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Ashes to Ashes - 2022-03-19 - Mind Over Splatter (log)
Charlatos 19-20, 5122
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the TownCrier
Mayor Thadston gathers everyone in Moot Hall for some business. First, the Landing's newest Councilor is... Pukk, with 32 votes over Sairai's 30, Vaemyr's 14, and Pals' 3!
Next, Thadston commends the Knuckleheads, Pookia and Sevanya, for expert work with the mobile ballista towers the night before in the krolvin invasion.
Afterward, Thadston praises everyone for turning the krolvin back the night before and inquires about details on what happened when they took Xorus. He says the halfling mentalist tried to extract information from his mind, but after discovering that it was an exercise in futility as he has magical guards on his mind, they went back to Tyrrax to determine a different approach. Furthermore, he does not know where the formula is and does not believe Praxopius intended on sending it.
With Tyrrax's fleet sure to return, and given that nobody knows what they're looking for or in whose hands as it regards the formula, town defenders spend the next couple of hours developing contingency plans and conclude:
- Casiphia and the Rooks have trapped the entrance to Burrow Way at the Black Sands against the krolvin, but can't defend against their portals.
- Leafiara and Xorus raise the possibility that Octaven has the formula, so Thadston will have her things rifled through.
- In response to Arianiss' question about the kidnapped citizens, Thadston says scouts are looking to determine the forces remaining and where the citizens are, numbering 26. Groups will be prepared to rescue them when the ships return.
- Two schools of thought arise regarding what to do about the krolvin portal abilities. One is to prevent their usage, to which end Thadston is having the Archmage Pherantyr look into assisting against the krolvin portals, but wishes Pylasar were here. Leafi suggests Ayred and Raelee reminds Thadston that he has the Hall of Mages unless he's trying to avoid Octaven. He says she's in league with Amos, so he'd rather not go to her and asks Raelee to work on something; she proposes using the bone pillars to build a network similar to Solhaven's wardstones. Leafi suggests consulting with Ta'Vaalor, where they have protection against teleportation, and Arianiss proposes asking the Icemule town council for a favor as they've had dealings with Vaalor.
- The second thought comes from Lylia, who suggests instead guiding how the krolvin use their portals by presenting areas outside of town as softer targets but in reality are well fortified. Thadston asks whether there's a way to let the portals open but not close and Raelee says it's possible, a form of magical wedge in a door.
- Thadston asks if it's possible to set a trap in someone's mind to disable or kill Kharusa, the captive halfling woman who's probing people, and suggests using Lylia as bait since she's the closest person to Xorus. Some agree this is a good idea while others want to attempt to rescue Kharusa as a possible ally with inside information on the krolvin operations. Xorus notes that the krolvin intended to kill him when they couldn't get information from him, but the halfling, who had said she was sorry and didn't want to do what she was doing, told them to release him and they listened.
- Xorus raises the question of whether there were any notes Casiphia found with the Rone gauntlets, but Thadston says no; Xorus suggests the notes could be in a case whose significant wasn't recognized and Thadston says he could find the location of Praxopius' pylon ships that returned to Idolone.
- Kayse questions whether removing Kharusa will cause the krolvin to attack more violently, but Thadston says they'll likely grow more desperate regardless because Tyrrax will need to bring results to prevent rebellion against him.
Greeting Mayor Thadston
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a golden brown coyote, the Drazaa disk, the translucent Nairena disk, the Vrem disk, a plain brass trunk, the palm frond-shaped Leafiara disk, the Yabon disk, a ham and gruyere cheese scone, the Tayler disk, a metal wand, a wiregrass bracelet, the Stormyrain disk, a jam-filled blackberry cookie, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, the Xylador disk, an ivy-covered white monir tower, a mistwood serving cart with some stuff on it, some wide stone benches with some stuff on it, an herbal remedy donation bin and a round silver-banded barrel.
Also here: Drazaa, Lady Nairena, Pietra, Bernadette, Kayse, Lord Gregnal who is sitting, Stormicore, Vrem, Pukk, Town Councilor Leafiara, Yabon who is sitting, Topps, Delyorik, Sevanya, Pookia, Draend who is kneeling, Lord Tayler, Stormyrain, Great Lord Xylador, Seider
[General] Thadston thinks, "Evening."
[General] Lylia thinks, "Good evening to you."
[General] Stormyrain thinks, "Evening, Mayor."
Pukk recites:
"Everybody join Leafiara!"
Leafiara says, "Thadston's about, it seems."
[General] Bernadette thinks, "Good eve Mayor."
[General] Kayse affably thinks, "Fair evening, Mayor."
[General] Goldstr thinks, "Hail Mayor."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "Eve."
[General] Pietra thinks, "Oh, hi."
Gregnal says, "I tried. But I can't stand."
Nairena says, "This should be interesting."
Speaking slowly to Gregnal, Stormyrain asks, "Do you not realize that you..are one?"
[Realm] Kothos thinks, "Good evening, Mayor Thadston."
Speaking to Pietra, Pukk exclaims, "Join Leafi!"
Speaking to Stormyrain, Gregnal says, "Oh lords..."
[General] Riend thinks, "Mayor? I certainly have missed a few things."
Speaking to Stormyrain, Xylador says, "Some wear titles."
Gregnal asks, "Am I?"
Delyorik says, "Ya'll have fun with that."
[General] Thadston thinks, "I'll be in the Moot Hall Assembly Room. We've some business to discuss."
[General] Pookia exclaims, "Heyyo!"
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "I heard you the first forty times."
Leafiara says, "Moving to Moot Hall shortly."
Leafiara says, "Join and we'll head along in ten seconds."
Sir Geijon just arrived.
Delyorik says, "Oh, well... in that case..."
Speaking to Delyorik, Nairena says, "I think it will be."
Speaking to Geijon, Pukk says, "Took you long enough to get here."
Leafiara says, "Five seconds..."
Delyorik recites:
"If you want to know the things, join Leafi now."
Leafiara concludes, "And moving."
Gregnal says, "As long as I'm not getting dragged to vote."
Speaking to Gregnal, Leafiara says, "You're not."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Lesh grab a good sheat."
Delyorik says, "Shut up and join."
Pietra yells, "Guts!"
[Moot Hall, Assembly Room]
In this large assembly room meetings are convened to deal with the affairs of the town, and the locals hold their religious and social events. There is ample room for benches, long tables and other furnishings befitting special occasions. Sconces for torches, chandeliers holding many candles, and broad windows impart a warm, friendly glow of good fellowship to this space. You also see a louvered door, a double door and some wooden benches.
Also here: Goldstr, Kayse, Mayor Thadston
Geijon, Drazaa, Nairena, Pietra, Bernadette, Gregnal, Pukk, Delyorik, Sevanya, Pookia and Tayler followed.
Tayler says, "I can't vote, Rivers Rest citizen, we're the be..."
Speaking to Goldstr, Pukk exclaims, "Sir AmIRight!"
Speaking to Thadston, Goldstr says, "Evenin Sir Andrews."
Thadston says, "Evening."
Gregnal says, "Oh good. Stormy is here."
Speaking to Thadston, Delyorik says, "Long time, no see. I've been busy."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "For those wondering, the Moot Hall assembly room is through the double door once inside."
[General] Leafiara thinks, "We're, well, assembling now."
Speaking to Raelee, Kothos asks, "She has my nature down pat, doesn't she?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Thadston didja git me mail?"
Tayler says, "Missed you during the fighting."
Tayler nods at Thadston.
Fulmen asks, "Did we get all the stormcrows last night?"
Gregnal says, "There's no tree to lean against here."
Gregnal says, "I'm lost."
Speaking to Gregnal, Delyorik says, "You're in the Landing."
Gregnal asks, "Am I?"
Speaking drunkenly to Pietra, Gutstorm slurs, "Got loesh shtem? Kayse kicked me and now me neck bleedin."
Gregnal asks, "But no tree?"
Gregnal says, "I need a tree."
Speaking to Gregnal, Delyorik says, "That's west of here."
Tayler says, "There's a mantle."
Lylia explains, "It was a high kick."
Tayler says, "Nevermind."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Nairena asks, "Did you deserve to get kicked?"
Gregnal points at Nairena.
Gregnal says, "She'll do."
Gregnal leans softly against Nairena.
Lylia says, "We saved you a seat."
Kayse move to Gutstorm's side and carefully lays her sliver of sunstone upon Gutstorm's brow. As Kayse closes her eyes, you notice a slight glow seeping from beneath where her hand touches Gutstorm's skin.
Kayse lifts the sliver of sunstone from Gutstorm's skin.
Gregnal says, "I swear.. dark elves are so strange."
Speaking drunkenly to Kayse, Gutstorm slurs, "Hehe dat tickle."
Speaking to Melikor, Kothos says, "You still look composed and handsome as ever, after your whirlwind of murder last night."
Kayse put a copper-hued sliver of sunstone in her oval vanity case.
Kayse removes a round-cut pale red spinel from in her oval vanity case.
Speaking to herself, Kayse murmurs, "One of these work."
Thadston says, "Heard the krolvin whale ate you alive, and spit you back out."
Thadston nods at Xorus.
Speaking to Kothos, Melikor says, "Yes, well."
Speaking to Gregnal, Lylia says, "Now that is a comment that bears further explanation."
Speaking to Lylia, Gregnal says, "Someday, to be sure."
Speaking drunkenly to Kayse, Gutstorm slurs, "Me fergib ye."
Xorus says, "More than it could chew."
Speaking to Xorus, Kothos asks, "Is that what we're calling what happened to you and your over-sized brain?"
Lylia says, "It seems they dislike the taste of their own doom."
Speaking to Thadston, Delyorik says, "So... let's hear it."
Speaking dryly to Gutstorm, Kayse says, "Can't have your neck bleeding if I wasn't the one to cause it."
Thadston says, "Xorus is a bit on the gamey side."
Thadston smirks.
Xorus says, "I do enjoy my games."
Speaking to Nairena, Gregnal says, "I'm still missing some legs."
Xorus smirks.
Delyorik says, "Well, we knew that."
The gargoyle atop Gutstorm's gargoyle necklace looks condescendingly at Xorus and mutters, "That dark skin way too pretty... wishes he had nice, blotchy skin like the Dread Lord's..."
The gargoyle atop Pukk's gargoyle earring looks disdainfully at Thadston and mutters, "So ugly with same-size eyes... wishes he was more like the Dread Lord..."
Speaking to Gregnal, Nairena says, "You are not bleeding I hope."
Gutstorm cackles at Pukk!
Xorus scoffs.
Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia murmurs something you don't understand.
Thadston says, "This ain't your circus, it's mine. I'll say when it's time."
Thadston nods at Delyorik.
Gregnal says, "I am not."
Speaking to Gregnal, Tayler says, "How joyus, you can experience the world from a halflings point of view."
Thadston smirks.
Speaking to Gutstorm, Melikor says, "Didn't see you last night."
Thadston twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved.
Speaking drunkenly to Melikor, Gutstorm slurs, "Me wash pashed out."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Melikor asks, "Were you guarding the tavern?"
Speaking to Thadston, Delyorik says, "You're still cute. I like it."
Speaking to Nairena, Gregnal asks, "Just a bit of help, when the moment arises?"
The Landing's Newst Councilor Is...
- Thadston says, "First order of business, it's time we find out who our next councilor is.";;;
Speaking to Thadston, Kothos says, "Most recoil from the aftertaste of ozone."
Lylia whispers something to Kothos.
Thadston clears his throat.
Thadston winks at Delyorik.
Gregnal says, "Wait."
Thadston says, "Let's see..."
Gregnal asks, "Is this a government thing?"
