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Decay Timer 13 minutes
Spirit Regeneration 1 per 4 min, ×2 on node
Height 5' to 5.5', 6' max
Weight 100 to 300 lbs.
Languages Common, Krolvin

Half-Krolvin most often wear their heritage in their bodies, an undeniable badge of identification. Most half-krolvin have pale skin, but their skin tones are within the range considered "normal" on a human, except that they often support a blue or blue-grey tinge, as on a human who has been overexposed to the cold. They also tend to be hairier than the average human, and much hairier than the average elf. Many half-krolvin tend to have disproportionately long arms ending in long hands with elongated fingers and swollen-looking knuckles.

Often the elegance and delicacy of their fingers is remarked on, along with some comment as to how the swollen knuckles mar the beauty of the hand. Also, in profile it becomes apparent that the foreheads of half-krolvins tend to slope backward into the hairline and they often have a concave chin shape. The most obvious attribute that is used to prove half-krolvin heritage is a hair growth from the top four vertebrae of the spine. This is obviously easy to cover with clothing in most circumstances, but can be construed as damning evidence if a being's heritage is called into question for having krolvin blood.

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Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
+10 +10 0 +5 0 0 -10 0 -5 -5

For statistic growth rates by profession, see List of statistic growth rates#Half-Krolvin.

Other Characteristics
Spirit Regeneration 1 per 4 min Decay Timer 13 min
Max Health 165 Base Regeneration 2
Weight Factor 1 Encumbrance Factor 1.1
Maneuver Bonus Average Elemental TD 0
Spiritual TD 0 Mental TD 0
Sorcerer TD 0 Poison TD 0
Disease TD ??

Half-Krolvin take less damage from cold attacks as if they wore heavy critical padding. This bonus will stack with any other modifiers that apply (e.g., armor).



Glaoveln, a volcanic island off the northwestern coast of Elanith, is a well-known krolvin stronghold. From Glaoveln, krolvin raiding fleets have launched periodic raids on many human settlements along the coast, often taking slaves back to the island.

Krint and the Klinastes

Many of the half-krolvin known to northwestern Elanith originated from the icy colony of Krint, where the krolvin slaver Krintaur interbred krolvin with humans and giantmen for his personal army. In time, the half-krolvin banded into organized clans, known as klinastes, and overthrew their masters. The original bloodlines are still viewed with pride by the Pla'dush gno Krint, who see themselves as having the best of both heritages, compared to the half-krolvin from elsewhere known as the Pla'dushte gno Krol.

The Krinti worship the traditional gods of the krol, foremost of whom is the Three-Faced God Khar'ta, ruler of the oceans. Each klinast also has its own patrons.

The Half-Krolvin Klinastes
a simple, stylized sword
Largest and most power-hungry of the klinastes, Gob'tak favors able fighters with strong muscles and quick reflexes. Most Gob'tak have a martial background and make fine Warriors, Rogues and even Paladins. Many are extremely militant or violent in their dealings with others.
a stylized wave
The seafaring klinast, Rafi'kaes are wanderers and explorers. They have a deep bond with the icy lands and nearly freezing ocean waters. Rafi'kaes revel in their partial immunity to the rigors of cold inherited from their Krolvin side. Since most of its members prefer to be off exploring new shores or sailing the distant seas, this klinast never gained much power or members. Rafi'kaes are often Rangers or elemental magic users.
a starburst
Secretive and elusive, Hos'tau houses those with the inclination to learn magical skills. Though most prefer to work with elemental magic, there are those delve within the other various facets of magic. Members often seek privacy and do not have many tight knit relationships within their klinast. Rangers, wizards, sorcerers and the extremely rare savant are most commonly found in Hos'tau.
a square inscribed in a circle
Builders and crafters, Lar'toth klinast is formed from those of more artistic temperament. Generally more intelligent than others, Lar'toth are called upon when new buildings and outposts are needed. They are regarded with a strange mixture of respect for their abilities and disdain for their distinctly non-violent interests. Lar'toth draw members of any profession who feel a strong calling for craft.
a stylized leaf
Smallest of the klinastes, Swu'lin is comprised of those who feel drawn to helping others or who have a spiritual calling be it martial or nature bound. Empaths, clerics, monks and the occasional paladin, ranger or bard can claim allegiance to the Swu'lin klinast.

The Northlands

Smaller krolvin colonies can be found along the coast, administered from Glaoveln. The Krinti have also expanded to the north, hoping to find and free others of their people. Burzte and Onnalak are notable Krinti colonies located northwest of Icemule Trace.

The Archipelago

A series of tropical islands including Dekhat and Kakhan, the Archipelago was claimed by a krolvin flotilla about a hundred and fifty years before present day. A Turamzzyrian sailing vessel that had been blown off course arrived at Kakhan in 4884, where they were accepted by the local krolvin leader. The Archipelago is populated today by a mix of krolvin, human, and half-krolvin.


On the Isle of Kraet, a half-krolvin culture arose from a blending of krolvin and reiver traditions. Having established themselves long before the Krinti uprising, the Kraet eschew the term "Krinti", feeling little connection with tribes that did not originate on the Isle of Kraet. They believe themselves the first and most high, having arisen from the best parts of krolvin and man. Fiercely proud warriors, they train nearly from birth, their childhood games specifically skewing toward developing coordination and agility at an early age. Neither do they allow their minds to atrophy, for they share their forebears' love for the arts and philosophy.


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{verb} set {standard/culture}


  • Untargeted
  • Targeted

BRISTLE <self> You turn your head slightly and tense up, forcing the hair on your body to go stiff.
BRISTLE <target> You bristle at (target).
BRISTLE ANXIOUS You glance around, bristling with anxiety.
BRISTLE EXCITED You bristle with excitement!
BRISTLE HAPPY You give a bright yelp of laughter and bristle with happiness.
BRISTLE IMPATIENT You bristle impatiently.
BRISTLE NERVOUS You bristle nervously.
BRISTLE PROUD You hold yourself in dignified silence, bristling with pride.
BRISTLE SATISFIED You stretch slowly, bristling with satisfaction.
BRISTLE SLEEPY You stretch lazily, bristling as you suppress a yawn.
BRISTLE SMUG You bristle smugly.
ROAR ANGRY You bare your fangs and roar angrily!
ROAR HUNGRY Pointing to your mouth, you roar hungrily!
ROAR LOUDLY You take a deep breath and level a deafening roar!
ROAR PAIN Wincing with pain, you let out a roar!
ROAR TRIUMPH You throw back your head and let loose with a roar of triumph!
ROAR FEAR Quivering in fear, you let out a tentative roar!


Half-Krolvin - edit
Famous Half-Krolvin:
Races - edit