rohese advises, "Do try not to get above yourself."

Traiva nods at Juspera.

Speaking to Juspera, Lynaera says, "The body was recovered through a portal, Greth said."

Speaking to Nehor, Sreka says, "The Flock has kidnapped children and you talk of order."

Juspera frowns at Xanthium.

Tatria scrubs her hand through her waist length auburn hair in frustration.

Speaking to Greth, you ask, "Was there red light at all?"

Opalina sighs.

Sreka rolls her eyes.

Speaking to Greth, you ask, "Or blue?"

Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.

Naamit glances between Talinvor and Nehor.

Dhairn quietly says, "Stand down? This one knows where the kids are. Cut out his tongue and let it flap on it's own. We'll learn."

You cock your head at Greth.

You focus on projecting your thoughts...

You [Local]: "Socius?"

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Ordim looks thoughtfully at Talinvor.

Speaking to Talinvor, Ordim whispers aloud, "Can your tongue really do that?"

Ordim looks thoughtfully at Talinvor.

Greth nods his head, muttering, "Yeh, a portal, but I di'nt see any color.  Jus' a circle in the middle o' the room, wit' two more flower-wearin' folks haulin' the body through."

Speaking to Sreka, Nehor corrects, "The flock is holding the children in safety, whilst the Rebels seek to pin blame. I agree sir Talinvors involvement must be...investigated. But we will do it *right*."

Speaking stubbornly to herself, Tatria says, "Flock has kids, all that matters are kids be safe, now how kids got there."

You focus on projecting your thoughts...

You [Local]: "Socius, if you can hear this.... Greth says someone came and stole all the children. They attacked Penre and Greth."

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You focus on projecting your thoughts...

You [Local]: "This cannot stand, Socius."

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Speaking curiously to Greth, Traiva asks, "Were they all wearing a lily?"

Faerinn says, "Same flowers? The lily wearers."

Juspera says, "Huh."

Akenna [Local]: "It cannot."

Speaking quietly to Tatria, Dhairn asks, "And you know they're safe?"

Speaking to Nehor, you say, "You must speak to Lylia."

Greth mutters, "If that's what Mistress Naamit showed, then yeh."

Xanthium [Local]: "One of them wore your face, apparently."

Traiva nods slowly to Greth.

Speaking to Dhairn, Tatria says, "Not know but talk of flowers not help find out."

Speaking quietly to Sreka, Talinvor says, "... 'kidnapped' is not the correct word. "Rehoused" is more accurate. I think all agreed they were not safe here. The means are unfortunate. And there seems to be something else at play."

Speaking quietly to Tatria, Dhairn says, "The stupid bard just admitted that Penre may be dead."

Speaking to Nehor, Sreka says, "The children weren't in danger before they were kidnapped, liar! And how do you know they are safe? You didn't even know this had happened."

Ordim [Local]: "Gross!"

Faerinn nods to Greth.

Naamit says, "Yes, it was the lily that he identified."

Naamit removes a piece of white paper from in her black leather bag.

Ordim [Local]: "Socius must be running around without a face!"

You mutter, "I will certainly be speaking with her myself."

Ordim frets.

You slowly drum your fingers on your slate battle harness, narrowing your eyes.

Ordim glances nervously around the room.

Xanthium begins chuckling at Ordim!

Naamit indicates a piece of white paper as a possible option.

Speaking to Sreka, Nehor says, "If they are delivered to us, they ARE safe."

Nehor vows, "On that you have my assurance and my word."

Traiva clears her throat.

Speaking to Nehor, Sreka says, "Your word is worth somewhat less than the dust on the floor."

Juspera glances at Traiva.

Speaking to Dhairn, Tatria says, "Greth say Penre resting, resting not dead."

Speaking softly to Greth, Opalina says, "Im sorry to interrupt, "did the flower wearing folks ask you for anything?"."

The voice of Aleid says, "Of course they're safe. This is silly."

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium asks, "Are you so trusted, then?"

Ordim glances down.

Speaking quietly in Aelotian to herself, Traiva mutters something you don't understand.

Xanthium takes a drink from her glass of absinthe.

Xanthium looks rather relaxed.

Mellny cheerfully repeats, "Assurance!  Word!"

Rohese indignantly adds, "They were perfectly safe here!"

The broom hare wiggles his nose.

Rohese stamps her feet.

Mellny nods vigorously!

Xanthium lightly places her hand on the broom hare, which responds by moving his body beneath her hand for a thorough rubbing.

The broom hare sits down.

The voice of Aleid says, "That's clearly a questionable statement."

Speaking quietly to a white-tailed broom hare, Xanthium says, "Prince of a thousand enemies.  Good to meet you again."

Ordim looks over at Rohese and shakes his head.

Greth growls, "They didn't say a word until ah was already down.  Then they were jus'... teasin' us."

Speaking to Xanthium, Nehor informs, "I have been nothing but faithful to my word. Suspicion born of hate and resentment cloud their minds."

Speaking to Rohese, Ordim exclaims
, "The assassin almost got garth!"
Ordim frets.

Tying up Nehor and Talinvor

Speaking to Dhairn, Naamit asks, "Help me with the rope, hm?"

Mellny gawks at a white-tailed broom hare.

Nehor glances between Naamit and Dhairn.

Speaking calmly to Greth, Traiva asks, "Do you remember what they said? Any of it?"

Speaking to Greth, Lynaera asks, "Did you see the weapons they used?"

Talinvor gives a sidelong glance at Naamit.

Speaking to Dhairn, Naamit says, "I don't believe we should let these two out of our sight."

You quietly whisper to Naamit, "I feel helpless. I don't know what to do here."

(Dhairn muscles Talinvor toward Nehor and tosses the other end of his rope to Naamit.)

Mellny glances between Xanthium and a white-tailed broom hare.

Speaking pointedly to Ordim, Rohese corrects, "Greth."

Nehor blinks.

Khobra glances at Greth.

Nehor flails his arms about.

Xanthium glances at a coppery smear across the floor.

Talinvor removes a shadow grey Dhe'nar training whip from in his mesh weapons harness.

Dhairn offers Naamit a coil of thick rope.

Ordim glances at Greth.

Naamit accepts Dhairn's thick rope.

Ordim shrugs at Rohese.

Talinvor beckons Dhairn closer with his training whip.

Rohese nods once at Ordim.

Speaking to Rohese, Ordim says, "Him."

Ordim nods in agreement.

Defender of Mist Harbor Akenna just arrived.

Ordim points at Greth.

Speaking darkly to Dhairn, Talinvor says, "Back off."

Akenna glances around the room.

Selbi wanders in.

Speaking to Dhairn, Tatria says, "Stop, that not help kids."

(Naamit walks around Talinvor, lashing Nehor and he together.)

Juspera clenches her jaw.

Akenna scowls at Selbi.

Nehor indignantly asks, "What is the meaning of this?"

You nod once at Akenna.

Speaking quietly to Talinvor, Dhairn says, "Not happening."

Rohese glances askance at Selbi.

You quietly whisper to Akenna.

Rohese furrows her brow.

Selbi squeakily asks, "And what exactly is going on here?"

You growl at Selbi.

Talinvor glances over his shoulder at Naamit.

Tatria frowns at Dhairn.

The red and grey fox sniffs at the air.

Speaking to Selbi, Juspera says, "You tell us."

(Nehor struggles uselessly against the rope.)

Lynaera nods politely at Selbi.

Juspera folds her arms over her chest.

Speaking to Selbi, you ask, "Did you order this?"

Speaking to Talinvor, Naamit says, "Now stay put."

Speaking to Selbi, Akenna exclaims, "The Flock stole the children away!"

Traiva leans forward.

The red and grey fox pads around the room.

Traiva lightly places her hand on the red and grey fox, which responds by moving his body beneath her hand for a thorough rubbing.

Speaking excitedly to Selbi, Mellny blurts, "All sorts!"

Khobra glances at Selbi.

Speaking to Akenna, you remind, "She IS Flock."

Talinvor laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Speaking to Selbi, Faerinn says, "Good morrow head Birdbrain."

Mellny glances between Nehor and Talinvor.

Talinvor changes his tune, adding a new element to his song...

Faerinn grins at Selbi.

Talinvor skillfully begins to weave another verse into his harmony.

Talinvor sings a song of revelry which stirs such vivid memories of your current location that everyone in the room stays right where they are for a moment.

Mellny giggles to herself.

Steenk glances at Selbi.

Speaking to Selbi, Xanthium says, "I believe Nehor and some others are about to be hung."

Selbi squeakily says, "Mind your tone, if you want to stay outside the jail cells."

Speaking to Selbi, Sreka says, "None of your business, thief."

Talinvor snaps his fingers.

Xanthium takes a drink from her glass of absinthe.

Xanthium looks rather relaxed.

Tatria turns to face Selbi.

Juspera glances nervously at Faerinn.

Selbi squeakily says, "And there'll be no hanging this day... unless I decide it should be done."

Ordim glances nervously around the room.

Faerinn grins at Selbi.

Nehor fidgets.

You hunch your shoulders and snarl menacingly at Selbi!

Ordim wrings his hands.

Akenna glances at Nehor.

Akenna casually observes her surroundings.

Selbi glances at Nehor and Talinvor, and the rope binding them.

Dhairn quietly asks, "I believe taking a person from their stead without their express permission is kidnapping, yes?"

Dhairn arches one eyebrow at Selbi in an expression of sardonic amusement.

Traiva whispers to you.

Speaking to Selbi, Xanthium says, "Birdbrains seems to be a little on the nose.  But it's your choice."

Sreka asks, "Can you not tell the difference between trussing up prisoners and hangings?"

Speaking to Selbi, Naamit says, "Would you like to join them."

Juspera snickers.

Speaking loudly to Selbi, Nehor complains, "This cannot stand! These rebels...I told you, we needed a firmer hand! First they attack Greth and now they seek me?!"

You take a deep breath.

Nehor whimpers.

Talinvor sighs dramatically.

Ordim raises an eyebrow in Naamit's direction.

Speaking to Selbi, Tatria asks, "Can someone see kids please, witness they are safe, put others at ease?"

Naamit flatly says, "I'm sure we could find room."

You blink at Nehor.

Speaking squeakily to Nehor, Selbi asks, "Shut UP... Gods above and below, do you ever shut up?"

Speaking curiously to Nehor, Traiva asks, "Who, exactly, are you calling a rebel?"

Juspera laughs!

Juspera clasps her hand over her mouth.

The voice of Aleid simply says, "No."

Sreka says, "Oh, be quiet, padlionzerca. You are tied up and you will stay that way for now."

Faerinn leans forward.

Speaking to Tatria, Talinvor says, "I did. Yet I'm tied up at the moment. Apparently my death is worth more than the safety of the children."

Speaking to Selbi, Traiva quips, "Only when forced."

Akenna whispers to you.

Talinvor rolls his eyes.

Speaking to Selbi, Xanthium says, "It's a trick past any of our talents here, it seems."

Rohese glances around the room.

Faerinn takes a moment to observe Selbi.

Akenna raises an eyebrow in your direction.

Nehor glares.

Selbi slowly empties her lungs.

Rohese shakes her head, totally at a loss.

Talinvor says, "Fascinating development, really."

Ordim nervously giggles.

Khobra glances at Selbi.

Dhairn quietly says, "Oh no... you'll live until I know where they are."

Dhairn nods at Talinvor.

Opalina spends some time haggling with Greth Rottgut.

Speaking helpfully to Talinvor, Tatria says, "Maybe someone not flock."

Talinvor starts chortling.

(Nehor continues to mutter sullenly and struggle in his bindings.)

Opalina nods.

Speaking to Talinvor, Naamit says, "You are merely detained."

Lynaera whispers something to Dhairn.

'Selbi squeakily says, "Now then... someone calm down and tell me what happened.  I'll sort it all out."

Speaking quietly to Talinvor, you murmur, "You show your true colors when you threaten their safety."

Selbi ponders.

Opalina takes a drink from her Greth's Special.

The broom hare stands up.

The broom hare hops around the room.

Selbi points at Talinvor.

Speaking squeakily to Talinvor, Selbi says, "You."

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium says, "Calm.  Things unfold, still."

Speaking to Selbi, Sreka says, "Go away."

Ordim giggles.

Ordim stands up.

Ordim reaches into the depths of his talon-toggled coat and pulls out a bone-hilted sea green jade sgian achlais from an inner pocket, causing the multicolored beaks to rattle with the movement.

Ordim walks toward Talinvor.

Talinvor asks, "Someone remove this rope, hm?"

Xanthium smirks at Nehor.

Sreka bares her teeth at Selbi and barks a warning that tapers off into a low growl.

Talinvor leans to his left slightly.

Selbi squints.

Speaking in Aelotian, Traiva quietly says something you don't understand.

Talinvor put a shadow grey Dhe'nar training whip in his mesh weapons harness.

Speaking to Talinvor, you say, "Once I would have without question."

Opalina takes a drink from her Greth's Special.

Lynaera wiggles her ears at Traiva.

Speaking to Talinvor, you say, "You have done much to make me no longer make that choice."

You fold your arms over your chest.

Selbi gestures, bored, and the rope falls free.

Selbi Dismisses the Crime

Dhairn whispers something to Lynaera.

Naamit groans at Selbi.

Talinvor nods appreciatively at Selbi.

Ordim put a bone-hilted sea green jade sgian achlais in his dark grey satchel.

Opalina turns to face Selbi.

Traiva giggles at Juspera.

Ordim furrows his brow.

Nehor sighs relieved.

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium asks, "Better?"

You sigh at Selbi.

Juspera glances inquiringly at Traiva.

Nehor nods in agreement at Xanthium.

Selbi squeakily says, "Now then."

Talinvor scratches himself idly.

Selbi turns to face Talinvor.

Tatria paces back and forth.

Talinvor dusts off his brushed silk shirt.

Nehor sets about preparing himself to be as presentable as possible.

Speaking squeakily to Talinvor, Selbi asks, "What happened here?"

Talinvor nods once.

Nehor sullenly complains, "They wrinkled my coatee."

Ordim glances at Nehor.

Naamit folds shut her paper.

(Rohese wanders over to the far side of the room away from the crowd.)

Speaking to Nehor, Akenna hisses, "I can singe it, if you'd rather."

With a wince, Rohese slowly massages her temple.

Naamit purposefully takes a few steps toward a weathered rough stone fireplace.

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium says, "It's velvet, it's supposed to be creased."

The red and grey fox pants quietly.

Speaking to Selbi, Talinvor says, "What I can gather, is that people illusioned as those that Greth trusts came in here and roughed up him and Penre, as they took the children."

Naamit whispers something to Rohese.

Traiva whispers something to Akenna.

Selbi raises an eyebrow.

Rohese cocks her head at Naamit.

Akenna takes a deep breath.

Akenna glances at Traiva and slowly exhales.

Traiva nods slowly at Akenna.

Selbi mildly asks, "Seems as if that's Greth's problem, then?"

Speaking to Selbi, Sreka says, "As I am sure you know already, Talinvor has admitted to holding the children and won't tell us where they are."

Opalina takes a drink from her Greth's Special.

Opalina looks rather relaxed.

Rohese wrinkles her nose.

Rohese glances away.

Rohese smiles quietly to herself.

Naamit put a piece of white paper in her black leather bag.

You scowl at Selbi.

Rohese surreptitiously glances at Naamit.

Rohese nods faintly at Naamit.

Speaking to Selbi, you ask, "Wouldn't that disorder be a TOWN problem?"

Speaking to Selbi, Talinvor adds, "Eii. The children are safe I have assured. Safer than here, assuredly."

Selbi nods approvingly at Talinvor.

You ask, "You think it is safe and lawful for people to walk into any establishment and beat up someone else and kidnap children?"

You fold your arms over your chest.

Talinvor thoughtfully says, "Lot of assurances, hm."

Tatria appears somehow different.

Juspera says, "I'm getting tired of this farce."

Talinvor rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Speaking to Selbi, Nehor stresses, "The children were clearly not safe here...and they needed to be moved. But Penre is a loyal citizen! He is not to be harmed."

Speaking squeakily to Talinvor, Selbi says, "Then the town thanks you for taking them into your care."

Speaking to Selbi, Sreka says, "Now go away and do something bureaucratic. We can handle this better than you."

Juspera asks, "Why are we even talking to them?"

The red and grey fox barks.

Talinvor nods once at Selbi.