Thadston looks over some ledger.
Speaking to Gregnal, Leafiara says, "Might not be for long."
Speaking drunkenly to Leafiara, Gutstorm whispers aloud, "Me not know Thadston kin read."
Geijon says, "And this is how he approaches good news."
Speaking flatly to Gutstorm, Kayse says, "I am sorry I healed you now."
Fulmen says, "Mayor means 'paperwork' in old Dwarven. It's why no one wants the job. Brewing or smithing now, that's a profession."
Speaking to Kothos, Melikor asks, "And what does he smell like?"
Thadston recites:
"Pals...with 3 votes. Vaemyr with 14 votes. Sairai with 30 votes...and Pukk with 32 votes. Congratulations Pukk, welcome to the Wehnimer's Landing Town Council. "
Speaking to Fulmen, Delyorik says, "No doublt."
Pukk lets out a cheer!
Pookia snaps her fingers.
Delyorik coughs.
Kayse applauds Pukk.
Leafiara turns to Pukk and cheers!
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Wow close!"
Pietra gazes lovingly at Pukk.
Gregnal asks, "Did I vote for Pukk?"
Pietra gives Pukk a lingering kiss.
Kothos applauds Pukk.
Drazaa applauds Pukk.
Bernadette applauds Pukk.
Fulmen says, "Close."
Nairena applauds Pukk.
Gregnal glances at Pukk.
Pukk says, "Oh wait."
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra exclaims, "Honey!"
Speaking to Pukk, Delyorik says, "I voted for you."
Sevanya grumbles.
Geijon nods.
Pukk struts about.
Melikor applauds Pukk.
Fulmen applauds Pukk.
Goldstr applauds Pukk.
Nairena whistles at Pukk!
Pukk says, "I knew I was going to win."
Speaking warmly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "Nice work, my friend."
Pukk breaks out in a sweat.
Leafiara chuckles.
Lylia applauds Pukk.
Pukk lets out a cheer!
Pookia bitterly exclaims, "Close!"
Gregnal says, "I suppose I might have."
Pookia ducks her head.
Stormyrain applauds Pukk.
Gregnal coughs.
Speaking to Melikor, Kothos says, "Like the ashes left behind by lightning strike."
Goldstr says, "Was close der."
Lylia says, "I knew it would be you."
Speaking to Pukk, Delyorik says, "Oh, well if you're going to be cocky about it..."
Pookia applauds Pukk.
Pukk bows respectfully, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground.
Pukk says, "Thank you."
Bernadette softly says, "Congrats Jester."
Lylia smiles at Pukk.
Speaking to Pukk, Stormyrain says, "Congratulations."
Gregnal grins at Pukk.
Pukk says, "I am honored."
Bernadette nods at Pukk.
Speaking to Pukk, Geijon says, "Congratulations. Good puns last eve too."
Leafiara grins at Pukk.
Speaking to Pukk, Kothos asks, "How does it feel to be the establishment?"
Pukk grins.
Speaking dryly to Pukk, Tayler says, "Congratulations on your paperwork."
Speaking to Pukk, Melikor says, "Excellent, congratulations."
Leafiara snickers at Kothos.
Tayler grins at Pukk.
[General] Stormyrain exclaims, "Congrutulations to the Landing's newest Councilor: Pukk!"
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra exclaims, "Of course you won, love. You're right, you know!"
Stormyrain folds her hands behind her back.
Gregnal glances at Stormyrain.
Gregnal points at Stormyrain.
Speaking to Pukk, Kothos says, "Congratulations."
Kothos smiles.
Pukk says, "Now I can take over...I I can work with the mayor on issues."
Gregnal says, "She's not happy, I don't think."
Pukk nods slowly.
Gregnal nods.
Thadston says, "Now clean yourself up."
Thadston nods at Pukk.
Pukk grins.
Speaking to Pukk, Delyorik says, "I expect my town perks to be implemented immediately."
Thadston says, "Time for your balls to drop boy."
Gregnal grins.
Tayler arches one eyebrow at Thadston in an expression of sardonic amusement.
Delyorik giggles.
Tayler asks, "Why?"
Pukk exclaims, "I took a bath last month!"
Speaking to Pukk, Fulmen says, "For the first order o' business, the forges need stronger coal, so we can smelt krolvin armor down into somethin' useful."
Leafiara wryly says, "Good luck with that one."
Goldstr laughs!
Pookia breaks out in a silly grin.
Nairena begins chuckling at Thadston!
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Pukk got ballsh?"
Drazaa gazes in amusement at Thadston.
Speaking to Pukk, Melikor says, "I expect you'll keep the rest of the council on their toes."
Stormyrain clears her throat.
Sevanya stares at Thadston.
Pietra grins at Fulmen.
Speaking to Thadston, Kothos asks, "Are you going to make him take his vitamins, too?"
Pookia hoots with laughter!
Gregnal coughs.
Speaking softly to Pukk, Bernadette says, "Dis means more baths."
Fulmen says, "Bit difficult, but workin' with bad materials is good practice for better things."
Pookia clears her throat.
Bernadette nods at Pukk.
Commendation for the Knuckleheads
Thadston asks, "Now who are the heck are knuckleheads?"
Speaking to Melikor, Pukk says, "You know I will."
Melikor nods at Pukk.
Sevanya raises her hand.
Pukk groans at Bernadette.
Leafiara says, "Pookia and Sevanya here."
Stormyrain smiles.
Pookia flails her arms about.
Gutstorm points at Pookia.
Pookia flails her arms about.
Stormyrain folds her hands behind her back.
Pookia points at herself.
Sevanya yells, "KNUCKLEHEADS FOR LIFE!!!"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Pookia a knucklehead."
Pookia points at Sevanya.
Speaking to Pukk, Gregnal says, "Come by. I'll provide a bath and a shave."
Sevanya coughs.
Kayse gets a blank look on her face.
Speaking to Leafiara, Melikor asks, "Well, what do you think?"
Pukk chuckles.
Pookia awkwardly exclaims, "Thats me! thats us!"
Aurien says, "If not on their toes at least holding their nose."
Stormyrain whispers something to Thadston.
Pookia yells, "Knuckleheads forever!!!"
Bernadette softly says, "Dey doin good stuffs."
Speaking knowingly to Melikor, Leafiara agrees, "He always kept us on our toes even before."
Sevanya turns to Pookia and cheers!
Pookia tickles Sevanya into laughing.
Stormyrain agrees with Bernadette.
Bernadette points at Pookia.
Geijon turns to Sevanya and cheers!
Leafiara gives an approval gesture with her hand.
[General] Walton exclaims, "Way to go Pukk welcome to the real world!"
Pookia appears to be struggling to keep a straight face.
Sevanya flashes a toothy grin.
Bernadette turns to Sevanya and cheers!
Delyorik says, "I don't so much mind the Knuckleheads. They're fun."
Pookia beams!
Bernadette turns to Pookia and cheers!
Kayse gazes in amusement at her surroundings.
Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia asks something you don't understand.
Thadston bows to Pookia.
Speaking to Nairena, Gregnal says, "Still just us parenting that tree, I suppose. Even with new council members."
Thadston bows to Sevanya.
Pookia proudly exclaims, "Were also useful!"
Pookia nods once.
Pookia nods curtly.
Thadston says, "Well met. I heard good things."
Leafiara adopts an agreeable expression.
Bernadette softly says, "Dey kin be on me loggin team anytime."
Sevanya stands up.
Sevanya curtsies.
Bernadette nods at Thadston.
[General] Pietra exclaims, "Pukk's right, you know!"
Sevanya sits down.
Stormyrain grins at Bernadette.
Pookia stands up.
Leafiara grins at Bernadette.
A haughty smirk flits across Pookia's lips as she dips into a graceful, yet mocking curtsy.
Speaking in Faendryl, Gregnal asks something you don't understand.
Pookia sits down.
Pookia flashes a wide grin at Sevanya.
Speaking in Faendryl, Kothos says something you don't understand.
Speaking to Gregnal, Nairena says, "I think we should see other people..."
Sevanya snickers at Pookia.
Delyorik says, "Might have to make the Knuckleheads an MHO."
Gregnal says, "Well, I suppose if you want to co-parent with others.."
Speaking to Gregnal, Nairena says, "Split the tree in half."
Pookia's jaw drops.
Speaking in Faendryl to Gregnal, Lylia says something you don't understand.
Thadston nods at Stormyrain.
Pookia exclaims, "House of the knuckleheads!"
Sevanya nods at Delyorik.
Delyorik winks at Sevanya.
Delyorik says, "I'd join."
Delyorik shrugs.
Pookia exclaims, "We got a logo worked out and everything... a giant head yellin... covered in knuckles!"
Pookia nods once.
Pookia nods at Sevanya.
Sevanya turns to Pookia and cheers!
Sevanya exclaims, "Exactly!!"
Speaking in Faendryl, Kothos says something you don't understand.
Speaking in Faendryl to Lylia, Gregnal says something you don't understand.
Fulmen says, "Alright, now back t' sleep in the forge."
Delyorik says, "No."
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "I love you, babe. Please don't make me shake hands with people."
Arianiss's group just came through a double door.
Speaking in Faendryl, Kothos says something you don't understand.
Speaking to Pietra, Pukk says, "Deal."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Itsh kishin handsh and shakin babiesh."
Speaking to Arianiss, Delyorik asks, "Late to the party again?"
Speaking to Pietra, Pukk says, "See, I'm making deals already."
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra exclaims, "Yay!"
Speaking in Faendryl, Gregnal asks something you don't understand.
Speaking to Pietra, Nairena says, "You are the woman of an important political figure. Even you have acquired new duties." >chuc
Speaking to Delyorik, Fulmen says, "Forges are the best place t' sleep. Warm, cleaned by apprentices, a soothing rhythm in the air, and a pleasant bit of cologne when ye wake up."
Pookia appears to be struggling to keep a straight face.
Pookia whispers something to Sevanya.
Speaking to Nairena, Pietra says, "No."
Speaking in Faendryl to Lylia, Kothos says something you don't understand.
Recounting Last Night
Thadston says, "Now, you all did well last night. We turned them back for now."
Speaking to Fulmen, Delyorik says, "Go to bed."
Thadston says, "As always, they'll be back."
Speaking in Faendryl, Gregnal says something you don't understand.
Thadston asks, "What'd they do on the ship?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Xorus.
Fulmen says, "Next time, we break the ballistae and thwack them with it."
Speaking to Thadston, Nairena says, "Actually. They left on their own."
Xorus says, "The halfling mentalist tried to extract what they wanted to know from my mind."
Gregnal asks, "We did well last night?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Didja crack like an egg?"
Xorus says, "She soon discovered that was an exercise in futility."
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra exclaims, "To Pukk, Mister Town Councillor!"
Tayler says, "I watched Helga take out four stormcrows with one bowl of stew."
Kothos asks, "Why didn't they kill you, or take you to their leader?"
Gregnal asks, "No?"
Thadston asks, "And why didn't your head explode like the rest?"
Kothos says, "As the saying goes."
Speaking to Gregnal, Drazaa responds, "The town stands still."
Thadston grins at Delyorik.
Speaking to Gregnal, Nairena says, "Many dead."
Delyorik says, "Dead people are fun... I just don't like raising people anymore."
Speaking to Nairena, Gregnal says, "I tried keeping up with healing. Until I was gutted by pirates. Twice."
Speaking to Gregnal, Kothos says, "We had competent defenders and a decent triage going."
Kothos says, "However..."
Thadston peers quizzically at Xorus.
Thadston asks, "Krol got your tongue?"
