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North by Northwest (storyline)/2023-07-25 - Carefully Measured Stephs (log)
Koaratos 25-26, 5123
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the TownCrier
This log is purely intended as an archival record of spoken words and actions of characters within the game as could be witnessed by the character or characters who were present to record them. Leafiara's player and the TownCrier hold no position on the veracity, falsity, legitimacy, nor illegitimacy of any character dialogue, opinions, perspectives, interpretations, and stances presented herein.
Mayor Alendrial greets everyone inside Moot Hall and congratulates Envoys Thrassus and Tikba on winning the elections. They relay that the Barony of Darkstone has invited them to dinner, though no date has been set, and then they and Councilors Kiyna and Vaemyr relay that there's no news yet on the prisoner exchange.
As for other news, Tyrrax came to shore a week ago requesting that the Landing should either help or stand aside while his forces attack the Hendoran outpost to get the Talon of Toullaire from Grand Magister Octaven. However, Alendrial reiterates from her campaign that she wishes to end the cycle of leveraging one enemy to defeat another, strengthening the first, and therefore the Landing will not assist Tyrrax and will become his enemy if he moves against Imperial allies. However, she honors the previous agreement when he was released and will not demand his capture, which invites unnecessary risk. Alendrial also inquires about Casiphia's condition and requests that people continue observing her and report results to her.
Lastly, Alendrial says she suspects she'll need help from volunteers in the coming week to return to Idolone and save Stephos, may be able to locate the island of Theodulph Underhill (the Wraith), from Remnants thought to be seeking to silence him. Thrassus asks about the possibility of negotating his release instead; Alendrial says she's open to the proposal, but Stephos isn't a prisoner--he operates the prison and controls the warden.
Some objections are raised that he's committed crimes against the Landing; Leafiara and Councilor Kayse point out that Mayor Cruxophim pardoned him; Lylia and Kelfyr question which ones and how far a pardon extends. Alendrial mentions that Stephos has still managed to aid the Scions of Shaundara recently, who still need help as eliminating Chaston's Edict won't heal the world of bigots overnight nor over years. She implores Thrassus and Tikba to oil the gears of diplomacy, but adds that we may need to strike if the moment comes. They say they'll work to see what they can come up with.
Leafiara requests that he be brought anywhere but the Landing to avoid Imperial inquisitors coming knocking, but Alendrial says he can come to the Landing or elsewhere, but will need protection either way. Vaemyr says the Landing has justification to hold him as a prisoner in its own walls; Leafi doubts people will believe the pretense; Alendrial implies she can make the pretense real. Kayse asks how certain it is that Stephos has the information; Alendrial says his message indicated he might, but acknowledges the possibility that he could be lying to save himself from the Remnants, but if that's the case then she'll hang him herself.
Sir Geijon says a request to extradite is safer than a jailbreak; Alendrial expresses hope in the Envoys, but adds that it's a perfect world where the authorities simply release him to Landing custody upon request and points out that Stephos will need protection since the Remnants aren't his only enemies in Idolone, given when he armed the krolvin and pointed them toward coastal towns. Perigourd asks if Stephos can give the information to Imperial authorities for protection in a different prison to serve out his sentence; Alendrial says a mob of Idolone citizens and officials raided their home and tried to murder them both because he was a human and she was a half-elf, so he can't lose all leverage.
Marshal Stormyrain says this working against Imperial allies to steal a prisoner; Alendrial reiterates that Idolone officials will ideally agree to allow him to be escorted away; Kayse says this is leveraging one enemy to defeat another, strengthening the first; Alendrial says the Empire isn't an enemy, but concedes the larger point. However, she says she's not brokering a deal with him for information nor will she pardon him. Leafi says she's alright with any move, but asks if there are alternatives to locate the Wraith's island; Kayse and Alendrial mention that Amos and his fireflies are working on it, but that would come with a price as well. Leafi questions the idea that Amos would seek a price for help rooting out someone who wants him dead, but Councilor Kiyna, Alendrial, Vaemyr, Goldstr, and Lylia say he would.
Alendrial says Amos has acquired new ships for his Red Watch to prepare for the island and that, with the Brewmaster and Alchemist dead while the Lion, the Wraith, and the Shrike remain, two will take advantage of a weakness in the third.
She concludes the night by saying she's not said no to anything in a situation of very delicate balance, welcoming the Envoys once more, and looking forward to greeting the new Town Councilors in two weeks.
Editing Protocol of this Log
- NPC dialogue, NPC actions, and PC dialogue or actions which NPCs react to are bolded.
- Actions are edited out unless they come from NPCs, are necessary to understand the context of surrounding dialogue that meets all other criteria, or are within the first three of a PC's responses to an NPC who was directing actions or dialogue toward them.
- Greetings, farewells, dialogue on OOC ESP channels, and dialogue related to various services including but not limited to healing, resurrection, locksmithing, armor adjustments, and spellups are edited out unless they come from NPCs, are directed toward NPCs, or are necessary to understand the context of surrounding dialogue that meets all other criteria.
- Dialogue in languages other than Common is presented from the perspective of a character who only knows Common so as not to give preferential treatment to languages which the logging character knows.
- IC group whispers are excluded so as not to give preferential treatment to the group which the logging character is in.
- OOC whispers that don't come from NPCs are excluded due to being OOC.
- Visible whispers are presented from the perspective of a third-party observer.
- Other dialogue not mentioned above is included.
- Travel between a starting room and destination room is excluded unless it shows off unique and newly created rooms.
- Combat is excluded.
- Rights are reserved to include anything that seems especially amusing, all of the above notwithstanding.
Awaiting Alendrial
[General] Alendrial thinks, "Evening all."
[General] Pukk exclaims, "Hi there!"
[General] Leafiara cheerfully exclaims, "Good eve!"
[General] Kiyna thinks, "Evening, Mayor."
[General] Vaemyr thinks, "Good evening Mayor."
