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Landing Events - 2021-12-08 - Chinks in the Stone Wall (log)
Eorgaen 8-9, 5121
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the TownCrier
Mayor Thadston arrives to discuss the Thrayzar situation, asking if everyone feels Grishom Stone can be trusted or, at the least, if they're sure it's not a trap. Marshal Stormyrain says one can't be sure with Grishom, but he already has Thrayzar's blood from years ago and the trap is likely in the set in the future, since restoring Thrayzar's mind leads to the future Grishom wants.
Thadston challenges whether this isn't helping their enemy; Stormy says tomorrow's problems are tomorrow's and we didn't leave Thadston trapped, nor would she leave Thrayzar, but she acknowledges she's not the only voice in this. Others raise the question of whether there are any other options and Missoni says that she's been working with Akenna, who's researching methods to undo the curse...
...but that line of conversation is temporarily tabled as Thadston says he'll watch for any sign of betrayal from Stone and suggests making Stone tell us why he needs Thrayzar. Kisun and Nazarr question the plausibility of "making" Stone do anything, since he's powerful and several steps ahead, but Thadston questions why, if he's so far ahead, he needs everyone's help with curing Thrayzar instead of doing it himself.
Back to Missoni, she relays Akenna's proposal involving using three circles of magic--transformation, temporality, and blood--to reverse the curse and withdraw it from Thrayzar. Thadston asks if that plan would still involve getting into Thrayzar's mind to ask what he wants; Missoni says she's not sure, as she's handling the outer circle, and Magister Raelee elaborates that she believes the circles will remove the curse in the case of consent, but aren't presently designed with a mental component.
Missoni says she'll need to use Thrayzar's blood to withdraw the blood rage into a flesh golem; Thadston rejects that and asks everyone to name a golem situations that went well in the past twelve years. He says he's all for defying Stone and trying alternatives, but he's not good at magical speculation, so he asks everyone to figure it out and send him a proposal so everyone can coordinate and discuss how to remove the curse as well as how to get into Thrayzar's head.
Kayse inquires about asking Rodnay (who had helped with getting into Chaston's mind years prior), who's in Melgorehn's Reach... somewhere. Thadston says people can try, though he thinks Rodnay's probably dangerous too.
In other news, Thadston says he's been sitting on a pardon request and has decided to pardon Casiphia. Councilor Leafiara questions who made the request and Thadston says a few fishermen who work the docks and are likely Rooks. Ashrynn questions whether Thadston shouldn't recuse himself and let the town council decide on this pardon, due to his history with Casiphia, but Thadston says no one is unbiased.
Stormy says she's glad to hear of the pardon and asks if she'll resume living in the Landing and in the barracks during training time. Thadston says he assumes she'll resume living here, but he's likely to extend rules to his pardon banning her from the militia and public office--at least unless the next mayor overrides him. Stormy says she doesn't know anyone in the room who hasn't done something that someone would view as "untoward" in defense of the Landing and says it's harsh to ban her from restitution in the form of militia service; Thadston says it's harsh but right.
As for his decision regarding his Stewards, he's leaving Alendrial and Amos in place, but will seek a new Steward of the Guard, replacing Dunigan, after the new year. He dislikes retaining Amos, but he has a lot of merchant support.
Raelee returns to the question of Stone, pointing out that if people seek a method that doesn't involve him, they must assume Stone would be aware and likely interfere--then asks if he needs to do this or if the path merely needs to be opened. In other words, it's possible that it doesn't matter to Grishom how Thrayzar is cured, only that he is. Thadston agrees it's likely and says to just be sure not to mess it up, then. Leafi raises the possibility of Thrayzar being less willing to accept a cure if it comes from Stone and Thadston acknowledges the possibility, since Stone once manipulated and controlled Thrayzar.
Stormy asks if Thadston has a deadline, but he simply says to let him know when we've ironed out a plan. The sooner the orc is cured, the better, but it also shouldn't be rushed.
Mayor Thadston's Musings
Ashen flakes of snow descend quietly from the darkness of night, flurrying about in a silent swirl.
[General] Yorne thinks, "Ooh weird snow."
[General] Leafiara wryly asks, "Around here, is it even really?"
[General] Thadston thinks, "Evening."
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "Merry eve, Mayor."
[General] Leafiara greets, "Good eve."
[General] Kayse thinks, "Fair evening, Mayor."
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a cloudy-eyed air wyrdling, the Niblit disk, the Xanxen disk, the Arrigal disk, a caramel and chocolate chew, a massive midnight black panther, the Opalina disk, a gargantuan cloudy grey tiger, the Marrakam disk, the Drektor disk, a large acorn, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some wide stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: Town Councilor Leafiara, Mister Pukk, Keemac, Great Lord Kisun, Lady Nairena, Niblit, Xanxen who is sitting, Arrigal, the body of Advisor of the North Kittai who is lying down, Taluric, Storyteller Kayse, Concierge Opalina who is kneeling, Jaffrey, Stormyrain, Marrakam who is sitting, Drektor, Walton
Kisun softly says, "Ooh, nevermind."
Opalina quietly says, "As a mother."
Opalina quietly says, "As a aunt."
[General] Kisun thinks, "Evening."
The ghostly voice of Kittai says, "Yep."
The ghostly voice of Kittai says, "That's me."
[General] Goldstr thinks, "Evenin Mayor Andrews."
Opalina quietly exclaims, "Kittai!"
[General] Dergoatean thinks, "It is evening, isn't it? Hm."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "No Cryheart."