Kothos says, "There are at least some citizens who were captured by the kral."
Speaking to Pukk, Delyorik says, "Jinx."
Kothos says, "Taken through the portals."
Xorus says, "I have been doing this kind of thing for many years, they realized I have magical guards on my mind and it would not be a fruitful approach."
Thadston says, "I see. Well, good for us then."
Xorus says, "They went back to their warlord and will have to decide how to approach this differently."
Gregnal asks, "Magical guards on a mind? Does such a thing exist?"
Speaking to Gregnal, Stormyrain says, "Yes."
Speaking in Elven, Arianiss asks something you don't understand.
Gregnal says, "Oh."
Thadston says, "Except they'll keep just coming back. Shame, without the mental voodoo, they'd just see you didn't have the recipe."
Speaking to Gregnal, Delyorik says, "It's basically called being dumb."
Lylia admits, "I am not entirely sure why they turned away, but my theory is that, combined with the impenetrability of Xorus' mind and the staunch defense of the town, they realized their mistake."
Gregnal says, "Well, pretend I don't drink too much, then."
Pookia says, "Sounds like somethin people accuse me of when i blurt stuff out."
Thadston says, "To think maybe you could have let them in and this would be over."
Speaking to Gregnal, Stormyrain says, "Many of us utlize that as a part of our normal defenses."
Thadston shrugs.
Casiphia steps out from the crowd.
Lylia asks, "Let them in?"
Pietra whispers something to Kayse.
Casiphia says, "It would not end that simple Mayor."
Xorus says, "It would be a double edged sword."
Casiphia says, "They always, always come back."
Thadston glances at Casiphia.
Speaking to Stormyrain, Gregnal asks, "Is this true? Weaponized dumbness?"
Thadston nods at Casiphia.
Thadston sternly says, "Casi."
Speaking to Casiphia, Kothos says, "No. There's still the matter of who else knows what."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Ye two shtill datin?"
Gutstorm glances between Casiphia and Thadston.
Thadston glances at Gutstorm.
You notice a vein pulsing in Thadston's forehead.
Pietra pinches Gutstorm!
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Ow."
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "Your time with the Ithzir, Thadston, should remind you why it is not wise to just 'let them in.' You may be left with a gift, as you were...or you may have had something taken away."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "That is NOT your business."
Kothos says, "Believe it or not, people have other value besides who they bed. And that's an Ivasian saying that."
Gregnal says, "He said it."
Thadston nods at Lylia.
Thadston says, "Fair enough."
Speaking to Kothos, Lylia says, "Indeed. Imagine that."
Thadston says, "I didn't truly expect Xorus to be an open book to them."
Speaking to Lylia, Kothos says, "Takes all kinds."
Speaking to Gregnal, Delyorik says, "Imagine me saying things. Hehe."
Thadston says, "They'd likely learn a hundred more dangerous things in his mind."
Thadston smirks.
Lylia says, "And if he were, imagine trying to read it without a glossary."
Speaking to Xorus, Pietra asks, "So you have this information, then?"
Speaking to Thadston, Kothos says, "Imagine what else they'- yes, exactly."
How to Proceed
Thadston moves to stand in front of Xorus.
Xorus says, "Precisely."
Thadston asks, "Do you know where the recipe is?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Xorus.
Speaking to Pietra, Pukk says, "Amos has the recipe. He just doesn't want to tell Xorus."
Xorus says, "Unfortunately, I do not."
Vaemyr whispers something to Leafiara.
Casiphia says, "I think he has stated he has not."
Speaking to Thadston, Ycelacie says, "I have a question."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Can we torcher Xorus to shee if he tellin da troof?"
Vaemyr whispers something to Leafiara.
Kayse indifferently counters, "Amos doesn't have the formula."
Speaking to Ycelacie, Delyorik says, "Oh."
Xorus says, "I do not believe Praxopius ever intended on sending it to me, with his two year delay and announcing it publicly."
Thadston says, "I like to see people's eyes when they're telling me something. I've learned to read them better, to know when someone is lying to me."
Thadston nods at Casiphia.
Speaking to Ycelacie, Delyorik asks, "Did you figure out the answer to my question?"
Speaking to Casiphia, Pietra says, "I was positively overwhelmed with joy that my love Pukk is now Town Councillor."
Leafiara whispers something to Vaemyr.
Thadston says, "Call it...practice. Lots of it."
Thadston glances at Casiphia.
Casiphia sighs.
Kothos says, "Praxopius lived in the Landing, long ago, before all of this."
Speaking to Delyorik, Ycelacie asks, "Your question?"
Arianiss whispers something to Aethyra.
Speaking quietly to Pietra, Beldannon asks, "Ugh really?"
Speaking drunkenly to Kayse, Gutstorm whispers aloud, "Dey yooshed ta date."
Speaking to Ycelacie, Delyorik says, "In Solhaven."
Thadston peers quizzically at Ycelacie.
Gregnal says, "This just sounds like a lot of healing to come."
Kothos asks, "Could there have been another person he'd have trusted enough to send this to?"
Thadston asks, "What's your question?"
Xorus says, "Two years would be ample time for the krolvin to regroup and tie up a loose end. I have not forgotten Praxopius' minion wanted to kill me."
Speaking to Ycelacie, Delyorik says, "When you said you'd tell me later."
Ycelacie nasally says, "Two."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Kayse mouths, "I know."
Casiphia whispers something to Pukk.
Ycelacie nasally says, "Well two."
Speaking to Kayse, Gregnal asks, "Any more of that whiskey?"
Speaking to Ycelacie, Delyorik says, "Wrong answer."
Speaking drunkenly to Kayse, Gutstorm slurs, "Me will take a rum."
Thadston says, "Spit it out."
Thadston nods at Ycelacie.
Speaking to Gregnal, Kayse informs, "Ask the cart in the square."
Speaking to Kothos, Lylia says, "I also knew Praxopius, at least somewhat; I do not know that any lived to whom he would have sent the formula."
Speaking affectedly to Kayse, Pietra says, "You are not everyone's bartender."
Speaking to Pietra, Delyorik says, "But I am."
Leafiara says, "His assistant Snout is one possible person. Xorus' recent letter also mentioned an inferred connection to Octaven, which seems plausible to me, but we're still stabbing in the dark a bit here, as it were."
Speaking drunkenly to Pietra, Gutstorm slurs, "Hey yoo shtay out dish."
Xorus glances at Leafiara.
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "Brat."
Speaking curiously to Thadston, Ycelacie asks, "First what do you know about the Hall of Mages involvement in this; and second where is Amos?"
Speaking annoyedly to Gutstorm, Kayse says, "I am not a server, get it your damn self."
Lylia says, "Which hardly means it is impossible. We had a professional relationship, so I was no confidante."
Speaking drunkenly to Kayse, Gutstorm slurs, "Ye broke me leg when ye kicked, no wak."
Casiphia says, "When, not if, but when the krolvin return, the Rooks will ensure our tunnels are secure. Fortunately, they did not learn of the entrance along the Black Sands, but in the event they do next time, we have it heavily trapped against them and will keep it protected. It does little against their portals however."
Lylia says, "I would not have known his friends or family."
Speaking to Lylia, Kothos says, "You managed the fleet construction."
Xorus says, "Praxopius was dead a year before the blight. But Octaven has obvious motives since then for wanting to acquire such knowledge."
Thadston nods at Leafiara.
Speaking to Casiphia, Pietra says, "That sounds very smart."
Lylia says, "A cordial professional relationship."
Speaking to Lylia, Kothos says, "And led the assault upon Glaoveln."
Xorus says, "If Praxopius did send it to me magically, she likely could have intercepted it."
Thadston says, "Octaven seems a good as place to begin. I'll have her things riffled through."
Speaking to Casiphia, Aurien says, "The Rooks seem well organized."
Speaking to Casiphia, Pukk says, "Pietra roamed the tunnels making sure of that too."
Raelee squints at Thadston.
Lylia sighs, "Glaoveln..."
Speaking to Lylia, Kothos says, "I think he valued your pragmaticism."
Lylia says, "I should have done more."
Thadston shrugs at Ycelacie.
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "And the sands. I was either in water, sand or underground almost all night."
Thadston says, "Hall of Mages? No idea. Amos, out of town it seems."
Thadston says, "Maybe he went south to nurse his wounded pride since I replaced his goon."
Speaking to Lylia, Pietra says, "You did the best you could with the information you had at the time."
Raelee slowly asks, "... you are going to search through Octaven's chambers in the Outpost?"
Ycelacie inquisitively asks, "Pride, where?"
Thadston says, "I'll have someone poke around."
Thadston nods at Raelee.
Delyorik asks, "Pride. Do you even know what that means?"
Delyorik cocks his head at Ycelacie.
Kayse remarks, "He went to oversee a shipment himself. Trystama relayed this information yesterday."
Thadston peers quizzically at Kayse.
Thadston asks, "A shipment of what?"
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Prolly da recipe."
Speaking nonchalantly to Thadston, Kayse says, "That's his business not mine."
Speaking to Nairena, Gregnal asks, "I'm trying to listen. Just... hold me up a bit?"
Xorus says, "Praxopius was always prone to subterfuge and deception. It is entirely possible this threat of a missing formula is a distraction so the krolvin do not pay attention to the development of plinite weapons to the south."
Thadston shrugs at Kayse.
Speaking quietly to Gregnal, Nairena says, "Just keep leaning againstme, limpy."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Xorus aintcha a Amos croney?"
Thadston asks, "Is there anything to indicate to you this is all fake?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Xorus.
Speaking to Xorus, Vaemyr asks, "One question I had for you, with whatever knowledge that you know of the blue suffering, do you think it would be possible to create a cure? Or is that fairly impossible without either the formula or the poison itself?"
Casiphia whispers something to Thadston.
Speaking to Thadston, Xorus says, "The absence of the formula. The presence of schematics on the Titan of airships with pylons. Praxopius having a source of plinite."
Speaking nasally to Thadston, Ycelacie says, "So well maybe I should try to find him then."
Kayse whispers something to Pietra.
Casiphia slips back into the crowd, then out through the double doors.
Thadston clenches his jaw.
Nairena asks, "And who was that lady?"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "We've seen the results of prior versions of the formula. The effects are akin to disintegration to ash--or even less--so a cure isn't possible unless it somehow works even more quickly."
Speaking to Kayse, Pietra says, "I will need a lot more whiskey tonight. Last night was quieter than this..."
Xorus says, "The Blue Suffer is real. But if he was speaking the truth, it was designed to target relatives of Kragnack."
Speaking nasally to Thadston, Ycelacie asks, "Should be safe, yes?"
Speaking to Nairena, Arianiss whispers aloud, "I believe his ex..."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Raelee says, "... it is always possible."
Stormyrain whispers something to Nairena.
Thadston grumbles.
Speaking drunkenly to Pietra, Gutstorm whispers aloud, "Put in an order fer me?"
(Nairena mouths "Ouch" to herself.)
Speaking to Raelee, Vaemyr says, "I mean within a time frame that is helpful of course."
Speaking to Nairena, Leafiara says, "Let's settle on 'owner of the Rusty Cutlass' to avoid getting into a three-hour story."
Speaking to Raelee, Kothos says, "Perhaps a vaccine."
Pookia whispers something to Sevanya.
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "Of course, booger."
Gregnal says, "I can't speak for everyone, but I will be ready with triage in square. And I might even live through it."
Speaking to Raelee, Kothos says, "Something that would stop it from working, or at least at that level of virulence."
Sevanya whispers something to Pookia.
Delyorik says, "I might be convinced to assist from Icemule."
