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Ebon Gate 2023 Buyer's Choice

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The TownCrier called for your nominations of the Best of the Fest, and here's your shopping guide for this year at Evermore Hollow, Ebon Gate 2023.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this shopping guide available. It's an invaluable resource for more people than you know!

The Best of Ebon Gate Shopping for 2023

Ebon Gate Music Box Traiva was happy to find a cute little token from the festival - a music box to play a melody for you (depending on the box: happy, sad, or haunting). EHShop:The Dancing Death Dirge
a crimson-spined onyx suede volume - The Tale of The Doomicorn Do you know what Doomicorns are? If not, this book is good reading material, Cylnthia recommends. EHShop:A. B. Witching
Elemental Jewelry Inexpensive, beautiful elemental fluff fit for anyone with a touch of magic. Laeli thinks the ice ones are dreamy. EHShop:Elemental Embellishments
The Crafter's Caboodle aka Gem-in-ator Do you collect special gems for crafting and customizing? These gem-in-ators let you stack up to 30 different gems! Perfect timing with all the beautiful gems at Ebon Gate! Crafters Unite! EHShop:Collectors Calamity
Market Stalls If you can't, or don't want to, own a player shop, these make for a wonderful partial-alternative. Perfect for the crafter of many things, these stalls can be set up in town (in non-noded rooms) or on private properties, where you can sell your crafted items, at any time! EHShop:Market Makers
Basketifiers Food, kept in it's own little place, what you can put out on a picnic blanket or table. Baskets come off the shelf with four slots for food, unlocks available to up the number of food slots to eight, twelve, and twenty-four. So much food around Elanthia, so little space, problem solved! EHShop:Preserving Breads
Sirenglass Staff Charms Ever wished your very mechanically-heavy runestaff was just a bit more roleplay zesty? Ever wished you could swish your runestaff, when it can only swoosh? (Did you know that swooshing is bad?!) Well, now you can! With these little charms, and the unlocks that are available for them, you can tell the world just how much you love your runestaff/runestaves, without having anyone actually touch those staves! EHShop:The Glass House
EG Familiar Talisman Laelithonel reminds everything that fancier familiar talismans are always great, and these are really nice looking this year. EHShop:The Familiar Phantom
Ear Candy Earcap jewelry will display the gem of your choice with a terrific flourish. Buy one piece of jewelry and alter it yourself with gems to match your outfit. Love these things! EHShop:Adorned Endearment
Eyes of the Arkati Divination contacts. You can have minor visions for less than a thousand shards, major visions for just under a thousand more. Get yer divination on, with a number of spirits or energy, which merchants can change for you, from Cylnthia. EHShop:Entranced
Illegal Alter Clothing Line Never pass up IACL when it is offered. Selections at Ebon Gate are a nice mix for all genders. There's something from neck to feet for sale, then let it fill in that second half of the long description with the style of how you want to wear it. GALDable for customization, I always found. EHShop:Adorned Endearment
Weaving tote Traiva asks, "How can you not love an autobundling item like the Weaving Tote!?" It also has the benefit of allowing you to pluck one item out of your bundle while the bundle's still in the tote - super crazy handy when you're weaving up big and intricate garland! (Plus, it holds a pair of snips so you're never without them.) EHShop:The Witching Flower
Dapper Drapes These are great clothing options available for men! A good step forward clearing the way for more men's fashion playing on existing scripts made for women's clothing! EHShop:Discerning Stitch
Nightfire Brews Kettles? Coffee presses? Fancy tea?! AND SCONES?! "Yes, please!" raves Laelithonel. Just need to go pick up a stove from Cooktop Conundrums and you're set. EHShop:Nightfire Brews
Invisible Ink Luxelle thinks that reading between the lines just got easier and more fun with the new writing tools pre-filled with invisible ink! And you can still write over your secret message with a visible message. Heat it, and the invisible one becomes visible. Also Fountain Pens. So, margin notes, anyone? Only downside, the pens have limited uses, but can be refilled at any GALD or made endless with the Permifier - PERM-ifier. Buy backups as needed. EHShop:A Vague Inkling
Shadowplay Gown Shadowplay Gowns are wonderful, but having the unlocks to buy for them even more so. Maybe one day we'll have Shadowplay Menswear. So amazing. So much potential for the zests. from an anonymous wizard EHShop:Shadowplay
Dreamfire Illusion Portrait Panels Without having to wait for a merchant, someone can pose for a portrait from the artist in the shop and get that portrait panel made. There are options for demeanor, verbosity, props, and stuff. This is a pretty incredible opportunity! EHShop:The Imprinter's Studio
