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Domain Festivals, Performing Arts, Humor
Symbol a crimson lute on a field of gold
Pantheon Pantheon of Liabo
Relationships Imaera (mother)
Eonak (father)
Jastev (brother)
Smite/Bane Smite
Critical Puncture

God of Festivals, Performing Arts, and Humor

Cholen is the God of festivals and the performing arts. The offspring of Imaera and Eonak, he is the twin brother of Jastev.

Patron of celebrations and all that goes with them, Cholen is renowned for his bright demeanor, his mastery of music, song, and dance, and of his mischievous nature. All performing skills commonly seen at festivals fall within his domain, and muttered prayers to Cholen are not uncommon among jugglers, actors, and bards who frequently perform at them.

The many comedies whose plots revolve around mistaken identity and cross-gender disguises owe their basis, at least in part, to Cholen's penchant for cross-gender pranks, although his disguises are generally acknowledged as being more complete than most acting troupes could ever manage.

Cholen's preferred humanoid manifestation is that of a young man with summer-sun gold hair, blue eyes and a slight build. He is arrayed in fine but exaggerated clothing, and he favors a great cloak with patches of every color and shape imaginable. In manner, he is playful and mocking. His symbol is a crimson lute on a field of gold.

Shrines, Statuary, and Holy Places

Cleric Guilds

Displayed in the Prayer Rooms of each Cleric Guild is a statue of Cholen. These prayer rooms are considered a holy shrine to multiple deities.

The mocking smile of Cholen is framed by a mass of curly hair.  His thin body is arrayed clothing of an exaggerated style.  A flowing greatcloak billows out behind him.

K>touch Cholen
You reach out and touch the statue of Cholen.

A warm feeling washes over you, as if Cholen smiled upon you.

Wehnimer's Landing Cleric Guild

Located in the Antechamber of Liabo is a table inset with disks depicting all of the Liabo arkati, including one for Cholen. This area is not considered a holy shrine.

A crimson lute on a field of gold is painted on the crystal disk representing Cholen.


