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Ebon Gate 2009/Teaser saved posts
Here is a collection of saved posts about teasers of items available at Ebon Gate 2009. Many of these items are on the Ebon Gate 2009 auction list.
Snips, scissors, shears, awls, and lathes
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17491
Date: 8/27/2009 9:56:02 AM
Subject: You asked for Teasers?
[The Gardener's Tool Shed] Tiny and cramped, the shack has a single window that spills bright golden sunlight on its loose, plank floorboards. Higher up, a series of small wooden shelves house various gardening supplies that are neatly arranged and shows signs of recent oiling. A small wooden crate rests near the structure's only door, while a basket lined with black cloth sits in the center of the room. You also see a woodburned rough plank sign. Obvious exits: out l on shel On the small wooden shelves you see a pair of sturdy steel snips, a pair of black-handled snips, a pair of sturdy steel scissors, a pair of black-handled scissors, a pair of sturdy steel shears, a pair of black-handled shears, a thin sharpened iron awl, a slender steel awl, a small pine-handled lathe and a small steel-tipped lathe. You say, "Snips, scissors, shears, awls, and lathes...." You say, "I wonder what they can do....." You glance at a woodburned rough plank sign.
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
Blink Weapons
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17518
Date: 8/29/2009 3:35:00 AM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
Here's something that I kinda like:
>prep 702 You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Mana Disruption... Your spell is ready. >cast my axe You gesture at a mithglin battle axe. Your mithglin battle axe suddenly glows with an intensely blue light! The light seems to be absorbed by the mithglin battle axe. Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds. > R>kill kob You swing a mithglin battle axe at a kobold! AS: +54 vs DS: +24 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +59 = +124 ... and hit for 21 points of damage! Awkward slash to the kobold's stomach! Everyone needs another belly button. Your mithglin battle axe suddenly lights up with hundreds of tiny blue sparks! CS: +469 - TD: +3 + CvA: +20 + d100: +68 == +554 Warding failed! Massive internal disruption. The kobold crumples to a heap on the ground and dies. Roundtime: 5 sec.
~GM Emeradan
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17555
Date: 9/1/2009 4:19:02 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
Hrm... I like it when I discover new things about items:
>l my axe A tiny golden eyelid, which is open, is inlaid into the bottom of the pommel. You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph. > >touch my axe You lightly touch your mithglin battle axe. >turn axe As you turn the mithglin battle axe, it appears to slowly scan the room. >poke axe You give the golden eye of your mithglin battle axe a solid poke. It blinks shut and with it the world goes black... You instinctively blink and when you open your eyes, you find your surroundings have changed. [Lower Dragonsclaw, Forest] The light dims as you pass beneath the eaves of the forest, with little sun filtering through the canopy formed by the branches of the surrounding fir and pine. There is no discernible path between the closely grown trees and shrubs. Obvious paths: east, south >l my axe A tiny golden eyelid, which is open, is inlaid into the bottom of the pommel. You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph. > [Town Square Central] This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see some stone benches with some stuff on it. Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest >poke my axe You give the golden eye of your mithglin battle axe a solid poke. It blinks shut and with it the world goes black... You instinctively blink and when you open your eyes, you find your surroundings have changed. [Town Square, East] Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a large wooden barrel. Obvious paths: north, east, south, west You notice the golden eye on your mithglin battle axe go red and close tightly. >l my axe A tiny golden eyelid, which is closed, is inlaid into the bottom of the pommel. You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph.
~GM Emeradan
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17520
Date: 8/29/2009 10:25:17 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
Teasers? I didn't post one yet?
Naionna's burly knight hand-puppet flails its legs and arms in a brief moment of panic!
Really? I didn't post one?
Naionna's burly knight hand-puppet shakes its head from side to side, as if saying no.
Well, I should remedy that!
Naionna's burly knight hand-puppet nods its head emphatically.
...30 minutes later
Naionna's burly knight hand-puppet folds its arms over its chest.
Oh okay okay! The people will see the amazing things you can do!
Naionna's burly knight hand-puppet performs a little dance!
~Naionna, waiting to hear the scream of Venders everywhere.
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17736
Date: 9/8/2009 11:03:05 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
>I hope that puppet that the GM (I forget which) was showing us a teaser of is an auction item. Since it seems to have at least as many scripts as the old ventriloquist puppet...
I showed a teaser for a hand-puppet earlier in the thread, so it may be mine! The hand-puppets off the shelf will have a few neato compleato things about them, and can be unlocked for a 2nd level of neato compleato things, and then there's a super duper 3rd tier that only my EG merchant can unlock for you where you customize some neato compleato stuff! It isn't an auction item but it won't be unlimited in nature as far as the unlocking goes. I'm sorry that its going to upset you, but I hope everyone can find something they enjoy about them at some point!
~Naionna, who didn't create the hand-puppets for just Vender, but admits he did inspire it!
Erithian Hairsticks
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17521
Author: GS4-XYNWYN
Date: 8/29/2009 11:07:34 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
Oh, we're doing teasers now?
You center your thoughts as you balance some jade hairsticks on one open palm. With a swift movement, you bring your hands together, twisting at the last minute, like a leaf dancing on the wind. With a soft click, prongs spring away from each hairstick, leaving a sharp-bladed weapon in each hand. You twirl the weapons, feeling their perfect balance as you ready them for combat.
You glance down to see a sai in your right hand and a sai in your left hand.
You balance a sai on each sky-faced palm, then bring them together with a measured clap, expertly twisting them at just the right moment. As the prongs catch on one another, they fold around their respective blades, forming decorative sheaths. You brush a finger along the edges, deploying an almost invisible hook that catches the two weapons together. As you bring your hands apart, you reveal a pair of hairsticks.
With the grace of a swan gliding across a pond, you glide your hairsticks through your waist length chestnut hair, weaving until it is an intricate, braided knot held just over your left ear.
{If you're not an erithi, these messages may vary...}
Gauntlets and Hilts
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17524
Date: 8/30/2009 4:26:16 AM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
Teasers, you got 'em.
1) Lesser Gigas Gauntlets...
Sparks of scarlet light blaze over the surface of your gauntlet. You clench your gauntleted fist, and a sudden rush of immense strength explodes through you. It rises up in your throat, and you are unable to contain the primal scream that claws its way out of your mouth. A wave of fire blazes through your body with such potency that it sets your skin aglow for a moment with bright scarlet light. Roundtime: 3 seconds.
2) Blades of teh fun...
You pick up a silvery driftwood hilt. You tilt your hilt back and forth, allowing light to play over etchwork on its modwir surface. The etching reads, "I destroyed Solhaven and all I got was this stupid hilt." You press a cunningly concealed panel on the modwir surface of your hilt. With a soft metallic rasp, a vultite blade juts out of a small slit in the hilt.
More to come.
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17536
Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 8/30/2009 6:34:39 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
>>Are there any teasers for new Lornon related items perhaps?!
Only if you like Fash.
GM Oscuro
Masterfully crit weighted veil iron dagger
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17840
Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 9/17/2009 7:08:31 AM
Subject: Re: Any teasers for us more..roguish types?
>>Are there any interesting shops or auction items this year that'll appeal to rogues, locksmiths, thieves, cutthroats, assassins, etc? Of course that cloak of shadows is one. I'm sure quite a few of us are eying that one.
