The official GemStone IV encyclopedia.
Attack Attributes
Physical Attacks
531 AS
A tattooed gigas berserker is a hulking brute of a gigas, standing more than four times the height of a man and with the immense muscle mass to match. His vast biceps are ringed with intricate tattoos in auroral colors: glacial blues and flashfire greens that are bright enough to have been stolen from cut jewels. The rest of him is unlovely, from his matted beard to the look of murder in his bulging eyes.
Hunting Strategies
- General Advice
- Berserkers are square creatures in fairly light armor, so players of semis and pures can take advantage of low TD and CvA by casting CS-based offensive spells.
- Bards
- By destroying berserkers' weapons, Vibration Chant (1002) stops many of the most threatening things they can do and sometimes kills them outright.
- Wizards
Other Information
- Arrival messaging
A tattooed gigas berserker barrels in, bellowing a mad battlecry that shakes the ground with its intensity!
A tattooed gigas berserker charges in, madness twisting his features.
- Death messaging
A tattooed gigas berserker's fists tense with impotent rage as she surrenders to death.
- Search messaging
Creeping decay races across a tattooed gigas berserker's prone form, swiftly consuming the body despite its colossal size.
Near-level creatures - edit