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Revision as of 21:20, 10 October 2016 by ZHOUY1 (talk | contribs) (Added region descriptions to hunting chart.)
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Ta'Illistim map by Allereli
Ta'Illistim Keep
Ta'Illistim Embassies

Ta'Illistim, also known as the Shining City, is a city-state situated in the foothills east of the Dragonspine Mountains. It is one of the five major states that comprise the Elven Nations. Founded in the year -49,107 by Linsandrych Illistim, the city is the seat of power of the House of Illistim and remains one of the foremost centers of scholarship on Elanith. It is presently ruled by Argent Mirror Myasara.



For the full list of city shops including temporary merchants, see Ta'Illistim Shops.


Weapons and Armor

Adventuring Supplies

Clothing and Jewelry

Food and Drink



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Area Level Range
Yegharren Plains 13-22
Masked Hills 14-27
Located at the edge of the lush valley of Ta'Illistim, the Masked Hills are a prime example of how the harsh and the pristine can coexist in beautiful natural harmony. At the base of the foothills, the lush Emerald Forest is budding with life and is a popular destination for hunters and gatherers of all types. Game animals and vegatation are abundant, and it is within a short distance from the safety of Ta'Illistim. Further up the foothills, the vegatation slowly gives way to the harsh beauty of the Gorget Trails, with its breath-taking views of the lush valley below and its glimpses of the majestically imposing rock spires of the upper mountains. These rock spires, pounded out of the mountains by the unceasing gales of the upper regions, are true testament to awesomely destructive, yet creative power of nature.

Rumors: Although the region is a testament to nature's power, a mysterious dark temple rumored to be located near the Masked Hills appears to draw visitors based on the all-too-mortal power of greed.

Teorainn Dale 28-33
The stunning beauty of the great coniferous trees in this region is reason enough to visit this far away nature haven. With young yew, haon and the distinctive sap of the tanik, one can easily get lost in the endless wonders and peaceful harmony of the land.

Rumors: Nature isn't always so kind. Travelers should watch our for trolls and other forest creatures when visiting.

Wraithenmist 28-36
Few adventurers dare to travel within the dark and strangely quiet forest known as Wraithenmist. North of the Sylvarraend Road and not far from Ta'Illistim, the forest reaches northward to the banks of the Lake of Shadowed Sorrows. Here within the mists and moss, even the lowly lichen becomes a threat along with the echoes of what once was.

Rumors: Long past, a dark and spiteful evil touched the forest and it was forever cursed with shadow.

Black Moor 34-42
Blocks Transference
Gyldemar Forest 37-50
Seethe Naedal 40-48
Located high in the rocky foothills behind Ta'Illistim, Seethe Naedal is a hiker's dream come true. Accesible only via a rough hiking trail that winds its way up the thickly treed rocky crags, the upper lookout points are often only visited by intrepid rangers and other nature lovers. However, all travellers to Ta'Illistim should take in the splendid panaramic views of city and its lush home valley that Seethe Naedal offers.

Rumors: According to local lore, the hot springs nestled in the cracks of the foothills can cause even the weariest of souls to forget the burdens of everyday life and appreciate the simple joys of rest and relaxation.

Gyldemar Green 43-46
Gossamer Valley 52-56
Not far west of Whistler's Pass lies a mountain trail and valley covered in glacial ice. At first glance, you might believe they named this harsh frozen valley 'Gossamer' because it's anything but. However, with careful observation, the truth of it becomes clear that they were referring to the delicate and tenuous grasp of life that manages to cling to unforgiving land.

Rumors: Not all of the ice around the valley can be trusted to sit still and stay cold. Creatures in the form of ice and slush threaten travelers almost as much as the weather.

Blighted Forest 59-60
Dark and twisted, the Blighted Forest welcomes no one and few find reason to seek it out. Consumed by black branches, brambles and all manner of wooden obstructions, it is generally more of a challenge to move ten feet without encountering some obstacle than it is to survive the deadly vipers and ogres that make their home within.

The elves of old were said to banish criminals to this forest instead of jail them. Modern times have seen an end to such a cruel punishment.

Red Forest 60-83
Temple Wyneb 66-70
Spell burst, blocks Transference
Griffin's Keen 64-73
Spell burst, blocks Transference
Maaghara Tower 75-78
Blocks Locate Person, Transference
Old Ta'Faendryl 82-100
Spell burst


The following storyline NPCs were provided by GM Valyrka in July 2016.

NPC Status Notes
Aeriadrn active Seneschal of Ta'Illistim Keep
Aertinus active Captain of the Sapphire Guard
Ardtin Greyvael active during formal court events She is a member of the Council of Thrones. She is elderly, as far as elves go, and has a strong sense of propriety. She has a fondness for glimaerstones. She is a former Argent Mirror. She encouraged Myasara to marry and then to hand over control of Ta'Illistim to the council while in mourning.
Calysen active Court musician/dance master
Caylio Javilerre dead He is a Teacher of Lore, with a focus on the archaeology of the Arkati. He prefers to be in the field, rather than in an office or lecture hall. He died at the hands of an assassin hired by his sister Hycinthia immediately after his wedding vows to the Mirror were recited. his death was an accident.
Chalat Greyvael dead He was the First Couturier of the Argentate, murdered by Hycinthia
Clessar Ryvvuel active Chalat Greyvael's apprentice.
Gasen Nellereune active Page in the royal household, wishes to be a Sapphire Guard. Wants to be squire to Commander Murstyr
Gelynne Greyvael active Niece to Chalat, orphaned and came to live with him. Talented jeweler.
Hyacinthia dead Tried to assassinate Argent Mirror Myasara. She murdered her brother Caylio in prime. Her father Commander Murstyr beheaded her at the command of the Mirror.
Mivae Avelleur active Wine Steward
Myasara active Current Argent Mirror, head of House Illistim
Nessina Javilerre infrequent Former handmaiden to the Mirror, all handmaidens were dismissed.
Nualina Greyvael infrequent Former handmaiden to the Mirror, all handmaidens were dismissed.
Tanyela Chesylrae infrequent Former handmaiden to the Mirror, all handmaidens were dismissed.
Murstyr Javilerre active Lord Commander of the Sapphire Guard


Elf - edit
Great Houses:
Major Settlements:
The Founders:
Famous Elves: