The Ebon Gate FAQ for Evermore Hollow

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Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about Ebon Gate that will help you navigate the experience like a pro!

Cost & Attendance

Can a Free to Play character attend?

Yes. As far as we know, there is no place or event at Ebon Gate that F2P is barred from. You can also buy a Merchant Pass just like everyone else, and go to everything.

Can I use Silvers at Ebon Gate?

Short answer: Only for a few things.

Longer answer:

The currency at Evermore Hollow is soul shards, except for the Midway, where you purchase an entry for silvers to earn tickets (there are no jackpots). The raffles will cost silvers in 2022. Live merchants, too, generally charge silvers. Treasure Trove Tokens in Gravelsdown Hall sell for silvers (100k each). (Remember, raffles, the Treasure Trove, and merchants will require a service pass.)

BUT: We expect GemStone to offer one (or more) CLAIM offers for subscribers to purchase with silvers that will hold some game entries. CLAIM GIFT has a smaller free gift. CLAIM EVENT will have more and can cost millions of silvers for a more robust offering inside.

Sometimes you can exchange silvers with other players for purchase of items from shops or to buy game entries. Deal with someone you know is reputable, meet them at a bank, use EXCHANGE.

Does Ebon Gate Cost money? (Which kind?)

  • Dollars purchase SimuCoins, which are used in the SimuCoin shop to buy Game Entries.
  • Games SimuCoin purchased entries for games are the source of Soul Shards that you can earn. These games include Sonreeva, Arena of the Abyss, Trick or Treat, and Herb Hunt.
  • Soul Shards purchase goods and services for sale on the Festival Grounds.
  • Silvers can be used to enter the Midway Games and buy the limited CLAIM EVENT offerings when/if they are announced.
  • Silvers are also used for EG Merchants, Treasure Trove Tokens, and Raffles.
  • General Tickets are what you earn in Midway Games, and can use to purchase items in the Prize Walls at the Midway or take a turn at one of the prize piles.

How many passes do I need to buy?

One pass is all there is, it is good all month, and is referred to as a Service Pass or a Merchant Pass. The pass is purchased at the SimuCoin Shop at the Play.Net web site. You will need this pass only if you wish to participate in:

  • Live Merchants
  • Raffles
  • The Treasure Trove
  • Live Games, including GHOUL, the Cooking Contest, and the Costume Contest.

For the rest of the festival, shopping, games, storyline, etc., you no longer need any kind of pass. But you will need special Ebon Gate currency, called soul shards, to purchase items for sale at the Festival. You will need game entry items, bought from the SimuCoin shop, to play games.

How much do the game activities cost?

  • There is no pass required for games like Trick or Treat, Herb Hunt, the Arena of the Abyss, or the Sonreeva Necropolis.
  • Game entries (except for fishing and the Midway) are purchased with SimuCoins, in the SimuCoin Shop. SimuCoins are purchased with US Dollars in the shop at the Play.Net web site. After purchase in the SimuCoin shop, retrieve the purchase in-game with the command in GemStone: SIMUCOIN DELIVER
    • keys are 100 SimuCoins each, use to play Trick or Treat and Herb Hunt
    • cubes are 10 SimuCoins each, use one to play Sonreeva and the Arena of the Abyss
  • Usually, there is a free CLAIM GIFT (for subscribers) with a few entries inside
  • There are usually CLAIM EVENT Offers (also subscribers only) that can be purchased in-game with silvers, which hold a set amount of entries.
  • Sometimes you will find entries for sale from other players for silvers or other currency.
  • Game/Activities Include:
    • Spook Contest
    • Midway Games are played with silvers. This is the source of General Tickets for the prize piles and the Prize Walls. Look for them at the Harvest Luminary Festival the last part of Ebon Gate. The Harvest Festival has its own location.
    • Prize Piles will be at the HarvestLuminary Festival, too! Enter using General Tickets. Search through (twice) for a random prize of varying levels. Expect a couple piles with different entry cost based on the value of what is inside (usually Tier 3 or Tier 4 prizes).
    • Fishing costs 50 soul shards (the Evermore Hollow currency) per fishing entry, your entry ends when you catch a fish: earn various prizes here, including a ridge-edged painted wooden coin that can be tossed into the wishing well for an experience orb … and you will probably get haunted, too. (No pass is required.)
    • Sonreeva (The Newcropolis), 10 SimuCoins for a cube: is a single run dungeon crawl. You can group up with your buddies who have also entered. Earn experience in combat, the satisfaction of solving the puzzles, and to those who complete it, a special trinket that will boost your AS, DS, CS, or TD +1 per year.
    • Arena of the Abyss, 10 SimuCoins for a cube: is an arena combat setting of 5 rounds each entry, against an undead creature. Earn Soul Shards, Fusion Tokens, Shimmering Green Experience Orbs, Necrotic Ring, and random breakable system loot. This is the annual time to charge up your necrotic ring, in the Arena.
    • Trick-or-Treat, 100 SimuCoins for an entry key, starts Oct 1: Earn soul shards, candy that can be collected and turned in for other things, Random prize droppings (I think), and some experience. There is undead combat behind some doors, too. You get about 10 knocks per entry.
    • Herb Hunt, 100 SimuCoins for an entry key, starts Oct 1: Earn soul shards, Reim entry orb, potion to recharge enhancives, some experience, Maybe other prize droppings, or the extremely rare whistle that will summon a mandrake pet.
    • The Ebon Gate Gem Pile costs 10 shards to randomly draw a special Ebon Gate gem. These gems are not able to be sold at the gemshop, but they can be used in all sorts of crafts, Veola and Joola items, and nearly anything else that uses a gem.
    • Live Games are listed in FESTIVAL command in-game. They require the service pass to play. They are usually restricted to a certain number of players who are picked randomly at the beginning.
    • Cooking Contest requires a service pass to play. This is a submission game, be sure to read all the instructions.
    • GHOUL games begin Oct 12, requires a service pass. Look for the schedule and prize information in the FESTIVAL 6 command.

