Magna vereri

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Magna vereri
Level 72
Family Ghost family creatures
Body Type Biped
Classification(s) Corporeal undead
Area(s) Found Den of Rot
Attack Attributes
Defense Attributes
None ASG 1
Defensive Strength (DS)
Unarmed Defense Factor
Target Defense (TD)
Bard Base
Cleric Base 290-301
Empath Base
Paladin Base
Ranger Base
Sorcerer Base
Wizard Base
Minor Elemental
Major Elemental
Minor Spiritual
Major Spiritual
Minor Mental
Treasure Attributes
Magic Items
Skin None
A horrific magna vereri is the animated corpse of a woman, twisted into a perverse parody of beauty.  Glowing white eyes glare out of a face whose cheeks are rouged with streaks of blood, and the lips are bloated and red around needle-like teeth.  The obscene curvature of her body is at odds with her skeletal limbs, which are little more than bones clad in pale blue-grey corpseflesh.  The vereri's movements are jerky and uneven as she totters around, driven by feral rage.

Hunting strategies

The Vereri like to use tackle often, sometimes back to back to back. However their attack is a claw attack, if you have the DS and are warding it may be easier to stay prone and ward them rather than standing up and risking stuns or RT lock from continuous tackles. If you do stay prone be mindful of the other creatures lurking about.

Adventurer's Guild Tasks

Other information

Behind the Scenes

"Nedum vereri" is Latin, and it has a double meaning. "Nedum" is a conjunction meaning both "still less" and "much more", while "vereri," the passive infinitive form of "vereor," means "to be revered/respected" or "to be feared." Thus, their name means both "still less to be respected" (alluding to their mysterious fall from grace as priestesses) and "much more to be feared." Their scripted messaging plays off the second meaning, with the priestesses soothing and calming you, saying you have no reason to fear them, yet they can transform into a grotesque form that causes you to bolt in terror, and when they ward you, it paralyzes you with fear. They are somewhat telepathic, knowing your name on sight.

Near-level creatures - edit
Level 70 Level 71 Level 72 Level 73 Level 74
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