[General] Dergoatean thinks, "Good one, then. To all of you."
The ghostly voice of Kittai says, "Been here a bit."
[General] Kisun thinks, "It's always evening somewhere."
[General] Kothos thinks, "Good evening, Mayor. And everyone else, of course."
Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Pukk exclaims, "I know, we can join you instead!"
Pukk recites:
"Everybody join Leafiara!"
[General] Dergoatean exclaims, "And it's never evening somewhere else!"
Opalina quietly exclaims, "We are yours Leaf!"
[General] Thadston thinks, "More snow I see. I'm in the Trophy Room, where it's warmer."
Stormyrain says, "Trophy room."
Stormyrain says, "Thadston is there."
Leafiara says, "Alright! To the trophy room momentarily."
[Raging Thrak, Trophy Room]
Tiny smudges of soot mar the fieldstones used to create the grand fireplace in this cozy room. A collection of plaques hangs above an immense grey marble mantel cluttered with trophy cups and bowls. Fashioned from a single stone slab, the hearth extends to an impressive black bear rug with its maw frozen in a silent roar. Several overstuffed wingback chairs, each covered in deep jewel-tone chintz, are scattered about the room. Against the back wall, a tall glass-front curio houses several ancient mementos and a thrak hide curtain hangs nearby. You also see the Drektor disk, the web-draped Missoni disk, the rectangular Perigourd disk fashioned of oiled tanik, a lazy wild greyish-black dog, an intricately woven straw wastebasket and a basket of sticks.
Also here: Storyteller Kayse, Drektor, Stormyrain, Great Lord Kisun, Dergoatean, Missoni, Perigourd, Magister Raelee, Mayor Thadston
Pukk, Opalina, Bernadette and Xannorath followed.
Thadston says, "I'm already ready to retire."
Thadston smirks.
Speaking softly to Thadston, Kisun says, "Evening."
Thadston says, "The paperwork is heavier than any armor I've ever worn."
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain quips, "You and me, both."
Speaking to Thadston, Dergoatean says, "I think I've only seen you a few times since that whole Ithzir debacle a few years back, even."
Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean says, "Te klaloc lethe ram lette."
Thadston whispers something to Leafiara.
Leafiara nods at Thadston.
Kothos warmly greets, "Sir."
Thadston says, "I heard there's some nonsense with Stone soon."
Thadston asks, "You all trust him with the orc?"
Speaking to Thadston, Pukk says, "Certain people want to tempt fate."
Opalina quietly exclaims, "Never!"
Kothos says, "It's not a matter of trust, unfortunately."
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain says, "No one trusts Grishom."
Thadston asks, "Then what is it?"
Kayse indifferently asks, "Do we have another option?"
Kothos says, "Just so."
Thadston says, "We could put the orc in the barracks."
Roelon deeply says, "Ah doubt he even trusts himself."
Kothos says, "We owe him."
Thadston says, "Keep him out of reach of Stone."
Stormyrain asks, "And leave him trapped as he is now?"
Stormyrain raises her eyebrow, the dark bloodjewel half-ring set within only enhancing her skeptical expression.
Dergoatean says, "It's rare that Grishom comes to us when we have other options."
Kothos says, "If this is his only chance to regain the life he deserves, well..."
Opalina quietly says, "Trapped is good."
Dergoatean says, "Almost seems like it isn't a coincidence..."
Thadston asks, "You're sure it isn't a trap you're leading him into?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Stormyrain.
Speaking deeply to Stormyrain, Roelon asks, "But would ye risk ah chance of making it worse fir him?"
Opalina quietly exclaims, "It really depends on the situation!"
Leafiara muses, "So, in essence, nobody believes we have a way to resolve this ourselves?"
Missoni offers, "Akenna has been researching ways to free the fellow of his curse."
Opalina quietly says, "I mean ... trapped!...."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Kothos says, "For the record, I believe you know the risks, Marshal. Better than any here."
Speaking softly to Thadston, Kisun says, "He does seem like he needs us to do something he can't. I just can't figure out what it is."
Speaking to Missoni, Leafiara admits, "Heard as much, yes..."
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain says, "No, because one cannot be sure with Grishom. But I did ask him if he required the orc's blood, and he already has it from years ago. Also--the trap is likely set in the future. Grishom states he needs the Orc in one of his sane forms for the future he wishes to come to pass. I honestly do think that is enough for him to do this in and of itself."
Pukk asks, "I mean, what's the worst that can happen right?"
Thadston says, "Look, magic and blood are not my strong suit. Just don't trade praying to Arkati to praying to Stone for all of the fixes."
Speaking deeply to Pukk, Roelon says, "And now we are doomed."
Falvicar whispers something to Kayse.
Thadston asks, "So he needs the orc alive and well?"
Kayse whispers something to Falvicar.
Thadston asks, "I hate to say it, I like the orc, but aren't we just helping our enemy then?"
Leafiara says, "To be fair, we actually did try a commune to Ronan as well. The idea of Councilor Fahlo and Falvicar here."
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain says, "He needs him in sane form. Not in his current lost form. Either fully human, or orc with a human mind--as I understood it."
Speaking to Thadston, Dergoatean says, "Grishom would only be like the 6th worst to pray to among the arkati."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Maybe Owly can fix him instead of Stone?"
Stormyrain looks thoughtfully at Thadston.
Speaking to Stormyrain, Goldstr says, "Dis do be a payback to us fer Glethad aye? And tho untrustful Stone does keep his word."
Speaking to Raelee, Pukk says, "I think Owly can do it."