What can I do for free?

  • There's the guidebook quest, also called the The Newly Unliving Registry, where you solve the step-by-step puzzles to unlock a guidebook for the event. The guidebook holds the names and locations of current merchants working and the current raffles. It will teleport you to the outside of the shop where the merchant is working.
    • Tip: Remember to light your votive
    • Tip #2: Remember where you place your votive!
    • SPOILERS: Look for Jara's Guidebook walkthrough of the quest, chapter by chapter, at YouTube. Big Spoiler Alert!
  • There is a storyline that will launch at the beginning of the event with several events, and then continue with low-key things for characters to achieve/do/collect, and then a grand finale during the last days of the festival. There is a Wiki Information Page with the Status of the Storyline.
  • Spook Contest: get the most ghosts! Top five winners at the end of Ebon Gate receive special titles. It all starts with your Spook Pin at the Town Hall Spookorium.
  • Dead Hand Card Game at Winning Shriek
  • Window Shop: See what is for sale and for how much before you decide to earn soul shards or not.
  • Recharge your Feywrot Mire Teleportation Carousel at the Incanter.
  • Events: Keep your eyes peeled on the NEWS and the TownCrier for events that will take place at Ebon Gate. ESP TUNE TownCrier. Quite a number of fun events will happen that are player-organized this month, too.
  • Explore: Evermore Hollow is full of themed wonders
  • Find and Collect unique Familiars, Companions, and (hopefully) Spirit Beasts at the venue. Look here also for unique flora, fauna, bugs, and aquatic life.
  • Watch all the excitement, Roleplay with others, get into the spirit of the setting, Play the various free games people will host, Make new friends and memories to last a lifetime.
  • The Harvest Luminary Festival takes place the last few days of Ebon Gate, it's new this year!


What Do All These Initialisms and Terms Mean?

AotA = Arena of the Abyss combat game
Cubes = SimuCoin Shop Entries for Arena of the Abyss and Sonreeva
EG = Ebon Gate
EH = Evermore Hollow
GHOUL = The name of the Bingo Game at Ebon Gate, the card's colums are G H O U and L!
HH = Herb Hunt game
Hotel Key = Special opening Weekend Invitation Only Thingie (unclear at this point, but they do call them keys)
Keys = SimuCoin Shop Entries for Trick or Treat, Herb Hunt
Newcropolis = Sonreeva, Mausoleum - The dungeon crawl
ToT = Trick or Treat game

Do I have to wear a mask?

As you slip into Evermore Hollow, the domain of those who have passed on, those without titles of 'Witch' or 'Sorcerer' will be subject to a very strong disguising enchantment that will make you look like one of Naidem's usual denizens. Unless you wear a mask. So get your masks out.

Do I have to be online for the Raffles?

Yes. Read the ticket and the sign carefully for each raffle. Some may require you to be on the spot. Additionally, remember you can keep up with all the Raffle Info from *Rovvigen's Raffle Page at the GS TownCrier web site:

Do I have to be online for the Trove Drawings?

