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Ebon Gate 2024 Quick Reference Shop Index

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If you use Lich, ;go2 already knows the name of all these shops, no room numbers are needed. ;go2 All Dogs Go To Naidem.

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All shops linked to their complete info and inventory page here at the wiki. Merchant names, locations and services are reported from Plat and Prime in previous years. YMMV, please add them as you come across them.

New Shops this year appear in bold.

A. B. Witching Breath Mints, Cigar, Gloumerrick books, Matchlight Tattoo Ring Beitdelaris, Alekks (Raffles GALD)
Adorned Endearment Gems, Ear Candy, Jewelry, IACL, Illegal Alter Clothing Line
All Dogs Go To Naidem WerePuppy, WerePuppy Toy , puppy Knitting needles, WerePuppy Clothes, blank imbeddables Tugaroulu (Yard, WerePuppy raffles, related services)
All Fingers and No Crumbs Small Diner's Board, menu, food, unlocks
Antiquarian Manor rare materials, Alter fodder, Antiquarian's Apparatus, , The Gem Pile (Lich room 31755), storage, gems, elesine, ghezyte, Permifier, obelisk
Any Way You Wand It magic imbed, wands, spells, bravery, strike, invisibility, potions, wand, Wand-holding container, wand harness, unlocks, storage, Wand Combiner
Armaments of the Destroyer Voln armor and unlocks
The Art of the Drapery champagne, wine, Diverse Drapes clothing, unlocks, gowns, drapes, overlays, train, veil, bustle, interchanges with Dapper Drapes, attachments
Beneath the Philtrum Lip Gloss by Naidem, cosmetics, makeup, lip shapes, features, the cosmetics --inator, bundler, cosmetics case Tufeetti
Beyond the Graver Ancestral Assistant, forging, weapon, modification, design, alteration, tool, unlocks
The Blood Red Hand The Blood Red Hand, ferocious fingers, hands, verbs, roleplay, gloves, unlocks
Borrowed Plumes Borrowed Plumes Masque, mask, feature worn, stick
Both Sides Now Reversible Garment clothing, reversible, reversible garment Balthyn (Studio, general alterations of shop inventory)
Buckle Up Swappable Belts and Buckles, buckle, belt,swap,swappable Taoughen (back room, Flask belts and Swappable Belts and Buckles altering - no flasks)
A Burning Desire Sacred Flame Oil Lamp, Sacred Flame Lamp Oil, lamp oil, scented, lamp,oil
Chimes in the Mist **New! Belled Clothing and Nomad Bells
The Cloaked Eclipse Moth Cloak, butterfly cloak
Collectors Calamity gem cutter Pattern Holder, Gem-in-ator, crafter's caboodle, storage
Conjured Couture makeup, Makeup 2.0, Veola, hat
Cooktop Conundrums Portable stove, cooking, chef, food
Covert Creatures Covert Creatures, unlock, costume, push replicated bug, creature, clothing Spookia
Cozy Little Friends Pets, Mandrake pet, Dragonfly pet, Cat pet the new pet cat by Retser
The Dancing Death Dirge Ebon Gate Music Box, music box
Derelict Abbey Chrismarium, chrism, store charges
Diabolically Chained Globus Naidem Runestaff, Demonic Dread Flares
Discerning Stitch Dapper Drapery, men's Drapable garments, interchanges with Diverse Drapes, Art of the Drapery, half cape, pauldron, cuff, cravat, attatch
Don't Bug Me! Beard Bugs, unlock, beard clip, insect, bugs, beard bugs
Drowned Dreams Curiosities Armor from rusalkysk, transmute, rusalkoren, rusalkita, new material, armor, brine flares, tidal wave flares, Rusalkan
Elemental Embellishments elemental themed jewelry, zesty, messaging, elements
Ember Ridge Candy Apple Shop candy apple, toppings, dips
Ember Ridge Cider House Make your own fresh pressed cider
Entranced Eyes of the Arkati visions, eyes, disks, divinationm, scrying bowls, unlocks for scrying bowls,
The Familiar Phantom Familiar Talismans for Wizards
Fancy Wishbones Home to Illusion Pets, pet, illusions
Farain's Shack Shock Weapons, unlocks Farain
Fiendish Phantomes Book Buddies, books as pets Shaenle (Study, GALD); Jassamine (Study, Book Buddies)
Filigree and Whorls Naidem Mask, unlocks
The Final Iteration Runestone carver, Imbue box, Gold Ring Box, customize your gold ring look Dazzelwyn (back room, pocket adding)
Flasked with a Purpose Flask belt, Drink containers
Flightless Dragonfly Winged wear, clothing, unlocks Amdirlost (back room, GALD, Veolas, Look at me Jewlery, feature alterations)
Fortified **New! Twisted armor, Vacuum, Fire, Frost, Cold, Flares
The Four Humours Bloodletting Bowl, bloodletter, Bloodletting Leech Jar, leeches, lancets Deloras
Fresh from the Coven **New! Chatelaine, and unlocks for them. Also: [[I Dream of Geology Series}} Pliers for chatelaines, Superspecs glasses, and glasses. unlocks, Weaveable Tool Shears, Perfume, thimbles,
Ghastly Groceries groceries, grocery, ingredients, food
The Ghostly Lotus Origami, Origami paper, unlocks, Origami Kits, Origami Master Yagala
The Glass House Sirenglass Runestaff Zests, actions
Glisten and Gleam Gems, uncut, shiny!