Xanthium gently rests her hand on Rohese's shoulder.

Naamit groans at Selbi.

Faerinn nods at Juspera.

Juspera says, "They're not going to tell us anything useful."

Opalina ponders.

Selbi Reveals Posters Defaced and Guardspeople Murdered

Selbi squeakily says, "Now, then, since that's handled."

Ordim nods approvingly.

Ordim giggles.

Speaking quietly to Selbi, Talinvor says, "Of course."

>snarl Ooh!  That felt great!

Tatria frowns at Selbi.Selbi squeakily says, "I have a few announcements to make."

Talinvor nods respectfully at Selbi.

You adamantly protest, "That is not handled!"

Khobra glances at Selbi.

Naamit says, "It isn't handled at all."

Traiva gazes at Juspera.

Juspera sighs.

Speaking incredulously to Selbi, Akenna asks, "Really?  That's it then?  You're going to let these... these ill suited idiots... these as you've called them... bridbrains take care of children?"

Juspera glances away.

Naamit folds her arms across her chest, tapping her foot impatiently.

Speaking to Selbi, Sreka says, "Freeing kidnappers handles nothing."

(Darcena growls as she gestures helplessly towards Selbi.)

Selbi squeakily exclaims, "Given the recent unrest... someone was caught just an hour ago defacing some of the posters around town, if you can believe it!"

Speaking eagerly to herself, Mellny whispers aloud, "I hope she squeaks 'em on out!"

Nehor gasps.

Akenna folds her arms over her chest.

Ordim gasps.

Ordim flails his arms comically in the air in frustration while crumbs tumble off his clothing.

Lynaera frowns.

Akenna raises her chin slightly in a show of defiance.

Nehor sorrowfully says, "First they assault Greth, then they deface *art*."

Juspera gazes in amusement at Selbi.

Nehor shakes his head, clucking his tongue.

Traiva folds her wings across her back.

Naamit blandly says, "Oh the outrage."

Faerinn squints.

Akenna defiantly asks, "Yes, and?"

Naamit stifles a yawn.

Dhairn quietly says, "Only one? Since I stand here I assume you weren't watching me."

Dhairn smirks as a haughty expression flits across his face.

You shortly ask, "What posters?"

Sreka barks loudly, then again in a more subdued voice to express her wonderment.

Xanthium folds her hands in her lap.

Speaking annoyedly to Akenna, Talinvor says, "I am far more qualified for the care and education of children than any of you. I've put adult Dhe'nar at pause, children are simple."

Selbi squeakily says, "And as a result of that and some of the other... less pleasant occurrences around town... we will be instituting some new layers of government."

You furrow your brow before glancing confusedly around the room.

Lynaera whispers to you.

The broom hare sits down.

Juspera glances at Selbi.

You quietly whisper to Lynaera.

Khobra raises an eyebrow in Selbi's direction.

Lynaera turns an inquisitive ear toward Selbi.

Faerinn says, "Make that onion bigger. Yum."

Ordim surreptitiously glances at Talinvor.

Speaking cheerfully to Dhairn, Mellny offers, "Oy!  I founds this on da floor."

You glance sharply at Lynaera.

Mellny put a lacquered twisted lor runestaff in her pale ruby pelisse.

Mellny removes a match from in her pale ruby pelisse.

Sreka says, "The propaganda posters of the Flock. They're all over the shops, Darcena."

Lynaera whispers to you.

Mellny offers Dhairn a match.

Aleid suddenly fades into view.

Dhairn accepts Mellny's match.

Dhairn winks at Mellny.

Xanthium nods to Aleid in greeting.

Kioya shifts her weight.

The broom hare hops over to Aleid and jumps into her arms lightly.

Speaking to Sreka, Nehor corrects, "You mean the morale posters to boost the towns spirits."

You blink.

Dhairn quietly says, "I thought I dropped that."

Akenna simply says, "I may have burned a few, crisped the edges."

Aleid places her hand on her broom hare.

Speaking to Aleid, Xanthium says, "I adore your hare."

You say, "I... I must have missed it in my morning haze."

Juspera grins at Akenna.

Selbi squeakily exclaims, "To give an example of the sort of behavior I mean... one of the new recruits to the Town Guard was murdered in cold blood just this morning... beaten to death in the execution of his duties!"

Lynaera whispers to you.

Juspera is admiring Traiva.

Mellny skips in a circle around Dhairn.

Akenna smiles meanly at Selbi.

Aleid agrees, "It does look rather nice today."

Speaking to Nehor, Sreka says, "No, I said what I meant and I meant what I said."

Ordim narrows his eyes.

Aleid runs a hand through her thick blond hair, trying to make herself presentable.

Speaking to Nehor, Naamit says, "They are pretty low quality art and have mispellings. You could have employed a professional at least."

You blink at Lynaera.

Speaking to Selbi, Juspera asks, "What? By who?"

Lynaera squints at Selbi.

Akenna raises an eyebrow.

Nehor gasps.

You blink at Selbi.

Talinvor glances at a coppery smear across the floor.

Dhairn quietly asks, "Wait.. what?"

Talinvor glances at Juspera.

Opalina ponders.

Dhairn blinks.

You say, "Beaten... to death..."

You ask, "How?"

Akenna suddenly asks, "What?"

Speaking to Selbi, Faerinn asks, "They're name?"

You glance between Selbi and Greth.

Akenna frowns.

Selbi squeakily says, "We're not sure, but I assure you we are looking into it.  If we find who was responsible, there will be... consequences."

Mellny cheerfully says, "Whoever drew da black-winged fairy, tells dem I really liked da way her eyes googled in two different directions."

Speaking quietly to Talinvor, Aleid says, "Told you they needed more red."

Speaking incredulously to Naamit, Nehor asks, "Its one thing to accuse me of kidnapping children...but to accuse me of low quality art?! HAve you no shame!?"

Mellny nods eagerly.

Speaking to Selbi, Sreka asks, "What was the name of the dead guard?"

Faerinn says, "We must memorialize their passing."

Greth grumbles and adjusts his makeshift sling.

Akenna frowns.

The red and grey fox sits down, his bushy tail sweeping back and forth behind him.

Speaking to Selbi, you ask, "Let me guess. The person was wearing an illusion charm?"

You raise an eyebrow, your bone chelioboros only enhancing your skeptical look.

Talinvor softly says, "So perhaps this illusion.. was not really an illusion at all."

Xanthium says, "I would assume they had a scuffle that they did nothing to provoke, of course."

You smirk at Selbi.

Talinvor looks thoughtfully at Greth.

Speaking to Selbi, Juspera says, "Well I wish it had been me! But I'm saving myself."

Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.

Speaking to Selbi, Juspera says, "For Nehor."

The red and grey fox roots around the room.

Selbi squeakily exclaims, "None of your business!  The matter is being handled!"

Juspera folds her arms over her chest.

Akenna softly murmurs, "Their poor families."

Juspera casts a warning glance at Nehor.

You growl at Selbi.

Faerinn stands up.

Speaking shortly to Naamit, you snap, "It was her."

Xanthium asks, "If it's not our business why did you bring it up?"

Lord Faerinn just went through a set of swinging oak doors.

Mellny hums happily to herself.

You say, "She ordered it."

Speaking to Selbi, Sreka says, "Obviously not, if you have nothing better to do than to wander into a bar and accuse us."

Aleid just went through a set of swinging oak doors.

Lynaera gazes with interest at a set of swinging oak doors.

Selbi squeakily says, "And to that end, we will creating some new offices to assist us in maintaining law and order."

Speaking curiously to Greth, Talinvor asks, "Are you certain, barkeep - you actually saw what you saw?"

Speaking to you, Naamit says, "I've no doubt of that. None at all."

Naamit folds her arms over her chest.

Speaking to Selbi, you say, "You have harmed someone under the protection of my pack."

Speaking to Selbi, Nehor suggests, "Perhaps we need a firmer hand. Perhaps we have been too lax with this town. We try to bring order and they repay us with murder and defacement?"

Akenna sneers at Selbi.

Talinvor glances at a coppery smear across the floor.

Dhairn removes a small cherrywood matchbox from in his oiled leather case.

You think to yourself, "Your days are now numbered."

Ordim rocks back on his heels.

Dhairn puts a match into a small cherrywood matchbox.

Speaking to Selbi, Naamit says, "You are going to have a hard time paying all those new workers with a loss of tax revenue, Selbie."

Speaking squeakily to you, Selbi says, "I have done no such thing!  I could not harm a fly."

Naamit folds her arms over her chest.

Dhairn closes a small cherrywood matchbox.

Traiva slowly empties her lungs.

Speaking softly to Selbi, Opalina says, "Madam Selbi, What does your new guards look like, so we can honor them."

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium says, "Kidnapping children sets off tempers."

Dhairn put a small cherrywood matchbox in his oiled leather case.

Selbi glances at Naamit.

Lord Faerinn's group just arrived.

Juspera rolls her eyes.

You hunch your shoulders and snarl menacingly at Selbi!

Akenna smirks.

Speaking squeakily to Naamit, Selbi says, "We shall see."

Speaking innocently to Selbi, Traiva says, "That is not what you alluded to the other evening."

Aleid doubles over as she is wracked by uncontrollable convulsions!

Talinvor stretches his arms out in front of him, attempting to loosen the tension in his neck and shoulders.

Speaking to Selbi, Sreka says, "You could order someone to swat a fly for you, though."

Speaking to Selbi, Naamit asks, "So what will you do, force them to work for you under a tyrannical rule? For breadscraps?"

Faerinn perches atop one of the nearby high barstools and leans forward against the white oak bar.

Nehor glances at Aleid.

Talinvor glances at Aleid.

Naamit shakes her head at Selbi and clucks her tongue.

Lynaera frowns at Aleid.

Nehor frowns.

You drawl, "Yes, I would love to look at the corpse of the murdered guards person."

You think to yourself, "And get a sniff."

You glance at a coppery smear across the floor.

Faerinn offers Aleid some dry wolifrew lichen.

Ordim squints at Aleid.

Traiva just opened a sweeping back-slit cloth-of-silver cloak with a deep velvet trimmed hood.

Speaking to Selbi, Akenna says, "Given you're Socius' former teacher, I think you could harm a great deal of things in short order."

It smells like a coppery smear across the floor.

Traiva removes a snifter of dark cherry brandy from in her back-slit cloak.

Juspera says, "Come on, this is stupid guys. They're not going to tell us anything, they're just making everyone mad."

Aleid laments, "Try and help a friend and this happens."

Talinvor joins Nehor's group.

Traiva just closed a sweeping back-slit cloth-of-silver cloak with a deep velvet trimmed hood.

Juspera says, "We should go plan."

Talinvor says, "Ah."

Aleid joins Nehor's group.

Selbi squeakily says, "The matter is being handled internally... don't overheat your poor little brains trying to understand the concept."

Speaking to Selbi, Sreka says, "It is only a body. I will look at it."

Speaking to Selbi, Naamit says, "You steal from the people."

Naamit folds her arms over her chest.

Traiva takes a drink from her dark cherry brandy.

Traiva looks rather relaxed.

Selbi squeakily says, "I do what must be done."

Speaking concernedly to Aleid, Nehor asks, "Are you alright, mistress?"

Selbi sniffs.

Aleid doubles over as she is wracked by uncontrollable convulsions!

Khobra just grabbed a wooden stick from the basket of sticks.

Speaking to Selbi, Akenna says, "Too bad, that."

Faerinn Asks about Socius' Sister

Speaking to Selbi, Faerinn asks, "So about your former student. How do we know you really have his sister?"

Aleid places a hand over her heart.

Juspera glances at Aleid.

Mellny gawks at Aleid.

Speaking silkily to Naamit, Talinvor says, "Perhaps the people need to understand the concept of priority spending."

Aleid stoically says, "I'll be fine."

Speaking to Selbi, Akenna says, "I thought you were decently smart.  Smarter than Socius."

Faerinn offers Aleid some dry wolifrew lichen.

Aleid stands up.

Speaking skeptically to Aleid, Nehor says, "You do not look fine...perhaps we should get you to a healer."

Akenna says, "Seems I was wrong."

Speaking to Naamit, Talinvor adds, "Or perhaps just the defenders do."

Speaking to Selbi, Akenna says, "I hate being wrong."

Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.

Speaking squeakily to Faerinn, Selbi says, "You do not need to know... the idiot believes it, and that is all that matters."

Speaking to Nehor, Traiva says, "Because you would not trust either of the healers here already."

Tatria wraps her arms around herself with a despondent sulk.

Speaking wryly to Talinvor, Naamit says, "Indeed, I'm sure they understand quite well and choose not to fund this fake establishment."

Juspera raises an eyebrow in Xanthium's direction.

Aleid's broom hare jumps out of her arms and lands lightly on the ground.

Speaking to a white-tailed broom hare, Aleid says, "Wait here."

Aleid just went through a set of swinging oak doors.

The broom hare stands up.

The broom hare hops off.

From nearby, you hear Aleid yell, "I said wait there!"

Speaking to Selbi, Faerinn says, "Funny, so you might not. Humor me and describe her then."

Traiva giggles.

Ordim giggles to himself.

Speaking softly to Selbi, Opalina asks, "What are your guards uniforms?"

Khobra glances between Selbi and Faerinn.

Nehor suspiciously exclaims, "We've had guardsmen murdered, children kidnapped, honest citizens assaulted and worst of all some of my art was defaced! Of course I do not trust!"

Rohese nods slowly at Xanthium.

Speaking to Naamit, Talinvor says, "You represent the people now? I was not aware the Harbor's Council consisted of it's defenders."

Xanthium gives a sidelong glance at Nehor.

Speaking squeakily to Faerinn, Selbi says, "She looks exactly nothing like the idiot.  Which is to be expected, since she was adopted."

Selbi rolls her eyes.

A white-tailed broom hare hops in.

Ordim glances at Selbi.

Speaking to Talinvor, Akenna says, "Oh, but it does.  A lot of us are in trade, I'm one of them."

Faerinn says, "Adopted."

Faerinn nods once.

Akenna gestures crisply and utters a practiced phrase as raw elemental energies issue forth from her dimly glowing eyes.

Akenna gestures.

Akenna smiles at Talinvor.

Speaking calmly to herself, Traiva murmurs, "Yes, I am not at all myself."

Speaking wryly to Akenna, Talinvor says, "So am I."

The broom hare begins to carefully observe its surroundings.

Speaking incredulously to Nehor, Mellny asks, "YOU drew da black-winged fairy wit' da pointy nose?"

You glance sharply at Faerinn.

Traiva takes a drink from her dark cherry brandy.

Traiva looks rather relaxed.

Juspera fidgets.

Mellny gazes admiringly at Nehor.

Dhairn folds his arms over his chest.

Speaking to Talinvor, Naamit says, "Until the regime is ended, I shall encourage everyone to stop patronizing shops who pledge support for Selbi or the Flock."

Ordim removes a cast iron muffin tin from in his dark grey satchel.

Ordim removes a warm raspberry muffin from in his muffin tin.

Naamit nods firmly at Talinvor.

Ordim put a cast iron muffin tin in his dar
k grey satchel.
Speaking simply to Mellny, Nehor asks, "A crow, you mean?"

New Offices in Town

Selbi squeakily says, "Now then, as I was trying to say... there will be some new offices and posts around town being filled in the next few days."

Ordim briefly draws down the edges of his slate grey cowl.

Ordim takes a bite of his raspberry muffin.

Opalina takes a drink from her Greth's Special.

Opalina looks rather relaxed.

Naamit groans at Selbi.

You take a deep breath.

Xanthium rests a gentle hand on Traiva's arm.

The red and grey fox barks.

Khobra nods slowly at Selbi.

Speaking to Selbi, Naamit says, "I don't recognize your authority here."

Tatria looks thoughtfully at Selbi.

Speaking to Naamit, Talinvor asks, "Are you boycotting the economy now?"

Speaking to yourself, you mutter, "We spoke of restraint. Restraint."

Talinvor raises an eyebrow in Naamit's direction.

Selbi squeakily says, "And I should warn you all... any acts of disobedience against duly sworn members of the town government will be dealt with harshly."

Akenna defiantly agrees, "Nor I."

Sreka whispers to you.

Speaking brightly to Nehor, Mellny offers, "If'n you say so!"

Juspera shifts her weight.

Speaking wryly to Naamit, Talinvor asks, "How is that helping the community?"

