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'''Statistics''' refer to a character's innate physical and mental abilities and aptitude.
'''Stat'''s, or statistics, refer to a character's innate physical and mental abilities and aptitude. These stats are decided at the time of a character's creation. The highest a stat can be is 100, and you are given 640 points to divide between your character's ten stats. Every profession has two primary stats, and these will get an additional 10 each after the 640 initial points. Based on profession and race, stats have an predetermined growth rate, and will increase as the character levels. Stats have a role in many things, with different stats influencing various actions, attributes, spells, etc. Stat placement also significantly influences how many training points a character gets per level.
{{TOC limit|3}}

== Basic Information ==
The ten Stats are:
* [[Strength]] (STR)
* [[Constitution]] (CON)
* [[Dexterity]] (DEX)
* [[Agility]] (AGI)
* [[Discipline]] (DIS)
* [[Aura]] (AUR)
* [[Logic]] (LOG)
* [[Intuition]] (INT)
* [[Wisdom]] (WIS)
* [[Influence]] (INF)

=== Character Stats ===

Your character's ten '''stats''', or development statistics, are broken up into two categories: physical and mental. Discipline and Aura are unusual, in that they are each considered to be both physical and mental.

{| class="wikitable"
! style="background:#F2CEE0; font-size:large" colspan="2" | Physical
! style="background:#F2CEE0" | [[Strength]]
| style="background:#FFF5FA" | Strength is a measure of physical prowess. It affects a character's Attack Strength (AS) with melee weapons as well as the amount of weight a character may carry (encumbrance) before suffering penalties. The Strength Bonus is added directly to a character's AS.
! style="background:#F2CEE0" | [[Constitution]]
| style="background:#FFF5FA" | Constitution is a measure of the physical durability of a character. It helps with disease, critical hits, and affects the maximum number of Health Points a player can receive. It also affects a number of other things including encumbrance and some maneuver checks. Constitution does not affect a character's stun and Health Point recovery rate.

When the Constitution stat increases, it does not automatically increase a character's Health Point total, but will increase the character's Maximum Health Point total. (To actually increase your character's hit points, you must spend points on Physical Fitness.)

To figure Maximum Health Point total, take the Base Health Point Total for the character's race and add their Constitution Bonus.
! style="background:#F2CEE0" | [[Dexterity]]
| style="background:#FFF5FA" | A measurement of a person's hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. This aids in actions requiring precision and deft manipulation, such as picking locks, picking pockets, skinning, and aiming ranged or targeted attacks.
! style="background:#F2CEE0" | [[Agility]]
| style="background:#FFF5FA" | A representation of a person's grace in motion and general nimbleness of body. Actions requiring balance, maneuverability, or quick reactions are based on this attribute. Agility directly affects a character's defensive strength (DS).
! style="background:#E0CEF2; font-size:large" colspan="2" | Hybrid
! style="background:#E0CEF2" | [[Discipline]]
| style="background:#FAF5FF" | Discipline is a measure of a character's force of will, determination and ability to focus on the task at hand. Discipline is used in a wide range of game systems, some of which include determining the total amount of experience that a character can gain before needing to rest, and attempts to resist mental or emotion-based attacks.
! style="background:#E0CEF2" | [[Aura]]
| style="background:#FAF5FF" | A measure of a character's innate connection to the spiritual, mental, and elemental magic that is woven throughout the world of Elanthia. Elemental magic is strongly tied to Aura, and a character's spirit points (SP) are determined based on this stat.
! style="background:#CEE0F2; font-size:large" colspan="2" | Mental
! style="background:#CEE0F2" | [[Logic]]
| style="background:#F5FAFF" | A person's capacity for critical and rational thought, reflecting their ability to reach logical conclusions based on available facts. Logic affects how much experience a character can gain before needing to rest, how quickly a character can absorb that experience, and the ability to activate magical items and scrolls.
! style="background:#CEE0F2" | [[Intuition]]
| style="background:#F5FAFF" | A person's innate or instinctive ability to sense things without conscious deduction or critical analysis. It is distinctively different from Logic in that it refers to the ability to make decisions or leap to conclusions with little or no overt supporting evidence, relying more upon subconscious "hunches." Included in intuition would be what is commonly referred to as a "sixth sense", prescience, perception, and luck.
! style="background:#CEE0F2" | [[Wisdom]]
| style="background:#F5FAFF" | A representation of a person's common sense, pragmatism, ability to draw upon past experiences to evaluate new challenges, and the ability to examine problems and issues from multiple perspectives. Wisdom also represents a person's conscious connection with spirituality. Spiritual magic is strongly tied to Wisdom.
! style="background:#CEE0F2" | [[Influence]]
| style="background:#F5FAFF" | A person's ability to influence others. Some aspects of Influence include leadership, inspiration, persuasion, intimidation, fear, presence, and personal charm or magnetism. Magic or abilities that affect the target's mind or emotions are typically more powerful for casters with a high Influence attribute.

