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Category:Shield Specializations

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Shield Specialization is a maneuver system under the Player System Manager similar to Combat Maneuvers for warriors, rogues, and paladins. Each rank in Shield Use provides one Shield Training Point, which can be used to train in various shield-based abilities and attacks. The SHIELD verb provides access to this system.

A character may not devote more than one (1) Shield Training Point per level to a single skill.


The SHIELD verb is used to train in and activate Shield Specializations. The various skills can be trained via SHIELD LEARN. Skills may be unlearned via SHIELD UNLEARN, and the lists of skills to learn can be viewed via SHIELD LIST. SHIELD HELP {Specialization} provides detailed information on each of the skills.

USAGE: SHIELD {specialization} {target} or
       SHIELD [option] {args}

  LEARN {specialization}    - Spend Shield Specialization Training Points for specializations
  UNLEARN {specialization}  - Unlearn specializations known to you for Shield Specialization Training Points
  LIST {type} [extra]       - List specializations by type
                            - {type} can be ALL, 
                            - Any profession (or PROFESSION itself) may be included at the end
  INFO                      - Displays your current specialization training info
  FORCERT                   - Toggles requiring FORCERT during roundtime (currently: OFF)
  HELP {specialization}     - List information about the selected specialization
  WIKI {specialization}     - Show Wiki output for the selected specialization
  WIKILIST                  - Show Wiki list output for specializations

Note: {specialization} references above require use of the specialization mnemonic.

List of available Shield Specializations