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ICE age

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Until Simutronics had to divest themselves from the Shadow World setting for game mechanics, GemStone III was set on the planet of Kulthea using the rules for Rolemaster, a paper-and-pencil game created by Iron Crown Enterprises; thus the reference to the ICE age.

Official word of this split was given to the player community on Friday, 1 September 1995 by GameMaster.1, GM Reline, on the Genie bulletin board system.

The old SHIFT verb

This verb was used to help players recognize the changes from ICE age descriptions to the new descriptions.

Usage: SHIFT <article>


lysaughton lyshalvaon urnon
kregora krodera krodera
keron kelyn kelyn
shaalk vultite vultite
laen mein glaes
star iron veil iron veil iron
eog ora ora
ithloss imflass imflass
mithril mithril mithril
xenium veniom veniom
galvorn golvern golvern
rularon rolaren rolaren
catoetine coraesine coraesine
vaanum vaalin vaalin
iorake eonake eonake
lore laje laje
xeno alum alum
ithilnaur vaalorn vaalorn
dwarven steel invar invar
mcgrail urglaes urglaes
neurolite razern razern
boernerine zorchar zorchar
elrodnite rhimar rhimar
fabrinine drakar drakar
inniculmoid gornar gornar
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Inis Ivas
Orgiana Eorgina
Andaras Andelas
Z'Taar V'Tull
Scalu Sheru
Klysus Luukos
Moralis Mularos
Kesh'ta'kai Fash'lo'nae
Morgu Marlu
Omir Onar
Zania Zelia
Akalatan Amasalen
Hrassk Arachne
Askylor Aldemur
Valtar Volnar
Karamon Carelin
Trandel Drevthrel
Faeldin Folthren
Kadaena Gosaena
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Eissa Lorminstra
Iloura Imaera
Valris Lumnis
Kuor Koar
Phaon Phoen
Oriana Oleani
Reann Ronan
Cay Kai
Shaal Charl
Jaysek Jastev
Kieron Cholen
Teris Tonis
Vult Voln
Iorak Eonak
Jaynor Jaston
Neela Niima
Quen Kuon
Talaraine Tilamaire
Laia Leya
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Joy Happiness
Wholeness Wellness
Partnership Cooperation
Communication Communion
Possessions Lucre
The Harvest Gathering
Growth Bloom
The Fertile One Virility
The Flow Wave
Movement Mobility
Breakthrough Spiritlight
Opening Disbarring
Defense Mystic Shield
Protection Ward
The Wolf Sylvan Beast
The Tower The Keep
The Runesword Mana Sword
The Runestaff Mana Staff
The Cleric The Bishop
The Wizard The Mage
Destiny The Seer
Self Introspection
Strength Might
The Journey Transferrance
The Warrior The Matross
Initiation Invisibility
The Griffin The Wyvern
Retreat Flight
Standstill Glacier
Constraint Silence
The Gate The Portal
Disruption Not
The Pit Oubliette
Deceit Skullduggery
The Betrayer The Traitor
The Goblin The Gremlin
Werewolf Fang
The Dragon Leviathon
Distortion Warp
Vortex Chaos

This represents the most current information available, but is subject to change.

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Fighter Warrior
Thief Rogue
Bard Bard
Healer Empath
Mage Wizard
Sorcerer Sorcerer
Ranger Ranger
Cleric Cleric

This represents the most current information available, but is subject to change.

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windak modwir
tonak tanik
miran monir
dir fel
hoen haon
navaal maoral
thokot thanot

This represents the most current information available, but is subject to change.

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Akbutege Leaf Acantha Leaf
Wifurwif Lichen Wolifrew Lichen
Belrama Potion Bolmara Potion
Terbas Leaf Torban Leaf
Yuth Flower Woth Flower
Arnuminas Leaf Ambrominas Leaf
Edram Moss Ephlox Moss
Dagmather Spine Cactacae Spine
Curfalaka Fruit Calamia Fruit
Rewk Potion Rose-marrow Potion
Arfandas Stem Aloeas Stem
Hegheg Root Haphip Root
Bursthelas Potion Brostheras Potion
Berterin Moss Basal Moss
Pasamar Grass Pothinir Grass
Tarnas Potion Talneo Potion
Wekwek Potion Wingstem Potion
Baldakur Potion Bur-clover Potion
Siran Clove Sovyn Clove
Dugmuthur Berry Cuctucae Berry
Yavethalion Fruit Yabathilium Fruit
Mirenna Berry Marallis Berry
Gariig Cactus Strigae Cactus
Cusamar Flower Cothinar Flower

This represents the most current information available, but is subject to change.

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Constitution Constitution Constitution
Agility Dexterity Dexterity
Self Discipline Discipline Discipline
Eloquence Logic Logic
Reasoning Intelligence Intuition
Strength Strength Strength
Quickness Reflex Agility
Intuition Wisdom Wisdom
Empathy Aura Aura
Presence Charisma Influence

This represents the most current information available, but is subject to change.

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High man Giantman
Wood Elf Sylvankind
Fair elf Elf
High elf Dark Elf
Half elf Half elf
Halfling Halfling
Dwarf Dwarf
Common Man Human

This represents the most current information available, but is subject to change.

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Seolfar Strake Lysierian Hills
Claedesbrim Darkstone
Colewaether Locksmehr
Quellbourne Elanith
Charon Lornon
Orhan Liabo
Tlilok Tilaok
Mikori Makiri
Emer Finnia
Dragonsfang Dragonsclaw
Kaldsfang Trollfang
Stonehold Cavernhold
Blototh Glatoph
Galtoth Keltoph
Smatoth Sentoph
Man'Ta Pn'Tairken The Broken Lands
Trelkinaark Glaoveln
Treklinaark'est Krelnark

This represents the most current information available, but is subject to change.

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a tatzelwurm a cave nipper
a torkaan a rolton
a barrow wight a tomb wight
a Hrasskian servant an Arachne servant
a Hrasskian acolyte an Arachne acolyte
a Hrasskian priest an Arachne priest
a deathwoode a darkwoode
a ghoul king a ghoul master
a shadow assassin a dark assassin
a wight lord an arch wight
a karnelin a velnalin
a gemsting a whiptail
a threk a thrak
a black stalker a dark shambler
a zephyr hound a draken hound
a dark wispling a dark vysan
a bounder a leaper
a Scalian herald a Sheruvian harbinger
a sea witch a greater kappa
a huge laen golem a huge mein golem
a sohleugir lizardman a shelfae soldier
a krylite worker a kiramon worker
a sohleugir chieftain a shelfae chieftain
a kral warfarer a krolvin warfarer
a kral warrior a krolvin warrior
a kral mercenary a krolvin mercenary
a minor gogor a lesser vruul
a lug'shuk traglaakh a magru
a dyar rakul a dark vortece
a kiskaa raax a myklian
a striped veercat a mountain snowcat

This represents the most current information available, but is subject to change.

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