Ethereal triton psionicist

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Ethereal triton psionicist
Level 103
Family Triton family creatures
Body Type Biped
Classification(s) non-corporeal undead
Area(s) Found Atoll
HP 240
Attack Attributes
Physical Attacks
Unarmed combat 390 UAF AS
Bolt Spells
Telekinesis (1206) 365 AS
Astral Spear (1408) 365 AS
Warding Spells
Thought Lash (1210) 448 CS
Vertigo (1219) 448 CS
Mindwipe (1225) 448 CS
Mana Burst (1414) 457 CS
Defense Attributes
Studded Leather (natural) ASG 11N
Defensive Strength (DS)
Melee ?
Ranged ?
Bolt ?
Unarmed Defense Factor
Target Defense (TD)
Bard Base ?
Cleric Base ?
Empath Base ?
Paladin Base ~380
Ranger Base ?
Sorcerer Base 447 to 480
Wizard Base ?
Minor Elemental 485 to 498
Major Elemental ?
Minor Spiritual 435 to 457
Major Spiritual ?
Minor Mental ?
Defensive Spells
Empathic Focus (1109)
Strength of Will (1119)
Intensity (1130)
Iron Skin (1202)
Foresight (1204)
Mindward (1208)
Blink (1215)
Premonition (1220)
Other Unique Abilities
Treasure Attributes
Coins Yes
Gems Yes
Magic Items Yes
Boxes Yes
Skin None
Other ?
An ethereal triton psionicist scowls about the area, her unsubstantial bluish skin rippling like waves across the ocean.  Her tongue flickers out, pierced by a tiny atoll crab, and barnacles encircle each muscular arm.  Sigil-carved shell rings adorn each finger, and a broken ivory trident dangles from an intangible coral belt.

Hunting Strategies

This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Combat Messaging

Unarmed Combat
The triton psionicist attempts to jab you!
The triton psionicist has decent positioning against you.
  UAF: 390 vs UDF: 886 = 0.440 * MM: 52 + d100: 59 = 82
  A close miss!
Telekinesis (1206)
An ethereal triton psionicist points a clawed finger toward you!
An ethereal triton psionicist levitates a sizeable stone at you!
  AS: +365 vs DS: +859 with AvD: +43 + d100 roll: +3 = -448
   A clean miss.
Thought Lash (1210)
An ethereal triton psionicist points a clawed finger toward you!
A crackling whip of energy lashes out at you!
Your magical awareness grows more acute for an instant!
  CS: +448 - TD: +403 + CvA: +5 + d100: +98 == +148
   ... 25 points of damage!
   Hard blow to chest knocks you back and winds you.
   You are knocked to the ground!
   You are stunned for 7 rounds!
The residual psychic energy from the attack surrounds you.
Vertigo (1219)
An ethereal triton psionicist points a clawed finger toward you!
A black ball full of pinpoints of light forms before the psionicist.  It quickly grows in size until she unleashes the dark cloud before her and the dark cloud instantaneously spreads throughout the entire area!

The starry void envelops you!
  CS: +451 - TD: +383 + CvA: -5 + d100: +55 == +118
You are pulled against your will into the void!  The world around you instantly disappears!  An open expanse of black broken by tiny pinpoints of light surrounds you as you tumble about in empty space.  Amorphous nebulae of pink, blue, purple and green swirl passed as you writhe around with nothing to hold onto.  Finally, after what seems like an eternity, you are yanked back to the familiar world of Elanthia.  Apparently, no time has elapsed since your departure as you find yourself staring at the scene you left earlier.  The only souvenirs from your journey are a sick feeling in your stomach and a powerful sense of vertigo.
Mindwipe (1225)
An ethereal triton psionicist points a clawed finger toward you!
  CS: +448 - TD: +363 + CvA: +5 + d100: +80 == +170
You suddenly feel very drained and confused as your memories slip away.
[You lose 6 levels!]
Astral Spear (1408)
An ethereal triton psionicist projects a thin spear of nacreous light at you!
  AS: +365 vs DS: +859 with AvD: +43 + d100 roll: +6 = -445
   A clean miss.
Mana Burst (1414)
An ethereal triton psionicist points a clawed finger toward you!
The very fabric of reality surrounding you fluctuates wildly!
  CS: +457 - TD: +382 + CvA: +15 + d100: +94 == +184
Chaotic force distorts the air with a sudden, resonant pulse!
   ... 30 points of damage!
   Bones shatter in your leg!
   You are knocked to the ground!
   You are stunned for 6 rounds!
The air ripples with translucent color and collapses inward!
   ... 35 points of damage!
   Bones in right arm shatter violently leaving behind a bloody stump!
Radiant fans of violet and cerise erupt with searing violence!
   ... 25 points of damage!
   A raw, red hole is drilled in your chest by a powerful bolt!
With a last convulsive shiver, the mana weave settles.

Other Information

You see a fairly typical triton psionicist that is lying down.
She appears to be in good shape.
She has nothing at this time.
A spiraling array of particles begins to form and swirl together, forming an ethereal 
triton psionicist!
An ethereal triton psionicist just arrived.
An ethereal triton psionicist heads north.
You hear a sound like a child weeping as a white glow separates itself from the triton psionicist's body and rises into the heavens.
The triton psionicist's face begins to hideously contort as ribbons of essence begin to wend away from her and into nothingness!

Other Messaging

An ethereal triton psionicist chants in an incomprehensible language, causing streams of dim grey energy to lash about her hands.

Near-level creatures - edit
Level 101 Level 102

Level 103

Level 104 Level 105

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