Nairena says, "Fair enough. We have more important matters to deal with than past relationships."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Yes, this would probably have to be something of a vaccine or such, to protect or innoclulate someone against it."
Delyorik says, "As long as the rest of you have triage actually handled."
Speaking amusedly to Nairena, Pietra says, "It's.... complicated."
Speaking to Gregnal, Kothos says, "I will be there, to send the bodies of the defenders back to the front, much as I mislike it."
Delyorik says, "It's always been a mess."
Thadston says, "So we could be searching for something that doesn't even exist..."
Thadston says, "..and if it does, we have no idea in what form or that we'd recognize it."
Gregnal says, "Most things don't exist until you touch them."
Speaking to Kothos, Melikor says, "And I'll send the bodies of the attackers back to the front."
Geijon says, "Better it didn't."
Delyorik says, "And I need some whiskey."
Speaking to Thadston, Kothos says, "Or it could be a red herring instead of a blue suffering."
Pietra exclaims, "Oh!"
Thadston asks, "And the krol captain wants it to save krol?"
Lylia says, "Why would we wish to find a cure? Am I missing some vital aspect of this that you all apprehend? Do we not wish them all dead, root and stem, mother and child? I do not see why we are contemplating cures instead of improvements."
Sevanya whispers something to Pookia.
Leafiara agrees, "Searching for we don't know what in the hands of we don't know who, located we don't know where, and delivered we don't know when. Or if."
Pietra offers Pukk a wedge of fresh banana cake.
Speaking to Melikor, Kothos says, "Back to the back of the sarcophagus, I hope."
Lylia says, "That is, if we ever got our hands on the formula at all."
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "Banana cake, for you, love."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "We have no clue as to why they want it, they might wanna kill other krol for all we know."
Thadston smirks at Lylia.
Thadston says, "It should be destroyed."
Thadston nods at Lylia.
Sevanya whispers something to Pookia.
Speaking to Lylia, Geijon says, "Living beings need choice, even a Krol."
Rescuing Captives
Speaking to Thadston, Arianiss asks, "What's the plan to recover the taken residents?"
Speaking to Kothos, Melikor says, "Oh no, back to the front, for a while at least. They are useful, for a time."
Lylia says, "Pardon, my Common is rather rusty at times, did I hear you say they must be destroyed? I concur."
Kothos says, "The Krolvin have hunted those of us from the coastal settlements from centuries."
Speaking drunkenly to Thadston, Gutstorm slurs, "Ok who are yooz and wotcha did ye do wit Thadston?"
Kothos says, "This whole cycle started with them demanding tribute from Lylia."
Xorus says, "The alchemical formulas for these poisons generally involve other forms of the poison. The ability to devise cures creates knowledge that can be adapted into other weapons."
Lylia says, "They chose when they demanded that I pay them a tribute of slaves."
Gregnal asks, "Tribute of slaves?"
Xorus says, "In all that time Praxopius was here, he only made one addition ingredient to my cure for Larsya."
Speaking to Kothos, Melikor says, "New friends, as it were."
Xorus says, "He was likely spending all the rest of that time weaponizing her blood."
Geijon says, "Our defenders are cut from th' long Krolvin seasons."
Kothos says, "They summon vathors that tear apart dozens of their own men and women, which they care not for."
Delyorik asks, "So, question... where's the popcorn?"
Kothos says, "As long as they take out the defenders, too."
Speaking to Kothos, Arianiss says, "There was some infighting too.."
Leafiara offers Delyorik some salty popcorn.
Thadston slowly empties his lungs.
Delyorik accepts Leafiara's salty popcorn.
Thadston nods at Arianiss.
Speaking to Gregnal, Lylia says, "Yes. I gave him a rather forceful no, and -- fool that he was -- Kragnack thought that 'no' was the beginning of a negotiation instead of its absolute end."
Stormyrain says, "The hour is late."
Thadston says, "Good question Arianiss." (about recovering the kidnapped citizens)
Arianiss agrees with Thadston.
Speaking to Arianiss, Kothos says, "There are those I would argue for. Falzcrow has been an ally."
Speaking to Delyorik, Nairena says, "They could have raised a krolvin flag last night with their win."
Delyorik asks, "Really?"
Ycelacie nasally says, "They did not win."
Thadston says, "We've had scouts go out this morning, try to size up the forces remaining, and where our citizens might be and on which ships."
Arianiss nods slowly.
Tayler says, "They also didn't particularly lose."
Delyorik says, "Hrm."
Speaking to Pietra, Pukk says, "Have the last bite."
Ycelacie defensively says, "They did not win."
Delyorik says, "But I have popcorn."
Speaking to Pukk, Pietra says, "Oh thank you, sweetie."
Speaking to Lylia, Gregnal says, "I'll never understand your politics. But I'll support the choice."
Ycelacie nasally says, "How can you think that."
Thadston says, "As of this morning, the clerks' informed me we have twenty six citizens unaccounted for."
Kothos says, "...normally I'm among the last to feel so bloody-minded about it. But...I'm from Seareach."
Tayler says, "Ask the dead and missing."
Thadston says, "Presumed each of them to be now captives of the krol."
Speaking to Thadston, Pietra asks, "So, your plan to recover them is... what now?"
Speaking nasally to Tayler, Ycelacie says, "This is what I remember."
Arianiss says, "I believe Opalina of Icemule was out earlier attempting some rescues."
Speaking to Pietra, Lylia says, "Portals work both ways."
Kothos says, "They're rowing as we speak, at best."
Thadston says, "Their ships were not found."
Gutstorm drunkenly mutters, "To bad they not conshorshum memmbers."
Delyorik says, "I'm trying to not kill people or things anymore. This is making it very difficult."
Speaking to Thadston, Pietra says, "Many of them were destroyed last night."
Thadston says, "It's unlikely for a fleet of that size to, move out so quickly."
Pookia worriedly says, "I was thinking about those who got nabbed.."
Thadston nods at Pietra.
Delyorik says, "I..."
Speaking nasally to Tayler, Ycelacie says, "Warclaidh, Dergoatian and I fought a demon and then I fled after killing many krolvin."
Speaking to Ycelacie, Tayler says, "The town was overrun, dozens of krolvin on every street, in every corner, they retreated, but they did not have to."
Speaking to Thadston, Kothos asks, "What do you mean to do?"
Thadston says, "By all accounts, there's still plenty to be found."
Lylia says, "We were able to take the fight to them on numerous occasions. Their warships, of course, did not hold slaves."
Thadston says, "We'll keep looking."
Gregnal asks, "Warships?"
Thadston nods at Kothos.
Delyorik says, "I just..."
Speaking to Thadston, Kothos says, "Let's go find them."
Delyorik says, "No."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "We don't know how far they could move with the portals when they left, who knows they could be all the way back to Glaoveln."
Speaking to Thadston, Kothos says, "No philosophy needed for that."
Thadston says, "And when they do come back, we'll have groups prepared to specifically seek out the captured citizens."
Pookia quickly says, "We have to do something for them."
Speaking nasally to Tayler, Ycelacie says, "I was ambushed outside the pawnshop and almost captured myself, but then Roblar rescued me and slayed them all, then when we patrolled the streets afterwards all were gone."
Thadston nods at Vaemyr.
Goldstr exclaims, "Aye Less save our townsfolk!"
Ycelacie confidently says, "We did not lose."
Thadston says, "If Pylasar was here, we might have something to help assist with the portals."
Speaking to Lylia, Pietra says, "Captives at this point, soon to be slaves, I believe. Wasn't that ship full of folks futher out, and had to be reached through sailing and then swimming but first a portal? It's been so long."
Leafiara asks, "Is Ayred not still about?"
Thadston says, "I've asked the Archmage Pherantyr to perhaps assist."
Thadston nods at Leafiara.
Thadston says, "He is."
Leafiara nods at Thadston.
Drazaa says, "That would be quite a boon to us."
Speaking to Ycelacie, Tayler says, "They left, they were not slaughtered, there was some calling of voices, I do not speak Krolvin, but they were communicating, and then the ones still in town performed an orderly retreat."
Speaking to Thadston, Kothos asks, "We have Cordarius as well, don't we?"
Speaking to Thadston, Pietra says, "Would that Pylasar was still with us."
Leafiara says, "Ah, Pherantyr, that's a good thought too."
Beldannon quietly says, "Where is the purple guy again? been out of town for a while."
Lylia agrees, "It has been some time. And yes, captives for now; we hope to ensure that they are not and never become slaves."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "We... actually met with Pylasar not too long ago, well the current him, he helped us up north."
Speaking to Beldannon, Leafiara says, "Probably lost in time somewhere."
Thadston nods at Kothos.
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee says, "... Pylasar's skill in that arena was not so unique. You do have a cadre of Hall Mages here."
Thadston peers quizzically at Vaemyr.
Speaking suddenly to Vaemyr, Leafiara asks, "Not to sound too Yardie, but wait, what?"
Thadston asks, "Huh?"
Speaking to Lylia, Pietra says, "Precisely that."
Raelee asks, "Unless you are trying to avoid Octaven?"
Thadston nods at Raelee.
Speaking flatly to Tayler, Ycelacie says, "We should eradicate them once and for all."
Thadston says, "Then please work on something."
Thadston nods at Raelee.
Speaking to Tayler, Geijon says, "Only time they swelled. We had pushed them back to th' ring roads after."
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee says, "Fine."
Speaking to Raelee, Kothos says, "She is rather well-known for her portal magic."
Vaemyr says, "I think that's who helped us with turning a mountain-sized elemental into plinite."
Thadston says, "Octaven is in league with Amos. I'd rather we utilize everyone but her if needed."
Vaemyr says, "Maybe I have my names wrong."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "We should ask Owly about stopping the portals."
Thadston nods at Vaemyr.
Speaking to Vaemyr, Arianiss says, "No, that was someone else."
Thadston says, "I think you do."
Vaemyr nods at Thadston.
Speaking to Arianiss, Pietra says, "Thank you."
Kothos says, "Amos has no love for slavers or the krolvin."
Pookia whispers something to Sevanya.
Speaking to Geijon, Tayler says, "Still, it did not feel like a rout."
Xorus says, "And it is not inconceivable that Octaven may have been Praxopius' patron in terms of pylons and plinite."
Geijon says, "Pylasar has his own answers to account for if he's going to pop up."
Speaking to Geijon, Tayler says, "An orderly retreat on their part."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Amosh is out for Amosh."
Stormyrain murmurs, "If you will all excuse me?"
Thadston says, "We could bargain fake information from Xorus for the release of our citizens."
Geijon whispers something to Goldstr.
Gregnal says, "I'd stand, but I can't."
Lylia asks, "Would they be able to recognize false information readily?"
Kothos says, "Or we could just find them and send them to a watery tomb."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "It might well work if they have trouble coming up with a better plan than probing minds and scouring every step of the area."
Kothos says, "And magic away with our citizens."
Delyorik says, "Stormy is a friend."
Bernadette softly says, "Dem dang eyes."
Speaking drunkenly to Thadston, Gutstorm slurs, "Yar, and whip up a fake poison too dat will kill da drinker, incase dey deshide to tesht it."
Ycelacie nasally asks, "Why are we only being reactive?"
Tayler says, "Overload a mana pylon and push it through a portal."
Thadston smirks at Tayler.
Thadston says, "I like it."
Thadston nods at Tayler.
Delyorik says, "We."
Tayler grins at Thadston.
Pookia thoughtfully asks, "Could we follow an eye back?"
Vaemyr says, "Bargening might be good, but I feel like stating a plan to give them fake information to this many folks, with the Krol having the ability to kidnap people and read minds...."