=== Starting Stats and Stat Growth ===

Statistics are assigned at [[character creation]].

Statistics can only increase when your character reaches a new [[level]]. That doesn't mean they will go up every time you train, but that is possible. The rate at which statistics rise is based on [[race]], [[profession]], and variety of other factors.

Players are given 640 points to allocate among their stats, with their profession's two [[prime requisite]]s getting an additional ten points (maximum 100), for a total of 660 points.

''Note: When creating a character through the web interface, the prime requisite points are applied on the creation screen: you will see two of the stats start at 30 instead of 20. When creating a character in a client connection, all the stats start at 20 and the points will be applied after you set all of the stats.''

The {{boldmono|[[INFO]]}} command allows you to see your current stats. {{boldmono|INFO START}} will show how the stats were originally assigned at Level 0.

=== Determining Training Points Based on Stats ===

Training points are determined using the following equations:

{{equation box|[[File:Ptp-formula.gif]]}}

{{equation box|[[File:Mtp-formula.gif]]}}

Note: [[Prime requisite]]s count double wherever they are in the training point equations.

{| class="alternating" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="text-align: center"
! Profession !! Prime Requisites !! [[Mana]] Stat(s)
| Bard || Influence & Aura || Influence & Aura
| Cleric || Wisdom & Intuition || Wisdom
| Empath || Wisdom & Influence || Wisdom & Influence
| Monk || Strength & Agility || Logic & Wisdom
| Paladin || Wisdom & Strength || Wisdom
| Ranger || Dexterity & Intuition || Wisdom
| Rogue || Agility & Dexterity || Aura & Wisdom
| Sorcerer || Aura & Wisdom || Aura & Wisdom
| Warrior || Strength & Constitution || Aura & Wisdom
| Wizard || Aura & Logic || Aura

== Advanced Information ==

=== Raw Stat vs. Bonus ===

Each raw stat has a value from 20 to 100. To take a character's race into account, the raw stat is converted into a '''bonus''' by the following formula:

{{equation box|{{math|Bonus {{=}} ⌊(RawStat - 50)/2⌋ + RaceModifier}}}}

==== Race Modifiers ====

{{Table of Racial Modifiers}}

=== Stat Growth Rate ===

{{main|Statistic growth rate}}

The following charts show the professional baseline values for Stat Growth Intervals along with the racial modifiers. To determine the Stat Growth Interval for any profession and racial combination, simply add the corresponding values from the two tables. The simple rule is that the higher the Stat Growth Interval, the faster the stat will increase. To determine when a stat will increase, apply the following formula:

Divide the Current Value of Stat by the Stat Growth Interval and round down to the nearest integer. If your new level is evenly divisible by this value, then the stat will increase. Stats will not increase beyond 100.

'''''Example''': A 22nd level Dwarven Rogue with an 84 Constitution has a Stat Growth Interval of (Rogue: 20 + Dwarf: 5) = 25. 84/25 = 3.36, which rounds down to 3. Therefore, the Dwarf's Constitution stat will next increase at level 24, because level 24 is the next level after 22 that is evenly divisible by 3.

