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Ashes to Ashes - 2022-05-17 - All Discording to Plan (log)
Summary Part 1
Former Steward of the Guilds Juramis, acting on behalf of Amos, brings news that Amos is collecting names of buyers interested in the Blue Suffering formula--and the organizations they're with, as he'll want formal representation.
Xorus says that he and Lylia are interested and he can list the Faendryl Enclave as their organization. Vaemyr suggests speaking with Mayor Thadston to see if the Landing as a whole is interested.
As the conversation continues, Juramis seeks a good meal and the group sojourns to the Rusty Cutlass at Missoni's recommendation. Juramis says that the town has resources beyond silvers and Amos has interested beyond coins. Sir Guarrin asks for an example and Juramis asks if he's an interested party, but Guarrin says definitely not. Juramis says offering territory could work.
Juramis says he didn't know much of Praxopius, but only collected rent for Amos from those who uses his warehouses--and he wasn't often seen and hears they died while someone was still working in warehouse. Things don't make sense to him, like how rent was being paid afterward or why, later, the warehouse was suddenly abandoned. He was going to renovate it, but the krolvin attacked before he could.
Vaemyr expresses interest in buying, but says he might have to withdraw if he can't provide what he intends. However, Juramis notes for Vaemyr that it'll be difficult to get Amos' attention with no formal representation nor papers of nobility or claims to land. Magister Raelee asks if Grand Magister Octaven has approached Juramis and he says no, so she says to note them down as intrigued. Tayler expresses interest and knowledge of urglaes from a cousin of his, which might help Amos with a problem he's suffering.
Juramis says he finds it odd that the town council has no interest and asks if the town has nothing worth offering. Councilor Chandrellia says they only have an interest in destroying it. Councilor Leafiara says the coffers are under the charge of Lady Alendrial, Steward of the Coffers. (Councilor Pukk had left shortly before. Councilor Fahlo left to Mestanir to investigate a lead on the whereabouts of the missing Judge Renpaw.)
Juramis leaves after saying he might return soon if Amos wishes to further address the situation.
Summary Part 2
A little later in the night, Mayor Thadston greets everyone. Upon hearing that Amos is looking for buyers, Thadston asks why buy what we can take. Marshal Stormyrain asks if we're going to attack our own citizens and Thadston says he never said attack, but we can apply pressure to Amos and the Darkstone Bay Consortium with forceful bargaining.
Thadston says he's already spoken with a few members of the Consortium and we can make it very difficult for them to continue to do business in the Landing, adding new check points and routine manifest accounting for ships leaving the docks with baystone to make their shipments take days or weeks longer. Conversely, if Amos comes back with counteroffers, then the Mayor and Town Council can entertain anything that helps him make more profit and deal with the fallout later.
Leafi asks how we'd even determine Amos turned over the real scroll. Vaemyr, Xorus, and Lylia describe it as a black papyrus with a blood red sigil in the corner, currently unreadable, and Xorus says it would be difficult to reproduce with contents that make sense once deciphered.
Lylia mentions the cipher--the one saying: "...of a new field, a split stone of Tilaok, timelessly cradled by Ivas and Lumnea, mirrored in the blood of the keeper of dawn. When he receives it, he'll understand in time, even if it takes a thousand years to see their end..."
Thadston asks if anyone understands it, but before people can parse that out, a voice is heard in everyone's head from someone who wants to save their father. Everyone assumes it's Kharusa, but no more is heard from her and people go back to pondering the riddle, noting factors like:
- Larsya's wolf is named Dawn and Praxopius had previously worked with her blood
- The keeper of dawn could also be the sun
- It's "Ivas and Lumnea" rather than "Ivas and Lumnis" or "Ivastaen and Lumnea"
- The statue of Ivas in the Vipershroud temple holds a ruby, which is a red gem like Tilaok is a red moon, and rubies are said to be the blood of the gods in old elven legends
- Maybe there's a day in Lumnea when the sun rises behind the ruby
- Melgorehn's Reach could be related, as the Moon Chamber was where Praxopius tested Larsya's blood
- "Mirrored" implies there could be an element in Larsya's blood that's also present elsewhere
Thadston concludes that we need a gem, the Reach, Larsya's blood, on a specific day, the scroll, and the lens to read it. Stormy says that once the formula is known, it doesn't matter what happens with the scroll, so Thadston asks why bother decoding it and let's just destroy it.
He does ask if we're assuming the scroll's contents will be simple; Xorus says no; Thadston asks how we even know it's real. Thadston ultimately says no one will use Larsya's blood without her consent and we'll take the scroll. Perigourd asks how we'll convince the krolvin we've destroyed it and Thadston says we'll press Tyrrax's face to it so he can watch us burn it.
First step, though, we need the scroll and nothing else matters until then. The Town Council and Mayor Thadston will hold a meeting soon hearing out ideas on how to pressure the Consortium. Lylia asks if Thadston knows Amos to be a rational man; Thadston says yes, if there's profit, and if we can prove the future holds more profit than today, he'll listen. With that, Thadston says we'll meet again, wishes everyone good night, and leaves.
...then returns moments later, asking why there are armigers outside, but nobody has an answer.
Juramis' Arrival
[Speaking of arrivals, Leafi arrived late, so I've missed logging at least some amount of conversation. Nonetheless, joining the event in progress...]
[Wehnimer's, Land's End Rd.]
Vigilant night guardsmen scrutinize the citizens and travelers arriving and departing through the wide gates spanning the land route into Wehnimer's Landing. The cluttered streets of the city to the south are a far cry from the deceptively calm expanse of the wilds of Elanith outside. Two daunting towers survey the countryside and protect the town, flanking the road to the east and west. You also see the eel-encircled Innez disk, an animated jeddart-axe hovering in mid-air, a shaggy mutt, the Nordred disk, the Gothtrin disk, the Baelog disk, the Lylia disk, the Vaemyr disk, the Guarrin disk, the Meril disk, a friendly sun spirit that is flying around, the Kiyna disk, the Stormyrain disk, the web-draped Missoni disk, a lazy wild fiery red dog, the rectangular Perigourd disk fashioned of oiled tanik, a large wooden barrel, the east tower and the town gates.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Lady Innez, Lord Zolis, Lord Nordred, Town Councilor Pukk, Xorus, Bernadette, Gutstorm who is sitting, Lord Gothtrin, High Lord Baelog, Imperatrix Lylia, Vaemyr, Sir Geijon, Conquerer of Reim Meril, Magister Raelee, Conquerer of Reim Cryheart, Sir Guarrin, Drektor, Kiyna, Conquerer of Reim Kayse, Stormyrain, Conquerer of Reim Missoni, Perigourd, Lord Juramis
Stormyrain asks, "Is Cruxophim here? What is that smell?"
>l jura
You see Lord Juramis Du'Lasfeur the Nobleman.
He appears to be a Human from Seareach.
He is short. He appears to be time-worn. He has heavy-lidded brown eyes and ruddy skin. He has short, curly ginger hair. He has a plump face and heavy jowls. He appears a bit scorched.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a mithril-banded dark ironwood walking stick capped with a carved eagle head in his right hand.
He is wearing a crystal amulet, a crimson and gold brocade mantle, a red and black leather bracer, a mottled morduska hide satchel, a deep blue watered silk vestment with a cloth-of-gold sunburst, a tiny black coin pouch emblazoned with a pair of crossed silvery scimitars, and some cork and snakeskin sandals.
Speaking to Juramis, Geijon says, "Nobody here cares."
You nod to Juramis in greeting.
Speaking drunkenly to Raelee, Gutstorm slurs, "Owlie no be happeh to hear dish."
Lylia says, "Elithain Cross was no one's friend, to be sure."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Pukk says, "Not me."
Speaking deeply to Stormyrain, Baelog says, "Someone's got a rotting organ in their disk...or a bag."
Pukk says, "I hope.."
Speaking to Juramis, Geijon says, "You were expelled from th' landing for arming Krolvin."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Raelee says, "If the owl is fed, it is content."
Speaking huskily to Geijon, Juramis asks, "What proof of this do you have?"
Speaking deeply to Raelee, Baelog says, "If the owl gets fed anymore, it'll have to roll instead of fly."
Juramis stares at Geijon.
Speaking to Juramis, Geijon asks, "That is your answer?"
Speaking huskily to Geijon, Juramis says, "I have no love for krolvin. I have killed many of them myself."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dat not da same ash makin a buck Juramish!"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Yoo ash bad ash Raelee."
Lylia says, "They were pursuing you hotly in Brisker's Cove."
Juramis huskily says, "If any wish to step forward and make themselves known as an interested party, I will need the name of their organization or house."
Speaking to Juramis, Perigourd asks, "How long will he entertain interest before settling on a buyer?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Wot we shteppin ferward fer?"
Speaking to Juramis, Geijon says, "You couldn't even climb the hill to the Reivers village for Jock and he still offered you money. Stop it already."
Speaking sternly to Geijon, Kayse says, "Why are you being so combative against this man. He's just doing what he is asked to do."
Juramis huskily says, "I suspect Lord Amos will reveal more this evening, after I have reported the amount of interest to him."
Speaking to Kayse, Geijon asks, "Do you know him?"
[General] Loxmenardi thinks, "Thanks Yce, I've done some research but appreciate hearing it from current citizens."
Speaking measuredly to Geijon, Kayse says, "Barely, but bringing up his past is hardly the concern at the moment. I feel."
Xorus says, "I will be interested in acquiring this scroll. Along with Lylia."
Lylia says, "We shall pool our resources as necessary."
Juramis huskily says, "If you have no interest in acquiring this "Blue Suffer" as they are calling it, then perhaps we will move on to my own interests. A good meal."
Xorus says, "You may name it as the Faendryl Enclave, if you need an organization."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Yer treat."
Juramis agrees with Xorus.
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Lylia nods at Juramis.
Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd asks, "Did you settle on a place?"
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking to Perigourd, Missoni says, "The Cutlass seems the most sensible."
Raelee whispers something to Lylia.
Xorus says, "As I told Ivorel. I am also willing to assist the highest bidder with the future development of the Blue Suffer. It has limited remaining value in its current form."
Juramis huskily says, "I have noted the Faendryl Enclave is an interested party in the Blue Suffer."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Juramis do ye got da blue shtufferin on ye at dish moment?"
Juramis huskily asks, "Who would be the contacted representative of this organization?"
Juramis sneezes.
Xorus says, "I will act as the contact."
Speaking to Juramis, Vaemyr says, "I would recomend reaching out to the Mayor perhaps, I could see legitimate use for the town to purchase it, even if they don't have plans to complete it, as a bargaining chip with the Krolvin."
Speaking huskily to Xorus, Juramis says, "Speak your name then."
Speaking to Juramis, Lylia says, "Xorus may. He is an officer in the organization. He is empowered to speak as our voice on this matter."
Xorus says, "Xorus."
Juramis nods slowly.
Baelog deeply says, "The words bargain and Krolvin don't belong in the same breath."
Kayse adds, "The Xorus."
Xorus whispers something to Lylia.
Speaking huskily to Vaemyr, Juramis asks, "The Mayor? Who is the mayor these days?"
Speaking to Juramis, Vaemyr says, "Thadston Andrews."
Juramis chuckles to himself.
Pukk says, "Winston...Oh yeah ...Thadston."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Kayse asks, "You sure you want to throw the Mayor's name around without his permission?"
Juramis huskily says, "Another year, another mayor. This town never keeps them long, as I recall."
Baelog deeply says, "Least none have been kidnapped in the past few years."
Speaking in Faendryl, Zolis deeply asks something you don't understand.
Speaking to Juramis, Lylia says, "I considered it unwise to push the Town Council on the matter of removing term limits."
Juramis leans on his stick.
Lylia murmurs, "It was unpopular to expand it from two years to two centuries."
Speaking to Kayse, Vaemyr says, "Not sure no, but since he has been predesposed to not speak with the town about the Krolvin as of late, perhaps he would response to a direct inquiry about this from Juramis here."
Speaking to Geijon, Guarrin says, "Alright."
Speaking evenly to Vaemyr, Kayse says, "I just don't feel that is necessarily your place."
Juramis huskily asks, "The evening brings a chill. Perhaps somewhere with a hearth and wine to further discuss this?"
Speaking to Juramis, Geijon says, "Send in th' Krolvin Juramisl. You are bad at this."
Speaking deeply to Kayse, Zolis says, "The mayor *is* a public figure, though."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Moonshine manor?"
Speaking to Juramis, Perigourd says, "We can adjourn to the Cutlass if you'd like my wife to provide escort."
Speaking huskily to Geijon, Juramis says, "I have no alliances to krolvin."
Speaking to Juramis, Perigourd says, "They have decent cider."
Juramis stares at Geijon.
Geijon begins chuckling at Juramis!
Speaking amusedly to Zolis, Kayse says, "Then Vaemyr can be thrown out a window next."
Speaking curiously to Geijon, Leafiara asks, "Are you confusing Juramis with Stephos?"
A black-armored muscular armiger charges in!
Gutstorm forms several angular gestures while chanting rumbling phrases of power in the Dwarven tongue...
Speaking deeply to Kayse, Zolis says, "I should very much enjoy the show."
Gutstorm gestures at a black-armored muscular armiger.
CS: +528 - TD: +295 + CvA: -21 + d100: +83 == +295
Warding failed!
The muscular armiger's right leg explodes!
A black-armored muscular armiger falls to the ground grasping her mangled right leg!
The muscular armiger is stunned!
A black-armored muscular armiger says, "Hey, Gutstorm! I'm on your side! Watch it!"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "He looked at me funny."
Juramis takes a few steps back.
Speaking to Gutstorm, Trisu exclaims, "Say tht 10 times really quickly...second thought dont!"
Speaking to Juramis, Perigourd says, "It also has the benefit of being close to where Amos' ships are docked."
Speaking to Kayse, Vaemyr says, "I'll take the window if he is oh so upset, but I doubt it will come to that."
Lylia says, "The glaziers in charge of replacing the windows in Moot Hall have been busy for as long as I can recall."
Speaking deeply to Perigourd, Baelog says, "Could always go to Leafiara's ship, she's got one o' them too."
Juramis huskily says, "Apologies, I was distracted by the exploding leg of that poor man."
Speaking to Pietra, Pukk says, "We joined Guarrin."
Juramis huskily asks, "Where was this?"
Perigourd says, "To the east."
Speaking to Pietra, Pukk says, "He's going to be the new Cryheart."
Missoni says, "It is over by the docks."
Juramis huskily asks, "Is someone offering to guide us there?"
Guarrin designates Cryheart as the new leader of the group.
Juramis joins Cryheart's group.
Guarrin says, "I would never rob you all of the enjoyment."
Geijon says, "Explain your story."
Cryheart asks, "We going to the Cutlass?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I still have it."