>get dag from satchel You remove a barbed veil iron dagger from in your shoulder satchel. >l my dagger Forged from pure veil iron, the natural deep blue flecks of the metal give the surface of the dagger's blade an appearance reminiscent of an eerily darkened night sky. A deep blood groove runs down the center of the dagger's veil iron blade, leading to its razor-sharp point. Clusters of curved barbs trace the edge of the blade, each pointing backwards towards the hilt, lending the weapon a decidedly wicked appearance. Etched into the blood groove in tiny silver script is the word, "Ripper." >assess my dagger You assess the dagger for structural weaknesses and strengths. Careful examination indicates the veil iron dagger has a base strength of 42 and a base durability of 270. You also determine the current integrity of the veil iron dagger to be at 100.0%. Checking out the dagger, it looks like it is masterfully weighted to inflict more critical blows than a normal weapon of its type. Roundtime: 25 sec.
GM Oscuro
Glamour crystals
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17562
Author: GS4-ZYLLAH
Date: 9/2/2009 6:41:32 AM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
Okay, I have a for real teaser now. Those who are familiar with a trinket I made for a previous auction might recognize this.
>glance You glance down to see a bright chartreuse crystal in your right hand and nothing in your left hand. >look my cry Looking into the crystal you see the distorted image of a bright chartreuse knight.
Mystic Focus knowledge runestaff
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17564
Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 9/2/2009 10:12:58 AM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
>get my runestaff from my satchel You remove a twisted illthorn runestaff capped by a misty quartz orb from in your shoulder satchel. >prep mysticfocus You scribe invisible signs in the air while chanting the phrase for Mystic Focus... Your spell is ready. >cast You gesture. A sudden clarity of thought comes over you, and you realize that you now understand arcane mysteries that were previously incomprehensible. Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds. >'awesome You say, "Awesome."
GM Oscuro
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17589
Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 9/3/2009 6:31:03 AM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
>>Oscuro, is that bangle and items..or?
Auction items. They're enhancive spell knowledge items.
I forgot to mention that the staff also has a handful of neat "zests."
GM Oscuro
Cloak of Shadows
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17698
Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 9/7/2009 8:44:31 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
>get cloak You remove a billowing cloak of shadows from in your shoulder satchel. >wear cloak You drape a billowing cloak of shadows from your shoulders. >rub cloak As you rub the cloak, the shadows seem to writhe about. 1d100: 56 + Modifiers: 383 == 439 A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the floor to encompass you, swiftly sinking into your skin. >pull cloak You pull on your cloak and are completely engulfed in shadows. H>unhide You stumble out of hiding. >tap cloak You tap your billowing cloak causing the shadows to ripple and reform around your finger. Pulling your hand away, the shadows withdraw from your finger and meld back into the cloak. >cover cloak You press your hands into your cloak, causing them to be hidden from view. As you slowly remove your hands, the shadows trail away a small bit before reforming back into your cloak. >hug cloak You grasp both of your shoulders and pull at your billowing cloak, causing long, tendrils of shadow to weave in front of you before retreating back into your cloak. >turn cloak You grab the collar-like part of your billowing cloak of shadows and drape it across your face, causing your features to be masked from view for a moment. >tilt cloak You tug at the edge of your billowing cloak and sway the shadowy draping back and forth, causing the ambient light to be absorbed into your garnment.
Once per day 712, once per day auto-hide, +10 stalk/hide ranks.
GM Oscuro
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17703
Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 9/7/2009 9:27:39 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
>>Also... any ambient messaging?
Yeah, there's half a dozen ambient messages that occur rather infrequently. I didn't want to post everything.
GM Oscuro
Firestorm knowledge necklace
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17569
Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 9/2/2009 12:27:01 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
>get my bangle You remove a brilliant firestone bangle from in your shoulder satchel. >wear my bangle You hang a brilliant firestone bangle around your neck. >prep firestorm You gesture sharply and recite the esoteric command for Firestorm... Your spell is ready. >cast You gesture. You look up to see a dark cloud begin to form. Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds. > You notice cloud begin to churn and rumble! >'Mwahaha. You say, "Mwahaha."
GM Oscuro
Trueshot arrow generating quiver
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17575
Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 9/2/2009 12:55:38 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
>>Alright now who's got the archery love teasers?
I'm reprising my "trueshot arrow"-generating quiver. It generates 2 arrows/day (up to 10, if you wait 5 days). The arrows are +50, which stack with the bow's bonus unlike other arrows. The arrows also cannot be Evaded, Blocked or Parried.
>get my quiver You remove a slim brown leather quiver from in your shoulder satchel. >wear my quiver You sling a slim brown leather quiver over your shoulder. >rub my quiver You rub your quiver and feel it pulse gently. The quiver now feels heavier. >l in my quiver In the brown leather quiver you see a bundle of crystalline arrows. >get 1 arrow from my quiver You remove a single crystalline arrow from a bundle of crystalline arrows. > A kobold swings a closed fist at you! You move at the last moment to evade the attack! >stance off You are now in an offensive stance. >fire kobold You nock a translucent crystalline arrow in your ipantor long bow. You lean in close to your crystalline arrow, whispering to it your desire for it to fly true! You fire a translucent crystalline arrow at a kobold! AS: +132 vs DS: +5 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +63 = +215 ... and hit for 71 points of damage! Strike to left arm shatters elbow and severs forearm! The kobold crumples to a heap on the floor and dies. The crystalline arrow shatters into nothingness. Roundtime: 7 sec.
GM Oscuro
Arrow-generating quiver
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17594
Author: GS4-KVETA
Date: 9/3/2009 10:28:49 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
>pull arrow As you grab the red-banded ruic arrow and pull it from the quiver, another exact copy appears in its place. >fire pra You nock a red-banded ruic arrow in your long bow. You fire a red-banded ruic arrow at a pra'eda! AS: +278 vs DS: +137 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +49 = +215 ... and hit for 66 points of damage! Shot knocks the pra'eda's head back by pushing on the inside of the skull! The pra'eda falls to the ground motionless. The deep blue glow leaves a pra'eda. The brilliant luminescence fades from around a pra'eda. The silvery luminescence fades from around a pra'eda. The light blue glow leaves a pra'eda. The red-banded ruic arrow sticks in a pra'eda's right eye! Roundtime: 6 sec. >get arrow from quiv You carefully pull your red-banded ruic arrow from the slot of the quiver. >get bolt You remove a heavy crossbow bolt from in your pack. >put bolt in quiv You put your heavy crossbow bolt into the slot, carefully positioning it so that it points towards the base of the quiver. >l bolt This bolt has been crafted from wood. A single colored band of black encircles the back end of the bolt. At the very back end, light brown fletchings stand out and ensure a steady flight towards its target. At the business end of the bolt, an ora-white broadhead cap glints in the ambient light. A faint aura of holy light radiates from the bolt. >pull bolt As you grab the heavy crossbow bolt and pull it from the quiver, another exact copy appears in its place. >load cros You load a heavy crossbow bolt into your heavy crossbow. >fire You fire a heavy crossbow bolt at a tree spirit! AS: +273 vs DS: +105 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +15 = +213 ... and hit for 65 points of damage! A fine strike immobilizes the left leg for an instant. The tree spirit looks miffed. The tree spirit is knocked to the ground! The heavy crossbow bolt passes straight through a tree spirit's left leg and trails ethereal wisps behind it as it makes its way to the ground. Roundtime: 2 sec. R> The heavy crossbow bolt dissolves into vapor.
