Higher Vision (1610)

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Higher Vision (1610)
Mnemonic [HIVISION]
Base Duration 1200 seconds
Added Duration +60 seconds per
Paladin Base spell known
Span Stackable
Defensive Magic  
Subtype Defense 
Defensive Strength +10 
Availability Self-cast 
Paladin Base Spells
Mantle of Faith (1601) Defensive
Pious Trial (1602) Attack
Templar's Verdict (1603) Attack
Consecrate (1604) Utility
Arm of the Arkati (1605) Offensive
Dauntless (1606) Offensive
Rejuvenation (1607) Utility
Defense of the Faithful (1608) Utility
Divine Shield (1609) Defensive
Higher Vision (1610) Defensive
Patron's Blessing (1611) Defensive
Faith's Clarity (1612) Utility
Aid the Fallen (1613) Utility
Aura of the Arkati (1614) Attack
Repentance (1615) Attack
Vigor (1616) Utility
Zealot (1617) Offensive
Fervor (1618) Offensive
Faith Shield (1619) Defensive
Not Yet Implemented (1620) Utility
Holy Weapon (1625) Offensive
Judgment (1630) Attack
Divine Intervention (1635) Utility
Divine Word (1640) Utility
Divine Incarnation (1650) Utility

The spell Higher Vision gives the casting paladin a glimpse of future battles, provided by the paladin's patron Arkati. This vision provides the paladin with an increase to defense against both physical attacks and spells.

This spell provides a base of +10 to generic DS +1 for every 2 Paladin spells known above 10, for a maximum of +20 bonus at 30 spell ranks. This spell is self-cast only.

With the increase in DS, there is also an increase in mana cost. The base mana cost is 10, +1 for every bonus above +10, for a maximum of 20 mana.

Lore Benefits

Training in Spiritual Lore, Religion provides an additional bonus of +1 DS at 5 ranks with the maximum of +16 DS at 200 ranks. This bonus has no additional mana cost.

Spiritual Lore, Religion bonus thresholds: 5, 11, 18, 26, 35, 45, 56, 68, 81, 95, 110, 126, 143, 161, 180, and 200 ranks


Initial cast:

Visions of future battles fill your eyes, providing you with knowledge of conflicts yet unfought.

Wearing off:

You lose a bit of focus as the knowledge of future battles drifts from your mind.
