BVShop:Sprite Club: Difference between revisions

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(Updated for February 2023)
m (Updating previous shop listing to facilitate future runs, updating to showcase Feb 2024 shop listing)
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==Current Shop Listing==
==Current Shop Listing==
{{:BVShop:Sprite Club/February 2023}}
{{:BVShop:Sprite Club/February 2024}}

==Previous Shop Listings==
==Previous Shop Listings==
* [[/February 2023|February 2023 shop listing]]
* [[/August 2022|August 2022 shop listing]]
* [[/February 2022|February 2022 shop listing]]
* [[/August 2021|August 2021 shop listing]]
* [[/February 2021|February 2021 shop listing]]
* [[/August 2020|August 2020 shop listing]]
* [[/June 2018|June 2018 shop listing]]
* [[/full archive|Full Shop Archive]]

[[Category:Bloodriven Village shops|S]]
[[Category:Bloodriven Village shops|S]]

Revision as of 12:23, 28 February 2024

Current Shop Listing

a bright oblong temple, [Map Room 2], Room# 8214506, Lich# L26850, go oblong temple

Sprite Club

[Sprite Club - 8212427]
Floor tiles of alternating colors spiral outward from a central mosaic of a sprite. A thick teal trunk and a slender silver strongbox are set against opposing walls. Spheres of light are suspended magically overhead, each tented with colored silks. Pinned to the wall by two steel spikes is a rugged red rucksack.
Obvious exits: northeast, out

Items sold in this shop may be purchased with account attunement for a discounted price (Prime only). Attunement is permanent and cannot be removed.

Attunement Discount Legend
* Account attunement available for a 25% discount.

In the red rucksack you see: an ebon sprite waiver, a green sprite waiver, and a blue sprite waiver.

Item Type Info Details Price
an ebon sprite waiver unlock certificate
Sprite Weapon
Your waiver will unlock your Sprite Weapon to tier 3.
a green sprite waiver unlock certificate
Sprite Weapon
Your waiver will unlock your Sprite Weapon to tier 2.
a blue sprite waiver unlock certificate
Sprite Weapon
Your waiver will unlock your Sprite Weapon to tier 1.

In the silver strongbox you see: a marred hand crossbow, a marred mace, a marred war hammer, a marred short sword, a marred main gauche, a marred morning star, a marred dagger, a marred handaxe, a marred falchion, and a marred broadsword.

Item Type Info Details Price
a marred hand crossbow hand crossbow 4 lbs
Material: wood
shoulder-slung (functional)
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The crossbow is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
  Adjective: hand
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
 Adjective: hand
a marred mace mace 6 lbs
Material: vultite
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The mace is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
a marred war hammer war hammer 6 lbs
Material: vultite
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The hammer is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
  Adjective: war
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
 Adjective: war
a marred short sword short sword 3 lbs
Material: vultite
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The sword is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
  Adjective: short
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
 Adjective: short
a marred main gauche main gauche 2 lbs
Material: vultite
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The gauche is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
  Adjective: main
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
 Adjective: main
a marred morning star morning star 6 lbs
Material: vultite
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The star is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
  Adjective: morning
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
 Adjective: morning
a marred dagger dagger < 1 lb
Material: vultite
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The dagger is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
a marred handaxe handaxe 5 lbs
Material: vultite
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The handaxe is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
a marred falchion falchion 4 lbs
Material: vultite
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The falchion is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
a marred broadsword broadsword 4 lbs
Material: vultite
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The broadsword is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing

In the teal trunk you see: a marred halberd, a marred cestus, a marred paingrip, a marred short bow, a marred composite bow, a marred long bow, a marred runestaff, a marred katar, a marred maul, a marred battlesword, a marred bastard sword, a marred spear, and a marred lance.

Item Type Info Details Price
a marred halberd halberd 7 lbs
Material: vultite
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The halberd is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
a marred cestus cestus 2 lbs
Material: vultite
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The cestus is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
a marred paingrip paingrip 2 lbs
Material: vultite
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The paingrip is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
a marred short bow short bow 3 lbs
Material: ruic
shoulder-slung (functional)
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The bow is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
  Adjective: short
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
 Adjective: short
a marred composite bow composite bow 3 lbs
Material: ruic
shoulder-slung (functional)
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The bow is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
  Adjective: composite
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
 Adjective: composite
a marred long bow long bow 3 lbs
Material: ruic
shoulder-slung (functional)
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The bow is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
  Adjective: long
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
 Adjective: long
a marred runestaff rune staff 4 lbs
Material: orase
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The runestaff is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
a marred katar katar 3 lbs
Material: vultite
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The katar is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
a marred maul maul 6 lbs
Material: vultite
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The maul is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
a marred battlesword two-handed sword 10 lbs
Material: vultite
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The battlesword is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
a marred bastard sword bastard sword 7 lbs
Material: vultite
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The sword is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
  Adjective: bastard
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
 Adjective: bastard
a marred spear spear 5 lbs
Material: vultite
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The spear is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing
a marred lance lance 12 lbs
Material: vultite
Sprite Weapon
Enchant: +20
The lance is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
Flare Type: Krush
Sprite Color: white
Inactive Weapon Customization
  Article: a marred
Active Weapon Customization
 Article: a glowing

The First Rule

[The First Rule - 8212711]
Eclectic and cluttered, the dust-free shop has shelves filled with bric-a-brac and knickknacks that range in color, shapes, and sizes. Frosted globes hover scant inches from the ceiling, their soft white glow casting eerie shadows that dance and flicker. Short and tall armor mannequins create a maze of interestingly posed bodies throughout the center of the floor. You also see a woven seagrass basket.
Obvious exits: southwest

Items sold in this shop may be purchased with account attunement for a discounted price (Prime only). Attunement is permanent and cannot be removed.

