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Decay Timer 10 minutes
Spirit Regeneration 1 per 5 min, ×2 on node
Height 5.5' to 6', max 6.5'
Weight 70 to 210 lbs.
Languages Common, Elven

All Elves, though similar to mortal men, differ in a number of important ways. They are lithe and agile, with little body hair, fine features and unmarred skin. Elves are much more resistant than men to the ravages of time and disease. They are able to withstand a greater range of temperature extremes, and their senses are extremely keen. Because of their extended lifespans, they suffer from a natural lack of discipline.

Tall and slender, those of pure elven blood tend to have fair to tanned skin, sandy hair and light eyes. Far more numerous than their cousins the dark and half-elves, the elves' varied talents include a dedication to scholarship, unparalleled architectural and construction skills, a love of forestry, fine metalworking and production of unique glaesware and textiles.

Elves tend to be quite haughty and consider themselves far superior to all other races, especially humans. They prefer to spend time with their own kind and often insult the "lesser" races, rarely passing up a chance to remind non-elves of their supremacy. Most elves have a proclivity towards magic and many prefer to use it over muscle in battle. Historically, the most powerful mages and sorcerers have been of elven descent.

Elf Statistics

Strength Constitution Dexterity Agility Discipline Aura Logic Intuition Wisdom Influence
0 0 +5 +15 -15 +5 0 0 0 +10

For statistic growth rates by profession, see List of statistic growth rates#Elf.

Other Characteristics
Spirit Regeneration 1 per 5 min Decay Timer 10 min
Max Health 130 Base Regeneration 1
Weight Factor 0.70 Encumbrance Factor 0.78
Maneuver Bonus Excellent Elemental TD -5
Spiritual TD -5 Mental TD 0
Sorcerer TD -5 Poison TD +10
Disease TD +100

Elves receive a bonus to Forging and a small bonus to Crafting.


The Elven Empire was centered on the Seven Cities, each built by and named for one of the seven noble houses. Each of these lines had risen to leadership of the Elven peoples. Even today, most Elves swear varying degrees of allegiance to one or the other.

Only five houses remain of true elves. House of Ashrim was lost at sea. House of Faendryl, once leaders among the elves, was cast out and its members eventually became dark elves.

The remaining Elven Houses are:

House of Vaalor
Ta'Vaalor, the work of the great Aradhul Vaalor, is more a fortress than a city. The Vaalor have always produced the finest warriors of the Elven race. All Vaalor, male and female, enter the military at a young age, serving for some hundred years. Perhaps because of this, they are the haughtiest of the Elves. They had little tolerance for the lesser peoples of the lands, especially mixed-breeds. They have never suffered the Elven culture or bloodlines to be tainted by others. During the height of the Elven Empire, they chafed under the leadership of the Faendryl, believing the high seat should be theirs.
House of Nalfein
The line of Zishra Nalfein founded Ta'Nalfein, which has always been a center of Elven politics. The Nalfein are fairly adept at everything, but they have always been the masters of stealth, whether in the field or the council chambers. Their politics are particularly ruthless, as they let little stand between themselves and their desires. The Nalfein are also apt to take up the life of a wandering merchant, traveling the world to trade in both goods and information.
House of Ardenai
Sharyth Ardenai was the matriarch of Ta'Ardenai, and her line remained closest of the houses to their roots in the deep forests. Though they dwell in towns and cities, they retain a love for the land exceeded only by the Sylvankind. They tend to be less haughty than members of the other houses, and have less of an imperial bent. They are typically appointed as emissaries to other races. They are, however, capable warriors at need. All Ardenai grow up to revere the hunt, and few can match their bow-masters.
House of Loenthra
Callisto Loenthra's house is one of craftsman, artists, poets and bards. Ta'Loenthra is generally acknowledged as the center of Elven culture. Though some do leave the Elven lands to ply their trades as merchants or wandering bards, most Loenthra consider the lesser races too barbaric for their company. An old Loenthra saying describes performing to an unappreciative audience as "casting pearls before Dwarves."
House of Illistim
Linsandrych Illistim, the greatest scholar in Elven history, founded Ta'Illistim. Her house has continued that tradition, and none can match the knowledge of the Illistim Masters of Lore. They are also extremely adept at the working of magical rituals, and the greatest artifacts produced by the Elves came from the House of Illistim's laboratories. Though many Illistim choose a life of seclusion and study, some others travel the world in search of knowledge, both old and new.


{verb} set {standard/culture}

Verb First Person Third Person
BELCH You belch softly, the tips of your ears turning pink with embarrassment. Elf belches softly, the tips of her ears turning pink with embarrassment.
DISDAIN You stare around the room, a haughty expression on your face. Elf stares around the room, a haughty expression on her face.
DISDAIN GAZE You gaze around the room, a haughty expression on your face. Elf gazes around the room, a haughty expression on her face.
DISDAIN GLANCE You glance around the room, running a finger up and over the point of your ear, purposely trying to draw attention to it. Elf glances around the room, running a finger up and over the point of her ear, purposely trying to draw attention to it.
DISDAIN GLARE You stare around the room, one eyebrow arched in an arrogant, but quizzical, expression. Elf stares around the room, one eyebrow arched in an arrogant, but quizzical, expression.
DISDAIN STARE You stare down your nose, haughtily surveying the room. Elf stares down her nose, haughtily surveying the room.
DISDAIN BLANK You stare blankly around the room, your face utterly devoid of emotion. Elf stares blankly around the room, her face utterly devoid of emotion.