{| {{prettytable}}
|+ '''Stat Growth Rates by Profession'''
! width=80px | ''Profession''
! width=80px | [[Strength]] || width=80px | [[Constitution]] || width=80px | [[Dexterity]] || width=80px | [[Agility]] || width=80px | [[Discipline]]
! width=80px | [[Aura]] || width=80px | [[Logic]] || width=80px | [[Intuition]] || width=80px | [[Wisdom]] || width=80px | [[Influence]]
|- align = center
| '''[[Bard]]''' ||25||20||25||20||15||25||10||15||20||30
|- align = center
| '''[[Cleric]]''' ||20||20||10||15||25||15||25||25||30||20
|- align = center
| '''[[Empath]]''' ||10||20||15||15||25||20||25||20||30||25
|- align = center
| '''[[Monk]]''' ||25||25||20||30||25||15||20||20||15||10
|- align = center
| '''[[Paladin]]''' ||30||25||20||20||25||15||10||15||25||20
|- align = center
| '''[[Ranger]]''' ||25||20||30||20||20||15||15||25||25||10
|- align = center
| '''[[Rogue]]''' ||25||20||25||30||20||15||20||25||10||15
|- align = center
| '''[[Sorcerer]]'''||10||15||20||15||25||30||25||20||25||20
|- align = center
| '''[[Warrior]]''' ||30||25||25||25||20||15||10||20||15||20
|- align = center
| '''[[Wizard]]''' ||10||15||25||15||20||30||25||25||20||20

{| {{prettytable}}
|+ '''Stat Growth Rate Racial Modifiers'''
! width=80px | ''Race''
! width=80px | [[Strength]] || width=80px | [[Constitution]] || width=80px | [[Dexterity]] || width=80px | [[Agility]] || width=80px | [[Discipline]]
! width=80px | [[Aura]] || width=80px | [[Logic]] || width=80px | [[Intuition]] || width=80px | [[Wisdom]] || width=80px | [[Influence]]
|- align = center
| '''[[Aelotoi]]''' ||0||-2||3||3||2||0||0||2||0||-2
|- align = center
| style="white-space: nowrap;" | '''[[Burghal Gnome]]''' ||-5||0||3||3||-3||-2||5||5||0||0
|- align = center
| style="white-space: nowrap;" | '''[[Dark Elf]]''' ||0||-2||5||5||-2||0||0||0||0||0
|- align = center
| '''[[Dwarf]]''' ||5||5||-3||-5||3||0||0||0||3||-2
|- align = center
| '''[[Elf]]''' ||0||-5||5||3||-5||5||0||0||0||3
|- align = center
| '''[[Erithian]]''' ||-2||0||0||0||3||0||2||0||0||3
|- align = center
| style="white-space: nowrap;" | '''[[Forest Gnome]]''' ||-3||2||2||3||2||0||0||0||0||0
|- align = center
| '''[[Giantman]]''' ||5||3||-2||-2||0||0||0||2||0||0
|- align = center
| style="white-space: nowrap;" | '''[[Half-Elf]]''' ||2||0||2||2||-2||0||0||0||0||2
|- align = center
| style="white-space: nowrap;" | '''[[Half-Krolvin]]''' ||3||5||2||2||0||-2||-2||0||0||-2
|- align = center
| '''[[Halfling]]''' ||-5||5||5||5||-2||0||-2||0||0||0
|- align = center
| '''[[Human]]''' ||2||2||0||0||0||0||0||2||0||0
|- align = center
| '''[[Sylvankind]]''' ||-3||-2||5||5||-5||3||0||0||0||3

=== Stat Usage ===

Statistics and their bonuses are a factor in many formulas, with different stats influencing various [[verb|actions]], attributes and [[spell]]s, as well as a character's [[Attack Strength|AS]], [[Casting strength|CS]] and [[Defensive strength|DS]]. In addition, the raw values for the statistics also significantly influence how many [[training point]]s a character is allocated each level.