Gold-riveted light mithril quiver
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 19271
Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 10/27/2009 7:14:09 PM
Subject: gold-riveted light mithril quiver
>Is it correct that this will turn shafts into arrows? And that a spell that is casted at the quiver will be the flares for the arrows?
Yes and yes.
>If so what spells are able to work with that? -PUNX
Many spells will work. Mostly those with some sort of elemental flavor, but others as well.
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 19278
Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 10/27/2009 8:25:47 PM
Subject: gold-riveted light mithril quiver
>Is there a limit on how many shafts you can put in, or how many times a day you can create arrows? -Nuadjha
The version that was auctioned at EG has no overall limitations on total arrow/bolt creation. Only one bundle of shafts can be processed and churned out at a time, with optional coloring. The quiver must be present on the ammo's bearer to activate the flares. The flares are standard flares, not actual spells (heat crits from Major Fire (908), plasma from Guiding Light (1608), etc.). Void where prohibited. Standard rates apply.
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 19280
Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 10/27/2009 8:31:41 PM
Subject: gold-riveted light mithril quiver
>can the arrows be blessed or if ya cast bless at the quiver will the arrows that pop out be either blessed or have holy water flares? -Vender
A cast of Bless (304) on the quiver will yield blessed ammo. Holy water flares can be achieved with a cast from someone with 40 or more ranks in the Cleric circle.
Tonis items
Note:I've been told these are two separate items.
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17598
Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 9/4/2009 12:59:07 AM
Subject: You asked for Teasers?
As a glistening cerebralite moves to strike at you, a swirling whirlwind bursts into life around your form. Time seems to slow to a crawl as the turbulent winds guide your movements, allowing you to avoid the assault! > You swing the creature 'testing' longsword at a glistening cerebralite! AS: +490 vs DS: +391 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +5 = +145 ... and hit for 22 points of damage! Gash to the glistening cerebralite's right eyebrow. That's going to be quite a shiner! The glistening cerebralite is stunned! Roundtime: 5 sec. Roundtime changed to 3 seconds. A forceful squall suddenly shoots through your pale blue gloves, drawing your movements along their intended path! [Roll result: 134 (open d100: 83) Bonus: 10] You rush towards a murky soul siphon and connect with a shoulder check! You manage to knock a murky soul siphon flat on its back! Roundtime: 5 sec. Roundtime changed to 3 seconds.
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 18779
Author: GS4-MESTYS
Date: 10/22/2009 3:50:25 PM
Subject: Re: Tower Hill Family Auction
>The wind witch evasion ability: must be activated, or a chance to activate when worn?
The wind evasion + haste is reactive when you get attacked (AS vs. DS).
>The swinging-at-stuff-with-weapons haste: must be activated? lasts a certain period of time? lasts a certain number of swings?
>The combat maneuvers haste:must be activated? lasts a certain period of time? lasts a certain number of maneuvers? Same as the weapon swing haste? Does this give you a bonus to your combat maneuver?
The attack haste/CM haste are the same ability, and last for that one attack. There's no additional bonus.
>Do the boots and gloves have the same effects? There was a gauntlet in one example and a glove in the other example, so I thought they might be two different items with two different effects, but they're both "Gloves of Tonis" but I don't know if "Gloves of Tonis" are the same as "Boots of Tonis". ~Becca
The boots impart the defensive evasion/haste and the gloves impart the offensive single-attack haste. Having both provides a bonus of some mysterious nature.
Each of the items also have a couple of other properties that you'll learn about during the auctions.
Spell-up runestaff
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17621
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 9/4/2009 7:14:31 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
Magical runestaves FTW:
>spell Your spell lists: Minor Spiritual...100 Major Spiritual...100 Cleric Base.......100 You can view your progress towards your skill goals in the character sheet. You can view your spells in the spells panel. >mana Mana Points: 373 Remaining: 373 >raise my runestaff A light blue glow surrounds you. The air thickens and begins to swirl around you. You suddenly feel more powerful. There is a dim flash around you. You feel a strengthening of your internal fortitude. There is a dim flash around you. You feel a strengthening of your blood flow. A deep blue glow surrounds you. A dull golden nimbus surrounds you. You suddenly feel a lot more powerful. You are surrounded by a white light. A dim aura surrounds you. You feel more confident. A brilliant aura surrounds you and sinks into your skin. You feel charged with extra vitality. An opalescent aura surrounds you. A pure white aura sparkles around you. A pearlescent emanation extends outward to encompass you and those nearby. Your spirit is bolstered by a great sense of faith and conviction. A wispy tendril of pure magic reaches out to encircle you and those nearby. You feel more secure basking in the glow of divine protection. Turning your thoughts inward, you ask for the wings of your deity to protect you. A light ripple passes through the air, and you sense that your prayer has been granted. >mana Mana Points: 373 Remaining: 373
GameMaster Estild
Trap card
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17682
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 9/7/2009 2:28:53 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
You are holding a platinum-framed vellum card in your right hand and a plain monir box in your left hand.
>rub card Swirls of grey and blue paint begin to pour out of the card, twisting and twining as they stretch toward the monir box. Slowly, the paint begins to seep into the keyhole and a low rumbling sound can be heard as the box begins to vibrate. The paint stills for a single moment before quickly receding back into the card. You drop a plain monir box. >wave card at box You wave your vellum card at a plain monir box. Preceded by a low rumbling sound, swirls of grey and blue suddenly burst forth from the card's surface and begin to churn wildly, forming a violent maelstrom of paint and sound. The intensity of the rumbling elevates to a thunderous crash as a thick black line of ink is ripped away from the card and sucked into the maelstrom's center. The maelstrom stills, forming a surreal painting without canvas in the air in front of you for a single moment before releasing a bolt of energy at a plain monir box! The monir box is completely vaporized by the bolt! You smirk as the paint is sucked back into the vellum card without a sound.
You exclaim, "FOOL!" You wave your vellum card at a kobold. Preceded by a low rumbling sound, swirls of grey and blue suddenly burst forth from the card's surface and begin to churn wildly, forming a violent maelstrom of paint and sound. The intensity of the rumbling elevates to a thunderous crash as a thick black line of ink is ripped away from the card and sucked into the maelstrom's center. The maelstrom stills, forming a surreal painting without canvas in the air in front of you for a single moment before releasing a bolt of energy at you! ... 30 points of damage! Horrifying jolt to forehead. Brain explodes in a stunning display of light! The kobold crumples to a heap on the ground and dies. You smirk as the paint is sucked back into the vellum card without a sound.
GameMaster Estild
V'Tull's Fury morning star
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17683
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 9/7/2009 2:29:08 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
You remove a blackened iron morning star from in your dark book satchel.
>raise star
In a sudden burst of frenzy, you begin moving faster than you ever thought possible! You swing a blackened iron morning star at a rolton! AS: +387 vs DS: +7 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +13 = +426 ... and hit for 169 points of damage! Right leg ripped from socket at the knee! The rolton bleats loudly as she collapses to the ground in obvious pain and favors her mangled right hind leg. The rolton lets out a final agonized bleat and dies. You swing a blackened iron morning star at a cave gnoll! AS: +387 vs DS: +3 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +81 = +498 ... and hit for 219 points of damage! Crushing blow to the spine! The cave gnoll slumps to the ground. The cave gnoll falls to the ground and dies. You swing a blackened iron morning star at a giant ant! AS: +387 vs DS: +27 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +91 = +484 ... and hit for 188 points of damage! Damaging strike to chest, several ribs shattered! The giant ant falls to the ground and dies, its feelers twitching. You swing a blackened iron morning star at a giant rat! AS: +387 vs DS: +27 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +48 = +441 ... and hit for 190 points of damage! Right hip pulped, severing the leg. The giant rat squeals loudly and falls to the ground while frantically gnawing at its wounded right hind leg. The giant rat twitches and dies. You swing a blackened iron morning star at a kobold! AS: +387 vs DS: +5 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +28 = +443 ... and hit for 161 points of damage! Strike to wrist severs right hand! The kobold crumples to a heap on the ground and dies. You feel terribly drained!
