Brother Stumbleskink's Emporium

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Brother Stumbleskink's Emporium is the cleric shop in Icemule Trace.

[Brother Stumbleskink's Emporium]
Frosted glass lanterns along the ceiling glow with a pale blue light, reflecting off of various religious symbols hanging from the walls. Brother Stumbleskink bustles about, polishing, dusting and generally fussing over his wares. Despite his busybody attitude, the shop is very peaceful, and you are loathe to speak above a whisper for fear of disturbing the calm. You also see a wooden counter and a large iron-bound barrel.


  1. a candle votive                        13. a studded white iron bulawa
  2. an impure potion                       14. a white iron Hammer of Kai
  3. a shield-shaped white iron Voln ring   15. a broad-tipped white iron harpoon
  4. an iceblossom Oleani charm necklace    16. a white-faced iron footman's hammer
  5. a gem-inlaid gold Lumnis wrist-cuff    17. a thick-bladed white iron khopesh
  6. a bronze-scaled dark Luukos mask       18. a barbed white iron tiger-claw
  7. a diaphanous pale green Ivas veil      19. a white iron-studded cestus
  8. some enruned Fash'lo'nae bracers       20. a white-runed dark iron mace
  9. some ornate white brocade handwraps    21. a white-runed dark iron scythe
  10. some ornate white brocade footwraps   22. a white-runed dark iron adze
  11. a ceremonial crosier                  23. a white-runed dark iron ice axe
  12. a ritual dagger                       24. a white-runed dark iron spike-fist

  Backroom Catalog
  25. an elaborate gold crown talisman         40. a coral and silver dolphin talisman
  26. a gem-inlaid gold scroll talisman        41. a dark silver crescent moon talisman
  27. a silver-edged black sword talisman      42. a jade and silver sickle talisman
  28. an onyx-flecked gold key talisman        43. a gilt-traced grey iron eye talisman
  29. a carved orase doe talisman              44. a two-headed sapphire snake talisman
  30. a brilliant gold sunburst talisman       45. a ruby-eyed onyx cat talisman
  31. a silver clenched fist talisman          46. a six-pointed dark iron star talisman
  32. a pink sapphire heart talisman           47. a ruby-flecked pale jade wisp talisman
  33. a silvery crystal sphere talisman        48. a white iron impaled heart talisman
  34. a bold white iron anvil talisman         49. a blackened iron scimitar talisman
  35. an iridescent gemstone lute talisman     50. a bronze coiled snake talisman
  36. a gold-winged crystal pegasus talisman   51. a sleek black iron jackal talisman
  37. a sea green copper trident talisman      52. a stylized ruby flame talisman
  38. an intricate onyx rose talisman          53. a bundle of bone-shafted arrows
  39. a pure white iron shield talisman        54. a bundle of slender ivory bolts

Item# Item Cost Weight Details
1 a candle votive 55 < 1 Lb used in a quest for the Order of Voln
2 an impure potion 13200 < 1 Lb 4 quaffs, works like a pure potion
3 a shield-shaped white iron Voln ring 2200 < 1 Lb finger worn, jewelry, not imbeddable
4 an iceblossom Oleani charm necklace 2200 2 Lbs neck worn, jewelry, non-functional
5 a gem-inlaid gold Lumnis wrist-cuff 2200 < 1 Lb wrist worn, jewelry, non-functional
6 a bronze-scaled dark Luukos mask 2200 < 1 Lb head worn, decorative, non-functional
7 a diaphanous pale green Ivas veil 2200 < 1 Lb pin worn, decorative, non-functional
8 some enruned Fash'lo'nae bracers 2200 5 Lbs arm worn miscellaneous armor (covers arms)
9 some ornate white brocade handwraps 1430 < 2 Lbs hand worn, sanctified 0x unarmed combat gear (UAC/UCS)
10 some ornate white brocade footwraps 1650 2 Lbs foot worn, sanctified 0x unarmed combat gear (UAC/UCS)
11 a ceremonial crosier 385 4 Lbs not sanctified, twohanded weapon (modified rune staff)
12 a ritual dagger 1100 < 2 Lbs edged weapon
13 a studded white iron bulawa 1210 10 Lbs blunt weapon (modified mace)
14 a white iron Hammer of Kai 1320 10 Lbs polearm weapon
15 a broad-tipped white iron harpoon 1100 8 Lbs 0x polearm weapon (modified spear)
16 a white-faced iron footman's hammer 1320 11 Lbs twohanded weapon (modified maul)
17 a thick-bladed white iron khopesh 1320 6 Lbs edged weapon (modified falchion)
18 a barbed white iron tiger-claw 1210 < 2 Lbs brawling weapon
19 a white iron-studded cestus 1100 2 Lbs brawling weapon
20 a white-runed dark iron mace 39050 10 Lbs 4x sanctified blunt weapon
21 a white-runed dark iron scythe 53900 10 Lbs 4x sanctified polearm weapon (modified halberd)
22 a white-runed dark iron adze 69300 12 Lbs 4x sanctified twohanded weapon (modified battle axe)
23 a white-runed dark iron ice axe 40150 7 Lbs 4x sanctified edged weapon (modified handaxe)
24 a white-runed dark iron spike-fist 25300 2 Lbs 4x sanctified brawling weapon (modified yierka-spur)
25 an elaborate gold crown talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Koar talisman
26 a gem-inlaid gold scroll talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Lumnis talisman
27 a silver-edged black sword talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Ronan talisman
28 an onyx-flecked gold key talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Lorminstra talisman
29 a carved orase doe talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Imaera talisman
30 a brilliant gold sunburst talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Phoen talisman
31 a silver clenched fist talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Kai talisman
32 a pink sapphire heart talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Oleani talisman
33 a silvery crystal sphere talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Jastev talisman
34 a bold white iron anvil talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Eonak talisman
35 an iridescent gemstone lute talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Cholen talisman
36 a gold-winged crystal pegasus talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Tonis talisman
37 a sea green copper trident talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Charl talisman
38 an intricate onyx rose talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Laethe talisman
39 a pure white iron shield talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Voln talisman
40 a coral and silver dolphin talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Niima talisman
41 a dark silver crescent moon talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Zelia talisman
42 a jade and silver sickle talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Gosaena talisman
43 a gilt-traced grey iron eye talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Fash'lo'nae talisman
44 a two-headed sapphire snake talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Amasalen talisman
45 a ruby-eyed onyx cat talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Andelas talisman
46 a six-pointed dark iron star talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Marlu talisman
47 a ruby-flecked pale jade wisp talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Ivas talisman
48 a white iron impaled heart talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Mularos talisman
49 a blackened iron scimitar talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, V'tull talisman
50 a bronze coiled snake talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Luukos talisman
51 a sleek black iron jackal talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Sheru talisman
52 a stylized ruby flame talisman 10000 < 2 Lbs neck worn, Eorgina talisman
53 a bundle of bone-shafted arrows 200 2 Lbs
54 a bundle of slender ivory bolts 200 2 Lbs