Speaking to Cryheart, Guarrin says, "It seems so."
Speaking to Juramis, Leafiara jests, "This is Sir Cryheart, our local tour guide."
Perigourd says, "A man of the people."
[travel begins]
Pietra whispers something to Pukk.
[Rusty Cutlass, Grub Hall]
Burnished wooden planks curve out to form the massive hall of the tavern's entrance, with rows of sturdy oaken posts rising to connect with a network of rafters above. Dozens of blackened oil lanterns hang from the ceiling, their light at times a haze behind wisps of smoke drifting in from the galley. In the center rests a huge cast-iron pot surrounded by countless tables and barrel chairs. A half-circle driftwood bar is nestled in the corner beneath a salt-stained crest. You also see an open archway leading to a wooden plank bridge and a wide wooden ramp.
Chatting Over a Meal
Speaking to Cryheart, Pukk says, "Woah speedy...slow down."
Juramis put a mithril-banded dark ironwood walking stick capped with a carved eagle head in his gold brocade mantle.
Juramis huskily says, "Wine will do."
Juramis pours himself a glass of iced plum wine.
Missoni agrees, "The wine is lovely."
Juramis huskily says, "Now, perhaps I can address concerns of my past. If that is such a great matter in this moment."
Pietra whispers something to Pukk.
Speaking to Juramis, Pukk says, "This is the best Bar/Inn in town."
Pukk whispers something to Pietra.
Juramis huskily says, "I would think the endeavors of Lord Amos would be of greater importance."
Meril says, "I will go see if someone out there happens to need a replacement limb."
Stormyrain says, "I am more interested in that."
Juramis takes a drink from his iced plum wine.
Stormyrain says, "Your history is not anymore colored a past than many of us in this bar."
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Juramis huskily says, "I am here to entertain questions and learn of interests in acquiring it from him."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pukk says, "I think one of your rats go away from you and nested in Cryhearts sack."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Pukk whispers something to Pietra.
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking deeply to Juramis, Baelog asks, "Welp, first question is...does it work?"
Guarrin adds, "Nor does it really change anything about what you are selling."
Pietra whispers something to Pukk.
Leafiara asks, "Since I arrived late, let me see if I'm correctly understanding what's happening: this man is here on behalf of Amos to discuss who has interest in purchasing Praxopius' formula from him?"
Juramis agrees with Leafiara.
Leafiara nods understandingly at Juramis.
Speaking to Juramis, Missoni asks, "I am curious. Having shown his ill feeling toward Tyrrax, would Amos entertain an offer from the krolvin?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Well, whatever is on that scroll."
Speaking to Leafiara, Guarrin says, "There are two interested parties thus far."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "This shouldn't even be up for sale. This should already belong to Xorus."
Leafiara understandingly says, "Very well, carry on then."
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "No."
Xorus says, "Pukk is correct."
Juramis huskily says, "There will be no dealings with krolvin or even half-blooded of their kin."
Lylia explains, "It was his by rights, having been left to him directly from its creator."
Geijon says, "Amos is not well liked here."
Speaking to Pietra, Pukk says, "No. All of the alchemist's things belonged to him."
Xorus says, "But as a matter of pragmatism, Amos is in possession of it."
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "That's nice for him. But I don't like what I've heard him say about genocide, so."
Speaking to Juramis, Missoni says, "That is interesting. Thank you."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Xorus, ye got good taste in women and all dat, but iffin ye bout to commit gendocide, yooz are cookoo."
Speaking to Leafiara, Guarrin says, "The enclave. Attempting to recover what was apparently promised to Xorus. To use for what ends...I suppose we will have to ask them and another party."
Lylia asks, "And do you believe it is fair to relieve people of their inheritances because you dislike their views?"
Baelog deeply asks, "I reiterate my question...does it work?"
Speaking to Pietra, Pukk says, "Xorus is a long thinker...he thinks in centuries...lots and lots of em."
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra asks, "Isn't that cute?"
Speaking to Missoni, Kayse says, "The Krolvin did not want to buy it."
Speaking to Lylia, Perigourd says, "It's not unheard of."
Speaking to Missoni, Kayse says, "They want to take it or have it given to them. Tyrrax said as such the other evening."
Speaking to Lylia, Pietra says, "In some cases, it is inded fair to stop people from doing bad things."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me friend Tsarok, him half-krolvin, would hate fer dish to kill him."
Speaking to Kayse, Missoni says, "I did not suggest they wanted to. I merely asked if he would entertain an offer, if one came about."
Speaking to Lylia, Pietra says, "One might almost say necessary."
Lylia says, "Indeed. But as Xorus notes, as a matter of pragmatism, it is in Amos' possession, and I prefer to deal with what is, not with what should be."
Speaking to Pietra, Pukk says, "By then. Things will have changed. Better him than the Imps who will use it without a doubt."
Baelog deeply says, "Seems no one can say for sure, then."
Speaking deeply to Pietra, Zolis asks, "Yet whom decides what is 'bad' in all occasions?"
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "Yes, that."
Speaking mildly to Missoni, Kayse says, "Was just letting you know. We tried the other evening to tell him to bid on it."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pukk says, "You should try to buy it too."
Speaking to Pietra, Lylia says, "Indeed, I heard very similar words from the prelate Chaston Griffin. I did not realize you were also of the Blameless mindset of Koarite worship."
Speaking to Zolis, Pietra says, "Apparently dark elves."
Lylia says, "How very fascinating."
Bernadette softly asks, "We has friends wot be Half/Krol how would it affect dem?"
Speaking to Lylia, Pietra says, "I don't worship Koarite, or whatever this Blameless thing is."
Speaking deeply to Pietra, Zolis says, "We make excellent judges."
Juramis huskily says, "It is Lord Amos' property at this time. That can change with negotiations and enough interest in trade."
Speaking to Kayse, Missoni says, "Ah. I do not suppose he would, after going through such trouble to get it."
Baelog deeply says, "I'm bettin' it don't even work."
Kiyna says, "He also mentioned, if you'll recall, that the final price will be decided on by how much you want it, and for what purpose."
Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm slurs, "Ta hell wiff dat, me kin just take it off da corpshe."
Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "No, she is a follower of Charl and I love her for it."
Missoni says, "Or maybe he would."
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "I cannot hold my tongue around these people. I should return to my other occupation."
Pukk whispers something to Leafiara.
Juramis huskily says, "Silvers are not your own resource in this town. Lord Amos has interests beyond coins."
Speaking deeply to Juramis, Baelog says, "Say, can we get a demonstration of this here alchemical formula then, since when you buy a weapon, you want to know it works."
Speaking to Pietra, Pukk says, "I understand love."
Pietra whispers something to Pukk.
Lylia suggests, "We go around and around in circles about what is right or wrong. I do not wish to redirect the purpose of Lord Juramis' visit here, which is not to determine moral propriety but a matter of property."
Leafiara whispers something to Pukk.
Speaking to Baelog, Stormyrain says, "We've seen it in action."
Cryheart says, "Like power, or monopoly."
Speaking to Juramis, Guarrin asks, "Such as?"
Xorus says, "I will most likely not be able to develop an antidote to the poison if I do not understand exactly how it works."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "We should trade Amos life fer da bloo shtuffin."
Stormyrain says, "Or at least, some version of it."
Speaking deeply to Stormyrain, Baelog says, "Well, I haven't."
Xorus says, "If my aid to Lady Larsya Caulfield has already been forgotten."
Pukk whispers something to Pietra.
Speaking deeply to Lylia, Zolis says, "Either path will result in large amounts of murder... as is the way of things here."
Speaking huskily to Guarrin, Juramis says, "That is for you to decide on what you believe it to be worth, and what you are willing to sacrifice for it."
Lylia says, "So I shall hold my tongue on any further speculation there and discuss the scroll itself, and I apologize for any divagation."
Pukk says, "I say we let Xorus and Amos fight it out."
Speaking drunkenly to Lylia, Gutstorm slurs, "Habba drink."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Lylia says, "I just might."
Speaking huskily to Guarrin, Juramis asks, "Are you declaring yourself as an interested party?"
Juramis turns to face Guarrin.
Juramis cocks his head at Guarrin.
Speaking to Juramis, Guarrin says, "No, most definitely not."
Speaking to Baelog, Stormyrain offers, "It disintegrated the krolvin of Kragnack's line that it infected."
Pietra scowls.
Pietra just went west.
Juramis takes a drink from his iced plum wine.
Speaking deeply to Stormyrain, Baelog asks, "Sounds effective. Does it work on all Krolvin or just that bloodline?"
Speaking to Juramis, Tayler says, "I would most certainly be interested, though I hold no sway over the Landing, politically. Just a rather fat bank account and some rather nifty trinkets."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I'm going to be in the dog house tonight."
Xorus says, "Only that bloodline."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking to Juramis, Guarrin says, "I have no desire to eradicate all Krol. Or however else it may be eventually manipulated."
Speaking deeply to Xorus, Baelog says, "Only one bloodline? Sounds only marginally useful."
Guarrin looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.
Juramis huskily says, "Those with a stake in the lands here, who may offer territory to Lord Amos will be entertained. Silvers are sometimes enough to catch his ear."
Juramis shrugs at Tayler.
Tayler nods slowly at Juramis.
Xorus says, "The alchemist who made it intended on giving it to me, so that I would develop it over decades or centuries, or however long it took to make it more useful."
Speaking deeply to Xorus, Baelog asks, "And how we know that you'll only use it against the Krolvin?"
Speaking to Pukk, Ghianna says, "Good boy."
Juramis huskily says, "I will admit, I did not know much of this alchemist. I only collected the rent for Lord Amos from those who used his warehouses."
Perigourd asks, "Wasn't Fortney known for deception?"
Xorus says, "There is nothing special about krolvin blood."
Pukk asks, "So, about this duel to the death between Xorus and we have a confirmation?"
Lylia says, "His sins, such as they were, were typically of omission. I do not recall a time that he actually lied to me, but he did omit key facts and shared them only after events unfolded."
Juramis huskily says, "And this person was not often seen, and I am told they died even while someone was working in the warehouse still. The rent was being paid, just never saw a face to put to it."
Juramis huskily says, "Many things are not making sense to me."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Vaemyr says, "The other journey entries do lend credit that Xorus was an intended recipient of something, whether it is that scroll in Amos's possesion or something else, is unfortunately lost to fire and rubble."
Vaemyr says, "The ones from the other brass tubes."
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Juramis huskily says, "Then suddenly the warehouse was abandoned. I was about to go start renovations on it, from all the foul smells, so it could be used by another occupant. However, the krolvin attacked before I could remove the old furnishings."
Juramis takes a drink from his iced plum wine.
Juramis takes a drink from his iced plum wine.
Missoni curiously asks, "Where would the contents have gone, had you had a chance to remove them?"
Juramis huskily says, "So if this alchemist was indeed dead before the warehouse was abandoned, I am unaware of who was paying the rent under his name."
Cryheart says, "So a benefactor."
Juramis huskily says, "I would place them in Lord Amos' care, as he was the owner of the warehouse and any abandoned goods would fall into his claim."
Xorus says, "Yes, that was odd."
Speaking to Juramis, Pukk says, "Only if Xorus was notified and failed to pay."
Speaking to Juramis, Pukk asks, "Did anybody do that?"
Speaking to Pukk, Ghianna asks, "Benny Who? Factor?"
Juramis huskily says, "Those who dug in the rubble while I was there found the place to be trapped, so it may be best that I did not try to go about it myself."
Xorus asks, "It was an inheritance, but what court would hear such a legal dispute?"
Speaking to Juramis, Perigourd says, "Indeed, some of them were rather harmful."
Speaking huskily to Pukk, Juramis asks, "Send notice to someone who does not live in Brisker's Cove?"
Juramis snorts!
Speaking to Juramis, Pukk says, "Sure...he's right here."
Pukk points at Xorus.
Speaking to Xorus, Pukk asks, "Would you use the formula to wipe out the Krolvin?"
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking deeply to Raelee, Baelog says, "Thought I heard somethin'."
Xorus says, "All of them? That would be very difficult and likely would spill over into traces of their ancestry on the human coasts."
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Juramis takes a drink from his iced plum wine.
Speaking to Pukk, Tayler says, "The better question is would you rather someone who currently dwells in the Landing and generally tends to look out for it, possess the formula, or a complete stranger from a distant land, who may not be as knowledgeable or scrupulous."
Speaking deeply to Xorus, Baelog says, "Well, you don't have to get all of them. Just enough that they won't be any sort of threat for the next five-hunnert or so years."
[General] Pietra asks, "Pukk, he said what?"
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Juramis huskily asks, "There are representatives of the town here, yes?"
Lylia adds, "Or those who have historically had only bitter enmity with the krolvin as the reivers nearby have."
Juramis casually observes his surroundings.
Stormyrain says, "A few of us."
Speaking to Juramis, Leafiara says, "Sure, although none who are in charge of the coffers."
Xorus says, "It would be considerably more dangerous for someone other than myself to try to tamper with this formula."
Stormyrain says, "Different branches of the leadership of the town."
Speaking to Juramis, Leafiara says, "That would be Lady Alendrial, who's not present."
Juramis huskily asks, "What do you suggest I eat that will not poison me here?"
Juramis peers quizzically at Stormyrain.
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Juramis huskily says, "This is a delicate matter of politics."
Lylia says, "I recommend the crawfish."
Stormyrain says, "I recommend the whiskey."
Juramis nods.
Stormyrain winks at Juramis.
Pukk says, "We all know the halflings hate the krol too."
Stormyrain chuckles to herself.
Speaking to Xorus, Perigourd says, "I imagine it's not much different than brewing."
Lylia notes, "...which goes well with the crawfish."
Speaking deeply to Juramis, Zolis says, "Define poison."
Juramis huskily says, "I believe poison is the subject at hand, in many forms."
Stormyrain says, "I would take Lylia's suggestion on the food, I'm afraid I have only had the salmon, myself."
Speaking to Kiyna, Pukk says, "So, don't you try to bid on that too..."
Xorus says, "Its roots are in exotic blood magic."
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Speaking to Kiyna, Pukk says, "I'm watching you..."
Juramis helps himself to some wood-smoked salmon.
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Juramis huskily says, "I can always judge a place by its salmon."
Juramis sniffs at his wood-smoked salmon.
Speaking to Juramis, Pukk asks, "Oh?"
Juramis takes a bite of his wood-smoked salmon.
Speaking idly to herself, Leafiara wonders, "Does Helga's even have salmon?"
Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Baelog says, "No."
Speaking to Juramis, Tayler says, "From my own personal vineyards, sealed and poison free."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I think it is a mystery meat in her stew."
Juramis huskily says, "You must not only know how to cook a salmon, you must also know when the right time to catch it is."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Helha hash ..."shlop" me fink dat what she call it."