GameMaster Estild
Death Cloud Enhancive knowledge Runestaff
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17684
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 9/7/2009 2:30:58 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
You remove a storm grey witchwood crook from in your dark book satchel.
>prep 1713 > You gesture sharply and recite the esoteric command for Death Cloud... Your spell is ready.
GameMaster Estild
Toy suction cup bow
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17685
Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 9/7/2009 2:40:29 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
You sling a carved wyrwood short bow off from over your shoulder.
You pluck idly at the bow's string, making a dull twanging sound.
You adjust the arrow's suction cup on your wyrwood short bow, making sure it is on tightly.
You drum your fingers against a carved wyrwood short bow while glancing nonchalantly about the room.
You carefully dust off your wyrwood short bow, lovingly inspecting its condition.
You exhale on a carved wyrwood short bow's suction cup, hoping to help it stick to its next target.
You brace your wyrwood short bow, ensuring the string is in position ready for shooting.
You raise a carved wyrwood short bow in the air and let loose a childish war cry!
You consider shooting at a carved witchwood chest but decide that'd be no fun.
In a flashy move, you twirl your wyrwood short bow acrobatically over your head before slinging it onto your shoulder.
Razern DB set
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17713
Author: GS4-LIIA
Date: 9/8/2009 9:30:37 AM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
Anyone remember the manacle and shackle db items from the last EG auction? Well, the set will be expanded. And yes, razern.
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17720
Date: 9/8/2009 11:25:23 AM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
>>So are we just ignoring documentation when it comes to material properties and usage now?<<
!sR>tap shack You tap a single iron and razern shackle that you are wearing. !s>look shack A small, severed chain link hangs from the side of this scuffed iron band. On the other side, a broken, rusted lock holds the shackle shut, although allowing it to be removed at will. Coating the inside of the iron is a layer of dark razern, streaked with deep blue. The razern remains in its natural form, its shards sticking out in chaotic directions along the inside of the shackle. The physical price one pays for wearing this item is obvious. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph. There appears to be something written on it. !s>turn shack You adjust your iron and razern shackle slightly, but the razern shards only press harder into your ankle. !s>remove shack You pull the lock free on the back of a single iron and razern shackle and remove it, sighing with relief as the razern releases its hold on your flesh. !s>wear shack You slip a single iron and razern shackle around your ankle, wincing as the razern shards dig sharply into your flesh. Roundtime: 6 sec.
Seems totally logical to me.
Returning runestaff
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17636
Author: GS4-IZZEA
Date: 9/5/2009 7:38:52 AM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
Izzea chooses an opening, attempts to disarm you barehanded and connects! Your illthorn scepter is knocked to the ground! Roundtime: 14 sec. > A lacquered illthorn scepter leaps from the ground to your hand.
Private Property: Misted Cottage
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17641
Date: 9/5/2009 12:48:46 PM
Subject: Re: Private Property Info (General)
Oh, I didn't realize we were offering up Property Teasers.....
In that case:
[Western Harbor, Misted Cottage] Coiled brambles, supporting dusky dog roses from thorn-riddled limbs, cling to the sturdy slats of the white picket fence that encircles the yard. Wild crab grass blends in rustic grace with tall blades of blue-green sea grass and surround a simple pathway of crushed seashells. Marking each end of the pathway is the cottage's closed white door and a wrought iron-hinged gate. You also see a wide iron-hinged gate. Obvious paths: none
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
Planetarium Lantern
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17844
Date: 9/17/2009 10:49:59 AM
Subject: Another Teaser - Lanterns
Some of the posts about "disappointed" finds or "duds" made me a little concerned with a series of my items. They are specifically a roleplaying items.
So I'm going to post a teaser(even though they are not ready and haven't cleared QC -- which means you will/may/probably find typos and what not -- so no hate!)
l my lan Fitted with a veniom ring at its peaked roof, the bright lantern is sky blue speckled with silver streaks. Three of the lanterns four panels are completely darkened, while the fourth is fashioned of clear glass. A tiny cage beneath the lantern houses metallic screens that have oddly punched holes in them and a short missive is etched across the glass. There appears to be something written on it. peer my lan Beneath the lantern is a tiny cage that houses several screens. Tiny etchings at the bottom of each piece label them and read: Screen 1- The Handmaidens (Charlatos 21 - Olaesta 3), Screen 2- The Hammer (Olaesta 4 - Olaesta 18), Screen 3- The Cat's Paw (Olaesta 19 - Ivastaen 2), Screen 4- The Mistress of Adoration (Ivastaen 3 - 17), Screen 5- The Rat (Ivastaen 18 - Lumnae 1), and Screen 6- The Dragonfly (Lumnae 2 - Lumnae 15).
Clearly, the different constellations can be displayed by changing screens. You can accomplish this by turning the lantern and specifying the number of the desired screen.
Usage: TURN [MY] lantern (makes it flicker) TURN [MY] lantern TO SCREEN {num} (sets the lantern to use the {num} screen) TURN [MY] lantern TO SCREEN 0 (removes the screen that may already be in place) turn my lantern to screen 1 With nimble fingers you pull a screen from the bottom of your veniom lantern and fit it across the glass door of your lantern. You notice that the screen is numbered "1" and labeled "The Handmaidens (Charlatos 21 - Olaesta 3)". read my lantern In the Common language, it reads: Screen 1 ~ The Handmaidens (Charlatos 21 - Olaesta 3) - The Handmaidens are Zelia's ladies-in-waiting. They sit, clustered tightly about each other in the night, looking down at the world and giggling insanely. light my lan Striking a match, you light the candle within your veniom lantern and close the small glass door. raise my lan You lift your veniom lantern into the air and are rewarded with the silhouette of a constellation upon the ground. Details in the lantern's screen make out the gowns of the handmaiden's, which are punctuated at six points by the brightly glowing stars of the constellation. (Thandiwe raises her veniom lantern into the air causing the light to spill through the screen she's placed upon the glass door. Light pools upon the ground and the silhouette of a constellation appears there. Details in the lantern's screen make out the gowns of the handmaiden's, which are punctuated at six points by the brightly glowing stars of the constellation.) turn my lantern to screen 0 You remove the screen and return it to the bottom of the veniom lantern.
~*~ Thandiwe ~*~
Drake Statue
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 18410
Author: GS4-ITZEL
Date: 10/13/2009 4:31:07 PM
Subject: EG Auction Teaser
This is just part of something larger...
You genuflect before the granite drake, pressing your lips to the base of the statue in a reverent gesture. Once, twice and a third kiss, before stepping back respectfully.
EZ Package
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 18668
Date: 10/21/2009 12:40:17 AM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
I thought I'd toss out another preview of one more of my auction items. Sometimes, its just fun to make your own!