No. The Treasure Troves draw at the same time each night, and the winning item is placed in a special place in the room for the winner to claim for up to 24 hours. You do not have to be online when it draws.

Can I sell extra prize items I find from games?

If you cannot find a buyer for prizes via the usual methods, (pawnshop or another Festival Guest), look for the Soul Shard Exchange in Gravelsdown Hall to sell some things back for a few soul shards. (And we do mean a few!)

What's the Storyline?

This year, the storyline is called, The Ivsenra's Fate. It will be a combination of live roleplay and quest you can do around the storyline. Keep up to date at the The Ivensra's Fate (storyline) page.

What is this Gilded Locus?

Introduced at Duskruin, Fall of 2024, the half-elven traveler services an item called a Gilded locus, which will be available at all Pay Events. The locus is a special enhancive item every one can get (for free) and then build upon (Not unlike an Adventurer's Guild Badge, but way ... more). Ask the traveler for help and follow instructions from there. Here's the link to the TownCrier article at its introduction.

Where is the …

  • The list of Ebon Gate Places of Interest
Basic Town Shops and Services Name
Pawnshop Bones & Baubles
Gemshop Greedy Ghost
Alchemist Shop Haunting Sphere
Herb Shop/Healer Clove and Dandelion
Bank Otherworldly Wealth

Festival Places of Interest

Destination Location Map# Lich# Room ID
Exchanges 25 count new books for shards/exp
Entrance, Evermore Hollow, Inner Ring 1 31558 u8083001
Arena of the Abyss Entry Arena of the Abyss, Influx 23 28549 u8225001
Auto-Flarer [Quinton Manse, Western Nook] 4 31773 u8084686
Card Game Winning Shriek 57 33939 u8084225
Custom Flare Messaging Quinton Manse 4 31572 u8083004
Dabbler Quinton Manse, Eastern Nook 4 31774 u8084685
Evermore Hotel Center of map 1 31569 u8083011
Fishing GLeyminn Anni River Locations:
Island (Stream of Reflections) 31834 u8083431
Shore (Moss Pond) 32073 u8083432
Rocky Path (Misty Waters) 31846 u8083429
Shore (Mold Marsh) 32074 u8083430
Fishing Gear Rodnir's Bait and Tackle 26 31635 u8083026
Fusion Shaman
Fusion Orb services to:
Increase charges pool, recharge, removal, swapping
Quinton Manse 4 31572 u8083004
Enhancive Services - Sylinar
Make permanent, Increase charges pool, recharge, removal, swapping
Quinton Manse 4 31572 u8083004
Gem Exchange
(for Gem Pile Extra Gems from the Community, to the Community)
Evermore Hollow, Fallen Court 7 31561 u8083007
Gem Pile Antiquarian Manor 5 31755 u8084696
Guidebook Quest Town Hall, Hallway
Newly Unliving Registry
1 32200 u8084004
Half-Elven Traveler
For Gilded locus work
Herb Hunt Entrance The Garden Shack 61 31978 8086350
Recharges Feywrote Mire Teleport Carousels
Wanders the Festival Grounds
Live Games Gallivant Manor and Grounds 115++ 32197 u8085023
Luminary Harvest Festival TBA
Midway TBA
Necrotic Ring Recharger Substance Quinton Manse 4 31572 u8083004
New Game, name TBA Bittermere Woods Expansion
Nodes Ebon Gate Node List
NPC that buys game drops
For a very little bit of currency
Gavelsdown Hall, Sitting room 2 31576 u8084015
Permitizer Obelisk Antiquarian Manor, Garden 5 31606 u8084692
Private Property Trove A Roof Above/The Roof Over 60 32286 u8084731
Sonreeva Entrance
169 32213 u8083347
Spook Coontest
Get started at the Spectral Waifling in the Spookorium
Town Hall, Spookorium 1 31813 u8084003
Sylinar's Fusion Services Quinton Manse 4 31572 u8083004
Tables Evermore Hotel, Bar 11 31747 u8087103
Trick or Treat Bags
Stacking storage for your Trick or Treat Candy
In The Bag 24 31584 u8084223
Trick or Treat Game Entry Endeltime Estates, Neighborhoo 24 31980 u8086199
Trove Tokens for Sale Gavelsdown Hall, Sitting room 2 31576 u8084015
Treasure Trove/s Gavelsdown Hall 2 33982 u8084011
Unlock Certificats
from past shops
Quinton Manse 4 31572 u8083004
Wishing Well Bittermere Woods, Convergence X 31660 u8083262

Can I just buy some soul shards?