Nehor looks thoughtfully at Mellny.

Aleid just arrived.

You distractedly glance at Sreka.

Talinvor steeples his fingers together, quietly observing his surroundings.

Aleid absentmindedly rubs her hand across the flap of her rolton hide satchel.

Speaking squeakily to Naamit, Selbi says, "That's your right, but the consequences will believe in you just fine."

Juspera grins slowly at Traiva.

Using his silver knife, Faerinn cuts off some of his large juicy peach and takes a bite.

The broom hare hops over to Aleid and jumps into her arms lightly.

Speaking to Talinvor, Naamit says, "We've already a retinue of merchants who side with the Defenders."

Talinvor takes a drink from his spiced blood wine.

Aleid joins Nehor's group.

Speaking to Selbi, Tatria says, "What be new offices."

Traiva squints at a snifter of dark cherry brandy.

Speaking to Selbi, Naamit says, "As will your head on a pike in time."

Naamit folds her arms over her chest.

Rohese studies Xanthium, giving her an intense consideration.

Rohese nods understandingly at Xanthium.

Speaking squeakily to Tatria, Selbi says, "Roles that are sorely needed as we bring this isle to a better place."

Ordim glances between Naamit and Selbi.

Akenna adds, "A tiny pike."

Ordim briefly draws down the edges of his slate grey cowl.

Ordim takes a bite of his raspberry muffin.

Naamit begins chortling at Akenna.

Selbi raises an eyebrow in Naamit's direction.

Speaking curiously to Naamit, Talinvor says, "Oh? And which are those? I've not been yet denied services. Perhaps they're not as loyal as you think."

Darcena whispers quietly to Greth, "We will need to speak about Penre. I must see him."

You glance at Greth.

Speaking squeakily to Naamit, Selbi says, "Time will tell."

Using his silver knife, Faerinn cuts off some of his large juicy peach and takes a bite.

Rohese smiles at Xanthium.

Opalina softly says, "Looks like theres another group in the community who's also taking matters into their own hands."

Tatria prods, "Selbi What roles?"

Speaking to Selbi, Sreka says, "Be specific. Or be silent."

Kioya shifts her weight.

Speaking quietly to her dark cherry brandy, Traiva whispers aloud, "You are much too small a snifter, and your contents are a little too strong."

(Opalina swirls her drink.)

(Naamit winds the thick rope back up.)

Naamit put a coil of thick rope in her black leather bag.

Juspera fidgets.

Traiva takes a drink from her dark cherry brandy.

Traiva looks rather relaxed.

Opalina takes a drink from her Greth's Special.

Ordim briefly draws down the edges of his slate grey cowl.

Ordim takes a bite of his raspberry muffin.

Selbi squeakily says, "Regardless... since you are all disinclined to be rational, I will leave you to your mutterings.  Have a care to keep them verbal, however, else you find yourselves in a bad situation."

Juspera blinks at Xanthium.

You scowl at Selbi.

Lynaera frowns at Selbi.

Xanthium looks over at Juspera and shakes her head.

Selbi nods respectfully at Nehor.

Talinvor smirks.

Akenna winks at Juspera.

Dhairn quietly says, "A moment... I'm looking to be rational."

Nehor nods once at Selbi.

Selbi wanders off.

Juspera grins at Akenna.

Sreka says, "I guess she chose silence."

Rohese's eyes narrow, and her expression darkens as she swiftly averts her gaze downward.

Ordim shakes 
his head, clucking his tongue.
Naamit shrugs.

More Info from Greth

Greth mutters, "Glad that one di'nt make it."

Speaking primly to Sreka, Nehor agrees, "As I have always said, Silence is indeed sometimes the mark of great wisdom."

Dhairn quietly says, "Ah well. You heard me offer to be rational. Now I suppose I can just unleash."

Xanthium stares at Juspera.

You nod slowly to Greth.

Speaking thoughtfully to Greth, Talinvor asks, "The guard?"

Faerinn says, "Take care. May want to unwind in the bird bath tonight. Lot's a stress with regime changes."

Khobra glances at Greth.

Juspera fidgets.

Xanthium spends some time haggling with Greth Rottgut.

(Naamit turns heel and strides toward the swinging oak doors.)

Mellny giggles at Nehor.

Nehor blandly continues, "Many often say I am very wise, my periods of silence are great and voluminous..."

Speaking to Nehor, Sreka asks, "Is that why you are never silent?"

Xanthium takes a drink from her glass of absinthe.

Xanthium looks rather relaxed.

Juspera glances at Naamit.

Akenna says, "So are we hanging or burning... I think we know which side I land on."

Ordim briefly draws down the edges of his slate grey cowl.

Ordim takes a bite of his raspberry muffin.

Aleid offhandedly says, "Much like your"

Traiva whispers to you.

Xanthium nods.

Nehor smiles and continues on that tangent for a bit, before realizing no one is listening. He frowns and folds his arms.

Xanthium says, "Ego."

You nod at Traiva.

Aleid carefully says, "Egr..."

Talinvor gives a sidelong glance at Nehor.

Xanthium takes a drink from her glass of absinthe.

Xanthium looks rather relaxed.

Aleid says, "No, no. no."

Speaking cheerfully to Nehor, Mellny offers, "Mebbe you need to shop fer a bigger hat!"

Aleid exclaims, "That's not what I was going to say at all!"

Speaking to Nehor, Faerinn says, "Must be wild getting schooled in public like that by your subordinates."

Using his silver knife, Faerinn cuts off some of his large juicy peach and takes a bite.

Nehor glares at Faerinn.

Speaking to Mellny, Akenna says, "He wouldn't be able to make it over the threshold."

Aleid says, "Eggreeeable nature."

Aleid smiles.

Speaking innocently to Akenna, Traiva asks, "Can we not simply immobilize for now?"

Ordim asks, "Eggs?"

Ordim glances nervously around the room.

Akenna frowns at Traiva.

Greth growls, "Look... A couple more things ye need to know..."

Aleid says, "I want an omelet."

Speaking to Traiva, Akenna says, "I suppose."

Aleid nods at Ordim.

Nehor turns to face Greth.

Faerinn turns an inquisitive ear toward Greth.

Nehor turns an inquisitive ear toward Greth.

Tatria turns to face Greth.

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium asks, "What will become of you, now.  Are you any safer when you leave here than you were in your ropes?"

(Darcena observes the conversations around her with a somewhat helpless look on her face.)

Speaking to Ordim, Aleid says, "And a blueberry muffin."

Khobra turns an inquisitive ear toward Greth.

Juspera nods to Greth.

Speaking sympathetically to Akenna, Rohese says, "I appreciate that you are angry but we must try not to feed their rhetoric."

Ordim nods in agreement at Aleid.

Ordim's stomach growls.

Xanthium takes a drink from her glass of absinthe.

Xanthium looks rather relaxed.

Opalina turns an inquisitive ear toward Greth.

Lynaera offers Aleid a blueberry lemon scone.

Tatria begins chuckling at Dhairn!

Dhairn quietly says, "Hm."

Aleid muses, "Maybe some pineapple juice."

Speaking to Rohese, Akenna sighs, "I... all right, you're right."

Speaking to Akenna, Mellny whispers aloud, "Mebbe a whole mort of yarn an' someone coulds make him a stretchy one."

Speaking solemnly to Akenna, Traiva says, "Hanging and burning are major decisions. We must be sure we have weighed them both carefully."

Aleid accepts Lynaera's lemon scone.

Rohese smiles at Akenna.

Speaking soothingly to you, Talinvor says, "Will it help if guard is set here at Greth's? It seems here is not safe, despite... words."

Lynaera offers Aleid a cup of lemon tea.

Talinvor glances meaningfully at Greth.

Greth grumbles, "The ones who came fer us, they weren't speaking Common... but not any'thin else ah've heard either... 'cept when teasin' us."

You quietly whisper to Faerinn, "I wonder if you can look into the legal adoption of Socius' sister, perhaps that would give us a lead."

Speaking quietly to Nehor, Dhairn asks, "Where are the children, Nehor?"

Juspera gawks at Greth.

Aleid says, "Eww, tea."

Traiva takes a drink from her dark cherry brandy.

Traiva looks rather relaxed.

Xanthium nods to Greth.

Ordim briefly draws down the edges of his slate grey cowl.

Ordim takes a bite of his raspberry muffin.

Speaking to Greth, Juspera asks, "NOW you mention this?"

Mellny whispers something to Akenna.

Aleid cheerfully says, "Thank you."

Faerinn nods to you.

Xanthium asks, "Did you recognize it, if you didn't understand it?"

Aleid takes a bite of her lemon scone.

Speaking weakly to Greth, Traiva says, "I hope it was not Aelotian.."

Greth roars, "Got a li'l busy in here!"

Speaking to Greth, Akenna asks, "Was it Elven?"

Speaking to Greth, Juspera asks, "Do you know what the Iyo's language sounds like?"

Speaking shortly to Talinvor, you ask, "Would they help or harm, Talinvor?"

Ordim giggles.

Faerinn whispers to you.

Speaking in Elven to Greth, Akenna asks something you don't understand.

Speaking to Dhairn, Nehor stresses, "Safe. I will not reveal their location, in case we have a repeat of this incident. I can not trust most of you."

Aleid takes a bite of her lemon scone.

Speaking in Aelotian to Greth, Traiva asks something you don't understand.

Xanthium says, "I can't speak sylvan, but I know it well enough when I hear it."

Speaking simply to you, Talinvor asks, "That depends, doesn't it?"

Speaking in Elven to Greth, Akenna asks something you don't understand.

Aleid mumbles, "Proves it wasn't Sarmoya then."

Aleid takes a bite of her lemon scone.

You nod slowly at Faerinn.

Lynaera offers, "Perhaps Faendryl?"

Speaking to you, Talinvor says, "So long as there is no attempt at violence."

Speaking to Talinvor, you snarl, "On what?"

Juspera says, "Hold on, let's not overwhelm him."

Aleid mumbles, "He barely speaks com..."

Aleid frowns.

Speaking in Faendryl, Xanthium asks something you don't understand.

Speaking in Elven to Dhairn, Akenna asks something you don't understand.

Xanthium nods to Greth.

Speaking quietly to Nehor, Dhairn asks, "Understood. But you are telling me you personally know their whereabouts?"

Sreka says, "Nehor, you didn't even know this had happened before Talinvor revealed what he'd done."

Speaking in Elven, Akenna asks something you don't understand.

Aleid quickly says, "Nevermind."

Speaking to Nehor, Naamit says, "And here I thought you didn't know anything about it."

Speaking slowly to Talinvor, you say, "You know you do not want to cross my pack."

Speaking to Greth, Xanthium asks, "Did it sound like that?"

Greth grumbles, "Ah've been runnin' this bar fer longer'n some of ye've been alive.  Ah've heard all tongues I kin imagine.  This was different."

Speaking quietly in Faendryl to Greth, Dhairn asks something you don't understand.

Khobra casually observes her surroundings.

You say, "Speak carefully here."

Speaking to Nehor, Naamit says, "You are a terrible liar."

Using his silver knife, Faerinn cuts off some of his large juicy peach and takes a bite.

Juspera sighs.

Ordim giggles.

Traiva nods slowly to Greth.

Speaking in Dark Elven to Greth, Xanthium asks something you don't understand.

Akenna shifts her weight.

Speaking in Halfling to Greth, Mellny says something you don't understand.

Speaking to you, Talinvor asks, "What benefit would I get from doing so?"

Mellny nods vigorously to Greth!

Speaking to Greth, Xanthium asks, "Anything?"

Ordim offers, "Everyone so mad at not knowing they forgetting what was said not a few minutes ago."

Ordim shakes his head, clucking his tongue.

Ordim rocks back on his heels.

Speaking exasperatedly to Naamit, Nehor says, "I know nothing of who took them or why, yet I do know that they were delivered, reportedly, to a secure location. Unless, of course, Talinvor has lied to me about that."

Speaking to Ordim, Traiva asks, "I know you have been with the Iyo a considerable amount. Have they their own language?"

Juspera squints at Ordim.

Ordim offers, "Clearly the guild of evil florists did this!"

Ordim scowls.

Speaking in Krolvin to Greth, Sreka barks something you don't understand.

Speaking to Talinvor, you snap, "Penre is under our protection."

Speaking to Talinvor, you say, "I do not care about your perceived benefits."

Speaking firmly to Nehor, Talinvor says, "I have not lied, Flockmaster."

Speaking dismissively to Nehor, Akenna says, "You should just shut it, we all know you're lying."

Opalina rolls her eyes.

Speaking to Nehor, Naamit says, "You claimed originally you knew nothing of it. Try again."

Ordim rubs his chin thoughtfully.

(Dhairn stares at Talinvor and glances to the side to speak to Nehor, "But you do indeed know where they children are personally, yes?)

Ordim adds, "Probably that ageless flower girl too."

Ordim raises his fist defiantly.

Xanthium grins at Ordim.

Talinvor says, "He did not until I arrived, Naamit."

Speaking idly to Naamit, Nehor says, "I see your memory is going with your old age, Bardess."

Speaking to Talinvor, Tatria asks, "You pay someone to squirrel away kids?"

You turn to face Greth.

Speaking to Traiva, Ordim answers, "Of course they do!"

Rohese glances away.

Speaking to Greth, you ask, "It sounded like no known language?"

Lynaera whispers something to Akenna.

Speaking to Tatria, Talinvor says, "I did not pay out of my own funds, neh."

Naamit looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

Naamit turns around.

Greth mutters, "An' the other thing... they said they didn't wear the same leash as the rest of em.  Not sure what it meant, but seemed important."

Dhairn mutters under his breath.

Rohese looks lost in thought.

Faerinn ponders.

You frown at Greth.

Sreka ponders.

Speaking curiously to Greth, Nehor asks, "Same leash?"

Speaking calmly to Ordim, Traiva says, "I do not like to assume. It.. causes bad things."

Speaking cheerfully to Tatria, Mellny says, "No, no, dey just conveniently happened ta be dropped off with da bloke."

Speaking to Greth, Xanthium says, "Curious."

Opalina ponders.

Faerinn says, "Lot's of new players in town trying to carve it up."

Akenna whispers something to Lynaera.

Traiva smiles slowly.

Dhairn blinks at Lynaera.

Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.

Xanthium says, "Not enough town to go 'round, you'd think."

Speaking quietly to Lynaera, Dhairn says, "I think you and I need to have words."

Lynaera raises an eyebrow in Dhairn's direction.

Juspera mutters something about leashes.

Speaking to Mellny, Tatria says, "Paid out of other pockets."

Aleid quietly hisses, "Traitor."

Tatria says, "Maybe Selbi pockets."

Speaking curiously to Talinvor, Mellny chirps, "Do dey like da pretty moss?"

Aleid glances away.

Nehor raises an eyebrow in Aleid's direction.

Akenna whispers something to Lynaera.

Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.

Aleid glances at Nehor.

Aleid asks, "What?"

You pace back and forth.

Juspera mouths, "They didn't wear the same leash..."

Juspera scratches her head.

Aleid dusts off a polished black leather pack.

Nehor Gets Darted

An enruned crimson dart hurtles through the air and pierces Nehor's neck, gouging a neat hole completely through and imbedding itself in the bar behind him!

Speaking to Greth, you ask, "Can you replicate any of the sounds of their language?"

Juspera lets out a yelp!

You say, "Hars----"

Nehor gasps.

Xanthium blinks at Nehor.

You give a sidelong glance at Nehor.

Nehor folds his arms over his chest.

Ordim glances at Nehor.

Juspera slowly empties her lungs.

You exasperatedly yell, "Again?"

Talinvor gives a sidelong glance at Nehor.

Mellny happily exclaims, "OY!"

Traiva stands up.

Nehor whines.

Lynaera begins a careful examination of Nehor -- she takes his pulse, checks his temperature, and checks for broken bones or any other ailments.

Faerinn ponders.

Khobra examines Nehor closely, sizing him up and taking note of all the details.

Speaking to Nehor, Naamit says, "That'll silence you good."

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium says, "Looks like we didn't even have to wait for you to leave here."

Using his silver knife, Faerinn cuts off some of his large juicy peach and takes a bite.

Naamit dusts off her hands.

Juspera dismissively says, "Oh it's just Nehor."

Nehor loudly complains, " hurts!"

Rohese bites her lip.

Mellny blurts, "Douse 'em with lots of waters!"

