Ebon Gate Teasers Archive by The TownCrier/2023

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< Ebon Gate Teasers Archive by The TownCrier
Revision as of 08:34, 16 September 2023 by WOMBATSANDERS (talk | contribs) (shop listing, small news)
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  • Event dates: September 29th - October 31st 2023
  • 9/29 - 10/6 - Platinum Live Games, Storyline & Quest Introduction
  • 10/6 - 10/13 - Prime Live Games, Platinum Merchant Week
  • 10/13 - 10/20 - Prime Merchant Week
  • 10/22 - 10/27 - Storyline & Quest Closing
  • 10/27 - 10/29 - Special Event
  • 10/30 - 10/31 - No GM interactions

Quick Links

Discord 2023 Bug Fixes

Live Games Schedule

Rules and additional information can be found at the Live Games page.

  • Prime Schedule
    Game Dates Times Locations
    Costume Contest Sunday, October 1 2:00pm [Icebriar Lake, Winter's Edge] (8083079)
    Blind Luck Friday, October 6 9:00pm [The Gallivant, Marquee] (8085023)
    Cryptic Chronicles Saturday, October 7 2:00pm [Abandoned Cemetery] (8085034)
    Pyrestarters Sunday, October 8 4:00pm [Bonfire of the Gallivants] (8085033)
    Spooky Ciphers Monday, October 9 9:00pm [Gallivant Manor, Library] (8085065)
    Haunted Spirits Tuesday, October 10 9:00pm [Gallivant Manor, Kitchen] (8085062)
    Wheel of Misfortune Wednesday, October 11 9:00pm [Under the Manor] (8085066)
    GHOUL Thursday, October 12 9:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Tuesday, October 17 3:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Saturday, October 21 1:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Tuesday, October 24 9:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Friday, October 27 9:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Sunday, October 29 8:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
  • Platinum Schedule
    Game Dates Times Locations
    Cryptic Chronicles Sunday, October 1 4:00pm [Abandoned Cemetery] (8085034)
    Blind Luck Sunday, October 1 6:00pm [The Gallivant, Marquee] (8085023)
    Pyrestarters Monday, October 2 9:00pm [Bonfire of the Gallivants] (8085033)
    Spooky Ciphers Tuesday, October 3 9:00pm [Gallivant Manor, Library] (8085065)
    Haunted Spirits Wednesday, October 4 9:00pm [Gallivant Manor, Library] (8085065)
    Wheel of Misfortune Thursday, October 5 9:00pm [Under the Manor] (8085066)
    Costume Contest Sunday, October 15 3:00pm [Yvalyst Manor, Ballroom] (u8089005)
    GHOUL Saturday, October 7 8:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Sunday, October 15 1:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Tuesday, October 17 9:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Sunday, October 29 3:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
In the Common language, it reads:
~~ 5123 Ebon Gate Live Games Prize Options ~~

1. Custom signature verb
2. Custom swear
3. Custom logon/logoff messaging
4. A spell prep from the options below:
      First Person:  With a primal scream, you issue a demand to the dead.  Sinuous spirits rise from the ground and twine about your arms as you prepare to cast [Spell Name]
      Third Person:  With a primal scream, [Your Name] issues a demand to the dead.  Sinuous spirits rise from the ground and twine about [his/her] arms.
      First Person: You invoke the spirits of the harvest as you prepare the [Spell Name] spell, and dozens of will-o'-wisps in autumnal hues dance about you.
      Third Person:  [Your Name] invokes the spirits of the harvest, and dozens of will-o'-wisps in autumnal hues dance about [him/her].
5. Death Announcement that reads:
      In the game of life, Xynwen just rolled a natural one.
6. Manna Bread - Aspic option.
7. Unlocked Toasting Stein with custom toast of your choice.  (This will be a delayed service as it requires QC.)

Winners may only pick one prize and if that prize has been picked by another winner at the same game, then that prize is not available to be picked again.

Shop Listing

Shop Type Name
Pawnshop Bones & Baubles
Gemshop Greedy Ghost
Alchemist Shop Haunting Sphere
Herb Shop/Healer Clove and Dandelion
Bank Otherworldly Wealth
All shops will be accepting Soul Shards only!
**New** Returning Refreshed
Beneath the Philtrum A. B. Witching Flightless Dragonfly
Borrowed Plumes Adorned Endearment Illusory Dreams
Dancing Death Dirge, The All Dogs Go To Naidem Within Harm's Reach
Diabolically Chained All Fingers and No Crumbs
Discerning Stitch Any Way You Wand It
Drowned Dreams Curiousities * Armaments of the Destroyer
Elemental Establishments Art of the Drapery, The
Entranced Beyond the Graver
Fancy Wishbones Blood Red Hand, The
Glass House, The Both Sides Now
Haunted Waters Artifacts * Buckle Up
Imprinter's Studio, The Burning Desire, A
Lacquered Ungues Cloaked Eclipse, The
Market Makers Collectors Calamity
Nightfire Brews Conjured Couture
Peace of Mind Cooktop Conundrums
Sizzle and Spice Covert Creatures
Sleightest Hand Cozy Little Friends
Spider Johnn's Tin Smoke Box Derelict Abbey
Tooth and Claw Don't Bug Me!
Twisted Ways Ember Ridge Candy Apple Shop
Vague Inkling, A * Ember Ridge Cider House
Winning Shriek Familar Phantom, The
Farain's Shack
* Delayed opening Fiendish Phantomes
Filigree and Whorls
Final Iteration, The
Flasked with a Purpose
Four Humours, The
Ghastly Groceries
Ghostly Lotus, The
Glisten and Gleam
Gnome Depot, The
Goblin King Dolls
Gouged Heart, The
House of Twilight
Icewild Hall
In the Bag
Innoscents Lost
Ironmonger's Smithy
It's to Pie For
Kreapy's Krawliez
Luck of the Draw
Masqued Intentions
Materials Maketh Man
Moorlyn Cottage
Name of Thrones
Nana's Notes
Nether and Void
Other Daughter, The
Pierced Veil
Preserving Breads
Rack 'Em Up
Rodnir's Bait and Tackle
Roof Over, The
Sheets Gone Wild
Smoldereye Lodge
Stay Tuned
Templeton Shor'toes' Sugars
Tippy Toes
Two-Headed Dog, The
Uncouth Wallflower, The
Vamped Vault, The
Wild Flailings
Witch's Garden, The
Witching Flower, The
Witching House, The
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New for Ebon Gate 2023


2023 Ebon Gate Item Teasers


News & Updates


  • Thandiwe announced teasers will begin on or about the 15th, with a single subtle hint in the form of a spoilered emoji! Discord


  • Thandiwe began the teasers proper with this small piece of news; she's made a new scrying device. Discord
  • Sylinar is currently returning unchanged. Discord
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This page was last updated on Saturday, September 16, 2023 at 3:34:42 AM GMT.