>You tap a platinum certificate. Thin, elegant parchment comprises the certificate, which is edged with intricate platinum filigree in fanciful designs at the corners. The contents of the certificate are etched into the parchment with careful attention to the details of each letter. There appears to be something written on it. >read platinum certificate In the Common language, it reads: This certificate authorizes the bearer to obtain five custom verbs for items and one custom loresong for an item. The details will be worked out with the merchant, Loehli, who will contact said winner within a reasonable amount of time from the receipt of this certificate.
~Naionna, who likes to make her own!
Fash'lo'nae's Gift (1750) Tome
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 18426
Author: GS4-OSCURO
Date: 10/13/2009 11:56:52 PM
Subject: Re: EG Auction Teaser
My favorite item this year:
>get my tome You remove an ancient yellowed tome from in your shoulder satchel. >open my tome You carefully open an ancient yellowed tome, being careful not to damage the book in the process. >l my tome It takes you a moment to focus upon the yellowed tome. There is 1 spell inscribed on the open page of the yellowed tome. >read tome You pore hungrily over the tome, desperate to understand the powerful magic contained within its pages. In the yellowed tome you see (1750) Fash'lo'nae's Gift >invoke 1750 You raise the yellowed tome and gesture to invoke the Fash'lo'nae's Gift spell. Sparks begin to fly between the yellowed tome and your fingers. With a sudden burst of enthusiasm, the sparks jump into your hand and a charged feeling surrounds you. >cast You gesture. Your mind's eye drifts to visions of vast, ancient libraries and you sense, with unnatural clarity, that you can clearly discern the arcane texts that once eluded you. >read tome You pore hungrily over the tome, desperate to understand the powerful magic contained within its pages. In the yellowed tome you see 1 unreadable spell. >invoke 1750 The runes for the Fash'lo'nae's Gift spell are somehow incoherent now. Perhaps you should wait until another day before trying to invoke the spell again. >gaze my tome You stare at the ancient writing, pondering the meaning of the symbols and their connection to the magic of Elanthia. >touch my tome You touch the aged parchment page of your yellowed tome and suddenly bright amber sigils and glyphs twirl out of the ink and rotate slowly in the air about a foot above the open book. You study them for a moment, trying to make sense of the patterns before they fade away. >rub my tome You gently run the palm of your hand across the old parchment page of your yellowed tome, taking in the antiquity of the artifact. >close my tome You slowly close an ancient yellowed tome. >smell my tome You take a long whiff of the yellowed tome, savoring the musty book aroma.
GM Oscuro
Returning string for hurled weapons
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 18431
Date: 10/14/2009 12:55:35 AM
Subject: Re: EG Auction Teaser
I figured I'd post a quick teaser of one of my auction items, since noone has shown hurlers love yet.
You remove an ethereal string from in a EG Auction trunk. >l my string The string appears to waver, alternating between being solid and insubstantial. Your fingers run along the length of an ethereal string and it ripples slowly in response. As you pluck at an ethereal string, a faint humming sound reverbrates in your ears. The string vibrates briefly, then goes still once more. You glance at the vultite handaxe in your hand. You glance at the ethereal string in your hand. You ponder. >put my string on my hand You decide to permanently attach the ethereal string to your handaxe. The ethereal string wavers for a moment, shimmering as it fades in and out of existence. After a bright flash of light from within the string's depths, the entirety of the string fades into the handaxe, and the weapon appears substantially different. >l my handaxe Attached to the end of the vultite handaxe is an ethereal string, wavering in and out of existence with flickering dots of light. It extends from the grip of the handaxe to your wrist, wrapping around the flesh. The handaxe glows faintly with a pale blue light. You gaze thoughtfully at your vultite handaxe. You let the handaxe drop from your hand, causing it to idly swing as a result. The faintly glowing string extends from the weapon to your fingers. With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a vultite handaxe into flight. You throw a vultite handaxe at a kobold! AS: +87 vs DS: +6 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +98 = +209 ... and hit for 67 points of damage! Left leg mangled horribly. The kobold crumples to a heap on the floor and dies. Your vultite handaxe spins rapidly through the air, the blade whooshing audibly with each revolution. As it completes its arc, it reverses direction and lands solidly in your right hand, ready to throw again. You gaze thoughtfully at your vultite handaxe. You thrust your vultite handaxe into the air, and it emits a strange glow that trails down your arm and over your chest. The ethereal string connected to it trembles with a sudden surge of power that begins tugging on your very existence. >stance guard You glance at a kobold. You glance at the vultite handaxe in your hand. With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a vultite handaxe into flight. You throw a vultite handaxe at a kobold! AS: +90 vs DS: +5 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +78 = +193 ... and hit for 70 points of damage! Wild downward slash severs the kobold's left foot! Bloody stump, anyone? A kobold falls to the ground grasping its mangled left leg! The kobold cries out in pain one last time and dies. Your vultite handaxe spins rapidly through the air, the blade whooshing audibly with each revolution. As it completes its arc, it reverses direction and lands solidly in your right hand, ready to throw again. With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a vultite handaxe into flight. You throw a vultite handaxe at a kobold! AS: +93 vs DS: +5 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +49 = +167 ... and hit for 59 points of damage! Left leg ripped from socket at the knee! A kobold falls to the ground grasping its mangled left leg! The kobold cries out in pain one last time and dies. Your vultite handaxe spins rapidly through the air, the blade whooshing audibly with each revolution. As it completes its arc, it reverses direction and lands solidly in your right hand, ready to throw again. With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a vultite handaxe into flight. You throw a vultite handaxe at a kobold! AS: +96 vs DS: +5 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +44 = +165 ... and hit for 53 points of damage! Hard blow breaks the femur! The kobold crumples to a heap on the floor and dies. Your vultite handaxe spins rapidly through the air, the blade whooshing audibly with each revolution. As it completes its arc, it reverses direction and lands solidly in your right hand, ready to throw again. With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a vultite handaxe into flight. You throw a vultite handaxe at a kobold! AS: +99 vs DS: +5 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +40 = +164 ... and hit for 40 points of damage! Throat nearly crushed. The kobold makes gurgling noises. The kobold crumples to a heap on the floor and dies. Your vultite handaxe spins rapidly through the air, the blade whooshing audibly with each revolution. As it completes its arc, it reverses direction and lands solidly in your right hand, ready to throw again. You thrust your glowing vultite handaxe into the air, and as the luminescence fades, you feel much more comfortable. The tugging on your very existence ceases. You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 18452
Date: 10/14/2009 3:57:19 PM
Subject: Re: EG Auction Teaser
>Assuming that string doesn't have a restriction against being put on really nice weighted weapons (no scripted weapons is a given I imagine) it is going to go for a lot.
The weighting, or enchant, does not matter as far as which item you put it on - it will still work and add in the bonuses as indicated. However, it does have to be one of the allowed/approved profiles for a returner weapon, since it converts to that once applied. Handaxe, hammer, discus, quoit, or dagger in other words.
>(no scripted weapons is a given I imagine)
Correct, no weapons that already have scripts can be used with the string.