The Gnome Depot Gem-eater Eisenruck, Glyph Adorned Baldric, Ivory Adorned Baldric, Sigil Adorned Baldric, Topaz Adorned Baldric, Quartz Orb Baldric Gnomish Repair Toolbelt, logic enhancive cog Gmononia (Workshop, unlocking and adding sockets to eisenrucks)
Goblin King Dolls Whodoo Doll Hayleth (The Room, doll unlocking, raffles)
The Gouged Heart Forging, glyphs Forging Gouge, unlock, bug, customize, hilt
Haunted Waters Artifacts Weapons of the new material with Tidal Flares, Brine of the Rusalka flare: rusalkoren, Rusalkan
House of Twilight Hidden Dagger Harness, Cigar Sling, Invisibility Sphere Rescher (GALD)
Icewild Hall Terinan Collection, gown, clothing, accessorized and combined items, AYRWT?, Are You Really Wearing That? clothing line
Illusory Dreams Dreamfire illusion bracelets, Dreamfire Panel Bracelet, unlocks, panels, panel storage, stock panel display Elusionari (back room, Dreamfire bracelet unlocking and alters)
The Imprinter's Studio Dreamfire Panel Bracelet Portrait Panel Artist, customizer
In the Bag Trick-or-Treat bag, for your candy, storage, sorting
Innoscents Lost Auto-Perfumer, unlocks
Ironmonger's Smithy Blacksmith's Companion, unlocks, forging, weapon, names, looks Dysudo (adding customizations to blacksmith's companions)
It's to Pie For Cooking recipe cards, cooking, Cooking tool, cooking implements, pies
Kettle Black **New! Popcorn Kettles, unlocks
Kreapy's Krawliez Creepy-Crawly Jar, unlock, tapeworm, maggots, bat, eyeballs, etc
Lacquered Ungues Nail polish, Nail Polish Holder, nail shapes, features
Luck of the Draw Tricks and Games, Portable darkbox, Trick Cards, candy, food, Breath Mints, Water-squirting fish pin, Trick Exploding cigar, balloon, Inflated bladder toy, Inflatable Rolton Intestine, Bloody trick dagger, Fake Blood for the dagger, Kick Me sign, hug me signs, Two-headed coin, Sleight of Hand Jokester Jokstyr (GALD)
Market Makers *Updated Market Stalls, unlocks, new Hawker Unlock in 2024
Masqued Intentions Possessed Mask, magic imbeds, crystal, spells, egg Skaeven (back room, unlocking of shop wares)
Materials Maketh Man fabric, cobbling, The Fabricator, bundlerm unlock
Moorlyn Cottage ruff, Neck ruff, sleeve, Fun Hats, amadis sleeves Tolomyn
Name of Thrones mount names, rename mounts, Potion of Naming
Nana's Notes cookbook, Recipe book, cooking
Nereid's Voice **New! Ocarina instrument
Nether and Void PeakyWear, clothing
Nightfire Brews food, scones, tea leaves, drink container, tea kettle, coffee press, tea room, bakery
Old Ossuary **New! Scrimshaw Knife, unlocks
The Other Daughter Disguise Elixir items, race, gender, Illusion prop
Peace of Mind Chrism holders: Fobs, Pocket chains, pin, handflower
Pierced Veil Piercing Kit, Flippable piercing jewelry, jewelry Igges (Second Floor, GALD on shop wares)
Piper's Peepers **New! Jeepers Creepers spyglasses, unlocks, bird cage strage, feather holder storage sash or boa
Playful Prisms **New! Home of Kaleidoscopes and Juggling Orbs
Preserving Breads Basketifier, unlock, food, preserve, unlimited
Quinton Manse Unlock certificates from past EG/events The Old One-Two UAC Footwrap, Eviscerating Knife, Ribbonator 2000, Aldoran Sandals of Velathae, Nalfein Black Rose Deck, Of the Faith Collection, Wingsong Collection Dragonfly Festival Cloak, Wrap-Skirt, and Saephua, Mourning Appeal flowers, Thelsia Jewelry Box, Plumed Hair Do-Hickey, Hair bauble, Tonsorial Tricks Razor, Globus Elanthias Runestaff, Voln armor, Stufimal, BeardBugs Beard Clip, Talking/Mechanical Parrot, Zetoile Toy, Un(refined) gown, Spiffy jacket, Bone Shaman Clothing, Petticoats, Siolan weapon, Erithi Teabowl, Twisted weapon, Arkati Sigil, Kokia Belt, Metallic gowns. Yansio clothing.Beatie Baby.
