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When a wyrm is killed, its corpse cannot be skinned or searched. The corpse immediately becomes <b>a silver-shot black stone wyrm</b> upon interaction or upon decaying. This lifeless stone wyrm becomes a temporary prop in the room in which the wyrm was slain and persists for about six hours before crumbling away.
When a wyrm is killed, its corpse cannot be skinned or searched. The corpse immediately becomes <b>a silver-shot black stone wyrm</b> upon interaction or upon decaying. This lifeless stone wyrm becomes a temporary prop in the room in which the wyrm was slain and persists for six hours before crumbling away.

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> LOOK at wyrm
> LOOK at wyrm
The statue is eerily lifelike and stands more than forty feet tall. It has been expertly fashioned to resemble a vast, winged saurian beast in its death throes, and looks as if it might spring to life at any moment.</pre>
The statue is eerily lifelike and stands more than forty feet tall. It has been expertly fashioned to resemble a vast, winged saurian beast in its death throes, and looks as if it might spring to life at any moment.</pre>

Cracks spiderweb a silver-shot black stone wyrm. Vast chunks fall away from it, crashing to the ground with enough force to leave only dust behind. Soon, nothing is left of the tenebrous monument.</pre>


Revision as of 12:17, 17 July 2024

Silver-scaled cold wyrm
Level 120
Family family creatures
Body Type [[]]
Area(s) Found Hinterwilds
Attack Attributes
Defense Attributes
? ASG ?
Defensive Strength (DS)
Melee ?
Ranged ?
Bolt ?
Unarmed Defense Factor
Target Defense (TD)
Bard Base ?
Cleric Base ?
Empath Base ?
Paladin Base ?
Ranger Base ?
Sorcerer Base ?
Wizard Base ?
Minor Elemental ?
Major Elemental ?
Minor Spiritual ?
Major Spiritual ?
Minor Mental ?
Other Unique Abilities
Dazzling Presence, Flying, Acid Breath, Multi-strike, Energy Immune Scales, Animalistic Rage, Sympathetic Gaze, Restore Self, Crushing Plummet (when flying), Tail Swipe (when not flying)
Treasure Attributes

Creature Spawning

Silver-scaled cold wyrms are rare creatures that periodically spawn in the Hinterwilds once about every six hours. There is a series of monsterbold alert messaging seen throughout the entire Hinterwilds locale that warns that a wyrm is about to spawn. Wyrms are actually spawned upon the final iteration of these alerts which also indicates the general location of where the wyrm has landed.

Once spawned, a silver-scaled cold wyrm will quickly travel room-by-room throughout the Hinterwilds areas. If the wyrm is not engaged for a period of about 10 minutes, it will automatically de-spawn.

Area-wide Indoor Spawn Messaging

A terrible feeling of dread overwhelms you as a monstrous alien presence infringes upon the sanctity of your mind.  Your thoughts are pulled to the skies outside!

Area-wide Outdoor Spawn Messaging

The thunder of great wings peals out over the land as the bulk of a great draconic figure soars across the firmament, the aurora's wavering colors illuminating the edges of its great silhouette.  With a roar of challenge, it circles once over (Hinterwilds location) to stake out the area as its territory before embarking on a hunt!
A hunting cold wyrm glides in a predatory circle over the Boreal Forest, glints of the aurora's light making its scales shine with strange hues.
Like a bolt of silver, a sinuous cold wyrm streaks over (Hinterwilds location)!
With a roar of defiance, a cold wyrm soars over (Hinterwilds location), the colors of the aurora suffusing its burnished scales with dazzling color!
Shrieking its rage as it swoops down low over (Hinterwilds location), a draconic figure on wings that shine like moonlight streaks through the sky.
A silver-scaled cold wyrm plummets down from the skies, landing in (Hinterwilds location)!

Current Location Outdoor Spawn Messaging

With a roar of defiance, a cold wyrm soars overhead, the colors of the aurora suffusing its burnished scales with dazzling color!
As the cold wyrm passes overhead, your thoughts dissolve in a wash of colors and alien emotions, rendering you senseless!
Roundtime: 6 sec.
A silver-scaled cold wyrm plummets down from the skies, landing in the immediate vicinity!

Hunting Strategies

  • The wyrms will enter structures throughout the Hinterwilds, including areas that other spawned creatures will not access.

Currently the design of silver-scaled cold wyrms is in flux and has been adjusted over the years. It has indicated by staff that the current iteration is not its final form. Both the mechanics and behavior of wyrms has varied greatly between these different variations, each more difficult than the previous.


While a few adventurers have slain a wyrm in one-on-one combat, the creature is designed with the intent of requiring a party of player characters to defeat. However, if approached by a party with more than five player characters there is an automatic suppression mechanic that renders all characters present non-functional for a time.


When a wyrm is killed, its corpse cannot be skinned or searched. The corpse immediately becomes a silver-shot black stone wyrm upon interaction or upon decaying. This lifeless stone wyrm becomes a temporary prop in the room in which the wyrm was slain and persists for six hours before crumbling away.

> LOOT wyrm
Color leaches from the scales of the mighty cold wyrm as they lose their vital sheen, degenerating into a lustrous substance with a hue reminiscent of anthracite, but streaked through with veins of flashing silver.  Soon, all that remains is a tenebrous stone monument resembling the wyrm in her death throes.
> LOOK at wyrm
The statue is eerily lifelike and stands more than forty feet tall.  It has been expertly fashioned to resemble a vast, winged saurian beast in its death throes, and looks as if it might spring to life at any moment.
Cracks spiderweb a silver-shot black stone wyrm.  Vast chunks fall away from it, crashing to the ground with enough force to leave only dust behind.  Soon, nothing is left of the tenebrous monument.


  • Squamous reptilian mutants are gigas that have been mutated by the wyrms into the perfect caretakers for their young. As a whole, the mutants are known as the Wyrmcult.
  • Colossal boreal undansormrs are recently hatched wyrm larvae. Undansormrs will eventually cacoon for a time and then emerge as juvenile wyrms.
  • Juvenile wyrms have azure color scales that become silver as they age. They spawned occasionally as an easier version of the wyrm soon after wyrms were first released into production, but have since stopped spawning. There are environmental references to the azure-scaled juveniles throughout the Hinterwilds.

Behind the Scenes

Silver-scaled cold wyrms were created by GM Auchand as dragons. QC would not allow the noun "dragon" so it was changed to "wyrm" for production. However, there are several environmental references in the Hinterwilds that still refer to wyrms as dragons or draconic.

Other Information


It has been indicated by staff that slaying a silver-scaled cold wyrm will eventually be an entry point for puzzle not yet released.

On occasion when a wyrm has been slain an unusual event happens. It has been stated that this will be a part of the unreleased puzzle.

Flying badly, the battered form of the great cold wyrm is wracked by a terrible convulsion.  The wyrm wheels into a death spiral, wings and tail rippling limply in the air as she plummets toward the ground.  The cold wyrm crashes down with a thunderous impact and does not move again.
Nearby, you spot several gigas in pale robes stitched with golden wyrm scales.  One of them nods approvingly to you, and beckons as if expecting you to follow.  Without waiting to see if you comply, the vast figures retreat from view toward the settlement of Eldurhaart.

Near-level creatures - edit
Level 118


Level 119


Level 120

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