Topic: Thrown Weapon Combat
Message #: 4687
Author: BHTM
Date: 1/4/2010 7:17:10 PM
Subject: Re: Hurled gear list
Just to clear up any confusion about the string:
>raise hammer You thrust your veil iron war hammer into the air, and it emits a strange glow that trails down your arm and over your chest. The ethereal string connected to it trembles with a sudden surge of power that begins tugging on your very existence. >hurl ogre With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a gleaming veil iron war hammer into flight. You throw a gleaming veil iron war hammer at a black forest ogre! AS: +395 vs DS: +238 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +90 = +273 ... and hit for 73 points of damage! Strike through both ears, foe is quite dead! [You have earned 45 prestige points.] A black forest ogre falls prone to the ground, twitches one last time and dies. Your veil iron war hammer spins rapidly through the air, the head whooshing audibly with each revolution. As it completes its arc, it reverses direction and lands solidly in your right hand, ready to throw again. Roundtime: 4 sec. R>mana Mana Points: 60 Remaining: 57 R>stamina Stamina points: 146 remaining: 143 A rippling in the shadows heralds the arrival of a black forest ogre! >hurl ogre With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a gleaming veil iron war hammer into flight. You throw a gleaming veil iron war hammer at a black forest ogre! AS: +400 vs DS: +283 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +44 = +188 ... and hit for 46 points of damage! Beautiful shot pierces skull! Amazing the black forest ogre wasn't killed outright! The black forest ogre is stunned! Your veil iron war hammer spins rapidly through the air, the head whooshing audibly with each revolution. As it completes its arc, it reverses direction and lands solidly in your right hand, ready to throw again. Roundtime: 4 sec. R>mana Mana Points: 60 Remaining: 51 R>stamina Stamina points: 146 remaining: 137 >hurl viper With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a gleaming veil iron war hammer into flight. You throw a gleaming veil iron war hammer at a black forest viper! AS: +405 vs DS: +292 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +28 = +168 ... and hit for 30 points of damage! Beautiful head shot! That ear will be missed! The black forest viper is stunned! Your veil iron war hammer spins rapidly through the air, the head whooshing audibly with each revolution. As it completes its arc, it reverses direction and lands solidly in your right hand, ready to throw again. Roundtime: 4 sec. R>mana Mana Points: 60 Remaining: 42 >stamina Stamina points: 146 remaining: 128 > A black forest viper writhes and coils frantically! >hurl ogre With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a gleaming veil iron war hammer into flight. You throw a gleaming veil iron war hammer at a black forest ogre! AS: +410 vs DS: +216 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +89 = +310 ... and hit for 106 points of damage! Awesome shot collapses a lung! Your veil iron war hammer spins rapidly through the air, the head whooshing audibly with each revolution. As it completes its arc, it reverses direction and lands solidly in your right hand, ready to throw again. Roundtime: 4 sec. R>mana Mana Points: 60 Remaining: 30 R>stamina Stamina points: 146 remaining: 116 >hurl ogre With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a gleaming veil iron war hammer into flight. You throw a gleaming veil iron war hammer at a black forest ogre! AS: +415 vs DS: +211 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +60 = +291 ... and hit for 80 points of damage! Damaging strike to chest, several ribs shattered! Your veil iron war hammer spins rapidly through the air, the head whooshing audibly with each revolution. As it completes its arc, it reverses direction and lands solidly in your right hand, ready to throw again. Roundtime: 4 sec.
Guardians of Sunfist weapon
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 18741
Author: GS4-BAZAR
Date: 10/22/2009 11:22:41 AM
Subject: Re: GoS Weapon?
Yes, the GoS weapons give very nice boosts to stamina and mana recovery, not to mention some extra health. The runestaff does not have the extra health feature. Each weapon also has another special ability.
GM Bazar
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 18753
Author: GS4-BAZAR
Date: 10/22/2009 12:25:12 PM
Subject: Re: GoS Weapon?
There is a GoS theme and they are particularly helpful to those in Sunfist but anyone can use them. The GoS themed runestaff is theh 1612 runestaff.
GM Bazar
Spell Knowledge Champion's Might (1612) Runestaff
Topic: General Discussions
Message #: 3027
Author: GS4-BAZAR
Date: 10/19/2009 1:22:02 PM
Subject: Re: I must be blind
Here's another one:
tap my rune You tap the tip of your lor runestaff on the ground. incan 1612 You trace a simple symbol as you reverently call on your patron in the prayer for Champion's Might... Your spell is ready. You gesture. A dim celadon wisp flares briefly about each of your hands, trailing soft pulses of residual light as they move.
GM Bazar
Spell Knowledge Purification Song (1004) Mask
Topic: General Discussions
Message #: 3027
Author: GS4-BAZAR
Date: 10/19/2009 1:23:41 PM
Subject: Re: I must be blind
Ah heck, heres another:
wear mas You put on a multi-hued theatre mask. G>prep 1004 You begin your musical chant for Purification Song... Your spellsong is ready. G>sing my top You sing a melody, directing the sound of your voice at a clear topaz. As you focus your voice on the clear topaz, the crystalline structure of the gem improves somewhat. When the song ends, you notice the clear topaz sparkles a little more and is void of some natural imperfections. GM: Exempt from Cast RT.
GM Bazar
GM Bazar's Arrow Generating Quiver
Topic: General Discussions
Message #: 3027
Author: GS4-BAZAR
Date: 10/19/2009 1:26:55 PM
Subject: Re: I must be blind
One more:
wear quiv You confidently buckle the blue leather quiver into place. wave my quiv You quickly reach toward your blue leather quiver. Tiny tendrils of eldritch green energy coalesce into a crooked witchwood arrow. The shaft streaks from the blue leather quiver into your waiting hand. wave my quiv You quickly reach toward your blue leather quiver. Tiny tendrils of eldritch bright white energy coalesce into a crooked witchwood arrow with a zorchar tip. The shaft streaks from the blue leather quiver into your waiting hand.
GM Bazar
Alter box
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 18559
Author: GS4-IZZEA
Date: 10/19/2009 4:37:10 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
You put a blue star-shaped riftshard in your golden box. You put a pair of blue silk slippers in your golden box. As you close your golden box, you hear a mechanical whirring begin within it. Several measured ticks echo faintly, the unmistakable sound of a ratchet. The device hums along smoothly, giving off an odd assortment of clicks, ticks and clunks until, with one last ratcheting sound, the box falls silent. Roundtime: 15 sec. The box opens smoothly but requires a fair bit of force, as though you were pulling against something. Various mechanical whirrings and clicks emanate from the box, finishing with a satisfying CLICK when the box is fully open. Inside the box, you notice two compartments, one of which contains a pair of blue silk slippers set with tiny star-shaped riftshard studs. Roundtime: 5 sec. In the golden box you see a pair of blue silk slippers. You remove a pair of blue silk slippers set with tiny star-shaped riftshard studs from in your golden box.
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 18565
Author: GS4-IZZEA
Date: 10/19/2009 5:13:40 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
>>Izzea's Shoebox of All-Power
It does more!!!
You put a radiant opalescent thunderstone in your golden box.
You put a pale gold silk capelet in your golden box. > As you close your golden box, you hear a mechanical whirring begin within it. Several measured ticks echo faintly, the unmistakable sound of a ratchet. The device hums along smoothly, giving off an odd assortment of clicks, ticks and clunks until, with one last ratcheting sound, the box falls silent. Roundtime: 15 sec. R> The box opens smoothly but requires a fair bit of force, as though you were pulling against something. Various mechanical whirrings and clicks emanate from the box, finishing with a satisfying CLICK when the box is fully open. Inside the box, you notice two compartments, one of which contains a pale gold silk capelet set with whorls of opalescent thunderstone chips. Roundtime: 5 sec. R> You remove a pale gold silk capelet set with whorls of opalescent thunderstone chips from in your golden box.