Traiva evenly says, "Well then."

Tatria removes a large jug of water from in her ramie silk vest.

Nehor whimpers.

Juspera glances at Rohese.

Traiva takes a drink from her dark cherry brandy.

Traiva looks rather relaxed.

Tatria offers Lynaera a large jug of water.

Opalina blinks.

Lynaera accepts Tatria's jug of water.

Talinvor nods appreciatively at Tatria.

Speaking to Juspera, Sreka says, "Yes, no one important."

Lynaera kneels down.

Naamit says, "Oh no, don't bother cleaning his wounds. Let him get delirious."

Speaking slowly to Mellny, you whisper aloud, "Or not."

Ordim takes a few steps away from Nehor.

Naamit shakes her head.

Ordim furrows his brow.

Traiva folds her hands.

Dhairn whispers something to Lynaera.

Lynaera just poured her water out on Nehor!

Speaking quietly to Tatria, Talinvor says, "Sha'haisa, Tatria."

Aleid says, "Oh, do it this way."

You hear very soft footsteps.

Faerinn says, "Oh, it stayed in him."

Speaking to Greth, Ordim exclaims, "Really good protection!"

Aleid's hands glow with power as she summons elemental energy to her command...

Ordim scowls.

Akenna says, "Who knows what he'll say."

Nehor shivers.

Ordim folds his arms over his chest in a display of stubborn pride, tilting his chin up slightly in defiance.

A quiet voice says, "One should not harm a child in danger."  Then there is a flash of light, and the corner from which it originated stands empty once more.

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium says, "Of course it hurts, it's pushed into your neck."

Rohese glances around the room.

You say, "Should not..."

You ask, "What?"

Talinvor peers quizzically at Nehor.

(Traiva glances toward the previously lit corner.)

Khobra rubs her yellow-green eyes.

Traiva raises an eyebrow.

Lynaera gives Nehor a little prod between the shoulder blades.

Akenna smirks.

Using his silver knife, Faerinn cuts off some of his large juicy peach and takes a bite.

Nehor gasps, "I did no such...thing..."

Speaking eagerly to Nehor, Mellny asks, "Oy!  What harms dids you do?"

Juspera mumbles, "Well that was interesting."

Nehor coughs.

Nehor clears his throat.

Opalina glances nervously around the room.

Juspera says, "I might need a drink myself."

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium says, "Looks like our Messenger had another delivery."

It smells like a cask-faced white oak bar.

Juspera spends some time haggling with Greth Rottgut.

Speaking concernedly to Nehor, Rohese asks, "Are you alright?"

>l white bar

You see nothing unusual.

Naamit folds her arms, grasping her shoulders.

>l on white bar

On the white oak bar:

Food/Drink [5]: a shot of Incandescent vodka, a shell-shaped cream filled pastry, a glass of ginger white wine, a dish of icy creamed fudge, a cracked glass of absinthe

Clothing [2]: a pair of knitted ecru gloves, a knitted black sweater

Special [5]: a pewter stein (2), a polished crystal shot glass (3)

Total items: 
Speaking casually to Nehor, Traiva says, "I would offer assistance, but I am not to be trusted."

Socius Arrives

Socius slips out from a shadow and grabs the dart, wrenching it out of the bar.

Naamit chortles softly at some secret joke.

Socius glares at an enruned crimson dart in his hand.

Ordim glances at Socius.

Lynaera squints at Socius.

Ordim scowls.

Juspera takes a drink from her smoky copper whiskey.

Rohese smiles at Socius.

Nehor scowls at Naamit.

Speaking exasperatedly to Socius, you say, "There you are."

Nehor looks over at Rohese and shakes his head.

Juspera grins.

Ordim mutters, "Butcher!"

Tatria turns to face Socius.

Talinvor wryly says, "I thought so."

Juspera happily says, "Hello Socius."

Dhairn removes a wide glass of cold water from in his oiled leather case.

Dhairn offers Nehor a wide glass of cold water.

Nehor accepts Dhairn's cold water.

Speaking coldly to you, Socius says, "The other four have been dealt with."

Rohese nods in greeting at Socius.

Speaking to Socius, Xanthium asks, "Looks familiar, doesn't it?"

Nehor takes a drink from his cold water.

Lynaera stands up.

Speaking to Socius, Faerinn asks, "That look familiar by the way?"

Speaking to Socius, Naamit says, "Good afternoon. May I see that when you are through, friend."

Lynaera just tried to pull Nehor to his feet, but Nehor couldn't stand on his own and he falls over!

Sreka gives a sharp bark of greeting to Socius.

Dhairn quietly says, "Fix yourself. Can't have you asleep right now."

Traiva glances at Socius.

Dhairn nods at Nehor.

Xanthium smiles at Faerinn.

Akenna says, "Good."

Juspera is admiring Socius.

You nod gravely at Socius.

Nehor joins Talinvor's group.

Talinvor mumbles something under his breath.

Akenna waves to Nehor.

Talinvor changes his tune, adding a new element to his song...

Talinvor skillfully begins to weave another verse into his harmony.

Speaking curiously to Socius, Rohese says, "So are you implying ..."

Speaking to Socius, you say, "They harmed one under my protection. They should have known the consequences."

Rohese glances appraisingly at Nehor.

Speaking to Nehor, Akenna says, "By."

Socius turns to face Rohese.

Talinvor tries to pull Nehor to his feet, but he is too heavy.

Using his silver knife, Faerinn cuts off some of his large juicy peach and takes a bite.

Nehor simply says, "Cant...move..."

Rohese smiles at Socius.

Talinvor sighs at Nehor.

Nehor stands up.

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium says, "Water."

Translucent streams of mana cascade across Talinvor's form as he lets loose with a rallying cry!

Ordim narrows his eyes.

Nehor sighs.

Talinvor squints at Nehor.

Speaking quietly to Rohese, Socius says, "I am implying that justice was done, Lady.  For the children... for Greth... and for Penre."

You glance at Greth.

Nehor sets about preparing himself to be as presentable as possible.

Dhairn removes a wide glass of cold water from in his oiled leather case.

Speaking annoyedly to Nehor, Talinvor asks, "Why are you so heavy?"

Rohese nods understandingly at Socius.

Faerinn nods at Socius.

Speaking to Socius, Juspera says, "Thank you."

Dhairn just poured his water out on Nehor!

Socius growls ferociously!

Socius glares at an enruned crimson dart in his hand.

Nehor splutters.

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium says, "Or you'll sicken again.  Hydrate."

Speaking quietly to Greth, you murmur, "I take my responsibilities seriously."

Speaking appreciatively to Socius, Rohese says, "Thank you for that."

Speaking to Socius, Tatria asks, "Know where kids are?"

Socius says, "And now... for this..."

Aleid traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...

Aleid gestures.

Speaking cheerfully to Nehor, Mellny offers, "No worries.  You can stills talk an' dat got to be da most importants to you."

Dhairn grins slowly.

Speaking carefully to Socius, Lynaera asks, "Did you manage to identify any of the attackers?"

Nehor takes a drink from his cold water.

Xanthium nods at Nehor.

You take a deep breath.

Kioya shifts her weight.

Steenk just tried to pour a wineskin of aged cactus juice on Nehor!  Fortunately, he was able to dodge out of the way.

Speaking softly to Socius, Nehor says, "I too am curious who these interlopers were."

Speaking to Nehor, Talinvor says, "Now we know who the attempted assasin is, or rather... whose faction."

Speaking to Socius, Faerinn says, "Or whisper to me where you stashed them afterwards."

Socius glances at Akenna.

Socius nods slowly at Akenna.

Talinvor gives a sidelong glance at Socius.

Juspera takes a drink from her smoky copper whiskey.

The red and grey fox stands up and shakes out his bushy tail.

Akenna nods once at Socius.

Rohese intertwines her fingers.

Speaking to Socius, you ask, "Did you notice anything concrete about them?"

Khobra indicates her wooden stick with a smile.

Ordim furrows his brow.

You ask, "Some lead or clue?"

You fold your arms over your chest.

Speaking to Socius, Xanthium says, "I'm curious myself.  I could probably...recognize at least one of them, I'd think."

Juspera nods to you.

Socius says, "I do not know where the children are... those I dealt with did not know either, else they would have told me under my ministrations."

Xanthium glances at a coppery smear across the floor.

Ordim rolls his eyes.

The red and grey fox barks.

Rohese glances down.

Juspera firmly says, "We'll find out."

Rohese smiles quietly to herself.

Tatria frowns.

Naamit settles her gaze on Socius, watching him intently.

You stare at Xanthium.

Ordim declares, "Butchery!"

Traiva lightly places her hand on the red and grey fox, which responds by moving his body beneath her hand for a thorough rubbing.

Ordim scowls.

Speaking to Socius, Faerinn asks, "Does that smell lemon fresh like it usually does?"

The red and grey fox sits down, his bushy tail sweeping back and forth behind him.

Speaking coldly to Ordim, Socius says, "Justice."

Speaking slowly to Xanthium, you ask, "How, Xanthium?"

Using his silver knife, Faerinn cuts off some of his large juicy peach and takes a bite.

Speaking to Socius, Ordim repeats, "Murder."

Lynaera murmurs, "Torturer."

Speaking softly to Ordim, Rohese corrects, "Persuasion."

Akenna asks, "... Were they elves?"

Ordim furrows his brow.

Ordim folds his arms over his chest in a display of stubborn pride, tilting his chin up slightly in defiance.

Juspera gives a sidelong glance at Lynaera.

Traiva slips her hand under the a black-eared red and grey fox's head and lightly scratches at his chin and neck.

Socius glances at Akenna.

Speaking disbelievingly to Xanthium, you whisper aloud, "What do you know?"

Dhairn quietly says, "Lampshade."

Speaking to you, Xanthium says, "I sang to the stain there.  I felt the one who took that wound die."

Akenna shifts her weight.

Speaking to Socius, Sreka asks, "Who were the ones involved?"

You nod slowly at Xanthium.

Dhairn quietly says, "Oh sorry. I thought we were just bandering words."

Speaking to Akenna, Socius says, "Two elves, a human, and a halfling."

Talinvor casts an appraising gaze over his surroundings, seemingly taking in every detail.

Dhairn examines his fingernails.

Akenna nods at Socius.

Speaking to Socius, Nehor scolds, "You should have brought them to us. Let us question them. What did you find out? We could have found out whose orders they acted under..."

Faerinn nods at Socius.

Nehor coughs.

Speaking to Socius, you say, "Greth says they were speaking an unknown language."

Traiva cocks her head at Socius.

Lynaera's face turns slightly pale.

Dhairn quietly says, "Greth said five."

Speaking to Socius, you ask, "Did you hear this language?"

Dhairn blinks suddenly, his gaze turning towards a ghezyte chelioboros ring.

Mellny quickly blurts, "It weren't me!"

Akenna says, "He took care of one."

Akenna points at a coppery smear across the floor.

Speaking to Dhairn, you say, "Greth killed the last one."

Speaking to you, Xanthium says, "I assume they were the body that was removed, but I think if I saw the body...I would know it.  We'd have some proof."

Ordim says, "Socius slashes several soldiers severly, sceaming "Seven sorrowful sounds screach swiftly!"."

Ordim twitches, trying to control a vocal outburst, before settling into a disdained grumble while regaining composure.

Dhairn quietly says, "AH yes."

Speaking to Nehor, Tatria says, "Think he means you be the human."

Speaking curiously to Nehor, Socius says, "You imply that you are not as in control of your Flock as you would have others think."

Tatria points at Ordim.

Tatria says, "Halfing."

Tatria points at Talinvor.

Speaking to Nehor, Sreka says, "You just said that you knew all about it, Flockmaster. And before that, Talinvor said that he knew about and you said you didn't."

Tatria points at Lynaera.

Socius looks over at you and shakes his head.

Tatria says, "Elves."

Faerinn leans forward.

Speaking to Sreka, Naamit says, "He's a horrible liar. Get used to it."

Speaking to you, Socius says, "They all spoke quite clearly when persuaded properly."

Naamit smirks.

Lynaera smiles at Tatria.

Speaking quietly to Socius, Talinvor says, "The flock consists of two elves, a human and a halfling. We are still here, Socius."

You frown.

Speaking slowly to Socius, Nehor says, "I do not know whom these...people were. Nor whom they acted with or under. But I assure you, they were NOT Flock."

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium says, "Dancing is hard work.  Perhaps you should practice more."

Juspera shifts her weight.

Speaking curiously to Socius, Talinvor asks, "Who did you actually kill?"

Speaking to Socius, you ask, "And we are certain they are the same four?"

Speaking to Nehor, Sreka asks, "You can't keep track of your lies, can you?"

Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.

Ordim corrects, "I'm an Ordim!"

Ordim beams!

Speaking to Socius, you ask, "What portal magic were they using?"

Akenna mildly says, "Such a tangled web."

Akenna smiles at Nehor.

Kioya stares unwaveringly at Talinvor.

Dhairn quietly says, "I think Ordim counts as both elves."

Opalina agrees with Akenna.

Dhairn quietly says, "Er.."

Dhairn quietly says, "Halflings."

Socius quietly says, "They were laughing about how they made Penre scream.  I am certain."

Speaking to Dhairn, Ordim corrects, "Truefolk."

Dhairn nods at Ordim.

Rohese takes a slow, deep breath then pinches the bridge of her nose.

(Faerinn puts his fingers against the bar and slightly rocks his barstool side to side.)

Traiva calmly flutters her wings at Socius to an unheard rhythm.

Sreka nods at Socius.

Akenna clenches her jaw.

A pained expression crosses Juspera's face as she grimaces at Socius.

You growl at Socius.

Dhairn quietly says, "How they ma..."

Juspera says, "Bad people, then."

Speaking primly to Sreka, Nehor says, "Simply speaking nonsense convinces no one of your perfidy."

Nehor sniffs.

You quietly whisper to Socius, "You did not take long enough."

Opalina frowns.

Lynaera folds her hands behind her back.

Ordim fidgets.

Speaking to Socius, Juspera asks, "But were they speaking a weird language?"

Talinvor asks, "Considering your violent nature, Socius - are you sure that is what you heard? Or did you run off screaming like a barbarian with that justification in your ears?"

Speaking to Nehor, Akenna says, "Yet you do it all the time."

Ordim offers, "Tortured people will say anything to stop the torture."

Ordim shakes his head, clucking his tongue.

Sreka waves a hand at Nehor, dismissing him indifferently.

Talinvor folds his arms over his chest.

Speaking to Juspera, Socius says, "Not to my ears.  They spoke quiet clearly in their efforts to be heard."

Juspera says, "Interesting."

Akenna cocks her head at Nehor.

The red and grey fox sniffs at the air.

Kioya glances haughtily around the room.

Speaking to Juspera, Xanthium says, "Sadism is hardly a quality held by a single party here."

Nehor asks, "And what is it they said? I ask you again, who WERE they?"

Speaking softly to Socius, Opalina asks, "What did they say?"

Xanthium glances between Socius and Naamit.

Speaking to Talinvor, Socius says, "I did what was needed.  Penre is a good man, and any who would do such to him... and laugh about it after... needed to be put down."

Talinvor asks, "Then you witnessed this, yourself.. and did not stop it?"

Speaking to Socius, Steenk asks, "Waht language did they speak?"

Aleid pedantically says, "Information obtained by torture is reliably unreliable."

Speaking to Socius, Talinvor adds, "That is, if you heard it as you say."

Speaking to Nehor, Socius says, "Mostly they begged me for mercy.  You should remember how that feels, Flockmaster."

Aleid carefully says, "They say."

Ordim nods in agreement.

Ordim nods in agreement at Aleid.

Nehor's face turns slightly pale.

Rohese wrinkles her nose.

Nehor coughs.

Traiva clears her throat.

Speaking exasperatedly to Socius, you say, "Perhaps less explaining."

Nehor mutters under his breath.

Naamit flashes you a wolfish grin.

You quietly whisper to Socius, "We are trying to maintain an image, Socius Leiffen."

Akenna simpers at Nehor, looking pleased with herself.

Traiva gives a sidelong glance at Socius.

Socius glances at you.

Ordim begins to twitch.

Socius nods slightly.

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium says, "Don't.  Drink the rest of your glass."

Nehor takes a drink from his cold water.

Speaking softly to Socius, Opalina asks, "But why were they here in the first place What did they want?"