To add messaging, see deity messaging.
Spell/Ability CollapseMessaging
CHANT (verb)
[1p cleric] You chant a reverent orison, asking Cholen for creativity and joy to inspire you.
[3p cleric] CLERIC chants a short but reverent orison, asking for creativity and joy to inspire him.
[1p paladin] You bow your head and chant a short prayer to Cholen, causing crimson and gold light to momentarily coalesce in front of you.
[3p paladin] PALADIN bows his head and chants a short prayer, causing crimson and gold light to momentarily coalesce in front of him.
Major Sanctuary (220)
Bright colors swirl and dance around you, obscuring your vision...
[Sanctuary of Laughter]
Vibrant swathes of fabric fall from a peaked ceiling to pool on mutli-hued floors of overlapping woven silk rugs. The fabric ripples with the heavily incense-scented wind, while candlelight beyond the fabric walls casts the silhouette of jugglers, acrobats, and dancers. Laughter fills the air and lifts the spirits.
(missing end messaging)
Well of Life (308)
As you sense your souls have linked together, you smell the aroma of fine wine.
Condemn (309)
[Success] Raucous, mocking laughter fills the air, and TARGET cringes beneath its onslaught!
[Failure] A faint ripple of mocking laughter surrounds TARGET, but nothing comes of it.
[Damage] Barbs of ridicule and scorn take physical form, piercing TARGET for X points of damage!
[Debuff end] The sound of laughter directed at TARGET grows distant and fades away.
Blind (311)
[1p] As your faith overcomes TARGET's weakened defenses, you sense the merriment and goodwill of the Jester flowing through you.
[2p] Caster's face shimmers and vanishes, and, in its place, you see the image of a young, golden-haired man with a smile of delight curving his lips. His eyes are the color of the sky, and they sparkle brightly with merriment. Divine radiance blazes around the image, and you are blinded.
Prayer (313)
[1p] Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the humor of your deity to protect you. You taste fine wine on your lips, and you sense that your prayer has been granted.
[3p] Sapphire light dances in CASTER's eyes.
Censure (316)
For your transgressions, you will be forever be marked as the punchline of the world's jokes, prone to the pranks of all, and endure the endless humiliation that will ensue....
Raise Dead (318)
[1p] This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
[2p] Musically, though lyric free, CASTER begins a soft chant in petition to her deity. Rising from the air around her, the sweet sound of a lute begins to accompany her, and you discover that the very air seems alive with it. Reaching outward, CASTER touches you on the lips, and the blended sounds burst into a wordless chorus that surges between the two of you in a shower of colorful lights.
[3p] Musically, though lyric free, CASTER begins a soft chant in petition to her deity. Rising from the air around her, the sweet sound of a lute begins to accompany her and you discover that the very air seems alive with it. Reaching outward, CASTER touches TARGET on the lips and the blended sounds burst into a wordless chorus that surges between the pair in a shower of colorful lights.
an iridescent pyrite lute talisman
Strains of music pluck at your ears, woven through with the sound of a distant voice raised in joyous laughter. Your heart grows light, the world more colorful to your eyes. In moments, the distant sounds fade and leave you energized in the wake of their merriment.
Divine Wrath (335)
As you pour your soul into an appeal to Cholen, you know that you are heard. Sudden heady joy courses through you, lifting your heart and strengthening your spirit, and your mouth fills with the taste of exquisitely fine wine. You feel yourself grinning in spite of yourself.
The sound of laughter and music dances through the air, and, from the corner of your eye, you glimpse the forms of bright-garbed harlequins turning somersaults and tossing juggling balls back and forth -- but it is impossible to catch even one jester with a straight-on glance, for the celebratory spirits fade into memory as soon as you spy them. The power of Cholen has answered your prayer.
A throwing knife formed of shimmering golden light hurtles from the hand of one of the spirit jesters toward TARGET.
Your connection to Cholen lessens. The airy, brisk trill of a well-played fife and a quick cymbal crash heralds the departure of the spirit jesters.
A sudden smile crosses CASTER's face and broadens into an infectious, easy grin.
The sound of laughter and music dances through the air, and something brightly colored flickers at the edges of your vision.
You glimpse movement at the corner of your eye right before a throwing knife formed of golden light hurtles toward TARGET.
The trill of the fife and the crash of cymbals echo through the air from no apparent source, and then the peculiar, colorful flickering at the edges of your vision goes away.
[Look Caster]
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Symbol of the Proselyte (340)
[Cast] This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Miracle (350)
[1p] This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Aid the Fallen (1613)
Repentance (1615)
[1p] This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Judgment (1630)
You briefly close your eyes, and a cloud of confetti rains down on you from above. A faint crimson light builds up and emanates from your hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal lute!
A strum of crimson notes float out from the strings of the ethereal lute, striking TARGET!
The ethereal lute strikes a sharp cord and crumbles.
CASTER briefly closes his eyes, and a cloud of confetti rains down on him from above. A faint crimson light builds up and emanates from CASTER's hand before it takes the shape of an ethereal lute, and CASTER thrusts it forward!
A strum of crimson notes float out from the strings of the ethereal lute, striking TARGET!
Divine Incarnation (1650)
[Cast 1p] You ask Cholen for his blessing, and mischievous laughter rings in your ears in response. Merry lute music fills the air, building to a quick and rousing crescendo as a spray of golden light envelops you and brightens your eyes.
[Cast 3p] A mischievous giggle heralds the eruption of fast-paced lute music. As the melody builds to a quick and rousing crescendo, a spray of golden light envelops CASTER and brightens his eyes.
[Expiration 1p]
[Expiration 3p]
[Zeal 1p]
[Zeal 3p]
[Armor 1p]
[Armor 3p]
[Smite 1p]
[Smite 3p]
[Onslaught 1p] Fast-paced lute music fills the air, inspiring you to leap into the fray! You find yourself unusually nimble in movement, leaping into battle with the finesse of the greatest dancers as you strike out with fleet-footed grace!
[Onslaught 3p] Fast-paced lute music fills the air as CASTER leaps into the fray with the finesse of the greatest of dancers, striking out with fleet-footed grace.
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Arkati and Lesser Spirits - edit