BUY Items/services:
Food, Fusion shaman, Sylinar, enhancives, enhancive services, enhancive swapping, flare tokens, Custom flare messaging, Ebon Gate auto flarer, autoflarer, Necrotic Ring Recharge Substance, The Dabbler properties stripper (a diminutive korrigan)
Rack 'Em Up Fletchings, Fletching Paint, Fletching Paintstick
Rodnir's Bait and Tackle *Updated Super-Fish-All Tackle Box, Fishing, fishing supplies, rod, line, sinker, lure, Bugs 2 Lure Jig, Fish unlock for Jeepers Creeper Rodnir
The Roof Over Private property items, garden, flora, capacity, keyless entry, foraged item prop, window, glass
Rub-a-Dub-Dub Fluffy Towel, Portable Tubs and Wash Basins, soap, spell imbed, portable wash basin, tub Vaella (Lookout, fusion orbs, folding chairs, tubs, towels)
Shadowplay Shadowplay Gowns, gown unlock, light, shadows, dark, Lip gloss
Sheets Gone Wild Mount Costumes
Sizzle and Spice *Updated Frying Pans for cooking, Seed Vaults, bundler, seed-inator, Dawdly Magic Pot, Dawdley Pot, Skillet Unlocks for cheese added in 2024
Sleightest Hand Waggling Gloves, loresong, unlock
Smoldereye Lodge Premium teleportation jewelry, transport, fwi, haunted, grounded, naidem flavoring
The Sorrowwood Crypt Home of GHOUL, with daubers and folios for sale, Bingo, game cards
Sounds Beyond **New! Noise Contraption and unlocks
Spider Johnn's Tin Smoke Box tobacco, pipe tobacco, tins, Tobacco box, wrappers, rolling, Matchbook
Starlit Cavern **New! Spider bags, and return of the Ghule Line: Ghule broomstick, Ghule Whip, Ghule Hat, Ghule Claws, Ghule Ring,Ghule Cloak, Ghule Fangs
Stay Tuned Instrument Strap, Fanciful music case, instrument case, plectrum, Ghostly instrument pins
Such Sights to See **Would have been new if it had opened. Maybe next year!
Templeton Shor'toes' Sugars Baker's Case, Bittle Frosting, tips, bundler, Frosting Bucket
Tippy Toes Cobbling silk screen, leather tool, uppers, custom, cobbling lace scissors, dye, ribbon Airisu (Upstairs, cobbling raffles and alterations)
Tooth and Claw Tooth Extractor, tooth keys, letting you weave teeth that you skin into things
Twisted Glory **New! Twisted weapons and unlocks. Lightning, Twisted armor, Lightning, and unlocks. Twisted shield, Lighning, and unlocks
Twisted Lodge **New! Twisted shields, unlocks, Vacuum, Fire, Cold, flares
Twisted Ways *Updated Twisted weapons and unlocks,
The Two-Headed Dog pauldron, The Monster-Headed Pauldron, spaulder, unlocks, worn location unlock
The Uncouth Wallflower The Uncouth Wallflower Gown, clothing, dress unlocks, ribbon, cobbling dye,
A Vague Inkling Discreet container (not fully unlocked), inks, nibs, pens, invisible ink Cheryan
The Vamped Vault Creepy stole, Holey Pants, Hips Don't Lie Dancing Scarves, Scarf
Whispering Pages **New! Home of New Lore Books. DELAYED OPENING with Gloumerrick books, Titles: Lantern of the Ferryman, Harvest Luminary Festival, Denizens of Naidem, a visit from Zenuoie, Tale of the Doomicorn, The Last Wedding of Vistix Akrath - A draugr Fairytale, The Mandrake and the Witch
Wild Flailings Pinatas, unlocks, stick, baton, rod, party
Winning Shriek The Dead Hand Card Game, find cards, case, card decks, collect, turn in
The Witch's Garden Forager's Vasculum, unlocks, herb, pluck, bundler, foraging items, foraged things, smudge stick, Forager's Gloves, unlock, gloves, Fancy Coat, fancy coat adornment
The Witching Flower Weaving, weavable, woven, weaving, items, weaving tote, weavable tools, shears, laethe, belt, lathe Blodau (back room, GALD, bundles of weavables)
The Witching House Perfume, Perfuminator, unlock, food, drink, blood, wine Beitris (back room, perfume refilling, jewelry alterations)
Within Harm's Reach Modular Neck Sheath, unlocks, Stylized Edge Weapons, invisibility sphere