Speaking thoughtfully to Socius, Talinvor says, "Your memories are slipping, Butcher - I think you have grown confused at what is real, and what is not."

Naamit whispers to you.

Speaking to Socius, Sreka asks, "Did they mention who they were working for? Not the group, but the person?"

Speaking quietly to Socius, Dhairn asks, "They claimed to not know where the children were. You obviously took it to the conclusion in your attempt to ascertain this?"

You nod slowly at Naamit.

Socius glances at Talinvor.

Talinvor says, "And now innocents are likely dead."

(Juspera gives Socius an overlong, staring look, her expression practically dripping with bald admiration.)

Talinvor squints at Socius.

Ordim shakes his head at Socius and clucks his tongue.

Steenk ponders.

Socius Talks of His Sister

Speaking to Talinvor, Socius says, "My only memories at risk are those of my father.  And none of these was he."

Speaking to Socius, you ask, "Let me see that dart?"

Speaking to Talinvor, Ordim suggests, "Butchers only know how to butcher."

Naamit whispers something to Socius.

You give your eyebrow a little workout.

Rohese whispers something to Juspera.

Speaking to Socius, Talinvor asks, "And are you certain there is no other emotion that is impacted when you go off screaming as you do?"

Rohese smiles at Juspera.

Talinvor squints at Socius.

Juspera nods slowly at Rohese.

Socius glances at Naamit.

You murmur, "Why is this one not disappearing?"

Speaking quietly to Ordim, Dhairn says, "In Faendryl, the butchers also know how to use summoning magics."

Speaking to Socius, Traiva asks, "But we still do not know who they were, or who they worked for, no?"

Rohese agrees with Juspera.

Naamit leers at Talinvor, her stare unwavering as she hums a harrowing death knell.

Dhairn nods at Ordim.

Speaking to you, Tatria says, "Master is here."

Speaking to Socius, Talinvor adds, "None of us here can prove how your magics and your memories work."

Speaking to you, Socius says, "Because it is tied to my family."

Speaking to you, Akenna says, "Maybe it is blood--"

You blink at Socius.

Speaking to Dhairn, Ordim says, "Faendryl aren't real."

Ordim furrows his brow.

Akenna blushes a nice shade of rosy pink.

You slowly drawl, "Socius."

Dhairn grins slowly.

Talinvor gazes with interest at Naamit.

Juspera fidgets.

You say, "It seems you have something you need to tell us."

Akenna adds, "What he said."

Ordim stares at Socius.

Talinvor skillfully hums an old funeral dirge.

Xanthium spits out a muttered curse.

Speaking to Socius, Faerinn says, "Indeed."

Juspera turns to face Socius.

You fold your arms over your chest.

Ordim flails his arms comically in the air in frustration while crumbs tumble off his clothing.

Akenna says, "Faerinn said so last night."

Kioya gazes with interest at her surroundings.

Speaking to Socius, Faerinn says, "You're sister was half-elven wasn't she."

Speaking to Socius, Akenna asks, "It is your sister, right?"

Speaking simply to you, Socius says, "My father adopted a child off the streets when I was young.  We were raised for a time as brother and sister.  She died... or so I had assumed."

Speaking to Akenna, you say, "It wasn't confirmed before."

Akenna nods to you.

Rohese cocks her head at Socius.

Tatria ponders.

Speaking to you, Akenna says, "True."

You turn to face Socius.

Khobra examines Socius closely, sizing him up and taking note of all the details.

Speaking to Socius, you ask, "Did you recognize her, Socius Leiffen?"

Speaking to Akenna, Faerinn says, "I wrote it down. Its an important distinction."

Nehor leans against a wide-mouthed mahogany barrel.

Speaking to Akenna, Socius says, "It would appear so.  This artifact could be used by none other."

Speaking to Talinvor, Tatria asks, "Kids can be adopted like that?"

You ask, "When you saw her standing here throwing darts?"

Nehor shivers.

The red and grey fox raises his ears, glancing around the room.

Ordim nervously giggles.

Akenna nods at Socius

You slowly growl, "Did you recognize -it-, Socius?"

Speaking softly to Xanthium, Nehor whispers aloud, "I just lean here for a moment..."

Speaking to Socius, Ordim suggests, "That much of a failure to your father he needed another kid to make up for it?"

Ordim rocks back on his heels.

Speaking to Socius, you snarl, "Are you keeping pertinent information from us again?"

Speaking to you, Socius says, "I could not see her, either time.  And the dart has changed dramatically in appearance since last I handled it."

Traiva folds her hands.

Juspera frowns at Socius.

Speaking to Socius, Akenna asks, "If Selbi has her.... is she working with her?"

Speaking to Socius, Mellny chirps, "More squiggles?"

Aleid stares at Ordim.

Akenna chews nervously on her lip.

Speaking flatly to Socius, you say, "We need to speak."

Speaking to Socius, Naamit asks, "Does her power wane as yours does, then?"

Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.

Faerinn says, "I figured out her identify. Now a motive."

Naamit rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium says, "If you are going to play these games, you will often not see the next move coming."

Speaking to Akenna, Socius says, "I would be rather shocked, but anything is possible.  I thought her dead."

You add, "Later."

Faerinn says, "I'm lost on that."

Speaking pointedly to you, Nehor says, "Say what you will about Mistress Selbi, but Socius hides much. Moreso than Selbi does, if I had to guess."

Dhairn quietly says, "I do not believe Selbi's working with her.. or she wouldn't have been the first target."

Akenna nods slowly at Socius.

You fold your arms over your chest.

Socius slowly empties his lungs.

Speaking to Socius, Juspera asks, "When did she die?"

Speaking to Socius, Sreka asks, "What is your sister's name?"

Juspera asks, "Or when did you thikn she died?"

Speaking to Socius, Faerinn asks, "Do you have any insight on why she's flinging darts at your friends and former mentors and Nehor?"

Juspera scratches her head.

Speaking dryly to Socius, Traiva asks, "Nothing should be so shocking anymore, no?"

Speaking sharply to Nehor, you snap, "Selbi ordered the attacks that harmed a person under protection of my pack. She is dead to me."

Speaking softly to Socius, Opalina asks, "Was there a special flower assciated with her?"

Speaking to Juspera, Socius says, "When we were eight years old."

Juspera nods at Socius.

Juspera says, "I'm sorry."

Speaking to Dhairn, Akenna says, "I suppose... but I don't put things past the Flock."

Xanthium says, "Nehor, Naamit, Greth, and Selbi."

Socius nods slowly at Juspera.

Sreka nods to you.

Speaking quietly to Juspera, Socius says, "It happens."

Juspera bites her lip.

Juspera glances away.

Speaking to Dhairn, Akenna whispers aloud, "They do terrible things, even if you're with them."

Speaking to you, Sreka says, "You speak sense."

Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.

Lynaera frowns at Ordim.

Talinvor takes a drink from his spiced blood wine.

Akenna surreptitiously glances around the room.

Speaking to Socius, Xanthium asks, "How old was your sister, if you were eight?"

Socius Asks Rohese to Watch Over Penre

Speaking to you, Socius says, "I agree we should speak, though not here, or now.  I... have a favor to ask."

Socius turns to face Rohese.

Speaking to Rohese, Socius says, "Of you, Lady Rohese."

Rohese cocks her head at Socius.

The red and grey fox pants quietly.

Speaking to Xanthium, Juspera says, "The both of them were."

Nehor glances between Rohese and Socius.

Dhairn grins slowly.

Nehor gulps.

Speaking sincerely to Socius, Rohese says, "Anything, you know that."

Xanthium blinks at Juspera.

Lifting first one foot and then another, Nehor slowly backpedals.

Rohese smiles at Socius.

Speaking to himself, Ordim whispers aloud, "Someone must need to be stabbed."

Ordim furrows his brow.

Nehor quickly exclaims, "No more stabbing!"

You glance at Naamit.

Speaking to Rohese, Socius asks, "The one known as Penre... would you take him into your care for a time, and keep him safe?"

Speaking to Juspera, Xanthium says, "I must have missed that."

Rohese glances sternly at Ordim.

Naamit leans over and whispers to you.

You quietly whisper to Naamit.

Akenna agrees, "Maybe this time, burning."

Speaking softly to Socius, Rohese says, "Of course."

Aleid stifles a yawn.

Steenk spends some time haggling with Greth Rottgut.

Akenna simpers at Nehor.

Juspera smiles at Rohese.

Socius nods his head in appreciation.

Khobra glances between Socius and Rohese.

You ponder the meaning of Naamit's existence.

Nehor sneers at Akenna.

Steenk takes a bite of his bowl of crackers.

Speaking wonderingly to Socius, Xanthium asks, "Are you twins, then?"

You stare at Rohese.

Naamit whispers to you.

With an empathetic nod, Rohese takes your hand in hers for a moment and gives it a gentle, reassuring squeeze.

Naamit scratches her ear.

Steenk nods to Greth.

Naamit winks at you.

Speaking to Xanthium, Juspera says, "No, she was adopted."

Speaking to Rohese, Socius says, "If you would let Greth know where to have him transported, I shall arrange it.  I am in your debt, Lady."

Speaking to Rohese, you say, "You'd better not let anything happen to him, Rohese Bayvel-Timsh'l."

Ordim tilts his head in Xanthium's general direction, the folds of his hood obscuring his expression from view.

Faerinn blinks at Xanthium.

Speaking to Rohese, you say, "I have not forgotten your previous failure."

Speaking curiously to Socius, Talinvor asks, "And what I wonder have you done, to make her dislike you so much?"

Speaking to Xanthium, Ordim asks, "A twin randomly adopted off the side of the road?"

Speaking softly to you, Rohese assures, "He will be safe with me."

Ordim giggles.

Speaking softly to Socius, Rohese says, "Consider it doner."

Juspera says, "Clearly Socius's father was a good man."

Xanthium begins chuckling at Ordim!

Socius bows respectfully before Rohese, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground.

Traiva glances at Juspera.

Traiva holds up her hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture.

The red and grey fox roots around the room.

Traiva shrugs her shoulders, lifting her wings slightly.

Rohese curtsies gracefully to Socius.

Speaking to Juspera, Ordim confirms, "Good at skipping Socius as a child."

Ordim nods in agreement at Juspera.

Dhairn whispers to you.

Juspera gives a sidelong glance at Traiva.

Dhairn smirks as a haughty expression flits across his face.

Speaking to Rohese, you demand, "You will let me see him."

Juspera says, " take in an orphan..."

Juspera glances at Traiva.

Steenk takes a bite of his bowl of crackers.

Dhairn nods at Tatria.

Speaking to Juspera, Ordim adds, "Don't worry, he'll forget soon enough."

Socius says, "As to the rest of the wild speculation... I have no stomach for it, given that we are yet unsure as to whom is to blame for the treatment of the children."

Ordim beams!

Speaking softly to you, Rohese says, "I will."

Rohese nods to you.

Socius Charges Darcena with Investigating

Socius turns to face you.

Traiva whispers something to Juspera.

You nod slowly at Rohese.

Speaking to you, Socius says, "You..."

Lynaera nods at Socius.

Rohese smiles at you.

You turn to face Socius.

Akenna frowns at Socius.

Traiva nods slowly at Socius.

Speaking to Socius, you say, "What."

Naamit places her hand on her hourglass girdle.

Naamit shifts her weight.

Talinvor asks, "Treatment?"

Speaking to you, Socius says, "Find those children... please."

Mellny whispers something to Rohese.

Dhairn quietly says, "I know two people who are not to blame."

You stare at Socius.

Dhairn folds his arms over his chest.

Juspera fidgets.

Rohese giggles softly at Mellny.

Rohese winks at Mellny.

Speaking to Socius, Sreka says, "How uncertain can we be? Talinvor admitted to involvement."

Dhairn quietly says, "That's enough to get them safe."

Speaking to you, Socius says, "You and those who said they would help."

You nod slowly at Socius.

Akenna nods once at Socius.

Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.

Talinvor narrows his eyes.

Khobra smiles at Socius.

Xanthium says, "If you would let Faerinn see the bodies..."

Speaking softly to you, Rohese counters, "Do that for me too."

Socius glances at Talinvor.

Xanthium glances at Faerinn.

Faerinn nods.

Speaking to Talinvor, Socius says, "If they are truly safe as you say, you have nothing to fear."

You say, "I will speak with those who have pledged themselves to Defend."

Nehor stresses, "Whatever danger they were in, the children are safe where they are. If Talinvor here speaks true. I too want to find whomever took them...but whats done is done."

Traiva grins impishly.

Speaking softly to you, Rohese says, "While I keep Penre safe."

Talinvor annoyedly says, "I said they were safe. I said nothing about delivery."

Ordim giggles to himself.

Xanthium says, "The unsure part of that statement would go away."

Speaking to Nehor, Akenna says, "Shut it."

You nod slowly at Rohese.

Mellny cheerfully offers, "I visit dese kids!"

Socius slowly empties his lungs.

Mellny nods vigorously!

Speaking to Xanthium, Faerinn says, "Probably something I could learn about them."

Naamit cocks her head at Mellny.

You give a sidelong glance at Talinvor.

(Ordim counts on his fingers and toes.)

Khobra carefully places a wooden stick on the floor.

Speaking to Mellny, Naamit asks, "Where did you visit them?"

Ordim glances nervously around the room.

Xanthium nods at Faerinn.

Speaking to Talinvor, you say, "We will be talking Talinvor. You owe me a debt."

Naamit Looks at the Dart While Socius Deflects and Rambles

Socius glances at Naamit.

'Socius offers Naamit an enruned crimson dart.'

The red and grey fox stands up and shakes out his bushy tail.

Speaking to Faerinn, Xanthium says, "I have faith in your resourcefulness."

Speaking brightly to Naamit, Mellny asks, "Tomorrows?"

Juspera shifts her weight.

Naamit accepts Socius's crimson dart.

You growl at Talinvor.

Ordim giggles to himself.

Speaking to Socius, Talinvor says, "It is best that information is not leaked. Even the defenders may have leaks."

Speaking to Socius, Naamit says, "Thank you friend. I will inspect it closely."

Speaking to Naamit, Socius says, "You wanted to inspect, feel free... but have a care, it will not abide your touch long."

Talinvor glances at you.

Ordim furrows his brow.

Naamit nods knowingly at Socius.

Traiva grins at Juspera.

You narrow your eyes.

Ordim nods understandingly.

Naamit says, "Not unlike your daggers."

Naamit winks at Socius.

Ordim nods in agreement at Aleid.

Steenk takes a bite of his bowl of crackers.

Rohese intertwines her fingers.

Nehor lightly quips, "Nor will any others, it seems."

Xanthium glances between Naamit and Socius.

Socius allows the ghost of a smile to play across his face.

Naamit leans close to the dart and inhales, then recoils slightly.

Nehor smirks at Naamit.

Talinvor begins chortling at Nehor.

Traiva begins chortling at Juspera.

Naamit says, "This one smells of citrus as well."

Juspera squints at Traiva.

You nod slowly at Naamit.

Rohese nods slightly at Xanthium.

Faerinn nods.

Akenna says, "Same poison."

Akenna idly scratches herself on the neck.

You say, "....May I? Just hold it out closer."

Naamit nudges the dart with one finger.  The runes along the length of it flare slightly at the touch, but then recede as she withdraws her hand.

Rohese blinks at Xanthium.

Ordim shrugs at Aleid.

Speaking to Naamit, Faerinn asks, "Does it want a duet with you now?"

Naamit shows you an enruned crimson dart, which she is holding in her right hand.  An extremely sharp, yet hollow, tip adorns this sleek dart.  The body of the projectile is a deep ebony wood of some sort, and covered almost entirely with crimson runes of an unfamiliar origin.

Ordim giggles to himself.

Speaking to Naamit, Socius says, "The poison used, if it is the same one, is pungent, and its odor remains long after the poison is used up."

Juspera nods at Traiva.

Nehor grumbles, "The poison...stings."

(Darcena leans forward towards Naamit's hand and inhales sharply at the dart.)

Speaking to Socius, Naamit says, "So it seems."

Speaking to Naamit, Faerinn says, "It hasn't before, maybe it will be more social now."

You nod slowly at Naamit.

Rohese glances over at Xanthium and winces.

Talinvor says, "Interesting how the Iyo are not allowed to use it for the purpose of hunting. A fair use of such toxins."

Aleid shrugs at Ordim.