Speaking to Goldstr, Kothos says, "That emulates my thoughts, Sir."
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain says, "Tomorrow's problems are tomorrow's. We did not leave you trapped, no matter what the cost to us. I would not leave any friend in such a state, myself. But I am not the only, nor am I even a weighted voice in this."
Nazarr says, "He may keep his word but he does nothing for free."
Thadston says, "Hmm."
Thadston says, "Fair enough. You all came for me."
Speaking quietly to Leafiara, Falvicar says, "Just because Ronan didnt answer doesnt mean he isnt watching."
Thadston says, "Even though it was stupid."
Dergoatean says, "Grishom always wins anyway."
Pukk says, "I think Happy wanted to leave you though..." [heh... actually, Hapenlok was one of the relative few who did go on that mission to help and was the only one there with a workable plan to get the bleakstone statue back above ground]
Speaking softly to Stormyrain, Kisun says, "Every voice carries weight. No matter how small or big. They can all be heard."
Leafiara asks, "So it's a threefold question: do we think this is the only way to help Thrayzar, do we think it actually is help in the first place, and even if the first two, does it cost too much in the long run?"
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr exclaims, "We takes care a our own Sir!"
Roelon whispers something to Falvicar.
Thadston says, "I don't think its the only way. But I suspect its the easiest way being offered."
Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean says, "And on top of all of that, if we DO think we have another way, do we have enough time to try it before Grishom goes off to do ... whatever else he does."
Thadston says, "I'll be waiting, when the time comes, for any sign of betrayal from Stone."
Kayse measuredly asks, "I think the Marshal said it the best. We don't tend to leave our allies behind, so why start now?"
Stormyrain states, "I believe Missoni was working on another option."
Kothos says, "I would expect most of us will be looking for the same."
Speaking to Dergoatean, Leafiara agrees, "I thought that was implicit, but yes."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Missoni says, "I was working with Akenna, yes."
Thadston says, "If it were me, I'd make Stone tell you why he needs him."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Missoni says, "And she mentioned she had spoken to you as well."
Stormyrain nods at Missoni.
Speaking to Raelee, Missoni says, "And to you, I believe."
Thadston says, "Otherwise, the orc stays wild."
Thadston shrugs.
Opalina quietly says, "Orcs should always be wild."
Kayse amusedly asks, "Do you think Stone will tell us the truth?"
Speaking softly to Thadston, Kisun says, "We have asked, not sure the best course of action to MAKE him tell us."
Speaking to Missoni, Stormyrain asks, "Yes--briefly, but my part would be minor. Was there anything in your research that made you believe it might work?"
Thadston says, "I almost invaded the Gryphon Holding and took the orc myself.."
Thadston smirks.
Raelee glances between Kothos and Missoni.
Thadston says, "But eh, why bother."
Speaking to Thadston, Geijon says, "Rather crass considering, you've been wild."
Speaking softly to Thadston, Kisun says, "We do have a fireplace.."
Speaking to Missoni, Raelee says, "... yes."
Leafiara says, "Hm, that is more or less the approach we took with Larsya in prior times."
Thadston nods at Falvicar.
Thadston says, "Don't help, until he tells you."
Thadston nods at Kisun.
Thadston says, "Clearly he needs your help for some reason."
Thadston says, "Or he'd just do it himself."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Missoni says, "She asked me to focus on the...darker magic involved, but I believe what she has proposed is a possible solution, yes."
Nazarr says, "I don't know how we can MAKE Grishom Stone do anything. He's more powerful than we are and he always seems to be six steps ahead."
Thadston asks, "So it seems, right?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Nazarr.
Thadston asks, "Except, is he?"
Thadston says, "Because he needs your help."
Thadston asks, "Why?"
Leafiara agrees, "That is definitely a strange aspect of this. The fact that he's inviting others, if he's really as powerful as he claims."
Speaking to Nazarr, Perigourd says, "You simply don't play the game they lead you on."
Opalina quietly says, "Why would we need to "make" him do anything."
Opalina quietly says, "Just ask him."
Speaking to Nazarr, Pukk says, "Just tell him that the Arkati can do it but he can't. When he hears that, he will do it."
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "Aye dat do seems be da question."
Kothos says, "There is definitely something he needs. I doubt any of us expected him to honor this obligation."
Speaking to Opalina, Dergoatean says, "And get back some infuriatingly vague and misleading response."
Thadston says, "I don't like the fact the orc is the leverage in all of this, but eventually, if you bend with every breeze, the wind will never stop."
Kothos says, "So the reason for him doing so is known to him, and we can only guess at it."
Opalina quietly says, "I've not spoken to him in a while."
Opalina quietly says, "I don't kow."
Falvicar whispers something to Kayse.
Speaking softly to Thadston, Kisun asks, "Last time we all talked, it felt like Grishom was just trying to gauge where we were, as if he was just trying to stall us. Maybe so he can prepare for something else?"
Dergoatean says, "I guess we could always try the old Grishom-scrying crystal and see if that shows anything."
Missoni and Akenna's Alternative
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain says, "Did you hear Missoni? It is loud in this area..but there may be an option beyond just Grishom, if we think it's worth an attempt."
Dergoatean says, "But I'm not touching the thing."
Thadston says, "I didn't hear, sorry."
Opalina quietly says, "I always thought that Grishom was a reasonable man."
Thadston asks, "What is the idea?"
Thadston turns an inquisitive ear toward Missoni.
Nazarr asks, "Wait, we have a Grishom-scrying crystal?"
