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Common acronyms
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This is a list of common acronyms and abbreviations used by players when discussing Gemstone IV on Discord or other platforms. It is intended to be a reference for new or returning players to help them decipher what everyone else is saying. Nearly all the acronyms listed here are considered Out of Character (OOC) and should not be used when one is expected to be In Character (IC)
Acronym | Meaning | Category |
#X | A method of indicating the level of Enchant (925), a wizard's profession service, on an item based on a defunct version of the spell. The number (0-10) multiplied by 5 is the level of the enchantment. | Mechanics |
AS | Attack Strength or Arcane Symbols | Mechanics |
ASC | Ascension | Mechanics |
ATP | Ascension Training Point | Mechanics |
BS | Bloodscrip is alternative currency for purchases at the Duskruin event | Event |
CER | Combat Effectiveness Rating is the amount of padding or weighting on an item. This is a function of the number of "services" on the item. eg 5CER would be 'Somewhat' | Mechanics |
CHE | CHE or the Cooperative Houses of Elanthia. Each character can be a member of one at a time. More commonly called 'your house' | Mechanics |
CM or CMAN | Combat Maneuvers | Mechanics |
CoL | Council of Light | Mechanics |
CoS | Cloak of Shadows (712) | Spell |
CS | Casting Strength | Mechanics |
CP | Crit Padding, or Critical Strike Padding. On player armor only and allows for lower critical hits from higher end rolls in combat | Mechanics |
CW | Crit Weighting, or Critical Strike Weighting. On player weapons only and allows for higher critical hits from lower end rolls in combat, often adds the level eg: SCW = somewhat crit weighted or around 5 CER | Mechanics |
DoT | Damage over time - an effect which occurs repeatedly over a period over time. | Mechanics |
DR | Duskruin, a twice-yearly Simucoin event | Event |
DS | Defense Strength | Mechanics |
DtH | Deck the Halls, a highly customizable prop with the "all mine" script that can be PLACEd in a room for up to 4 hours without being able to be picked up by someone else or the janitor | Roleplay |
EBP | Evade/Block/Parry | Mechanics |
EG | Ebon Gate, a yearly Simucoin event | Event |
EL | Elemental Lore, generally followed by "Air", "Earth", "Fire", or "Water" | Mechanics |
EMC | Elemental Mana Control | Mechanics |
EN | Elven Nations | Location |
ESP | ESP is old school amunet that was accessed with a crystal amulet. Now always on, it's the updated in-game global communication network. | Utility |
FOF | Force on Force, a mechanic which decreases defenses as multiple attackers target one defender. | Mechanics |
FWI | Isle of the Four Winds, also known as Four Winds Isle , is the island where the town of Mist Harbor is located. It is a location only accessible to Premium members. | Location |
GALD | General Alteration, Lightening, or Deepening. A common type of merchant service. | Utility |
GEF | Greater elemental flare | Mechanics |
GH | GameHost | Utility |
GM | GameMaster | Utility |
GoS | Guardians of Sunfist | Mechanics |
HESS | HESS is the High End Scrip Shop, a part of Duskruin where some of the higher tier unlocks and items are sold. | Mechanics |
HP | Harness Power | Mechanics |
HW | Halfling Warrior or Hinterwilds, the highest hunting area for post-cap players, depending on who you ask. | Location |
IC | In Character | Roleplay |
IMT | Icemule Trace | Location |
KS | Kroderine Soul | Mechanics |
KST | Kenstrom Story Time. The time period when the Wehnimer's Landing GM starts a town event to advance the storyline. Often preceeded by rain or 'weather' in Landing, and the saying "Buy Deeds" | Roleplay |
L# | The tier of a Lucky Item (1006), a bard's profession service; the number (1-5) signifies how many tiers, with 6 meaning it also has Fated Fortune. | Mechanics |
LBP | Leather breastplate | Mechanics |
Lich | Lich is a middle layer to allow scripting in game | Utility |
LNET | Similar to amunet, global thought network but requiring Lich installed | Utility |
LTE | Long-term experience | Mechanics |
MBP | Metal breastplate | Mechanics |
MHO | MHOs are Meeting Hall Organizations, recognized groups of players. Any character can be a member of multiple MHOs, unlike CHEs. | Roleplay |
MIU | Magic Item Use | Mechanics |
MMC | Mental Mana Control | Mechanics |
MMT | Mid-week Mule Train, the weekly roleplay time, typically Wednesdays at 9:30pm ET, led by the Icemule GM | Roleplay |
MOC | Multi Opponent Combat | Mechanics |
NIR | Name(s) In Red (antiquated reference to GMs due to their names appearing in red on the defunct official forums) | Utility |
NM | North Market, the primary supernode of Solhaven | Location |
OHB | One-Handed Blunt weapons | Mechanics |
OHE | One-Handed Edged weapons | Mechanics |
OOC | Out of Character | Utility |
OP | Over Powered | Utility |
OSA | Open Sea Adventures | Mechanics |
P# | The tier of a Battle Standard (1620), a paladin's profession service; the number (1-6) signifies how many tiers. | Mechanics |
PF | Physical Fitness | Mechanics |
R#T# | Indicates an item has permanent Resist Nature (620), a ranger's profession service, applied to it. The first number (1-5) indicates how many damage resistance types it has and the second number (1-5) indicates how many tiers the most recently added of those resistances has. | Mechanics |
RK | Raikhen is a currency for use in the Rumor Woods pay event. It was introduced in 2019. | Event |
RPA | Roleplaying award is awarded to a player giving flat experience boost, and possibly a multiplier for a set amount of extra experience | Mechanics |
RW | Rumor Woods | Event |
S# | Indicates an item has Sanctify (330), a cleric's profession service, applied to it; the number (1-5) signifies how many tiers, with 6 meaning it has holy fire flares. | Mechanics |
S&H | Stalking and Hiding | Mechanics |
SMC | Spiritual Mana Control | Mechanics |
SMR | Standard maneuver roll | Mechanics |
SS | Soul shards, the primary currency of the Ebon Gate pay event. | Event |
SSR | Standard Success Resolution system abilities | Mechanics |
T# | Indicates an item has had Ensorcell (735), a sorcerer's profession service, applied to it; the number (1-5) signifies how many tiers. | Mechanics |
TC | Town Center, the primary supernode of Icemule Trace | Location |
TC | TownCrier, A player run organization (MHO) that aggregates all the player and game news. | Utility |
THW | Two-Handed Weapons | Mechanics |
TP | Training Point | Mechanics |
TSC | Town Square Central, the primary supernode of Wehnimer's Landing | Location |
TWC | Two Weapon Combat | Mechanics |
UAC or UCS | Unarmed Combat System | Mechanics |
WL | Wehnimer's Landing | Location |
WPS | WPS is weighting, padding, sighting. Often referencing the WPS Smithy wagon, an NPC that adds weighting to weapons, sighting to bows or padding to armor with beyond linearly increasing costs | Mechanics |