Erithians are tall, thin and have slightly pointed ears and almond-shaped eyes giving them a somewhat elf-like appearance. Hardy and deceptively tough, both genders are often balding with just a fringe of hair.
Erithians mysteriously appeared in Elanthia only 1500 years ago.
Strength | Constitution | Dexterity | Agility | Discipline | Aura | Logic | Intuition | Wisdom | Influence |
-5 | +10 | 0 | 0 | +5 | 0 | +5 | 0 | 0 | +10 |
For statistic growth rates by profession, see List of statistic growth rates#Erithian.
Spirit On Node | 1 per 4 min | Decay Timer | 13 min |
Max Health | 120 | Base Regeneration | 3 |
Weight Factor | 0.7233 | Encumbrance Factor | 0.85 |
Maneuver Bonus | Good | Elemental TD | 0 |
Spiritual TD | 0 | Mental TD | 0 |
Sorcerer TD | 0 | Poison TD | 0 |
Disease TD | ?? |
The true origins of the Erithians are shrouded in mystery and magic. What is known for certain is that their recorded history on Elanthia began about fifteen hundred years ago, ca. 3600 of the Modern Era. The journals of that time relate that a small population of their people was somehow transported to this world through some great magic, of which the details are unknown.
Their legends say that they were placed here by the Arkati - commonly by Fash'lo'nae himself - either intentionally or through some divine shifting of the planes; though many, considering the powerful sorcerers and wise mages of their people, insist that it was through some powerful mortal magic, either intentional or accidental. In more recent times, some more practical Erithian thinkers have theorized that perhaps they are some distant cousin of Elves, long separated from the main bloodlines, who settled in the mountains many ages ago and, for some unknown reason, were nearly exterminated and chose to destroy their past history and shroud it in legends of magic and divine intervention. Perhaps there is some basis in fact to the opinion of some that they were put here by the Gods, but the true story of their origins will probably never be known.
The Erithi are slightly taller and thinner than humans, (about 5'6" to 6'6") with slightly pointed ears and almond-shaped eyes, usually with somewhat vertically 'slitted' rather than completely round pupils. They are not as lithe and quick as elves, though many believe them to be related to elves and those with no knowledge of their race often assume them to be somewhat odd-looking half-elves. They are neither muscular nor fast, but are hardy and deceptively tough, and resistant to damage and extremes in weather. They live about 300 years on average, far longer than humans but much less than the elves. Erithians have overall light coloration, ranging from nearly translucent pale white skin to almost any shade of fair - rosy, alabaster, ashen, sallow, even slightly tanned, but never dark. Their hair is also light colored - never darker than a steely grey or titian, and usually lighter - and commonly silver, white or grey even in youth. Both genders are often balding or with just a fringe of hair, males more commonly, though they are rarely completely bald - high foreheads or a fringe of hair worn long are more common. Their eye color ranges from nearly crystal-clear to medium brown, often shades of grey, blue, green, or golden, and again, never dark.
Famous Erithian: Ertaia Selem, Tirathi & Eliko Atelecha
Did you know? Many believe Erithians to be related to Elves. In fact, those with no knowledge of their race may assume they are rather odd-looking half-elves. While there are many diverse opinions, the origin of Erithians is, however, unknown.
All the Erithi on Elanthia can trace their ancestry back to one or more of six extended family groups who made up the original population in Atan Irith. Reverence for one's family history and ancestry is important to them - not in a religious sense of ancestor-worship, but as an assurance of keeping the history of the people and honoring the deeds and wisdom of those past. Those of the various bloodlines do not live in isolated groups - though some regions comprise a larger percentage of one bloodline than others, due to being settled by family groups in the past - and individuals of various bloodlines often intermarry, with the male taking on the family identity of the female in most cases. (Perhaps two-thirds of all marriages remain within the same family bloodline. This is not a matter of marrying close relatives - as many of the same 'tribe' are only related by blood through centuries-old ties - although marriages as closely related as cousins are not forbidden or unheard of, and even encouraged among the Eloth Dai.)
Members of the same Dai recognize their common kinship, and take part in family ceremonies of history and remembrance on certain days important to each clan. They also often go into business ventures or other cooperative undertakings with their kinsmen, and those in need of help tend to turn to others of their clan for aid. A small percentage of Erithians do not count themselves as a member of a Dai, usually because they have voluntarily disowned their family because of some dispute, very rarely in cases of a few who have repudiated all ties to others for some personal quest or other reason. These independent spirits are not outcast from society or hated for their status, but simply do not enjoy the benefits of kinship.
Erithi lore states that there were originally ten family bloodlines in their original homeland, but four of these were not represented in the population who arrived on Elanthia. These four families are referred to here only as the Agan Dai, or "old clans, and though individual members are mentioned in old historical writings, their family histories are not part of Erithi life on Elanthia except at certain ceremonies of remembrance.
Eloth Dai
Descended from a long line of adept magic users, the Eloth Dai are the most insular of the clans, rarely marrying outside the clan as many believe that talent for magic is passed along by blood. Males of other clans who wish to marry into the Eloth Dai cannot do so without the approval of the clan elders, a restriction not present in any other clan. Children of this bloodline tend to have very light-colored skin, eyes, and hair, the latter often silver or white from birth. The name means 'the sky clan' or 'high clan'.
The symbol of Eloth Dai is a grey owl.
Surath Dai
The family traditions of the Surath Dai revere the power of the physical world, the planet, and the forces of essence that emanate from and surround it. Many are adept magic users, especially of elemental or spiritual nature, though they are more sociable and open to relations with other clans than the Eloth. Many Surath consider Eonak a patron. The clan name means 'the stone clan' or 'earth clan'.
The symbol of Surath Dai is a silver or white ram.
Nathala Dai
Members of Nathala Dai hail from the coastal regions of Atan Irith, perhaps paradoxically, the Nathala tend to be both the most peace loving and the most skilled in weapons and combat of the entire race due to their experiences defending against pirates and the dangers of the sea. Those of Nathala descent tend to be of slightly darker coloration than most Erithi, tending more toward pale olive or freckled skin, light brown or red hair, and brightly-hued eyes.
The symbol of Nathala Dai is a bronze or golden nautilus shell.
Yachan Dai
Valuing the wonders of nature, the Yachan Dai prefer the greener lands found in woodlands and valleys where they can meditate on the land's beauty and complexity. Many artists, craftsmen, and bards, as well as magic users of a spiritual or mentalist bent, descend from this clan.
The symbol of Yachan Dai is a butterfly, of any or many colors.
Tichan Dai
Most populous of the clans, the Tichan Dai make up at least a third of the population in Eloth-Ra. Tichan often find they are related to just about everyone else in their town through some intermarriage or another, and often hold the more public jobs in town life - shopkeepers, healers, merchants - though among adventurers, all professions are equally represented.
The symbol of Tichan Dai is a fish, often a silver salmon.
Valaka Dai
Never settling in any one place, the Valaka Dai are the fewest in number of all other clans due to their wanderlust, rarely building large families and often intermarrying into other clans. Many explorers, traders and others who habitually travel are of Valaka blood, as they often have less clan ties and responsibilities to keep them close to home.
The symbol of Valaka Dai is a grey or white falcon.
Volnath Dai
The Volnath Dai are a recently founded religious sect dedicated to the destruction of the Undead.
Their symbol is a white nautilus shell imposed on a shield of black.
The name "Erithian" comes from their native name for themselves, Erithi, which simply means "the People." They are sometimes poetically referred to as the People of the Sky, possibly derived from the name of their capital city, Eloth-Ra, which means "Sky Home."
Most Erithians are not deeply religious, regarding the Arkati as worthy of honor and devotion but not supernatural gods. They have a special affinity for Lumnis and Fash'lo'nae as the twin aspects of wisdom and knowledge. Eonak has a significant following in the Surath Dai, and Niima among those who dwell on the coasts.
Traditional Erithian dress consists of a cloth shirt (isiqiri), with either flaring breeches (nanjir) or close-fitting leggings (kanjir), over which is worn a multi-layered robe with colorful floral or natural designs (atanika), sometimes caught with a sash (vatanura). The distinctive Erithian article of jewelry is the elothrai, a specially chosen agate gem worn on the forehead.
{verb} set {standard/culture}
WAIT | |
WAIT: | You stand perfectly still, like a slender reed on a windless day. Erithian stands perfectly still and unwavering. |
WAIT <person>: | You still yourself, waiting patiently for <person>. |
WAIT <self>: | You patiently wait, measuring each beat of passing time. Erithian patiently waits, a serene look on his face. |
WAIT <object>: | You patiently observe <object>. Erithian takes keen note of <object>, observing it patiently. |
WAIT <creature>: | You still yourself, carefully watching <creature>'s actions. |
POSE | |
POSE: | You steady your breathing and slowly stretch out each of your limbs in turn, preparing ourself for activity. |
POSE <object>: | With fluid grace, you lean in to examine <object>, your every move exact and intentioned. |
POSE <creature>: | You adopt a serene, yet observant, pose as you study <creature>. |
PONDER | You pause in a moment of thoughtful contemplation. |
PONDER <person>: | You pause for a moment to study <person>, your gaze dwelling upon her features. |
PONDER <self>: | You close your eyes for a moment and slip into a brief contemplative trance. You reflect upon your circumstances and recent past, searching for any lessons you might learn from them. Erithian closes his eyes and a serene expression overtakes his. |
PONDER <creature>: | You pause for a moment to study <creature>, observing its movements to become more familiar with its habits. Erithian pauses for a moment to study <creature>, his movements slowly coming to mirror the <creature>'s. |
PONDER <object>: | You pause for a moment to study <object>, observing the most prominent characteristics. Erithian pauses for a moment to study <object>, his expression one of thoughtful observation. |
STRETCH MOUNTAIN: (standing only) |
Gracefully bending at the waist, you place your palms and wrists on the ground in front of you, extending the pose forward until your body forms a perfect mountain peak. |
STRETCH TREE: (standing only) |
Extending your arms straight up over your head, you draw one leg up towards the center of your body, balancing lightly on your remaining leg. |
STRETCH HAWK: (sitting only) |
You fold your left leg beneath you, extending your right leg behind you fully. Raising your arms overhead you arch your back, easing the tension in your spine. |
STRETCH DIAMOND: (sitting only) |
Drawing your legs together in front of you, you position your heels and toes against each other, forming a diamond. |
STRETCH WAVE: (prone only) |
You fold your hands deliberately over your chest and then arch your back until your neck and spine form a perfect arch. Elevating your legs evenly, you perform the precise wave posture. |
STRETCH MOON: (prone only) |
Balancing on your stomach you extend your arms above and behind you, grasping your ankles. Drawing your limbs upward, your body forms a complete circle. |
STRETCH CHILD: (kneeling only) |
You slide your hands along the floor away from you as you bend forward, bringing your torso to rest between your out-turned knees. You place your forehead on the floor and relax into the posture. |
STRETCH CAMEL: (kneeling only) |
Sitting up on your knees, you reach both arms behind you and place your open palms on your flexed feet. You stretch your heart upward, bowing your back as you gaze up at the ceiling. |
BOW | |
BOW CROSS: | Crossing his arms over his chest, palms flat against each shoulder, Erithian bows. |
BOW DEEPLY: | Erithian bows deeply. |
BOW FLOOR: | Erithian bows from the waist in a fluid movement, touching his forehead to the floor. |
BOW HANDS: | Folding his hands together, Erithian bows shallowly from the waist. |
BOW FOLD: | Folding his hands together, Erithian bows shallowly from the waist. |
BOW FOLD: While holding an item |
You bring your <held item> toward your torso and bow shallowly from the waist. |
BOW GRACEFULLY: | Erithian bows with sweeping grace, like a hawk gliding on the wind. |
BOW RECOGNITION: | Nodding slightly, you bow an acknowledgement. |
- A Study of the Erithi (official documentation)
- The Dress of the Erithi (official documentation)
- Erithi Tea Ceremony (official documentation)
- A History of the Ferroniere (official documentation)
- Erithi and the Sea (official documentation)
- The Fall of Sylinar and the Rise of Diriko (official documentation)
- A Library Mouse By Any Other Name: A Whimsical Treatise on Elanthian Idiomatic Expressions for Scholars and Book Lovers (official documentation)
- Shi'hadara: The Erithi Masque (official documentation)
- Erithi Fashion From Formal to Casual (official documentation)
- Erithi Lexicon (official documentation)
- Unique Fauna of Atan Irith: Erithi Teadragons
- When Your Soul Blossoms to the Sky: Erithi Funeral Customs
- Erithian History
- Erithian poetry lecture (log)
- Erithi poetry (saved post)
- Erithi traditions (saved post)
- Erithi Skyfire (saved post)
- Erithi theatre masks (saved post)
- Erithi tea ceremony lecture (log)
- Erithian murder mystery (saved posts)
- Elanthian Gems
- The History of the Elanthian Katana and the Order of the Watchful Eye
- Races: Erithian, on
- Officials folder
Erithians - edit | |
Cultures: | |
Places: | |
Famous Erithi: |
Races - edit |