Ordim offers, "What a terrible poison if it can be cured so quickly anyway."

Xanthium scowls.

Ordim furrows his brow.

Steenk stares at you.

Ordim breathes in deeply as he clenches a pipe in his mouth, then exhales slowly, causing some light amorphous clouds of puffy smoke to float up from his mouth.

Naamit casts an appraising gaze over her surroundings, seemingly taking in every detail.

Talinvor gives a sidelong glance around the room.

You say, "I don't notice anything different in the formulation."

Speaking offhandedly to Nehor, Traiva says, "When does poison not sting? Other than when it paralyzes.."

Speaking to Nehor, Tatria says, "Good lesson for losing kids."

With an empathetic nod, Rohese discreetly takes Xanthium's hand in hers and gives it a momentary squeeze.

Rohese bites her lip.

Talinvor says, "Yet, here we are... admittance of its use as an assassin's tool."

Juspera glances between Xanthium and Rohese.

Socius closes his eyes for a moment.

Akenna says, "It's used for immobilization, it's a common thing, really they make it differently here."

Speaking to Socius, you say, "I have a question."

You fold your arms over your chest.

Akenna shifts her weight.

Speaking quietly to Tatria, Dhairn asks, "How much can you trust someone with the safety of children who doesn't even know he has them?"

Khobra's black diamond pulses against her forehead, giving off a faint obsidian-hued glow.

Juspera looks at Socius with concern.

Speaking to Talinvor, Ordim adds, "By a Socius no less!"

Ordim scowls.

Naamit sings slowly:

    "Crimson runes on dart, like one another

     I've spied not too long ago."

The crimson dart seems to respond to the magic of Naamit's song.

Speaking to Socius, you ask, "Why would your sister be tossing darts full of Iyo poison around town?"

Speaking to you, Socius growls, "Ask it, then... my patience is growing frayed."

Mellny fidgets.

Faerinn says, "If they hunted with a drug that would ruin their food it would make for poor hunting."

Speaking simply to you, Socius says, "I have no idea.  I thought her dead."

Traiva glances sternly at Socius.

Rohese nods understandingly at Xanthium

You exasperatedly say, "You must be able to recall something, Socius."

Speaking to Faerinn, Talinvor says, "They were using it long before Socius arrived."

Speaking to Dhairn, Tatria says, "Selbi has them, others just her...umm..."

You say, "Anything."

Tatria ponders.

Xanthium releases a slow, low whistle.

You cajole, "Even the smallest detail."

Xanthium passes a hand over her alabaster face.

Tatria asks, "Servants?"

You frown at Socius.

Speaking angrily to you, Socius asks, "We were eight when she died, to my mind!  Are you the same as you were at that age?"

Speaking to himself, Steenk says, "A promise unkept."

Naamit sings slowly:

    "Receive and deliver a word, a spying glance

     A clearer image of your wielder"

The crimson dart seems to respond to the magic of Naamit's song.

You glance down.

Khobra agrees with Tatria.

Speaking frankly to Socius, you say, "A little, yes."

Ordim nods understandingly at Aleid.

Ordim removes a cast iron muffin tin from in his dark grey satchel.

Juspera starts chuckling at you!

Talinvor thoughtfully says, "To... *his* mind."

Ordim rubs his muffin tin.

The aroma of freshly baked muffins fills the air.

Talinvor scoffs.

Nehor quips, "Same level  of maturity."

Socius blinks at you.

Nehor examines his fingernails.

You stare at Nehor.

Naamit closes her eyes for a moment.

Ordim's cheeks take on a slightly flushed tone.

Ordim looks over at Aleid and shakes his head.

Juspera smiles at Xanthium.

Xanthium gently rests her hand on Rohese's shoulder.

Ordim nods understandingly.

Ordim removes a warm almond muffin from in his muffin tin.

Ordim beams!

Naamit holds her crimson dart up to her face and nuzzles it.

Mellny gazes hopefully at Ordim.

You frown at Nehor.

Ordim offers Aleid a warm almond muffin.

Aleid says, "Eww."

Speaking to Socius, Faerinn says, "I'm more concerned about her relationship with Selbi now."

You turn to face Socius.

The red and grey fox sniffs at the air.

Aleid accepts Ordim's almond muffin.

Ordim removes a warm cranberry muffin from in his muffin tin.

Ordim offers Mellny a warm cranberry muffin.

Aleid says, "Ewwwww."

Speaking to Socius, Akenna says, "We're wondering if she's friend or foe."

Khobra casually observes her surroundings.

Mellny beams!

Ordim put a cast iron muffin tin in his dark grey satchel.

Mellny accepts Ordim's cranberry muffin.

Aleid takes a bite of her almond muffin.

Speaking to Socius, you say, "You need to tell us about Selbi, too."

Aleid holds up her hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture.

Speaking softly to Nehor, Rohese says, "Do try to hold your barbed tongue, you can be quite civilised at time."

Aleid shrugs at Ordim.

Speaking softly to Akenna, Traiva says, "Either way, she is likely still family to Socius."

Nehor frowns at Rohese.

Speaking to Talinvor, Ordim offers, "More like hole cheese now than brains."

Talinvor whispers to you.

Ordim giggles.

Speaking shortly to you, Socius says, "What I remember of her was full of children's games and throwing mud at passersby.  She did not outlive those childish interests."

You say, "The more information we have, the better able we are to understand where she put the children."

Nehor walks toward Rohese.

Mellny blurts, "Hot!  Hot! Ho.... oy.  No.  Jus' warms."

Nehor leans forward.

Naamit sings slowly:

    "A final tune to tell the tale

     As it belies the secrets now revealed."

The crimson dart seems to respond to the magic of Naamit's song.

Aleid takes a bite of her almond muffin.

Rohese inclines her head.

Mellny gobbles down a big bite of her cranberry muffin.

Aleid mumbles, "Not really."

You ask, "Was her death in the presence of your father? How did she die?"

Socius says, "And children do not generally concern themselves with murder and poison."

Juspera frowns.

Nehor whispers something to Rohese.

Sreka says, "I do not think that Socius's sister is on the Defender side or the Flock side. I think she is her own side."

Aleid takes a bite of her almond muffin.

The red and grey fox roots around the room.

Speaking quietly to Sreka, Talinvor says, "Something we might agree on."

Mellny takes a bite of her cranberry muffin.

Rohese whispers something to Nehor.

Xanthium says, "She's working through time."

Rohese nods at Nehor.

Speaking to Sreka, Akenna says, "True... but there is that saying the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Rohese smiles at Nehor.

Speaking to Sreka, Ordim suggests, "Socius probably stabbed her to find out where his teddy bear was hidden."

Ordim scowls.

The red and grey fox sniffs at the air.

Nehor nods almost imperceptibly at Rohese.

Ordim mutters, "Butcher!"

Nehor glances at Sreka.

Socius says, "Mistress Selbi was a monumental miscalculation on my part, and the reason that I reached out for help."

Socius growls ferociously!

Mellny takes a bite of her cranberry muffin.

Juspera nods sympathetically at Socius.

Traiva calmly flutters her wings at Socius to an unheard rhythm.

Speaking to Socius, Naamit says, "I will always guide you true, friend."

You stare at Socius.

Talinvor says, "Or she got tired of cleaning up messes."

Naamit folds her arms over her chest.

Speaking calmly to Socius, Traiva says, "Take a breath, please."

Talinvor glances at Socius.

Khobra examines Socius closely, sizing him up and taking note of all the details.

Rohese whispers something to Nehor.

You grit your teeth.

Speaking to Socius, Nehor mocks, "When have you ever calculated correctly? Failure after failure..."

Nehor scoffs.

Mellny gobbles down her cranberry muffin in one enormous bite.

Speaking to Socius, you say, "I am trying very hard not to chastise you further."

Xanthium says, "And also the first target."

Socius glares at Nehor.

Speaking calmly to Socius, Akenna says, "You did what you thought best, you couldn't have seen this."

Speaking to Socius, you say, "Let's focus on Selbi."

Xanthium nods to you.

Speaking to Socius, Sreka asks, "Did you know that she's planning on instituting more levels of government because a guard died and some propaganda posters were scribbled on?"

Speaking to Socius, you ask, "What can you tell us about your father's relationship with Selbi and Selbi's relationship to your sister?"

Speaking to you, Socius barks, "Yes, please, let us work on assigning blame further.  I am what I am, and make no apologies for it!"

Akenna whispers to you.

Juspera grins slowly.

Aleid takes a bite of her almond muffin.

Nehor whispers something to Rohese.

Speaking to Nehor, you snarl, "This is not helpful for your supposed goal of helping the Isle."

Speaking to Socius, Ordim urges, "Maybe you should."

Ordim nods knowingly at Socius.

You nod slowly at Akenna.

Dhairn just strode through a set of swinging oak doors.

Juspera says, "Let's let Socius do what he is best at."

Opalina spends some time haggling with Greth Rottgut.

Speaking to Juspera, Ordim confirms, "You wont have any townsfolk left."

Speaking to Socius, you growl, "I am not assigning blame, I am trying to investigate!"

Ordim shakes his head at Juspera and clucks his tongue.

Socius draws a ragged breath, his face flushed.

Speaking incredulously to Juspera, Nehor asks, "Murder sources of information?"

Tatria glances at a set of swinging oak doors.

Juspera squints at Ordim.

Juspera folds her arms over her chest.

Naamit examines Socius closely, sizing him up and taking note of all the details.

Speaking to Socius, Faerinn says, "Until we find her link to Selbi and can get her to maybe talk to us, we can't deal with Selbi."

Speaking wryly to Juspera, Talinvor asks, "Breaking things?"

Speaking slowly to Juspera, Ordim confirms, "Because he'll kill them all."

Xanthium smiles at Nehor.

Ordim furrows his brow.

Opalina takes a drink from her spiked coffee.

Opalina blinks twice and looks dazed for a moment.

Opalina looks rather relaxed.

Akenna simply says, "I'm fine with him picking off the weaker of the herd."

You quietly whisper to Naamit.

Speaking softly to you, Traiva says, "Please take a breath."

Rohese whispers something to Nehor.

Akenna grins at Ordim.

Speaking to Socius, Faerinn says, "I don't suppose if you got the dart back you could track her or something."

Socius closes his eyes for a moment.

You grit your teeth.

Speaking to Juspera, Talinvor adds, "Killing people?"

Speaking to Ordim, Juspera says, "I'll show you kill them all! On your face! If you don't keep quiet."

Juspera mutters under her breath.

Speaking to Ordim, Akenna says, "Your lot."

Traiva gazes at you.

Speaking to Socius, Sreka says, "Selbi was very clear about not wanting to deal with us."

Speaking thoughtfully to Juspera, Talinvor says, "Stop me, whenever."

Speaking to Ordim, Akenna says, "They are the weak ones."

Speaking noncommittally to Rohese, Nehor whispers aloud, "...very well."

You glance sharply at Traiva.

Ordim tilts his head in Akenna's general direction, the folds of his hood obscuring his expression from view.

Speaking to Akenna, Tatria says, "Kids be weakest in herd."

You take a deep breath.

Traiva nods slowly.

Speaking to Tatria, Akenna says, "No... not when it comes to morals."

Socius says, "I am attempting to do things a better way.  And I will try to rein in my nature when I may, but this leopard does not change its spots."

You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.

Naamit whispers to you.

Speaking softly to Socius, Opalina asks, "Those folks you interrogated are they dead or in jail?"

Talinvor nods once at Nehor.

Speaking to Socius, Juspera says, "You have nothing to be ashamed of."

Akenna nods understandingly at Socius.

Xanthium glances between Nehor and Rohese.

Speaking to Opalina, Socius says, "They are no more."

Nehor laughs at Opalina!

Speaking to Opalina, Talinvor says, "He doesn't do justice... he does murder."

You quietly whisper to Naamit.

Speaking calmly to Socius, Traiva says, "There is no need for you to change your nature. Exactly."

Speaking confidently to Socius, Naamit muses, "You are fine just as you are, friend."

Tatria looks thoughtfully at Nehor.

Speaking to Socius, Akenna says, "You should probably be careful."

Steenk coughs.

Nehor agrees with Talinvor.

Opalina takes a drink from her spiked coffee.

Opalina blinks twice and looks dazed for a moment.

Ruffling its feathers, a large-eyed barred owl clicks its beak and melodically hoots a few times on your shoulder before falling silent.

Akenna shrugs.

Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.

You hear very soft footsteps.

Naamit whispers to you.

Naamit strides over to stand before Socius.

Speaking to Akenna, Socius says, "If my end comes in service to this Isle, then it is an end worth reaching."

Speaking sharply to Socius, you say, "There is naught wrong with vengeance, but you know we must be in balance."

Speaking to Socius, Akenna says, "We still need someone to lead, and people need to trust you."

Ordim says, "Sad Socius slowly says "Shoulda saved sister!"."

Ordim twitches, trying to control a vocal outburst, before settling into a disdained grumble while regaining composure.

Naamit offers Socius an enruned crimson dart.

Socius accepts Naamit's crimson dart.

Speaking amusedly to Naamit, Talinvor says, "If he weren't such a disaster, I'd agree.. he's a tool for war, not for this."

Speaking simply to Socius, Naamit says, "Thank you."

Traiva begins to twitch her wings

Speaking to Socius, you say, "Without balance, you are no better than Nazhor."

You frown at Socius.

Juspera fidgets.

Ordim sets about preparing himself to be as presentable as possible.

Speaking to Naamit, Socius assures, "Always."

Ordim mumbles something under his breath.

Naamit nods approvingly at Socius.

Juspera whispers something to Ordim.

Opalina takes a drink from her spiked coffee.

Opalina looks rather relaxed.

Rohese glances between Socius and Naamit.

Ordim glances at Juspera.

Rohese glances away.

Juspera glances at Ordim and slowly draws her finger across her throat meaningfully.

Ordim scowls.

Xanthium gazes with a bemused expression at Nehor.

You notice Steenk moving stealthily into the room.

Traiva folds her hands.

Rohese touches Juspera.

Xanthium nods at Lynaera.

Socius Wraps Up

Speaking to you, Socius says, "We should speak in the coming days.  You have an investigation to begin, and I have a sister to find."

Rohese looks over at Juspera and shakes her head.

Juspera glances at Rohese.

Ordim begins to twitch.

Lynaera raises an eyebrow in Xanthium's direction.

Speaking to Socius, Akenna says, "Some of us like you and we don't want to see you dead.  Do things your way... just you know, carefully."

You nod slowly at Socius.

Speaking to you, Socius asks, "Will you gather those who have pledged to help and see what you may find?"

Steenk takes a bite of his bowl of crackers.

Speaking simply to Socius, you say, "Yes."

The red and grey fox raises his ears, glancing around the room.

Xanthium kisses Juspera on the cheek.

Speaking to Akenna, Ordim adds, "Someone of us like him but still want to see him dead!"

Ordim beams!

Socius nods once to you.

Traiva lightly places her hand on the red and grey fox, which responds by moving his body beneath her hand for a thorough rubbing.

Speaking to Socius, Naamit says, "I will help you in any way I can, Socius."

Ordim surreptitiously glances at Socius.

Naamit takes a few steps back.

Speaking to Naamit, Socius says, "I never doubted it.  I am in your debt."

Juspera glances at Xanthium.

Speaking to Ordim, Akenna says, "That's on you."

Socius bows respectfully before Naamit, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground.

Ordim nods in agreement at Akenna.

Ordim sighs.

Naamit nods firmly at Socius.

Khobra examines Socius closely, sizing him up and taking note of all the details.

Speaking to Akenna, Ordim admits, "One day..."

Ordim stares off into space.

Dhairn just arrived, striding along.

Ordim nervously giggles.

Dhairn puts his cigar to his lips and puffs lightly, a clove aroma surrounding him.

Exhaling slowly, Dhairn sends a stream of smoke into the air to pool around him in a heady cloud.

Socius says, "I must take my leave.  I shall reach out shortly when I have news of my sister."

Speaking pointedly to Socius, Traiva asks, "If I have a missive for you, shall I send it through Darcena? or..?"

Speaking to Socius, Faerinn says, "See you then. Hopefully soon."

Akenna nods at Socius.

Socius nods once at Traiva.

Traiva raises an eyebrow.

Rohese smiles at Juspera.

Mellny nods vigorously at Socius!

Xanthium nods slowly at Socius.

A draft of wind swirls the cigar smoke around Dhairn.