Tayler offers Juramis a bottle of mulled wine.
Juramis accepts Tayler's mulled wine.
Juramis glances at a bottle of mulled wine in his hand.
Juramis sniffs at his mulled wine.
Stormyrain says, "In the wrong season, it is nothing but mush."
Baelog deeply says, "This is why I don't bother with seafood."
Juramis huskily says, "It is mulled. Usually from a lesser stock, but perhaps from decent vines yet."
Juramis tips his head back and takes a long draught from his bottle.
Tayler says, "I have other varieties."
Baelog deeply says, "The cockatrice legs are always in season."
Speaking to Juramis, Vaemyr says, "I have a potential offer for Amos myself, so you can put me down for now as interested, I may be forced to withdraw though if I cannot provide what I intend."
Juramis smacks his lips.
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Lylia says, "Mulling is an underappreciated art. For the wine, ask a vintner; for the flavor, seek a Spicer."
Speaking huskily to Vaemyr, Juramis says, "It is Vaemyr, as I recall? You were the guide to the reivers."
Kiyna says, "We really discussing fine dining in the same breath as..."
Speaking to Juramis, Vaemyr says, "Aye Vaemyr."
Speaking to Lylia, Tayler says, "Couldn't have put it better myself."
Xorus says, "Weapons dealing is best done over wine."
Juramis huskily asks, "Do you have any particular organization you present yourself as a representative of?"
Juramis swirls his wine.
Juramis huskily says, "Grapes are from Oire I think, not bad."
Juramis nods at Tayler.
Speaking to Juramis, Vaemyr says, "Not at this time."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Speaking in Faendryl to Xorus, Lylia murmurs something you don't understand.
Juramis huskily says, "I must note that it will be difficult to get Lord Amos' attention without any formal representation."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking curiously to Juramis, Raelee asks, "... has Grand Magister Octaven approached you yet?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Sho when dish transhaction goin down?"
Juramis huskily asks, "You you have any papers of nobility? Any claims to lands?"
Juramis peers quizzically at Vaemyr.
Leafiara helps herself to some fried and battered squid rings.
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Speaking to Juramis, Pukk says, "Of course he does."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking drunkenly to Leafiara, Gutstorm slurs, "Can ye put dem on yer finner."
Pukk says, "Just look at him."
Juramis can offer Pukk only a blank expression.
Speaking dubiously to Gutstorm, Leafiara asks, "I could, but why would I?"
Juramis takes a bite of his wood-smoked salmon.
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking to Vaemyr, Trisu says, "Just make sumptin up, nobody cares around here if anyone lies, just fib, and give him some interesting Noble name."
Speaking to Juramis, Vaemyr says, "Only my small residence, and no I am no noble, but I suspect even still, Lord Amos will accept to hear my offer."
Juramis huskily says, "This salmon is quite good, and the wine does accent it well."
Speaking to Juramis, Pukk says, "Don't give me that look...I will get Geijon after you again...don't tempt me."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking to Juramis, Tayler says, "That particular bottle is a blend of a Terasian grape I'm cultivating, mixed with some grapes from an Illistimi vineyard, and some particularly delectable spices."
Pukk asks, "Wait...where did Geijon go?"
Vaemyr whispers something to Juramis.
Guarrin says, "He left some time ago."
Juramis agrees with Vaemyr.
Speaking to Guarrin, Pukk says, "Stealthy isn't he."
Xorus whispers something to Pukk.
Baelog deeply says, "Was probably tired of listening to the gums flapping."
Speaking to Juramis, Tayler says, "If it passes for Oire grapes, I'll consider that high praise indeed."
Pukk whispers something to Xorus.
Pukk says, "Wait..."
Speaking to Xorus, Pukk says, "You made a joke."
Pukk says, "Okay...I'm out."
Pukk says, "This is just too weird."
Town Councilor Pukk just went through an open archway leading to a wooden plank bridge.
Speaking slowly to Juramis, Raelee repeats, "... has Grand Magister Octaven approached you yet?"
Juramis looks over at Raelee and shakes his head.
Juramis huskily says, "I have not heard from any of the magisters."
Baelog deeply says, "Tastes like chicken."
Speaking to Juramis, Raelee says, "I do work for her, ostensibly. I would expect she has interest."
Chandrellia says, "Ok the party can start I'm here now."
Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "It's quite likely most of the coastal imperial towns would have some interest."
Juramis huskily says, "Lord Amos has just recently decided to make it known that he will be taking offers. I believe my first venture into the highlands sparked this consideration for potential buyers and to see his options."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr asks, "Pookia share her stash?"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "No, but seeing them on the bar made me think of her."
Speaking to Juramis, Raelee continues, "I cannot imagine Lord Amos would be surprised by the interest either."
Speaking to Perigourd, Raelee says, "And they are welcome to send representation."
Chandrellia asks, "Ssooo anything interesting happen?"
Speaking to Juramis, Raelee suggests, "Do inform him that we are... at least intrigued, yes?"
Speaking deeply to Juramis, Baelog asks, "Would it be possible to speak with Amos, directly?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Where him at."
Speaking to Juramis, Perigourd asks, "Are you acquainted with the lady Trystama?"
Speaking to Gutstorm, Chandrellia says, "Oh probly out looking for more of Praxopius's stuff."
Speaking huskily to Perigourd, Juramis says, "I am."
Juramis huskily says, "Only by name."
Perigourd says, "Ah."
Perigourd says, "She was speaking locally here for a bit, but it's been awhile since we've seen her."
Juramis huskily says, "Lord Amos intends to make himself present in time."
Speaking to Juramis, Tayler says, "As far as trade goes, I have a particularly curious cousin who's mastered the art of working with Urglaes, channeling it's cursed nature into things other than the wearer. Perhaps he could help with a certain problem Lord Amos is suffering from, partially in trade."
Speaking to Juramis, Chandrellia says, "Of course he does, so he can tell us that he found more stuff, but cant tell us what, at a place that he cant tell us about either."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Juramis huskily says, "My father traded in rare materials such as urglaes."
Juramis huskily says, "It did not end well for him."
Tayler nods at Juramis.
Tayler says, "It is a risky material to work with."
Tayler says, "Probably a bit worse to have inside you."
Lylia says, "I would entrust such delicate work to experienced hands, to be sure."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking to Lylia, Chandrellia asks, "How many people are there experienced enough with removing this from inside someone tho?"
Baelog deeply says, "I guess it depends on where the urglaes is located and how sharp yer blade is."
Lylia says, "I can only say that I have seen Xorus reclaim young Lady Larsya, who became old Lady Larsya, from the very brink of death."
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Lylia adds, "Without the aid of Grishom Stone, whose offer was respectfully declined."
Juramis glances at Lylia.
Speaking to Baelog, Chandrellia asks, "But what do we know about what this does when its, inside, someone?"
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking curiously to Chandrellia, Baelog asks, "How deep?"
Speaking to Baelog, Chandrellia says, "Well, he couldnt just yank it out after he was shot with it."
Tayler says, "He does not have the constitution to deal with removing the shards, I do not think, but he has found certain objects that the curse seeks to feed on and corrupt."
Juramis huskily says, "Lord Stone is not a man to trifle with. I would hope he does not learn of my return."
Speaking to Juramis, Chandrellia says, "Oh we heard that before."
Leafiara remarks, "He probably already knows if he was interested in knowing."
Speaking deeply to Chandrellia, Baelog says, "Well...say...ifin the shards are deep in his arm..."
Lylia says, "He shall not hear it from my lips."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Leafi quick, write him a letter!"
Baelog deeply says, "Just take this here, and lop the limb off."
Juramis squirms.
Speaking to Baelog, Chandrellia asks, "But what is to say that after all ths time, it hasnt, spread?"
Speaking deeply to Chandrellia, Baelog says, "Well that's why I'm askin'."
Juramis takes a bite of his wood-smoked salmon.
Tayler says, "I find claidhmores to be a bit blunt, a thinner blade can hold a sharper edge and make a cleaner cut."
Speaking deeply to Chandrellia, Baelog says, "I's had Empaths put back severed limbs quite a reason the one infected with urglaes can't be removed."
Speaking to Baelog, Chandrellia says, "Well if it reaches his head let me know."
Baelog cocks his head at Chandrellia.
Juramis takes a bite of his wood-smoked salmon.
Speaking to Baelog, Chandrellia says, "What, I'm curious how far it will reach is all."
Speaking to Juramis, Vaemyr asks, "So how's the salmon?"
Speaking deeply to Chandrellia, Baelog says, "Oh of course, I'm sure there's no malice behind it."
Stormyrain furtively glances at a wide wooden ramp.
Speaking to Baelog, Chandrellia says, "None at all."
Pookia comes into view along a wooden plank bridge and enters the tavern.
Leafiara indicates the battered squid rings as a possible option.
Juramis huskily says, "Delightfully complex and smoky. It goes quite well with a mulled wine, I must admit."
Speaking to Pookia, Leafiara says, "Thought of you when I saw those."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Chandrellia asks, "You see something moving up there Marshal?"
Speaking to Juramis, Kayse suggests, "In this chaos did you get a chance to try the Riesling? It goes well with the shrimp and salmon."
Stormyrain says, "No."
Pookia quietly says, "Not the same."
Kiyna says, "I believe I've lost my appetite. Excuse me."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me didnt do it."
Juramis huskily asks, "I find it odd that the town council does not have interest in acquiring Lord Amos' prize. Does the town not have anything worth offering?"
Lylia murmurs, "It is a pity that so many lose their appetites when not long ago, we had a wasting blight that starved so many."
Speaking to Juramis, Chandrellia says, "The only thing we have an interest in is destroying it."
Speaking to Juramis, Leafiara says, "As I said earlier, the town council in its current structure doesn't have charge over the coffers. That would be Lady Alendrial, Steward of the, well, Coffers."
Speaking to Lylia, Perigourd says, "It's my understanding that this blight lingers in containment."
Lylia says, "Just so."
Speaking jokingly to Juramis, Baelog says, "Well, the town could always give him Stormy here."
Speaking to Baelog, Chandrellia says, "I dont think so."
Stormyrain amusedly says, "He does not want me. I'm far too much for Amos to handle."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Take one ferda team Shtormy."
Speaking lightly to Gutstorm, Stormyrain says, "Absolutely not, but you may."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Stormyrain says, "We can put a bit of lipstick on you, dress you in a skirt--and send you along."
Baelog deeply says, "Y'know, I would be surprised if Guts was his type."
Juramis takes a bite of his wood-smoked salmon.
Speaking to Stormyrain, Chandrellia says, "No offence, but Pukk looks better in a dress."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Ye know, me look damn good inna dress."
Juramis huskily says, "I believe that is enough time for anyone to claim interest for now. I will be reporting to Lord Amos immediately."
Tayler asks, "Unfortunately I can't speak to the town, but it keeps being mentioned, is Lord Amos looking for something in particular here?"
Baelog deeply says, "He probably wants a new town after Brisker's Cove was burned down."
Juramis huskily says, "The wine. It is decent. Perhaps I will consider you as a vendor when I go back into the trade."
Juramis nods respectfully.
Speaking to Juramis, Perigourd says, "Fair eve to you."
Speaking politely to Juramis, Missoni says, "Farewell."
Speaking to Juramis, Leafiara wishes, "Safe travels."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Juramis, timesh is hard, he should shell da scroll in 2 munfsh, lotta ush are squirrelin our shilver away fer a big auction comin up."
Juramis huskily says, "I may return soon if Lord Amos wishes to further address the situation at hand."
Speaking to Juramis, Tayler says, "That is far from my best work, perhaps next we meet I will be better prepared, good evening to you."
Juramis wanders off.
Discussion Afterward
Lylia says, "You have a point."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Leafiara muses, "Well, that was somewhat mysterious, but alright."
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "We should have deez meetinsh outshide da town inna future."
Vaemyr asks, "So can anyone fill me in on what Geijon was so upset over?"
Lylia says, "I prefer them in town."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Well me dont wanna git arrested."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Lylia says, "He was of the belief that Juramis was in league with the krolvin at one time."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Chandrellia asks, "He lost his puppy?"
Speaking deeply to Gutstorm, Baelog says, "You don't get to kill the messengers."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara asks, "Seemed to me he was confusing this man with Stephos?"
Vaemyr says, "I see."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Lylia says, "Or perhaps he knew something about Juramis' dealings in weapons, but...I did not know of such a thing. I could not say."
Leafiara says, "Unless there's something I haven't heard about."
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Vaemyr says, "Hmm alright."
Vaemyr says, "I was just a bit confused is all."
Speaking helpfully to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Me too."
Xorus says, "I was not present enough in the relevant period to gainsay him. But I am unaware of Juramis having involvement in that krolvin weapons dealing."
Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.
Pookia says, "Ive never met a weapons dealer that didnt sell to both sides anyway."
Vaemyr says, "Alright then, from the sound of things I didn't even know Juramis used to live in the landing, it had sounded like he was always in Brisker's Cove."
Tayler says, "It is the best way to make a profit."
Speaking deeply in Faendryl to Lylia, Zolis says something you don't understand.
Baelog deeply asks, "Didn't someone say something about Juramis changing his face?"
Speaking wryly to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Need Puptilian around to give a two-hour lecture on the subject."
Speaking to Baelog, Kayse says, "That is Ivorel."
Tayler says, "That was..."
Speaking to Pookia, Vaemyr says, "So have you managed to get the squid ring recipe from Tyrrax yet? you can start an enterprise of your own."
Lylia says, "I may not have heard it in all the conversation, but no, Juramis has always seemed -- ah. Yes. Ivorel."
Baelog deeply says, "Someone mentioned Juramis did it as well."
Speaking to Baelog, Kayse says, "He looked like me, then the Marshal, then Pukk."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Pookia exclaims, "Dont give away my plans!"
Stormyrain says, "Pardon me a moment."
Xorus says, "Juramis was what we would now call the Steward of the Guilds. He was on the town council, a decade ago."
Speaking to Xorus, Vaemyr says, "Ahh, thanks for the clarification."
Chandrellia says, "And now he is Amos's lil messenger, how interesting."
Kayse says, "He's been working for Amos for some time."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "All me know bout him, he a crappy digger, and he injury prone."
Vaemyr says, "I was... well stuck in a certain tower down south during that time... So not very aware of things that happened then."
Leafiara says, "I'd never met him before now, so he's been either elsewhere or dealing mostly in private business since at least late 5116."
Tayler says, "Most people serve somebody, in one way or another."
Lylia says, "I would not consider a change of venue a fall from grace. Town Council positions are not for life."
Perigourd says, "If one is wise, they serve all, within reason."
Kayse slowly says, "He's been home in Brisker's Cove for some time."
A young red-haired girl comes running down a wide wooden ramp, tightly squeezing a sealed scroll while darting out of the tavern.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Hey girl." [OOC note: was just an ambient, for the record]
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Damn she quick."
