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Spiritual Mana Control
The Spiritual Mana Control skill serves the same purpose as Mental Mana Control and Elemental Mana Control; it determines the efficiency with which a player can share mana with other players via SEND (verb). Clerics, sorcerers, and empaths are the pure professions that benefit the most from SMC, along with the ranger and paladin semi professions. The maximum benefit for sharing mana is achieved at twenty-four ranks, though many casters continue to train in it to aid some of their spells, increase the rate of return of their mana, or compensate for another player's low skill. It should be noted that even at maximum efficiency, there is still approximately a 5% loss of mana during the transfer.
This skill directly increases the amount of mana gained per pulse.
- If this is your primary mana control skill, then you will receive a bonus of one mana per pulse for every ten (10) ranks. For Hybrid (multi-Realm) professions, your "primary" realm for mana control is defined as "that one--of the two of which you are a Hybrid--in which you have the most ranks of Mana Control."
- If this is your secondary mana control skill--you are a Hybrid (multi-Realm) profession and this is the Realm in which you have fewer ranks of Mana Control--then you will receive a bonus of one (1) mana per pulse for every twenty (20) ranks.
SMC also factors into avoiding spell burst, runestaff defense, and some alchemy skills (mainly determining success at the training cauldrons).
Ranks and Training Costs
Type | Square | Semi | Pure | ||||||||
Profession | Rogue | Warrior | Monk | Bard | Paladin | Ranger | Cleric | Empath | Savant | Sorcerer | Wizard |
Max Ranks Per Level | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 2 | - | 2 | 1 |
Training Point Cost | 0/10 | 0/10 | 0/8 | 0/12 | 0/6 | 0/5 | 0/3 | 0/3 | - | 0/3 | 0/15 |
Spells and Abilities Affected by SMC
MANA (verb) (ability)
Determines or helps determine sorcerer, empath, paladin, ranger, and cleric MANA SPELLUP and MANA PULSE proficiency.
Minor Spiritual
- Spirit Dispel (119) - every 75 skill bonus will reduce mana cost for ending a spell by one
- Spirit Guide (130) - reduces severity of the sickness
Major Spiritual
- Living Spell (208) - decreases mana needed to cast a stolen spell by 1% per 2 ranks
- Major Sanctuary (220) - increases the chance of success (most important factor)
- Spirit Slayer (240) - CS boost is 25 + seed 5 ranks
Cleric Base
- Raise Dead (318) - reduces the chance of a raise injuring or killing the caster; the chance is 100% - SMC bonus and reaches 0% at 24 ranks
- Divine Wrath (335) - increases the damage of the secondary flare and reduces the time between casts
Ranger Base
- Imbue (614) - increases the success rate and chance of turning a stick into a rod
- Resist Nature (620) - increases the duration of the applied resistance
Sorcerer Base
- Mana Disruption (702) - Mana Disruption has a chance to temporarily disable an enhancement (defensive) spell on a target for 15 seconds. Using the caster's Spirit and Elemental Mana Control (with the higher of the two counting all ranks and the lesser counting half ranks), it uses a seed 1 summation to determine the % chance to disrupt a spell. If the caster has higher SMC, it will attempt to randomly select a spiritual spell first
- Corrupt Essence (703) - Training in Elemental Mana Control and Spiritual Mana Control increases the number of targets available in the open cast version of the spell, with the higher of the two counting all ranks and the lesser counting half ranks. If they are trained equally, divide one of them by 2. [# of targets = 1 + (SMC + EMC (lower one counts for half) ÷ 20)]
- Balefire (713) - The chance that a demon will attack is equal to 2% for each Seed 1 bonus point of the Summation chart. Use SMC and EMC skill bonus separately to determine the bonus
- Scroll Infusion (714) - The amount of mana drained for a given spell on an infusion attempt is largely based on the spell’s level and sphere (magic that sorcerers do not have knowledge of, such as mentalist magic, require more mana to charge). High levels of Mana Control training (spiritual and elemental) will reduce the mana required.
- Dark Catalyst (719) - The amount of mana returned is modified by training in Elemental Mana Control and Spiritual Mana Control.
- Implosion (720) - Training in Elemental Mana Control and Spiritual Mana Control will reduce the mana cost.
- Ensorcell (735) - Spiritual Mana Control Ranks is a secondary factor in the success of Ensorcell.
- Planar Shift (740) - Training in Elemental and Spiritual Mana Controls improves the chances for success in an unknown way
- Sacrifice (ability) - A combined Elemental Mana Control and Spiritual Mana Control skill bonus of 102 (24 ranks total) is required to obtain the full amount of mana from a sacrifice.
Empath Base
- Sympathy (1120) - with Mental Mana Control, increases the number of possible targets at the rate of ((MMC + SMC) / 10)
- Troll's Blood (1125) - lessens the interval between stun break attempts
- Regeneration (1150) - reduces interval between regeneration pulses by one second per 100 SMC skill
Paladin Base
- Rejuvenation (1607) - reduces the cost by 1% for every 3 ranks
- Divine Word (1640) - reduces the chance of a raise injuring or killing the caster; the chance is 100% - SMC bonus and reaches 0% at 24 ranks
Scrolls and Magical Items
Characters trained mana controls to gain applicable additional benefits from spells activated by items using Magic Item Use or scrolls using Arcane Symbols will receive full benefits when the spell cast through the item/scroll is a native learned spell to the character's profession, a minor circle spell, or known through a spell knowledge enhancive item. When the spell is a major circle or unknown profession base spell, only half of the pertinent mana control ranks count toward the effect of the spell activated/invoked.