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 18577
Author: GS4-IZZEA
Date: 10/19/2009 5:57:52 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
>>Quick question Izzea before I get totally overexcited, does it work with cobbled shoes assuming they are kept simple of course?
The alter box doesn't work with cobbled shoes, sorry!
<3 to Laph for helping me test!
Feature-hiding, Sneaking and Unpresence Enhancive Knowledge Cloaks
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 18561
Author: GS4-IZZEA
Date: 10/19/2009 4:43:33 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
You put on a persimmon silk cloak with a hood of laced plum ribbons. > You pull the hood of your cloak down over your face, concealing your features. > Name: Izzea Race: Halfling Profession: NOT A RANGER!!!!! > You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Sneaking spell... Your spell is ready. > You gesture. You begin to move with cat-like grace. Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 18564
Author: GS4-IZZEA
Date: 10/19/2009 5:06:50 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
>Self-knowledge sneaking cloak? Nice!
Yes, and it hides features! There is also a 204 one! Yay!
Auchand's Items
Topic: Ebon Gate Festival
Message #: 18607
Date: 10/20/2009 2:14:33 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
Psht. Spoilers.
Coraesine falchion
1) You raise the coraesine falchion, causing the swirling orb-shaped sigil engraved upon its blade to flicker rapidly with blue-white light. The glow spreads forth from the sigil until the entire falchion appears to be made of nothing more than a bright light.
Immediately, the glowing falchion curls inward on itself like a current of wind and coalesces into a small orb of coraesine, its glow giving way to the swirled metal.
Zealot Quarterstaff
2) You raise your glowbark quarterstaff in triumph! Mystical energies race across the surface of the quarterstaff. A surge of radiant energy coalesces around you and those nearby. Your spirit is empowered with an overwhelming sense of determination and resolve. Distant sounds of fifes and drums resound in the back of your mind, spurring you into a delirium of confidence and resolve -- as if compelled by some irresistable divine exhortation. You feel a draining sensation from the glowbark quarterstaff. Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Greater ShadowDeath Bracers
3) As you put the bracers on, a sudden bone-chilling cold creeps across your body until it you feel it settle like an icy grip on your heart! Your vision clouds momentarily, but then returns to normal.
As you settle the black alloy bracers into place, you feel complete once more.
Call Wind Wings
4) You flap your wings mightily, sending strong gusts of wind through the area.
A gust of wind tugs at your sleeves. Suddenly, a fierce wind rips through the area, scattering everything in its path and making it difficult to remain standing.
The wind then subsides.
Crossrealms Ship: Carillon
5) You confer with Carillon for a moment. Carillon asks where you would like to travel. Choose one of the following destinations: Wehnimer's Landing Solhaven Teras Isle State your choice out loud within the next 30 seconds.
Aaaaaaand I'm spent.
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 17610
Date: 9/4/2009 4:53:24 PM
Subject: You asked for Teasers?
Just a little teaser.
[The Carillon, Foredeck] Gleaming brasswork frames the foredeck, the metal wrought and limned to resemble curling flora twined about bell-shaped blossoms. The clusters of green-lacquered vines thicken to culminate at the bowsprit, before which a large but lithely muscled shape of carmlin sprouts from the bow to overlook the water. Shadowed by the sails of the foremast, the seasoned wood of the deck nonetheless glistens with care and polish. You also see a long wooden gangplank and a dark-eyed carmiln figurehead. Obvious paths: south >The prow of the boat cuts through the shining blue waves, and the tireless roar of the boundless sea nearly obscures the cries of gulls dotting the sky.
Wyrdling Ring
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 18808
Author: GS4-XYNWEN
Date: 10/22/2009 7:36:37 PM
Subject: Re: Wyrdling ring
You tap a crystal-inset white gold ring that you are wearing. >prep 920 cast ring You trace a series of glowing runes while chanting the phrase for Call Familiar... Your spell is ready. >cast ring You gesture at a crystal-inset white gold ring. A small cloud of dust gathers in the room suddenly and quickly condenses near you to form a rust-hued earth wyrdling. >tell wyrdling to leave The earth wyrdling stomps off. You sense the link between you and your earth wyrdling weaken and vanish. >prep 903 Your hands glow with power as you invoke the phrase for Minor Water... Your spell is ready. >cast ring You gesture at a crystal-inset white gold ring. Small water droplets appear on the pale brown crystal on your ring, and are quickly absorbed into its surface. The crystal on your ring fades and becomes blue-green. >prep 920 You trace a series of glowing runes while chanting the phrase for Call Familiar... Your spell is ready. >cast ring You gesture at a crystal-inset white gold ring. A small puddle of water forms on the floor near you and slowly flows up into a roughly humanoid form before resolving into an ocean-hued water wyrdling.
Chronomage Dagger
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 18912
Author: GS4-IZZEA
Date: 10/23/2009 8:39:39 AM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
Mmm. Chronomages.
>hurl kob As you loose your crystal dagger into the air, everything around you suddenly slows down to a noticeable crawl. With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a crystal dagger into flight. You throw a crystal dagger at a kobold! AS: +45 vs DS: -20 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +60 = +150 ... and hit for 20 points of damage! Well aimed shot, punctures upper arm! The kobold is stunned! The kobold doesn't seem to react as your dagger slashes its body. Instead a kobold just stands there, like a statue, moving so slowly you could barely notice it. Falling from a kobold's body, the crystal dagger drops so slowly that you can casually saunter over and snatch it from the air before it even hits the ground. You jog back to where you were standing and suddenly everything returns to normal speed as time catches up with itself. Taking a chance you hurl the dagger at a kobold again and suddenly everything returns to normal speed as time catches up with itself! With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a crystal dagger into flight. You throw a crystal dagger at a kobold! AS: +45 vs DS: -17 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +37 = +124 ... and hit for 11 points of damage! Glancing strike to the head! The kobold doesn't seem to react as your dagger slashes its body. Instead a kobold just stands there, like a statue, moving so slowly you could barely notice it. Falling from a kobold's body, the crystal dagger drops so slowly that you can casually saunter over and snatch it from the air before it even hits the ground. You jog back to where you were standing and suddenly everything returns to normal speed as time catches up with itself. Taking a chance you hurl the dagger at a kobold again and suddenly everything returns to normal speed as time catches up with itself! With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a crystal dagger into flight. You throw a crystal dagger at a kobold! AS: +45 vs DS: -17 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +39 = +126 ... and hit for 12 points of damage! Quick slash catches the kobold's cheek! Dimples are always nice. The kobold crumples to a heap on the ground and dies. The kobold doesn't seem to react as your dagger slashes its body. Instead a kobold just stands there, like a statue, moving so slowly you could barely notice it. Falling from a kobold's body, the crystal dagger drops so slowly that you can casually saunter over and snatch it from the air before it even hits the ground. You jog back to where you were standing and suddenly everything returns to normal speed as time catches up with itself. Roundtime: 4 sec. >rub my dag You notice a smudge on the blade of your pristine dagger. It disappears after a quick rub. Roundtime: 5 sec. R> You glance down and notice a smudge on the blade of your crystal dagger. Using your sleeve you give it a quick polish, and it is soon shining brightly again. Roundtime: 5 sec. R> You notice an annoying smudge across the blade of your crystal dagger. You move to obliterate it, then stop and blink. This all seems too familiar. Roundtime: 5 sec. R> Blinking, you peer down at the crystal dagger again. It is clear and free of smudges, dust or marks or any kind. Odd. Roundtime: 5 sec. R> R>toss dag You send your crystal dagger spinning high into the air, but instead of falling after it reaches its apex, it merely hangs there spinning. After a moment it suddenly disappears. You glance down to see the dagger resting quietly and still in your hand.
