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The Cleric's Shop

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The Cleric's Shop is a shop in Wehnimer's Landing that sells clerical supplies. It is located on Cheridin Avenue, just west of the Temple.

The proprietor is Brother Wuldreth.
[Clerics' Shop, Salesroom] Room: 2038, RNUM: 1244
The atmosphere in this shop is one of quiet contemplation. The walls are covered with somber murals depicting the gods and heroes of Elanthia in their ongoing struggles against the forces of the Undead. Racks along the walls hold gleaming weapons that seem almost to glow with an inner light of their own. The shop's proprietor, Brother Wuldreth, attends to business with serene determination. You also see a high counter.
Obvious exits: out


  1. a ritual dagger                  13. a golden Oleani pendant
  2. a holy kukri                     14. some silvery Kai bracers
  3. a commoner's staff               15. a mein Eonak mask
  4. a monk's truncheon               16. a candle votive
  5. a high scimitar                  17. a sash
  6. a holy sapara                    18. a ring
  7. a white blade                    19. a medallion
  8. a pure mace                      20. a robe
  9. a holy morning star              21. a white ora sapara
  10. a holy Lumnis tiara             29. a consecrated banner pole
  11. a diamond Lorminstra necklace   30. a phial of clouded oil
  12. a golden Phoen circlet         

This item is available in the following colors or finishes:

  1. white                  8. cyan                 15. lavender
  2. grey                   9. green                16. golden
  3. black                 10. yellow               17. silvery
  4. dark                  11. brown                18. chrome
  5. red                   12. tan                  19. brass
  6. blue                  13. orange               20. crimson
  7. azure                 14. purple              

This item is available in the following divine blessings:

  1. Koar                   8. Imaera               15. Voaris
  2. Lumnis                 9. Charl                16. Tilamaire
  3. Ronan                 10. Jastev               17. Kuon
  4. Lorminstra            11. Cholen               18. Niima
  5. Phoen                 12. Tonis                19. Voln
  6. Oleani                13. Eonak                20. Jaston
  7. Kai                   14. Leya     

Backroom Inventory

  Backroom Catalog
  22. a white ora mace                26. a pure potion
  23. a white ora blade               27. some white ora-studded boots (2x UCS Gear (sanctified and pocketed))
  24. a white ora dagger              28. some white ora-studded gauntlets (2x UCS Gear (sanctified and pocketed))
  25. an ebony Lorminstra staff