Thadston says, "There's no sound plan yet. We'll just keep moving in circles."
Thadston nods at Vaemyr.
Gregnal asks, "Bargaining while we die?"
Thadston says, "Magister, I need some plans on how to protect the town from portals."
Thadston nods at Raelee.
Delyorik asks, "Moving in circles is dumb. Is there any way to be proactive?"
Speaking to Thadston, Pietra says, "Moving in circles is the specialty around here."
Thadston says, "We lose all possible advantage until that is accomplished."
Raelee looks thoughtfully at Thadston.
Gregnal asks, "Maybe there are ideas?"
Gutstorm drunkenly mutters, "We doomed fer shore now."
Speaking to Thadston, Geijon says, "We made a few mistakes we'll adjust on also."
Lylia suggests, "Rather than protecting the town from portals, which can be useful in their own right..."
Delyorik says, "The defensive posture is just that."
Leafiara says, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but maybe we should consult some people from Ta'Vaalor. There they know how to prevent portals from breaching the gates."
Tayler asks, "I'm no expert on the subject, but perhaps a Kroderine construct of some sort people could shelter inside?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "I suggested that last week."
Thadston says, "Casi has seen to the tunnels being protected. As much as I'd love to collapse them and bury the rats in masks beneath, we'll leave that lie for now."
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee says, "Solhaven formerly utilized a system of wardstones."
Lylia continues, "Why not offer 'softer' places for portals to appear? Then, we can use them to travel and take the fight to them."
Speaking to Delyorik, Nairena says, "Not until we find the recipe for that Blue Suffering. Which we still dont know who has possession of."
Gregnal asks, "Softer?"
Pookia says, "Cushy."
Speaking to Nairena, Delyorik says, "Bury the recipe."
Speaking to Lylia, Kothos says, "I like that idea."
Lylia says, "We do not need to make the town impenetrable as much as we need to make somewhere outside of town more penetrable."
Gregnal asks, "Weaker?"
Geijon says, "Guarrin mentioned a harbor chain."
Speaking to Gregnal, Pietra says, "Less dangerous."
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee says, "It was effective and a model worth repeating - there is no sense in starting from nothing. The bone pillars may help build that network."
Thadston glances at Leafiara.
Leafiara tilts her head at Thadston.
Delyorik says, "Nobody gets it."
Lylia says, "We invite the fish into the barrel. The roltons into the pen."
Thadston asks, "Where is Leafiara and what have you done with her?"
Thadston peers quizzically at Leafiara.
Thadston smirks.
Leafiara smirks.
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara says, "Bigger krolvin to fry."
Speaking drunkenly to Thadston, Gutstorm slurs, "Hey dat my line bub!"
Leafiara chuckles.
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Maybe this is a spy."
Delyorik says, "Or give it to me... I'll eat it."
Gregnal says, "We can invite the fish to the barrel. That doesn't mean we're the one shooting."
Speaking to Geijon, Kothos says, "To close the waterway between here and the Frostmain..."
Speaking to Delyorik, Nairena says, "Its be safe inside your belly."
Delyorik says, "I may not live here, but I grew up here, kinda."
Kayse lightly says, "I have many contacts in Ta'Vaalor if you wish to go this route."
Speaking mildly to Kayse, Leafiara says, "Better you than me."
Thadston asks, "The bone pillars, aren't they tied to the fires too that keep the blight at bay?"
Speaking to Kothos, Arianiss says, "Warships arrived through portals too so I'm not sure if that would be effective."
Thadston says, "Or are they unconnected? I cannot keep half of it straight."
Speaking to Geijon, Kothos says, "The passage out to the Cobalt Depths is quite narrow."
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee says, "They are. We would not want to draw any power off of them."
Thadston says, "Exactly."
Lylia clarifies, "I am not saying we leave the town open, of course. But if the town is a hard target, and there are softer ones outside it, they are not so stupid as to choose the more difficult path."
Speaking to Leafiara, Tayler says, "They don't tend to be particularly keen on sharing, though."
Arianiss asks, "So the blight was never fully removed?"
Xorus says, "The blight was only bandaged."
Speaking to Arianiss, Raelee says, "No."
Speaking to Arianiss, Leafiara says, "It wasn't, no. It's suppressed, which is why the fires still burn."
Kothos says, "She is suggesting bait."
Pookia whispers something to Sevanya.
Speaking drunkenly to Pookia, Gutstorm slurs, "We need a knucklehead slootion, wotcha got?"
Speaking to Arianiss, Leafiara says, "I also think that the blight and manafires are possible disruptors that Praxopius couldn't have foreseen that might have interrupted the delivery, *if* it was by magical means."
Kothos says, "Some of us go stand somewhere north of town and look like magnificent rowers."
Gregnal asks, "Bait?"
Speaking to Arianiss, Leafiara acknowledges, "Pure speculation, however."
Delyorik says, "And this is why I keep quiet... I learn things, but I don't speak."
Xorus nods at Leafiara.
Xorus says, "It is possible, yes."
Pookia honestly exclaims, "I like the idea of protecting the town and making a nice soft target outside for them to focus on!"
Pookia says, "I think thats a really good idea."
Tayler says, "You can bring a whole bunch of explosive spheres with you."
Speaking drunkenly to Pookia, Gutstorm slurs, "Like de kobolt villich?"
Tayler says, "Best case, lob them at ships, worst case... drop them."
Lylia says, "And should you wish to speak to the Vaalor, Chamberlain Retassal is the man you may wish to see. But do follow appropriate protocol; he does not look kindly upon fools."
Kothos says, "Or a few dozen scarabs."
Nairena says, "You all seemed to have forgotten about the portals. They can appear anywhere."
Sevanya exclaims, "We need to recruit the kobolds, obviously!"
Pookia exclaims, "We could help from the kobolds!"
Tayler says, "That's the point of the bait."
Thadston says, "Protocol is not my specialty. So, not it."
Delyorik says, "I've seen the portals. They can grab anyone."
Speaking to Nairena, Lylia says, "Yes. Which is why we induce them to open them where we, ah...'nudge' them to open them."
Goldstr says, "Less focus on wha da Krol want. an work angles on dat."
Speaking to Lylia, Pookia says, "It was your idea, i like the way you think."
Gregnal asks, "So... bait. Portals. into.... something?"
Gregnal asks, "What something?"
Tayler says, "What they want doesn't exist by all accounts."
Sevanya says, "Either way we cant forget about the citizens, we need some kind of shelter for them that the krolvin simply cant portal through."
Speaking to Thadston, Arianiss says, "I've had some dealings with Ta'Vaalor, while as an Icemule Town Councillor, if you want someone to look into it. Or perhaps approaching the Icemule Councillors that are helping to defend Wehnimer's, to see about asking them for a favor."
Delyorik says, "So, Houses."
Speaking to Lylia, Nairena says, "Whoever was summoning those portals knew most of our moves before we even made the first step."
Gregnal says, "Something has to be big and juicy."
Pookia thoughtfully says, "And i cant stop thinking about the kidnapped.."
Lylia says, "Yes. They had eyes here, in both the figurative and literal sense."
Arianiss says, "Opalina, Bakarus, and Roelon I've seen around."
Thadston nods at Arianiss.
Vaemyr says, "One thing I wonder, is do we potentially want only stop teleportation OUT of the town? let them come in, and not have any easy exit, they might get caught very off guard, and maybe we could capture someone that might actually know this warlord."
Arianiss says, "Gespry too.."
Kothos says, "There's always collaborators."
Speaking to Pookia, Pietra says, "That really should be our biggest concern at this time."
Thadston says, "I am open to anything."
Thadston nods at Arianiss.
Nairena says, "Elementals. Vathors."
Nairena says, "This summoner or summoners are quite powerful."
Thadston says, "Or..."
Pookia says, "I feel we take care of a bunch of this... with teams."
Thadston says, "If we do allow them to teleport in and open their portals..."
Tayler says, "We get a thousand monks with Kroderine Souls, we line them up around the walls."
Gregnal asks, "Teams? did that work in the past?"
Thadston says, "Is there a way to anchor the portal? To grab it, keep it open, not let them close it."
Kothos says, "The Stormcrows are of immense talent, it's true."
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "Portals go both ways. Precisely so."
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee says, "... yes."
Arianiss says, "I'll contact the Icemule council to pitch the idea and see what they say."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dat shound like sorsherer shtuff."
Sevanya says, "Perhaps we should designate parts of town where the portals will be allowed to open and then evacuate civilians if we can beforehand."
Thadston nods at Arianiss.
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "If you could predict where it was coming, certainly."
Kothos says, "But they have relatively little control over what they bring in, from what I saw in Mist Harbor."
Raelee says, "The magical equivalent of inserting a wedge into a door."
Lylia says, "Induce them to open portals, ideally where we wish -- and then we can wedge --"
Lylia grins at Raelee.
Thadston nods at Raelee.
Pookia whispers something to Sevanya.
Tayler says, "I do wonder if any Mandis Crystals remain."
Mental Trap
Thadston asks, "Can we set another trap? In someone's mind? To disable or kill the halfling they use?"
Lylia says, "Whatever they are using to open and hold these portals is potent."
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "Now, that is a thought."
Arianiss glances between Nairena and Thadston.
Delyorik says, "Mandis crystals."
Speaking to Thadston, Leafiara asks, "Even if we did, how would we make sure they took the right target?"
Gregnal asks, "A bomb for a halfling?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Anchoring a portal would probably have something like a anchor on both sides."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "Buy your own pants, Guts."
Delyorik says, "Funny you mention those."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Dangerous, but yes certainly possible."
Thadston says, "We give them the next closest person to Xorus."
Thadston says, "Lylia."
Lylia says, "You might want someone who was close to their --"
Xorus says, "I was hoping that would happen, but she did not probe deep enough."
Leafiara nods understandingly.
Leafiara acknowledges, "Fair enough."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Hey me got dibsh on Lylia, me not down wit dat."
Lylia lets out a long, contemplative breath.
Goldstr says, "Da Halflings der prisoner, I think better to save her an maybe use her."
Arianiss says, "I believe we should attempt to rescue Kharusa."
Speaking to Lylia, Kothos says, "You do have a rather impenetrable wit."
Raelee says, "... Mandis is not an option."
Lylia reluctantly says, "Yes. I can see the sense of it."
Speaking to Raelee, Pukk asks, "To anchor a portal would it require a anchor on both sides?"
Speaking to Goldstr, Pietra says, "Maybe we don't use this halfling anymore than she already has been used."
Gregnal asks, "Are we extremely sure the halfling is a prisoner?"
Speaking to Gregnal, Pietra says, "I am sure."
Lylia says, "They know their quarry, and they know he is impenetrable, or at least too dangerous to tamper with directly."
Speaking to Gregnal, Pietra says, "I saw her chains."
Gregnal says, "Well, I'm sure alcohol is bad for me... but..."
Speaking to Pietra, Goldstr says, "Good point She been used enuff."
Speaking to Lylia, Kothos says, "You can surely play the part of a distressed damsel being used to manipulate their true quarry, for an hour or so..."
Thadston says, "There are always casualties. I don't know this halfling, and sometimes, weapons must be dismantled, even if they're breathing."
Delyorik asks, "Booze is bad?"
Sevanya says, "If the halfling is a prisoner, they shouldn't be punished for the crimes of their captors."
Lylia continues, "And as we have been talking of 'softer' targets..."
Speaking to Pukk, Raelee says, "Not necessarily. Speaking in metaphorical terms... perhaps wedged is a better term than anchored."
Lylia dryly remarks, "I am not usually considered softer than much. But I probably am softer than Xorus."
