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Ashes to Ashes (storyline)/2022-06-04 - Tyrrax's Triumph (log)

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Ivastaen 4-5, 5122

by Leafiara Autumnwind of the TownCrier

Short Synopsis

As decided by the jurors, Tyrrax's release commences; Mayor Thadston gets the help of adventurers and Rooks to escort the krolvin warlord through Burrow Way to the Black Sands while riots break out on the streets above. After they make it to the sands, Thadston and Tyrrax stage a battle in which Tyrrax defeats the Landing's "mayor-king" to reclaim his freedom. He releases the prisoners as promised, the returns to sea after promising he'll return to battle Grishom Stone.

Longer Synopsis

As Landing adventurers await Mayor Thadston's move with Tyrrax, Rooks perch on the rooftops while town guards and militiamen patrol the streets, watching the alleys. A ship briefly appears on the horizon and Thadston calls everyone to the bane cell. As they convene, angry townspeople begin to gather in the streets. The plan: the town councilors will explain the town's decision to Tyrrax--but Councilors Pukk and Chandrellia immediately say they'll leave it to Councilor Leafiara--then Thadston will need everyone's help arranging for Tyrrax and his six brothers to get to the Black Sands.

The group enters Tyrrax's cell. He's ready for his trial, but Leafi explains that town has agreed to Tyrrax's terms of release, those being to set him free in exchange for the following:

  • His krolvin fleet will stand down and cease attacks against the Landing
  • He'll inform the krolvin that the Lalk Morgil formula was destoyed
  • He'll release the militiaman Rian and Kharusa's father to the Landing
  • He'll aid in the future against the blood heretic Grishom Stone

Tyrrax double checks that his brothers will also be set free, and Leafi confirms that they will. Tyrrax begins to ask something, but Thadston whispers something to him and Tyrrax barks loudly, calling him a clever human and asks if he's half-krolvin. Thadston threatens Tyrrax that if he ever sways from his word, the Landing has a Xorus, who is the Lalk Morgil--but Tyrrax says he's kept his word and will continue to. Leafi asks Tyrrax if he has any other concerns, but he doesn't. Xorus says he won't come for Tyrrax's people if they don't come after him, but he may find Xorus will be of great help with the blood heretic.

As the group argues about the merits of the majority decision from jurors Dendum, Drektor, Goldstr, Kiyna, Lylia, and Tayler (Irval being the one dissenting vote), Tyrrax notes that the Landing bickers like the krolvin; Thadston says more words and less blood; Tyrrax says words stain deeper.

The group begins to head out, but chanting goes up from rioters wanting to kill Tyrrax. Dozens of ships dot the bay on the horizon--and soldiers in the towers report krolvin already at the North Gate! Thadston gives Tyrrax a look, but Tyrrax shakes his head. As guards also report krolvin at the Black Sands, Thadston's group proceeds to the back alley of Helga's, then down into Burrow Way. Tyrrax says he can't call the krolvin to stop and Thadston agrees: not yet.

As adventurers proceed through the tunnels, movement in the shadows heralds the arrival of the Rooks, who guard the group from behind as Thadston gives them a nod. Some adventurers remain above ground to try to calm the rioting, but the tunnel group runs into its own problems as armigers arrive to attack! The group cuts them down by the dozens while making its way through, as North Ring Road and the barracks are set aflame. Tyrrax notes the irony that for weeks the krolvin and the Landing met in battle, but now they're fighting to bring him back to sea, and he says he won't forget.

Just as the tunnel group is about to make it to the sands, civilians above figure out where they are and approach from the cave exit. The group battles through armigers and some civilian casualties, making it out to the Black Sands. Once out, Tyrrax calls to his fleet over ESP that it's finished. Thadston unlocks Tyrrax's chains as krolvin ships approach with ballistae aimed while militiamen arrive with Tyrrax's captured brothers.

Thadston asks if Tyrrax accepts "mrodburz," which he seems to, then Thadston punches him in the face, Tyrrax smashes Thadston's chest, Thadston knees him in the gut, and Tyrrax headbutts Thadston to break his nose. Thadston stumbles forward and Tyrrax uppercuts him away, then pushes him down and stomps to break his ribs! He finally lifts Thadston by the hair, howls and barks, then slams a fist into Thadston's head to send him dropping to the sand.

Tyrrax frees his brothers and says the Landing's Mayor King Child is defeated, but his promises remain and he won't forget this. He signals to his ships and his teleportation rings return to his fingers. Xorus says one day they may speak of the destruction of their mutual enemies and Tyrrax nods, saying this isn't the end. He has his people bring Rian and Kharusa's father out to free them and tells Rian, who had been acting as his scribe while held captive, to let the legend of Tyrrax and the destruction of the Lalk Morgil carry to all lands, then heads back out to sea.

After he's gone, Thadston spits out sand and blood and says he's fine, then has the militia bring Kharusa's father and Rian to safety. He says, perhaps jokingly, that jurors might have been a poor choice. Kiyna says she thinks this was right, but Thadston says it's not about right or wrong and those choices are rare; protecting our people is right, and it's about how many will die and how many will not. He thanks everyone for their aid, but is sure this is far from over.


Awaiting Thadston

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Aljian disk, a huge orange cat, the Raiyner disk, a lazy wild brick red dog, some soft red linen robes, a simple pottery mug, a simple pottery mug, a simple pottery mug, a simple pottery mug, a simple pottery mug, a simple pottery mug, a shaggy silver and white puppy with mismatched blue and brown eyes, a sleek raven black kitten masked in stormy grey fur, a grey-muzzled bluish-brown kit with a long bushy tail, the faenor Chandrellia disk inlaid with intersecting bands of jet, a green-eyed striped silver kitten, the Faldien disk, a blue wolf, a tiny orange calico kitten wearing a tiny tricorn charm, the Revalius disk, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a shot of crisp cedar whiskey, a sinuous bone white serpent, the translucent Nairena disk, an onyx-nosed fuzzy grey bandicoot, the Kelandri disk, the Wolfloner disk, an elemental core, the Irval disk, the Lunatick disk, a black-toed saddleback foxhound, an ayanad crystal, a stale almond tart, a titan-stamped steel-lipped oak stein and a bunch of other stuff.

Also here: Kiyna, Lord Aljian, Lord Gregnal who is sitting, High Lady Lahanna, Raiyner, Oxhammer, Tzii, Missoni, Sir Cryheart, Bernadette, Perigourd, Sanies, Grand Lady Chandrellia, Faldien, Gutstorm, Lord Revalius, Falvicar, Greyandetandt who is sitting, Maiden Nairena, Stormbull who is lying down, Platio, Kelandri, Wolfloner, Drektor, Kayse, Chamorr, Town Councilor Pukk, Lord Irval, Lunatick, Vaemyr, Pietra, Jurist of Eye Leifa, Theofanis, Andromalius who is sitting

Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "Say it again."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk says, "Wow, they listened to you."

Lunatick says, "So it startes."

Speaking to Pukk, Chandrellia says, "I sure hope so."

Leafiara muses, "Well, here we go."

Irval says, "Oh great Not a large showing of support at the moment."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk exclaims, "Quick tell everybody to give me all their silvers!"

Speaking curiously to Pukk, Leafiara asks, "Did you make the call?"

Stormyrain asks, "Are you leading Cryheart? Or is Leafi?"

Revalius asks, "Is all the whiskey cause we're preparing for the end?"

Speaking to Tzii, Gregnal says, "Nothing needed."

Stormyrain says, "There's that answer."

Pukk recites:

"Everybody join Cryheart!"

Leafiara exclaims, "Sir Cryheart it is!"

[General] Pookia asks, "Whyd it get so dark??"

Pietra recites:

"Pukk forgot to say it again, Join... ah"

Cryheart says, "I think we ...well..had two groups but not now."

Gregnal asks, "Cryheart?"

Gregnal asks, "Why would I do that?"

Leafiara muses, "Right back."

[General] Beckstabber thinks, "Because i'm here now muahahahah."

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Pookia, I hope its becasue the citizens are shutting their windoes to avoid anything flying thru them."

Speaking to Perigourd, Bakarus says, "Good to fight side by side with you."

Tzii exclaims, "We're goin fishin !"

Speaking drunkenly to Kayse, Gutstorm slurs, "A giff."

Speaking to Bakarus, Perigourd says, "I see no fighting, as of yet."

Speaking surprisedly to Gutstorm, Kayse says, "Ah, I see...."

Nairena says, "Meh."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pukk asks, "Bring some for Tyrrax?"

[General] Luxelle asks, "They do not want rain inside and all?"

[General] Neopuron thinks, "Bring out your dead."

Cryheart says, "I do believe we will have different groups: triage, pylon, gates..patrols."

Dark hooded figures crouch along the rooftops of Wehnimer's Landing, cloaked in the cover of night, and soaked in the steady downpour of rain. They are perched like gargoyles born of living shadows, both fluid and silent in their movements.

Speaking to Cryheart, Vaemyr says, "I wonder if we should just head to the barracks now."

Bernadette softly says, "Might jes go off witout a hitch, den again dis be deh lannin."

Nalver says, "Ohh."

Speaking to Perigourd, Bakarus says, "Lets hope its merely darkness descending and no fighting needed."

Stormyrain asks, "Will the Rooks make a statement this night, then?"

[Drakes] Nalver thinks, "Things happening."

Cryheart recites:

"I do believe we will have different groups: triage, pylon, gates..patrols"

Speaking to Stormyrain, Chandrellia says, "We'll see."

Oxhammer says, "Here we go."

Cryheart says, "Etc, etc."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me not fightin tnite."

Gregnal says, "I suppose I'll just gaze at the sky."

[OOC] Luxelle: "Not yet - But someone is sure preparing for trouble."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Pukk says, "Rooks always make a statement. They will be here to protect the town."

Speaking to Cryheart, Vaemyr says, "There's an escort needed for Tyrrax."

Chamorr heartily says, "I'll guard the tavern."

Leafiara says, "If Thadston struck another deal with them for his secret route, he's never hearing the end of it from me."

Pietra whispers to the group, "I thought we were setting Tyrrax free..."

Speaking to Pukk, Stormyrain says, "As they always are."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Vaemyr says, "They were around last night, fighting the Amigirs that attacked."

Speaking to Tzii, Erienne says, "I like your style."

Lunatick recites:

"I'll be draggin again tonight so just lemme know where ya'll are if you fall"

Nairena says, "I hope we dont have to more citizens tonight."

Nairena says, "Have to kill."

Bernadette softly says, "We shuld has no prollem den."

Town guards and uniformed militiamen patrol the glistening streets of town, their boots splashing in watery puddles as they pass. Their eyes are trained on every corner and every alley that they pass.

Bernadette softly says, "But.. den agin dis be lannin."

Gregnal says, "I think that's the moon."

Gregnal says, "Maybe..."

Chamorr heartily says, "Thats a small fact."

Cryheart asks, "Hmmm...someone hae a whiskey party?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Pietra fault."

Thrassus says, "I heard there might be a bit of a ruckus happening this evening."

Speaking to Cryheart, Pietra exclaims, "Gutstorm brought me whiskey!"

Nairena says, "Its not very strong whiskey."

Tayler says, "That's a lot of whiskey."

Gregnal says, "I think that's a stare."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "You're the best friend."

Cryheart says, "Well...hard for him to ye hae toe remind him."

Speaking to Thrassus, Irval says, "We hope that won't be the case..."

Gregnal says, "Or.. star."

Gregnal says, "MAybe."

Speaking drunkenly to Pietra, Gutstorm slurs, "Yup yup."

Speaking to Cryheart, Pietra says, "I did say a lot, or maybe even "ALL"..."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Nairena asks, "What are we gathering up for?"

Cryheart says, "Ye need to be specific with him."

Speaking to Irval, Pukk asks, "You will be staying here in TSC where we most need you right? Where you did great that other day and protecting the town and saving so many people?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me may need to protect Lylia."

Speaking to Cryheart, Pietra says, "I've found that doesn't help much either, to be honest."

Gregnal says, "Far, far too many people."

[General] Thadston thinks, "Evening."

[General] Leafiara greets, "Evening there."

[General] Lylia thinks, "Good evening to you."

Speaking to Pukk, Irval asks, "You wish to exclude me from the escort I see? Consolidate your power base and leave any dissenting opinion behind?"

[General] Falvicar thinks, "Evening, Mayor."

[General] Vaemyr asks, "Evening Thadston, are things ready?"

[General] Goldstr thinks, "Hail Mayor."

[General] Tayler thinks, "Good evening."

Cryheart asks, "Ok..we hae triage set, just in case?"

[General] Bernadette thinks, "Good eve Mayor."

Speaking to Irval, Pukk says, "No. I just want to thank you for saving so many people."

[General] Kayse thinks, "Fair evening, Mayor."

[General] Cryheart thinks, "Set triage."

Speaking to Irval, Pukk says, "I know how little you think of politics and I know you enjoy saving us all."

[General] Stormyrain thinks, "Mayor."

[General] Cryheart thinks, "Guards at docks and gates."

Tzii exclaims, "You're all rich now !"

The voice of Solmarar darkly hisses, "Death is neih."

Thin, spindly like bolts of lightning dance across the sky, flashing on the horizon of Darkstone Bay as a sea storm churns beyond.

Speaking to Pukk, Irval says, "Ive spoken to the healers, and several will be here when I am gone. If there are too many issues I can come back. For now lets see this through."

Speaking to Tayler, Gregnal says, "My favorite people."

Dendum says, "Hrmm."

Dendum says, "Think we will have to delay anything this night."

Markx says, "O. This seems fine."

Lunatick exclaims, "And of course Dely runs when the action starts!"

Dendum says, "Weather is not good."

The voice of Solmarar darkly hisses, "No one will save you now."

Speaking to Gregnal, Tayler says, "Hopefully you won't have to see me dead, I look horrible."

Speaking to Irval, Pukk asks, "Which healers will be here?"

Ithilwyn softly says, "He's seen me dead."

Speaking to Ithilwyn, Yardie says, "Most of us have."

Speaking to Tayler, Gregnal says, "Well, I hope not."

Pietra asks, "Can I get some wizard spells anyone?"

Ithilwyn softly exclaims, "I die well!"

Speaking to Pukk, Irval says, "Kialiegh will be around town. So will Witfog."

Speaking to Gregnal, Tayler says, "Hopefully it'll be a nice quiet night, an easy prisoner handoff."

Speaking to Irval, Pukk asks, "But they are not here now?"

[General] Gutstorm drunkenly thinks, "Dere ish a neat mural on da norf ring road wesht of da barrack."

Speaking to Tayler, Gregnal asks, "Prisoner handoff?"

Lunatick says, "Ok."

Lunatick says, "You wish."

Cryheart asks, "Is Tyrrax in jail or the prison?"

Speaking to Nairena, Pietra says, "Thank you very much."

Speaking to Tayler, Gregnal asks, "Am I suddenly too sober?"

Speaking to Cryheart, Stormyrain says, "Barracks."

[General] Juramis asks, "Ugh! More rain, and thunder! Does this never end?"

Tayler exclaims, "I'm sure it'll be a breeze!"

Yardie asks, "What's the plan?"

Lunatick says, "Yes Greg."

[General] Stormyrain thinks, "--no."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Dendum remarks, ""He also join militia?"

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "No, welcoem to teh Landing Juarmnis."

Cryheart says, "Perhaps we should meander to the barracks."

Speaking to Dendum, Stormyrain says, "He's in a bane cell at the Mayor's behest."