Speaking to Nazarr, Dergoatean says, "It's complicated."
Speaking quietly to Thadston, Opalina says, "Maybe Im wrong."
Speaking to Thadston, Missoni says, "I have been speaking with Akenna, and I think we may have settled on a solution."
Nairena says, "Bet that comes in handy."
Thadston asks, "Yes I know. What is it?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Missoni.
Speaking to Nazarr, Dergoatean says, "But it did work before."
Speaking to Thadston, Missoni says, "It will require a few of us, but she had proposed three magical circles of transformation, temporality, and blood."
Speaking to Asben, Nairena says, "I found the bakery in Mist Harbor."
Falvicar whispers something to Kayse.
Speaking to Nazarr, Dergoatean says, "Probably less dangerous to try Missoni's three magical circles."
Speaking to Melikor, Kothos says, "I am sure we had no idea. None."
Speaking to Thadston, Missoni says, "As a way to reverse the curse and withdraw it from this poor fellow."
Geijon whispers something to Asben.
Speaking to Dergoatean, Missoni says, "It is dangerous."
Dergoatean exclaims, "I believe you!"
Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "Most options at this point seem so."
Speaking thoughtfully to Missoni, Leafiara says, "Interesting intersections of magic. I like it."
Geijon whispers something to Dergoatean.
Missoni adds, "But many things worth doing are."
Thadston says, "If I understand my third hand hearing of the situation, part of breaking the curse means, getting into the orc's mind to even ask him what he wants."
Thadston asks, "Will your circles do that?"
Speaking to Thadston, Missoni says, "Well, I am not sure. I have been asked to handle the outer circle."
Missoni cocks her head at Raelee.
Kisun softly says, "But is withdrawing the curse what Grishom wants? Maybe he needs him as he was before the curse took hold."
Speaking to Raelee, Missoni asks, "Do you know the plan for the inner?"
Asben whispers something to Geijon.
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee says, "I believe the circles are there to remove the curse in the case of consent. I do not think they are presently designed with a mental component."
Speaking to Thadston, Missoni says, "I will need to use his blood to withdraw the blood rage into a flesh golem."
Thadston nods at Raelee.
Speaking to Kisun, Stormyrain says, "It is possible, though he's stated he will restore him to the human he was before any curse, or as we have always known him, cursed but sane."
Thadston says, "No."
Thadston says, "No putting things in golems."
Thadston says, "We're done with those mistakes."
Missoni defensively says, "It is a very sound practice."
Thadston says, "Not around here it isn't."
Leafiara says, "I'll admit, I'm not following what part of this requires blood or why."
Nairena says, "But golems are so easy to control."
Leafiara says, "The temporal and transformation elements make sense, and mentalism would too if it were there..."
Speaking softly to Nairena, Kisun says, "I just wacks em with a hammer."
Geijon whispers something to Asben.
Thadston says, "Name one golem situation that has been beneficial or didn't backfire in the last twelve years."
Speaking to Leafiara, Missoni says, "A blood curse requires blood to break."
Speaking to Leafiara, Stormyrain says, "Several. Since the curse was likely bound in some type of blood magic--as it was Raznel's curse originally."
Leafiara slowly says, "Ahh."
Pukk asks, "Putting all that rage into a golem and letting it loose in town...what can happen?"
Missoni laughingly says, "No one will let the golem loose."
Leafiara tentatively asks, "Okay, but why the golem part, then?"
Thadston says, "Look, I'm all for defying Stone, and trying a different approach."
Speaking softly to Pukk, Kisun says, "Why in town? Why is it always in town."
Asben whispers something to Geijon.
Falvicar whispers something to Kayse.
Speaking to Kisun, Pukk says, "Because...Landing."
Speaking to Leafiara, Missoni says, "Well, it has to go somewhere."
Thadston says, "But I also won't stand here and debate it. So figure it out, send me a proposal, or we'll schedule a meeting, something to discuss it. I'm not good at the magical speculation."
Speaking softly to Pukk, Kisun says, "You right."
Nazarr says, "That makes sense."
Nairena says, "If the Landing isnt being burned, or pillaged, or beseiged by baddies... its not home to some."
Goldstr says, "Put it in a Rolton nae a Golem."
Speaking to Thadston, Missoni asks, "You would be more amenable if there were a way to do this without a golem?"
Thadston nods at Missoni.
Missoni frowns.
Asben whispers something to Geijon.
Pukk says, "I say Thadston goes and fights Grishom while we try Missoni's idea. That was we can prevent interference."
Thadston says, "So put together some ideas. Not just for removing the curse, but getting in the orc's head."
Kayse distractedly asks, "Have we not heard from Rodnay at all? To ask him?"
Thadston asks, "Councilor, I presume you and the council can help faciliate some ideas or conversations?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Leafiara.
Speaking to Missoni, Kothos asks, "Could an artifact be used instead?"
Leafiara nods at Thadston.
Thadston says, "Rodnay's in a rock."
Speaking to Kothos, Missoni says, "Perhaps..."
Pukk says, "We can always ask Yardie...he can always get into other people's heads....."
Raelee says, "... I would suggest they can be treated as two entirely separate processes."
Missoni agrees with Raelee.
Speaking softly to Thadston, Kisun says, "Have you any experience with getting into a mind? I have none."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "Certainly. We do all have our concerns, as anyone would."
Speaking distractedly to Thadston, Kayse asks, "I am aware, but can we not try and reach him?"
Speaking to Kisun, Pukk asks, "You don't have a mind?"
