Behemothic gorefrost golem

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Behemothic gorefrost golem
Family Golem family creatures
Body Type Biped
Area(s) Found Hinterwilds
HP 845-950
Attack Attributes
Physical Attacks
Stomp 505 AS
Defense Attributes
None ASG 1
Defensive Strength (DS)
Melee ?
Ranged ?
Bolt ?
Unarmed Defense Factor
Target Defense (TD)
Bard Base 428
Cleric Base ?
Empath Base 426
Paladin Base ?
Ranger Base ?
Sorcerer Base ?
Wizard Base ?
Minor Elemental ?
Major Elemental ?
Minor Spiritual ?
Major Spiritual ?
Minor Mental ?
Other Unique Abilities
Treasure Attributes
Coins ?
Gems Yes
Magic Items ?
Boxes ?
Skin ?
Other gigas artifact
The golem stands taller than a two-story building, a crude and blocky humanoid shape of ice that glows with an unsavory sanguine aura.  Clouds of frozen blood and bits of viscera are trapped in its frosty depths.  All are lifeless and still save for a single preserved organ at the golem's core: a humanoid heart.  The heart is shrouded in a swirl of slushy red fluid and, impossibly, it pulses with a sluggish, uneven beat, giving off coruscations of sanguine light.

Hunting Strategies

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Other Information

Arrival Messaging
The frozen earth underfoot shifts precipitously as an arm of blood-flecked ice erupts upward, followed by the towering form of a behemothic gorefrost golem.  The golem straightens its massive bulk with a sound like shattering glass.
The animalistic rage empowering a behemothic gorefrost golem subsides.
[SMR result: 152 (Open d100: 75, Bonus: 2)]
A behemothic gorefrost golem raises a colossal fist of enchanted ice overhead and brings it crashing down.  A line of jagged ice streaks along the ground, racing toward you!

Fragments assail you in a violent, crystalline eruption!
   ... 10 points of damage!
   Oh.. but a hot foot would feel good about now!
   ... 10 points of damage!
   You're not getting cold feet now, are you?
Roundtime: 20 sec.
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