[Town Square, East]

Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a brilliant purple kitten wearing a purple collar clasped with a pair of crossed silver swords, a green-eyed striped silver kitten, a lazy wild brick red dog, the toy-stuffed Pookia disk, a huge orange cat, some bright red paint smeared on a wall that reads, "Justice? Or just them?" and a large purple wooden barrel.

Juramis glances up.

[General] Lylia thinks, "You see, moist air comes in off the bay in the evening, and ...ah. I believe now that you were not truly asking about the weather."

[General] Vaemyr thinks, "Lord Juramis, I would recomend you stay indoors tonight."

Juramis huskily asks, "Why am I standing outside?"

Lord Juramis just trudged into the Moot Hall.

[Moot Hall, Great Lobby]

The great lobby is quite spacious, with an oak bannister wrapping around a staircase leading to the second story of Moot Hall. The walls are draped in rich tapestries framing niches that hold marble busts of local dignitaries. To the north is a double door, and to the west, a mahogany door bearing a silver plaque. A carpeted pathway leads toward the Debt Collector's Office. You also see the toy-stuffed Pookia disk, a brilliant purple kitten wearing a purple collar clasped with a pair of crossed silver swords, an iron bucket, an iron bucket, an iron bucket, an iron bucket, a large wooden chest, a large wooden chest, a veil iron shield-shaped plaque, a blackboard and an old stained table with some stuff on it.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Get Mongo inshide."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "He catcha cold."

Cryheart says, "That is a good question."

Falvicar says, "So Owly can hear him."

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Oh no Juramis come see how we handle protecting this town first hand, you are quick to judge us about how things are done, come see how they are done."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Only way to make Mongo ash big ash Owlie ish ta feed him cake."

Lunatick asks, "Where we meeting?"

Nairena says, "Im rich."

Juramis huskily asks, "Was the krolvin killed in the night? Or do we still have this problem to deal with?"

Cryheart says, "I am headed to the barracks for now."

Chamorr heartily says, "Join cryheart."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "We shtill got dat prollem to deal wit."

Cryheart says, "He ha nae been releaed yet I think."

A quick flash of lightning brightens the distant sky, briefly causing the horizon of the bay to glow. The silhoutte of a ship can be seen, but soon is obscured again by the darkness of night. More lightning strikes illuminate the sky, but there is no sign of a ship again.

Speaking to Juramis, Vaemyr says, "And where were you last night."

Stormyrain says, "The attempt to kill him failed."

Tayler says, "Ships..."

Speaking to Juramis, Leafiara sighs, "...why exactly are you even here? This night could get rather dangerous."

Lunatick exclaims, "Ghost ship!"

Cryheart says, "A ship."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "A spy for Amos."

Tayler says, "Where there's one."

[General] Thadston thinks, "Please report to the barracks, to the bane cell."

Nairena says, "That might be Tyrrax's ride."

Vaemyr says, "To the barracks we go."

Cryheart says, "Barracks."


Chamorr heartily says, "Move out."

[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]

The cobbled road girds the town along the inner side of the northern palisade. Just to the north stand the twin sentinels of the gate's guardtowers, silhouetted against the night sky. Guardsmen come and go through the main gates, keeping a close eye on the people of all races who move to and fro. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier. You also see some bright red paint smeared on a wall that reads, "Where is justice?".

[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]

North Ring Road intersects here with a cobbled street of modest dimensions that opens up to the south, where traffic becomes more dense along the lamplit routes to the main square. Towards the east, the guardtowers at the river gates can be seen in the distance, rising dark against the night sky. You also see some bright red paint smeared on a wall that reads, "Blood Witch Marshall", a cobblestone path and an autumnal-hued wagon with a round bronze-reinforced burgundy door.

[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]

The east-west road continues, closed in on the south by the militia barracks and on the north by the twelve-foot-high wall of the city itself. The occasional thud of leather boots in unison upon cobbled pavement and the clipped shouts of barked orders reverberate off the modwir walls along this part of the road. The scents of leather, weapon oil and hearty cooking fill the night air. You also see the town barracks.

Goldstr says, "Hopefully da ship bringin Rian an Kharusa's father to us."

Stormyrain says, "Oh we're here."

Tayler says, "Endlessly confusing barracks."

Stormyrain says, "All the way south."

Cryheart says, "Which area of the jail."

Tayler says, "Need a map to navigate it."

Informing Tyrrax

[Barracks, Jailhouse]

Wall sconces house glowing torches which cast dancing shadows along the long hallway. Every footfall along the stone floor echoes and the faint scurrying of a rodent can be heard in the distance. You also see a green-eyed striped silver kitten, the Ysharra disk, the pallid grey Melikor disk emblazoned with a vibrant scarlet pentacle, a brilliant purple kitten wearing a purple collar clasped with a pair of crossed silver swords, the toy-stuffed Pookia disk and a tall crystalline door.

Thadston nods at Lylia.

Missoni greets, "Mayor."

Pukk says, "Aha."

Thadston nods at Thrassus.

Thadston says, "I died of old age."

Thadston nods at Cryheart.

Thadston smirks.

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Knuckleheads portin fer doooty!!"

Cryheart says, "Ye still look alive."

Cryheart grins.

Speaking in Faendryl to Thadston, Ysharra says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "He was being careful he didnt trip."

Speaking helpfully to Thadston, Leafiara says, "Sir Cryheart's leading a large group, cut him some slack."

Lord Juramis just came trudging in.

Lunatick says, "Ah."

Lunatick exclaims, "Found everyone!"

Tayler asks, "You know how hard it is to fit 30 of us through that tiny door?"

Vaemyr whispers something to Thadston.

Lunatick exclaims, "Now ya'll are IT and we'l hide!"

Speaking in Faendryl, Thadston says something you don't understand.

Stormyrain whispers something to Thadston.

Ysharra smiles at Thadston.

Thadston nods at Vaemyr.

Cryheart says, "I hae nae been in the barracks since it was rebuilt."

Speaking in Faendryl, Leifa coos something you don't understand.

Speaking to Juramis, Thrassus says, "Ah, the fellow with the large cat."

Speaking to Thadston, Pukk asks, "You know how many big heads there are in this group?"

Speaking drunkenly to Thrassus, Gutstorm slurs, "He ober contemplatin."

Cryheart says, "Good eve, Magister."

Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Krolvin on the horizon too."

Speaking in Faendryl, Tayler says something you don't understand.

Thadston nods at Kiyna.

Pookia says, "I for one am a fan of all the different ways we find to crush ourselves into tiny spaces."

Speaking in Faendryl, Tayler says something you don't understand.

Goldstr says, "Hopefully da ship bringin Rian an Kharusa's father to us."

Speaking to Thadston, Irval says, "Mr Mayor, some of the councilors have requested I stay behind in town central if healing is needed. As I feel we have had a a stressed relationship as late. I leave it to you and will abide by your request. So long as I dont end up in chains."

Pukk asks, "Those were krol ships?"

Speaking to Pookia, Chandrellia says, "I like tiny spaces."

Speaking in Faendryl to Tayler, Ysharra says something you don't understand.

Sevanya says, "We're packed in here like a clown carriage."

Speaking to Tayler, Lylia deadpans, "I never joke."

Stormyrain says, "That would be difficult, since Tyrrax does not yet know the outcome of our decision."

Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd says, "Perhaps you could give me lessons in Faendryl."

Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd says, "It would come in rather handy."

Speaking to Pookia, Chandrellia says, "Like pants and skirts."

Goldstr says, "Ah Aye."

Speaking to Perigourd, Missoni says, "Surely no one else you know could teach you."

Thadston asks, "Why would you end up in chains?"

Thadston peers quizzically at Irval.

Irval shrugs at Thadston.

Thadston says, "I don't put people in chains. I throw them out of windows."

Speaking to Pookia, Chandrellia says, "Well, those are definaetly adorable too."

Irval snickers.

Cryheart says, "Clearly he is anxious."

Speaking to Thadston, Dendum reminds, ""Hrmm you have brought us to dungeon though."

Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "It may be easier for another human to elucidate the specifics of difficulties for me."

Pukk says, "True."

Thadston says, "So if your feet are still on the ground, well, today is a good day."

Tayler says, "Technically you put Tyrrax in chains, no windows were involved."

Lunatick says, "Doubt Thadson could throw me outta window from here."

Tayler says, "Yet.."

Sevanya says, "A door is a window if you have a different perspective."

Chandrellia says, "You dont know Thadston."

Pookia says, "An outside perspective.."

Leafiara calmly says, "Let's just... get on with it."

Kialeigh says, "Let's not tempt him."

Some angry townspeople begin to grumble and bicker in the streets.

[Help] Revalius: "Act like you are going to bonespear but dont."

Lunatick says, "There's no window."

Leafiara says, "If the krolvin ships are already approaching, time is of the--"

Lunatick says, "I'm safe."

Leafiara glances out.

Thadston nods at Leafiara.

Pookia asks, "So is there a secret exit?"

Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain says, "My offer stands."

Leafiara abruptly says, "As I was saying, for many reasons, time is of the essence."

Leafiara gazes heavenward.

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Townspeople, I again urge you to go back to your homes, we do not want to hurt you."

Thadston says, "The townspeople will get over it."

Tzii says, "I like the chaos."

Lylia agrees, "They always do."

[General] Gutstorm drunkenly thinks, "But me will iffin ye git all nutty."

Kayse agrees, "They have rioted before, it won't be the last time."

Speaking to Tzii, Erienne says, "I was considering joining the angry mob just for fun."

[General] Solmarar exclaims, "No please its fine, come out there will be tarts and dumplings!"

Lunatick says, "We shoulda boarded up their homes."

Thadston says, "We'll save them tonight, they'll piss and moan, and we'll save them next time too."

Vaemyr says, "Especially when their streets are safe again."

[General] Yardie thinks, "We're not hurting townsfolk."

Cryheart says, "Please refrain from attacking any townsfolk."

Cryheart says, "Unless attacked."

Tzii says, "Awww."

[General] Solmarar darkly thinks, "I am."

Stormyrain says, "I have offered to stand under investigation, and step down as Marshal while it was being conducted if necessary."

Stormyrain shrugs.

Juramis huskily says, "It seems the decision to release this krolvin is not agreeable with some of your fellow riff-raff."

[General] Tayler thinks, "You stabbed me last night, I let that one slide, please don't stab me again? I get angry when I get stabbed."

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "I do hope noit Yradie, but I will defend myself at whatever means nessessary."

Speaking to Thadston, Dendum reminds, ""We do trhis for them...if this ends in more death than Krolvin attack it was truly pointless thing."

Tzii says, "There goes my entire strategy."

Thadston says, "Unnecessary, and a little dramatic. Stop reading Grishom's tome."

Thadston smirks at Stormyrain.

Lunatick exclaims, "I resemble that remark!"

Speaking flatly to herself, Raelee says, "... we...."

Cryheart asks, "Whom ye calling riff-raff?"

Speaking to Stormyrain, Ysharra says, "It's poor form for a Mularosian to advise against martyrdom, but..."

Goldstr asks, "Riff Raff?"

Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain asks, "I have to prepare, what better way than to know the enemy's mind?"

Juramis attends to his gold brocade mantle, making the mantle as presentable as possible.

Lunatick says, "Some of my best friends are riff-raff."

Speaking slowly to Juramis, Leafiara says, "You really might not want to be here at the center of any possible conflict tonight, considering how remarkably well it went for you just encountering run of the mill bandits."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Ysharra says, "I think you're taking on a lot that isn't deserved."

Speaking to Ysharra, Stormyrain says, "No martyr here, I just tire of the accusations and the time it takes to defend myself against them."

Sevanya says, "Please, anything but more trials."

Thadston says, "We'll present the decision to Tyrrax."

Kialeigh says, "But I'm your best friend..."

Speaking huskily to Goldstr, Juramis says, "If they were noble, they would not bicker like mice fighting over cheese."

[General] Directed to Chandrellia, Yardie thinks, "I don't think a townsfolk with a pitchfork will stand a chance."

Speaking to Kialeigh, Lunatick says, "Not you dear."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Chandrellia says, "Then dear Stormy let your actions speak louder then theor words."

Thadston says, "Councilors, I'll leave it to you to explain it."

Pukk points at Leafiara.

Leafiara nods at Thadston.

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You're it."

(Chandrellia touches her nose.)

Chandrellia exclaims, "Not it!"

Thadston says, "Then I will need your assistance in escorting Tyrrax to the sands."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Tayler says, "Anyone who knows anything know's it's not some conspiracy."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Lylia says, "If we put on trial everyone with whom the basest idiot had quarrels, then we would all waste our lives in courts."

Pookia yells, "We're gettin ya out!"

Pookia exclaims, "I did it!"

Sevanya exclaims, "I did it!"

Thadston says, "I'll be arranging for his six...brothers to make it there as well last."

Lunatick says, "I think we should put Gutstorm in charge."

Thadston says, "Then be as fluid as we need to be, in case there's trouble."

Leafiara mutters, "There's always trouble."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Bad move me in charge."

Thadston says, "I've gotten several reports and rumors, we won't know what is true until it happens."

Lunatick exclaims, "He doesn't know what he's doing so they certainly won't!"

Pukk says, "Let's put Pookia in charge."

Tayler says, "Never let them know your next move."

Lunatick says, "And if Gutstorm never knows what he's gonna do next they definitely won't."

Thadston touches a ring to the crystalline door, and part of it melts away.

Lunatick exclaims, "It's perfect!"

Tzii says, "Or... announce your next move, then do something completely different."

Cryheart says, "The mayor, marshal and council are in charge."

Pukk says, "True."

Lunatick says, "Fine, i'll be in charef."

[Barracks, Bane Cell]

The cell is comprised of thick, yet nearly translucent walls crafted from a smooth crystalline substance. Faint whorls of golden runes shimmer along each wall, as if infused into their very material. The floor is a dark stone slab with piles of faded cloth pillows in each corner. From the ceiling hangs a pair of rune-etched mithril alloy chains. You also see a tall crystalline door.

Mayor Thadston just came through a tall crystalline door.

Speaking to Tyrrax, Leafiara greets, "We meet again. We've brought the town's decision to you."

Chandrellia moves to stand in front of Tyrrax.

Tyrrax rises to his feet, chains dragging on the ground. Dried blood clings to his wrists and ankles.

Pookia exclaims, "Squid rings tonight baby!"

Pookia howls, "Awoo!"

Tyrrax says, "I am ready for my tri..."

Tyrrax asks, "Decision?"

Sevanya exclaims, "Squid rings!"

Lylia asks, "Does this look like a trial to you?"

Leafiara vaguely says, "Things... change quickly around here at times."

Tyrrax says, "I was told I would be allowed to speak at my trial."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Ysharra says, "Trial? News is slow to come to a bane cell."

Leafiara nods at Tyrrax.

Speaking to Tyrrax, Vaemyr says, "You are being released, on your words."

Leafiara nods at Vaemyr.

Tzii recites:

"Any last minute.....


Speaking to Vaemyr, Stormyrain asks, "Are you a Councilor now?"

Tyrrax glances at a tall crystalline door.

Kayse reminds, "The council is supposed to speak."

Lord Juramis just trudged through a tall crystalline door.

Speaking to Tyrrax, Leafiara says, "After discussion, we've agreed to your terms of release."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Chandrellia says, "Do let the councilors do our job."

Tyrrax says, "So many mouths and words, please, slower."

Tyrrax says, "I do not understand."

Pookia exclaims, "They're releasing you on yer own terms they just had to shackle ya to make it look like theirs!"

Speaking to Tyrrax, Ysharra says, "You were telling the truth, I hope. In your intent to deliver an end to the violence."