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see an enraged wasteland spirit that is flying around, the repousse copper Perigourd disk raised in leafy designs, a seed-eyed dusky-grained zebrawood mandrake wearing some grey ironwood bark armor, the Zendaro disk, a flame-eyed burnished ember fox that is sitting, a falchion, an animated flayed gigas disciple, a large acorn, a shadow-hued zombie puppy with partially exposed rotting flesh, a sinuous bone white serpent, a wooden rake, a silver-traced carved mahogany cart with some stuff on it, a bone-inlaid wooden sign that reads, "Bigger is Better. Vote for Irval!", a painted winged heart sign that reads, "Vote Saraphenia: For Love, For Wehnimer's!", a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin, some wide stone benches with some stuff on it and an old well.
Speaking to Vaemyr, Pukk says, "You're it for tonight."
Vaemyr says, "Oh it's my turn tonight."
Pukk recites:
"Everybody join Vaemyr for good, fun adventures!"
[General] Falvicar thinks, "Evening."
Falvicar says to Leafiara, "You, madam, are a ruttish flap-dragon!"
Leafiara says to Falvicar, "You, sir, are a bootless, hedge-born ruffian!"
Emperia says, "Hopefully, adventures that are not at the lake."
Pukk exclaims, "I knew it. He's bootless!"
Tayler says, "I'm glad to have people that are a little more in tune with the complicated political situation in the positions."
[General] Alendrial thinks, "I will be along to the Council Chambers in Moot Hall shortly, we've a few things to discuss."
Leafiara says, "Mostly when he's in kobold disguise."
Vaemyr says, "Alrighty heading to the council chambers."
[Moot Hall, Council Chamber]
A rich merlot carpet stretches from end to end of this large, spacious chamber, which is aglow from the moonlight shining in through several arched windows along an entire wall. Large, verdant green plants rest in terra cotta vases in each corner of the room, and the walls are decorated with detailed paintings of nearby historical landmarks. A circular table sits in the center of the room, surrounded by several wooden chairs. You also see an animated flayed gigas disciple, the leaf-shrouded Kelfyr disk encircled by overlapping leaves, a grizzled porcupine, a wide burnished oak archway, an ivory-washed birch door, a reinforced oak door, a polished red cedar door and a pink oak door.
Speaking to Perigourd, Pukk exclaims, "We win!"
Speaking to a simple wooden chair, Vaemyr says, "I think you might be safe tonight."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Pukk exclaims, "Oh yeah!"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Kiyna says, "Don't make promises we can't keep."
Tayler says, "I think they can afford to spruce those up now."
Speaking to Tayler, Vaemyr says, "We'll have to think of what to do with all the furniture replace funds we can now re-appropriate."
Pukk recites:
"Everybody hug Kayse for good luck!"
Thrassus says, "Make any new furniture out of ironwood."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Tayler says, "More orphan racketeering, I suspect."
Tikba amusedly says, "Modwir is the cheapest to replace."
Thrassus says, "Ironwood should never need replacing, though."
Pukk exclaims, "I say we hire Bernadette. She is chopping the trees down all the time anyways. Might as well have her get the wood for us!"
Speaking to Thrassus, Kiyna says, "Depends. Modwir, ironwood, it's all straw in Thadston's hands."
Pukk exclaims, "Cheers for Bernadette the Deforester!"
Thrassus says, "He's an outlier."
Falvicar asks, "Where did he go?"
Speaking curiously to Falvicar, Leafiara asks, "Who?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Falvicar says, "Thadston."
Thrassus asks, "Maybe he went fishing?"
Pukk says, "I have a ghost lover it seems."
Leafiara says, "Oh. He's probably somewhere off training for battle."
Vaemyr says, "I mean he's still around, just isn't mayor anymore."
Tayler says, "Gutstrom, stop it."
Speaking to Falvicar, Kiyna says, "He's around. No longer Mayor, but he's about."
Mayor Alendrial and Current Events
Mayor Alendrial just came through a wide burnished oak archway.
Vaemyr says, "We saw him fighting the reavers and spiders a few weeks back."
Lylia says, "While I see a few of our Town Council candidates here, let me -- ah, but I can wait."
Tikba politely greets, "Mayor."
Speaking to Alendrial, Goldstr says, "Evenin Mayor."
Bernadette softly says, "Madam Mayor."
Gutstorm points his gold-banded gavel at Alendrial and loudly announces, "Sold!" [OOC note: a giftbox had just released with a scripted gavel item]
Tayler gently bops Gutstorm on the head with his gold-banded gavel.
Alendrial smiles.
Tayler says, "I am avenged."
Alendrial says, "Evening everyone."
Alendrial smirks.
Alendrial asks, "Do we need to replace Manard then?"
Alendrial says, "Seems there's several new judges."
Goldstr exclaims, "Too many!"
Gutstorm raises his gold-banded gavel skyward!
Pukk says, "Yes. Gutstorm wants to run for Town Judge."
Alendrial says, "Ah, but election season, or election summer is coming to an end soon."
Alendrial says, "Congratulations, to our new Envoys."
Alendrial nods at Thrassus.
Alendrial nods at Tikba.
Tikba smiles at Alendrial.
Alendrial says, "I look forward to working with you."
Tikba nods appreciatively at Alendrial.
Thrassus nods at Alendrial.
Alendrial asks, "I understand Darkstone has already dined you?"
Thrassus says, "Likewise."
Tikba says, "We have been invited, but I do not think the date is set."
Thrassus says, "Not yet, I have had some scheduling issues arranging the logistics of it."
Alendrial nods.
Alendrial asks, "Is there any news on the prisoner exchange yet?"
Alendrial asks, "With the reivers and Elidal?"
Speaking to Alendrial, Kiyna says, "Not yet, to my knowledge."
Tikba says, "Not since our visit to the Vale."
Thrassus says, "Nothing new."
Vaemyr says, "We haven't heard back yet no."
Alendrial nods.
Alendrial says, "I suspect we'll know more soon, perhaps even this week. I know the soon to be Baron worries."
Thrassus nods in agreement.
Thrassus says, "Understandably so."
Alendrial says, "I've also been informed Tyrrax came to our shores last week."
Vaemyr says, "Yeah..."
Thrassus says, "Yes. With a totally unreasonable demand."
Alendrial says, "...and in a not so round about way, tried to imply we should help or stand aside if he wishes to attack the Outpost or the Hall of Mages to get the Talon."
Pukk says, "Yes. I think his real agenda was to look for Pookia. But when he didn't find her he changed it."