Speaking to Thadston, Pietra asks, "Why is it always using people as bait with you?"
Geijon says, "If they want Xorus for supposed information. I'd want to get th' halfling too."
Tayler asks, "Do they keep the halfling on deck, in sight of the portals?"
The gargoyle atop Gutstorm's gargoyle necklace looks condescendingly at Lylia and mutters, "That cool-toned alabaster skin way too pretty... wishes she had nice, blotchy skin like the Dread Lord's..."
Tayler says, "You could have a ranged weapon user try and snipe her through the portal."
Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara reasons, "Would kroderine work as the wedge? Like how Mayor Thadston closed the Bleaklands portal before, but in the other direction?"
Gregnal asks, "Has anyone made any contact with said halfling?"
Thadston asks, "You have a better idea?"
Tayler says, "Might at least set them back."
Thadston peers quizzically at Pietra.
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "I do not think so."
Kothos says, "Maybe we could play the same game, and see what this halfling knows."
Gregnal asks, "Other than seeing her in chains?"
Speaking to Thadston, Pietra asks, "Why do we need bait at all? Why can we not get to them from these softer areas you all mention?"
Ycelacie nasally says, "We could scry on them."
Pookia worriedly says, "What if we shot blindly through a portal and hit a prisoner though? we dont know where the portal leads."
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "Kroderine, when paired with magic, is not going to be stable. It will be disruptive. In this case... stable is precisely what you need."
Thadston nods at Lylia.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "How bout Kayse, she shoft."
Speaking to Gregnal, Kothos says, "If we get her captured and bring her back here, we could ask her."
Tayler says, "There are casualties in war."
Ycelacie nasally says, "And try to interrupt their attack."
Speaking to Thadston, Pietra says, "Use me, then. It wouldn't work because they already took me. But they were not satisfied either."
Speaking understandingly to Raelee, Leafiara says, "Ahh, I see what you mean."
Goldstr says, "Aye Less work on savin her an work from der."
Speaking to Gregnal, Kothos says, "Perhaps she would want to help. It's possible."
Pookia curtly says, "As few as possible."
Tayler says, "Cliche, but true."
Speaking drunkenly to Kayse, Gutstorm slurs, "Me tryin ta help."
Lylia explains, "She is too valuable to them to simply have her up on deck as a common slave. She is not going to be accessible in that way."
Speaking to Tayler, Raelee says, "To elaborate on the Mandis..."
Speaking to Tayler, Sevanya says, "I get the impression this kind of attitude is why we're in this situation to begin with."
Lylia says, "The only people who have seen her were being questioned."
Speaking offhandedly to Gutstorm, Kayse says, "I am all about setting traps, but using me won't yield any results."
Gregnal says, "There are reasons to be in chains but not a prisoner."
Nairena says, "Im safe from their probing. My exploded head proved that."
Delyorik says, "So far, this doesn't sound like a fight that I need to involve myself in."
Speaking to Tayler, Raelee says, "I am a practicing mage who can cast quite well with this in my pocket. These small fragments do very little."
Kothos says, "You would need a Crystal."
Speaking to Raelee, Tayler says, "Surely the empire does not only possess one crystal."
Speaking to Tayler, Raelee says, "And to establish a large Mandis crystal, akin to what Jantalar used..."
Thadston nods at Lylia.
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "So potentially use Lylia as bait, we let them take her, and we wedge the portal open, wait briefly then reopen it and bring forces through after the halfling or potentially others are exposed? Backup plan of having the trap with Lylia to disable the halfling if they prevent plan A."
Gregnal says, "We would need more than a crystal."
Raelee says, "... it requires a great deal of blood sacrifice."
Speaking to Thadston, Pietra says, "I know you have no problem sacrificing someone like me. I'm sure many people have problems sacrificing someone like Lylia."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Kothos says, "Not that sort."
Raelee asks, "So the question is, who are you willing to kill to make that crystal?"
Tayler says, "Conveniently we have a lot of krolvins."
Tayler nods at Raelee.
Pietra smirks at Thadston.
Bernadette softly asks, "An who would be willin ta die?"
Ycelacie nasally asks, "Why are we trusting the Empire on this?"
Lylia says, "I do not see myself as a sacrifice."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Nairena says, "I think your mind might would be a real challenge for Kharusa."
Speaking to Lylia, Pietra says, "Nor would I."
Thadston asks, "You know this of me?"
Delyorik says, "If you require a Mandis crystal, I'll keep mine to myself."
Thadston peers quizzically at Pietra.
Lylia says, "I am far too valuable to myself for that."
Tayler says, "Sacrifice the krolvins."
Vaemyr says, "I think the halfling could be an excellent source of information if we could take her back with us if possible."
Delyorik says, "I won't let someone die from it."
Gregnal says, "People die all the time, though."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Lylia says, "Yes, it would be ideal to take their weapon from them, but if we cannot take a weapon, we break it."
Delyorik says, "I... don't... care."
Thadston says, "Don't lecture me on my opinion of you, which is hardly formed until this very moment."
Speaking to Thadston, Pietra says, "I think what I think, "Mayor," you escalate to the highest absurd level all the time, it seems."
Thadston nods at Pietra.
Speaking to Raelee, Tayler says, "Unless the blood sacrifices have to be human, and willing, or something, which would be weird."
Arianiss says, "This weapon has a name."
Pietra smirks at Thadston.
Pookia exasperatedly exclaims, "Yeah people die all the time, but thats easy, whats impressive is keeping them alive!"
Thadston looks over at Vaemyr and shakes his head.
Speaking to Thadston, Pietra says, "We've spoken many times in the past. You should remember, as I am not the nice one."
Pietra chuckles.
Speaking to Tayler, Geijon says, "Hochstib used his people and a Luukosian cult."
Thadston says, "The idea of the wedging of the portals, is separate from the halfling mindtrap."
Thadston nods at Vaemyr.
Pookia whispers something to Sevanya.
Speaking to Pietra, Delyorik asks, "You're not the nice one?"
Speaking to Tayler, Geijon says, "That is what powered th' Crytal that became Magister Raelee's shard."
Speaking to Delyorik, Pietra asks, "I've butted heads with this one in the past. Go figure, right?"
Lylia says, "I believe I have the means to break her, if I cannot break the chains that bind her and take her. Any of you who know me even an iota are aware that I am nothing if not pragmatic."
Speaking to Geijon, Tayler asks, "Could we theorhetically power the crystal with dead Krolvins?"
Speaking to Pietra, Leafiara says, "To be fair, a pretty good number of bait plans have worked in the past. fact, I can't think of many that didn't, usually because we're really thorough on the planning with those given what's at stake."
Ycelacie curiously says, "What do we know about the mind trap spell."
Tayler asks, "Use the enemy to defeat the enemy?"
Speaking to Tayler, Raelee says, "Time is going to be the flaw there. If the purpose of the Mandis is to keep them out... we will need to allow them in for the necessary bloodbath. In other words, you do not make a Mandis crystal without letting the battles continue."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Hmm ok, was thinking we could try it there as well, again to attempt to capture their mentalist."
Speaking to Lylia, Gregnal asks, "She needs breaking?"
Thadston says, "If we opt not to block the portals, we should be prepared to lock them. Use them to our advantage. It might even discourage their future usage."
Ycelacie flatly says, "Perhaps a simple spell can deal with that."
Ycelacie says, "An arcane ward."
Speaking to Tayler, Geijon says, "At what cost to us, even theoretically."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Cant we jush killem all and let Brokk short dem out?"
Delyorik says, "If you can guarantee that my adding my Mandis to the task will actually make a difference, then I'll consider it."
Gregnal asks, "Can that which takes a life protect a life?"
Ycelacie says, "Or impediment."
Speaking to Gregnal, Lylia says, "If she cannot be brought to us, then yes. Blinding an enemy is useful."
Speaking to Delyorik, Raelee says, "It is highly unlikely that it would."
Delyorik says, "Then I'll keep it to myself."
Thadston says, "If we can also provide a target for them to take to their ship, perhaps Lylia, or someone who may be able to provide new information to them, we could set a trap for the halfling."
Tayler says, "It doesn't seem practical in the time frame, I was hoping there was one functional crystal already in existence we could acquire."
Speaking drunkenly to Pookia, Gutstorm slurs, "Dish a leshon, sho jot dish down. ye kin alwaysh queschin a corpsh."
Speaking to Gregnal, Kothos asks, "That's the essential question about defensive war, isn't it?"
Arianiss says, "Her name is Kharusa."
Thadston shrugs at Arianiss.
Speaking to Kothos, Gregnal says, "Its the ultimate question in a battle."
Arianiss shrugs at Thadston.
Speaking to Gutstorm, Nairena says, "Thats a good idea. Reanimate."
Speaking to Arianiss, Pietra says, "And what a rough looking life she seemed to be leading."
Speaking to Thadston, Ycelacie asks, "Who do you plan to stop the halfling?"
Delyorik says, "Then again, that's the par for the course."
Lylia says, "Good. Knowing her name is important to establishing trust. A bond. That makes it easier to draw her near."
Gregnal asks, "Can we protect the city while burning ships and a halfing, potentially?"
Tayler says, "Back to plan A, then, have every mage pour their mana into a pylon, roll it through a portal."
Geijon says, "I'm not convinced she's a prisoner."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pookia says, "I almost understood you this time."
Speaking to Xorus, Lylia asks, "She wore chains when you saw her, yes? Did you note anything about her beyond that?"
Speaking softly to Geijon, Bernadette asks, "Ye tink she might be on their side?"
Xorus says, "I will say that the krolvin instinct was to kill me, but it was the halfling that told them I should be released. What stands out about that is that they actually listened to her."
Delyorik says, "I'll just step over in the corner and wait until I'm needed."
Tayler says, "Prisoner or no, it's one halfling compared to the lives of defenders and innocent citizens of the Landing."
Xorus says, "So, yes. She was in chains. She said she was sorry and she did not want to do this."
Speaking amusedly to Pookia, Nairena says, "You have to listen to his key phrases, then somehow put it all together."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Da halflin had a crush on ye?"
Thadston says, "Because frankly, looking for this recipe may be fruitless and we may not have the time."
Pookia says, "I feel like the halfling deserves the benefit of the doubt here."
Xorus says, "But there may be something more subtle about it."
Speaking to Gregnal, Leafiara considers, "That's a worthwhile question. Last night it was all we could do just to keep the town safe... so I suppose the attack squad might have to be smaller."
Thadston asks, "So they listened to their prisoner?"
Pookia says, "About being a prisoner."
Speaking to Delyorik, Gregnal says, "Drag me with you."
Thadston peers quizzically at Xorus.
Xorus says, "Yes."
Thadston says, "So we are best served right now, to come up with some solutions to weaken the krolvin's attack."
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "That goes for when they took Missoni and some others as well, she ordered the Krolvin around at the time."
Sevanya asks, "How do you know that if we recovered the halfling they wouldnt be a source of information?"
Thadston says, "Until we can gain any movement on the recipe front."
Tayler asks, "Information on what?"
Pukk whispers something to Pietra.
Speaking to Leafiara, Gregnal says, "What is the price of a life? Any life."
Nairena says, "I need a drink."
Delyorik says, "Apparently, a Mandis crystal."
Sevanya says, "I mean, theyre with the krolvin. They might know something."
Pietra whispers something to Pukk.
Pookia says, "Any eye for an eye causes giant flying eyeballs."
Nairena says, "Have fun discussion the what if's."
Thadston asks, "What's the captain's name again?"
Goldstr asks, "So we focus on da Portal plan?"
Speaking to Thadston, Pietra says, "Tyrrax."
Thadston nods.