Tyrrax asks, "I am, free?"

Speaking to Tyrrax, Leafiara says, "Have your fleet stand down. Inform the krolvin of the destruction of the Lalk Morgil. Release Rian and Kharusa's father to us."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Ysharra says, "Because now it's on you to hold to your promise."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Leafiara says, "Meet those conditions you gave us and you will be free."

Kiyna says, "Everyone, let the Councilor speak."

Speaking sarcastically to Stormyrain, Kayse mutters, "When did we gain ten new councilors this evening?"

Speaking to Ysharra, Pietra asks, "Are YOU a councilor?"

Speaking to Tyrrax, Leafiara adds, "Ah, and aid against the blood heretic in the future."

Leafiara nods at Tyrrax.

Chandrellia recites:

"Unless you are a town councilor, please keep quiet"

Tyrrax says, "I am aware of my requests, and promises."

Leafiara nods at Tyrrax.

Irval says, "And here I thought it was the jurors that were the ones that cast the judgement."

Leafiara explains, "I'm just restating them so that those unaware will know."

Tyrrax asks, "My brothers?"

Speaking to Irval, Chandrellia says, "Do not push me to ask that you remain here lcoked in this cell."

Leafiara says, "Will be released along with you, if you meet your promises."

Leafiara nods at Tyrrax.

Tyrrax nods.

Speaking to Chandrellia, Irval says, "You too would abuse the power of your position? i do not think you have that MUCH authority."

Tyrrax says, "How will..."

Speaking to Irval, Pietra says, "Please do shut up."

Leafiara tilts her head at Tyrrax.

Speaking to Irval, Chandrellia says, "Acvtually, I'm more of a hands on kind of girl, actiosn speak louder than words, and wither is a very loud word."

Thadston whispers something to Tyrrax.

Speaking to Tyrrax, Leafiara asks, "Yes?"

[General] Pietra thinks, "Yes."

Tyrrax barks loudly!

Tyrrax nods at Thadston.

Tyrrax asks, "Clever human. You are half krol?"

Tyrrax peers quizzically at Thadston.

Leafiara gazes in amusement at her surroundings.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Just da bad haff."

Thadston says, "No, you're just a simple people."

Leafiara gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Tyrrax whispers something to Thadston.

Speaking to Tyrrax, Leafiara says, "...did you have any other concern we need to address? The mayor intends to have us escort you to the Sands, if that's what you're wondering."

Chamorr heartily says, "Lets whack him an throw his corpse in da aby."

Speaking flatly to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "No."

Speaking to Chamorr, Chandrellia says, "No."

Thadston says, "Just remember, you even sway an inch from your word...we have a Xorus. He is the Lalk Morgil."

Thadston nods at Tyrrax.

Xorus smirks.

Kayse corrects, "The Xorus."

Kiyna horrifiedly asks, "Is there more than one Xorus?"

Tyrrax says, "I have kept my word, and will continue to do so."

Speaking to Kiyna, Pietra says, "Gods I hope not."

Speaking to Kiyna, Leafiara says, "Sometimes, when we're beset by doppelgangers."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Pukk says, "He is also known as the Dread Lord among some of us."

Bernadette nods at Tyrrax.

Speaking to Kiyna, Leafiara adds, "Pale imitations, though."

Speaking to Kiyna, Chandrellia says, "Of there is Lylia is in big trouble."

Tyrrax looks over at Leafiara and shakes his head.

Leafiara nods appreciatively at Tyrrax.

Tyrrax says, "I am remember."

Leafiara grins at Tyrrax.

Tyrrax says, "Get me to the sands, and I can assure my return."

Tyrrax says, "I will be within range."

Leafiara nods.

Leafiara amiably says, "Very well then."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Ugh we gotta walk."

Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "At your lead, it seems."

Juramis huskily asks, "You intend to let this krolvin go entirely free and take his word?"

Vaemyr whispers something to Tyrrax.

Thadston says, "On me."

Thadston nods.

[people joining]

Cryheart says, "Join the mayor."

Speaking to Juramis, Chandrellia says, "Keep your trap shut."

Pukk recites:

"Everybody join Thadston!"

Speaking to Tyrrax, Leafiara asks, "Rian and Kharusa's father will be brought through the portals?"

Tyrrax nods at Leafiara.

Speaking to Tyrrax, Xorus says, "I will not come for your people if they do not come after me, but you may find I will be of great help with the blood heretic."

Speaking huskily to Chandrellia, Juramis says, "A trap may be the right choice of words, but I doubt anyone would be shutting it here."

Tyrrax turns an inquisitive ear toward Xorus.

Tyrrax nods at Xorus.

Pukk asks, "Can we get some of the warrior to guard and protect Tyrrax?"

Speaking quietly to Juramis, Nairena says, "I believe thats the plan."

Tyrrax says, "It is known then the Xorus."

Tyrrax nods at Xorus.

Xorus nods at Tyrrax.

Cryheart says, "Just until ye leave these shores."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Lylia emphasizes, "You watched the scroll destroyed. You were an agent of its destruction. No knowledge of Lalk Morgil was passed from it to anyone else."

Lylia says, "These are truths."

Lylia says, "These are the important truths."

Leifa grouses, "I don't know what this deal is about but I'm not a fan."

Speaking to Leifa, Pietra says, "Believe me, it is the best one considering the alternatives."

Thadston asks, "Are we ready?"

Speaking to Leifa, Stormyrain says, "It returns two of our citizens alive, for one."

Speaking to Leifa, Leafiara says, "We're releasing the warlord here to bring an end to a months-long conflict, see some of our innocents returned to us, and more."

Tyrrax nods at Thadston.

Thadston rummages around in his pockets.

Speaking to Leifa, Erienne says, "It works every other time."

Sevanya says, "Might be a nice time to remind everyone that tyrrax was honorable in his dealing with the knuckleheads..."

Tayler whispers something to Irval.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Need me hold yer silver, Thadston?"

Leifa mutters, "No deal with a krolvin is a good one."

Pukk asks, "Can some cast some protective magics on Tyrrax?"

Thadston smirks.

Stormyrain says, "Not in here."

Erienne whispers something to Leifa.

Speaking to Sevanya, Leafiara says, "That likely played some role in the jurors' decisions."

Chandrellia says, "Tyraxx has not wavered from any word that he has given thus far."

Stormyrain says, "No magic will work within a bane cell."

Stormyrain says, "We could see the invoker."

Pukk says, "Oh yeah."

Lunatick says, "Leifa, i don't think that justice as been done either, but there's good reasons to do things this way."

Juramis huskily says, "I hope we have a plan. This is a dangerous proposition on many accounts."

Lunatick says, "5 minutes left."

Speaking to Juramis, Perigourd says, "Watch your back, and keep ready."

Speaking to Juramis, Perigourd says, "That's the plan."

Meril quietly says, "It is too late for another decision. What remains is to be ready if our escort comes under attack, whether it is townsfolk, mercenaries, or another faction of the krol."

Speaking drunkenly to Juramis, Gutstorm slurs, "Da lannin plan ish to wing it."

Pukk says, "I say we leave Juramis in the cell."

Lunatick says, "It's true."

Juramis glances at Pukk.

Juramis huskily asks, "Why would you save me, then throw me in a cell?"

Speaking to Pukk, Chandrellia says, "With Irval."

Speaking to Juramis, Pukk says, "To keep you safe."

Speaking to Juramis, Stormyrain says, "We're the Landing."

Leafiara reminds, "The jurors' argument was that justice, such as it is, was already taken from the hundreds upon hundreds of krolvin slain during this extended battle. ...this is probably a bit beside the point, though, as now's the time for action."

Tayler whispers something to Irval.

Speaking to Juramis, Bakarus says, "You should be fine, I dount anything will happen."

Lunatick says, "I really wanna make it to the invoker..."

Tyrrax says, "Your people, bicker as we do."

Tyrrax nods at Thadston.

Speaking to Juramis, Kiyna says, "There aren't many safer places than an antimagic cell."

Kialeigh says, "A lot of threats being thrown around. maybe we just get this done.. and throw insults at each other later."

Thadston says, "More words, less blood though."

Tyrrax says, "Words stain deeper."

'Thadston shrugs.

Speaking to Tyrrax, Thrassus says, "You haven't even seen the half of it."

Moving Out

Mayor Thadston's group just went through a tall crystalline door.


Lylia says, "The jurors had many different arguments, yet we all reached the same destination, save one."

[OOC] Ycelacie: "Is there going to be an actual invasion tonight?"

Cryheart says, "Dinnae attack the krol brothers or similar..but stay vigil."

[OOC] Chandrellia: "Who knows."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Krol brudder."

[OOC] Leafiara: "Unclear, but I assume yes. No is certainly a possibility."

Irval says, "Yes I thought you should have a trial or at least the semblance of one. I am not ashamed to admit it."

Speaking to Cryheart, Dendum remarks, "'This depends much on what these Krolvin do first yes?"

Speaking quietly to Leafiara, Nairena says, "This escort will be interesting."

Cryheart says, "Aye."

Speaking to Pietra, Leifa says, "The management's gone to pot around here."

Chanting erupts along the streets of Wehnimer's Landing, "Kill the krol! Burn him out! Kill the krol! Stomp him out!"

Pookia says, "So about that secret exit..."

Leafiara notes, "That would be our cue to hurry as best we can, I think."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "That is pretty catchy."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "We shtill gat dat Cryheart costume? we kin dress Tyrrax up inn it."

Speaking to Leifa, Pietra says, "Nah, it's the same as it's always been."

Tayler says, "If there was a trial, there was one outcome, this alternative option is the right move. Even if he does betray us, it hurts no-one to try."

Speaking to Lylia, Vaemyr says, "Just like there are many voices in the landing, there were many arguements for what we are doing tonight, I cannot argue the diversity of the jury, and they reached a nearly unanimous decision."

Nairena asks, "So no killing until they attack us first.. right?"

Sevanya exclaims, "Look at us hurrying! we're hurrying so much!"

[General] Witfog thinks, "Alright, finally some organization with the people."

Dendum says, "Thadston is slower that the Cryheart...."

[General] Solmarar thinks, "Citizens of landing, You either stand down and leave the Krolvin alone or I will show you a small taste of what you are asking to do to the Krolvin."

Kiyna says, "No killing townsfolk if you can help it. If they get hostile, just disable them."

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Townsfolks, I plead with you, this is not what you want to do, go back to your homes and save what could happen to you, we do not wantto harm anyone this night."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Irval says, "Wonder why?.."

[General] Yardie thinks, "That....that bolds ill."

Dendum asks, "They teach very very slow walking to human knights?"

Cryheart says, "Patiences."

Sevanya says, "He's the mayor. He can plod around town as much as he wants."

Cryheart says, "We stay vigil."

Leafiara says, "Unless they're out in force by the hundreds, we might be able to simply move past any rioters."

Cryheart says, "Lot to scan."

Chamorr heartily asks, "Whos Vigil?"

Speaking to Sevanya, Nalver asks, "Whatever happened with the guy who kidnapped you and Pook?"

Tayler says, "By disable please do not take any arms or legs, lest you create a cripples guild alongside the orphans."

Lunatick exclaims, "Just sanct every room!"

Thadston says, "We won't be in the streets long."

Speaking to Nalver, Sevanya asks, "Nalver...what do you think this is?"

Cryheart says, "Being vigil meands to be alert and ready."

Sevanya says, "We aren't throwing him a party. Unfortunately."

Lunatick exclaims, "Yes we are!"

Lunatick says, "This is a going away party."

Nalver says, "I'm not really sure what's going on. I'm just here for a good burning."

Lunatick says, "For our Krolvin guest."

Speaking to Lunatick, Nalver says, "Going awry party."

Meril says, "The streets outside are full of angry people already."

[General] Leifa disagrees, "Some of us want to kill krolvin."

Lunatick says, "Well probably that."

Speaking to Nalver, Leafiara says, "Burning is what we're trying to avoid."

Speaking to Nalver, Leafiara emphasizes, "Trying."

Bernadette softly says, "Folks outside be angry."

Chanting echoes outside of the barracks!

[General] Ronmarik thinks, "Well that sucked."

[General] Sevanya thinks, "Perhaps you should've shown up the countless times where we needed extra hands doing so."

Innez asks, "Can i join them?"

Nairena amusedly says, "A You Get A Second Chance party."

Erienne says, "We should definitely go out there."

Speaking to Perigourd, Missoni says, "Some angry citizens."

[General] The ghost of Tikba thinks, "Rioters are overtaking North Ring."

[General] Ycelacie incredulously asks, "Seriously?"

Bernadette softly says, "Aye."

Falvicar whispers something to Cryheart.

Tayler says, "Reports are, it's bad outside."

[General] Yardie thinks, "There's a town Miner here. He's subdued. I'm not killing him."

[General] Roblar exclaims, "Let the blood flow down the streets and wipe clean the stench. This is the Landing way!"

Meril says, "There are no mercenaries yet though, so I believe we should be able to disable them."

Nalver says, "North Ring has a bunch of organzied workers on strike."

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Do not harm the townsfolks! disable them do NOT harm them."

[General] Ronmarik thinks, "Thrown in jail for defending myself..."

Sevanya stupidly says, "Let's drop a giant rock on em."

Lunatick says, "I'm sure they're just peacefully protesting."

Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr asks, "Hope you have another way out of here I suspect?"

[General] Ronmarik thinks, "Good to know now..."

[General] Directed to Chandrellia, Yardie thinks, "That's....that's what I...."

Goldstr exclaims, "I prefer Welcome Party fer Rian an Kharusa' father!"

[General] Ronmarik thinks, "Haha."

Lunatick says, "It's gonna be fine."

Sevanya says, "Everyone will scatter if a giant rock hits the ground from really high up."

[General] Ycelacie incredulously asks, "You say we don't want to kill town citizens instead of, I don't know... making yourselves scarce?"

Sevanya says, "I'm just saying."

[General] Yardie mutters, "....bloody hell, no one listens to me."

Kiyna says, "Knock them down, if you must."

Chamorr heartily says, "What could possibly go wrong."

Nairena says, "I could portal us outside of town."

[Wehnimer's, Dagmar Lane]

This long, narrow dirt road presses between several buildings, connecting one of the quieter corners of this part of town with the main thoroughfares, where small residences and humble shops give way to the larger emporia, offices and grander structures. A heavy iron-banded door has been set into a high wall of the town barracks. You also see a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, a lazy wild brick red dog and a stone gate.

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Ycelacie you ahvent been in town, so you ahve no idea what we are doing."

[General] Roblar exclaims, "Less mouths to feed!"

Lunatick says, "Dunno why we aren't usin' magic t move him."

Perigourd says, "I slept most of them."

[General] Yardie asks, "Stop arguing, will you? Lacie, sleep them if anything, yes?"

Juramis huskily asks, "Oh, the rain. Someone hold an umbrella for your Krolvin guest?"

Juramis smirks.

Speaking to a scowling town miner, Tayler says, "Get back to work."

Speaking to Juramis, Leafiara says, "Doable."

Lightning pierces the horizon as the form of dozens of ships dot the bay, gliding through the night and rain.

Leafiara removes a brilliant white parasol dotted with painted cherries and leaves from in her instrument case.

Leifa curls her lip at Juramis, her face contorting in a disdainful smirk.

Juramis glances at Leifa. [I'm assuming this was meant for Leifa, but she and Leafiara get mixed up frequently enough that I've left Leafiara's actions in too just in case he meant to react to the parasol]

Speaking to Juramis, Chandrellia says, "Yes perhaps we should take yours."