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 18926
Author: GS4-IZZEA
Date: 10/23/2009 10:44:00 AM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
>I don't see a crystal dagger on the item list. Is that one of the items that's going to be added at the last minute?
Yeah, I just had to sort some last minute things out with it, so it should be on the list soon.
Also, the auction daggers are vultite, and +30. The crystal one was just for my testing, sorry!
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 18931
Author: GS4-IZZEA
Date: 10/23/2009 11:31:07 AM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
>Izzea, are those daggers just thrown or does the slow-mo work for hand-to-hand?
The back in time effect only works when hurled.
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 18937
Author: GS4-IZZEA
Date: 10/23/2009 12:54:41 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
A quick flick of Izzea's wrist sends a crystal-edged vultite dagger into flight! Izzea throws a crystal-edged vultite dagger at a kobold! AS: +18 vs DS: -20 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +52 = +115 ... and hits for 4 points of damage! Tap to the arm pricks some interest but not much else. As the vultite dagger impacts a kobold, it suddenly disappears from the air. You glance over to Izzea who is now holding the wayward dagger in her hand. > A quick flick of Izzea's wrist sends a crystal-edged vultite dagger into flight! Izzea throws a crystal-edged vultite dagger at a kobold! AS: +18 vs DS: -20 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +89 = +152 ... and hits for 28 points of damage! Strike connects with shoulder blade! The kobold is stunned! As the vultite dagger impacts a kobold, it suddenly disappears from the air. You glance over to Izzea who is now holding the wayward dagger in her hand. Before you can even open your mouth Izzea hurls the dagger at a kobold again! A quick flick of Izzea's wrist sends a crystal-edged vultite dagger into flight! Izzea throws a crystal-edged vultite dagger at a kobold! AS: +18 vs DS: -17 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +68 = +128 ... and hits for 12 points of damage! Well placed shot to the neck! The kobold crumples to a heap on the ground and dies. As the vultite dagger impacts a kobold, it suddenly disappears from the air. You glance over to Izzea who is now holding the wayward dagger in her hand.
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 18938
Author: GS4-IZZEA
Date: 10/23/2009 12:54:41 PM
Subject: Re: You asked for Teasers?
Oh... The Victim...
A quick flick of Izzea's wrist sends a crystal-edged vultite dagger into flight! Izzea throws a crystal-edged vultite dagger at you! AS: +120 vs DS: -20 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +46 = +211 ... and hits for 38 points of damage! Strike pierces forearm! As the vultite dagger impacts you, you are suddenly knocked back a step by a blurred shape moving faster than you can react. You glance over to Izzea who is now holding the dagger in her hand. Before you can even open your mouth Izzea hurls the dagger at you again! A quick flick of Izzea's wrist sends a crystal-edged vultite dagger into flight! Izzea throws a crystal-edged vultite dagger at you! AS: +120 vs DS: -20 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +10 = +175 ... and hits for 39 points of damage! Well placed strike shatters a rib! As the vultite dagger impacts you, you are suddenly knocked back a step by a blurred shape moving faster than you can react. You glance over to Izzea who is now holding the dagger in her hand. Before you can even open your mouth Izzea hurls the dagger at you again! A quick flick of Izzea's wrist sends a crystal-edged vultite dagger into flight! Izzea throws a crystal-edged vultite dagger at you! AS: +120 vs DS: -20 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +59 = +224 ... and hits for 44 points of damage! Well aimed shot, punctures calf! As the vultite dagger impacts you, you are suddenly knocked back a step by a blurred shape moving faster than you can react. You glance over to Izzea who is now holding the dagger in her hand.
Animated Cauldron
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 18989
Date: 10/23/2009 8:09:32 PM
Subject: Re: Animated cauldrons
A bronze cauldron hops up and down on a heavy mahogany desk. You ask, "You want down?" You say, "Fine." You remove a bronze cauldron from on a heavy mahogany desk. Your bronze cauldron's legs squirm in mid-air, feeling for the ground. You carefully place a bronze cauldron on the floor. A bronze cauldron trots around in a circle. Speaking to a bronze cauldron, you say, "Come on." >go door [Strathspey's Bungalow, Landing] Obvious exits: west A bronze cauldron waddles in. You say, "Let's do some alkumy." >light cauldron You focus on the bronze cauldron and pulse a small amount of mana into it. A small flickering flame appears beneath it. A bronze cauldron shifts its belly around on its legs, clearly enjoying the heat beneath it. You pour the clear water into the bronze cauldron, keeping the empty flask that remains. A bronze cauldron momentarily jiggles and bobs, agitating the solution within it. You say, "This doesn't belong in any existing recipe. I wonder if he knows that." You try to put some powdered blue topaz into a bronze cauldron, but it jumps up and scampers out of your reach. You say, "Cool." As the bronze cauldron gyrates about, it accidentally bumps into you. ... 5 points of damage! Minor burns to right leg. That hurts a bit. You say, "Ow! You little...." You mutter something about chamberpots. Speaking to a bronze cauldron, you say, "Go to sleep." You tap a bronze cauldron. The cauldron's legs suddenly become rigid as it settles on the floor with a muted clang.
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 18992
Date: 10/23/2009 8:22:52 PM
Subject: Re: Animated cauldrons
> Does it do like the crates or a disk, and return when you log back in?
Yup. I've done what I could to make them janitor-proof and otherwise-loss-proof. I don't recommend letting them sit somewhere overnight, though.
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 19004
Date: 10/23/2009 9:08:06 PM
Subject: Re: Animated cauldrons
> Can they be altered INTO sugar bowls?
Have you ever seen a 5-pound 2-gallon sugar bowl made out of bronze? Get outta here.
> Do these permanently attune to one character, or can they be transferred like uh. Music stands and kittens and such.
I'm not instantly familiar with how music stands and kittens work. However, because these are extensions of basic cauldrons, they'll inherit the fact that only the person who set it down can pick it up again, or put stuff in it or do alchemy with it. So they're sort of attuned whenever they're on the ground, but they can be given to anyone.
> Paladins can't learn it... can they?
All this money we paid to put you through cleric school, but all you wanted to do was sword fight. Now look at you.
Spell Tattoo
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 19007
Author: GS4-KVETA
Date: 10/23/2009 9:16:37 PM
Subject: Re: Attunement
>questions about certificates
I can only speak to the spell tattoo certificates, but they WILL be transferable, up until 7 days after the close of the festival. Any person who receives one had best redeem it before then.
The spell tattoos themselves are permanent tattoos (unless you carve it off!) of the arcane symbols for a particular spell. They operate like regular scrolls but are good for a certain number of uses per day.
Temporary tattoo versions (though not of those spells) will also be available for sale in a shop.
Topic: Ebon Gate
Message #: 19013
Author: GS4-KVETA
Date: 10/23/2009 9:34:11 PM
Subject: Re: Attunement
>Big question is... can you do it one handed?
That's sort of the point.