Speaking to Kayse, Dergoatean says, "One of these days, I expect Rodnay to emerge and make everything else seem rather small."
Thadston looks over at Kisun and shakes his head.
Speaking softly to Pukk, Kisun says, "Correction, gettin into someone else's mind."
Speaking to Kayse, Dergoatean says, "Possibly even Stone."
Thadston shrugs at Kayse.
Stormyrain slowly says, "I have his neckerchief, still. If that can be useful at all."
Thadston says, "Try all you want. The blue kid is probably dangerous too."
Opalina quietly asks, "Blue kid?"
Speaking wistfully to Dergoatean, Kayse says, "I am hoping he keeps his humanity. I climbed the Reach last week to try and communicate."
Speaking to Opalina, Dergoatean says, "That's Rodnay."
Pukk says, "I was cold that day...."
Speaking to Opalina, Dergoatean says, "He's half ithzir, approximately."
Opalina quietly says, "I see."
Speaking to Kayse, Dergoatean asks, "How'd it go?"
Speaking to Opalina, Leafiara says, "Rodnay, the... orphan from the Landing who was experimented on by the Ithzir and gained immensely powerful mental magic."
Stormyrain murmurs, "Thrayzar's that is."
Speaking indifferently to Dergoatean, Kayse says, "It was cold, dark and uneventful."
Speaking to Opalina, Leafiara says, "He's currently in Melgorehn's Reach inside a cocoon undergoing some sort of metamorphosis, last we saw."
Opalina quietly says, "His is protected I hope."
Speaking to Leafiara, Missoni asks, "What is he turning into?"
You notice a vein pulsing in Thadston's forehead.
Stormyrain casually glances at Thadston.
Speaking to Missoni, Leafiara admits, "...absolutely no idea."
Speaking to Missoni, Pukk says, "A butterfly."
Thadston says, "All the talk of blood and magic."
Thadston nods at Stormyrain.
Thadston says, "Not my thing."
Speaking to Kothos, Geijon says, "You should speak up."
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain offers, "It's the Landing. What do you expect?"
Stormyrain raises her eyebrow, the dark bloodjewel half-ring set within only enhancing her skeptical expression.
A Pardon and Its Attached Rules
Thadston says, "I have some other news."
Kisun softly says, "Oh."
Thadston says, "I've been sitting on a pardon request for weeks."
Stormyrain amusedly says, "The Marshal herself is a Blood Mage. It's commonplace now."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Pukk says, "Death, destruction, mayhem..."
Roelon deeply says, "Nae way around those two things here, aye."
Speaking to Geijon, Kothos says, "Please."
Speaking to Thadston, Dergoatean asks, "I forget what happened to Madelyne's spirit, could we put her back in a golem while we're at it?"
Nazarr asks, "A pardon request?"
Speaking to Kothos, Geijon says, "Your people are worth it to speak th' truth."
Thadston says, "Madelyne broke apart and her spirit scattered in the temporal rift beneath Melgorehn's Reach. So it could mean little pieces of her are sprinkled all throughout time, or no where at all."
Thadston shrugs at Dergoatean.
Thadston says, "Just a guess."
Speaking to Thadston, Dergoatean says, "I imagine we can work with that."
Speaking softly to Dergoatean, Kisun asks, "Got a broom to sweep it up?"
Speaking quietly to Thadston, Opalina exclaims, "My heart!"
Dergoatean says, "So she is Tilamaires, and also Koaratos, and sometimes never."
Thadston says, "I'm pardoning Casiphia."
Leafiara says, "Wait, just a moment."
Missoni confusedly asks, "Who is that?"
Opalina quietly exclaims, "Oohhh Casi!"
Leafiara asks, "Who made the request? Alendrial, Tykel, Cordarius, Amos, Casiphia, or someone else entirely?"
Thadston says, "Don't worry about it." [to Missoni]
Thadston nods at Missoni.
Speaking to Missoni, Kothos says, "The last Rone."
Speaking to Missoni, Kothos says, "It's a long story."
Speaking thoughtfully to Kothos, Missoni says, "I shall have to hear it sometime."
Speaking to Thadston, Ashrynn asks, "Do you not have some history with the one you are going to pardon?"
Goldstr exclaims, "Cassie sure deserves dat pardon!"
Speaking to Kothos, Missoni says, "In the meantime, I am not worried."
Speaking to Ashrynn, Pukk says, "Bad question to ask."
Thadston says, "A few fishermen did. They work the docks a lot as well. Likely they are Rooks."
Leafiara says, "Ah. That's a relief, then."
Thadston nods at Ashrynn.
Leafiara says, "If it had been Cordarius or Amos, I would have been strongly opposed."
Speaking to Missoni, Kothos says, "I have hope of your strategy, my friend. For many reasons."
Speaking to Missoni, Kothos says, "Not the least of which would be my certainty that Stone has killed or done considerably worse to those I gave shelter to in Her name."
Thadston asks, "Hah, Amos?"
Speaking to Kothos, Pukk says, "Right, what can go wrong? I will probably be a quiet and uneventful evening."
Thadston smirks.
Stormyrain asks, "I am glad she will be pardoned. Will she resume living in the Landing?"
Speaking to Thadston, Ashrynn asks, "Perhaps you should recuse yourself and let the town council take up the matter?"
Thadston says, "The man only cares of one thing."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara agrees, "I know. That's why I would have been opposed if it came from him."
Thadston nods at Stormyrain.
Leafiara grins.
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "His wealth."
Stormyrain says, "Can we expect her in the barracks during training time? These are the questions I have."