Speaking to Juramis, Irval asks, "Maybe a cup of tea?"

[General] Witfog exclaims, "They are sick of their homes being burned, we should have had that hangin' !"

[General] Ycelacie laughingly thinks, "I intend to help none of you fight towns folk."

Cryheart says, "Shields will be enough..he will get wet like the rest of us."

Soldiers shout from the towers, "Krolvin at the north gate!"

[General] Ycelacie flatly thinks, "If krol..."

Pookia exclaims, "Quick get him to his buddies at the gate!"

Nalver says, "Sounds like a bluff."

[General] Yardie thinks, "One of them already kill someoene."

Speaking to Juramis, Chandrellia says, "As a matter of fact why dont you do just that, hold your little umbrella for Tyraxx."

Speaking suddenly to Thadston, Leafiara says, "Okay, seems we need to hurry a bit better..."

Thadston peers quizzically at Tyrrax.

Kiyna says, "Kragton may have different plans..."

Tyrrax looks over at Thadston and shakes his head.

Sevanya says, "Maybe we should not take the north gate."

Cryheart yells, "Dinnae attack the krol, yet!"

Mohrgan softly suggests, "If you want to minimize bloodshed, I suggest we get this one out of the streets, with haste."

Tayler says, "I have not seen any sigils in the air."

[Wehnimer's, Valeria St.]

Flatbed wagons carrying loads of wood or other goods lumber slowly to the east and west, their wheels echoing in the night as they bounce over a large pothole in the road. A nondescript building, with a prominent sign in the shape of a key above its black door, is set back slightly from the street, nearly hidden in the shadows. You also see a disgruntled town dockworker, a black door and the Engraver's Shop with a small elegant sign on it.

Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Said it before, Kragton isn't gonna want Tyrrax to come back alive."

[Wehnimer's, Stormarm St.]

This intersection links the bazaar routes with those bisecting and encircling the Landing. A few ruddyfaced sailors, loudmouthed dockworkers, and off-duty soldiers linger along the wall of a tavern, which is set back from the side of the road up a slight incline. A shaky wooden stairway, the bane of many an overimbiber's existence, leads up to the tavern door. You also see a scowling town miner, a disgruntled town dockworker and a large painted sign.

Thrassus says, "Kragton may be taking the opportunity to eliminate his competition."

Cryheart yells, "Clear the area folks!"

Dendum says, "Hrmm can swim from the dock to the sands...."

Perigourd says, "Or the burrow way."

[General] Yardie asks, "Err...considering this town is filled with talkers, I would suggest some of you find a way to talk these people down?"

Nairena says, "Use the sewers."

Chamorr heartily says, "I owe the dockworker some dough, whack him."

[Wehnimer's, Stormarm St.]

This street cuts a wide path north and south between the north wall and the center of the Landing. Low, grey stone buildings and nondescript sheds loom to the south and east, and towards the central square the view is more pleasant and varied. You also see an angry town blacksmith, a scowling town miner and a dark alley.

Sevanya whispers something to Pookia.

Lunatick asks, "Or magic?"

[Helga's, Back Alley]

The narrow alley, shaded by the overhanging eaves of the stone and wood buildings that rise on all sides, is full of debris, piles of rags and filth. A broken wooden chair, an old crate and a trash barrel are piled to either side of the smoke-stained oaken door that leads into the back of the building to the south.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Lemme grabba drink."

Mohrgan softly says, "We could carry the whole of us to Voln, and bypass this all, with a word..."

Speaking to Drektor, Pukk says, "Seems the people are mad at you."

Lunatick asks, "We goin' drinkin'?"

Speaking to Mohrgan, Tayler says, "Voln is kind of the opposite direction."

Pookia whispers something to Sevanya.

Tayler says, "I suppose if we had a wizard they could make a portal."

Guards run by shouting, "Krolvin on the sands!"

Speaking in Guildspeak, Dendum says something you don't understand.

Missoni says, "There are Krolvin in town."

Leafiara curiously says, "Okay, interesting place for the start of an escort..."

Speaking to Tayler, Mohrgan says, "But it's an alternative to streets full of angry townsfolk."

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

Two sconces hang here, one unlit and leaving much of the area in darkness. Of the portion of the wall that is lit up, the misspelled message "Breware" has been smeared in blood.

Chamorr heartily says, "This is a strange way to get to da Sands."

[General] Yardie thinks, "Krolvin too? Errr....this is not good."

Nairena says, "I dont know how strong my portal is to allow this many to pass, but Cassie is outside of town."

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "We going through... well yeah here."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Irval asks, "These your people or Kragton;s?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Ye realize he didnt contact da krolvin aye? how he gonna know wot dey doonin."

[General] Solmarar thinks, "Now you all Die."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "...that's what I was getting at, yes."

Tyrrax says, "Both, in truth."

Irval sighs.

Tyrrax says, "I cannot call them to stop now."

Lunatick says, "My thoughts too."

Thadston looks over at Tyrrax and shakes his head.

Thadston says, "Not yet."

Stormyrain says, "They are not aware that Tyrrax has his freedom, stay the course."

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

A broken cask rests up against a tunnel wall, old ale stains along its shattered casing. A faint, hazy smoke lingers in the area.

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Do not harm the townsfolks."

Nairena says, "We got shamans and champions of the krolvin kind outside of town."

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

The ground is smooth and flat here, clearly traveled frequently. The area is dimly illuminated by a few lit sconces set into the dirt walls.

Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd says, "Perhaps some haste, we have folk dying up there."

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

A cavern nexus extends out, with many different tunnels leading in every which direction. The ground is worn and flat, firmly matted beneath frequent travel.

[General] Oeath thinks, "Didnt your mother ever teach you....oh sorry."

There is movement in the shadows.

Speaking to Tyrrax, Irval says, "These are your people. How can you not stop them. At least the ones that are beholden to you at least. So we can stem the tide and achem, uphold justice seeing you back to your people and beloved ship."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Nairena asks, "You think you can persuade them to stop fighting?"

Speaking in Guildspeak, Dendum says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Irval, Chandrellia says, "Let the Mayor do what he does."

Speaking to Irval, Sevanya says, "Do you want him to stop them from down here? All you do is complain."

Speaking in Faendryl, Thrassus says something you don't understand.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Somarar doin fairly well out dere."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Leafiara murmurs, "He's certainly accomplishing something."

Dark hooded figures step out of the shadows, one by one like sentinels of night. Their faces are concealed by masks with gleaming silver beaks. Their hands grip black bows, or long blades. They move quietly, just behind the group.

[General] The ghost of Beckstabber exclaims, "Ouch, my cabbages!"

[General] Roblar exclaims, "Solmarar, Night has come for you!"

Thadston nods to the figures.

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

The tunnel curves dramatically here, twisting in and out of darkness. Small fiery embers flitter up from torches set along the walls.

Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara notes, "3 to 1, for the record. You're the 3, I'm the 1. Number of deals struck with the Rooks."

Leafiara smirks.

Thadston says, "I guess that makes me their King."

Leafiara agrees with Thadston.

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.

Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "You can run for Father."

Xorus says, "She killed their last King."

Leafiara snickers.

Cryheart says, "That'll be the day."

Stormyrain says, "--it would make sense given their queen."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "And since you're the Rook Queen that means you and Thaddy...."

Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Yes Mayor Rook King Thadston... ok that's just too long a title."

Speaking to Sevanya, Irval says, "Who are you? Im sorry im trying to find a way out of this with minimimzing bloodshed. especially when we have so many of our citizens in the street. They will fall the krolvin if we do not figure out a way to stem the tide. So unless you have something constructive say in the matter. Then I suggest its you who should be quiet."

Speaking to Irval, Sevanya says, "You're a moron."

Lunatick says, "I tried to make a deal with a rook once but, it just flew away."

[General] Yardie asks, "These blacksmiths know magic?!? Really? What type of Faendrly am I!?"

[General] Pukk asks, "Why is Solmarar dying so much?"

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

The dark hallway is narrow, hugged tightly by jagged walls of earth and stone. Torchlight causes shadows to dance along the walls like incorporeal puppets.

Speaking to Irval, Chandrellia says, "Perhaps you could take on your own words, and, be quiet."

[General] Directed to Yardie, Leafiara thinks, "We tried to warn you, the Landing citizens are hardier than you might think."

[Drakes] Nalver thinks, "Massive Krolving Champion ne and east of TSC."

Speaking to Sevanya, Leifa says, "And all you do is waggle your tongue."

Dendum says, "Ahh good nice landing walk."

Speaking to Irval, Pukk asks, "Will you go help heal now?"

Speaking amusedly to Leifa, Pietra says, "She waggles it less, at least."

[General] Yardie thinks, "They're harder because we're not killing them."

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

The underground channel descends, as the heat of the torches work to fight off the cold air of the greater depth. Small embers of fire twirl up from the torches as the flames rise and ebb.

Oxhammer says, "Getting ugly out here is sounds."

Speaking to Leifa, Sevanya says, "Let me know when you've helped to sink 41 Krolvin ships in defense of this town."

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

The underground channel descends, as the heat of the torches work to fight off the cold air of the greater depth. Small embers of fire twirl up from the torches as the flames rise and ebb. You also see a tiny orange calico kitten wearing a tiny tricorn charm, a brilliant purple kitten wearing a purple collar clasped with a pair of crossed silver swords, a shaggy silver and white puppy with mismatched blue and brown eyes, a sleek raven black kitten masked in stormy grey fur, a grey-muzzled bluish-brown kit with a long bushy tail, a green-eyed striped silver kitten, a small black fox with a white-tipped tail, the rectangular Perigourd disk fashioned of oiled tanik, a small raven, the Dendum disk, the Mohrgan disk, the Tayler disk, the Meril disk, the toy-stuffed Pookia disk, the translucent Nairena disk, the Stormyrain disk, the pallid grey Melikor disk emblazoned with a vibrant scarlet pentacle, the faenor Chandrellia disk inlaid with intersecting bands of jet, the Irval disk, the Pukk disk, a lazy wild brick red dog, a black-toed saddleback foxhound, a black-tipped majestic snow leopard, a spare frosty white imp, a huge orange cat and a timber jaguar.

Pookia says, "At least shes funny."

Irval asks, "Ive about had enough of you trying to tell me what to do Lady Councilor. The people you are supposedly representing are revolting why our borders are being attacked. And you have the gall to tell me to be quiet?"

Armiger Attack

A scruffy black-armored armiger ambles in.


Speaking to Sevanya, Chandrellia says, "Actually."


Nairena asks, "Really?"

[~800 lines of combat]

Juramis huskily says, "Hey it is one of those armigers from the mines! The ones that let the assassins through."

[~600 lines of combat]

[General] Nalver thinks, "There is a massive krolvin champion sorta near Helgas."

[~1000 lines of combat]

Lunatick says, "I coulda done that."

[General] Delyorik thinks, "Yardie."

Irval exclaims, "Its the armiger faction. Someone call for Amos to see if he can talk some sense into them!"

Nairena says, "They started it."

Thadston asks, "Everyone good?"

Pookia yells, "Knuckleheads for life!"

Perigourd says, "Tyrrax started all this."

Tyrrax says, "Humans killing humans..."

[General] Yardie asks, "Delyorik. What is it?"

Tyrrax says, "You are your own Lalk Morgil."

The voice of Kayse steadily urges, "Let's press on."

Leifa drawls, "Perfect."

Speaking to Thadston, Erienne asks, "Do you truly care?"

Thadston says, "Basically."

[General] Delyorik thinks, "Behave."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Leafiara says, "You're not entirely wrong."

Cryheart says, "It happens."

Lunatick says, "Yeah, glad I'm not human."

Pookia says, "Hes kinda got us there."

Lunatick says, "Humans are dumb."

Mohrgan glumly says, "Not the first time, nor the last."

[General] Yardie asks, "You have citizens attacking, krolvin attacking, and you're telling ME to behave? ME?!?"

Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "I'm going to do some actual good."

Juramis glances up.

Speaking to Tyrrax, Irval says, "And to think, we are doing this to keep you alive. I hope your worth it."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Nairena says, "Quite the observation."

Cryheart says, "The evil of humanity."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Vaemyr says, "I mean... you've had plenty of disagreements solved in similar ways amongst your brothers I'm sure."

Thrassus says, "That does not shock me."

Speaking to Pookia, Sevanya says, "Hes only half got us."

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

The tapered walls give way to a greater area, as the distance between torches stretches, expanding the cover of darkness. Two old barrels sit to the side of the tunnel, their labels faded, but depicting an image of a skull and bones.

[General] Yardie bitterly mutters, "Sometimes I dislike the world."

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

The channel here is wide and large enough to fit a wagon through. The thick lines of wooden wheels in the dirt are clear evidence of its plausibility.

Speaking to Irval, Chandrellia says, "Not another word, my patoience is growing very thin."

Lunatick asks, "Did someone pinch my butt?"

[~2700 lines of combat]

[General] Revalius thinks, "Dont get burned from it Yardie learn from it."

[~1500 lines of combat]

Goldstr exclaims, "Sheesh!"

Chandrellia recites:

"Everyone good?"

[General] Dwi exclaims, "Dey kilt Winston!"

Cryheart says, "So far."

The voice of Kayse dryly responds, "Just dandy."

[General] Pietra exclaims, "No!"

Lunatick recites:

"No, I'm Lunatick"

[General] Yardie asks, "I've yet to kill one citizen. The krolvin are approaching, and people are dying because of the fear of....they did?"

Juramis huskily asks, "Who is attacking us? These are not Lord Amos' soldiers are they?"

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

The extensive tunnel stretches far, with small brass sconces lighting the way in both directions. Propped against a wall is an old wagon wheel, with two missing wooden spokes.

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

The fractured remnants of an animal's skull lie amidst a pile of dusty bones in a corner of the tunnel, where it opens into a wide turn. Nearby, a crude wooden ladder leads up to a hinged trapdoor. You also see a crude wooden ladder leads up to a hinged trapdoor.

Cryheart nods at Juramis.

[General] Rhaladin thinks, "Whoops I killed a blacksmith."

Speaking to Juramis, Chandrellia says, "Sure they are."

Cryheart says, "Most likely."

Speaking to Juramis, Leafiara says, "He claims it's a faction of armigers gone rogue."

[General] The ghost of Nazarr thinks, "Hulking Krolving warlord got me."

Nairena slowly says, "They killed winston."

Juramis frowns at Cryheart.

[General] The ghost of Gamiron thinks, "So many dead people...."

The flames grow along North Ring Road and the Town Barracks.

[General] Rhaladin thinks, "He ran in when I was trying to kill a whole bunch of krol and an arrow got him, collateral damage."

Juramis huskily exclaims, "Fires!"

Thadston sighs.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Let it burn."

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

The cavern is spacious, with huge wooden rafters running along the stony ceiling above. A row of crates, barrels, and bolts of cloth line an entire length of a wall.

Speaking to Juramis, Vaemyr asks, "Amos suspected Dunigan, surprised you don't know that... he spoke with people in the consortium last night, where were you then?"

Speaking to Juramis, Chandrellia says, "That is what they would be yes."

Tayler says, "Thankfully they're not underground."

Leafiara says, "We're almost there."

Pukk says, "Well, there goes our budget for the barracks."

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

Huge in size, the underground chamber is set with blazing torches along every wall. Old wagons have been pulled to one side of the pathway, all of them in need of serious repair. You also see a black-armored human archer.

[~1300 lines of combat]

Nairena says, "We have commited to getting this krolvin back to his people. Do not stray."