Delyorik says, "I've actually had one for 20 years, ish."
Thadston says, "We'll need to find a way to eliminate Tyrrax as well."
Gregnal says, "I lost my leaning post."
Speaking quietly to Melikor, Kothos says, "Good night, Pops."
Xorus says, "They call him the Wyvern."
Speaking to Gregnal, Leafiara says, "Classic philosophical question debated since the ages: short-term losses for a greater long-term gain, if we have to divert some portion of our forces to go on the offensive to end the overall conflict sooner."
Pukk whispers something to Pietra.
Pookia chants, "Portal plan! portal plan!"
Thadston says, "Sometimes, cutting off the top krolvin head, is enough to crumble the dog pile beneath."
Speaking to Gregnal, Kothos says, "I'm leaving, you can sneak out now, and none will notice, surely."
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "Yes, but he has not been seen, to the best of my recollection. The halfling woman -- Kharusa -- has been."
Thadston nods.
Speaking to Leafiara, Gregnal asks, "Is there a gain here?"
Speaking to Thadston, Ycelacie asks, "Why don't we put together a team to capture her?"
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Probably the hardest task, given how little we know of him."
Geijon says, "We tried going into th' portals, but we didn't have concerted resources to manage it."
Lylia says, "He is, of course, the goal. But if it is impossible to get close enough to breathe the poison into his face, then hers may have to do."
Speaking to Gregnal, Leafiara says, "It's potentially what Mayor Thadston just said: successfully killing the leader might send those below him into retreat."
Ycelacie says, "I already mentioned everyone is too reactionary."
Pietra whispers something to Pukk.
Two-Two-Pronged Strategy
Thadston says, "Then if nothing else, tonight we can walk away with the purpose of plotting two different plans of action. We either need to find a way to block the portals, or take control of them. Secondly, we need to find a way to perhaps plan a mind trap for the halfling."
Ycelacie asks, "Have you all no backbones?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Gregnal says, "Or inspire a suicidal stand."
Thadston says, "If we can disable their portals, or discourage them, and neutralize their mind runt, we shift the balance of the battles."
Delyorik asks, "Was that a question?"
Pietra stares at Thadston.
Tayler says, "I left my backbone in my other suit of armor."
Pietra asks, "Mind... runt?"
Tayler says, "This one just has whiskey."
Thadston asks, "Lady mind runt?"
Thadston shrugs at Pietra.
Pookia says, "Mind runt.. of the tiny mind.."
Gregnal says, "As a healer, I will do what needs be done."
Speaking drunkenly to Pietra, Gutstorm slurs, "Mind runt."
Vaemyr says, "I'll try and work some on the portal side, I have more expertise there, but i think controlling them might be the easier task... hmm things to ponder."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "No."
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "Let me see if I have this clear in my own head. Find a way to reinforce the town so we know where their portals will open, and be ready to 'wedge' them open, metaphorically speaking. And find a way to Kharusa, which dovetails with this plan, potentially."
Delyorik says, "Oh, wait... she'll ask me to stop."
[General] Aeyris asks, "Anyone to help me hunt a troll warparty in Varunar?"
Lylia continues, "And once with Kharusa, we either find a means to take her...or find the way to break her."
Speaking drunkenly to Pietra, Gutstorm slurs, "Imma mind runt too no?"
Xorus says, "Kharusa to my understanding has consistently been kept on their Czag Mordg."
Thadston says, "Close."
Thadston nods at Lylia.
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "You have a glorious mind, soaked in all the booze. I wouldn't call it runty."
Speaking to Xorus, Vaemyr says, "Aye, although it seems Tyrrax wasn't."
Thadston says, "We either find a way to prevent the portals from inside our walls period, or we find a way to keep them open once they do open them, so we can use them to our advantage to attack their ships."
Pookia chimes in, "In i just wanna do whatever i can to help those that are missing, thats my priority."
Lylia nods at Thadston.
Xorus says, "It would not surprise me if Tyrrax is not near Darkstone Bay at the moment."
Pukk says, "Too bad we don't have some sort of magic glue that will keep a portal temporarily in place until we bring the magic wedge or what ever."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Tackin more funner den fending, and me like to burn shtuffsh, me vote fer da portal finger."
Gregnal asks, "How many ships do they have?"
Speaking to Pookia, Drazaa replies, "This effort should not be forgotten in all of the rest of our planning."
Delyorik asks, "Portal finger... finder, maybe?"
Thadston says, "We'll wedge open a portal, and roll a mobile ballista tower and the knuckleheads through it and onto the krolvin ship."
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee says, "The latter is likely... simpler. The complication with the former would be making the magic so precise to only interfere with their teleportation and not that of the locals."
Thadston smirks.
Speaking quietly to Drazaa, Sevanya says, "...have a feeling they probably will."
Speaking to Gregnal, Vaemyr says, "Hundreds, although bout 60 or so less after last night."
Tayler asks, "Could we not send mage familiars through the portals to open our own on their vessels?"
Speaking to Sevanya, Pookia says, "Not if i can help it."
Gregnal asks, "And how many ships do we have?"
Thadston says, "We may need to block everyone then."
Speaking to Sevanya, Drazaa says, "Very possibly."
Thadston nods at Raelee.
Speaking to Tayler, Delyorik says, "That's not how that works."
Gutstorm drunkenly whispers aloud, "Rumor ish knuckleheads are unkillable."
Speaking to Thadston, Raelee says, "Likely, yes."
Speaking to Tayler, Leafiara says, "I'm not sure we could, actually. They seem to have figured out how to harness the powers of... anti-mana on their ships."
Delyorik says, "Over the years, since the last time that they tried this..."
Lylia says, "They have, it is true."
Lylia nods at Leafiara.
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Aye I think if we blocked things completely, it would be everything for the time."
Delyorik says, "They've learned things."
Sevanya says, "So....we're pushing the ballista tower through the portal."
Tayler says, "Just a thought, there's a reason I dropped out of palestra school and not wizard school."
Vaemyr says, "That's how the similar wards in Ta'valor work."
Pukk asks, "Is there a magic that can redirect a portal to a particular place?"
Thadston begins chuckling at Sevanya!
Lylia flatly says, "Blocking all magic in the town is madness. It leaves us vulnerable to far more than the krolvin."
Thadston says, "No."
Pookia thoughtfully says, "I mean id wreck a ship as long as there were no prisoners on it.. i wanna kill a little bit.."
Thadston nods at Lylia.
Pookia says, "Like a tiny bit."
Speaking to Pukk, Lylia says, "Magic cannot, but misdirection can, perhaps."
Delyorik says, "And, they've learned alot."
Pukk asks, "Kinda like what those fellas do with the gold rings?"
Gregnal asks, "Was blocking magic in town an option?"
Thadston says, "Then it might be best wedge the portals."
Geijon says, "Th' Wyvern fleet is experienced. Tactically they weren't inferior to Kragnack's. I guess I was too harsh in th' praise given in warning."
Speaking to Lylia, Vaemyr says, "Wasn't say all magic, but just teleportation is possible, but I agree that wedging seems more practical."
Speaking to Gregnal, Leafiara says, "If we didn't construct a gigantic antimagic dome around the town to deal with even the blight, we're definitely not doing it for this."
Speaking to Gregnal, Lylia says, "It is something people inevitably come to."
Sevanya stupidly says, "Maybe we should just drop a giant rock on them."
Speaking to Gregnal, Leafiara says, "The risks exceed the possible rewards."
Speaking to Leafiara, Tayler says, "We just need a small one to keep the citizens safe."
Delyorik asks, "What risks?"
Speaking to Gregnal, Leafiara clarifys, "...and yes, that plan actually was at least briefly considered back then."
Pookia says, "Giant rocks are like giant eyes but heavier and harder to impale."
Lylia says, "Misdirection. We cannot, of course, build an illusory Landing and have them attack that instead."
Pukk asks, "Lich Landing?"
Gregnal asks, "Can we not stuff a carrack full of oil and just.. you know.. explode a ship?"
Sevanya asks, "Why don't we take some of the left over eyeball juice from the last invasion and grease up the streets so they slip and slide while trying to advance?"
Tayler says, "I volunteer Jaysehn's carrack as tribute."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Firechipsh!"
Drazaa says, "Excuse me everyone. I've appreciated our exploration this evening and now it's time for me to take leave."
Leafiara says, "I don't think you want to deal with an army of undead krolvin later by sending them to Lich's Landing."
Speaking to Leafiara, Delyorik says, "You're talking to someone who likes undead."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Barnom prolly wouldn't mind... but I agree."
Lylia says, "But we can create those soft spots. We noticed, for instance, that the warships landing along the black sands were not particularly challenging targets. We destroyed them by the score, along with their occupants."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Exactly."
Delyorik says, "Oh."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me left me eyeball in dere."
Lylia says, "If the town is bristling with defenses, both magical and otherwise, and we seem to have 'forgotten' to protect the tunnels, for example..."
Gregnal says, "Thank you."
Speaking to Lylia, Vaemyr asks, "Wasn't that discussed with Casi earlier?"
Lylia says, "Of course."
Gregnal says, "I'm slowly bleeding out here."
Speaking drunkenly to Lylia, Gutstorm mutters, "Sho shtrong."
Pookia excitedly exclaims, "Lets fill the tunnels with pitch and eyeball juice!"
Delyorik says, "Well, go find a healer."
Speaking to Lylia, Vaemyr says, "I get what you are saying though."
Gregnal says, "But as always, we will heal as necessary."
Gregnal says, "I can't speak for every healer."
Speaking to Pookia, Sevanya exclaims, "Seal em in there and then light it up!"
Lylia says, "It was. Casiphia talked of defending the tunnels well too. But what if they were not? Or rather, if they believed they were not? If they were allowed to think these were forgotten, undefended? We cannot guarantee they would choose this path and open their portals there..."
Gregnal says, "But I can speak for me."
Delyorik says, "I need a nap. Ya'll are..."
Sevanya says, "It can't be too obvious of a trap though."
Gregnal says, "I will not take a life. But I will save any life brought to me."
Lylia says, "But we could deduce they probably would, if they thought they had found a softer target."
Tayler says, "I think the biggest issue is they open portals everywhere."
Speaking to Delyorik, Pietra asks, "Exhausting?"
Delyorik says, "I never said that."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dish room needsh a cot."
Thadston slowly empties his lungs.
Lylia says, "Knowing where they would open the portals would make pinning them open magically a simpler task."
Vaemyr says, "Would they choose to though? One thought I had was what if the pylons that sank so many of their ships, seemed fairly undefended, or very lightly defended, those seem like fairly juicy targets."
Lylia says, "They cannot be everywhere, all of the time."
Tayler says, "It's a good idea, but we'd need to reinforce some of the "tastier" targets with some form of anti-magic to force them to choose that soft target."
Xorus says, "Was Casiphia asked about salvage from those Estorian ships? Those Rone gauntlets must have been in Praxopius' possession at some point before his death."
Sevanya says, "And again, we need an anti-magic sanctuary for the civilians to flee to."
Speaking to Tayler, Lylia says, "I see your point."
Delyorik asks, "Ya'll be safe, regardless of what happens, eh?"
Thadston says, "She once told me where she got them."
Thadston nods at Xorus.
Pookia cheerfully exclaims, "Ill do my best!"
Thadston says, "Debris washed up on the Black Sands."
Thadston says, "She found them in a chest she was able to pick open."
Speaking sternly to Gutstorm, Kayse asks, "Do you want me to kick you again?"
Tayler says, "Last night they had portals at the pylons, near the square, at the beaches, they don't really need to pick and choose."
Lylia says, "The Black Sands hold quite a few mysteries."