Below is a summary of all the statistics. Here, each statistic is listed with its type, professions for which it is a prime statistic and the main systems affected by that particular statistic.

{{What Stats Do Table}}

=== Maximum Statistic Bonuses (Non-enhanced) ===

Each race has a maximum non-enhanced stat bonus when the stat reaches a value of 100. This table displays those maximum values.

''Note: It is not possible without [[Enhancive item|enhancives]] for any race, at level 100, to have a 100 value in each stat.''

{{Max Racial Bonus Table}}

<section begin=references />
*[[Statistic growth rate]]
*[[Character_creation#Stats|Statistics in Character Creation]]
*[ Stats, on]
*[ Gemstone IV Stat Cruncher] - helps determine optimal stat placement for maximum training points (Nitefallz's cruncher updated for monks)
*[ Hymore's GemStone IV Character Planner (Beta)] - new as of March 2015
*[[Training Spreadsheet|Kithus's Updated (2022) Training Spreadsheet]]
*[ Stat/TP Growth Calculator]<section end=references />

[[Category:Statistics]] [[Category:New Player]] [[Category:Character Mechanics]]

Latest revision as of 15:41, 8 November 2023

Statistics refer to a character's innate physical and mental abilities and aptitude.

Basic Information

Character Stats

Your character's ten stats, or development statistics, are broken up into two categories: physical and mental. Discipline and Aura are unusual, in that they are each considered to be both physical and mental.

Strength Strength is a measure of physical prowess. It affects a character's Attack Strength (AS) with melee weapons as well as the amount of weight a character may carry (encumbrance) before suffering penalties. The Strength Bonus is added directly to a character's AS.
Constitution Constitution is a measure of the physical durability of a character. It helps with disease, critical hits, and affects the maximum number of Health Points a player can receive. It also affects a number of other things including encumbrance and some maneuver checks. Constitution does not affect a character's stun and Health Point recovery rate.

When the Constitution stat increases, it does not automatically increase a character's Health Point total, but will increase the character's Maximum Health Point total. (To actually increase your character's hit points, you must spend points on Physical Fitness.)

To figure Maximum Health Point total, take the Base Health Point Total for the character's race and add their Constitution Bonus.

Dexterity A measurement of a person's hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. This aids in actions requiring precision and deft manipulation, such as picking locks, picking pockets, skinning, and aiming ranged or targeted attacks.
Agility A representation of a person's grace in motion and general nimbleness of body. Actions requiring balance, maneuverability, or quick reactions are based on this attribute. Agility directly affects a character's defensive strength (DS).
Discipline Discipline is a measure of a character's force of will, determination and ability to focus on the task at hand. Discipline is used in a wide range of game systems, some of which include determining the total amount of experience that a character can gain before needing to rest, and attempts to resist mental or emotion-based attacks.
Aura A measure of a character's innate connection to the spiritual, mental, and elemental magic that is woven throughout the world of Elanthia. Elemental magic is strongly tied to Aura, and a character's spirit points (SP) are determined based on this stat.
Logic A person's capacity for critical and rational thought, reflecting their ability to reach logical conclusions based on available facts. Logic affects how much experience a character can gain before needing to rest, how quickly a character can absorb that experience, and the ability to activate magical items and scrolls.
Intuition A person's innate or instinctive ability to sense things without conscious deduction or critical analysis. It is distinctively different from Logic in that it refers to the ability to make decisions or leap to conclusions with little or no overt supporting evidence, relying more upon subconscious "hunches." Included in intuition would be what is commonly referred to as a "sixth sense", prescience, perception, and luck.
Wisdom A representation of a person's common sense, pragmatism, ability to draw upon past experiences to evaluate new challenges, and the ability to examine problems and issues from multiple perspectives. Wisdom also represents a person's conscious connection with spirituality. Spiritual magic is strongly tied to Wisdom.
Influence A person's ability to influence others. Some aspects of Influence include leadership, inspiration, persuasion, intimidation, fear, presence, and personal charm or magnetism. Magic or abilities that affect the target's mind or emotions are typically more powerful for casters with a high Influence attribute.

Starting Stats and Stat Growth

Statistics are assigned at character creation.

Statistics can only increase when your character reaches a new level. That doesn't mean they will go up every time you train, but that is possible. The rate at which statistics rise is based on race, profession, and variety of other factors.

Players are given 640 points to allocate among their stats, with their profession's two prime requisites getting an additional ten points (maximum 100), for a total of 660 points.

Note: When creating a character through the web interface, the prime requisite points are applied on the creation screen: you will see two of the stats start at 30 instead of 20. When creating a character in a client connection, all the stats start at 20 and the points will be applied after you set all of the stats.

The INFO command allows you to see your current stats. INFO START will show how the stats were originally assigned at Level 0.

Determining Training Points Based on Stats

Training points are determined using the following equations:


Note: Prime requisites count double wherever they are in the training point equations.

Profession Prime Requisites Mana Stat(s)
Bard Influence & Aura Influence & Aura
Cleric Wisdom & Intuition Wisdom
Empath Wisdom & Influence Wisdom & Influence
Monk Strength & Agility Logic & Wisdom
Paladin Wisdom & Strength Wisdom
Ranger Dexterity & Intuition Wisdom
Rogue Agility & Dexterity Aura & Wisdom
Sorcerer Aura & Wisdom Aura & Wisdom
Warrior Strength & Constitution Aura & Wisdom
Wizard Aura & Logic Aura

Advanced Information

Raw Stat vs. Bonus

Each raw stat has a value from 20 to 100. To take a character's race into account, the raw stat is converted into a bonus by the following formula:

Bonus = ⌊(RawStat - 50)/2⌋ + RaceModifier

Race Modifiers

Table: Statistic Bonus Modifiers By Race - edit
Race Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Aelotoi -5 0 +5 +10 +5 0 +5 +5 0 -5
Burghal Gnome -15 +10 +10 +10 -5 +5 +10 +5 0 -5
Dark Elf 0 -5 +10 +5 -10 +10 0 +5 +5 -5
Dwarf +10 +15 0 -5 +10 -10 +5 0 0 -10
Elf 0 0 +5 +15 -15 +5 0 0 0 +10
Erithian -5 +10 0 0 +5 0 +5 0 0 +10
Forest Gnome -10 +10 +5 +10 +5 0 +5 0 +5 -5
Giantman +15 +10 -5 -5 0 -5 -5 0 0 +5
Half-Elf 0 0 +5 +10 -5 0 0 0 0 +5
Half-Krolvin +10 +10 0 +5 0 0 -10 0 -5 -5
Halfling -15 +10 +15 +10 -5 -5 +5 +10 0 -5
Human +5 0 0 0 0 0 +5 +5 0 0
Sylvankind 0 0 +10 +5 -5 +5 0 0 0 0

Stat Growth Rate

Main article: Statistic growth rate

The following charts show the professional baseline values for Stat Growth Intervals along with the racial modifiers. To determine the Stat Growth Interval for any profession and racial combination, simply add the corresponding values from the two tables. The simple rule is that the higher the Stat Growth Interval, the faster the stat will increase. To determine when a stat will increase, apply the following formula:

Divide the Current Value of Stat by the Stat Growth Interval and round down to the nearest integer. If your new level is evenly divisible by this value, then the stat will increase. Stats will not increase beyond 100.

Example: A 22nd level Dwarven Rogue with an 84 Constitution has a Stat Growth Interval of (Rogue: 20 + Dwarf: 5) = 25. 84/25 = 3.36, which rounds down to 3. Therefore, the Dwarf's Constitution stat will next increase at level 24, because level 24 is the next level after 22 that is evenly divisible by 3.