Alendrial asks, "Do I have the jist of it?"
Speaking to Alendrial, Perigourd says, "You do."
Alendrial nods.
Alendrial says, "I will be clear then."
Thrassus says, "We offered to pass the message along in order to buy time to prepare."
Alendrial says, "I have not waivered from my campaign. I wish to end the cycle of leveraging one enemy to defeat another to then only strengthen the first."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Hey, yoo da new mayer!"
Alendrial says, "We will not be assisting Tyrrax, and if he moves against our imperial allies, his own enemies will double."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Do we gotta be alliesh wit da imperilsh?"
Alendrial says, "I understand the agreement that was made when he was released, and I'm honoring that. I am not demanding his capture. I think that invites...unnecessary risk."
Kiyna says, "Far as I'm concerned, he broke that agreement himself when he came back here suddenly."
Alendrial says, "I am not a fool, he seems far more civilized and reasonable than any krolvin I've heard of. Which perhaps the bar is not that high."
Alendrial says, "But we still won't entertain certain things."
Thrassus says, "He still is very green on things like diplomacy."
Alendrial says, "And finally..."
Alendrial says, "Well..before we get to that."
Casiphia Catchup
Alendrial asks, "How is...Casiphia?"
Lylia whispers something to Thrassus.
Speaking amusedly to Thrassus, Tikba says, "I suppose we must all begin somewhere."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Bad."
Pukk says, "That is what I was wondering about."
Tikba politely agrees, "Ill."
Alendrial says, "I know Magister Enisius has set her up for observation."
Leafiara frankly says, "It's not entirely clear that she wishes to live at this point."
Vaemyr says, "Some of us spent some time observing her... she, isn't doing well."
Alendrial asks, "Who is...who is observing?"
Alendrial asks, "Any of us?"
Thrassus says, "She is under observation, but she was not in a good way the last time we saw her."
Leafiara agrees, "Any of us."
Vaemyr says, "I've spent some time in my research duties."
Speaking to Alendrial, Kiyna says, "If you want to see her yourself, the crystal dome is open. We could go now, if you like."
Alendrial says, "Please, spend more."
Thrassus says, "Enusius was watching her last we saw."
Vaemyr says, "I'll do everything I can."
Alendrial says, "No, I do not want to go, not yet. Maybe alone sometime."
Tikba neutrally says, "The poison has advanced quite a bit in its course."
Thrassus says, "The poison seems to literally be turning her into silver, which is a first that I have seen."
Alendrial says, "I understand the Hall, that Enisius is requesting research done...and he has his team."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dey not lettin her have any alchohol either, itsh cruelty."
Lylia agrees, "It is uncomfortable to many to watch the woman die like an insect under a jar deprived of air."
Vaemyr says, "So far the more active she is, the worse it affects her."
Alendrial says, "But it seems it is currently open to others. I would ask, if any of you are willing, to spend the next few days observing her, and report back to me."
Alendrial says, "It is not that I do not trust the Hall, but she is still one of our own, and I made her a promise."
Alendrial says, "...I want to be aware of all changes and observations."
Pukk says, "Yes."
Tayler says, "Honestly a finishing blow might be more merciful."
Tayler says, "From what I saw."
Alendrial says, "Uncomfortable, but not impossible."
Alendrial nods at Lylia.
Alendrial glances at Tayler.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me no trusht da hall, Raelee a member, she very shneaky, she deshtroyed Sholhaven one time."
Lylia murmurs a chant as a shadowy film darkens her eyes.
Lylia gestures into the air.
Lylia momentarily gets a faroff look in her eyes, and then returns to normal.
Xorus just came through a wide burnished oak archway.
Speaking quietly to Alendrial, Tayler says, "No disrespect meant, if I was that way I'd want to be put down swiftly."
Alendrial says, "I understand."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk exclaims, "I just saw Lylia summon Xorus. I knew it!"
Alendrial says, "I am not offended easily."
Stephos Scenarios
Alendrial says, "Now on to the final matter for tonight."
Alendrial slowly empties her lungs.
Gutstorm gently bops Xorus on the head with his gold-banded gavel.
Speaking to Gutstorm, Lylia says, "It was good knowing you."
Alendrial says, "I do not know when precisely, but I suspect in the coming week...I will neeed some help. Volunteers only, of course, I do not demand or force of it of anyone.."
Alendrial says, "Nor could I."
Alendrial chuckles.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Volunteer mean we gittin paid?"
Vaemyr says, "If this is going where I think it's going, you'll have a lot of Volunteers I think."
Alendrial says, "I have received some cryptic messages from someone. I am working to verify their location, which I suspect may be the same as it was. He was critical in learning the identity of the Wraith, but he may be able to provide some information now on how to find Underhill's island."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Tayler says, "That's the opposite of what that means."
Alendrial says, "...we may need to return to Idolone, my home once...and save Stephos."
Speaking lightly to Alendrial, Kayse says, "Save? We tried to do that already."
Falvicar whispers something to Pukk.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Id dat dat place wit dem warehoushesh dat we ranshacked fer Amosh and Juramisht?"
Kiyna abruptly warns, "...Eyes out for orbs, everyone. Just got a chill."
Thrassus asks, "You mean break him out of prison?"
Stormyrain bluntly asks, "Save him from what?"
Speaking to Alendrial, Perigourd asks, "Save him from what? my understanding was that he was in control of his own situation?"
Goldstr says, "Save Stephos? Interestin."
Alendrial says, "His movements may be restricted, and there may be Remnants seeking to silence him."
Geijon says, "I'm sensing less volunteers."
Leafiara says, "Ah, makes sense."
Alendrial says, "Escaping Idolone may not be as easy as it was months ago if he had done it then."
Tikba mildly agrees, "Yes."
Thrassus asks, "Is it not possible to negotiate his release?"
Speaking to Alendrial, Kayse says, "That plan could still work though."
Speaking to Geijon, Vaemyr says, "Ok maybe a few less hah."
Alendrial glances at Thrassus.
Speaking to Alendrial, Pukk asks, "So, you are talking more about removing him from a dangerson situation and bringing him into a more protective custody?"
Alendrial slowly empties her lungs.
