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Black rolton

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Black rolton
Black rolton Colored.jpg
Level 1
Family Caprine family creatures
Body Type Quadruped
Classification(s) Living
Area(s) Found Yander's Farm
HP 28
Speed ?
Attack Attributes
Physical Attacks
Bite +36 AS
Defense Attributes
None (natural) ASG 1N
Defensive Strength (DS)
Melee +13
Ranged +5
Bolt +5
Unarmed Defense Factor
UDF +37
Target Defense (TD)
Bard Base +3
Cleric Base +3
Empath Base +3
Paladin Base +3
Ranger Base +3
Sorcerer Base +3
Wizard Base +3
Minor Elemental +3
Major Elemental +3
Minor Spiritual +3
Major Spiritual +3
Minor Mental +3
Treasure Attributes
Skin a rolton ear
This is obviously a prime example of the beast of legend, the fiend of song and tale.  Known near and far as an implacable enemy of early settlers, it was this ferocious sheeplike creature that earned the epithet of Sorcerer-Killer in its sordid past.  The black rolton is covered with a dusty, matted, disgusting-looking black pelt that is abysmally smelly.  However, it isn't this trait alone that gives her such a terrifying appearance.  As the animal bleats at you, it is then you get a view of the 'maw of death', with its long, curved incisors that gnash and gnaw.  The critter has some nasty-looking hooves as well.

Hunting strategies

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Other information

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Near-level creatures - edit
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
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