Market Stall Every entreprenuer's dream is a pop up stand on a well-traveled lane. Now you can make that dream come true in Elanthia. Unlocks allow more items, more stacking, less fees. Some customization already on certs. Specific alterations from the merchant looks like it will be offered during Merchant Week. EHShop:Market Makers
The Side Unlock for Moth Cloaks I. LOVE. MOTH CLOAKS. by Laelithonel. So much. So, so much. But now they have a fun and useful side unlock to buy that's good even for a Tier 4 cloak! Look for the a moth-stamped parchment in the amethyst case. Not the other piece of signage. EHShop:The Cloaked Eclipse
Eyes of the Arkati Not limited to just divination or scrying, these incredible items can also be a contemplative tool for any adventurer. They are unseen in your inventory. Unlock yours for more verbs and major visions. Or skip the Arkati angle and go for one of the other *10* options, from the ancestors to inner strength. Someone thought of everything! Wow! EHShop:Entranced
Uncouth Wallflower Gown Are you the type of person who wants to be all kinds of dressy, but also not completely verse in high culture? This dress is for you! Multiple tiers give you the option to customize so many parts of the gown, and the verbs are just perfect for the slightly-clutzy, less-cultured type. Cylnthia notes, "It's so customizable, you don't even need to see an Alterer to get it to be what you want it to be!" EHShop:The Uncouth Wallflower
The Tale of the Doomicorn Not just any Gloumerrick Book, the crimson-spined onyx suede volume records the story of the legendary Doomicorn. Word is it's headed for the Best Sellers List! EHShop:A. B. Witching
Super-Fish-All Tackle Box Fishing without lugging all of your fishing gear in a big fishing net that drags behind you is a dream and Laelithonel stands by this being one of the simplest and coolest quality of life changers for something that's a fun pastime or an endeavor at Ebon Gate. If you fish! Get. A. New. Tackle. Box. EHShop:Rodnir's Bait and Tackle
Gems, Gems, Gems! Look for beautiful and unique gems for all your projects at these shops: 2 shards each at EHShop:Adorned Endearment, 5 shards each for uncut gemstones at EHShop:Glisten and Gleam, 50 and 60 shards each at EHShop:Antiquarian Manor, and the legendary gem pile for 10 shards per search, in the EHShop:Antiquarian Manor Showroom
Veola hair accessory Do NOT let the Veola items intimidate you! They're some of the most customizable accessories in GS once all the sides are added, letting you change the look with a dainty primrose or a flat stinkbug with just a PUSH. Plus, you can add customized hairstyles so you always look JUST RIGHT. Now is a great time to stock up! EHShop:Conjured Couture
Bravery Spell Potion Not everything is fluff at Ebon Gate, the Bravery Potion is a SOLID adventurable. And you might have overlooked it with all those wand accessories at the shop. EHShop:Any Way You Wand It
Chrism holders A Chrism holder is a must have for anyone who could perish out there adventuring. Pop in your chrism, and it looks like any other jewelry. But if you die, you LOOK at it, and the chrism will fall out to the ground for the cleric to use. In a never seen before set of styling options, pick the one that works for you, pick the worn location you want. Be prepared, people! Signed, Newsby. EHShop:Peace of Mind
Permifier - PERM-ifier PERMIFY ALL THE THINGS! Are you hesitant to use your custom bubbles or imbue box for fear of running out? This magical obelisk makes it so the fear of running out (or the need to stock up) is eliminated FOREVER. EHShop:Antiquarian Manor
The Blood Red Hand "The fluff and verbs are so diverse and fun. They even change with your demeanor," Marvelous Miss Maevie tells us. Fully unlocked there are something like 27 different verbs. Want to SIMPER or FLIRT with that special someone? What about SLAP or PINCH? Or even KNOCK on wood (your head)? The Blood Red Hand has it all. EHShop:The Blood Red Hand
Piercing Kit Whether you collect piercing jewelry or offer piercings to others, this kit is amazing and if you didn't pick one up last year, get one this year. It sharpens your piercing needle, stores the jewelry, it's everything you need and want for the whole process. EHShop:Pierced Veil
Voln armor If you're in Voln and/or converted to Voln, and if you fight undead, this armor can literally be a lifesaver. There's a reason it's not easy to find every day! EHShop:Armaments of the Destroyer
Logic +5 The Brass Cog of Logic is ankle-worn and boosts a pretty precious stat for only 1000 shards. It persists, too. Try to buy it for less on Merchant. Not gonna happen most days for this price. EHShop:The Gnome Depot
Origami Paper and Patterns Origami papers and some of the patterns are ONLY available in Naidem! Get them while you can! There's an origami master in the back room, too! EHShop:The Ghostly Lotus
Lip Gloss by Naidem Lip Gloss Reviews by Laeli: There are so many options for wearing the lip gloss; awesome combination of colors and different considerations in how you want to alter those colors. I definitely brought one of these to the obelisk. EHShop:Beneath the Philtrum
Necrotic ring You'll want the smooth bone ring from the Arena of the Abyss because you can get up to an extra 1m+ experience per year.