Alendrial says, "He isn't a prisoner like you might expect. I'll leave it at that."
Pukk says, "I can get behind trying to save him."
Kelfyr asks, "How will our purported allies take this action?"
Leafiara says, "That much should be obvious considering everything said at the trial."
Alendrial says, "A great question for our envoys."
Alendrial nods at Kelfyr.
Alendrial smirks.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Shend an envoy to shmoot fingsh over?"
Kelfyr asks, "Are you expecting them to ask first?"
Kelfyr's expression is puzzled as he glances at Alendrial.
Pukk says, "A test for our envoys."
Thrassus says, "Well, as long as it doesn't cause yet another international incident and make my job harder than it needs to be, I do not object."
Lylia notes, "Envoys carry messages; they should not be expected to repair diplomatic relations we have torn at with clawed hands."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "That is why I didn't run for anything this time."
Alendrial says, "I am open to proposals and ideas."
Alendrial says, "There is what our allies know, and then there is reality."
Lylia says, "I like our current pair of them too much to cast them to the wolves."
Speaking to Alendrial, Vaemyr says, "Could we... get them to release him into our custody, on the crimes of being the Knave? With the new agreement, we should be able to potentially try him here, would give us grounds and such."
Tikba politely considers, "I understand that Stephos committed crimes against the Landing, some years ago."
Alendrial says, "So it will be a challenging web to weave through."
Speaking to Thrassus, Stormyrain says, "Given that he is answering for crimes against the Empire, it very well may. Not to mention the fact that he should likely be standing trial and serving here for the crimes he's committed against the Landing over the years."
Tikba amusedly says, "I see that we have thought along similar lines."
Geijon says, "His list of crimes is rather long."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Pukk says, "But he wasn't really the knav....oh I see what you are saying."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Kiyna says, "I am not sure 'they' have any power over him. At least for now."
Tayler says, "Wear masks, no face, no case."
Kelfyr says, "I suppose it's at least a more courteous request than the last mayor to save a past lover."
Speaking to Alendrial, Geijon asks, "And why does your husband need saving?"
Lylia says, "He committed some crimes against the Landing before he committed them against Imperial concerns."
Speaking to Kiyna, Vaemyr says, "As long as we have "official" permission, I think is the main thing."
Vaemyr says, "And justification."
Speaking to Geijon, Thrassus says, "The Remnants are out to kill him."
Vaemyr says, "For bringing him into "our" custody."
Leafiara says, "Crux pardoned him of crimes in the Landing, but the point does stand that bringing him here would invite Imperial inquisitors to our doorstep. Wherever he'd go, it probably shouldn't be here." [this topic eventually gets circled back to, though not immediately]
Alendrial holds out one hand.
Kayse says, "He was pardoned for his original crimes against Wehnimer's."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Tayler says, "I believe that's why "Volunteers" was emphasized."
Alendrial says, "I could hold the crimes of my husband in this hand..."
Alendrial holds out her other hand.
Alendrial says, "..and the good he's done in another."
Kayse says, "It is the only reason Alendrial stands before you as Mayor."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Who yoo hubby?"
Alendrial says, "But sadly, one outweighs the other."
Stormyrain asks, "However, it is clear that crimes against the Empire have occurred, and we are currently in a precarious situation with the Barony as it is. Do we really want to push against that aspect of the Edict with someone as ..polarizing as Stephos? To what end?"
Alendrial says, "I promised transparency..."
Lylia asks, "Was that pardon a blanket pardon?"
Lylia clarifies, "Cruxophim's pardon of Stephos' crimes, that is?"
Alendrial says, "Stephos is not a prisoner of Ironhold. His cell in Idolone is empty. He operates the prison, controls the warden..."
Thrassus says, "Ah."
Speaking to Lylia, Kelfyr says, "Pardons are for past crimes. One wonders what future crimes loosing him may require further paperwork."
Speaking to Alendrial, Lylia says, "That sounds like quite a safe fortress, given that he owns the prison, more or less."
Alendrial says, "...and despite his crimes, he has still managed to aid the Scions of Shaundara, even recently."
Thrassus says, "Well, then his extraction might be able to be covered for a time at least."
Alendrial says, "The Edict gone does not heal the minds of bigots overnight, or even over years. There are still half-elves in need of help."
Tikba carefully says, "If Stephos has escaped his fetters in Ironhold, then returning him to our custody can only be aid to the Empire."
Leafiara asks, "Can he at least be extracted to--well, anywhere at all that isn't here?"
Speaking to Tikba, Perigourd asks, "Than he'll be remanded back to imperial custody after rescue?"
Alendrial says, "Our allies may be surprised to hear he is not a prisoner."
Speaking to Alendrial, Thrassus says, "Agreed, it is a marathon not a sprint."
Alendrial says, "...and yes, Ironhold has a measure of defenses, but if the Remnants move on it, or parts of Idolone.."
Alendrial says, "We may have little time to act."
Lylia says, "I understand."
Speaking to a seed-eyed dusky-grained zebrawood mandrake wearing some grey ironwood bark armor, Perigourd says, "Behave, Spud."
Alendrial says, "So begin to oil the gears of diplomacy, I implore you."
Alendrial nods at Thrassus.
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Wot him name?"
Alendrial nods at Tikba.
Tikba nods thoughtfully at Alendrial.
Alendrial says, "But know that if the moment comes, we may need to strike."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Perigourd says, "Spud."
Speaking mildly to Perigourd, Tikba says, "I suppose we would need to inquire with Earl Jovery to determine his status, at that time."
Kiyna asks, "Back to Idolone, eh?"
Thrassus says, "We'll see what we can come up with."
Speaking to Alendrial, Pukk asks, "So, are you saying that in the interest of saving Idolone and Ironhold we should extra him and take the hot potato away from there?"
Thrassus says, "It might be possible to craft a reason to move him."
Alendrial says, "If we save Stephos, he can come here, or elsewhere. But he'll need to be protected, to provide what he can of the location of Underhill's island."
Goldstr says, "Ahhh."
Leafiara slowly says, "I really think it has to be elsewhere since this is the very first place the inquisitors would come knocking."
Alendrial slowly empties her lungs.