Thadston says, "I assume she will. I have not spoken to her." [to Stormy]
Leafiara says, "It would have meant he had some agenda in mind."
Thadston says, "I don't intend to." [to Ashrynn]
Speaking sincerely to Kothos, Missoni says, "I have heard something of that, and I am sorry it happened."
Thadston looks over at Ashrynn and shakes his head.
Geijon whispers something to Kothos.
Stormyrain looks thoughtfully at Thadston.
Thadston says, "There's not an unbiased person in this town."
Thadston nods at Ashrynn.
Thadston shrugs.
The dog wanders over to Nairena and sniffs at her suspiciously for a moment.
Speaking to a lazy wild greyish-black dog, Pukk says, "She's not a tree."
Thadston says, "I'll likely add some..."
Speaking to Thadston, Dergoatean says, "I think the flower girl is pretty close, though."
Thadston says, "Rules to my pardon."
Thadston says, "I don't want her part of the militia anymore."
Stormyrain settles her gaze on Thadston, watching him intently.
Speaking to Missoni, Kothos says, "The pilgrims that traveled here in search of cures for their plagues and curses. Stone took them all, as he said he would. But I do not think he cured them in the way we would find tender."
Thadston says, "She's lost that right."
Leafiara agrees, "Makes sense to me."
Thadston says, "She can live here, she can be free, and she can face as much scrutiny as she deserves...but she shouldn't serve anymore."
Thadston says, "In any capacity."
Thadston says, "I'll likely ban her from militia and any public office."
Stormyrain gets a blank look on her face.
Speaking to Kothos, Missoni says, "Then I hope he shall not be allowed to cure anyone else."
Thadston says, "Unless the next Mayor is dumb and overrides me."
Speaking to Thadston, Delyorik says, "So... you feel that you actually have power here."
Stormyrain folds her arms over her chest.
Thadston says, "I do."
Delyorik says, "Cute."
Geijon says, "May, but you have a year."
Thadston says, "I have two years."
Thadston says, "So settle in."
Dergoatean says, "So did Leafiara."
Speaking to Thadston, Geijon says, "Even I face extreme scruntiny as leader elected."
Speaking to Missoni, Kothos says, "Hence my lending your plan my hope."
Leafiara says, "Well, as long as the paperwork doesn't end you first."
Delyorik says, "It's always cute when people think that they're more than they really are."
Thadston begins chuckling at Leafiara!
Thadston says, "True."
Leafiara winks at Thadston.
Speaking to Kothos, Missoni asks, "When we have it settled, perhaps you will look over it and see if you find any fault?"
Delyorik says, "Trust me, I know."
Asben whispers something to Leafiara.
Speaking quietly to Delyorik, Opalina says, "Im am only as good as you allow me."
Stormyrain evenly says, "I don't know one of us in this room that hasn't done something untoward, in someone's eyes, in defense of the Landing as we wish it to be. I think it is harsh to ban her from restitution in the form of militia service."
Speaking to Missoni, Kothos says, "I would be glad to."
Speaking to Delyorik, Geijon says, "Your jest is not wrong."
Kothos offers Missoni a tincture of tkaro.
Steward Positions
Thadston says, "As of now, I am also maintaining the Steward positions as they are. I will keep Alendrial and Amos in their positions. I will be actively seeking a new Steward of the Guard after the new year."
Missoni accepts Kothos's tincture of tkaro.
Speaking to Geijon, Delyorik says, "I never speak in jest."
Speaking to Missoni, Kothos says, "I made this, if it might be of use. I brewed it with larkspur."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Pukk says, "I'm innocent of any charges..."
Leafiara nods appreciatively at Thadston.
Speaking to Missoni, Kothos says, "It might give you some level of...well, it's a theory, anyway."
Thadston says, "It is harsh."
Thadston nods at Stormyrain.
Thadston says, "But right."
Delyorik says, "But, this isn't my city anymore."
Speaking to Kothos, Missoni says, "Thank you. I will use it well."
Goldstr asks, "Gonna run dem Armigers out a town?"
Leafiara says, "We largely agreed Dunigan couldn't be trusted, so that's a relief to hear."
Pukk whispers something to Leafiara.
Thadston says, "I dislike keeping Amos in a position, but to be honest, right now he has a lot of merchant support. So I'm trying not to be petty."
Pukk whispers something to Leafiara.
Thadston nods at Leafiara.
Delyorik says, "Ya'll ruined this years ago. So, you're stuck with people like Thadston."
Town Councilor Chandrellia just arrived.
Geijon whispers something to Solmarar.
Pukk says, "Chandy's here..."
Pukk says, "Shhhh."
Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Evening Mayor."
Speaking to Delyorik, Stormyrain says, "There's nothing wrong with Thadston as a leader. And that comes from someone who served under him for years."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "Ah, Chandy. So far tonight we've agreed on getting some conversations going about alternatives to help Thrayzar without Stone's help."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Delyorik says, "You're the only one here that I'd actually listen to."
Geijon whispers something to Kothos.
Thadston says, "Thank you Marshall. But pay him no mind. He's wandered from Hearthstone and seems lost."
Thadston smirks.
Stormyrain asks, "He's rough around the edges at times, but who here in the Landing is not?"
Nairena says, "Let that orc remain an orc..."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Has anyone spoken with Akenna lately? I know she and some others were working on somthing."
Nairena says, "I say."
Speaking quietly to Chandrellia, Opalina exclaims, "I've been waitin 6 hours for you!"
Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk says, "You were elected to house all the rage in Thrayzar for us."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "Yeah, we've been reviewing that all night."
Speaking to Delyorik, Stormyrain says, "Thank you for that compliment, Dely."
The Stone Question Revisited
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "... I am curious..."
Geijon says, "We have sought alternatives, as I promised Fahlo."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Delyorik says, "Wasn't a compliment... it's the truth."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Chandrellia says, "Excellent, I havent seen her in a wee bit so I was unable to talk with her."
Speaking sarcastically to Raelee, Pukk exclaims, "You? No!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "... if another method without Stone were undertaken..."
Geijon says, "Perhaps Raelee can comment."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Leafiara says, "It seems like they might actually be close, they just need a bit more of a mental element to find out what Thrayzar wants."
Leafiara tilts her head toward Raelee, examining her intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "... one must assume Stone would be aware and likely interfere."
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain chides, "There's nothing wrong with coming from the porch steps. I'm quite sure there's an imprint of my ass there still."
Speaking softly to Delyorik, Kisun says, "Sometimes the greatest compliment is truth."
Thadston says, "Not the steps."
Thadston smirks.
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee asks, "... does he need to do this? Or does that 'path', as it were, merely need to be opened?"
Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara musingly says, "That's a reasonable point."
Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "He is that determined."
Raelee says, "It is possible that it does not matter, at all, how Thrayzar is cured... only that he is."
Thadston says, "I'm heading back to Moot Hall soon. The clerks are bugging me day and night for a sketch for my office. Absurd."
Geijon says, "Indeed."
Speaking to Raelee, Dergoatean says, "Fair point. One I hadn't thought of."
Speaking quietly to Missoni, Kothos says, "Those pilgrims were Her guests. In Her Temple. Thus, my help is yours. Should you need it."
Speaking to Raelee, Dergoatean says, "Perhaps we end up doing Stone's bidding either way."
Speaking to Thadston, Pukk says, "A sketch of me would do your office wonders."
Thadston says, "But remember, I am open to supporting any alternative, and will throw any resource needed at it."
Delyorik says, "Ya'll pardon me for a moment."
Speaking to Thadston, Nairena says, "That has to be rough."
Speaking to Raelee, Stormyrain says, "He did not say he needed to restore Thrayzar, just that he needed him sane in one of the two forms. You may be correct, Magister."
Kayse repeats, "But no golems."
Speaking to Kayse, Nairena says, "No fun."
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain says, "Raelee has a good point."
Speaking to Thadston, Geijon says, "You know Mayor. I tried that and I bore the backlash of it all."
Thadston says, "I missed it."
Leafiara says, "It is a very reasonable point."
Dergoatean asks, "Remember when we had that Thadstolem for a while?"
Thadston groans at Dergoatean.
Pukk grins at Dergoatean.
Thadston says, "That damn thing."
Pukk says, "I love that."
Speaking to Raelee, Stormyrain asks, "Will you repeat your point, Magister?"
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee says, "Merely that... it is possible Stone only needs to see Thrayzar cured and it does not matter how it is accomplished, whether by his hand or another's."
Thadston says, "To hell with the Kestrels."
Leafiara says, "Counterpoint... it also looks rather bad to work directly with Grishom. You know how rumors circulate around town."
Speaking to Thadston, Dergoatean says, "Now that was a quality golem."
Pukk says, "Thadstolem."
Thadston nods at Raelee.
Speaking softly to Raelee, Chandrellia asks, "What does Stone care if Thrayzar is cured, he seems to want it bad enough, why would he interfere if a different soluton can be obtained with the same outcome?"
Thadston says, "Likely so."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Goldstr says, "I tinks Stone doin it would give hime some kinf a power over Thrayzae, so HE nees to do it."
Leafiara says, "So even if curing Thrayzar in a different way still serves Stone's ends, it might not be as much so."
Thadston says, "So let's just make sure we don't mess it up."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Raelee says, "He may not have to interfere at all. It could be all he requires."
Speaking to Goldstr, Stormyrain says, "If he wished power over Thrayzar he has his blood already and could use it."
Pukk asks, "So are we saying we shouldn't cure him?"
Speaking flatly to Pukk, Stormyrain says, "No."
Geijon says, "Thrayzar is as twisted in origins as Stone ever was."
Pukk asks, "What if Stone wants us to doubt ourselves and decide not to cure him and that is his plan?"
Ashrynn quietly says, "Interesting observation."
Speaking evenly to Pukk, Kayse says, "He needs him too much. Otherwise he wouldn't be pushing to help so badly."
Chandrellia softly says, "I think we leave it up to Thrayzar, its his choice, we are a town of choices, we make bad ones and good ones, but its all about, our, choice, so lets find out if he even wants this cure."
Speaking to Pukk, Dergoatean asks, "What if all he needed was for us to sit around debating for months while he hatched his actual nefarious plot?"
Leafiara asks, "Here's another interesting question: what if Thrayzar's less likely to accept a cure precisely because it comes from Stone?"
Geijon says, "Stone....does not always want payment, he is happy to gain trust and adulation."
Thadston nods at Leafiara.
Speaking to Kayse, Pukk says, "Maybe that is what he wants us to believe."
Speaking to Dergoatean, Pietra exclaims, "Then he came to the right place!"
Speaking to Geijon, Nazarr says, "Tjat."
Missoni simply remarks, "If this Thrayzar wishes to be cured, he ought to be cured. The other variables can be dealt with."
Geijon says, "So this for that is not always true with him."