Vaemyr says, "Seemed his family lived in the area."
Speaking to Lylia, Chandrellia says, "Just fiond it interesting that after all this time, while looking for this formula, an ex-council memeber shows up as the leasion for the person trying to find it for his own means."
Lylia says, "And ran afoul of Elithain Cross there. Anyone who provoked Cross has earned at least some modicum of respect."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Hmmph!"
Speaking to Lylia, Vaemyr says, "Agreed with that."
Speaking to Lylia, Missoni asks, "Why is that?"
Xorus says, "He also opposed Barnom and Stone when he was on the town council."
Xorus says, "It was dangerous business, for someone that squeamish."
Speaking to Xorus, Vaemyr says, "Interesting."
Tayler says, "Excuse me a few moments."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dish seat mush be shlippry."
Vaemyr says, "I wouldn't suspect that of the man."
Speaking to Missoni, Lylia says, "He was a vile man who led a great many people into false beliefs of 'Elven reunification.' Among other things."
Lylia adds, "Also, he was quite insulting to me personally."
Speaking to Lylia, Perigourd asks, "So they won't be getting back together?"
Vaemyr says, "Alright, well I think I will take my leave, at least for the moment."
Lylia says, "He held Grishom Stone entombed beneath his manor. 'Lord Winter,' he styled himself."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
[Realm] The invoker thinks, "Residents of Wehnimer's Landing, I will be arriving to Town Square, Small Park in approximately 15 minutes to offer spells to those in need."
Baelog deeply says, "What is it about the Landing that brings out all of the megalomaniacs."
Speaking to Baelog, Lylia says, "An empty lot grows the tallest weeds."
Lylia says, "The town is everyone's playground. And it is so near various points of interest."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Lylia how many drink it take fermee to nook like Xorus?"
Baelog deeply says, "Maybe we should start braining the idiots that show up with delusions of grandeur."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Raelee says, "That cannot be answered accurately without specifying what you are imbibing. It might be water, it might be a disguising potion."
Speaking to Baelog, Chandrellia says, "We tried that, they weres till alowe dthru the gates."
Lylia diplomatically says, "I think it would not be so much what keg you tapped but how many you would need to stand on."
Nairena asks, "So whats going on here?"
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Lylia says, "Desultory chatter after speaking with Juramis about the purchase of that scroll."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Wot dat mean?"
Lylia clarifies, "The 'Blue Suffer' scroll, to be precise. Praxopius' formula."
Nairena says, "I think im out of the loop."
Perigourd says, "I'm not sure he said the scroll, precisely."
Thunder rumbles in the distance.
Lylia says, "If he was speaking of the knowledge it contains, that is not his to sell, precisely."
Missoni says, "He is awfully inspecific about what exactly he is selling and how the buyer is meant to decipher it."
Baelog deeply says, "Sounds like rain."
[General] Citan exclaims, "Oh boy!!!"
Vaemyr says, "Indeed."
Lylia says, "Knowledge, like the 'Blue Suffer' itself, spreads."
Chandrellia says, "That is not a good sign."
Nairena says, "My Lady is purposely keeping me from getting into the fray."
[General] Pookia thinks, "Maybe i shouldnt have picked up those squid rings."
Speaking curiously to Nairena, Leafiara asks, "Haven't I see you in the fray several times?"
[General] Citan thinks, "Or girl!! Who knows."
[General] Chandrellia exclaims, "You did what!"
Speaking to Lylia, Perigourd says, "I imagine he will sell it all the same."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dat da battle kinna thunder?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Nairena says, "I was on the boats when Amos and Tyrrax were fighting."
Lylia says, "And with any luck, we shall be the buyers."
Speaking to Lylia, Perigourd says, "One of them, maybe."
Speaking slowly to Nairena, Leafiara says, "That would be the fray."
Nairena says, "After that its been a blur."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr asks, "So... has the council heard anything from Thadston in weeks?"
Tayler asks, "Is Thadston even alive?"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Chandrellia says, "No we havent."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Nothing more than anyone else has."
Speaking to Leafiara, Nairena says, "I do know that Amos has the recipe for the Blue struggle or whatever its called."
Speaking to Tayler, Stormyrain says, "I hope so."
Vaemyr says, "That's just... concerning."
Leafiara says, "I wonder if Thadston even wanted anybody to know about Falzcrow's efforts or if Falzcrow just took it upon himself to reveal that."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Tayler says, "As do I."
[General] Chandrellia asks, "It goes Irval and yours?"
Tayler says, "The last I heard was that night on the sands, when we went to negotiate."
Tayler says, "Last I heard from him, rather."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Money on the latter."
Citan asks, "So ..we uh... need a drink eh?"
Speaking affably to Citan, Leafiara says, "Plenty available."
Citan says, "Indeed."
Speaking to Citan, Chandrellia says, "Yeah some sunshine and whiskey."
Nairena raises her iced plum wine in a toast!
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Nairena says, "To Draccor."
Nairena says, "And Bbee."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Lylia simply says, "I adored Bbee."
Lylia says, "We all did."
Tayler attaches an elegant sterling silver flask sporting a deep violet duskjewel cap to his scarlet leather belt.
Nairena says, "They get to rest. We get to continue the struggle."
Speaking curiously to Tayler, Leafiara says, "Huh, you sure worked with the new adornments from the Hinterwilds quickly."
Thadston's Plans
[General] Thadston thinks, "Evening."
[General] Dergoatean thinks, "Hi Thadston."
[General] Lylia thinks, "Ah, good evening to you, Mayor."
Vaemyr says, "Speak of the devil."
Speaking to Tayler, Leafiara clarifies, "Or new gems as adornments, I should say."
[General] Chandrellia asks, "Aahh Thadston were your ears burning?"
[General] Vaemyr thinks, "Evening Mayor."
[General] Dergoatean thinks, "You ought to see this Cold River place, it's really something."
[General] Pukk thinks, "Hiya Thaddy."
[General] Leafiara greets, "Evening there."
Speaking to Leafiara, Tayler says, "They were so shiny, I couldn't resist."
Vaemyr asks, "Alright bets on if I get thrown out a window?"
[General] Directed to Dergoatean, Leafiara agrees, "Oh, it really is."
[General] Thadston asks, "No, why? Did you secretly vote to remove me too?"
[General] Pukk thinks, "Well...about that...."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Thadston we are the Risty Cutlass having drinks you should come join us."
Speaking to Earthdiver, Nairena says, "You grew taller."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Missoni says, "I think you are safe."
Lylia suggests, "Would we wish to meet Thadston elsewhere? I am not certain how well he likes taverns. Although there is also tea."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "No not this week Thadston yer safe."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
[General] Lylia thinks, "The tea is excellent."
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "Mayor. Merry eve."
Vaemyr says, "I doubt he'll come here."
[General] Pals exclaims, "OOOHHH Can I come?!"
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking to Leafiara, Tayler exclaims, "I was originally going to go with a wryms heart sapphire cap, but the attendant decided I was taking too long and closed the book on me, and pocketed the gem!"
Vaemyr says, "He's probably on the steps, or in the council chamber."
Leafiara says, "If he wants to meet, he'll probably say where."
[General] Lylia thinks, "Of course. The Rusty Cutlass is open to all, I do believe."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Hide da chairs."
[General] Pals exclaims, "Wonderful! I should be there shortly!"
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Oh definitely and it has some of teh best drinks and food in Landing."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Tayler says, "They look pretty solidly planted."
Mayor Thadston just arrived.
Citan says, "Yeah. .but the bar never moves either."
Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Evening Mayor."
Thadston says, "Evening."
Thadston nods at Chandrellia.
Citan says, "Hello's there."
Thadston gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "It is quite good to see you again."
Thadston asks, "So this is the Cutlass eh?"
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee says, "... Thadston."
Lylia says, "In all its glory."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "You just narrowly missed it, but Amos' representative was here earlier inquiring about interested buyers in--"
Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Hope you have been well, doing, well, whatever it is you were doing."
Stormyrain offers, "I recommend the whiskey."
Speaking deeply to Thadston, Baelog says, "First time huh."
Leafiara suddenly says, "Oh, yes, welcome if you've never been."
Nairena says, "The newest jewel of the Landing."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Pookia asks, "Breaking furniture maybe?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Leafiara.
Thadston smirks at Baelog.
Thadston asks, "Jewel?"
Thadston smirks.
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara concludes, "Interested buyers in the formula."
[General] Meril thinks, "Whilst folk are drinking, we could also use some assistance with a bleeding armiger at the north gate. At least transport her to an infirmary, perhaps."
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr exclaims, "Evenin Mayor Andrews!"
Thadston asks, "Oh, and who is interested?"
Thadston asks, "And why buy what we could take?"
Thadston smirks.
Citan says, "No one is getting my formula."
Citan says, "Mine."
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Tayler asks, "Take?"
Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd asks, "Is such your plan?"
Pookia whispers something to Sevanya.
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Leafiara recalls, "Well, so far, the interested parties are the Enclave, Vaemyr, and... uh... was that it?"
[General] Pietra thinks, "Just finish her off. An Armiger? Pffft."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Thadston looks over at Perigourd and shakes his head.
Thadston says, "Not yet."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr asks, "Take? Casi rubbing off on you?"
Leafiara says, "Oh, Raelee expressed that Octaven might be interested, so her too."
Speaking to Leafiara, Lylia says, "If there were silent bidders, I do not know of them, but the reivers had expressed an interest previously."
Speaking to Leafiara, Tayler says, "The Reivers I believe as well." [OOC note: Lylia and Tayler are talking about a rare afternoon KST on the 10th that I wasn't present for. Geijon and Juramis himself referenced it earlier too when discussing meeting with Jock, the bartender over with the reivers.]
Speaking to Leafiara, Kayse reminds, "Thadston Andrews...."
[General] Evantyne asks, "What does it mean when an item is marked?"
Speaking to Kayse, Leafiara says, "Well, only according to Vaemyr..."
[General] Lylia thinks, "A pawnshop will not accept a marked item."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Kayse says, "I didn't volunteer it."
Vaemyr asks, "Ehh?"
[General] Lylia thinks, "It is a good way to remind yourself not to sell valuable items."
Speaking to Kayse, Stormyrain offers, "I'm aware, fully."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara reminds, "You suggested that Juramis speak with Thadston."
[General] Avaalae thinks, "It means that if you can remember it's important before dropping or selling it."
Thadston says, "Juramis.."
Thadston rolls his eyes.
Goldstr says, "Reivers only ones deserve it if we donna jess destroy it."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "I did."
[General] Evantyne thinks, "Thanks."
Thadston says, "The man falls in bed with the wrong people every time. Every. Time."
Speaking drunkenly to Thadston, Gutstorm slurs, "Me said da same thing, eashier to take scroll fromma corpsh."
Lylia says, "Yes. He waxed rhapsodic about the wine and took down a few names."
Tayler says, "He's got alright taste in wine, even if he didn't appreciate my Terasian hybrid grapes."
Speaking curiously to Thadston, Leafiara asks, "Oh, Sir Geijon was claiming earlier that Juramis worked with the krolvin. Is that some known fact or was he thinking of Stephos or what?"
Speaking to Tayler, Lylia says, "I am sure they grow well in the volcanic soil there."
Thadston shrugs at Leafiara.
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Perhaps, but I do think there's merit for the town to want that scroll, to destroy it, which is why I thought you would be interested."
Leafiara nods understandingly at Thadston.
Thadston says, "I don't recall if he was involved with the krolvin."
Speaking to Lylia, Tayler says, "I have some sheltered planters, but they still take on a bit of charcoal flavoring somewhere, it's a work in progress."
Thadston says, "He used to work for Elithain Cross."
[General] Luxelle thinks, "I tried to sell my good birdstick today, and thankfully it was marked. I grabbed the wrong "runestaff". DUH, did I feel stupid. And grateful."
Thadston says, "Who was using another name."
Thadston says, "Right after he used to work for Grishom."
Leafiara notes, "Alright, will prod Puptilian for info later. He loves his history."
Leafiara snickers.
Leafiara nods slowly at Thadston.
Thadston says, "So you see, his pattern is stellar."
Stormyrain offers, "Eldrun Winter."
Lylia says, "When he was styling himself...ah. Yes."
Stormyrain asks, "Eldurn?"
Stormyrain says, "Winter."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Geijon coulda been drunk."
[General] Pietra asks, "I am almost afraid to ask what a 'good birdstick' is, but hey, what is it?"
Lylia says, "'Lord Winter.'."
Chandrellia says, "I shall return."
[General] Luxelle exclaims, "It is a fully unlocked runestick with a beautiful firebird spirit on it!"
Thadston asks, "Do we really want to sit here and let Amos sell the scroll to someone else?"
Thadston says, "No offense, Enclave."
Thadston nods at Lylia.
Xorus says, "None taken."
[General] Luxelle thinks, "Not enough enchanting quite yet, but ... I am still saving money for that."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "We need to take it off him corpse!"
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr exclaims, "Nae a chance!"
Leafiara asks, "Depends, what are you proposing as an alternative?"
Blades says, "I mean thats what you mostly been doing, sitting here."
Lylia says, "Thadston, I am wounded; we are not 'someone else.' We are an integral part of the town."
Thadston says, "We take it."
Placing her hand over her heart, Lylia sighs dramatically.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "We kill 2 bird witta one axe."
Pukk says, " I was calling them the Concave."
Speaking to Thadston, Missoni asks, "And then do what with it?"
Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "We are neither concave nor convex."
Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd says, "That sounds an awful lot like Tyrrax's approach."
[General] Pietra exclaims, "Oh that sounds lovely, Luxie!"
Speaking deeply to Thadston, Baelog asks, "Ya gonna burn it er ya gonna use it?"
Speaking to Lylia, Pukk asks, "How about convinced?"
Goldstr exclaims, "We destroy it!"
Lylia says, "Possibly."
Stormyrain asks, "Are we in the practice of attacking our own citizens now? Because they have something you desire?"
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking in Faendryl, Tayler asks something you don't understand.
Chandrellia says, "Turn it to ashes."
Citan asks, "Is there a copy?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "He not MY citazen!"
Nairena says, "Just burn it to get rid of any temptation."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr asks, "Just curious... but, under what authority or law do we take it?"
Leafiara says, "Not opposed, but as a practical matter, Amos isn't exactly the easiest person to find and he's probably made the formula even more difficult to find."
Thadston says, "I never said attack."
Thadston shrugs at Stormyrain.
Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.
Speaking sadly to Thadston, Gutstorm slurs, "We no kill Amos?"
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain asks, "If we are to 'take' it from Amos it will most certainly come to some sort of violence, don't you think?"
Thadston says, "We can apply some pressure to the man."
Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.
Thadston says, "And to the Darkstone Bay Consortium."