[~1000 lines of combat]

Tyrrax says, "What do your people call this..."

Tyrrax says, "Ir..."

Tyrrax ponders.

Cryheart says, "Chaos."

Tyrrax asks, "Irony?"

Chandrellia says, "Protection."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Leafiara says, "I was thinking mutiny, but sure, irony works."

The ghostly voice of Sevanya says, "Wow...look at all that nothing im doing for this town. only the fourth or fifth time ive given my life for it."

Speaking heartily to Tyrrax, Chamorr says, "We call it FUBAR."

Lunatick says, "I call it hilarious."

Tyrrax says, "For weeks, we met in battle. Now, you fight to bring me back to sea."

Cryheart says, "Tis a fever of war that takes over."

Tyrrax says, "I will not forget."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me call dish dat when me agree to shumtin dat me dont exaxtly agree to, ash keepin me werd."

Xorus whispers something to Lylia.

Speaking to Tyrrax, Kiyna says, "You'd better not."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Nairena says, "Humans flawed... Krolvins flawed... we get it."

Chandrellia says, "Its what we do, so please, dont make us regret it."

Lylia flatly says, "Good. There are other lessons you should remember too."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Irval asks, "All these deaths of our people and yours are for the bargain struck. Like I said before. You need to , you must be worth this bloodshed. You hear my Czag?"

'Speaking huskily to Tyrrax, Juramis asks, "What good are the memories of a dead krolvin?"

[General] The ghost of Beckstabber thinks, "I'm not even going to tell you what they did to mine."

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

A narrow path winds through darkened rocks, their edges jagged and jutting out dangerously. The walls of the burrow glisten slightly, their surface slick with moisture. Strange, glowing green lichen clings to the walls, creating an eerie viridian glow throughout the area. You also see a black-armored human archer, a black-armored human disruptor and a jagged fissure.


Pookia says, "Ya can just give me squid rings forever for savin yer life."


[General] The ghost of Gamiron thinks, "Prolly for the best."


[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

Huge in size, the underground chamber is set with blazing torches along every wall. Old wagons have been pulled to one side of the pathway, all of them in need of serious repair.

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

A narrow path winds through darkened rocks, their edges jagged and jutting out dangerously. The walls of the burrow glisten slightly, their surface slick with moisture. Strange, glowing green lichen clings to the walls, creating an eerie viridian glow throughout the area. You also see some black cotton socks, a scratched fork, a creeping dirge-vaon vine, a black-toed saddleback foxhound, a salt-crusted brick red crab pincer mottled with brown, a pair of putrid arms, a tiny orange calico kitten wearing a tiny tricorn charm, a brilliant purple kitten wearing a purple collar clasped with a pair of crossed silver swords, a shaggy silver and white puppy with mismatched blue and brown eyes, a sleek raven black kitten masked in stormy grey fur, a grey-muzzled bluish-brown kit with a long bushy tail, a green-eyed striped silver kitten, a small black fox with a white-tipped tail, a bloated arm, a desiccated arm, a pair of desiccated arms and a jagged fissure.

Speaking to Tyrrax, Leafiara says, "Our town, too, was tricked by Praxopius years ago into throwing many lives away."

Thadston asks, "Body got saved?"

[General] The ghost of Beckstabber thinks, "You know before today I didn't really care about the krolvin."

Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "Yes, Ithilwyn brought her back."

Leifa says, "It was discarded."

Speaking to Juramis, Chandrellia says, "If you happen to take an arrow this day, I'mnot healing you, let that be known."

Tyrrax says, "I am glad he is dead."

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

A narrow path winds through darkened rocks, their edges jagged and jutting out dangerously. The walls of the burrow glisten slightly, their surface slick with moisture. Strange, glowing green lichen clings to the walls, creating an eerie viridian glow throughout the area.

[General] Witfog asks, "And now do you understand how the townpeople are livid?"


[General] Beckstabber exclaims, "But they stole my money and savaged my body!"


[General] Yardie thinks, "A house divided."

[General] The ghost of Nazarr thinks, "I don't actually understand why the townspeople are attacking us and not the krolvin, no."

[General] Beckstabber thinks, "I'm cheesed off and poor is what I am."


Speaking to Juramis, Irval says, "Dont worry Juramis, I'll heal you while she won't. We've lost too many citizens already."

Chandrellia says, "The Krolvin are not attacking the citizens."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Damn Bernie, dat was skeery."

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

A narrow path winds through darkened rocks, their edges jagged and jutting out dangerously. The walls of the burrow glisten slightly, their surface slick with moisture. Strange, glowing green lichen clings to the walls, creating an eerie viridian glow throughout the area.


[General] Lylia thinks, "Some of them are false in the allegiance they swear. Some of these armigers are not in Amos' employ, it seems."

[~1300 lines of combat]

[General] Nordred thinks, "I'm starting to think every other person in this town is a blacksmith.."


Thadston nods.

[General] Lunatick exclaims, "Ha!"

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Well now you know why weaposn are so cheap."

Dark hooded figures move by, blood staining their cloaks, but also their blades.

Pukk says, "A lot of krolvin."

Pukk says, "A lot."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Are we doin inna circle?"

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

A narrow path winds through darkened rocks, their edges jagged and jutting out dangerously. The walls of the burrow glisten slightly, their surface slick with moisture. Strange, glowing green lichen clings to the walls, creating an eerie viridian glow throughout the area. You also see a black-armored human disruptor, a pilum, a black-armored human archer, a scruffy black-armored armiger, a black-armored human archer, a black-armored human disruptor and a black-armored human archer that is lying down.


Speaking to Gutstorm, Leafiara says, "No, we're moving toward the sands."

[~1100 lines of combat]

Thadston slowly empties his lungs.

Leafiara says, "Almost there now..."

The voice of Kayse assures, "Almost there."

Tyrrax says, "To the sands, then we can end it."

Tyrrax nods at Thadston.

[General] The ghost of Daavino thinks, "Blame whatever krolvin you want, I've been killed by "townsfolk" actually 10 times. My allegiance is with whoever isnt actively killing me."

Vaemyr says, "We almost there."

Chamorr heartily says, "If ya took any longer, we'll die of ol age."

Dendum says, "Oi, have you never escorted child before? You calm creatures...then move on...calm and then move...not calm and then bash and bash and bash...."

[General] Lunatick thinks, "I'm kinda busy at the moment."

Thadston says, "The streets are bleeding..."

Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain says, "Let's get this done and we can work on that after."

[General] Oeath asks, "When did they start attacking you? were you attacking townfolk by mistake at any point previous to that?"

Speaking to Dendum, Erienne says, "I just like killing everything."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Lettem bleed, we can shave da town affer we drop off dish guy."

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

A narrow path winds through darkened rocks, their edges jagged and jutting out dangerously. The walls of the burrow glisten slightly, their surface slick with moisture. Strange, glowing green lichen clings to the walls, creating an eerie viridian glow throughout the area.

Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "You knew this would happen, faster we do this, the faster we can get back to help."

[General] The ghost of Daavino thinks, "When I walked out of the inn."


Leafiara says, "Can't fight every possible battle on every front."

[General] Tikba thinks, "They were certainly attacking whoever was nearby."

[General] The ghost of Sevanya thinks, "They're a little indiscriminate when they're angry I think."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Beshides, Perigourd can handle da town offa few krolvin."

Irval sighs.]]]

Lunatick asks, "Wait, what happened to Kialeigh?"

Thadston nods at Irval.

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

A narrow path winds through darkened rocks, their edges jagged and jutting out dangerously. The walls of the burrow glisten slightly, their surface slick with moisture. Strange, glowing green lichen clings to the walls, creating an eerie viridian glow throughout the area.

Leafiara says, "I think Roblar's out there on the battlefield, which is probably a sufficient distraction for quite a while."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Missoni says, "That is what he is working on."

[~3000 lines of combat]

Xorus says, "This brings back memories of the Third Elven War."

Leafiara says, "Can almost see the outside moonlight from here. Almost."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Pookia exclaims, "Head trauma gives me energy!"

There is some shouting nearby, "Down here! Down the tunnel, I found them! I smell that damn krol!"

Speaking to Pookia, Chandrellia says, "No way in the Rift Imlettin a KNucklehead get hiurt on my watch."

Thadston furrows his brow.

Pookia exclaims, "We better hoof it!"

Leafiara says, "Mm."

Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain urges, "Move."

Chandrellia says, "If I can avoid it."

Vaemyr says, "We almost there."

Lylia growls, "Brace for it."

Speaking to Xorus, Dendum remarks, ""Was this two weeks ago? Because this brings back memories of two weeks ago."

Mohrgan uncertainly says, "It's about to get more complicated, still..."

A scowling town miner just arrived!

A scowling town miner ambles in.

A scowling town miner ambles in.

Pukk yells, "No krols just us non krols here!"


Juramis huskily exclaims, "They are going to block us from both sides!"

Leafiara says, "Hold."

Stormyrain says, "No."

Irval exclaims, "Dont!"

Leafiara says, "And simply move."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Oops."

["combat" (disabling)]

Cryheart says, "Dinnae attacke the townfolk."

["combat" (mostly disabling)]

Mohrgan firmly says, "Stand down...."


Pukk says, "Don't attack."

Irval exclaims, "What are you doin!"


Cryheart says, "Sleep em."

Mohrgan adds, "And call off your pets..."


Cryheart says, "Calm em."


Irval exclaims, "Why!"

Pookia exclaims, "Please can we move!"


Nairena says, "Lets move it then..."

Lunatick says, "Guys, stop killin' our fellow town folk."

Erienne says, "They do what they want."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Cant make omelette wiout breakin a few eggsh."

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

The air in the dark cavern is heavy with humidity, as tiny rivulets of water trickle down between cracks in the rocky walls. The sound of lapping waves can be heard nearby. You also see a scowling town miner.

Leafiara slowly says, "Let's just move."

Speaking to Thrassus, Bakarus says, "Im sure they can find more miners. Not a great job anyway."

Irval says, "You..I...i dont have words."

[Wehnimer's, Burrow Way]

A single torch has been wedged into a crack in some rocks, its orange light causing the water along the walls to glint with a fiery glow. Small waves from the sea come rushing through a large gap up ahead as the cold black water blankets the ground. You also see a scowling town miner, a scowling town miner and a disgruntled town dockworker.

[General] Daavino thinks, "I'm standing near krolvin who are not killing me. yet the blacksmiths have no problem."

[combat, as armigers have returned again...]

Leafiara says, "Hmm."


Leafiara says, "Tricky." [...but civilians are also among them]


Leifa apologizes, "Sorry, sometimes my dog does bite."


Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Just move."


Leafiara says, "Careful with your attacks."

[~2000 lines of combat in which people are decidedly not careful with their attacks]

Cryheart yells, "Gryphons dinnae attacke the carefully!"


[General] Vindan exclaims, "Go team Krolvin!"


Irval says, "This is too much..."

Speaking loudly to Thadston, Stormyrain says, "We need to MOVE. There is no way to keep from killing our people in this melee."

Final Battle

[The Black Sands]

A narrow strip of black sand winds between the pulsing sea and the huddled rocks. You look out at the dark waters of the bay, set against the grey sky. With the black sands beneath your feet and the frozen black lava behind you, you feel as though all the color has been blotted out of the world. You also see a sharp-eyed krolvin huntmaster, a lithe krolvin slasher, a large sleek black jeddart-axe, a lithe krolvin slasher that is sitting, a falchion, a tall wooden archery tower, the waters of Darkstone Bay and obvious signs of someone hiding.


Lunatick says, "I refuse to attack these people."


Leafiara says, "Whew."


Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Ye all picked da wrong day ta riot."


Ithilwyn softly exclaims, "Throwing all politeness aside, MOVE YOUR BLOOMIN ARSE!"


Juramis huskily exclaims, "Krolvin are attacking!"


Cryheart says, "Defend."


In a perfect imitation of Tyrrax, from behind Tyrrax, Dendum's voice says, "Stand down stupid dogs."

[~800 line of combat]

In a perfect imitation of Tyrrax, from behind Tyrrax, a voice exclaims, "Oi, you stupid Slugs listen to Captain!"

[~600 lines of combat]

[General] Yardie asks, "And this is the result of a lack of a trial?"

[~1500 lines of combat]

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "No it goes deeper then that regardless what others say."

[~500 liens of combat]

Juramis frets.

[General] Leafiara thinks, "The jurors reached a decision and some people don't like it."

[General] Markx thinks, "If anyone is lookin for a fight, Land's End is your place."

[General] Tikba thinks, "There was a trial. Or possibly a hearing."

[General] Tyrrax thinks, "BROTHERS! IT IS FINISHED!"

Chandrellia recites:

"Everyone good?"

Goldstr says, "Aye."

Gutstorm sings with jollity:


Pookia exclaims, "Doin okay!"

Juramis huskily says, "Plenty of places to hide the body here. Just in case anyone else was thinking the same."

Juramis casually observes his surroundings.

Speaking to Tyrrax, Chandrellia says, "Again, please dont make us regret this."

Tyrrax slowly empties his lungs.

Leifa says, "Unsurprisingly."

Tyrrax looks out at the waters.

Juramis sighs.

In a perfect imitation of Irval, from behind Irval, a voice says, "Not wanting to say told you so but..."

Tyrrax asks, "My brothers?"

Thadston nods at Tyrrax.

Speaking to Juramis, Chandrellia says, "Yeah we could hide your body pretty easy here."

Speaking to Tyrrax, the ghostly voice of Irval says, "I died for you. I hope you remember that."

Leafiara curiously asks, "Anyone have a chrism for Irval here?" [note: normally I would leave out things related to resurrections, but Falvicar responds to Leafi here and Thadston responds to Falvicar, so it stays]

Lylia says, "No."

Chandrellia says, "A lot of us have so I hope you, remmeber that."

Stormyrain says, "No."

Speaking to Irval, Leafiara says, "And he just said earlier that he'll remember."

Falvicar says, "No.. not for him. But I do for other people."

Bakarus says, "Nope."

Falvicar nods at Leafiara.

Drazaa offers Leafiara a cookie-shaped star-of-Tamzyrr diamond. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds. [Dendum and Asben also tried but were seconds too late]]

Pookia exclaims, "Seem to be all out at the moment!"

Thadston glances at Falvicar.

Leafiara accepts Drazaa's cookie-shaped star-of-Tamzyrr diamond.

[General] Yardie thinks, "Finished? Does not feel finished."

Thadston says, "Remember the face of your father."

Falvicar shrugs at Thadston.

Thadston nods at Falvicar.

Pukk says, "Me too...I forgot all my chrisms in my other patns."

Pukk says, "Pants."

Speaking to Leafiara, Stormyrain says, "Perigourd and others can use aid in Voln's courtyard."

Speaking to Thadston, Falvicar asks, "I do... why are you bringing him up?"

Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "Funny, me too. And I do not even wear pants."

Thadston says, "Because you are letting him down."

[locate spell]


A well maintained and healthy garden occupies the entirety of the courtyard. The air here is cool and crisp, but the bulk of the monastery shelters you from wind and makes the air bracing instead of chilling. In the center of the garden is a natural spring bubbling up several inches above the surface of the encircling pool of crystal clear water. A large stone and iron gate blocks the entrance to the monastery flanked by a statue of a woman carrying a crystal staff and a set of crystalline keys facing a second statue of a kneeling young man bedecked in battle-worn black chain armor. You also see a timber jaguar, a scorched black marble bench with a loaf of dark crusty ale bread on it and a large fel tree.

Thadston moves to Tyrrax, and unlocks the rune-etched chains on his arms and hands.