Thadston says, "Good point. Stone once manipulated Thrayzar, controlled him."
Leafiara nods at Thadston.
Speaking to Geijon, Kothos says, "He seems to suggest that this is settling a score."
Nazarr says, "That's payment in its own way."
Speaking to Leafiara, Perigourd says, "He may not even recognize that he is a danger until after."
Roelon deeply says, "Ye need to figure out why..or what he needs from him. Then keep that sealed away."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Geijon says, "We need to do everything to allow Thrayzar to choose."
Kothos says, "I again posit that there may well be something to stipulates he cannot owe a debt."
Speaking softly to Chandrellia, Kisun asks, "Aye, the choice has to be Thrayzar's choice. Do we as a collection know what is best?"
Pietra asks, "So when is all this going to happen, huh?"
Kisun softly says, "I can't tell you what I would choose given the options."
Geijon asks, "Is free will and choice not everyones opportunity?"
Solmarar darkly says, "If what was observed within the black forest is any indication... blood has already been used, to create what... that is the quetion."
Kayse measuredly remarks, "Having Thrayzar choose was never up for negotiation. I believe as a collective group that was always the point."
Speaking to Geijon, Stormyrain says, "That is step one of Grishom's plan, but Missoni, Akenna, and Raelee have a potential one that eliminates him--though the Magister makes a good point that it may not matter who does it, just that it's done for Grishom's benefit to occur."
Speaking teasingly to Melikor, Kothos says, "Apparently you smell delicious."
Pukk asks, "What if Stone knows we know that he wants us to doubt ourselves about curing him and instead knows that we know that he knows that we know, so we end up curing him and that is his plan?"
Speaking to Kothos, Melikor asks, "Do I now?"
Speaking softly to Geijon, Kisun asks, "Is free will a path a cursed mind can travel?"
Speaking gently to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Try not to think about it too hard, my friend."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Too late."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Geijon says, "For all the virtroil given and directed at me. That was my first plan and everyone gave their all."
Speaking to Pukk, Dergoatean asks, "Well that would be GOOD news, wouldn't it?"
Speaking to Pukk, Leafiara adds, "But you're not wrong that we outmaneuver ourselves sometimes."
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "Too much idle time."
Thadston says, "I'll leave you all to better minds and bigger conversations."
Pukk says, "I have a headache now."
Speaking to Pukk, Dergoatean says, "Except on a full moon, naturally."
Speaking to Thadston, Stormyrain asks, "Do you have a deadline for the decision?"
Speaking softly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Just dont break any windows."
Speaking to Thadston, Geijon says, "It was good to see you."
Thadston says, "Let me know when you've ironed out a plan, and we'll proceed."
Thadston shrugs at Stormyrain.
Speaking to Thadston, Pietra says, "When is this ... ugh."
Speaking pleasantly to Thadston, Missoni says, "It was nice to meet you Mister Mayor."
Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk says, "Thaddy never breaks things."
Falvicar quietly asks, "Dont reckon anybody thought of the possibility that Stone has his own paragons as Raznel did? Maybe that is a bit of stretch but why else would he be so interested in Thrayzar?"
Leafiara says, "Akenna's idea does seem promising with some... minimal adjustments."
Thadston asks, "The sooner the orc is cured, the better, right?"
Dergoatean says, "I'm taking notes tonight - if you ever need to neutralize a mighty warrior, skip disintegrate, and go straight to casting cone of paperwork."
Stormyrain says, "Yes."
Speaking to Missoni, Kothos reassures, "Not that sort of blessing, of course."
Geijon says, "Akenna is exceptional."
Thadston says, "But it shouldn't be rushed either. We need to do this right."
Speaking hesitantly to Thadston, Chandrellia says, "Maybe."
Speaking to Kothos, Missoni agrees, "Not that kind."
Kisun softly says, "Aye, it would be nice to know how long we have to decide a solution- er, a potential solution."
Thadston begins chuckling at Dergoatean!
Speaking to Thadston, Geijon says, "This has long lingered."
Thadston says, "Goodnight everyone."
Geijon says, "And he deserves something."
Mayor Thadston just went east.
Discussion Afterward
Leafiara wishes, "Good night to you--"
Chandrellia softly says, "Night."
Leafiara musingly says, "Well."
Nairena says, "Well that went well."
Pukk says, "I hope he drinks his warm rolton milk. He's getting old and"
Pietra asks, "What even happened?"
Nairena says, "We cure the orc."
Speaking earnestly to Nairena, Leafiara says, "For a Landing meeting, yes."
Nairena says, "I was hoping for some bloodshed and fighting."
Pietra says, "Okay."
Leafiara comments, "Helps that there are no windows to throw people through."
Goldstr says, "Soons dis kin be done wid out Stone, I thinks da better."
Speaking softly to Nairena, Kisun says, "I believe that will happen regardless."
Pukk recites:
"Everybody smooch Pietra"
Missoni worriedly muses, "Do folks often get tossed from windows?"
Pietra says, "Noo."
Dergoatean says, "Good night, good to see you all. Almost all."
Chandrellia softly says, "Only when Thadston is around."
Speaking offhandedly to Missoni, Leafiara explains, "More like a running joke than anything."
Speaking to Pukk, Nairena says, "Opposite night."
Missoni uncertainly says, "Oh. I see."
Two drunken bards wander into the room, arguing about Tonis and loresongs. They throw a few fists, smacking each other around, fighting and causing some minor bloodshed near Nairena. They then chuckle at the sight of their squabble, hug and stumble off towards the exit.