Drape Gowns with Diverse Drapes Diverse Drapes enchanted one fashion-loving hobbit, "I love the options for the gowns, the customization of the drapes, and the verbs with the unlocks. It's fashion fun!" EHShop:The Art of the Drapery
Frying Pan Yardie told. us, "Being able to conjure, create, and prepare dishes for friends and loved ones has been a dream of mine. This skillet allows me to do so and then some. Fishing, hunting all have more of a culinary purpose, one that I aim to explore further." EHShop:Sizzle and Spice
Covert Creatures You can create customized clothing and costumes using critters from Bugs on Parade and Life Aquatic, from Suzetta. EHShop:Covert Creatures
The Creepy-Crawly Jar Here's some inexpensive creepy fun. So many zests, imaginative customizations can be done with a merchant. Laelithonel loves these. EHShop:Kreapy's Krawliez
Tackle Boxes Rillarie explains, "I love all the tiny trays, the functions of the box, and the fact that you can use it not only to tuck your rod into, but unlock it and keep fish. I always struggle with inventory in text-based games as I love to play with All the Things, so items like this little box are worth their weight in silver to me!" (Or shards!) EHShop:Rodnir's Bait and Tackle
Tooth Extractor / Toothkey These new tools are great for weaving and crafting, as well as roleplaying! Who doesn't love performing amateur dental surgery on their friends? And bear in mind, as Obelin warns, "Yipsy already has one, so these teeth are coming out one way or another." EHShop:Tooth and Claw
Coffee Press Someone mentioned this whole shop already, but just to reinforce this, Iskandr wants you to know: You can't make coffee without a coffee press, and they weren't readily available for quite some time (saw some going for tens of millions+ recently). If you want to make coffee in the next year or so and lack a press, this is your answer! The price is a steal compared to what the lack of them had caused on the open market over the past few years! EHShop:Nightfire Brews
Scrying bowl An older Divining/Fortune telling script that I don't remember seeing for quite some time. It's a fun little thing for the "Divining stuff in Gemstone" completionist and all the unlock certs are there in the shop too. Wow your friends with another addition to your array of "weird ways to tell people what their future might hold." EHShop:Entranced
Borrowed Plumes Masque Luxelle declared the Borrowed Plumes Masks the sleepers of this Ebon Gate. These amazing masks are feature worn, have three tiers of incredible verbs, and can be customized via GALD. They are, in Mister Ordim's words, "basically a write your own unique feature line item." EHShop:Borrowed Plumes
Elemental Jewelry Leafiara immediately fell in love with the Elemental Fluff Jewelry after trying it. They're super affordable and have simple and versatile messaging that can be used for everything from impromptu roleplay to elaborate presentations to stringing together your own a la carte spell preps (and at a fraction of the cost of "real" spell preps). Get your elemental flavor on! EHShop:Elemental Embellishments
2022 Items And everything from last year's Buyer's Choice is still for sale; don't miss those recommendations, too. Ebon Gate 2022 Buyer's Choice