Stormyrain says, "I'm listening."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Chandrellia says, "I do hope so."
Stormyrain folds her hands behind her back.
Speaking in Faendryl, Tayler says something you don't understand.
Thadston asks, "Are short term profits more valuable than long term gains?"
Baelog deeply says, "I can't wait to hear this plan."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Chandrellia says, "The violence not you listening."
Speaking in Faendryl, Tayler asks something you don't understand.
Stormyrain says, "So we bargain, then."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Pukk asks, "We can take it under the premise that is already belongs to Xorus and we are just trying to help get his property back?"
Speaking to Stormyrain, Chandrellia says, "Sorry was a bit, slow on the responce."
Lylia whispers something to Tayler.
Thadston says, "Forceful bargaining, if needed."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Stormyrain says, "I understood what you were responding to, no worries."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Blade is a good teef, mebbe he kin git it? Shtormy, flutter yoo eyelashed at Blade."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Stormyrain says, "I'm not even sure what you are saying."
Blades asks, "And why would I take it?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Fer da benefit of da town."
Tayler whispers something to Lylia.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "He holdin da shcroll hostich overush like he did wit dem warchipsh."
Blades says, "You would assume that i think it would benefit the town."
Thadston says, "I am not saying we will attack the Consortium."
Sevanya says, "I'm never sure what anyone's saying."
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "Mayor Thadston is here with us in the Cutlass for any who wish to be involved in the conversation."
Thadston says, "Secondly, Amos is not the only ranking member of the organization."
Tayler whispers something to Lylia.
Thadston says, "I've already spoken with a few this morning."
Chandrellia asks, "Ok so, lets just say we do manage to get it from Amos, and the Tyraxx finds out, and comes back looking for it, we already need to get the former militia member from under his grasp what then?"
Speaking deeply to Thadston, Baelog asks, "Wait, you've actually been doing things?"
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "Goods to hear Mayor."
Thadston glances at Baelog.
Thadston says, "I can find a window, somewhere."
Speaking drunkenly to Baelog, Gutstorm slurs, "Me wonnerin shame fing."
Thadston nods at Baelog.
Blades says, "Doubtful."
Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd says, "There's a plank."
Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia whispers aloud, "There is a chair right over there, I'll p[ay for it."
Speaking to Thadston, Kayse mentions, "There is a gangplank you can throw him off of."
Vaemyr whispers something to Thadston.
Thadston smirks at Kayse.
Thadston agrees with Kayse.
Speaking to Thadston, Pukk asks, "So you are not saying to attack them but are you not not saying it too?"
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara considers, "Let me see if I'm following this. Since Amos is operating on the idea that it's solely his, you're saying that the rest of Consortium stands to gain nothing and we discuss that with them?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Hey leave Baelog alone, he make good point."
Thadston nods at Vaemyr.
Leafiara clarifies, "'It' meaning the formula."
Speaking to Leafiara, Chandrellia asks, "Thats not a bad idea, if we can turn the consortium against Amos what would he have left?"
[General] Pietra thinks, "We all know how well Thadston handles drinking."
Thadston nods at Leafiara.
Thadston says, "Essentially, yes."
Missoni asks, "Who else is part of the consortium?"
Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "I think that's what Thadston already implied he was doing, if I'm understanding this."
Leafiara nods understandingly at Thadston.
Tayler says, "Four rather large warships, docked right outside."
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "He's not drinking. Yet."
Thadston says, "The Consortium needs to continue to do business in this town."
Thadston says, "We can make it very, very difficult for that."
Speaking to Tayler, Chandrellia says, "Easy enough to sink."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Raelee suggests, "He would have the entire rest of his fortune left."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Larton, Dakris, Waldow, da gem guy, Larsya."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "He is good with politics."
Speaking to Missoni, Leafiara says, "Dakris, Kilron, Larsya, Larton, and Walward."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Leafiara says, "No, not Murdos."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Leafiara says, "Kilron, the pawnshop owner."
Vaemyr says, "I think the merchants themselves are a potential interested party, in the scrolls destruction if it means no more Krolvin attacks, lets not forget."
Lylia says, "Murdos has his own worries."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Oh right!"
Speaking to Chandrellia, Tayler says, "Perhaps, but we witnessed one of those sail into Tyrrax's entire fleet and emerge more or less unscathed."
Tayler says, "Not that I think he would turn his guns on the Landing."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Goldstr says, "Lady Larsya was duped into it."
Speaking to Tayler, Chandrellia says, "Lets just say, there are more ways to sink a ship then one thinks."
Xorus says, "It is a bad look, after all. Amos claiming my inherited scroll. When I was one of the mine investors and represented the Consortium in the manticore auction."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Perigourd says, "Cannons are still my preference."
Thadston nods at Xorus.
Thadston says, "His greed has put him in a corner."
'Thadston says, "As it always will."
Speaking drunkenly to Meril, Gutstorm slurs, "Lady Meril, all me kin say is dat wot me not a rolton."
Speaking to Thadston, Pukk says, "Would you care for a drink. There are some drinks on the bar."
Pookia whispers something to Sevanya.
Thadston says, "No."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Lylia suggests, "The lemon tea is excellent. I tried it myself."
Xorus says, "I could see how such a move would disconcert others in the Consortium regarding his respect for their property rights."
Lylia says, "Nothing in it but honey and lemon. And more honey. Just the way I like it."
Thadston says, "Ships leaving the docks with baystone easily depart from our port currently."
Baelog deeply says, "So, we get to Amos, by getting to the other merchants, and putting pressure on them."
Speaking to Lylia, Dergoatean asks, "What about the cardamom?"
Speaking to Gutstorm, Meril says, "Well, we cannot all be roltons, but we are all Imaera's children nonetheless."
Thadston says, "I would have to summon a new series of check points and routine manifest accounting to make things take longer."
Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd asks, "The Krolvin haven't disrupted that?"
Lylia says, "That is in my own blend of tea."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Ooh they have squid rings here too...we should tell Pookia."
[General] Gutstorm drunkenly thinks, "He actually yooshin him brain, not him fisht."
Thadston says, "Perhaps even adding days, or weeks to shipments."
Pookia whispers something to Sevanya.
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Deciphering the Scroll
Leafiara considers, "Even if this pressure plan were going to work, how would we be able to determine that Amos turned over the original scroll and not a facsimile?"
Speaking to Thadston, Tayler asks, "Only with the Consortiums ships, yes?"
Thadston says, "Don't even get me started on transport along the roads."
Speaking to Pukk, Pookia says, "It was the first thing she told me about when i got here and they're not the same."
Tayler says, "Surely there's no need to hassle private vessels."
Thadston asks, "Well, have you seen the scroll?"
Stormyrain asks, "Have we considered simply asking Amos what it would take for him to make the town his first choice?"
Thadston says, "I have not yet."
Thadston nods at Tayler.
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Maybe some tarrifs on luxury goods, like baystone."
Citan says, "We haven been trying to get bandits a bay."
Lylia says, "Glimpsed it briefly."
Thadston looks over at Stormyrain and shakes his head.
Tayler says, "Excellent."
[General] Pietra exclaims, "I hate it when Thadston uses fish. Fish are mostly innocent!"
Stormyrain says, "I'm sure he has a list of things he would wish from the town."
Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia asks, "Any chance to have any and all ships searched by the Militia on ships docking?"
Thadston asks, "What's your glimpse show?"
Speaking to Pookia, Pukk says, "Oh hey! I didn't see you in the crowd. Not the same? Darn."
Thadston peers quizzically at Lylia.
Vaemyr says, "It's black."
Sevanya says, "I have a feeling Amos is going to do whatever he wants and we're just going to have to deal with it."
Thadston says, "Yes, we could."
Thadston nods at Chandrellia.
Xorus says, "It is a black papyrus, blank, with a blood red sigil in the corner."
Lylia says, "With a red sigil of some sort in the corner."
Vaemyr says, "Unreadable."
Thadston asks, "Easily duplicated?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Xorus.
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking to Chandrellia, Tayler says, "Surely only Consortium vessels though. No need to search privately owned vessels."
Stormyrain loudly says, "I do not have the bandwidth to expand the militia dock duties that significantly."
Lylia says, "Remains to be seen. Its real nature is unlikely to reveal itself in candlelight or sun."
Xorus says, "It would be at least somewhat complex to duplicate the hidden moon writing."
Speaking to Xorus, Lylia murmurs, "Not to answer for you."
Goldstr says, "Less make use a da Sea Gates."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Tayler says, "Excell.. I mean, unfortunate."
Stormyrain says, "I work enough."
Speaking to Tayler, Chandrellia says, "Sorry my friend, but in order to remain fair, it must be all."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Tyrrax seemed to know that the scroll would take extradanry effort to destroy, that seems quite difficult to duplicate."
Xorus says, "And the contents would have to make some degree of sense."
Xorus says, "Which would be even more difficult."
Leafiara says, "There's always the town guard if the militia can't take on such a capacity."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "It paper no? cant no rip in half or set on fire?"
Sevanya asks, "Who's to say it would even be on a consortium ship? isn't that the most obvious choice?"
Speaking to Gutstorm, Nairena says, "One could hope."
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "The trouble is, to counterfeit it would require a closer look at it, and having a closer look at it is impossible unless we acquire it -- but if we could do that, we would not need to counterfeit it."
Speaking softly to Sevanya, Tayler says, "Not so loud.."
Thadston says, "No, we're not checking the ships for the scroll."
Thadston nods at Sevanya.
Nairena says, "Sadly I doubt it would be that easy."
Thadston says, "We're going to create several roadblocks for Amos's businesses."
Vaemyr asks, "So why do we wish to duplicate it?"
Thadston says, "Forcing him to bargain with us."
Pals exclaims, "Ah! I made it!"
Lylia says, "Starve him out, economically speaking."
Thadston says, "We don't wish to duplicate it."
Xorus dryly says, "If there is concern it could be a counterfeit, I could examine the formula and authenticate it."
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "We don't. The question is whether Amos could and then fake us out."
Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd asks, "And when you have the scroll, what is your intention with it?"
Thadston says, "I was pondering someone's question on if Amos could hand us a fake one."
Speaking to Thadston, Sevanya says, "I hope you have a lot more coin than he does."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Ahh."
Thadston says, "To destroy it."
Thadston nods at Perigourd.
Pals exclaims, "Someone, catch me up!"
Lylia says, "Ah, I see. wondering if he had already engaged in such chicanery."
Thadston says, "Loyalty is not always kept by coins."
Tayler says, "Depending on how much he could make from the Scroll... the material losses may not be as extreme as we could hope."
Thadston nods at Sevanya.
Pals says, "Chicanery is a big word."
Speaking drunkenly to Lylia, Gutstorm slurs, "Me like it when ye yoosh dem big words."
Tayler says, "Not just in coin."
Baelog deeply says, "Interesting plan, but there is a small flaw."
Speaking to Thadston, Pookia asks, "But its amos so isnt that how loyalty is kept?"
Speaking to Pals, Lylia says, "Amos has a scroll that has the potential to kill some or all krolvin, certainly those of Kragnack's bloodline. He wishes to sell it. Some wish to buy it, others wish to bargain for it. Some want to use it, others to destroy it."
Lylia says, "I think that sums it up."
Speaking to Lylia, Pals exclaims, "Oi! Amos! That bugger!"
Thadston peers quizzically at Baelog.
Lylia says, "Ah, I see you have met him."
Speaking deeply to Thadston, Baelog says, "How are you going to stop a lone runner from going through the forest."
Speaking to Baelog, Lylia says, "Exactly."
Speaking to herself, Chandrellia asks, "But Amos has done soooo much for this town and is such a good guy, what could he ever do that is so wrong?"
Chandrellia releases a loud sigh and rolls her eyes dramatically.
Tayler says, "Who's to say Amos is not in possession of some of those teleportation rings as well."
Pals asks, "So, we're trying to save the Krolvin from extinction then?"
Lylia says, "But it is not, if I am understanding you correctly, Mayor, a matter of securing the scroll itself. More a matter of constricting his options."
Speaking to Markx, Nairena says, "Its like the meeting of the minds."
Speaking to Pals, Lylia says, "Not particularly, no."
Leafiara says, "Even if Amos has rings, the pressure would be on the rest of the Consortium, who don't."
Speaking deeply to Pals, Baelog says, "We're not, people just afraid it could be used on non-Krolvin."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "If me wanna extinct da krolvin, me do it honorbly, not shneaky shneaky."
Thadston says, "Amos can respond in any manner of way."
Thadston says, "But he will need to weigh his options."
Citan exclaims, "With an axe!"
Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd says, "He does have several well armed ships in the harbor."
Speaking drunkenly to Citan, Gutstorm slurs, "Right atween dem peepersh."
Perigourd says, "Several rather."
Speaking to Baelog, Pals exclaims, "Well, this may be an opportunity for Amos to spy on us by having an open forum!"
Speaking to Lylia, Dergoatean asks, "Have we also considered acquiring it without Amos' knowledge?"
Lylia says, "Making the Consortium aware that Amos' sale does not materially benefit them certainly narrows those options."
Pals exclaims, "We should be sure that there are no double agents present!"
Thadston asks, "Does he want to gain short term profit with the sell of the scroll? Or does he want to do business in this town for the long term, unimpeded and continue his profits?"
Tayler says, "I doubt he would fire on the town, over some trade disagreements and hassles."
Tayler says, "He does have interests here and generally has protected it so far."
Speaking to Dergoatean, Lylia says, "Oh, yes, but that is searching for a single despanal among all the black sands of the coast."
Speaking to Dergoatean, Leafiara says, "I frankly doubt that's possible. He's probably spirited it away somewhere."
Kayse suggests, "Perhaps this is a discussion we should be having with Amos present?"
Thadston says, "I don't mind if he's spying. There's probably a handful of people here who would bury me over him."
Thadston shrugs.
Pals exclaims, "I vote that we have a proper vetting process of all that are present!"
Thadston says, "It won't stop us."
Speaking to Tayler, Sevanya says, "He doesn't have to fire on the town. Mercenaries exist and amos is the king of plausible deniability."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Thadston, me voted fer yoo, jush shayin."
Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "I'd probly be right behind ya, getting buried that is."
Pals exclaims, "Step right up! Face me and my maul if you're a double agent!"
Speaking to Sevanya, Dergoatean says, "I don't know if I'd go as far as to say _pluasible_."
Tayler says, "We could just be diplomatic, and make a bid for the scroll like everybody else."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Sevanya says, "Well, he sure gets away with 'not knowing' a whole lot of things..."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Curious though, if he comes with a counter offer, and wants something else in return, are you willing to negotiate? I'm just curious of your answer mainly."
Speaking to Tayler, Pals exclaims, "No! We do not negotiate with terrorists!"
Citan says, "I put 5 on it."