Speaking to Traiva, Socius says, "Or through Greth..."

Rohese giggles softly at Juspera.

Socius glances at Greth.

Rohese nods faintly.

Traiva nods once.

Nehor glances at Tatria.

Juspera gives Xanthium a friendly hug.

Naamit whispers something to Traiva.

Speaking to Greth, Socius asks, "If you are still willing?"

Speaking to Socius, Mellny chirps, "Bye!"

Khobra leans to her right slightly.

Greth says, "Always, Socius."

Nehor whispers something to Tatria.

Khobra smiles.

Socius nods appreciatively to Greth.

Speaking sincerely to Greth, you say, "I am sorry they wore my face, friend."

Ordim fidgets.

Nehor scowls at Socius.

'Socius wanders off.'

Nehor mutters under his breath.

Rohese softly says, "I will be in touch."

Rohese glances out.

Ordim glances out.

Lynaera curtsies politely to a set of swinging oak doors.

Talinvor grabs a flute of spiced blood wine from a small pocket inside of his silver-buckled longcoat.

Talinvor tilts his spiced blood wine side to side, making the light play off it.

Juspera says, "...he's so... noble."

Rohese lets out a long, contemplative breath.

Speaking graciously to Greth, Traiva says, "You are a good man, no matter what others may try to convince you."

Greth Speaks and is Healed

Greth exhales.

Juspera glances at Rohese.

Akenna whispers to you.

Greth says, "He's a hothead."

Talinvor laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement from Juspera.

You nod at Akenna.

Rohese winks at Juspera.

Ordim corrects, "Knob like."

Talinvor nods in agreement to Greth.

Traiva starts chortling at Greth.

Dhairn draws lightly on his cigar.

Ordim nods in agreement.

You quietly whisper to Akenna.

Juspera agrees with Greth.

Ordim giggles.

Traiva nods in agreement to Greth.

Dhairn parts his lips and blows a steady stream of clove smoke into the air before him.

Opalina smiles at Greth.

Nehor complains, "The man just killed any leads we had to whomever assaulted Penre and Greth."

Speaking to Greth, Xanthium says, "There's a clever fellow manning the Alchemy store, here."

Greth says, "But his heart's in a good place."

Juspera stares at Ordim.

A thin stream of blue-grey smoke streams from the cigar in Dhairn's hand, drifting upward in a loose coil.

Akenna whispers, "I imagine you'll have questions for him after you and I speak."

Speaking to Greth, Ordim confirms, "His chest."

Ordim nods.

Speaking to Greth, Traiva says, "As is yours."

Speaking to Greth, Xanthium says, "He could probably help you find something to reinforce the wards.  Pierce through illusions."

Speaking to Greth, Xanthium says, "Set alarms."

Speaking to Greth, Nehor argues, "Intentions matter not. Only efficacy."

Dhairn quietly says, "No he didn't."

Speaking to Greth, Tatria says, "Toture wrong."

Speaking to Greth, you ask, "May I heal you, now?"

Speaking to Nehor, Naamit says, "I'm sure you don't truly care, the information you need is already in your pocket. You just play coy."

Naamit smirks at Nehor.

Speaking quietly to Talinvor, Dhairn asks, "Who delivered the kids?"

Speaking to Greth, you cajole, "You should be able to trust it is me."

Juspera glances at Tatria.

Nehor examines Naamit closely, sizing her up and taking note of all the details.

Speaking to Dhairn, Talinvor says, "Apparently Socius killed them all."

Talinvor shrugs at Dhairn.

Greth grunts and sets a hand on the bar.

Speaking primly to Naamit, Nehor says, "Coy? You know me better. I do nothing *coyly*."

Dhairn quietly says, "But they delivered them to you first."

Nehor strikes a noble, proud pose, throwing his crimson velvet coatee back and staring off into the distance.

Speaking to Talinvor, Akenna says, "As they deserved."

Dhairn quietly asks, "And what did they say?"

Naamit snorts a derisive laugh, sneering at Nehor in mockery.

Thin threads of smoke trail from the smoldering end of Dhairn's cigar.

Naamit removes an ebon-handled lavender teacup from in her lambswool cloak.

Nehor sways back and forth.

Nehor winces.

Rohese takes a tiny sip of her warm lavender tea, warming her lips and making sure it's cool enough to drink.

Tatria says, "Kill not for food or defense wrong too."

Rohese purses her mouth, pondering her warm lavender tea.  The expression on her face speaks volumes.

Tatria folds her arms over her chest.

Khobra glances at Nehor.

Dhairn quietly asks, "Please take these kids?"

(Talinvor grins into his wineglass, saying nothing.)

Dhairn smirks as a haughty expression flits across his face.

Talinvor takes a drink from his spiced blood wine.

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium says, "Finish.  Bottom's up."

Nehor painfully says, "That poison...its diluted but..."

Juspera paces back and forth.

Nehor sighs.

Dhairn draws lightly on his cigar.

Nehor takes a drink from his cold water.

Dhairn puckers and blows a perfect circle of smoke into the air.  It hangs, swirling for a moment, and then slowly dissipates to nothing.

Speaking disappointedly to herself, Rohese says, "And now my tea has gone cold."

Rohese sighs.

Speaking to Nehor, Xanthium says, "Unless you want to pass out in front of everyone again."

Traiva folds her wings across her back.

Faerinn spends some time haggling with Greth Rottgut.

Speaking eagerly to Nehor, Mellny says, "Oy!  Do dat."

Mellny glances at Xanthium.

Nehor glances at Mellny.

Speaking pointedly to Mellny, Nehor says, "You are odd."

Naamit leans over and whispers.

Faerinn takes a drink from his ginger tea.

Opalina takes a drink from her spiked coffee.

Opalina looks nonplussed.

Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.

Nehor glances at Ordim.

Speaking quietly to Mellny, Dhairn says, "I still like you."

Xanthium grins at Mellny.

Aleid blinks at Nehor.

Leaning back, Dhairn squints his eyes against the curtain of smoke the cigar is forming around him.

Ordim raises an eyebrow in Nehor's direction.

Aleid shrugs.

You nod slowly at Naamit.

Speaking to Ordim, Nehor inquires, "A relation of yours?"

Aleid takes a bite of her almond muffin.

Steenk takes a bite of his bowl of crackers.

Xanthium says, "There will be little end in the surprises for Lord High Nehor, I think."

Speaking cheekily to Nehor, Mellny replies, "I ain't drinkin' da water."

Ordim looks thoughtfully at Mellny.

Naamit stiffly says, "I think we're quite done here."

Opalina takes a drink from her spiked coffee.

Opalina looks rather relaxed.

Xanthium nods knowingly at Mellny.

Ordim looks over at Nehor and shakes his head.

Steenk takes a bite of his bowl of crackers.

Faerinn nods.

Steenk spends some time haggling with Greth Rottgut.

Juspera fidgets.

Talinvor leans softly against Aleid.

Mellny giggles at Dhairn.

Speaking skeptically to Ordim, Nehor replies, "Mmm."

Speaking to Naamit, Faerinn says, "Quite possibly."

Ordim rocks back on his heels.

(Naamit turns heel to leave through the swinging oak doors.)

Nehor apologetically says, "I must sit..."

Defender of Mist Harbor Naamit just strode purposefully through a set of swinging oak doors.

Nehor sits down next to a wide-mouthed mahogany barrel.

Steenk spends some time haggling with Greth Rottgut.

Talinvor glances at a set of swinging oak doors.

You lean against a cask-faced white oak bar.

Dhairn puffs slowly from his cigar.

Greth exhales.

Dhairn exhales some clove scented smoke in a steady stream.

(Darcena rests her hand near Greth's on the bar.)

Speaking to you, Akenna asks, "Let me know when you're willing to be away from here and talk?"

Talinvor distractedly says, "She's as much a butcher as Socius."

Rohese looks at Nehor with concern.

Xanthium removes a copper-glazed fiery amber bulb from in her jade green robe.

Xanthium pours a few drops of perfume from her fiery amber bulb on herself.

Xanthium put a copper-glazed fiery amber bulb in her jade green robe.

You glance over your shoulder at Akenna.

Moving his right hand around idly, Dhairn leaves a wavy line of clove scented smoke in the air.

Talinvor says, "Revels in pain and blood."

Speaking to Akenna, you murmur, "In a moment."

Akenna nods.

Lynaera offers Ordim an almond chocolate scone.

Ordim beams!

Ordim accepts Lynaera's chocolate scone.

You turn to face Greth.

Ordim nods appreciatively at Lynaera.

Lynaera nods politely at Ordim.

Speaking to Talinvor, Juspera says, "So?? Plenty of good people revel in... pain and blood..."

Khobra leans on you, giving you a companionable grin.

(Juspera trails off.)

Rohese walks toward Nehor.

Rohese kneels down.

Aleid exclaims, "I have something to say!"

Talinvor grins wickedly at Juspera.

Nehor closes his eyes for a moment.

Akenna suddenly says, "I finally know who you remind me of... Ysharra."

Xanthium whispers to you.

Greth grasps Darcena's hand for a brief moment, and is surrounded by a soft glow.

Sreka turns an inquisitive ear toward Aleid.

Akenna nods at Xanthium.

Ordim turns to face Aleid.

Lynaera turns an inquisitive ear toward Aleid.

Xanthium nods at Akenna.

Juspera blinks at Akenna.

Greth coughs and shivers.

Aleid says, "I'm not..."

Juspera turns to face Aleid.

Speaking to Akenna, Xanthium says, "For good reason."

Ordim briefly draws down the edges of his slate grey cowl.

Ordim takes a bite of his chocolate scone.

Greth nods appreciatively to Darcena.

Speaking to Xanthium, Akenna says, "You do look like her.

You incline your head.

(Rohese tentatively reaches out to place her hand over Nehor's.)

Aleid carefully repeats, "I'm not...."

Speaking to Akenna, Xanthium says, "She can't sing like me, though."

Rohese leans forward.

Xanthium grins at Akenna.

Talinvor glances between Rohese and Nehor.

Speaking to Greth, you say, "Thank you for allowing me to help.

A large individual, Greth has the distinct look of a powerful man gone somewhat soft as the years have passed.

Appearances, Ambients, and Imbibements


Heavy sparks dance around Akenna as wisps of electricity travel up and down her body.
You see Defender of Mist Harbor Akenna Laeraun the Hedgewizard.
She appears to be a Half-Elf.
She is of a slight height and has a balletic body.  She appears to be young.  She has sizable dark blue-green eyes and pale honey freckle-dusted skin.  She has long, deep sienna hair gathered into a fountaining ponytail at the crown of her head and secured with a leather hair tie.  She has a cherubic face and petal pink, bow-shaped lips.  The ridges of her long, pointed ears each bear three naturally occurring notches, and a graceful aquamarine pattern climbs the left side of her neck, curls around her cheekbone, and splits into tendrils that encircle her left eye.
She has rings of cobalt and aquamarine sigils inked on her left palm.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a lovely silken handkerchief in her right hand.
She is wearing a walnut leather musette with a latticed flap slung over her shoulder, a burnt umber suede longcoat, a brass Mist Harbor militia badge, a flat-paneled fel black ramie silk corset over a short-collared sage green chainsil tunic, a polished wide modwir wristcuff, some rivet-set dark sepia suede leggings, and a pair of black leather boots buttoned with lacquered fel.


You take a drink from your pale red broth.

A large-eyed barred owl flexes its talons on your shoulder, ruffling its feathers as it swivels its head about intently.

Bobbing its head, a large-eyed barred owl hoots a series of low musical notes for a moment before falling silent.


You see Dhairn the Paragon of Ghezresh.
He appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
He is strikingly tall.  He appears to be young and robust.  He has argent-haloed indigo eyes and silken black skin.  He has long, spikey violet-tipped ghostly white hair running in a strip down the center of an otherwise clean-shaven head.  He has well-muscled shoulders and arms.  He has a strong set jaw line and a ghezyte-hued, vaguely sunburst-shaped birthmark over his left eye.
He has a glowing white steel spike in his lip, a shadowy lost soul tattoo on his ear, an inked silvery mist coiled around and burrowing into the skin on his wrist, an inky black sigil on his finger, a branching white-inked lor tree scattered with ultramarine leaves on his neck, and a trio of glowing deep indigo rings in the form of bearded dragon-eels set along the slender tips of his pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a split-bladed ebon golvern kama in his right hand and a back-weighted glowing ebon kunai trailing a thick glaesine chain in his left hand.
He is wearing a trailing ebon leather duster slit down the sides and back from waist to hem, some umbral sculpted body armor, an eahnor chain-encircled lor tree crest, a coiled mithglin chain armband, a coiling ebon chain-link bracer, some webbed indigo eelskin gloves, a pair of slim-cut black suede pants, a smooth oiled leather case, an onyx-inlaid black leather thigh-sheath, a crimson eahnor thigh-sheath, and a pair of side-laced eelskin calf boots.


You see Lord Faerinn Greatsinger the Master Painter.
He appears to be a Half-Elf from Ta'Loenthra.
He is of a towering height.  He appears to be very young.  He has curved, long-lashed sea green eyes and lightly tanned skin.  He has long, curly honey blonde hair flowing in waves beneath an elaborate ebon satyr horn headdress tipped with silver.  He has an angular, blonde stubble-covered face, a thin nose and a line of jagged-edged scars along his jawline.
He has an inked snarling opossum hunched over a bloody scrap of meat on his wrist.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a length of velvet bowtie secured with a star-sharped amethyst stud, a long white feather boa, an ebony cape, a white-gold epauletted ebon longcoat with ivory silk lining, a black-edged brown leather satchel slung over his shoulder, some veil iron double chain, an open-necked black silk shirt with silver diamond-shaped buttons, a black bracelet, a pair of hepatic-hued gauntlets, some jet leather pants buttoned in gold down each ankle, and a pair of knit deep purple and alpaca fiber socks under a pair of blush ribbon-laced slippers stacked on lasimor heels.

Faerinn takes a drink from his black coffee.


You see Juspera Spintari the Nuisance.
She appears to be a Dark Elf.
She is shorter than average.  She appears to be very young.  She has mud-brown eyes and ashen skin.  She has shoulder length, red hair.  She has a slightly round-featured but otherwise unremarkable face.  She has a wiry, boyish frame outlined in lean muscle.
She has a coiled argent dragon tattoo on her arm.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a vaalin-bound mist grey shard suspended from a rusty indigo chain, an Argent Aspis pin, a plain black cotton shirt, some supple dark brigandine styled with an inverted gold crown, a twisted fishing net bracelet, a pair of leaf embroidered mittens, a tightly woven fishnet satchel, a pair of rivet-set charcoal leather leggings, a pair of grey steel-toed boots, a cloak, and a burnished imflass buckler.


You see Mistress Khobra Ta'Maelshyve.
She appears to be a Dark Elf.
It is difficult to properly see her features as the hood of her cloak is pulled down over her face.
She has a trio of scarlet despanal hoops dangling fiery feathers in the upper ridge of her left ear, an intricately inked obsidian-scaled cobra encircling her left eye, and an enormous diamond scaled albino anaconda inked upon along her back.
Scintillating emerald-colored ivy vines pour down from her shoulders.
She is in good shape.
Her hands are covered in a thin layer of bright red blood.
She is wearing a black ora medallion, a floor-length midnight black cloak, a coiled black diamond cobra relic, a deeply cowled floor-length ebon longcoat bound with an obsidian-scaled cobra, a half-laced vathorskin half-bodice, a silver-etched black ora armband, a sigil-inscribed vathor-etched armlet dangling a pentacle, a trio of elegant silver and gold wristlets entrenched with asp-shaped gemstones, an ivory laced tricot corselet, a form-fitted vathorskin loincloth, and some ecru lace stockings caught with matching bands kept by ebon bows under some calf-laced cobra skin boots lofted on thin black diamond heels.

The black ora medallion around Khobra's neck is momentarily engulfed in a shroud of darkness!

The veins in Khobra's black diamond glow a brilliant obsidian-hued color.

The black diamond on Khobra's forehead flickers softly, causing obsidian-hued flames to briefly flare within her eyes.

An ebon shadow swirls through a sliver of obsidian-flecked black diamond on Khobra's forehead, momentarily casting her countenance in darkness.