Leafiara asks, "It'll be a few more minutes before I can aid them. Do we have any clerics able to go to Voln for Perigourd and Tzii?"

[General] Kayse calmly thinks, "He is trying to call to them."

Tyrrax steps back, rubbing at his wrists, and nodding.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Gettem Leifa."

Thadston says, "Your brothers are on their way. The sooner we do this, the sooner you can reclaim the others."

Thadston nods at Tyrrax.

Juramis squints at Tyrrax.

Leafiara says, "...good thing this conflict is hopefully ending tonight if we're this short on clerics."

Speaking to Dendum, Irval says, "Appreciated but is not needed."

Speaking bluntly to Tyrrax, Kiyna says, "Rian Larson. Kharusa's father. Do not forget."

In the distance, several ships approach the Black Sands, but seem to slow as they come into view. Krolvin line their decks, bows in hand, ballista aimed.

Tyrrax nods at Kiyna.

Speaking huskily to Tyrrax, Juramis asks, "What do you intend to do with your freedom, krolvin? Die with us?"

Lylia repeats, "You found the scroll. You destroyed it, along with others. No knowledge of Lalk Morgil was imparted from it to anyone."

Lylia nods at Tyrrax.

[General] Markx thinks, "O. O that's good."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Chandrellia says, "Tell then to stand down."

[General] Directed to Kayse, Yardie thinks, "Would be nice if someone someone would also call to the citizens. It's a bloodbath here."

Leafiara says, "Perigourd is living and Voln has help now."

Nairena says, "The moment of truth."

Some militiamen arrive, escorting six chained krolvin brigands.]

Thadston moves to stand in front of Tyrrax.

Juramis stares at some chained krolvin brigands.

Thadston asks, "Do you accept it then, Czag Pitra?"

[General] Neopuron thinks, "Mercenary for hire."

[General] Rhaladin thinks, "Other than the townsfolk the town seems mostly clear of Krolvin, perhaps the bucket brigade can attend to the fires on north ring road before the whole town catches fire."

Thadston says, "Mrodburz."

Speaking to Thadston, Pukk says, "Bless you."

[General] The ghost of Lunatick thinks, "The Krolvin where out on the blacksands."

Juramis glances about with a look of concern on his face.

The chained krolvin begin to bark wildly.

Tyrrax says, "Mrodburz."

Ycelacie annoyedly says, "I am so glad you all focused your combined efforts on returning him here safely."

Thadston begins to circle Tyrrax, passing in front of the chained krolvin.

Nairena says, "It wasnt easy."

Ycelacie annoyedly says, "There were dead people, not krolvin, all over town and krolvin attacking the gates."

Speaking obliviously to Ycelacie, Leafiara agrees, "Me too."

Tyrrax twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved.

Speaking to Ycelacie, Chandrellia says, "Thank you it was a good work of teamwork, thank you for finally joingh us."

Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain murmurs, "Justice."

Speaking nasally to Chandrellia, Ycelacie says, "Don't speak to me."

Juramis trudges back and forth.

Speaking to Ycelacie, Chandrellia says, "Then walk back to town."

Speaking nasally to Chandrellia, Ycelacie says, "Neigh."

Thadston lurches forward, slamming his fist into Tyrrax's face! The krolvin warlord howls, his head snapping back as he spits blood!

Pookia asks, "Whos blood feud?"

Speaking to Ycelacie, Chandrellia asks, "Done yet?"

Nairena says, "Ummm."

Juramis huskily exclaims, "Thadston! What are you doing?!"

Tyrrax spins around, blood and spittle flying from his teeth as he snarls, diving into Thadston's chest!

Pukk says, "That's how krolvin say good bye."

Lylia asks, "You want it to look like a fight?"

Leafiara whispers to the group, "Oh... I see, they're putting on some kind of show."

Stormyrain says, "Hold. They've made an agreement, clearly."

Thadston grapples with Tyrrax, slamming an elbow into his chest, and bringing his knee up into his stomach!

[General] Tikba thinks, "I was able to reach the fires on North Ring without encountering any krolvin."

Cryheart says, "For the show of the krols on the ships perhaps."

Pookia says, "Yeah they're having a gentlemanly fight to the death."

Pookia says, "Its fine."

Nairena says, "Let them sort this out."

Pukk says, "Now, they are going to hug each other and share jokes and have a great time."

[General] Nazarr thinks, "I got killed by a void on the way to the fire."

Ithilwyn softly asks, "Really?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "How come grown men love to...wrassle."

Leafiara says, "Trial by combat it is after all."

Speaking to Ycelacie, Chandrellia says, "Once more id all you get."

Kayse warns, "Go away if you're going to attack people." [Ycelacie cast Sleep on Chandrellia]

Speaking to Chandrellia, Dendum asks, ""Just once?"

Speaking to Cryheart, Goldstr says, "Less hopes dat be it."

Pookia exclaims, "Thats what Mrodburz means i think!"

Lylia says, "Not the time or the place."

Rhaladin says, "'lo there, was quite tha' fight in town."

Pookia exclaims, "They both said it, so i think they both agree! place yer bets!"

Tyrrax smashes his head into Thadston's, breaking his nose and throwing his shoulder into his chest, knocking him away!

Nairena says, "I believe this is a power display to help the krolvin out there welcome back Tyrrax."

Pookia exclaims, "Whoever wins is new mayor!"

Kiyna yells, "Get him Thadston! Fight, Mayor-King!"

Pukk says, "Ooh he's going to have a shiner tomorrow."

Erienne whispers something to Leifa.

Vaemyr says, "Come on Thadston, you can put up a better fight than Amos now..."

Thadston stumbles in the direction of the chained krolvin, then he charges at Tyrrax, who brings one fist up into the Mayor's chin, sending blood and a chunk of his tongue flying!

Chamorr heartily says, "Sheesh."

Rhaladin asks, "Wha's goin on here?"

Stormyrain says, "Oof."

Leifa whispers something to Erienne.

Chandrellia says, "Oohh."

Juramis stares at Tyrrax.

Speaking to Rhaladin, Stormyrain says, "An agreement between these two."

Oxhammer says, "Dat not good."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pookia asks, "You got more popcorn?"

Speaking to Rhaladin, Dendum remarks, ""Small argument...working out details...nothing to worry about..."

Pukk asks, "So, maybe no more Thadston speeches for a bit?"

Tyrrax pushes against Thadston, shoving him to the sands. He brings a foot up, then down on Thadston, then up and down again. Each time a rib snaps loudly.

Speaking to Stormyrain, Rhaladin asks, "We let 'im go but dey get ta' beat tha' snot out o' eachother first?"

Juramis trudges up behind some chained krolvin brigands.

Pookia exclaims, "Bustin his chest open like a chair!"

Oxhammer says, "He gonna talk like Gutty now."

Markx asks, "Umm. So anyone goin to do something about this?"

Xorus whispers something to Lylia.

Speaking to Markx, Kayse says, "They agreed to this."

Pookia says, "No they agreed to this."

[General] Sevanya thinks, "We've got a lot of the fire under control."

Markx says, "Ok. Fair enough."

Thadston rolls over, clawing at the sand, trying to get a grip. He grabs a handful of sand, but then releases it, letting it fall through his fingertips as the krolvin warlord steps on his back, snapping another rib and pressing the Mayor down into the sand.

Rhaladin says, "Dat mebbe goin a bit too far, ah hear ribs breakin'."

Speaking heartily to Stormyrain, Chamorr asks, "Is this spose to happen?"

Speaking to Markx, Leafiara says, "Looks like honorable combat between leaders--"

Mohrgan murmurs, "I hope we have a healer at the ready after this..."

Pookia says, "Mrodburz means to the death."

Speaking to Mohrgan, Chandrellia says, "Ewr do."

Pukk says, "I thought he sneezed."

Pookia says, "This is supposed to happen until one of them dies."

Speaking to Mohrgan, Chandrellia says, "We even."

Gutstorm offers Juramis a bag of popcorn.

Juramis looks over at Gutstorm and shakes his head.

Pookia says, "I wonder if this is what thadston was whisperin about back at the cell."

Xorus says, "Is this the defeat of our Mayor-King? Truly, this must be the Czag Dubra."

Juramis declines Gutstorm's offer.

Tyrrax grabs Thadston by the hair, pulling him awkwardly backwards, almost twisting his body and bloodied face towards the bay, towards the krolvin at sea. He howls, and barks, and throws his head to the sky. He brings a fist around and into the side of Thadston's head, and the Mayor drops to the sand.

Thadston falls over.

Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia murmurs something you don't understand.

Chandrellia asks, "Is it over?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Hadston needs a chair."

Cryheart says, "Enough Tyrrax."

Thrassus asks, "I assume there is some point to this?"

Pukk says, "Huh. The Mayoral elections are bad this year it seems."

Tyrrax steps over Thadston, walking slowly past you, his marigold eyes bright with intensity. He moves to the chained krolvin, and one by one, breaks their chains.

Speaking to Cryheart, Pookia says, "Mrodburz means to the death. they agreed."

Rhaladin says, "Ta' nae look weak likely."

Lylia whispers something to Thrassus.

Kayse suggests, "Can someone look over the mayor's wounds?"

Pookia says, "The mayor even suggested it."

Return to Sea

Tyrrax says, "Your Mayor King Child is defeated."

Tyrrax says, "I will take my brothers."

Lylia says, "We have borne witness."

Chandrellia's eyes suddenly flash with a blood red glow.

Muted veins of metallic grey ripple beneath Cryheart's skin.

Thadston's skin takes on a slight flush as Chandrellia focuses on him.

Tyrrax says, "My promises remain. I will not forget this."

Cryheart says, "And never come back to these shores again."

[General] Arianiss asks, "What's the deal with these black-armored humans?"

Rhaladin says, "Aye, and ye be fufillin yer words as well."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Pookia exclaims, "Think of me every time you chomp down on a squid ring!"

Speaking to Cryheart, Stormyrain says, "Until it's time to defeat Grishom."

Lylia says, "As we witnessed the destruction of the scroll."

Leafiara says, "He will return to battle the blood heretic, Grishom Stone."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Thadshton gonna be pished at ush when dish feller leavesh."

[General] Nordred asks, "Can we pick up the feras weapons atleast people?"

Speaking to Tyrrax, Goldstr asks, "Ye do bein relesin da prisoners?"

Kayse whispers something to Chandrellia.

Juramis huskily asks, "You intend to let this krolvin go free?"

Speaking to Juramis, Kiyna says, "Yes."

Speaking to Juramis, Vaemyr says, "He rightfully just won his freedom."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Pookia exclaims, "I mean he didnt die so hes pretty lucky if ya ask me!"

Speaking to Juramis, Rhaladin asks, "Sir, do ye' be blind?"

Leafiara says, "He's conquered our mayor-king."

Leafiara nods at Juramis.

Speaking to Juramis, Stormyrain says, "Yes, and I would suggest you not stand in the way."

Speaking to Juramis, Irval asks, "Do you wish to engage in a bout as the mayor did with the Krolvin?"

Juramis grits his teeth.

Speaking to Juramis, Pukk says, "He also won you. You now belong to Tyrrax."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Round 2?"

[General] Sevanya thinks, "I think we put out all the fires."

Nairena says, "Clearly the krolvin are stronger fighters."

Speaking to Juramis, Pukk says, "Bye bye now."

Tyrrax removes a small polished rock from his jacket.

Rhaladin says, "Fer mah collection? Ya' should 'ave."

Tyrrax tilts the rock side to side, signaling a light towards the ships in the distance.

Chandrellia asks, "You have healers aboard your ship to heal you?"

[General] Arianiss thinks, "Alright. Thanks anyways."

Chandrellia peers quizzically at Tyrrax.

Tyrrax nods at Chandrellia.

Speaking to Vaemyr, Pukk whispers aloud, "Use your inside voice next time."

A light flickers on the deck of the ship.

Juramis huskily exclaims, "This krolvin attacked and destroyed my home! You can't just let him go like this!"

Stormyrain murmurs, "Going back with signs of battle is going to be more respected by his brothers."

Tyrrax says, "Loyal ones. Good."

Juramis scowls at Tyrrax.

Speaking heartily to Juramis, Chamorr says, "Stop."

Tyrrax raises his hands the air and closes his eyes.

Speaking to Juramis, Rhaladin asks, "Do ya' want tae' face 'im in single combat?"

Juramis squirms.

Speaking to Juramis, Rhaladin says, "Nobody stoppin' ya from stoppin 'im."

Speaking to Juramis, Wunhunlo asks, "You have a new home now, dont you?"

Speaking to Juramis, Nairena says, "Dont mess this up. Your town leaders have decided. Respect this."

Speaking quietly to himself, Juramis says, "No."

Speaking to Juramis, Stormyrain growls, "I have known you a long time, I have no problem taking you out at the knees."

Speaking to Juramis, Missoni says, "I do not disagree, but that was the decision made."

Speaking heartily to Juramis, Chamorr says, "Dont do it."

Suddenly, yellows streaks of light flash into view, speeding out from the ships with a tremendous speed and wash over Tyrrax! Rapidly, a series of golden rings form along Tyrrax's fingers!

Speaking to Juramis, Goldstr says, "We mades a deal to free two of our own."

Chandrellia says, "Now that is interesting."

Thrassus asks, "Is that normal?"

Vaemyr says, "Interesting..."

Leafiara says, "Impressive use of the rings."

Tyrrax flexes his fingers, the golden rings sparkling along their long shapes.

Sevanya says, "Wow...very squid like."

Vaemyr says, "Seems that's why another coud not use the rings while Tyrrax was gone, they are attuned to him."

Speaking to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "He culd have called the rings to him at any time and he didnt."

Lylia whispers something to Thrassus.

Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "I don't know about any time. The cell was antimagic."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Vaemyr says, "There's probably a range on that."

Raelee quietly says, "... I want to know more of those rings..."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Pookia exclaims, "Thanks for always keepin your word!"

Raelee narrows her eyes slightly, studying Tyrrax with a cool, analytical gaze.

Tyrrax says, "Then sail with us."

Tyrrax nods at Raelee.

Tyrrax smirks.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Ill go witcha Raelee!"

Speaking to Tyrrax, Xorus says, "One day we may speak of the destruction of our mutual enemies."

Tyrrax steps over Thadston, who stirs on the sands, craning his head just enough to watch.

Goldstr begins chuckling at Tyrrax!

Speaking to Raelee, Kayse offers, "Sabbatical?"

Tyrrax nods at Xorus.

'Tyrrax says, "This is not the end."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Raelee says, "... that is not motivating."

Speaking to Raelee, Missoni whispers aloud, "Traveling with the Tehir seems a better option."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Leafiara says, "I do hope not."

Leafiara grins at Tyrrax.

Sevanya says, "Aw, I missed the mayor getting smashed on."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Rhaladin says, "Ye prolly would nae like that, things tend ta' catch fire 'round her. Ships be verra flammable."

Lylia says, "I know what you seek, Tyrrax."

Lylia advises, "Prozd gno tulgte."

[General] Weyrs asks, "So are the blacksmiths happy now?"

A churning dark yellow portal rips into existance.

Juramis glances at Leafiara.

Leafiara takes a moment to observe Juramis.

Tyrrax turns to face those gathered.

[General] Rhaladin thinks, "Minus the ones that ran in while big groups were fighting... maybe."

Speaking to Kayse, Chandrellia says, "Thank you for letting me wrap his wounds."

Pookia gives Tyrrax a quick little smooch.

Speaking to Tyrrax, Sevanya exclaims, "Seeya next time!"