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Speaking to Vaemyr, Chandrellia says, "Good question."
[General] Ghianna thinks, "It's okay to eat fish because they don't have any feelings.... or so the poet says."
Thadston says, "Of course."
Thadston nods at Vaemyr.
Vaemyr nods at Thadston.
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Tayler says, "As far as him slipping us a copy, I believe many of us saw the scroll on the Titan, on the return voyage. Perhaps one of them noted it closely enough to prevent being fooled by an easy fabrication."
Speaking deeply to Thadston, Baelog says, "Ya could turn over the eastern half of the Landing to him for the scroll."
Leafiara dryly says, "I'm sure that would go over well."
Baelog deeply says, "I imagine he's looking for a new place since Brisker's Cove burned down."
Thadston says, "We can't have this scroll passed around."
Earthdiver says, "Nice lens."
[General] Zaaldine thinks, "A bucket and a mop and an illustrated book about birds."
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "I agree."
Tayler asks, "Is that...?"
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Pals exclaims, "Send Pals to battle with this Amos feller! I shall return victorious!"
Thadston says, "I am sure the Town Council and I could entertain any counter offers that help make him even more profits. And we'll deal with the fallout later."
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Pals exclaims, "Pals is strong WARRIOR!"
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "There was the scroll itself, but there was also a kind of cipher. I do not know if you have seen the text of it yet."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Just be sure to be transparent, wouldnt want to get accused of hiding things."
Pookia asks, "So no plan then?"
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Then I think you and the town are certainly an "interested party"."
Thadston looks over at Lylia and shakes his head.
Thadston asks, "What text?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Lylia.
Pals says, "Plan: Send Pals."
Lylia removes a strip of pale hide parchment signet-marked at the edge from in her survival kit.
Lylia recites, ""...of a new field, a split stone of Tilaok, timelessly cradled by Ivas and Lumnea, mirrored in the blood of the keeper of dawn. When he receives it, he'll understand in time, even if it takes a thousand years to see their end..."."
Lylia says, "And that is where it ended. The original parchment was damaged; that was all I could transcribe."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dat a pretty poem, Lylia."
Lylia put a strip of pale hide parchment signet-marked at the edge in her survival kit.
Thadston says, "I'm not good with riddles."
Thadston asks, "Does it make sense to anyone else?"
Speaking to Gutstorm, Lylia says, "Praxopius Fortney wrote it, not I."
Lylia says, "My poetry rhymes. Ideally in more than one language, if I am truly on my game."
Xorus says, "Praxopius intended me to spend potentially years testing possible meanings. With trial and error."
Irval asks, "A lake?"
Goldstr says, "Dat sounds like maybe a need fer Pylasar."
Baelog deeply says, "Sounds like a piece of the moon, somewhere between an Ivasian and Lumnean holy site."
Raelee states, "I have a question."
Irval says, "Mirrored in the blood of the keeper of dawn...sounds like a sun reflecting off the surface of water..."
Pals says, "Pals go negotiate with this Amos feller. Pals put Amos in headlock and let Amos know that if he doesn't stop, he will get a super wedgie."
Pals says, "Oof."
Chandrellia says, "Or off a bloodmarble altar."
Baelog deeply says, "Uh...Only two Ivasian sites I know...the temple in Solhaven and the one up in the Vipershroud."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dont ferget da yoga noogie, Pals."
Raelee says, "... if one cannot read the scroll, all of this is rather moot."
Pals exclaims, "Oh noogie! And nose-bops too!"
Lylia says, "Just so."
Thadston asks, "Is it?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Raelee.
Baelog deeply asks, "Where is the nearest Lumnis holy site?"
Pals asks, "But really, how BAD this Amos feller is?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Leave it to da shmart people to ruin our plansh."
Speaking to Pals, Goldstr says, "Verra bad."
Pals says, "Maybe Amos is just lonely. We should give him hugs."
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee asks, "Thus, why is that not accounted for in all of this planning?"
Raelee says, "Tyrrax has the original lens, not Amos."
Citan says, "And a drink."
Speaking to Pals, Nairena says, "He doesnt seem like a bad guy. He seems to value profit over other stuff."
Speaking to Baelog, Leafiara says, "Lumnis sites, I suppose the shrine in Solhaven or part of the hall in Icemule..."
Thadston says, "If I hand you a bag and tell you it is filled with ridgeweavers, and you throw it into the fire to burn. Regardless of if you believe they were inside, if they were, they're still destroyed."
Raelee says, "Thus, whoever possesses the means to decipher it possesses... leverage."
Thadston nods at Raelee.
Pals exclaims, "Many friends be made with drinks!"
Speaking pointedly to Thadston, Raelee says, "I would verify."
Thadston says, "We will do everything to verify."
Speaking to Thadston, Tayler says, "Why would you burn them, they make such lovely silk."
Stormyrain asks, "Once we determine the how? Where? Or when? of that?"
Speaking deeply to Leafiara, Baelog asks, "I thought there was one closer to the Landing? Part of the Voln trials?"
Speaking to Thadston, Missoni says, "And if they are not, there is likely still a bag of ridgeweavers somewhere."
Pals exclaims, "Maybe we can bribe Amos!"
Vaemyr says, "Tyrrax will assuredly use his lens before the item is destroyed, to know if it's not a fake or not."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Pals exclaims, "Since he values profit!"
Speaking to Baelog, Leafiara asks, "For Lumnis?"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Stormyrain says, "If he's ever in possession of the scroll."
Tayler says, "Then he will possess the knowledge, however."
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Lylia firmly says, "Tyrrax must not be allowed to be in possession of the scroll."
Sevanya says, "He's not going to go away about this."
Lylia says, "I am sure we all agree on this, regardless of anything else."
Thadston says, "Then allow him to use the lens on the scroll."
Pals asks, "Can we pay Amos more than Tyraxx?"
Goldstr says, "Nor Amos da lens."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "I guess that I should bring that up with you... Tyrrax agreed to also call off the attacks, as long as he's part of it's destruction, we'd be allowed to do the destroying."
Speaking to Thadston, Tayler says, "That's the same as selling it to him."
Pals exclaims, "I vote we pay Amos to work for us!"
Stormyrain says, "We cannot do that unless we hand over Amos and the scroll to Tyrrax, he will not negotiate with the krolvin."
Baelog deeply says, "Lumnea...Lumnis..."
Thadston says, "If we have the scroll, it doesn't matter what Amos wants."
Pookia says, "Tyraxx verifies the scroll knuckleheads destroy the scroll, everyone wins."
Speaking to Baelog, Meril says, "The celestial rodent marks the crossing of Ivastaen and Lumnea in time. That was the word, yes? Not Lumnis."
Speaking to Baelog, Leafiara says, "Right, but... I don't believe there are any of her holy sites near this town."
Pookia says, "Which is what we were trying to do ever since we got kidnapped."
Pookia says, "So."
Stormyrain asks, "I thought we were wanting to verify it's authenticity before acquiring it?"
Lylia notes, "The half-Elven scholar who acts as Tyrrax's scribe, Rian Larson, has left clues as to why Tyrrax must not obtain the scroll."
Pals says, "I'm out of my element, Donny. Sleepy time for Pals."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Vaemyr says, "Tyrrax agreed the other night, that he'd be willing to let us destroy it, as long as he was personally there though."
Kharusa's Intent
A raspy voice sudddenly pierces your mind, "I want to save my father!"
Pookia exclaims, "Glad you came around to our plan a month later!"
Tayler says, "I believe Tyrrax also stated that we can't simply "give" him the scroll."
Leafiara says, "I'm actually more interested in this idea of 'the blood of the keeper of dawn,' in--"
Speaking to Stormyrain, Raelee says, "That would be wise. Else, you could be spending a grand fortune on nonsense."
Baelog deeply says, "My head."
Perigourd says, "I was about to say.."
Vaemyr says, "That was Kharusa's voice."
Thadston blinks.
Perigourd says, "If anyone reads the scroll.."
Thadston says, "What the hell was that."
Falvicar whispers something to Nairena.
Baelog deeply says, "Someone poking at our brains..."
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain says, "Kharusa."
Vaemyr asks, "Is she here?"
Leafiara says, "I'm guessing the thoughts of Kharusa."
Perigourd says, "Kharusa will also be a consideration."
Stormyrain says, "She's making her voice known."
Thadston says, "Great..."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Raelee continues, "... but my true point is that whoever can read it provides value to Amos."
Speaking quietly to Falvicar, Nairena asks, "How are you holding up?"
Tayler says, "She does not need to be."
Thadston says, "Another thing that should have been bagged and burned."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "Well, on the bright side, you're looking for her father already."
Pals says, "I told you, we need to get Amos on our side."
Leafiara furrows her brow.
Vaemyr frowns at Thadston.
Irval asks, "Did anyone hear that?"
Speaking to Raelee, Stormyrain says, "And then Thadston said let it be Tyrrax--and here we are, back at square one."
Speaking to Tayler, Perigourd says, "I imagine Amos took those chains for a reason."
Thadston says, "I'm kidding."
Baelog deeply says, "Everyone heard that."
Thadston nods at Vaemyr.
Speaking to Baelog, Stormyrain asks, "Remember our conversation earlier?"
Thadston says, "But she better not become more trouble, if we're helping her."
Speaking to Baelog, Stormyrain says, "Now you understand what I was saying."
Thadston says, "Falzcrow should have something for me soon."
Speaking to Thadston, Kayse says, "Any progress on the location of her father? Considering she just brought that up...."
Kayse nods slowly.
Pukk asks, "How do we know that was her? That could be Raelee's other personality that is trying to get out?"
Leafiara says, "I still wish she'd just get far away from here to keep herself safe from the krolvin reclaiming her."
Pukk asks, "Hmmmm? Did anybody ever think of that?"
Speaking to Perigourd, Tayler says, "A reason, true, what reason remains to be seen."
Tayler says, "Chains that can make anyone you wrap them in tell the truth just seem fairly valuable in general."
Thadston shakes his head.
Speaking to Pukk, Stormyrain asks, "I do not know Raelee to be talented in the art of telepathy?"
Earthdiver says, "I think they just reflected a truth or a lie."
Speaking dubiously to Raelee, Leafiara says, "Would you even want to find your father? All the... bits and pieces I've picked up on over the years imply--"
Goldstr asks, "Has Kharusa's father been found er saved?"
Speaking to Tayler, Perigourd says, "Onle to someone prone to lying."
Leafiara concludes, "Well, let me not finish that thought, that's a bit rude."
Speaking to Pukk, Nairena says, "I try not to think to hard on this matter. It givens me a headache."
Xorus says, "As I said. I would be able to recognize if the contents of the scroll make sense, or if they are a nonsense formula in forged moon letters."
Perigourd says, "Only rather."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Pukk says, "If it was a secret you wouldn't know."
Lylia dryly remarks, "As long as I have known the Magister, she is fully capable of using her words."
Xorus says, "Short of that I do not see how you authenticate it."
Perigourd says, "They're useless on those who speak truth."
Tayler says, "Everybody lies."
Speaking to Tayler, Perigourd says, "Many have no need to."
Speaking to Goldstr, Leafiara says, "Falzcrow is trying to figure out her father's location."
Speaking to Tayler, Lylia quips, "That is a dirty lie, sir."
Nairena says, "White lies are fabricated truths."
Thadston nods at Leafiara.
Pukk says, "But if she has another personality that is pent never know..."
Speaking to Leafiara, Goldstr says, "Ah Tankee."
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "I do not need to find him."
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee adds, "... I know where he lives."
Speaking to Pukk, Leafiara says, "There you have it, theory disproven."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Raelee kin find long losht foddersh?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Maybe Raelee doesn't know what her other personality wants."
Tayler says, "Unfortunate as it is, if her father ever lived after she was taken, I doubt that he does now."
Back to Riddling
Lylia says, "If we are going to discuss Magister Raelee as though she is not present, perhaps we should also discuss what she mentioned earlier about the means to read the scroll and the importance thereof."
Tayler says, "One does not need leverage over a slave."
Leafiara says, "What was I saying before Kharusa's thoughts interrupted... oh yes, wondering what 'the blood of the keeper of dawn' is referring to."
Lylia says, "Her father lives only if he remains useful."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dont eat dat pickle, Pook."
Leafiara says, "Hopefully not as literal as the keeper of Dawn, the wolf. Larsya's wolf."
Speaking to Leafiara, Lylia says, "Someone earlier suggested something of a reflection or a lake."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Thadston says, "Now, back to that damn riddle."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dish one dokay, me git ridda udder one."
Thadston asks, "What was it again?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Lylia.
Irval says, "Aye and cradled with stone."
Irval says, "Could be a valley of some sort."
Tayler asks, "I believe the riddle was on the creation of a lens, was it not?"
Lylia says, "I believe it was "...of a new field, a split stone of Tilaok, timelessly cradled by Ivas and Lumnea, mirrored in the blood of the keeper of dawn. When he receives it, he'll understand in time, even if it takes a thousand years to see their end..."."
Speaking to Raelee, Vaemyr asks, "I trust in what you've created, but I'm guessing it hasn't been tested yet?"
Citan asks, "Pickle rolling eh?"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Raelee says, "No. It is but a prototype for the moment."
Baelog deeply says, "Split stone of Tilaok...makes me think of a piece of the moon broke off and landed somewhere."
Thadston says, "So what is "a new field?"."
Leafiara says, "Tilaok is a red moon, so some kind of red stone, perhaps..."
Thadston says, "It looks like it was cut off..."
Irval asks, "Crater and a lake?"
Baelog deeply says, "Unless it's talking about that one portal but I don't think that's Tilaok..."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Shtabby shtab."
Lylia says, "We had also independently arrived at the possibility that the 'keeper of dawn' is indeed the 'keeper of capital-D Dawn.' Larsya."
Blades says, "Don't cut yourself."
Missoni muses, "Perhaps it can only be read under the Rat."
Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd says, "Perhaps a flower from a newly grown field."
Lylia says, "I noticed that the exact phrasing was 'Ivas and Lumnea,' not 'Ivas and Lumnis.'."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Isnt Ivas da sex fiend?"
Perigourd says, "Or some such plants."
Lylia says, "And not 'Ivastaen and Lumnea.'."
Irval says, "A pools reflection with a split stone and a new field..."
Baelog deeply asks, "Ivas, and the month of Lumnea?"
Speaking drunkenly to Falvicar, Gutstorm slurs, "Can ye conshecrate me lollerpop?"
Xorus says, "The statue of Ivas in the Vipershroud holds a large ruby in its hand. I suspect Praxopius was trying to hint to me that the moon lens was a gemstone."
Xorus says, "Again, red stone."
Meril says, "The old elven legends say that rubies are the blood of the gods, so that could be a red stone. And rubies are also held in some importance by the krolvin faith, from what I hear."