Xorus says, "What I am wondering is if his notes may have been in some case that was not recognized for significance."
Goldstr exclaims, "Ahhhh!"
Speaking to Kayse, Pietra says, "He's a drunk, he's tired."
Goldstr says, "Nice find."
Xorus says, "I recall he had a brass-edged case he carried in his lap."
Tayler says, "If we were able to protect the pylons, the square, the towers... though."
Thadston says, "I could find the location of his other ships. The pylon ships that went back south."
Vaemyr whispers something to Leafiara.
Tayler says, "They would likely concentrate somewhere to pool their forces."
Xorus nods.
Thadston says, "I believe to Idolone."
Gutstorm drunkenly interjects, "A belly rub will calm me down."
Speaking to Tayler, Lylia says, "They did, but as noted, they did not have slaves on those warships. They were not equipped for a long siege, in other words. They sent overwhelming force, but it was unsustainable."
Leafiara whispers to Vaemyr.
Ycelacie concernedly says, "We should do more than wait for things to happen to us."
Xorus says, "He may not have written a formula. But he certainly must have had a journal of his work."
Tayler says, "True, and we killed many."
Thadston nods at Xorus.
Tayler says, "But how many remain."
Speaking to Ycelacie, Lylia says, "Precisely why we would consider blinding them by removing Kharusa from play."
Thadston nods at Lylia.
Thadston nods at Ycelacie.
Ycelacie asks, "The halfling?"
Ycelacie says, "What is the plan again."
Thadston says, "If we disable the halfling, we take away an important tool for them."
Lylia says, "Yes, the halfling woman. The mind-breaker."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Are we gittin paid?"
Ycelacie says, "I have killed many."
Ycelacie says, "And can speak intelligently about how to plan this."
Pookia asks, "Is the mind breaker the same as the mini-mind runt thinker?"
Speaking flatly to Pookia, Leafiara says, "Yes."
Ycelacie says, "Even a spell as simple as this."
Ycelacie says, "May work."
Speaking to Thadston, Kayse offers, "Won't that cause them to attack even more violently?"
Ycelacie drops a smooth amber wand.
Kayse says, "And go after everyone."
Thadston says, "I suspect they'll grow more desperate with time, regardless."
Thadston nods at Kayse.
Kayse nods faintly at Thadston.
Speaking to Kayse, Leafiara says, "If I'm following correctly, I think that's why we're musing over trying to direct them toward targets of our preference rather than theirs."
Speaking to Kayse, Vaemyr says, "From what it seems, it might get the Warlord themselves to actually show up."
Vaemyr says, "And make them vulnerable."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara agrees, "Also a good point."
Thadston says, "Tyrrax will need to bring results. He cannot effectively lead a large fleet of krolvin without accomplishments."
Tayler says, "If they attack more violently we will defend more vigorously."
Thadston says, "By robbing them of their goals, we seed the sparks of rebellion."
Thadston says, "I have not yet met with Falzcrow, but from what many of you said, he claimed Tyrrax was..."
Lylia muses, "Yes. Desperation. They will undoubtedly become more desperate, and why would they not? Think about what is at stake. To the best of their knowledge, we have the capacity to make a weapon that kills not only individual krolvin, but all their progeny."
Vaemyr says, "I suspect after the losses they already took, we've sown some of those seeds already, need to water them a bit and make them bloom."
'Thadston rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Lylia says, "They have more at stake here than usual."
Thadston says, "Different."
Ycelacie says, "So besides the idea of maybe isolating her and incapaciting her, I actually do hear no plan in as to how to effect it."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Should challinch him to duel, killin him front of him army would shorely demorlize dems."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Lacie like dat kinna shtugg."
Thadston says, "She reads minds. We could plant a trap, magically, in someone's mind."
Ycelacie says, "Just a plan."
Thadston nods at Ycelacie.
Ycelacie says, "Who, how, where."
Thadston says, "So when the halfling..."
Thadston glances at Pietra.
Thadston says, "So when Kharusa..."
Speaking tentatively to Thadston, Kayse asks, "Who do we have to do that....besides....Rodnay?"
Ycelacie says, "These things are basic."
Sevanya whispers something to Pookia.
Thadston says, "Goes to read the mind."
Thadston says, "Pop."
Lylia asks, "And we should probably not discuss the 'who, how, where' in an open meeting, do you not agree?"
Sevanya whispers something to Pookia.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Pop like a pimpa."
Ycelacie says, "Better than half chances that makes it not work."
Pookia whispers something to Sevanya.
Speaking to Thadston, Pukk says, "We could put the trap in Guts' mind. It's mostly pickled anyways."
Geijon says, "Valid discussion. A bit morbid, but a decade of war trains you to these angles."
Thadston shrugs at Kayse.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Show much power in me finnersh."
Kayse stares at Thadston.
Lylia says, "The trap must be baited with someone who would reasonably be expected to know something about the 'blue suffer,' yet would not be the impermeable basalt of Xorus' mind."
Speaking to Pukk, Tayler says, "There's nothing there."
Speaking to Pukk, Tayler says, "Look into his eyes."
Speaking measuredly to Thadston, Kayse says, "This is rather important. I believe Lylia will not just trust anyone to plant something in her mind--nor should she."
Speaking to Lylia, Kayse says, "If you are indeed to be the bait that is."
Lylia nods in agreement at Kayse.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Make me a Xorush coshtume an me will be da bait."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "We all know why you want a Xorus costume."
Speaking to Lylia, Pukk asks, "So, you mean like start a rumor that somebody knows the recipe and have the trap in their mind?"
Lylia says, "I would be a logical choice."
Thadston says, "I'm not very keen on using Lylia as bait. We'll see."
Speaking to Xorus, Ycelacie says, "Would you consider trying to lure her."
Ycelacie says, "She knows you."
Pookia says, "Id rather ride the ballista through the portal than get a mind trap."
Xorus asks, "The halfling?"
Speaking to Thadston, Vaemyr says, "Other potential options may arise."
Sevanya says, "I think if you were gonna start a rumor you probably shouldn't announce it at a public meeting,"
Tayler says, "Just have to pick someone likely enough to have stumbled across it. Yardie, for example."
Speaking to Pietra, Kayse asks, "What?"
Speaking to Kayse, Pietra asks, "Where can I buy a keg of whiskey?"
Xorus says, "She knows she cannot get anything from my mind. If they come for me again, it will probably be to speak to someone higher up."
Speaking to Sevanya, Pukk says, "They would still be wondering if it's true. If the source seemed credible."
Speaking to Sevanya, Leafiara says, "And to Vaemyr's point earlier, using misdirection at all is sort of problematic until we've first removed their mind reader."
Thadston nods at Xorus.
Speaking to Pietra, Kayse says, "I do not know."
Speaking inquisitively to Xorus, Ycelacie asks, "And who is higher up than you?"
Lylia flatly says, "Really. Just...choose someone who might have stumbled on it. Why would that be different from the first abductions they attempted? They have located their target."
Speaking to Pukk, Sevanya exclaims, "Maybe we should start a whole bunch of rumors and confuse them. Psychological warfare!"
Xorus says, "Higher up in their own hierarchy."
Thadston asks, "It also begs the question, how is Tyrrax employing some of the magical feats we've witnessed?"
Speaking to Ycelacie, Pukk says, "Lylia."
Vaemyr whispers something to Leafiara.
Speaking to Thadston, Geijon says, "Proxy fight perhaps."
Speaking to Lylia, Pietra asks, "Stumbled? That seems a bit implausible?"
Xorus says, "Falzcrow said something to the effect that Tyrrax has a proclivity for magic."
Sevanya whispers something to Pookia.
Tayler says, "Oh, Krolvin Warlord, would you look at that, it was sent after all, but the post office put it in the wrong bin."
Speaking to Thadston, Lylia says, "I have wondered that for some time. We saw what it took to open a portal for long enough to admit a small number of combatants through it, plus a catafalque for the bane coffin, when the Imperial Drake achieved this feat some time ago at the outpost."
Lylia says, "Imagine what it takes to push entire warships through portals."
Xorus says, "There were also many stormcrows in his forces."
Vaemyr says, "An entire fleet."
Speaking to Pietra, Lylia says, "Exactly my point. Setting up someone who 'just happened' to find it seems implausible. It would seem implausible to the krolvin too."
Lylia says, "As much as I disdain them, they are not entirely stupid."
Thadston slowly empties his lungs.
Speaking to Lylia, Pietra says, "I'm beginning to understand the magnitude of such things by now. Though magic is not my specialty, of course."
Geijon says, "Th' vathors were pretty well controlled."
Speaking to Lylia, Vaemyr says, "I still ponder if a chronomage isn't involved somehow... only folks I know with that level of mastery with portals."
Ycelacie says, "I do not really like the idea that we have to count on them to find us."
Speaking to Lylia, Pietra says, "Perhaps the simplest answer is the best."
Ycelacie incredulously says, "Is there no way we cannot find them."
Tayler says, "The elementals seemed to like the taste of Krol more than the taste of Defender."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Shpirit dishpel make short werk of vattersh."
Ycelacie asks, "Are we this horrible?"
Thadston says, "We've got scouts."
Speaking to Lylia, Pietra says, "Though I always lean that way."
Thadston nods at Ycelacie.
Ycelacie nods at Thadston.
Thadston says, "The fleet that has vanished, has not been found yet."
Ycelacie says, "We have ships."
Xorus says, "While they are looking for this formula, I should remind that these blood curses usually work by transforming the blood of the victim into more of the toxin, which means that if they cannot acquire this formula..."
Thadston says, "Well, the fleet that turned away, that is. Can't be found so far."
Speaking to Pietra, Lylia says, "Simplicity is direct and often correct."
Speaking to Tayler, Leafiara agrees, "It was very peculiar how little control they had over those elementals."
Xorus says, "... they may eventually try to reconstruct how it works from their own sick."
Xorus says, "I have not studied any of these 'blue suffer' victims. So I do not know if that will be the case here."
Ycelacie says, "Can anyone make an illusion of what this hafling looks like."
Pukk says, "Okay all, I am going to get some rest. Good night."
Ycelacie asks, "So we can scry?"
Speaking to Xorus, Pietra asks, "There are victims already?"
Pookia sincerely exclaims, "Grats again!"
Speaking drunkenly to Ycelacie, Gutstorm slurs, "Hairy feet."
Xorus says, "Yes."
Speaking to Leafiara, Lylia says, "I suspect that at some points, they were simply pushing through whatever foes they could as they were stretched thin in their initial overwhelming push."
Tayler says, "Their ships appear to be resistant to magic."
Speaking to Xorus, Pietra says, "This I did not know."
Melikor says, "Excuse me."
Xorus says, "The poison that Praxopius devised was a 'contagion', designed to spread among Kragnack's bloodline."
Thadston says, "The hour is beyond late. We'll start on what we can."
Vaemyr says, "Gonna research portals."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Thadston ye git me mail?!"
Thadston glances at Gutstorm.
Thadston says, "One day I'll check."
Tayler says, "Surely you have clerks."
Tayler says, "Send one of them."
Tayler says, "Leafiara does."
Geijon says, "Eve all."
Speaking gently to Gutstorm, Leafiara says, "Probably buried among the four hundred other letters to the mayor he's gotten."
Pookia whispers something to Sevanya.
Lylia says, "Nonsense. No one writes the mayor."
Thadston bows.
Mayor Thadston just went through a double door.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "But mine hash an Awfentic Dwarf Memmerchip letter in it."
Lylia says, "They all just stand about in the mayor's office and shake fists."
Pookia says, "I gotta go wash all these negotiations offa me."