House of Vaalor

These verbs are available to Vaalor elves as well as full citizens of Ta'Vaalor.

Verb First Person Third Person
GIGGLE Just as you are about to giggle you remember that soldiers don't act like schoolgirls. There is no third-person messaging.
SALUTE (holding item) You snap to attention and bring your (item) to your chest in salute. Elf snaps to attention and crisply brings her (item) to her chest in salute.
SALUTE (empty hands) You snap to attention and strike your chest with a closed fist. Elf snaps to attention and crisply strikes her chest with a closed fist.
SALUTE <self> (holding item) You snap to attention and bring your (item) to your chest in salute, practicing your form. Elf snaps to attention and crisply brings her (item) to her chest in salute, practicing her form.
SALUTE <self> (empty hands) You snap to attention and strike your chest with a closed fist, practicing your form. Elf snaps to attention and crisply strikes her chest with a closed fist, practicing her form.
SALUTE <person> (holding item) You snap to attention and bring your (item) to your chest in a display of respect to (target). Elf snaps to attention and crisply brings her (item) to her chest in a display of respect to (target).
SALUTE <person> (empty hands) You snap to attention and strike your chest with a closed fist in a display of respect to (target). Elf snaps to attention and crisply strikes her chest with a closed fist in a display of respect to (target).
SALUTE <creature> (holding item) You snap to attention and bring your (item) to your chest in a honorific display towards (target). May the best warrior win! Elf snaps to attention and brings her (item) to her chest in a honorific display towards (target). May the best warrior win!
SALUTE <creature> (empty hands) You snap to attention and strike your chest with a closed fist in a honorific display towards (target). May the best warrior win! Elf snaps to attention and strikes her chest with a closed fist in a honorific display towards (target). May the best warrior win!
SALUTE <object> (holding target) You snap to attention and crisply raise your (item) in salute. Elf snaps to attention and crisply raises her (item) in salute.
SALUTE <object> (holding item) You snap to attention and bring your (object) to your chest in a display of respect to (target). Elf snaps to attention and brings her (object) to her chest in a display of respect to (target).
SALUTE <object> (empty hands) You snap to attention and strike your chest with a closed fist in a display of respect to (target). Elf snaps to attention and strikes her chest with a closed fist in a display of respect to (target).
SCREAM You bolster your morale with a Vaalor call to arms, belting out in (language), "(random message as noted below)!" Elf belts out in (language), "(random message)!" A look of renewed pride overcomes her expression.
"For Honor, Pride, and Glory!" "Remember Shadowguard!"
"{Elf's family name}!" "For the honor of Noble Qalinor!"
"For the pride of the Vaalor!" "For the glory of the Fortress!"
"Remember the Sabrar!"
TURN You turn in a slow, precise circle, assessing your surroundings from every direction. Elf turns her head in a slow, precise movement, assessing her surroundings.
TURN <self> You turn sharply on your heel, reversing direction with military precision. Elf turns sharply on her heel, reversing direction with military precision.
TURN <person> / <creature> / <object> With military precision, you turn sharply on your heel to face (target). With military precision, her turns sharply on her heel to face (target).

House of Illistim

These verbs are available to Illistim elves as well as citizens of Ta'Illistim.