Lylia suggests, "Something to do with the temple of Ivas and the month of Lumnea, or possibly a fanciful allusion to the end of one month and the beginning of the next. If time is indeed important."
Pals says, "Pals not feeling so good."
Nairena says, "That place is special."
Leafiara says, "And Lumnea is coming rather quickly..."
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Speaking to Pals, Sevanya says, "It's nice on the ground."
Baelog deeply asks, "The position of the sun during the dawn in the month of Lumnea?"
Citan says, "Try this.. it will keep it down..."
Speaking to Citan, Pals says, "Pals can't drink more.."
Baelog deeply asks, "It shines through the gem the statue is holding?"
Thadston says, "Riddles.."
Thadston shakes his head.
Pals says, "Never thought a Dorf would say such thing."
Baelog deeply says, "The keeper of the dawn is The Sun, after all."
Speaking to Meril, Tayler says, "Blood of the Gigas."
Pals says, "Only drank twice me weight, shouldn't be an issue."
Thadston asks, "What is a split stone of Tilaok?"
Pals says, "Going to go lay down in the tree."
Citan asks, "Does Tilaok have a twin?"
Speaking deeply to Thadston, Baelog says, "Well, as Xorus mentioned, the statue of Ivas in the Vipershroud is holding a red gem."
Speaking to Pals, Nairena says, "You got to pace yourself."
Leafiara says, "Xorus' theory sounds as likely as anything else to me. Tilaok being a red moon, if the Ivas statue has a ruby, that would follow."
Baelog deeply says, "Tilaok, red...split gem."
Pookia asks, "Is the gem ivas holding busted up?"
Pookia asks, "In the vipershroud?"
Pals says, "Good luck folks, send that Amos feller my way if he doesn't give you what you want."
Speaking to Pookia, Lylia says, "It was at one time. It was restored."
Pals says, "Pals take care of him."
Missoni muses, "Fire opal, fire agate..."
Baelog deeply says, "The blood of the keeper of the dawn...the sun bleeds light."
Irval says, "So we got the moon and the sun..."
Irval says, "And a new field."
Vaemyr says, "Or a blazestone."
Irval says, "A field of stars."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Do we REALLY gotsha walk dere?"
Irval says, "...heavenly bodies one and all."
Baelog deeply says, "The month of Lumnea, which is fast approaching."
Baelog deeply says, "The dawn's light shining through the ruby that Ivas is holding next month."
Nairena says, "No messing with that Ruby. It is sacred."
Lylia says, "Ah, but 'timelessly cradled,' which makes me wonder if time is a critical element."
Thadston asks, "So whatever we do, has to be done in Lumnea?"
Sevanya says, "That's usually how riddles work."
Baelog deeply says, "That's the idea."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Not nessecarily."
Sevanya says, "I doubt this has a wide window of opportunity."
Leafiara says, "I would say it's pointing to either before or during, but certainly not after."
Baelog deeply asks, "Well, maybe the one day in Lumnea where the sun rises directly behind the ruby?"
Lylia says, "There is a place where time is not of the essence as it is meant to repeat in rapid cycles."
Dergoatean says, "Riddles... I think we'd all be better off if we just said what we meant."
Xorus says, "Possibly near the transition of Ivastaen and Lumnea. When the zodiac changes over, the star field."
Sevanya says, "I think it's worth keeping an eye on the ruby."
Bernadette softly says, "We does it by dat time, er in dat time."
Thadston asks, "The Reach?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Lylia.
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee says, "The reason Vaemyr is giving me that look is... yes."
Lylia nods at Thadston.
Raelee says, "The Reach."
Lylia says, "Got it in one."
Earthdiver says, "That is the best view of Tilaok, I suppose."
Thadston says, "Everything comes back to the damn Reach."
Xorus says, "... yes, the Reach."
Dergoatean says, "I do applaud all of you making this valiant attempt at decoding."
Thadston says, "Might as well be Melgorehn's Landing."
Earthdiver says, "Calael's house has marshmellows."
Dergoatean exclaims, "I look forward to hearing what else you all figure out after I have a good night's sleep!"
Thadston asks, "Mirrored in the blood of the keeper of dawn?"
Thadston asks, "You said Larsya?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Leafiara.
Irval asks, "Is there a lake there?"
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "It's possible."
Thadston nods at Irval.
Thadston says, "Lake Eonak."
Irval says, "There it is."
Leafiara says, "And Lylia said others arrived at the same conclusion."
Xorus says, "The moon beam that reflects off the altar on the Reach is made with a conjunction of Tilaok and Liabo."
Leafiara reiterates, "As a possibility, at least."
Leafiara says, "Dawn being the name of Larsya's wolf."
Xorus says, "Praxopius tested Larsya's blood on the altar in that moon light."
Thadston asks, "So her blood?"
Thadston frowns.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "If Larsya dies, me got dibs on her bow."
Irval asks, "I think its the color reflected?"
Vaemyr says, "The Outpost has samples previously, I believe, so hopefully no need to bother Lady Larsya for that matter."
Thadston glances at Gutstorm.
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Thadston says, "Don't be rude."
Thadston nods at Gutstorm.
Stormyrain says, "Except to get her permission, I would hope, to use her blood in this manner."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Not rude, honesht."
Lylia says, "Although mirrors of blood or ink are sometimes used for scrying."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Nairena says, "Thats like giving a fully charged pylon to a rebellious kid..."
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Blame da alchohol, me jush da veshel."
Xorus says, "It is unclear to me if it would mean her blood before or after it was cursed. Assuming her blood were literally needed."
Raelee says, "And it may not be. "Mirrored" in her blood implies an element that is present in her blood is needed, but perhaps not the blood itself."
Pukk says, "Well...I'm going to go do some Pukk stuff that is in no way related to anything here."
Citan asks, "Drinking?"
Pookia says, "Oh yeah you gotta shine the light through the blood so it can magnify the words on the thing so you can read em right? that makes total sense."
Sevanya exclaims, "Classic wizard trick!"
Speaking to Pukk, Nairena exclaims, "For pukk sake!"
Speaking to Citan, Pukk says, "Yes, I will go with that."
Thadston asks, "So we need a rock, the Reach, a girl's blood, on a specific day, and the scroll?"
Pukk says, "I'm going to go drink...yeah that's it."
Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia asks, "And the lens?"
Irval says, "So this is a ritual scroll then it is..."
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "And a lens."
Bernadette softly asks, "Sure, wot culd go wrong?"
Citan says, "Take one fo the road then."
Destroy or Decode
Stormyrain asks, "Have we considered that once the formula is known, then it does not matter what happens to the scroll?"
Citan says, "Or not."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Lylia says, "I have considered it often."
Stormyrain says, "Any and all in the area that get the opportunity to read it will then become vessels for it."
Speaking dryly to Stormyrain, Raelee says, "I have."
[General] Pukk exclaims, "By the gods, TSC is empty!"
Leafiara jokingly concludes, "So, in short, let's just throw it in the volcano."
Xorus says, "Possibly. As I said, he likely intended me to do this by trial and error, over years."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Sevanya says, "Let's not show it to every person we run across then."
Lylia says, "Said it until I was as blue as a krolvin myself, in fact, that knowledge is a kind of contagion too."
Citan says, "I couldn't read it anyway."
Speaking to Xorus, Stormyrain says, "But even the knowledge of what is needed in the wrong hands, with enough time, could be dangerous."
Thadston asks, "Then why bother decoding it?"
Pookia says, "Language itself is a virus."
Speaking to Lylia, Raelee says, "A most virulent one."
Thadston says, "Let's get it, and destroy it."
Thadston says, "Regardless of what was on it."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Back to shquare one?"
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "I'm with you, but we'll see what others think."
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "Then you destroy the hope of curing it if, for example, Amos has already decrypted it and sold the knowledge to the krolvin."
Speaking deeply to Thadston, Baelog says, "Yeah, but think of all the Krolvin we can kill with it."
Sevanya says, "We can't keep doing nothing and excusing it by saying knowledge is a disease. that seems cowardly to me."
Earthdiver says, "It is created by destroying it. That has been the problem from the start."
Sevanya says, "Might as well not do anything then."
Speaking to Sevanya, Pookia says, "Okay the mayor caught up to us finally."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Speaking to Sevanya, Lylia exclaims, "Yes, I see how you have contributed mightily to this conversation. I have heard your learned proposals about the cipher, your skill creating the lens, your knowledge of blood magic. Why, you have illuminated us all with your presence!"
Thadston asks, "We're also assuming the scroll's contents will be as simple as mix, churn, simmer simmer plop?"
Lylia says, "I stand before you, coward that I am, and apologize with all the sincerity due your status."
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain says, "I not assume that at all."
Irval asks, "I feel like a girls blood is too literal, arent mirrors or reflective surfaces often considered doorways themselves?"
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "I assume they will be nearly impossible to decipher at a glance."
Xorus says, "It might not be that simple, it might be quite involved."
Thadston nods at Xorus.
Raelee slowly says, "... and it is too late to well and truly destroy it. Even if the scroll is turned to ash, the idea is still loose upon us. Alchemical formulas can be rediscovered. People *will* try."
Citan says, "Will a hint of spice."
Xorus says, "Possibly a riddle wrapped in a mystery in an enigma."
Thadston asks, "How do we even know it's real?"
Tayler says, "We don't."
Chandrellia says, "Ok I'm drunk enough for all this."
Grius says, "Oh,"
Pukk says, "I brought a new person who wants to have fun too."
Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "Then we're fighting over nothing."
Grius says, "The north dock."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "We can't without reading it."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Lettem try, we kin all shneep better at night knowin we did da besht we could wit wot we dealin wit now."
Thadston says, "What if it's a sketch of a man with legs because Praxopius had none."
Chandrellia says, "Not drunk enough even."
Speaking to Perigourd, Raelee says, "That is often the case."
Pukk says, "Mission completed."
Chandrellia takes a drink from her humanoid skull.
Grius says, "I didn't know it was called that."
Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "I shall accept my fate then."
Speaking to Thadston, Missoni says, "Then we can frame it after reading it."
Thadston sighs.
Thadston says, "We could do this all night."
Blades says, "Already have."
Xorus says, "It very well could be. It is a lot to leave in the one basket of myself, and one of those scraps questioned how to motivate me."
Citan says, "Don't threathen me with a good time."
Thadston asks, "Complaining?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Blades.
Goldstr exclaims, "As da Mayor has said Less get it an destroy it!"
Blades nods at Thadston.
Thadston says, "Stamina is a woman's best friend."
Thadston nods at Blades.
Thadston shrugs.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Yeah, me like da firsht plan."
Blades looks thoughtfully at Thadston.
Speaking to Sevanya, Pookia says, "Its circles again. lets go."
Vaemyr says, "But like Raelee said, there is some merit to deciphering it, we could use the knowledge to begin work on a cure, something that would help us if there are more copies out there in the future, that say someone decides to wipe out all humans or giantment or elves or who knows in the future."
Thadston asks, "You like stamina, right?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Stormyrain.
Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "Yes, I was curious about that too."
Thadston shrugs at Blades.
Speaking to Pookia, Leafiara says, "Always is."
Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "Your motivation."
Sevanya says, "Knuckleheads are gonna go contribute somewhere else. Have fun with your argument."
Speaking to Sevanya, Pookia says, "We'll just get put down again anyway. our opinion doesnt matter even though they keep reaching it eventually."
Blades says, "I hear you've had plenty of stamina in the past."
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain asks, "This is where we're going to take the conversation?"
Blades chuckles.
Thadston asks, "A cure for a disease not even unleashed?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Vaemyr.
Thadston says, "Seems risky."
Thadston begins chuckling at Stormyrain!
Thadston says, "No."
Stormyrain says, "Bit late."
Stormyrain nods at Thadston.
Nairena says, "Sounds like a barrel of fun times ahead of us."
Speaking to Nairena, Chandrellia exclaims, "Speaking of barrel!"
Blades glances at Stormyrain.
Stormyrain gives a sidelong glance at Blades.
Thadston says, "No one will use Larsya's blood without her consent."
Thadston says, "If Amos even tries, then all bets are off."
Lylia remarks, "Really, after calling someone else a coward, to become innocence abused and flounce away is silly."
Thadston says, "And we will take the scroll."
Speaking to Thadston, Nairena asks, "Not even a flask or two?"
Tayler asks, "Now that I come to think about it, did anyone see the scroll?"
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr asks, "Would you prefer one after it's been unleashed? You knew Prax better than I, do you think he'd not have contingencies if he truly wants this out in the wild?"
Goldstr says, "I will guard Lady Larysa wid me life."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Ye know, me wanna just implode Amos, den both Amos and da scroll will be lil bitsh in da ether."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dat me plan."
Speaking to Goldstr, Chandrellia says, "I'll use his skull as my new drinking vessel."
Tayler asks, "Or do we just have the word of Amos that it is blank and needs to be deciphered?"
Lylia says, "Absolutely, her blood -- if it is needed at all -- would not be taken without her consent. She would need to understand the importance of it."
Baelog deeply says, "I'm still of the opinion we should containers full of Blue Suffering, load them into cannons, and fire them onto Glavoen."
Thadston shrugs at Vaemyr.
Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd asks, "If the eventual goal is to destroy the scroll to remove it as a means for the Krolvin to wish to attack, how are we going to convince them we've done so?"
Speaking to Chandrellia, Nairena says, "You are cute when you act all twisted and malicious."
Blades says, "Good thing i don't have children."
Earthdiver says, "We cannot."
Thadston says, "We'll press Tyrrax's face to the scroll so he can watch us burn it up close."
Speaking to Baelog, Tayler says, "Ah, thank you for clarifying, I missed it the first eighteen times."
Thadston nods at Perigourd.
Speaking to Perigourd, Leafiara says, "I guess we can do it in front of them."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Baelog deeply says, "You do not convince Krolvin not to attack. You wait for them to attack, then you kill them. That's part of the convincing."
Speaking to Blades, Stormyrain says, "Even if you did, I can't imagine.."
Thadston says, "..and hope it doesn't spark and light him too."
Thadston smirks.
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "About Tyrrax..."
Thadston peers quizzically at Lylia.
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Well... we'll probably need a special destruction method besides normal fire... maybe if your shards are still working in those arms of yours, you could punch it really really hard."
Baelog deeply asks, "Can we put a standing kill-on-sight order for their leader?"
Speaking drunkenly to Blades, Gutstorm slurs, "Me offer shtill shtand."
Lylia says, "His intent is not to destroy this but to use it against his own potential rivals."
Baelog deeply says, "Rumors of him being able to skulk around town and converse with citizens has got my hackles up."
Stormyrain says, "I have..that sounded--"
Blades asks, "What did he offer?"
Speaking to Blades, Stormyrain says, "I'm --not sure here."