Attunement Discount Legend
* Account attunement available for a 25% discount.

On the metal armor form you see: some marred double chain, some marred full plate, some marred half plate, a marred metal breastplate, some marred chain hauberk, and some marred augmented chain.

Item Type Info Details Price
some marred double chain double chain 20 lbs
Material: vultite
shirt-worn (functional)
Sprite Armor
Enchant: +20
The chain is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
 Sprite Color: white
 Defensive Strength Barrier Color: black
 Combat Maneuver Barrier Color: green
Inactive Armor Customization
 Article: some marred
 Adjective: double
Active Armor Customization
 Article: some glowing
 Adjective: double
some marred full plate full plate 75 lbs
Material: rolaren
shirt-worn (functional)
Sprite Armor
Enchant: +20
The plate is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
 Sprite Color: white
 Defensive Strength Barrier Color: black
 Combat Maneuver Barrier Color: green
Inactive Armor Customization
 Article: some marred
 Adjective: full
Active Armor Customization
 Article: some glowing
 Adjective: full
some marred half plate half plate 50 lbs
Material: rolaren
shirt-worn (functional)
Sprite Armor
Enchant: +20
The plate is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
 Sprite Color: white
 Defensive Strength Barrier Color: black
 Combat Maneuver Barrier Color: green
Inactive Armor Customization
 Article: some marred
 Adjective: half
Active Armor Customization
 Article: some glowing
 Adjective: half
a marred metal breastplate metal breastplate 23 lbs
Material: rolaren
shirt-worn (functional)
Sprite Armor
Enchant: +20
The breastplate is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
 Sprite Color: white
 Defensive Strength Barrier Color: black
 Combat Maneuver Barrier Color: green
Inactive Armor Customization
 Article: a marred
 Adjective: metal
Active Armor Customization
 Article: some glowing
 Adjective: metal
some marred chain hauberk chain hauberk 27 lbs
Material: rolaren
shirt-worn (functional)
Sprite Armor
Enchant: +20
The hauberk is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
 Sprite Color: white
 Defensive Strength Barrier Color: black
 Combat Maneuver Barrier Color: green
Inactive Armor Customization
 Article: some marred
 Adjective: chain
Active Armor Customization
 Article: some glowing
 Adjective: chain
some marred augmented chain augmented chain 26 lbs
Material: rolaren
shirt-worn (functional)
Sprite Armor
Enchant: +20
The chain is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
 Sprite Color: white
 Defensive Strength Barrier Color: black
 Combat Maneuver Barrier Color: green
Inactive Armor Customization
 Article: some marred
 Adjective: augmented
Active Armor Customization
 Article: some glowing
 Adjective: augmented

In the seagrass basket you see: a blue sprite waiver, a green sprite waiver, and an ebon sprite waiver.

Item Type Info Details Price
a blue sprite waiver unlock certificate
Sprite Armor
Your waiver will unlock your Sprite Armor to tier 1.
a green sprite waiver unlock certificate
Sprite Armor
Your waiver will unlock your Sprite Armor to tier 2.
an ebon sprite waiver unlock certificate
Sprite Armor
Your waiver will unlock your Sprite Armor to tier 3.

On the cloth armor form you see: some tattered robes.

Item Type Info Details Price
some tattered robes flowing robes 8 lbs
Material: cloth
shirt-worn (functional)
Sprite Armor
Enchant: +20
The robes is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
 Sprite Color: white
 Defensive Strength Barrier Color: black
 Combat Maneuver Barrier Color: green
Inactive Armor Customization
 Article: some tattered
Active Armor Customization
 Article: some glowing

On the armor form you see: some marred brigandine armor, some marred studded leather, some torn full leather, and some torn double leather.

Item Type Info Details Price
some marred brigandine armor brigandine armor 25 lbs
Material: leather
shirt-worn (functional)
Sprite Armor
Enchant: +20
The armor is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
 Sprite Color: white
 Defensive Strength Barrier Color: black
 Combat Maneuver Barrier Color: green
Inactive Armor Customization
 Article: some marred
 Adjective: brigandine
Active Armor Customization
 Article: some glowing
 Adjective: brigandine
some marred studded leather studded leather 25 lbs
Material: leather
shirt-worn (functional)
Sprite Armor
Enchant: +20
The leather is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
 Sprite Color: white
 Defensive Strength Barrier Color: black
 Combat Maneuver Barrier Color: green
Inactive Armor Customization
 Article: some marred
 Adjective: studded
Active Armor Customization
 Article: some glowing
 Adjective: studded
some torn full leather full leather 13 lbs
Material: leather
shirt-worn (functional)
Sprite Armor
Enchant: +20
The leather is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
 Sprite Color: white
 Defensive Strength Barrier Color: black
 Combat Maneuver Barrier Color: green
Inactive Armor Customization
 Article: some torn
 Adjective: full
Active Armor Customization
 Article: some glowing
 Adjective: full
some torn double leather double leather 16 lbs
Material: leather
shirt-worn (functional)
Sprite Armor
Enchant: +20
The leather is not unlocked and has access to verbs: PUSH, PROD, PUNCH, TOUCH, PRAY
 Sprite Color: white
 Defensive Strength Barrier Color: black
 Combat Maneuver Barrier Color: green
Inactive Armor Customization
 Article: some torn
 Adjective: double
Active Armor Customization
 Article: some glowing
 Adjective: double

Previous Shop Listings