{verb} set {Illistim}

Verb First Person Third Person
CURTSY Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy. In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod in his/her direction. Straightening her back, Elf gives a formal, low curtsy. She inclines her head as well, giving a brief nod.
CURTSY {player} Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy to (target). In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod in his/her direction. Straightening her back, Elf gives you a formal, low curtsy. She inclines her head as well, favoring you with a nod.
CURTSY {object} You defer to the (target), favoring it with a perfunctory curtsy. Elf curtsies to the (target) in a short, perfunctory gesture.
CURTSY {self} You glance around surreptitiously, looking for the nearest mirror in which to observe your genuflectory technique. Elf surreptitiously cuts her eyes back and forth, as if looking for something.
BOW Your bow is graceful and perfunctory, as is the brief nod of your head that accompanies it. Elf's bow is graceful, if perfunctory. She follows the bow with a brief nod of her head.
BOW {player} Your bow to (target) is graceful and perfunctory, as is the brief nod of your head that accompanies it. Elf's bow to you is graceful, if perfunctory. She follows the bow with a brief nod of her head before straightening to her normal posture.
BOW {object} You defer to the (target), favoring it with a perfunctory bow. Elf bows to the (target) in a short, perfunctory gesture.
BOW {creature} Such a gesture would be beneath you. Person glances at (target), regarding it with a critical eye.
BOW {self} You glance around surreptitiously, looking for the nearest mirror in which to observe your genuflectory technique. Elf surreptitiously cuts her eyes back and forth, as if looking for something.
PONDER Oh, to only have the right book at hand! Elf mumbles something about texts and references.
PONDER {player} Ruminating upon (target), you give consideration to his/her qualifications. Elf studies you closely, pondering some aspect of your self with great consideration.
PONDER {object} You purse your mouth, pondering <target>. Even without a mirror, you know your face reflects your roiling thoughts. Elf purses her mouth, pondering <target>. The expression on her face speaks volumes.
PONDER {creature} You regard <target>, pondering what a quirk of nature it surely is. Elf ponders the <target>, taking note of its nature.
PONDER {self} You pause to consider recent events, and your place in them. Elf looks suddenly very self-aware.
TURN You turn around to avoid anyone seeing your look of consternation. Elf turns away, clearing her throat.
TURN {player} You tilt your head slightly, turning your attention to (target) and giving them a measured, collected consideration. Elf tilts her head slightly, turning her attention to you. She regards you in a measured fashion, collecting her thoughts.
TURN {held object} You turn the (target) over in your hand, trying to gauge its features and catalog its usefulness. Elf turns her (target) over and over in her hand, studying it until a look of understanding crosses her face.
TURN {creature} You turn your attention to the (target), contemplating its validity as a debating partner, and relative intelligence to your own. Elf attempts to ascertain the (target)'s level of intelligence.
TURN {self} You give a short glance over your shoulder. Elf looks over her shoulder.
GLANCE ILLISTIM You cut your eyes away. Elf looks away, her glance deliberately unfocused.
GLANCE {player} You critically eye (target) for a moment, rapidly reaching the conclusion that you are undoubtedly the more knowledgeable, educated party. Elf thoughtfully studies you, a satisfied expression quickly reaching her face.
GLANCE {creature} You favor the (target) with a sharp, pointed look Elf glances pointedly at the (target).
GLANCE {self} You carefully look yourself over, amazed at the many positive qualities you possess. Elf confidently straightens her posture, seemingly well pleased with herself.
SCOLD How uncouth! Elf expounds on the value of a good education.
SCOLD {player} You shoot (target) the smallest of dismayed glances, conveying your disapproval. Elf shoots you the smallest of dismayed glances, conveying her disapproval.
SCOLD {object} You vent your frustration at your (target), hoping no one notices you're talking to an inanimate object. Oddly enough, Person seems to be venting her frustration at (target), but is doing so quite eloquently.
SCOLD {creature} You sniff disdainfully, dismissing the (target) with a stern look. Elf sniffs disdainfully, dismissing the (target) with a stern look.
SCOLD {self} You berate yourself for a complete lack of forethought. Elf berates herself for a complete lack of forethought.
EXPRESS You consider how you could better express yourself in a way that would be understood. Elf's expression is thoughtful, but her furrowed brow indicates she's working something out for herself.
EXPRESS {player} You consider how you could better express yourself in a way that (target) will understand. Elf's expression towards you gives the impression that perhaps a different approach is in order.
EXPRESS {object} Under your breath, you catalogue the many details of the (target). Person notes, quietly, a few salient particulars of the (target).
EXPRESS {creature} You consider expressing your current state to (target), but remember yourself. Person pauses, considering (target). A slight shake of her follows.
EXPRESS {self} Your thoughts roil, a tumult of quick images and phrases. Inhaling and exhaling slowly, you press a hand to your chest. Elf presses a hand to her chest, inhaling and exhaling slowly.
SALUTE With your face alight with pride, you cry out in (language), "Bless the Shining City!" Elf cries out in (language), "Bless the Shining City!" Her face alights with pride.
Random phrases: "Long live Illistim's Argent Mirror!" "All hail the peacock and scroll!" "Knowledge, above all things!"

House of Loenthra

These verbs are available to Loenthra elves.


Verb First Person Third Person
GAZE You pause and give thoughtful consideration to your surroundings, taking in all the facets of their aesthetic composition. Elf pauses and studies her surroundings with thoughtful consideration.
GAZE {player} You pause and give thoughtful consideration to (target), taking in all the facets of his aesthetic presentation. Elf pauses and regards (target) with an incisive, analytical gaze.
Elf pauses and regards you with an incisive, analytical gaze. You get the distinct impression that a judgment may be forthcoming.
GAZE {object} You pause and give thoughtful consideration to (target), taking in its aesthetic composition and paying special attention to the minutiae of its presentation from multiple angles. Elf pauses and studies (target) with thoughtful consideration, moving to observe it from multiple angles.
GAZE {self} Your gaze grows distant as you lose yourself to the thoughtful consideration of your next artistic endeavor. Elf's gaze grows distant, her thoughts clearly focused on other matters.
GAZE {creature} You engage in a thorough, albeit cautious, visual examination of the (creature) before you, taking in all the facets of its form and presentation. Elf engages in a thorough, albeit cautious, visual examination of the (creature) before her, moving to observe it from multiple angles.


Elf - edit
Great Houses:
Major Settlements:
The Founders:
Famous Elves:
Races - edit