Pukk says, "The fact that we are being transparent means that the empire will know that it is our hand. Either way we will be confronted."
Alendrial says, "I got him out of my life twice. The man will not go quietly."
Speaking to Alendrial, Pukk says, "Men are stubborn."
Alendrial says, "He continues to find ways to survive and be useful."
Leafiara looks thoughtfully at Pukk.
Speaking drunkenly to Alendrial, Gutstorm slurs, "Need me to handle it?"
Speaking to Leafia, Pukk says, "You know me so well."
Kiyna says, "The longer we fail to learn the whereabouts of the Knave, the more orbs will come rolling through doorways. More fire, more destruction, more civilian casualties. I think it's a worthy reason."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Unless we have official reason to hold him here, as a prisoner ourselves, which we kinda do. They'd need Jovery or the Emperor to remove him technically. Hopefully our envoys can do some wonderful discussions to make that not a painful conversation."
Leafiara acknowledges, "Gutstorm is one of the best operatives we have..."
Kiyna corrects, "The Wraith, sorry."
Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Am will have him beggin fer mercy."
Lylia points out, "Some species of worms can live even if severed into parts. It is remarkable in its way, if disgusting."
Speaking to Alendrial, Kayse inquires, "And he definitely still has information we need?"
Speaking dubiously to Vaemyr, Leafiara asks, "And you think anyone at all will believe a pretense that he's being held here as a prisoner?"
Alendrial says, "I can hold Stephos here on crimes if needed. There is enough to find him at fault for, even if it is the accusation of being the Knave."
Alendrial says, "I am unclear. His message indicated he might."
Alendrial nods at Kayse.
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr asks, "I mean... he can have the cell next to Bodohal?"
Alendrial says, "In truth, in the sake of transparency, he could be lying."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Perigourd says, "One would think the letter from the Earl would obligate the Landing to hold and return criminals who escape justice within the empire, when apprehended."
Alendrial says, "He could be seeing the noose of the Remnants tightening around his operations, and he could be saying all he can to be saved."
Leafiara muses, "In fairness, he did come through last time."
Kiyna says, "I don't think he gains much safety by coming here."
Alendrial says, "...and if that is the case.."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Stormyrain says, "No thank you."
Alendrial says, "I will hang him myself."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Stormyrain says, "He can be held in the prison under the town guard."
Thrassus says, "If he's lying we can just toss him right back."
Kayse says, "Seems to be a theme of Wehnimer's Mayors lately."
Tayler says, "Very lynchy."
Alendrial says, "But we cannot allow our alliance to stifle us either, from acting when needed."
Geijon says, "Speaking of Envoys, considering it's an Imperial Prison, then a request to extradite him would be th' safest course instead of th' alternative Jail break out of Imperial prison angle."
Alendrial nods at Thrassus.
Leafiara says, "I suppose the fireflies haven't turned up anything on Underhill's island after a month of trying, either."
Alendrial nods at Tikba.
Tikba nods in agreement at Alendrial.
Alendrial says, "So do and say what you can, not chain us."
Speaking to Perigourd, Vaemyr says, "The way the letter is, we still get to try him for the crimes here, then we hand him back."
Alendrial says, "It is timely, it is unlikely to occur, because it is not Elidal's call, and it may still be dangerous without us there."
Alendrial nods at Geijon.
Alendrial says, "In a perfect world, we would ask, they would oblige, and he would be sent here without event."
Thrassus says, "Once the Remnants and the Wraith are taken care of we can send him back, yes."
Alendrial says, "Remnants are not the only enemies Stephos has in Idolone."
Tikba carefully says, "If we make diplomatic efforts, and then take him from Idolone ourselves when they fail, it will not be difficult to guess where Stephos may have gone."
Alendrial says, "He armed the krolvin and pointed them towards coastal towns."
Alendrial says, "He did not kill thousands, but he might as well have."
Thrassus says, "But they are the ones he is saying he has information on and is our immediate concern."
Stormyrain says, "And the memory of the Landing is long. I would not discount the enemies he has here."
Speaking to Tikba, Kayse agrees, "We could be bringing more violence to our town."
Alendrial says, "If Stephos moves without proper protection, a Remnant or any citizen of Idolone could gut him."
Kelfyr says, "Given a potential assault by the Remnants on Idolone would be an escalation and a direct assault on the Empire, and given that they're already also looking for the Wraith, I tend to agree with Geijon."
Alendrial nods at Stormyrain.
Speaking to Kelfyr, Tikba says, "Ah, I had not considered that a Remnants attack on Idolone would also be viewed as the responsibility of the Landing."
Kiyna says, "Remnants, at least several of them, are Landing citizens."
Pukk whispers something to Leafiara.
Kiyna says, "Ordlyn, I don't think so..."
Geijon says, "A few of our dealings with Krolvin have been a bit fluid lately, but they weren't when Stephos armed them."
Leafiara whispers something to Pukk.
Tikba says, "It is a difficulty we cannot avoid, then."
Alendrial says, "...or we could capture Tyrrax and trade for Stephos."
Alendrial says, "I am kidding. Mostly."
Alendrial chuckles.
Goldstr says, "Rather slay dem both."
Tayler says, "Holding Tyrrax in custody did not go so well last time, he has powerful allies as well."
Thrassus says, "That's an idea, but a very difficult one to say the least."
Leafiara says, "That would probably invite even more risk than just leaving Stephos alone and taking--months more, if not longer, to find the Wraith."
Kelfyr says, "They want the Wraith. We want the Wraith. Stephos might have knowledge of the Wraith. Seems an easy deal to be made on that axis alone."
Alendrial says, "I said it merely to let the thought escape."
Vaemyr says, "If the person helping Tyrrax is who many think, capturing Tyrrax is a much more complicated prospect than it was before."
Thrassus says, "He can just portal away from any trap."
Alendrial says, "I'll leave prisoner swaps to imperials and reivers."
Kelfyr says, "But if you want to play sneaky pirates again..."
Speaking to Tayler, Kiyna says, "I am no ally of the krolvin's, if that's what you're implying."
Thrassus asks, "What organizations is Stephos allied with, if any?"
Alendrial says, "It's very possible they will agree to deliver us Stephos, or release him to us. Perhaps we will be needed for nothing more than to protect him."