Stat Growth Rates by Profession
Profession Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Bard 25 20 25 20 15 25 10 15 20 30
Cleric 20 20 10 15 25 15 25 25 30 20
Empath 10 20 15 15 25 20 25 20 30 25
Monk 25 25 20 30 25 15 20 20 15 10
Paladin 30 25 20 20 25 15 10 15 25 20
Ranger 25 20 30 20 20 15 15 25 25 10
Rogue 25 20 25 30 20 15 20 25 10 15
Sorcerer 10 15 20 15 25 30 25 20 25 20
Warrior 30 25 25 25 20 15 10 20 15 20
Wizard 10 15 25 15 20 30 25 25 20 20
Stat Growth Rate Racial Modifiers
Race Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
Aelotoi 0 -2 3 3 2 0 0 2 0 -2
Burghal Gnome -5 0 3 3 -3 -2 5 5 0 0
Dark Elf 0 -2 5 5 -2 0 0 0 0 0
Dwarf 5 5 -3 -5 3 0 0 0 3 -2
Elf 0 -5 5 3 -5 5 0 0 0 3
Erithian -2 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 3
Forest Gnome -3 2 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 0
Giantman 5 3 -2 -2 0 0 0 2 0 0
Half-Elf 2 0 2 2 -2 0 0 0 0 2
Half-Krolvin 3 5 2 2 0 -2 -2 0 0 -2
Halfling -5 5 5 5 -2 0 -2 0 0 0
Human 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Sylvankind -3 -2 5 5 -5 3 0 0 0 3

Stat Usage

Statistics and their bonuses are a factor in many formulas, with different stats influencing various actions, attributes and spells, as well as a character's AS, CS and DS. In addition, the raw values for the statistics also significantly influence how many training points a character is allocated each level.

Below is a summary of all the statistics. Here, each statistic is listed with its type, professions for which it is a prime statistic and the main systems affected by that particular statistic.

What Stats Do (Sortable Table)
Statistic Type Prime Main Systems
Strength Physical Monk, Paladin, Warrior Melee AS, Ranged RT, Encumbrance,
Constitution Physical Warrior Hitpoints, Encumbrance, Disease, Criticals
Dexterity Physical Ranger, Rogue Spell Aiming, Ranged AS, Melee RT, Picking Locks, Disarming Traps, Critical weighting, Ambushing, Skinning
Agility Physical Monk, Rogue Melee RT, Physical DS
Discipline Hybrid N/A Experience Pool
Aura Hybrid Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard Elemental CS, Elemental TD, Spirit, Elemental Mana
Logic Mental Wizard Experience Pool, Experience absorption, Mental CS
Intuition Mental Cleric, Ranger Detecting Traps
Wisdom Mental Cleric, Empath, Paladin, Sorcerer Spiritual CS, Spiritual TD, Spiritual Mana
Influence Mental Bard, Empath Trading, Mental mana

Maximum Statistic Bonuses (Non-enhanced)

Each race has a maximum non-enhanced stat bonus when the stat reaches a value of 100. This table displays those maximum values.

Note: It is not possible without enhancives for any race, at level 100, to have a 100 value in each stat.

Maximum Racial Bonus With 100 Stat (Sortable Table)
Race Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence Total
Aelotoi 20 25 30 35 30 25 30 30 25 20 270
Burghal gnome 10 35 35 35 20 30 35 30 25 20 275
Dark elf 25 20 35 30 15 35 25 30 30 20 265
Dwarf 35 40 25 20 35 15 30 25 25 15 265
Elf 25 25 30 40 10 30 25 25 25 35 270
Erithian 20 35 25 25 30 25 30 25 25 35 275
Forest gnome 15 35 30 35 30 25 30 25 30 20 275
Giantman 40 35 20 20 25 20 20 25 25 30 260
Half elf 25 25 30 35 20 25 25 25 25 30 265
Half krolvin 35 35 25 30 25 25 15 25 20 20 255
Halfling 10 35 40 35 20 20 30 35 25 20 270
Human 30 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 25 25 265
Sylvankind 25 25 35 30 20 30 25 25 25 25 265


Statistics - edit
Physical: Strength | Constitution | Dexterity | Agility
Hybrid: Aura | Discipline
Mental: Logic | Intuition | Wisdom | Influence
Statistic growth rate