Sevanya hugs Tyrrax.

[General] Nordred thinks, "I think their real source of discord was there was so many of them working the same forge and no really the krolvin."

Speaking heartily to Tyrrax, Chamorr says, "Cabs waitin, time to go."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Pukk says, "Give all the other krols our hugs and kisses."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Dendum remarks, ""Dendum is sure the Czag has much to do on his ship...somewhere other than here....the tide only waits so long."

Tyrrax says, "Bring the wordsmith and the vision's father."

[General] Rhaladin thinks, "You may be on to something there, Nordred, that was a lot of blacksmiths."

'Tyrrax nods to his brigands, who step through the portal.

Juramis huskily asks, "More of them?"

Speaking to Juramis, Leafiara says, "These are the captives being returned to us."

Cryheart says, "The halfing and her father."

Speaking to Juramis, Irval says, "The mindflayers father and the scribe."

Speaking to Tyrrax, Goldstr exclaims, "Now ye has me respect!"

Lylia says, "The scholar, Rian, too."

Speaking to Irval, Kiyna says, "Keep your ignorance to yourself."

Dendum corrects, ""Militia member Rian..."

Rhaladin says, "He's nae 'xactly inaccurate there."

From out of a yellow portal, a brown-haired half-elven scholar steps out, rubbing his tired eyes.

Speaking to Kiyna, Rhaladin says, "That be a verra dangerous talent she has."

Speaking to Irval, Chandrellia says, "You are seriously pushing my tolerance."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Dendum remarks, ""Perhaps we can put you back to sleep and then nothing will bother you yes?"

Goldstr says, "Hail Rian."

Speaking to a brown-haired half-elven scholar, Chandrellia says, "Hello Rian."

From out of the portal soon comes a wrinkle-faced halfling, squinting at everyone, a bit skittish as he looks around.

Speaking to a brown-haired half-elven scholar, Lylia murmurs, "Elizabeth will be delighted. Hello, Rian."

Speaking to a brown-haired half-elven scholar, Leafiara says, "Welcome back."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Send that one back."

Speaking to a brown-haired wrinkle-faced halfling, Leafiara says, "...and nice to meet you."

Tyrrax stands in front of a brown-haired half-elven scholar.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "We got nuff halfins."

Speaking to Lylia, Chandrellia says, "You did it, you kept to your word."

Nairena says, "The father."

Speaking to a brown-haired wrinkle-faced halfling, Goldstr says, "Welcome home."

Tyrrax says, "Change no word about me, or what you have saw. Lalk Morgil is destroyed, I have seen to it personally."

Tyrrax nods to a brown-haired half-elven scholar.

Speaking to a brown-haired wrinkle-faced halfling, Chandrellia says, "Hello sir."

[General] Lunatick thinks, "Thanks guys."

Tyrrax says, "Let the legend of me carry to all lands."

Tyrrax nods to a brown-haired half-elven scholar.

Speaking to Tyrrax, Lylia agrees, "I have witnessed this destruction."

The scholar nods, holding his tome tightly.

Rhaladin says, "Is nae 'xactly a legend yet."

Speaking to Thadston, Irval says, "Wake up Mr Mayor. You gonna want to be awake for this part."

Speaking to a brown-haired wrinkle-faced halfling, Kiyna asks, "You are the father of Kharusa, yes?"

Pookia wistfully says, "Let it be known for generations the deliciousness of tyraxx's squid rings.."

Speaking to a brown-haired half-elven scholar, Lylia says, "If you need personal accounts to corroborate, I would be glad to discuss it."

Tyrrax steps towards the portal then turns again.

The halfling nods to Kiyna.

Tyrrax says, "Urgha."

Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia whispers aloud, "Mayor?"

Speaking to Chandrellia, Irval asks, "Can you not see that Im tending to him?"

Pookia exclaims, "Urgha!"

Speaking to a brown-haired wrinkle-faced halfling, Kiyna says, "Your daughter is safe. She's waiting to see you."

Goldstr exclaims, "Urgha!"

Thadston spits sand.

Speaking to Tyrrax, Nalver asks, "Can I have your rings before you leave?"

Speaking drunkenly to Thadston, Gutstorm slurs, "Ok nuff lyin about, we gotta clean up da town."

Speaking to his tin watering can, Perigourd asks, "Water?"

Dendum says, "Karz."

Speaking to Irval, Chandrellia says, "I already tended his woiunds, unless you were to involved looking up Juaramis' arse."

Speaking to Thadston, Pookia exclaims, "Ya put up a good fight!"

Lylia growls, "Urgha."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Sevanya says, "The fires are out already! me and a few others made sure of that."

Speaking to Sevanya, Pookia exclaims, "Good to see ya continuing to do nothing for the town!"

Sevanya exclaims, "I love doing nothing! I'm the queen of it!"

Tyrrax steps forward into the yellow portal, the deck of his ship opening up before him. He does not look back, as the citrine energy spins rapidly, then closes up.

Right and Wrong

Thadston moves to a kneeling position.

Nairena says, "The legend is gone."

Chamorr heartily says, "Gone."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dat portal not like dwarfs."

Juramis grumbles.

Chamorr heartily says, "Good."

Pookia exclaims, "Finally!"

Cryheart asks, "Ye feeling ok, mayor?"

Sevanya says, "There go those squid rings..."

Leafiara comments, "Remarkable night."

Thadston spits sand again, but this time with some blood.

Speaking to Thadston, Pukk says, "You need to work on your acting. We all know you can fight better than that."

Goldstr exclaims, "Was an Honorable fight an Tyrrax kept his word fer releasin da two!"

Perigourd offers Thadston a green tin watering can.

Thadston says, "I am fine."

Thadston declines Perigourd's offer.

Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Good act, looked like it hurt a good bit though..."

Goldstr says, "But now he be free we shALL SEE."

Tayler says, "Perhaps you might want to have someone look at those ribs, I heard cracking, that can't be healthy."

Lylia says, "You have bled on it often enough. Sing out if you would like to borrow it again."

Speaking plainly to Thadston, Dendum remarks, ""Do not bite tongue when hit in face."

Speaking to Tayler, Leafiara comments, "Probably nothing an empath can't fix."

Speaking to Tayler, Vaemyr says, "Chandrellia looked over the worst of the injuries I believe."

Thadston motions for the militia men who brought the krolvin. The militia move in, briefly examine the scholar and halfling, then escort them off to safety.

Speaking drunkenly to Dendum, Gutstorm slurs, "To not block punch wit face."

Speaking to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "He seems to be in good health considering."

Speaking to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "I wrapped his ribs for him."

Thadston suddenly stumbles for no apparent reason.

Thadston says, "How is town."

Cryheart says, "Steady Maory."

Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Rough."

Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd says, "Fires are out."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Town is fine."

Cryheart says, "Mayor."

Rhaladin says, "Fine now."

[General] Leafiara asks, "How are the streets looking?"

Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd says, "Some were injured."

Kialeigh says, "Far less dead people now."

Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd says, "Some are dead."

Juramis huskily says, "A few less miners and blacksmiths than it had before."

[General] The ghost of Tikba thinks, "I am dead in Burrow Way if anyone can help. There are some fairly angry armored soldiers down here."

Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd says, "But not overrun."

Juramis leans on his stick.

Speaking in Krolvin, Vindan softly barks something you don't understand.

Leafiara says, "Chandy has Tikba now."

Speaking to Juramis, Dendum remarks, ""It is unfortunte this."

Rhaladin says, "There mebbe a few less blacksmiths, they kept runnin' intae voids tha' krol were castin."

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "I have Tik at the gates going to TSC."

Lylia says, "Good, I was just going to ask."

Speaking to Vindan, Perigourd asks, "And when will that be?"

The storm at sea rages on, but the krolvin warships on the bay begin to maneuver away, drifting out deeper to sea, until the last of them disappears altogether.

Speaking softly in Krolvin to Perigourd, Vindan barks something you don't understand.

Thrassus says, "I'd be more worried about who hired those rogue armigers."

Rhaladin says, "Well... less o' them now."

Thadston sits down.

Vaemyr says, "Hmm... all things considered... I expected worse tonight."

Speaking to Thrassus, Lylia says, "There are some thoughts on that."

Markx says, "Well. That's that. For now."

Thadston takes a pair of stained black boots off his feet.

Speaking to Vaemyr, Rhaladin says, "Is early yet."

Gutstorm pats Thadston upon the head, and then affectionately musses his hair.

Lunatick says, "Probably better places to sit."

Thadston frowns at Gutstorm.

Dendum says, ""Death comes for all."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "As Landing plans go, this was about the smoothest it's ever been."

Goldstr says, "So no Krol worries fer a bit now .. we hope."

Thrassus says, "They were obviously active far previous to tonight's nonsense."

Speaking wryly to Leafiara, Kayse says, "Do not jinx us."

Thadston digs his feet into the sand and stares out towards the waters and the storm. Sand cakes the side of his face, and blood still trickles from his split lip and broken nose.

Chamorr heartily asks, "We done?"

Thadston says, "In hindsight, jurors might have been a poor choice."

Nairena says, "Im going to miss those sea monkeys."

Thadston smirks.

[General] Yardie thinks, "So.....I think there needs to be a long, in-depth conversation with citizens. Too many people died in defense of their town, killed by the very people they were set to defend."

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Hey, our blood tower plan went... fairly smooth that night, but yeah... we don't have a good track record haha."

Speaking to Thadston, Tayler says, "Rian may disagree."

Lunatick asks, "One in particular?"

Speaking to Thadston, Dendum remarks, ""Could have just killed him from the start."

Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "Well, the second-best idea is still far from the worst."

Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Better get along with finding a permanent judge then."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "...except for the part where Grishom got the blood of you and the other infiltrators."

Lunatick says, "Just stirin' the pot."

Speaking to Thadston, Dendum remarks, ""...but you did not do this."

Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna says, "For what it's worth, I think this is right."

Juramis glances up.

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "I think that was pretty expected when we volunteered."

Speaking to Juramis, Wunhunlo asks, "What do you see?"

Kayse whispers something to Drektor.

Cryheart whispers something to Oxhammer.

Thadston says, "It isn't about right, or wrong."

Rhaladin says, "Is nae so bad. Least they be leavin'."

Speaking to a black-toed saddleback foxhound, Leifa says, "Take your frustrations out onna monkey."

Thadston says, "Rarely do we get to make those decisions."

Lunatick says, "It's about what's best for the Landin'."

Thadston asks, "What is right?"

Thadston says, "Protecting our people is right."

[General] Bigsword thinks, "Sorry guys, I am on vacation out East or I would have saved everyone."

Lunatick says, "Even if it means lettin' that mass murderer go."

Thadston says, "We make all of our decisions, with that in mind. So it is not about, right or wrong."

[General] Pietra thinks, "Eh, next time."

Leafiara says, "Even if others won't understand."

Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr exclaims, "I agree wid ye but we did have two lives at stake!"

Thadston says, "It is about, how many will die, and how many will not."

Leafiara says, "...or even when, I should say."

Speaking drunkenly to Thadston, Gutstorm slurs, "Me gonna give ye werdsh to live by. Rule 1, Yooz never wrong. Rule 2, when yooz wrong, refer to Rule 1."

Tayler says, "Right would have been to take his head, but I suspect far, far more would have died."

Lunatick says, "It's an ethics decision."

Thadston says, "Well fought this night. Thank you for your aid, everyone."

Lunatick says, "Not a moral one."

[General] Ycelacie thinks, "I saved as many as I could mostly from krolvin attackers, everyone else was busy doing other things."

Speaking to Thadston, Irval says, "We can only do what we feel is right in the moments we are given. Seomtimes those right choices we make, turn out to be wrong in the end. But hindsight is always that. We can only sally forth from here."

Thadston says, "I am sure this is far from over, in many ways."

Vaemyr says, "We all fight for many different reasons, and yet there was a large majority of folks in favor of what we did tonight. I believe that has significant weight."

Thadston says, "Ripples, like the bay."

Speaking heartily to Thadston, Chamorr says, "Fer sure."

Kiyna whispers something to Thadston.

Thrassus says, "That's the one constant, really."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Well, now we got an ally fer when Grishom return, not a total losh."

Thadston says, "We've cast our line. Time will tell what we catch."

Lylia says, "Ripples are preferable to the great rogue wave that would have overtaken us, had we allowed them to believe Lalk Morgil was still written somewhere they could reach."

Thadston nods at Kiyna.

Juramis shudders.

Speaking heartily to Thadston, Chamorr says, "Can i go to bed now."

Rhaladin says, "Speakin' o' tha' bay, when ya' gonna dredge it? All them sunk ships and bodies really cloggin' up tha' port."

[General] Directed to Ycelacie, Yardie thinks, "Take that back, Lacie. People were helping and gathering the dead. Not the only one that fought krolvin."

Speaking wrathfully to himself, Juramis says, "Stone..."

Speaking to Rhaladin, Chandrellia says, "But they nake great coral reefs."

Thadston says, "The girl's father and Rian will be released soon. We'll check their health, feed them, I'm sure we have questions."

Speaking to Juramis, Wunhunlo asks, "Friend of yours?"

Juramis looks over at Wunhunlo and shakes his head.

Lunatick says, "Sounds like the landin' would have become a battleground later had we not done this."

Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "We certainly do."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Tayler says, "Couldn't even catch a fish off the Cutlass, they're too busy cleaning up the bodies."

Thadston says, "My wife always loved the beach. I never understood it."

Lunatick says, "A battleground and we would have been smashed to dust between two great forces."

Perigourd says, "It likely will be again."

Speaking to Thadston, Pietra says, "Then your heart beats differently."

Speaking to Tayler, Dendum remarks, ""Probably wrecks snapping the lines."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me no like when da shand git in da not nice to itchy places."

Speaking huskily to Thadston, Juramis says, "You were almost a part of this one, if the krolvin didn't stop."

Speaking to Thadston, Kiyna agrees, "Sand is pretty awful."

Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr exclaims, "Da scholar, Rian, did take full notes of everything!"

Leifa complains, "Gritty."

Leafiara says, "The beach is land and sea, a mix of worlds."

Speaking to Dendum, Tayler says, "Haven't seen anything snap one of those indigo lines."

Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Maybe one day, take some time and just sit and look out over the waves, smell the ocean air, and listen to teh birds, then you'll maybe you'll understand why."

Leafiara says, "A frontier not unlike our own."

Lunatick says, "I'd rather get knocked out on the sand than on stone."

Pukk asks, "Is it too late to off Juramis as a going away present to Tyrrax?"

Oxhammer says, "Better with a cold ale in yer hand also."

Thadston says, "She saw promise on its shining horizon."

Thadston says, "I only saw danger."

Speaking to Chamorr, Pietra says, "Good to see you, Bear."

Thadston stands up.

Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "There are both."

Pukk says, "Offer...not off..."

Speaking huskily to Pukk, Juramis asks, "I have no quarrels with the town council. Why do you want me dead?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Pukk, if we lose Juramis, we lose kinna like Mongo."

Speaking to Chamorr, Chandrellia says, "Nice to see you again Bear, we missed you."

[General] Ycelacie sarcastically thinks, "If I take it back I am sure they will forgive you."

Thadston says, "Goodnight everyone. I think we did well this night."

Thadston nods.

Thadston disbands his group.

Speaking to Juramis, Pukk says, "Misspoke...I wanted to offer you to them. As a guest."

Lylia says, "We did what we set out to do. Yes."

Speaking heartily to Chandrellia, Chamorr says, "Missed you too."

Leafiara says, "Take care of yourself and those wounds, and have a good eve."

Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "Goodnight. Rest well."

Speaking to Thadston, Drazaa says, "Be well mayor."

Speaking to Juramis, Tayler says, "He doesn't, he's... comic relief."

Cryheart says, "Rest well."

Speaking drunkenly to a huge orange cat, Gutstorm slurs, "Who fat cute fatty bo batty catty."

Lunatick says, "Stay safe Mayor."

Thadston walks off into the night, carrying his boots in his hand as he moves along the sands.

Discussion Afterward

Pukk turns toward Thadston and renders a sharp hand salute.

Drazaa says, "Be well Mayor."

Speaking to Pukk, Chandrellia says, "On your word."

Lunatick says, "Damn, i was hopin' he was gonna leave the boots."

Nalver says, "Well then."

Lunatick says, "I liked them boots."

Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I hope he doesn't let that salute go to his head. I'm not doing it often."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara concludes, "Infinitely smoother than anticipated."

Speaking to Juramis, Lylia says, "We should talk sometime, when you have a moment."

Speaking to Juramis, Rhaladin says, "Ah'll kill seventy five krol' fer every name ya' give me o' friends they killed o' yours."

[General] Directed plainly to Ycelacie, Yardie thinks, "Don't need anyone's forgiveness, Lacie. People can think of me as they will and buy into the gossip. Far as I'm concerned, I fought. I helped. I did what I can. Perhaps not to the extent of others, but I did my bit."

Speaking to Juramis, Goldstr asks, "Wha do be yer wish fer our town?"

Speaking to Cryheart, Stormyrain says, "Back to town? I can sing us in."

Xorus says, "Take heart, Juramis. That krolvin and Stone will one day smash each other."

Speaking curiously to Juramis, Leafiara asks, "Are you staying here or returning to Brisker's Cove?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "I'm... honestly astonished I think."

Juramis huskily says, "I suggest getting out of this rain."

Stormyrain says, "Everyone who wishes, join Cryheart."

Pukk recites:

"Everybody join Cryheart"

Cryheart says, "As ye sing."

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Maybe even a little in shock."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "To be fair, maybe it was a mess on the streets and we simply didn't see it from our underground position."

Kiyna says, "Kharusa will be... well, I think happy is underselling it."

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Yardie its ok, Lacie is just, a bit, sour tonight."

Lylia says, "I am certain of that."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Cryheart, me know a neat shpell, it movesh ush inta town witou walkin."

Speaking to Leafiara, Rhaladin says, "It was."

Stormyrain says, "Leaving in three."

Stormyrain says, "Two."

Speaking in Sylvankind to Falvicar, Nalver says something you don't understand.

Stormyrain raises her voice in rhythmic song, commanding the aid of the elements.

Stormyrain skillfully begins to weave another verse into her harmony.

Stormyrain sings a song of revelry, bringing to life the memories of such wonderous merrymaking that you feel as though you never left so long ago. Visions of the drink and the dance fill your mind. Your vision blurs, your surroundings shift and you suddenly realize you are not quite where you were before!

[Raging Thrak Inn, Barroom]

A long and polished wooden bar occupies the whole north wall of the tavern here in The Raging Thrak, which is named for the fiery proprietor. Hard wooden chairs, tables and benches are spaced liberally throughout the room. The tavern does good business, and seems to be at least half full, no matter what time of day. You also see an old wooden table with some stuff on it and a doorway.

Stormyrain says, "One."

Pukk exclaims, "That was quick!"

Bernadette softly says, "She will happy to see er da'."

Cryheart says, "Good landing."

Stormyrain says, "Can't keep a bard from a tavern."

Vaemyr whispers something to Leafiara.

Cryheart says, "Good evening everyone, and well done."

Cryheart says, "Ye survived, Juramis."

Juramis huskily asks, "So do you believe this krolvin to honor his word?"

Speaking to Juramis, Leafiara says, "He hadn't broken it in the past, so yes."

Speaking plainly to Juramis, Pietra says, "Yes."

Leifa denies, "No."

Tayler says, "He has so far."

Speaking to Juramis, Lylia says, "I believe him to act in accordance to some simple logic. So yes."

Speaking to Juramis, Drazaa says, "I have reason to believe so."

Goldstr exclaims, "Wer saved two good folks dis eve folks!"

Speaking to Juramis, Vaemyr says, "He has never once, not once in all our dealings with him broken it yet."

[General] Yardie tiredly sighs, "I really have no issue with Lacie, but I have no problem speaking my mind. To anyone. And if need everyone. I just didn't agree, but she did her bit. I'm off to rest, everyone. I've had enough fighting and confusion of my words and thoughts for one entire day."

Speaking to Juramis, Vaemyr says, "That is a fact, even when he easily could of."

[General] Nordred thinks, "Yardie was helping out, i was fighting with him for a time."

Speaking to Juramis, Kiyna says, "He could have walked right back through his portal without handing over the prisoners."

Speaking to Juramis, Thrassus says, "Likely. He's rather civilized for a krol."

Goldstr exclaims, "Well done an we take da Krol as dey come!"

Leafiara says, "Been living here six years, dealing with plotting Grand Magisters, scheming Alchemists, insane blood witches, mad prelates, and all manner of other things. This was the first time I've encountered an enemy leader I had any respect for."

Dendum says, "Hrmm we lost more than two as well....this landing city is too divided..."

Speaking to Leifa, Pietra says, "He is a warrior, but also a good leader. Whether you believe me or not, it is the truth."

[General] Directed to Nordred, Yardie asks, "Thank you. For everything, yeah?"

Rhaladin says, "Ah got at least three hundred ta'night."

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "This is like five or six times, he's kept to his word... I don't think I have any reason at this point to not trust he'll continue to keep it to us."

Leifa acquiesces, "I'm giving you all the benefit of the doubt, but time will tell."

Pookia says, "Its nice when folks actually carry through on their word, surprisin even."

Goldstr exclaims, "Aye He kept his word!"

Bernadette softly says, "Aye."

Vaemyr says, "And trust me... I was NOT trusting of him at the start... I was sure he had a hidden agenda, would eventually betray us."

Lylia says, "There are those whom one trusts because their motives are pure, and then there are those whom one trusts to act in predictable ways. He is of the latter sort."

Juramis huskily asks, "What of the townspeople who paint and seek justice? What if they do not stop?"

Lylia says, "It benefits him to tell the truths he bears."

Vaemyr says, "But he had chance after chance after chance, and never did."

Pietra whispers something to Leifa.

Juramis nods at Irval.

Pookia smugly says, "I knew from the getgo he was legit."

Speaking to Juramis, Leafiara says, "They're welcome to take to sea and battle the krolvin there, as many of us do."

Thrassus says, "We've been through these phases before, they'll settle down."

Speaking to Juramis, Lylia says, "They seek vengeance, not justice. Which is understandable."

Leafiara says, "Clearly they have the strength to."

Tayler says, "They will wisen up, they can do nothing now, other than continue being erratic and get arrested."

Lylia says, "There is no justice in warfare."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Now dat da krolvin, deyll fergit bout em, outta shight outta mine kinna fing."

Rhaladin says, "Tha' krolvin were ignorin' them fer tha' most part."

Speaking to Juramis, Vaemyr says, "When peace settles back down, Amos I'm sure will open some fancy new shops in the bazaar and that will distract people from before. People are happy when they are prosperous."

Speaking huskily to Irval, Juramis says, "Authority is only to be respected if it serves you. This is why I stepped down from the council many years ago."

Juramis turns to face Vaemyr.

Melikor says, "I'm going to have a look around town. Good night."

Lylia says, "Tyrrax was not an urchin who stole one of Gert Fessel's buns. He is a warlord. He was held for a high ransom; he has paid it."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Chandrellia says, "You mean when Amos is."

[General] Nordred thinks, "You were more on top of where things were than I was."

Juramis huskily says, "I sense some ire regarding Lord Amos with those in the town, to some accord."

Lylia sourly says, "There is, and much of it is unaccountable."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Well da armdinger do werk fer Amos."

Lylia says, "He lost control of some of them."

Vaemyr says, "That's nothing new, but obviously this incident didn't help matters."

Goldstr says, "Much Ire from dis cirizen."

Juramis huskily says, "People with power often struggle to keep it."

Juramis shrugs.

Leafiara says, "It is curious, what the armigers must have been getting that outweighed their pay."

Speaking to Juramis, Dendum says, ""If the Armigers are not protecting city then purpose of them being here becomes great question."

Xorus says, "Thadston made it clear the threat they would face, and I made it clear they will not face that threat if they hold to it."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "We never axed em to bring em here, he brought dem ere witout da town permision to be mushkel."

Lylia says, "I wonder about that too."

Leafiara says, "It truly could just be as simple as some of them despising the krolvin and lashing out on their own accord. Unlikely, but... any number of possibilities."

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Or being paid more from another source, they were mercanaries to begin with."

Goldstr asks, "Dem Mercenaries still on our streets?"

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara agrees, "That was the worry from the beginning."

Speaking to Juramis, Dendum remarks, ""Do not need yet another faction in city of landing causing more Chaos...have enough of that in Town Council."

Speaking to Leafiara, Leifa says, "Hard to let go of past trauma."

Juramis huskily says, "It is time for rest. One could sleep like the dead at this hour."

Irval asks, "So what are the people going to be told about the miners and blacksmiths killed?"

Juramis glances at Tzii. [dead]

Juramis traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...

Juramis gestures.

Juramis suddenly disappears.

Speaking to Goldstr, Leafiara says, "No, Thadston had them sent away while investigations are ongoing to figure out this rogue faction."

Vaemyr says, "I still suspect this "Shrike" we learned about, might of been responsible, in Prax's notes it seemed like Amos and them wouldn't get along."

Lylia says, "Particularly after the fighting."

Speaking to Leafiara, Goldstr says, "Great to hear."

Thrassus asks, "Shrike?"

Kiyna says, "I'll tell Kharusa about this development tomorrow. It's rather late tonight, and she'll be too excited."

Speaking to Irval, Sevanya says, "Those blacksmiths killed several people, I saw the bodies in town square. They made their choice."

Rhaladin says, "Several o' them died, nae by choice, but dey be runnin around while arrows be flyin."

Irval asks, "If doing the right thing by doing wrong things makes it right. Then what does it take to do the right thing in the right way?"

Speaking to Sevanya, Lylia says, "I saw it as well. They were spoiling for a fight."

Speaking to Tzii, Meril says, "Mm, still not alive yet. People here must be tired."

Goldstr exclaims, "Ok Take care an rest erll me friends!"

The ghostly voice of Tzii says, "Corpse eye view."

Drazaa says, "Be well all."

Speaking to Kiyna, Leafiara says, "I hope she'll be willing to come out and speak with us now that her father's safe and the krolvin have gone away for now."

Thrassus says, "Not wasting time with moralizing nonsense, basically."

Speaking to Tzii, Leafiara says, "Well... let's fix you up there."

The ghostly voice of Tzii says, "What you glancin at me fer? i'mma corpse."

Speaking to Thrassus, Lylia asks, "But without moralizing nonsense, how will we ever know how important someone is?"

Speaking to Erienne, Leifa asks, "More rum?"

The ghostly voice of Tzii says, "Am i supposed to leave? haha."

Speaking to Thrassus, Vaemyr says, "In the notes we found, Prax talked about doing business with both Amos and someone called "The Shrike", but while he found Amos could be sated by appeasing his greed, Prax was concerned with the Shrike. And both they and Amos seemed to potentially be after some resources, one of which might of been baystone that was discovered."

Pookia whispers something to Sevanya.

The ghostly voice of Tzii says, "Please."

Xorus indifferently says, "This was why we need death squads."

Speaking to Leafiara, Kiyna says, "I was already speaking with her about coming out to speak with everyone. I want to be sure it's safe for her, but yes, I suspect this will speed that up quite a bit."

Speaking to Lylia, Thrassus says, "Among some cultures it's the size of thier hat."

[Leafi briefly leaves to get a chrism for Tzii, then returns]

Speaking to Kiyna, Vaemyr says, "If I'm about, I will guard her with my life, as I'm sure will many others, she deserves to finally be free of all of this, to choose whatever direction she wishes to go, along with her father."

Thrassus says, "That might be why the Rooks played nice this crisis. The Shrike's organization is competition."

Xorus says, "There was also 'the wraith'."

Kiyna says, "Why are they always birds... Shrikes, Rooks, Gryphons... I guess the Scions break the pattern."

Speaking to Xorus, Thrassus asks, "And who is that supposed to be?"

Speaking to Kiyna, Leafiara says, "And Stormcrows."

Speaking to Kiyna, Lylia says, "I am awaiting the rise of the Loons and the Boobies."

Speaking to Thrassus, Vaemyr says, "Very possible, it would do them well to weaken Amos's organization, and potentially insert influence in our town if there are things they are after. The fact we found bandits and fake guards at the baystone mine also aluded to this too."

Xorus says, "The wraith and the lion both wanted more 'jade mire', and Praxopius was 'a little terrified' of what either of them might do with it."

Speaking to Xorus, Thrassus says, "Ah."

Xorus asks, "I suspect the jade mire is the green liquid he was using to control Thrayzar. But, who knows?"

Irval says, "I sure dont want to see the reactions of the townsfolk on the morrow."

Lylia says, "'Jade mire' sounds like what got into Thrassus' lungs at the beach on Glaoveln."

Irval says, "I bid you all goodnight. I feel the need to go beat on something."

Speaking to Lylia, Kiyna says, "I will propose that there's no reason you and I could not found one such august organization."

Thrassus says, "Oh, that."

Xorus says, "There is also the insides of those pylon golems."

Speaking to Irval, Leafiara says, "You might have to get far away from this area if you want to avoid hearing about it."

Thrassus says, "That was quite painful, yes."

Speaking to Erienne, Leifa says, "I'm going to go drink and get over my krolvin bloodlust."

Speaking to Leafiara, Lylia says, "Good suggestion."

Speaking to Irval, Dendum remarks, ""Perhaps we can council calm to avoid more injury."

Thrassus says, "Also the townsfolk have thrown worse riots than this previously."

Speaking to Irval, Dendum remarks, ""Would not do to have this cycle continue...deaths about deaths about deaths."

Leifa says, "Enjoy the evening, friends."

Lylia says, "Yes. During the Blight, for one."

Speaking to Dendum, Irval says, "Sad thing is, it is of our own making."

Speaking to Irval, Kiyna says, "Before you go... I wanted to ask why you hold the opinion of Kharusa that you do."

Thrassus says, "And those Rone cultists or whatever they were."

Speaking to Irval, Dendum remarks, ""It is perhaps time we put a leash on the Moot Hall."

Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "I wonder if Juramis took my comment about Amos wrong though... I was being pretty sincere, like this all is a reasonable opportunity to do what he kinda does best, business and entertainment. Like that magic-powered icerink they've talked about, I'm sure that'd be popular."

Leafiara recalls, "Ah, the Rone cultists, now that was something. How or where they acquired a wand to turn Crux into stone is... a marvel."

Lylia admits, "It was such a chaotic night, I can hardly blame anyone for hearing something and taking it amiss, or failing to hear it at all."

Vaemyr says, "Anyways, I think I might take my leave and enjoy the night. It's not often that I get to sleep feeling like... we won."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara agrees, "Amazing thing, that."

Speaking to Kiyna, Vaemyr says, "You take care."

Leafiara amusedly says, "...maybe I'd better call it a night before your antics keep me awake."

Vaemyr says, "Anyways, have a good night."

Leafiara wishes, "Do have a good eve all."