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Decay Timer 10 minutes
Spirit Regeneration 1 per 4 min, ×2 on node
Height 5.5' to 6', max 6.5'
Weight 75 to 215 lbs.
Languages Common, Sylvan, Elven

Sylvankind are a race descended from elves who refused to join the Elven Empire, preferring to hold to the old ways within the deep forests of the world. Among the elves, they are known as sylvisterai, or "those who embrace, or marry, the forest". Reclusive and mistrustful of outsiders, they have ever moved their settlements to avoid the encroach of civilization.

Sylvankind Statistics

Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
0 0 +10 +5 -5 +5 0 0 0 0

For statistic growth rates by profession, see List of statistic growth rates#Sylvankind.

Physical appearance

Sylvans tend to have pale complexions and sandy brown hair. In manner of dress, they prefer natural colors like green or brown, with simple and close-fitting styles to move unhindered through the forest. In more permanent settlements, they make use of fine textiles such as chainsil to weave densely folded yet lightweight clothes.

Traditional sylvan societies place little value on precious gems and metals, but trinkets made of amber have particular religious importance.


This section is partly hypothetical based on fragments of official documentation.

The language spoken by the sylvans of Yuriqen has been preserved almost exactly as it was spoken over 40,000 years ago due to the unbroken chain of ancestral hierophantic memory. To modern elven listeners, it sounds so archaic as to be nearly impossible to understand. Most contemporary sylvans living in the wider world have found it easy to pick up the modern elven language, though on occasion they may use some bafflingly antiquated phrasing.

The sylvan writing system is credited to the scholar Raolawei Ly'Setta, who exchanged his knowledge of early elven scripts for permission to live among the sylvans of Ithnishmyn for the rest of his life.


Most sylvans practice a religion dedicated to Imaera, the Arkati most closely aligned with nature, and among sylvans she is often called the Mother Goddess. Festivals are held at the start of every season to celebrate her with song and prayer. Many of the unusual magics known to sylvan hierophants are said to come from a special connection to the goddess.

While many traditions are based on worship of Imaera, sylvans also recognize the balance between Light and Dark, and honor all of the Arkati for their roles. Gosaena, as the personification of eternal death and the end of the cycle of life, holds a special place in the pantheon.

Other Characteristics

Spirit Regeneration 1 per 4 min Decay Timer 10 min
Max Health 130 Base Regeneration 1
Weight Factor 0.70 Encumbrance Factor 0.81
Maneuver Bonus Good Elemental TD -5
Spiritual TD -5 Sorcerer TD -5
Poison TD +10 Disease TD +100

Sylvans receive a large hiding bonus in the forest, a penalty to crafting and a small penalty to forging.

Race-specific verbs

LISTEN You incline your ear in the direction of the natural air currents and intently focus on the slightest sound within your environment.
LISTEN <self> You listen quietly to the sounds of nature all around you, letting your heartbeat slow to join in perfect time with the pulsating rhythm of life.
LISTEN <person> You tilt your head slightly toward <target>, noting the subtle changes in his muscles and breathing.
LISTEN <creature> Raising the tips of your fingers briefly to one earlobe, you focus your hearing on the minute sounds of the <target's> internal life force.
LISTEN <object> (not held) You lean in toward the <target>, pricking up your ears in an attempt to register every sound the <target> emits from the play of environmental forces upon it.
OBSERVE You observe your surroundings carefully, taking in every last detail.
OBSERVE <self> You observe your own condition, expanding your awareness of yourself as a part of your environment.
Sylvan becomes observantly introspective.
OBSERVE DOUBT Looking around, you can't help but feel that something is wrong with your surroundings.
Sylvan looks around with concern.
OBSERVE ENEMY You look around, every sense on the alert for possible foes.
Sylvan surveys his surroundings warily.
OBSERVE LIFE You look around, taking note of all the signs of life nearby.
Sylvan looks around, a serene expression on his face.
OBSERVE LIFE (creatures present) You look around, and can't help but focus on the creatures nearby.
Sylvan looks around, a disturbed expression on his face.
OBSERVE QUICK You quickly scan your surroundings, taking keen note of the flora and fauna in the area.
Sylvan glances around, his eyes falling briefly on each aspect of his surroundings.
OBSERVE SLOW You observe your surroundings very slowly, not wanting to miss a single detail.
Sylvan observes his surroundings with an almost excruciating slowness.
OBSERVE GROUND (outside) You observe the ground, searching for tracks.
OBSERVE GROUND (inside) You examine the ground in a futile search for tracks.
OBSERVE SKY (daytime) You look up at the sky, taking note of the position of the sun.
OBSERVE SKY (nighttime) Your eyes scan the heavens, reading stories in the stars.
OBSERVE SKY (inside) You look up, but are unable to see the sky from in here.
OBSERVE AIR You observe every detail of the air, from its scent to its direction to its ambient temperature.
Sylvan pauses in an observational trance.
OBSERVE ENVIRONMENT (forested terrain) You observe the comfortingly natural feel of your environment.
Sylvan relaxes as he observes his environment.
OBSERVE ENVIRONMENT (treeless terrain) You observe the details of your environment and do your best to adapt.
Sylvan observes his environment carefully.
OBSERVE ENVIRONMENT (in town) You observe the inherently foreign nature of your environment.
appears uncomfortable as he observes his environment.
OBSERVE ESCAPE You look around for possible escape routes.
Sylvan looks around nervously, ready to bolt.


Sylvans - edit
Races - edit