Nairena says, "Demonic fire burns twice as hot."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Member lasht time we went boatin, me tole ye ye two could dopt me."
Speaking to Baelog, Perigourd says, "Mots of us were pre-occupied with demons and the like."
Thadston asks, "How do you know?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Lylia.
Perigourd says, "Most that is."
Blades says, "I conveniently forgot that."
Speaking to Lylia, Goldstr says, "Which maybe be us."
Baelog deeply says, "Aye, most."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dat way ye cant keep me off da boat."
Lylia says, "He has scribes who record his every move, as anyone with sufficient self-importance might."
Blades says, "Still debating on shooting you out of a cannon."
Speaking to Lylia, Vaemyr says, "Then why would he agree to allow us to destroy it, think he'll just try and steal it at that time? We'll just have someone prepared to supress his portals if he tries."
Tayler says, "There is the matter of Tyrrax, he did state that simply destroying the scroll in front of him would not be good enough for his brothers to stop their assault. They need to claim the scroll as some sort of prize."
Speaking airily to Blades, Kayse asks, "What's there to debate?"
Drektor whispers something to Kayse.
Baelog deeply says, "If I find him, I'm going to do my absolute best to make good on my promise.."
Lylia says, "He sees himself as a child of history, and that history is to be recorded. What he tells us is that he fears for his people."
Irval says, "Do they know whats on the scroll? Why not give them a forgery."
Earthdiver says, "If we find the scroll, we have all the leverage we need to keep the Krolvin at bay. Or in the bay."
Irval says, "Even if it buys time."
Blades says, "Trajectory, amount of gun powder. Its not everyday you shoot a dwarf, might as well hit something with it."
Lylia says, "What he truly intends is to use it as a weapon against his own kind, or a threat."
Vaemyr says, "Like I still don't trust Tyrrax, but if he does come alone, to witness or be a part of the scrolls destruction, I think we can come up with a plan to keep him from stealing it."
Lylia adds, "Or to modify it against others. Not krolvin."
Thadston asks, "Because he has a personal scriber?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Lylia.
Baelog deeply says, "I don't care about the concerns of a Krolvin."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Isnt larson a shcriber?"
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Lylia says, "Rian Larson."
Speaking to Thadston, Perigourd says, "One of the captives from a prior raid here is writing his.. account."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Yeah, dat guy."
Lylia says, "One of the missing."
Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "No becasue he wants to rise above them and make them listen to him. if he has a means to force other Krolvin to allow hium to rule he can do whatever he pleases."
Tayler says, "Rian was not present at the last meeting, I do hope he is well."
Speaking to Markx, Nairena asks, "This is turning into an endless loop. Want to hunt some?"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Lylia says, "And as for suppressing his portals, that is something we may wish to find Ayred and discuss."
Chandrellia says, "I think we need to get teh formula first, then figure out the next step."
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Baelog deeply says, "Maybe we kill Tyrrax first."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "Agreed, the rest of this is moot without that first step."
Baelog deeply says, "Then get the formula."
Speaking to Baelog, Chandrellia says, "Well you go do that and then tell me how it worked out for ya."
Speaking to Baelog, Tayler says, "There's a plank around here somewhere."
Speaking to Baelog, Tayler says, "He's out on the ocean somewhere, go swim out and assassinate him."
Thadston shrugs.
Thadston says, "I guess I just do not follow the logic of it."
Irval says, "Split stone of the moon, Field of stars on a new month in the rising sun I think is when the spell must be performed. With or without the blood, preferrably without. For I feel the color of Dawn is red in itself and reflected off a mirroed surface..."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "There is... other matters as far as Tyrrax is concerned, and the Krolvin, there's definitely some disorder in their ranks, while this new Krolvin the Crow, is powerful, I think there's potential to turn them against each other."
Thadston says, "I would not use a human disease to gain the Sun Throne, if the human disease would also kill me."
Thadston shrugs.
Thadston says, "But I am not a krolvin."
Speaking deeply to Thadston, Baelog says, "Thank your lucky stars."
Speaking to Irval, Leafiara says, "Good thoughts."
Speaking to Baelog, Tayler says, "You're the one suggesting "we" go kill him, I'm just suggesting "You" go kill him."
Speaking to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Look we need a solid idea, but we need to it in steps, like a game of chance, where you move each piece stratigicly untill you have won."
Speaking deeply to Tayler, Baelog says, "Aye, convince him to show his face."
Grius says, "How about we find out where he is."
Thadston sighs.
Lylia asks, "You would not, but what if it would only kill those humans you wished to die? Or if you could use it as a threat against them?"
Grius says, "Just in case Baelog wants to fisticuffs with him."
Xorus asks, "Perhaps. But if the wrong Kestrel had a poison that only killed Anodheles and Chandrennin?"
Thadston says, "It's late. These riddles and trying to think like a krolvin is hurting my head."
Thadston shrugs at Lylia.
Blades says, "I have a long list."
Grius says, "Surely a wizard could find him."
Chandrellia says, "My opinon is, we get the formula from Amos first, then worry about Tyrrax, that formula should be at the front and formost of what we do."
Baelog deeply says, "Won't be any fisticuffs. It will be me splitting his head open."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Hate riddlesh."
First Step
Thadston says, "Our first step..."
Thadston says, "We need that scroll."
Speaking to Grius, Nairena says, "Its not that easy."
Thadston says, "Nothing else matters that we plan until we have it."
Grius says, "It's not."
Grius says, "But.."
Thadston says, "The Town Council and I will hold a meeting soon."
Lylia says, "I agree that the formula is of paramount importance."
Grius says, "Faith in the room here."
Leafiara says, "And some things we can't even plan without it."
Thadston says, "Hey, town council, we'll hold a meeting soon."
Thadston smirks.
Lylia says, "And the means to decipher it."
Leafiara gazes in amusement at Thadston.
Speaking to Baelog, Tayler says, "Next time he shows I'll let you know where is is, I am sure it's just as easy as killing him, and that definitely won't provoke his fleet of thousands into a full out assault."
Goldstr exclaims, "We nae want amy race mass destroyed, even da Krol! So less jess get dat formula an destroy it!"
Grius exclaims, "How big is this ocean anyway!"
Thadston says, "We'll listen to some ideas on how to put some pressure on the Consortium."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Thadston, if ye need a Depooty Mayer, lemme know."
Leafiara nods at Thadston.
Thadston says, "Amos has already probably heard of our plans by now, given this crowd."
Speaking to Grius, Tayler says, "Well, it doesn't fit in a breadbox."
Speaking to Grius, Lylia says, "It is roughly ocean-shaped and ocean-sized."
Thadston says, "And this place."
Speaking deeply to Thadston, Baelog says, "I disagree. The threat of the Krolvin lead by Tyrrax might be putting undue pressure on the situation. They might fold and turn tail with their leader's death."
Nairena says, "We would need some items that Tyrrax poured his power into and or used."
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia asks, "You knew Amos before any of us did; he is a rational man, yes?"
Grius says, "If it breathes like ocean, no good."
Nairena says, "Like the shackles, some of his flesh or blood."
Speaking lightly to Thadston, Kayse repeats, "He probably should have been present for the conversation--maybe he would agree to work with you."
Thadston says, "The Consortium will have a mountain of difficulty and challenges to continue to do business here, if Amos keeps trying to sell the scroll."
Thadston says, "Amos can eat dirt."
Thadston nods at Kayse.
Thadston nods at Lylia.
Nairena says, "And a team of very skilled wizards."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Six feet under prefferbly."
Thadston says, "He's rational, if there is profit."
Grius says, "Where would he sell it location wise."
Blades asks, "Aren't we all?"
Grius says, "Surely he's not going to deliver it."
Lylia says, "Then he will see reason and find ways to work toward his own benefit, which can be arranged to be to your and our benefit as well."
Lylia smiles.
Speaking deeply to Blades, Baelog says, "No."
Thadston says, "If we can prove the future holds more profit than today, Amos will listen."
Leafiara says, "Of course, one problem as mentioned by Dendum during the vote on the bazaar was that if there's enough pressure, then the Consortium can simply move businesses outside of the gates to dodge some things, as it were."
Blades says, "Coins, knowledge, scrolls of power, its all currency."
Citan says, "I just like to smash things..."
Lylia lightly says, "Oh, I do love it when everyone's interests can be made to coincide."
Lylia places a hand over her heart.
Leafiara says, "But we'll discuss that further another time."
Thadston says, "Then we'll expand the town's jurisidiction."
Thadston nods at Leafiara.
Leafiara looks thoughtfully at Thadston.
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "Oh, good luck with that one."
Speaking deeply to Thadston, Baelog says, "You'd definitely make history with that."
Lylia says, "Let me tell you about an Elven village sometime..."
Speaking to Thadston, Nairena says, "The best and only way you will reason with Amos is by speaking his language: Silver and profit."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "Puptilian tried that and it didn't go over well, but maybe there's the stomach for it now."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "I think our merchants will be reasonable."
Speaking to Blades, Stormyrain murmurs, "Why does that sound like more work for me."
Thadston says, "And if they move beyond the new borders, then we'll deem it economic sabotage and seize their assets."
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr exclaims, "Less get rid a dem Armigers!"
Thadston nods at Leafiara.
Blades says, "You chose your path."
Blades nods at Stormyrain.
Speaking deeply to Stormyrain, Baelog says, "Snap to, about face."
Leafiara chuckles.
Leafiara nods at Thadston.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Didnt ye promish ush one time we could annex Icemool?"
Grius says, "That's a thought."
Speaking to Thadston, Tayler asks, "Spark another civil war?"
Lylia notes, "Expansionism is its own risk."
Grius asks, "Can we buy it?"
Speaking to Tayler, Vaemyr says, "It won't come to that."
Thadston asks, "Civil war?"
Grius asks, "If we can pay Amos enough would he sell to us?"
Kayse vaguely remarks, "As if borders and walls stop business from happening. I know not all of you are this naive."
Thadston peers quizzically at Tayler.
Speaking to Tayler, Vaemyr says, "Amos can be reasonable, when better profits can be gained."
Blades asks, "Why do you think business is so easy for some?"
Speaking to Grius, Vaemyr says, "Not sure he really wants silver, he has a lot of that."
Baelog deeply says, "I told you, he wants a new town."
Speaking to Thadston, Tayler says, "Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I believe there was a bit of a tussle over control of the Landing not that long ago. Perhaps not quite a war."
Grius asks, "Or this town?"
Speaking mildly to Blades, Kayse says, "Strategic problem solving."
Baelog deeply says, "Give him the eastern half of the Landing."
Blades says, "Most can barely see whats past their nose."
Speaking to Baelog, Chandrellia says, "Then he go find one on an island some place."
Baelog deeply says, "The important stuff is on the western half."
Thadston says, "That's over now. For now it seems."
Speaking to Kayse, Lylia says, "Why, if the town's gates are closed and the ports are watched, someone would have to go straight underground to trade! This could never happen here."
Nairena says, "Amos has plenty of silver, land, and ships. He will likely desire much more."
Speaking quietly to Vaemyr, Falvicar says, "Silver isn't the only treasure."
Speaking to Baelog, Tayler says, "Speak for yourself, my shop is on the eastern half."
Nairena says, "Like renaming the town after him."
Speaking deeply to Tayler, Baelog says, "I reiterate my statement."
Grius asks, "But what?"
Thadston says, "I could setup blockades in the tunnels if needed as well."
Thadston nods at Lylia.
Speaking to Lylia, Kayse deadpans, "I am unfamiliar with any tunnels or smuggling tunnels."
Thadston shrugs.
Speaking to Falvicar, Vaemyr says, "I'm aware, which again is why I think there is plenty to potentially persuade Amos about agreeing to it's destruction."
Thadston asks, "Do the Rooks even use the tunnels anymore? Or just the rooms here?"
Thadston smirks.
Speaking to Tayler, Nairena asks, "You making a decent profit?"
Lylia says, "I have no doubt of it. But it would be a massive expenditure of resources when there are other ways to reach a goal."
Speaking to Baelog, Tayler says, "I recommend the plank more and more."
Speaking to Nairena, Tayler says, "Very solid."
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "I would not know; the Rooks have never been particular friends of mine."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "I mean it's connected to the tunnels through the kitchen."
Thadston says, "Or anyones."
Leafiara says, "Pretty sure they still use the tunnels. One warned everyone about an attack on Burrow Way the other night."
[OOC note: There was an invasion on the 15th, which, at the time of this writing, isn't available on the wiki. I might or might not have time to finish it at some point, as invasions are always tricky to capture everything. In short, though, the krolvin attacked and Tyrrax issued an ultimatum that he wants the Landing to hand over Amos and the scroll or he and Kragton will raze the Landing. He also said that Amos has been weakened, presumably by the urglaes Tyrrax shot into him, and that they now know Amos has the scroll since word has spread about him searching for buyers. Some in the (small) crowd who found Tyrrax in Burrow Way tried to rile him up by suggesting that Kragton is trying to gain credit for Tyrrax's success, operating on Falzcrow's prior suggestion to drive a wedge between the warlord and the stormcrow because of their differing approaches.]```
Grius says, "Quin Telaren isn't running many undercover operations these days I'm afraid."
Thadston says, "We'll meet again. Goodnight."
Mayor Thadston just went through an open archway leading to a wooden plank bridge.
Speaking to Tayler, Nairena says, "Make your little fortune."
Leafiara muses, "Well, that went... well?"
Mayor Thadston just arrived.
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "Dey was on da roofs in town when da Krol attacked da other eve."
Lylia says, "I believe it did, yes."
Thadston asks, "Why are there armigers outside?"
Kayse whispers something to Drektor.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Kill em."
Vaemyr says, "Uhh."
Leafiara says, "Ask Thrayzar or Amos, whoever's in charge of them now."
Speaking to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Sadly noone got smashed by a chair tho, I was actually looking forward to that."
Blades says, "Quite the loud conversation."
Thadston shakes his head.
Mayor Thadston just went through an open archway leading to a wooden plank bridge.
>go arch
[Wehnimer's, North Dock]
The dock's planks are dull and weathered from the salt spray of many seasons. Northward beyond the massive sea gates, a flock of ice geese passes, silhouetted against the sky over the waters of Darkstone Bay. The hulk of a derelict coastal sailer is tethered to the end of the pier. You also see the Stormyrain disk, the Meril disk, the Vaemyr disk, the Gutstorm disk, a black-armored human armiger, a black-armored human armiger, a huge grey imperial warship, a huge grey imperial warship, a huge grey imperial warship, a rope-lined wooden plank bridge that leads to the archway of a large moored white-masted ship, a wide ramp, a stack of empty crates, a portly portmaster and a black imperial wagon with a glowing blue-white pylon on it.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Lord Tayler, Conquerer of Reim Meril, Vaemyr, Stormyrain, Blades, Gutstorm