The official GemStone IV encyclopedia.
Attack Attributes
Physical Attacks
Mining pick |
Offensive Spells & Abilities
AS Booster |
This somewhat orc-like looking humanoid creature is surrounded with an eerie white glow and appears to be transparent. An abundance of excessively wrinkled skin and long bushy grey eyebrows serve to make spectral miner appear ancient.[1]
Hunting strategies
The best strategy for hunting spectral miners is to stance dance for all professions and hunting styles except CS-casting ones, although stance dancing may be good for them too depending on the spells use. Miners have a really low DS for their level and are always in offensive stance when genned. Many professions also have quite an easy time uphunting them if they are very cautious to not get caught in offensive stance when a miner uses its AS-boosting ability.
Other information
Spectral miners have an AS booster, which doesn't happen that often, that can raise their AS much higher for one swing. Here is an example of it:
A spectral miner eyes flare with evil red light!
A spectral miner swings a mining pick at you!
AS: +326 vs DS: +229 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +96 = +224
... and hits for 44 points of damage!
Right hand smashed into a pulpy mass.
You are stunned for 1 rounds!
Note: The bolded and italicized text is what shows when the spectral miner uses the ability.
Near-level creatures - edit