If you have more money than time, there is an old has-been adventurer at the entrance/exit to Naidem who will exchange your 25 count key that you purchase in the SimuCoin shop (unused, and only the 25 count one) for 7,500 soul shards and 5,000 exp.

You may find players also selling soul shards for other currencies.

What happened to the Treasure Trove?

In 2023, the Treasure Trove was updated, and 2024 will follow the same format.

  • You buy a Trove Token for 100,000 silver
  • You need a merchant pass to get to the Trove
  • There will be 4 Troves this year! Plus a separate Trove for Private Property Owners.
  • You do not need to be online at the time of the Trove drawing
  • The Trove plans to draw around 9pm nightly while it is open (Oct 11 - 30). The time can change if there are delays with the Trove. GM Thandiwe also said if there are extra items, she may extend the Trove end date, as well.

What is the Evermore Hotel Invitation Only Event?

Introduced new for 2024, there is a special invitation only SPECTRE AND SHADOW Convention at the Evermore Hotel, Oct 4-6.

  • There will be a very limited number of invitations that go out via three ways, beginning October 1:
  • LOOT from creatures that can give boxes (attunes when envelope is opened)
  • Direct from the SimuCoin Shop for 15,000 SimuCoins in a limited release.
    • Oct 1, 5 Hotel keys go on sale at 3pm and another 5 at 9pm (attuned)
    • Oct 2, 5 Hotel keys go on sale at 3pm and another 5 at 9pm (attuned)
  • The special event includes these things for invitation holders:
    • 3 opportunities for a private merchant session
    • Access to restricted hotel room
    • Fully unlocked Naidem Mask
    • Special Events all three days, conference panels, workshops, and a Grand Masquerade Ball, multiple meals
    • Closing Gift: SPLIT Your key with a friend for the rest of the month in the Hotel, a 5-count alteration book, a 25-count event booklet (key), and other surprises
    • First Announcement detailed at Ebon Gate Festival/saved posts 2024#Announcement 1 - Hotel of Evermore Hollow Note: distribution details changed a few times since the initial announcement.

What is Fish-Hooking?

Sooner or later, you're going to hear someone say, "Old Crondi is fish-hooking!" or "There's fish hooking happening right now on the festival grounds." It might be a GM announcing it on Discord. It might be from another player, sharing the news. The GM announcement is rare, this usually happens with no fanfare or announcement.

Fish-Hooking is when a GM sends out a little scripted item randomly to an area. It will wiggle, flash, bounce, or otherwise move around in your story window and you will be really confused where it came from. In a matter of seconds, it will be gone. UNLESS you GET it. The first person in the room where it lands who picks it up will be teleported to a merchant somewhere, and will get a turn at whatever the merchant is offering. Usually it is GALD, but I did already invoke Old Crondi's name, so it might be other things! (Old Crondi is infamous for making you a DEAL on some bone, desiccated part, or skin of ... one of our races.)

Transport & Navigation

How do I get to Ebon Gate, where is it?

The festival grounds have a special teleporting command to get you there: QUEST TRANSPORT EBON

How do I get out of Ebon Gate?

Look for the violet-tinged cerulean tear at the northmost point of the Inner Ring of Evermore Hollow and go tear. You will be returned to wherever you were when you entered the Festival grounds.

If you are using Lich, you can ;go2 exit

Is there a map?

Yes, the map is here at the wiki, usually at the top of the Shop Listings page and the Evermore Hollow Map page. Do note that there are two individual images for the complete grounds.

Click on it once to see the page for it at the wiki, then click on THAT one again to get a larger version. Right Click to download it. If you use Lich, these maps are what you will see when you use Narost.

Schedule of Events

What happens during each week of Ebon Gate? (Prime)

The month is divided into parts. Note that events and merchants/raffles/trove could have different dates in Prime and in Platinum. This document is for Prime.

  • Oct 4: Grounds open. The storyline usually starts up around here sometime. Shops open at 9pm and stay open until midnight of November 1, when the festival closes.
  • Oct 4-6: The Invitation Only SPECTRE and SHADOW Conference at Evermore Hotel - Suite Key Required
  • Oct 4: Storyline begins, The Ivensra's Fate, plus shopping and getting to know Evermore Hollow. Storyline tips: Look Casivit, Brixit, and Pennysel to learn more. Keep up at the The Ivensra's Fate wiki page
  • Oct 4 Automated Game Activities begin and will be open until 11:59pm on Nov 3. These include Trick or Treat, the Herb Hunt, and Arena of the Abyss, although we're awaiting formal confirmation of the dates.
  • Oct 4: SimuCoin Shop starts selling entries, the service pass, and the special Ebon Gate Vault.
  • Oct 4: Big storyline kick off. (usually)
  • Oct 11 - 30: Each Treasure Trove draws once a day in the evening. There are 4 rooms at Gavelsdown Hall with a Trove in each one, plus a Trove in the Private Property Shop, The Roof Over. SERVICE PASS REQUIRED for All Treasure Troves.
    • Four Troves in Gavelsdown Hall will have Delayed Service Vouchers and. unique prize items
    • Read over the List of Trove Prizes at Gavelsdown Hall
    • One Private Property Trove in The Roof Over. Purchase tokens at Gavelsdown Hall. Private Properties Trove List
  • Oct 11-18: Live Games Week (Prime). These are live, GM-Moderated games, as listed below. SERVICE PASS REQUIRED. A number of contestants will be selected, depending on the game. Live Games in 2024 will take place at Gallivant Manor and its grounds. Look for it at Innocent's End, The Explorers, (u8083129, Lich Room 31781) and wander down the byway, then go southeast. To enter the Gallivant itself, remember the entrance is GO MARQUEE.
    • Fri. Oct 11, 9 pm: Blind Luck, [The Gallivant, Marquee] (8085023)
    • Sat. Oct 12, 2 pm: Cryptic Chronicles, [Abandoned Cemetery] (8085034)
    • Sun. Oct 13, 4 pm: Haunted Spirits [Gallivant Manor, Kitchen] (8085062)
    • Mon. Oct 14, 9 pm: Spooky Ciphers, [Gallivant Manor, Library] (8085065)
    • Tue. Oct 15 9 pm: Pyrestarters, [Bonfire of the Gallivants] (8085033)
    • Wed. Oct 16, 9 pm: Wheel of Misfortune, [Under the Manor] (8085066)
    • Fri. Oct 18: Sonreeva, the Dungeon Crawl Quest Opens (requires a cube for entry)
    • Fri, Oct 18: The new game, “Undergrowth of Bittmere Woods” or colloquially “the Witch’s Garden” opens. (requires a cube for entry, we think)
    • Sun. Oct 27, Noon: The Costume Contest, location still to be determined
  • Oct 18-25: Merchant Week. SERVICE PASS REQUIRED to see merchants for alterations, unlocks, etc. Raffles take place this week, requiring a pass, too.
  • Oct 25-29: Last days for the storyline quest
  • Oct 30: Last Trove Drawing (Unless there are extras?)
  • Oct 30-Nov 1: No GM events or interactions, but all games and shops remain open
  • Oct 30- Nov 3: Luminary Harvest Festival
  • Nov 3: The Grounds close at 11:59pm and it is over until next October
  • GHOUL schedule and prize information listed in-game with FESTIVAL 6 (Service Pass required):
    • TBA

When will each Merchant visit during Merchant Week?

(and where will they be?)

  • It is very rare to have pre-announced times for any merchants during Ebon Gate. Stay alert! Some will appear on a page at the main wiki page for the event.
  • Merchants nearly always work behind a door/curtain/alcove/etc entry. Some work in shops, some work in the Wrenscrest Rookery Building.

How will I know when there is a Live Game, or a Merchant?

  • Watch your announcement window in your front end, if you have one. Not every merchant or event uses the announcement window, so keep that in mind.
  • Keep an eye on your story window for the things that miss the Announcement Window.
  • The TownCrier channel (ESP) will announce most visits if you are not at Evermore Hollow (Festival in-game announcements are only seen in the Festival Grounds)
  • Your special Guidebook (when you complete the Quest) will list currently working merchants and raffles which have not drawn yet. The Guidebook works whether you are on the Festival Grounds or not
  • The official GS Discord may have some announcements as things happen. (But usually not all of them)
  • The Platform formerly known as Twitter abandoned their small niche clients, so neither GemStone nor the TownCrier announce anything on it any more.


Tune to the TownCrier (both channels carry identical content, pick your favorite!) and watch for a rotating series of EG Tips mixed in with the current events and EG News from Miss Newsby:

  • ESP TUNE TownCrier
  • For Lich: ;tune TownCrier (Miss Newsby's LNet is still busted from earlier this year)


Here's our bookmarks list, the pages to bookmark for reference during EG: