The official GemStone IV encyclopedia.
Attack Attributes
Physical Attacks
Pound |
+97 AS
Ensnare |
+107 AS
Formed and crafted by evil powers from masses of broken and splintered bones, the bone golem stands the height of a squat human with unnaturally long arms that end in sharp splinters of bone like the claws of a beast. A grinning skull leers from atop the unholy mass and the jawbone clacks and clicks in a grotesque parody of speech.[1]
Hunting strategies
The Empath base spell, Bone Shatter (1106), works very well against these.
Other information
Bone golems have a creature maneuver in which they can knock over an opponent with their tail. An example of this attack:
A bone golem swings its segmented tail of bestial vertebrae at you!
With a loud *CLACK* the bony tail crashes into you, knocking you to the ground!
Roundtime: 12 sec.
Near-level creatures - edit