You see Lady Kioya Ra'Ashpir the Dark Crusader.
She appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
She is taller than average.  She has silver-rimmed tilted deep violet eyes and flawless ash-colored skin.  The rest of her features are concealed by a sheer gauze veil hanging from her lavender-grey marbrinus headscarf.
You can hardly recognize her covered in all that soot and ash!
She has a soft violet feystone spike in her left eyebrow.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a lavender-grey marbrinus headscarf with a sheer gauze veil, a black silk cloak held at the throat by a scarlet despanal toggle, some deep black rolaren scalemail, an obsidian broken skull symbol, a silver tooled wrist sheath, a silver-bladed dagger medallion, a Brigatta unicorn pin, a side-laced pale silver bodice, a pale lavender violet tucked behind one ear, a sleek black leather harness inlaid with crushed black diamonds, a sleek black panther-skin backpack, a sigil-covered hyacinth bracer, an iridescent violet silk skirt, a delicate silver ankle bracelet, a pair of soft grey leather boots, and a white vultite shield.


Through a sinister black haze, you see a Chaos Arcanist of Ta'Nalfein with faintly luminous sapphire blue eyes.  Thick black smoke spirals turbulently around her shadowed figure, which is covered in stylized lubricious streaks of ebon.

Lynaera takes a drink from her minty green tea.


You see Mellny the Hellion.
She appears to be a Halfling.
She is short.  She appears to be young.  She has large crystal blue eyes and sun-kissed, lightly freckled skin.  She has shoulder length, shiny blue-black hair plaited unevenly into two ragged pigtails poking akimbo from under a rosy-striped slouched knit cap tipped with a springy tangerine tassel.  She has a well-defined, heart-shaped face and a pert, daintily upturned nose.  A curlicue of garishly-hued seagrass is wrapped around her wrist.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a lacquered twisted lor runestaff in her right hand.
She is wearing a scorched fireleaf seed knotted within a spiky tangle of bronze filaments, a dented thimble dangling off twisted hemp twine, a pale ruby pelisse set with oddly-shaped turquoise clasps, a beady-eyed unkempt seagull charm, a tiny round tarnished gizmo, a lopsided tart-embossed satchel splotchily dyed the shade of ripe winterberries slung over her shoulder, some dark double leather, a slouched teal cameline bookbag, a glowing-runed verdigrised bell dangling from an electrum chain, some teal and tangerine wool leg-wraps, and some soft fuzzy mouse-shaped slippers.

The fireleaf seed hanging from Mellny's neck glows iridescent ruby.

The fireleaf seed hanging from Mellny's neck suddenly flares a bright shade of red.

A beady-eyed unkempt seagull shifts and sidles closer to Mellny's ear, eyes closing momentarily as it clicks its beak with quiet contentment.

A small iridescent ruby will-o'-wisp flits out from inside Mellny's fireleaf seed.  It flutters around her and hurries back into the seed.

Mellny's fireleaf seed flickers various shades of red.


You see Defender of Mist Harbor Naamit DMVMD-Braggiani the Harbinger of the Harrows.
She appears to be a Giantman.
She is shorter than average.  She appears to be an adult.  She has piercing vibrant green eyes and pale, alabaster skin.  She has thick locks of long, glossy black hair flowing down her back beneath the drape of a sparkling black lace mantilla.  She has an angular face, a prominent nose and a fleshy, muscular build with generously proportioned hips.  She has a myriad of thin chain-shaped scars running across her exposed flesh.
She has a deep black ring of finely polished glaes in her lip, a deep black cuff of finely polished glaes in the middle of her nose, some cross-like blackwork extending from the neck downward past her collarbone, and a faint scar on her neck.
She has an old battle scar across her back, and an old battle scar across her chest.
She is holding an ebon-handled lavender teacup in her right hand.
She is wearing a writhing black ora cross, a sable lambswool cloak trimmed with ebon-tipped ermine tails, a black iron symbol wrapped in white leather and embossed with a blood-red heart, a tone-on-tone pewter paeline bliaut laced with braided ebon ribbons, a firm hourglass girdle of dark pyrite samite, and a pair of elevated ashen leather boots set on grooved obsidian heels.

Naamit takes a drink from her lavender teacup.


You see Flockmaster Nehor the Mystic.
He appears to be a Human.
He is shorter than average.  He appears to be an adult.  He has piercing amber eyes and fair skin.  He has short, sleek amber hair.  He has an upturned nose.  He has a delicate crimson symbol laid across the back of his neck, and arcing gently over his left ear.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a crimson crystal-inset ring, a crimson velvet coatee, a pristine white ash instrument case framed by gently yellowed ivory inlay, a coiled mithglin chain armband, a supple black leather belt studded with polished brass, a pair of jet black leggings, and some ombre eel-skinned boots stitched with veniom thread.


You see Opalina Gemiena.
She appears to be a Half-Elf.
She is tall.  She appears to be in the meridian of life.  She has piercing crystal blue eyes and sun-kissed, light brown skin.  She has waist length, curly deep red hair separated into a multitude of thin herringbone braids that hug the skull and are woven with thin iridescent beads and azure blue stork feathers.  She has an angular face, a pert, daintily upturned nose and pouting lips.  Tiny flecks of sea blue have formed within her pupils.
She has a multihued compass rose tattoo encircling a map on her finger, a petite faceted ruby arrow in the upper ridge of her right ear, a tiny gold rose-shaped stud in her right nostril, a small lockpick tattoo on her wrist, a thorny rose tattoo on her ankle, and a tiny red crystal rose in the upper ridge of her left ear.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a snarling frost white bear mask bearing ivory fangs, a pair of silver rose earrings, a silver belled choker, an opalescent spherical pendant on a thin imflass chain, a beautifully lined cloak fashioned from soft blue feathers, a soft grey penguin feather, a supple white bodice tied at the neckline with a blue diamond-studded ribbon, an enameled penguin chick brooch, a radiant winter rose brooch, a flecked pearl white lizard, some tiny rose-carved pink quartz hairbeads, a blue feather-shaped charm, a blue sapphire rearing mule pin, a gold-buckled sturdy duffel bag, an opalescent white pack, a black leather vest covered with numerous runes, a suit of blackened matte steel chainmail hauberk, a slim silver bracelet set with tiny diamonds, a narrow black lockpick wrist sheath, some deep blue leather handwraps, a small gold ring, a rose-etched vultite ring cradled in pale faewood, a thin cerulean belt embellished with a flora-painted pink opal runestone design, a silver trimmed leather scabbard inlaid with warship-inset rubies, a gem-inlaid black leather satchel, a studded black suede belt pouch with a silver-edged flap, some hip-slung white spidersilk leggings edged with silver needle-worked roses, and some deep blue leather footwraps.


A layer of water surrounds Ordim and ripples with each movement.
You see Relic Hunter Ordim the Treasure Hunter.
He appears to be a Brughan Halfling.
He is average height and has ashen skin.
He has a thick slate grey cowl wreathing his shoulders and neck, the hood of which is pulled up around his head and casting shadows upon his features.
He has a scale-bowled wyrwood pipe clenched between his teeth, a rune tattoo on his arm, a runic dachre tattoo on his neck, and a mostly mottled mocha muffin tattoo on his arm.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a pale crystal shard, a talon-toggled coat collared with a multihued crest of feathers, a small bone periapt, a two-armed zoetic quill with an amber rachis and azure vane, a dahcre-etched symbol, a silver v-shaped pin set with clear scarlet-tinged crystal wings, a fluffy feathered toy owl dangling from an ethereal chain, a thorned black rose, a slender burled witchwood case capped with eahnor slung over his shoulder, a knitted dark grey satchel slung over his other shoulder, a silk-lined black leather tunic front-laced with thin silver cording, a kraken-wrapped blood marble ring, a carved bloodstone signet, a smooth bone ring pierced by tiny crystal shards, a jam-smudged off-white apron, a patchwork cloth pouch secured with a muffin-shaped buckle, a polished silver pocket watch with a fine silver chain, a muffin-shaped key strung from a twisted chain, a rounded copper flask, some talon-fringed dark leather trousers fastened with a multi-hued crest of feathers, and some flat silver-laced sandals.

Ordim unhooks his copper flask from his off-white apron.
Ordim neatly pops the halfling pirate figurine-capped cork off of his copper flask.
Ordim briefly draws down the edges of his slate grey cowl.
Ordim nips a small sip from his copper flask.

Ordim reaches into the depths of his talon-toggled coat and pulls out a pink-swirled white glass vial from an inner pocket, causing the multicolored beaks to rattle with the movement.
Ordim pours a few drops of perfume from his white glass vial on himself.
Ordim pours a few drops of perfume from his white glass vial on himself.
Ordim pours a few drops of perfume from his white glass vial on himself.
Ordim slips a hand into the depths of his talon-toggled coat and places a pink-swirled white glass vial into an inner pocket, causing the multicolored beaks to rattle with the movement.

Ordim briefly draws down the edges of his slate grey cowl.
Ordim takes a bite of his orange muffin.


You see Defender of Mist Harbor Rohese Bayvel-Timsh'l Illistim.
She appears to be an Elf.
She is taller than average with a slender willowy form.  She appears to be of a tender age.  She has silver-lashed misty grey eyes and preternaturally pale skin.  She has lustrous, cool silver hair streaming over her shoulders and down her back like a moonlit waterfall.  She has naturally glossy, rose-pink tinted lips.  Her composed expression has a sense of scholarly authority despite her youthful, fey-like appearance.
She has a cascade of tiny silver stars tattooed over her right eyebrow that fades into her hairline, and an inking of a faint star constellation on her neck.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a cup of warm lavender tea in her right hand.
She is wearing a softened white suede satchel slung over her shoulder, some pure white lamb's wool robes with deep sleeves pooling into the train, a moon-filled eonake pendant, a pair of shredded white silk gloves with wrist-tied knots, some lattice-fronted white silk robes trailing sleeves of ombred grey chiffon, an avian-crested signet ring, and some conjoined ring footflower sandals.


You see Socius Leiffen.
He appears to be a Human.
He is plain-looking in every regard save his eyes, and has a huge scar running the length of his right cheek and down across the front of his neck.  He appears to be in the prime of life.  He has piercing light green eyes and deeply tanned skin.  He has a bald head.  He has an intense face and a narrow nose.
He is in good shape.
He is holding an enruned crimson dart in his right hand.
He is wearing an elegantly cut white cape pinned at the shoulder with a ruby clasp, a simple alabaster tunic with onyx-inlaid tarnished silver toggles, an obsidian ring inlaid with delicate white ivory runes, a narrow leather pouch, some tailored white trousers with delicate silver twine laced up the outside of each leg, and a pair of sleek white knee-high kidskin boots.


You see Sreka the Searcher.
She appears to be a Half-Krolvin.
She is tall.  She appears to be very young.  She has brooding coal black eyes and dark brown skin.  She has shoulder length, lank silver-blue hair worn in elaborate braids.  She has a triangular face, a thin nose and a high forehead.
She has a sprawling night sky tattoo on her neck.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing an agate-inset imflass earring, a gleaming spiked invar greathelm, a soft ivory wool scarf pinned with a silver snowflake, a crystal amulet, a jeweled wildflower carcanet, a pearly grey greatcloak, a bronze and pink dreamstone buckle, an ivory-inlaid fire opal stickpin, a rose pink harness, a suit of ivy-embossed leathers, some leather gauntlets, an intricate gold ring, a bronze mesh belt, a black velvet pouch clasped with a wrought silver dragon, an azure leather sheath, a glowing-runed verdigrised bell dangling from an electrum chain, a pair of tanned sealskin trousers, a pair of sapphire leather knee-boots capped with silver, a toucan-etched round faewood aegis, and a hardened leather backpack.


You see Steenk SkunkBrother.
He appears to be a Sylvankind.
He appears to be very young.  He has green eyes and alabaster skin.  He has short, amber hair.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a wineskin of aged cactus juice in his right hand.
He is wearing a silver-inlaid pure white jade circlet, a ruby amulet, an oak and amber doe totem, a hooded leather mantle of variegated woodland hues, a gold-edged rolton hide armband, a fringed suede hawker's gauntlet, a shimmering glaesine orb, an elaborate falcon charm, a pale mossbark long bow carved with violet blossoms, a black leather climbing pack, some sleek black stalking leathers, an armlet of leather-strung mithril arrowheads, an intricate gold ring, a plain black cloth quiver, a pair of loose black suede breeches, an ankle-strapped dark grey sheath, and some deerskin boots with fringed down-turned cuffs.

Steenk takes a drink from his aged cactus juice.


You see High Lord Talinvor the Loremaster.
He appears to be a Dhe'nar Dark Elf.
He is very tall and has a hard-muscled physique.  He appears to be youthful.  He has piercing stormy grey eyes and ebon skin.  He has very long, straight jet black hair pulled into two chain-bound braids over each shoulder, the rest left loose beneath a blackened silver headband.  He has an angular face, a straight nose and strong, chiseled features.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a flute of spiced blood wine in his right hand.
He is wearing a silver-set black star sapphire, an ebon leather silver-buckled longcoat, a black silk silver-threaded sash, a rich indigo brushed silk shirt, a mithril alloy mesh weapons harness, a polished black suede instrument case lined with silk slung over his shoulder, a storm grey linen vest with silver-set ivory fasteners over a dark elven wyvern-scaled haubergeon, a dark scaled leather bracer, some formal silver suede gloves, an obsidian-set silver signet band, a black spidersilk pouch clasped with a small skeletal dragon carved from ivory, some storm grey pants, and a pair of tall black leather boots side-fastened with silver buckles.


You see Tatria.
She appears to be a Half-Elf from Ta'Faendryl.
She is shorter than average.  She appears to be youthful.  She has almond-shaped golden eyes and sun-kissed, lightly freckled skin.  She has waist length, thick auburn hair pulled into a loose ponytail adorned with an amber-fluted dusky pink foxglove.  She has a sharply defined, small face, a pointed nose and an upturned mouth.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a coiled earcuff of gilt-thorned vines, a mist-etched crystal amulet, a cinnamon ramie silk vest with a paisley pattern, a fitted arming doublet, a low-necked ecru gauze blouse, a thick gold ring, an enruned verdigrised bell dangling from an electrum chain, some low-cut oiled leather pants, and a pair of brown kidskin boots with rawhide laces.


You see Chatelaine Traiva Verethundi the Incantress.
She appears to be an Aelotoi of the Mrae'ni Clan.
She is petite in stature and has an hourglass figure.  She appears to be in the prime of life.  She has smoldering, viridian-flecked dark hazel eyes and rose-tinted ivory skin.  She has hip length, softly curled deep cordovan hair with a spray of cream-hearted tuberose with deep jade leaves woven into the strands.  She has a heart-shaped face and high cheekbones.  She has glossy white-tipped lacquer brushed onto her squared fingernails.  She has a pair of jade-veined elongated emerald wings.
She has a knotwork and dragonfly tattoo on her neck, and a pair of teardrop sapphire earrings in the ridges of both her ears.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a stein of rosy hibiscus metheglin in her right hand.
She is wearing a delicate veniom mesh choker strung with a flight of brightly shining cerulean glimaerstone dragonflies, a princess-cut blue sapphire necklace, a fel-latched rowan pendant, a sweeping back-slit cloth-of-silver cloak with a deep velvet trimmed hood, a flowing cerulean flyrsilk gown softly patterned with stylized passionflowers, a linked silver bracelet clasped with a vibrant saewehna, an emerald-set gold wedding ring, a silk belt pouch, a velvet belt pouch, and some opaque spidersilk stockings under some platinum-buckled cerulean satin chopines set on thin ora-wrapped heels.

Traiva takes a drink from her rosy hibiscus metheglin.


You see Xanthium.
She appears to be a Half-Elf from Ta'Faendryl.
She is of a towering height.  She appears to be very young.  She has argent-haloed indigo eyes and alabaster skin.  She has long, cascading white blonde hair flowing down into a riotous tumult of textured waves and gold-touched spiral curls.  She has a perfectly symmetrical, delicately featured face.  She has a bow of lush, mulberry red lips.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a cracked glass of absinthe in her right hand.
She is wearing an ornate black ironwood dragon earcuff, a billowing jade green robe collared in hematite and pewter beadwork, a dark orchid bell-sleeved blouse, a silver coiled serpent bracer, a floor-length viridian spidersilk skirt composed of deeply pleated layers, and some pale silk stockings wrapped in black velvet vines under some faenor-hued interlocked ringmail thigh-boots laced with copper wire.