Alendrial says, "That would be an ideal outcome."
Speaking to Kiyna, Tayler says, "That... wasn't even close, where did that come from."
Leafiara knowingly says, "Never count on ideal outcomes."
Vaemyr says, "Perhaps."
Alendrial says, "The only challenge, unless my husband is not stubborn is..."
Thrassus asks, "Perhaps disguises could be used if the difficult route has to be taken?"
Alendrial says, "Stephos is not technically a prisoner. If he is wise, he'll keep the act up."
Vaemyr says, "But otherwise at least a group of volunteers will need to be ready to act if nessecary."
Speaking to Kiyna, Tayler says, "I meant the strormcrows and that one particularly nasty summoner that set the town on fire seven different ways."
Speaking to Tayler, Kiyna says, "I misunderstood."
Speaking to Alendrial, Perigourd asks, "Why doesn't he simply exchange the information with imperial authorities for protection in a separate prison to serve out his sentence?"
Perigourd raises an eyebrow in Alendrial's direction.
Alendrial says, "Idolone may feel a bit angered with Stephos operating beneath their nose, and us being aware of it."
Speaking to Thrassus, Kelfyr says, "I'm certain some folks have that angle covered."
Speaking to Alendrial, Tikba asks, "I presume the mention of your name will make the situation clear to him, so that he will play the correct part?"
Speaking to Perigourd, Kiyna says, "His sentence was death."
Speaking bluntly to Kiyna, Stormyrain asks, "And?"
Stormyrain says, "Perigourd has a good point."
Alendrial says, "A mob of Idolone citizens and officials raided our home weeks after our wedding, and with blades and fire tried to murder me and my husband because I was a half-elf. We barely escaped, and fled here to Wehnimer's Landing. It has been a decade more, but many have not forgotten."
Geijon whispers something to Perigourd.
Alendrial nods at Perigourd.
Alendrial says, "...that is why one cannot simply, share information and lose all leverage."
Tikba nods grimly at Alendrial.
Alendrial says, "I hope."
Alendrial nods at Tikba.
Stormyrain asks, "So, we are not going to stand against our allies, but we are instead, going to work directly against them, by stealing an Imperial prisoner because we --don't trust them and need leverage?"
Alendrial says, "No."
Stormyrain says, "That is certainly how it sounds, to me."
Alendrial says, "As I said earlier, ideally, the envoys could perhaps help oil the gears of diplomacy, and Idolone officials will agree to allow us to help escort him away."
Alendrial says, "But if that is not the result..."
Alendrial says, "...we may need to entertain other ideas."
Kayse asks, "So by helping Stephos....and a lot of these plans I keep hearing--we are potentially leveraging one enemy to defeat another to then only strengthen the first?"
Lylia asks, "They must feel they get something from such a proposition. What would their gain be to allow him to be escorted away?"
Kayse glances at Alendrial.
Alendrial glances at Kayse.
Stormyrain says, "Just so."
Alendrial says, "The imperials are not our enemy."
Alendrial says, "So no."
Pukk says, "If we try this diplomatically then the other way will just lead to a confrontation with the empire. Which is what some want to avoid."
Alendrial says, "But..."
Alendrial sighs.
Kelfyr says, "Not so far."
Tikba says, "I am sure Thrassus and I can do what we can to suggest the transfer of Stephos DeArchon."
Pukk says, "You can't try both ways."
Alendrial says, "I suppose you're right."
Alendrial says, "But we are striking no deals with Stephos."
Pukk says, "And since we brought it up outloud. Then we can't try to take him."
Lylia says, "I have a great deal of confidence in you both to find a means of doing so."
Speaking evenly to Alendrial, Kayse says, "I have no problem making deals as you know, but I prefer to be transparent and call it what it is."
Alendrial says, "We are not brokering a deal for him for information."
Speaking to Alendrial, Kayse says, "We're not? Because if we want his information we are."
Alendrial says, "We'll extract him safely, to ensure the information is received, but he will have no pardon from me."
Stormyrain bluntly asks, "What makes you think he will give it to us, then?"
Kiyna offers, "His charming wife's earnest request?"
Thrassus says, "Because we will be keeping a knife from his neck presumably."
Leafiara asks, "I have no problem whatsoever with what's decided, but just in the interest of bringing it up, are there no viable alternatives for locating the Wraith's island?"
Vaemyr says, "The deal seems like, he gets to not be murdered by Remnants, and we get the info? I mean not the juiciest deal, but it's kinda a deal nonetheless."
Alendrial says, "Stephos has much to redeem for, and there is a part of me that believes he seeks to make progress towards that."
Pukk says, "We already lost any covert extraction with this meeting. The empire will find out that we planned it and they will come here."
Tikba mildly says, "The Empire is already here."
Speaking to Leafiara, Kayse asks, "Amos did mention the fireflies were working on something? And Ivorel?"
Alendrial says, "But he also does not want to die. He very much enjoys living, and the luxuries of life."
Speaking to Alendrial, Kelfyr asks, "Do you believe that or do you want to believe that?"
Alendrial says, "Both."
Speaking to Alendrial, Lylia says, "Yes. That is the primary enticement he has to cooperate. He likes living."
Speaking to Kayse, Leafiara asks, "Right... but has there been progress?"
Alendrial says, "I believe it, but I want to believe it more strongly."
Pukk whispers something to Leafiara.
Pukk whispers something to Leafiara.
Alendrial says, "Amos and his Fireflies are working on learning the island's location."
Kiyna suggests, "Let's see how getting the envoys to ask Idolone to escort him back to us goes. That is very much the ideal approach, and if it works, we need not entertain anything else."
Tikba carefully says, "Pukk is right that if the diplomatic efforts fail, the alternative will be much more difficult."
Alendrial says, "But that will no doubt come with a price as well, which I suspect is why Kayse sought to...try to illustrate my hypocrisy."
Alendrial says, "A deal with Stephos is no deal for Amos."
Leafiara asks, "Hmm, you're thinking that even in this case with the Wraith, Amos would still seek a price? For help rooting out someone trying to kill him?"
Tikba mildly says, "But we may hope that those who report to the Empire may return and say that, tonight, the Landing chose to begin with diplomacy, in order to avoid difficulties."
Leafiara furrows her brow.
Speaking to Leafiara, Kiyna says, "Yes."
Tikba says, "Hopefully they will have no complaint."
Speaking measuredly to Alendrial, Kayse says, "I called you out on it because you threw that line at me when I suggested a negotiation. I have no problem with the actions you are suggesting, but own them."
Leafiara wryly says, "Even I'm not that skeptical of Amos, but alright."
Alendrial says, "Absolutely."
Alendrial nods.
Leafiara gazes heavenward.
Vaemyr says, "I cannot imagine Amos not wanting something. Even if it's just that he's going to take something or somethings from the island."
Alendrial says, "Fair enough."
Alendrial nods at Kayse.
Goldstr exclaims, "Amos Always wants a Price!"
Lylia says, "Some people are reliable in that way."
Vaemyr says, "Not that that's nessecarily a bad deal for us either, but he's a merchant he'll always want something."
Speaking amusedly to Lylia, Tikba says, "I suppose everybody desires something."
Lylia says, "I find it one of Amos' sterling qualities."
Kayse airily reasons, "He has helped the town a few times and not asked for things. Perhaps you all do not know him as well as you think."
Tikba says, "It is best if you know what that is."
Alendrial says, "Amos has been moving some money around recently, acquired some new ships for his Red Watch."
Alendrial says, "He is preparing for that island, for if and when he finds the way."
Kelfyr says, "It does seem a good time to have a better navy."
Pukk says, "I have no qualms about either direction. I just wanted to point out that either will lead to a direct confrontation with the empire. In this case I think Stephos will be able to help us but it will not seem that way to everybody."
Kelfyr says, "Between three obvious naval threats on the horizon."
Speaking to Alendrial, Vaemyr says, "I still hope you'll consider my request for potentially some naval vessels for our own militia as well."
Alendrial says, "The Brewmaster is dead. The Alchemist is dead. Of some forces at work within the region, the Lion, the Wraith, and the Shrike remain."
Alendrial says, "Do not pretend for a moment two of them will not take advantage of a weakness in one of them."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Tayler asks, "Who's paying for them?"
Leafiara says, "We don't even know who the Shrike is at this point."
Alendrial says, "All the more reason to control what we can."
Speaking to Tayler, Thrassus says, "That's what taxes are for."
Speaking to Tayler, Vaemyr says, "The town would."
Tayler unconvincingly says, "Right, taxes."
Alendrial says, "The hour is late. I'll leave you all to mull over some ideas. I have not said no to anything."
Alendrial says, "It is a delicate, so very delicate balance right now."
Leafiara agrees, "As it usually is."
Speaking to Alendrial, Tikba says, "Rest well, Mayor."
Alendrial says, "Goodnight everyone."
Vaemyr says, "Goodnight Mayor."
Leafiara wishes, "Rest well."
Lylia says, "Be well."
Goldstr says, "Same to all."
Alendrial says, "Welcome again to the new Envoys, and I look forward to greeting our new councilors next week."
Alendrial waves.
Mayor Alendrial just went through a wide burnished oak archway.
Leafiara says, "I think she means in two weeks on that one."
Lylia says, "Next week...I cannot believe it is so soon."
Speaking to Kayse, Tikba whispers aloud, "Is it so soon?"
Vaemyr says, "Voting starts next week I think... results not for a week more."
Kayse says, "Not soon enough."
Leafiara says, "Voting is next week, results not for another week."
Kiyna says, "Whoever gets my desk, I wish luck to. They'll need it."
Mayor Alendrial just came through a wide burnished oak archway.
Lylia says, "Voting begins next week, yes. Shortly after Restday, which is when we have a backyard barbecue at Brigatta."
Alendrial says, " two weeks."
Mayor Alendrial just went through a wide burnished oak archway.
Discussion Afterward
Pukk exclaims, "Welcome back!"
Pukk exclaims, "Wow, she was quick!"
Lylia says, "Good ears, too."
Kayse casually says, "Where is Irval? He would have loved to hear all this."
Pukk says, "Oh yeah. I didn't think about that."
Tikba amusedly says, "The advantage of making a calmer exit is that you may then return without having to walk over any broken furniture."
Pukk says, "Women. Can't whisper about them behind their backs and can't bury them in the back yard."
Speaking to Kayse, Perigourd says, "Good material for his campaign, probably."
Speaking to a simple wooden chair, Kiyna says, "You're safe now."
Speaking flatly to Perigourd, Kayse murmurs, "Yes, I can not wait to be screamed at in the debates."
Speaking thoughtfully to Thrassus, Tikba says, "I suppose the question is what approach to take with Idolone."
Speaking to Kayse, Lylia says, "Good question. I was hoping to be sure he knew about the Brigatta event. I have talked to all the other candidates or those who could speak to them."
Vaemyr says, "On that! I have a campaign event the evening of the Day of the Huntress at 10pm as the elves tell time, at Brigatta's Amphitheator. I was inspired a bit by the upcoming and past trial, and came up with a clue and crime mystery game. I hope folks can come out."
Tayler says, "Perhaps we should have the debates hosted in Helden Hall's fighting pit, that way if anyone starts screaming..."
Lylia says, "I heard that."
Leafiara says, "Alright, so summarizing... the person who confirmed the identity of the Wraith is claiming to be able to locate him. Extracting him might cause a diplomatic incident. Going for diplomacy first might cut off alternative options to get to Stephos. Amos might or might not have a price and might or might not be able to find the Wraith. Stephos *also* might or might not be able to find the Wraith..."
Leafiara dryly asks, "Can we just hire Iliyaas for her seeing abilities?"
Lylia says, "Leafiara and I had an event at Helden Hall during our mayoral campaigns."
Geijon says, "What secures th' Landing? A lot of these issues remain aspects of contested outside operations and organizations with their own agendas."
Speaking to Leafiara, Perigourd says, "One would have to be able to discern what she was saying, were that an option."
Speaking to Leafiara, Kiyna says, "Oh, she sees, alright. Sees a bunch of nonsense."
Kayse speculatively says, "I am not sure Iliyaas can just demand to see things. I think her visions just come to her and they are not of choice."
Speaking to Leafiara, Kelfyr says, "If Amos's price is any higher than absolution for having sold him the weapon, he's well past shrewd and into greedy."
Speaking thoughtfully to Thrassus, Tikba says, "We may attempt the argument that he has not faced trial for his later crimes against the Landing. But Idolone may not find our desire for justice persuasive."
Kayse says, "I do not believe she is a mentalist like Stone or Rodnay."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You know it's bad when I'm a voice of reason here."
Lylia says, "Somehow, I suspect her foresight would not include specifics of the Wraith's whereabouts."
Tayler says, "She certainly didn't like seeing the inside of the walls."
Speaking to Kelfyr, Leafiara reasons, "I mean, he was already saying he'd need a price to use his warship to defend against the Wraith's warship."
Speaking to Leafiara, Tayler asks, "Do you think he'd sell it to me?"
Geijon says, "Tis late as th' Mayor said."
Leafiara admits, "Though I'll admit it's ironic being one of the people in the room *not* expecting Amos would have a price, for once."
Speaking to Tikba, Thrassus asks, "Perhaps we can offer some incentives to Idolone to look favorably on it?"
Speaking to Geijon, Lylia says, "I look forward to Restday."
Geijon says, "Likewise."
Kayse says, "It gets old blaming people for the same thing over and over again when they don't necessarily deserve it."
Speaking to Leafiara, Kelfyr says, "To get that price though, it'd have to be needed. Seems like the information opens up the sale."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Yeah what happened to you, and where's the real Leafiara..."
Tikba says, "We must consider what the Earl of Estoria would desire of us, I suppose."
Lylia says, "Amos' price is paid by protecting his investments in and near the town, if nothing else. He has been eminently steadfast in that."
Speaking to Tikba, Thrassus says, "We do have a port in a critical trading route with the East, after all."
Speaking to a fluffy white cat, Lylia murmurs, "What a pretty lady."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Listen, I thought things were chaotic and confusing around here when we had the Knave, the Lich King, and the blood cult all coming after us at once. As it turns out, this is about three times as complex."
Vaemyr says, "I just suspect Amos will want to come with us, and thus will take something or somethings from the island in doing so."
Vaemyr says, "Not that he'll ask any specific price from us."
Vaemyr says, "Just that he'll be getting something still."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Kiyna complains, "He's going to want Underhill's gnomish suit. I want that, though!"
Speaking to Kiyna, Tayler asks, "Will you fit?"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Perigourd says, "Hearing what he asks for it won't hurt in either case."
Speaking to Tayler, Vaemyr says, "Underhill is a halfling."
Tayler asks, "Gnomes are shorter, right?"
Speaking quietly to a fluffy white cat, Lylia says, "Tell no one."
Thrassus says, "As long as he is operating for his own profit and not actively acting against the town, I care not a whit what Amos does."
Perigourd says, "One can always turn him down."
Pukk says, "Amos is another actor in this play. Dealing with him will have its own issues. But I will leave that for you all to figure out."
Speaking to Tayler, Kiyna says, "It was made by gnomes, but for a halfling like me."
Tikba says, "Amos has used his resources to defend the town. That is all we can ask of any citizen."
Speaking to Perigourd, Vaemyr says, "Options are good though, and there's always the possibility he doesn't know where it is, and we'll need to figure out the information anyways."
Speaking to Tayler, Kiyna exclaims, "Granted, that doesn't mean it would fit me, but I can dream!"
Speaking to Tikba, Lylia says, "And his resources are considerable."
Speaking to Kiyna, Tayler says, "Stranger things have happened, I've seen a gnome take off a suit of plate, hand it to a giantman who puts it on."
Tayler says, "Strange things."
Speaking curiously to Vaemyr, Leafiara asks, "By the way, is this what you were expecting when you started to predict a number of volunteers?"
Speaking to Vaemyr, Tayler says, "Every day I grow closer to having a soul of kroderine."
Speaking to Leafiara, Vaemyr says, "Oh I actually thought Amos had found the Island."
Speaking amusedly to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Oh."
Leafiara admits, "I thought she was going to ask about Enisius' superweapon."
Thrassus says, "If he had found the island we would not need Stephos."
Kiyna says, "I don't know about anyone else, but I would go to Idolone to save Stephos if I need to. And I will, if I think it will save even one Landing citizen."
Tikba says, "It did not seem the best time to mention the weapon."
Kiyna says, "But if we don't need to, then we don't need to."
Leafiara says, "I'm alright with going to Idolone if it comes to that."
Vaemyr says, "I wonder what the range on that magic cannon is."
Tayler asks, "The superweapon we're going to shoot elven airships down with, yes?"
Leafiara agrees, "And I'm alright with not going as well."
Tikba says, "Perhaps Idolone would also find the suggestion of an upcoming Remnant attack alarming enough that they might be willing to consider the transfer to protect their people."
Lylia says, "I would go simply to discover more along the way."
Leafiara says, "Come to think of it..."
Pukk says, "I'm okay either way. As long as we own the outcome."
Speaking to Lylia, Kiyna says, "Ever been? I could show you around the docks area."
Leafiara absently says, "Come to think of it, I'd be surprised if the Remnants haven't already heavily compromised Idolone."
Speaking to Tikba, Tayler says, "If they consider them a credible threat."
Lylia indifferently says, "Stephos' well-being is not my concern. He is a vessel full of knowledge I would like to tip out and pour somewhere safer and more useful."
Tayler says, "We certainly didn't at first."
Speaking to Tikba, Vaemyr says, "I think that offering that information helps either way, in that it would isolate us from getting blamed for it potentially as well."
Lylia says, "But as that vessel, he should not be broken needlessly, either."
Speaking mildly to Lylia, Tikba agrees, "Not until empty."
Leafiara says, "Hmm."
Speaking to a flame-eyed burnished ember fox, Kiyna says, "Alright, you. Stop getting into everything. Let's go home."
Speaking to a flame-eyed burnished ember fox, Pukk says, "Good going. Now she is even more surly than usual."
Speaking to Xorus, Lylia asks, "Shall I steal you?"
Speaking to Lylia, Pukk says, "You summoned him. He belongs to you."