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Landing Events - 2020-04-18 - Purple Pros and Purple Cons (log)
Olaesta 18-19, 5120
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]
- Councilman Cordarius greets everyone and suggests making our way to the Moot Hall observation balcony, so Sir Cryheart leads on. Whie waiting, a [[::Brotherhood of Rooks|dark hooded figure]] slips a backpack of purple hibiscus flowers to Mayor Leafiara to pass out, ostensibly in support of Pylasar. Alisette, Razanetika, Lyrna, Raincail, Pukk, Darcena, Balley, Regwen, Elphieya, and Maags take one. (Much later in the night, Tsarok, Asben, Maylan, Pietra, and Dergoatean do as well.)
- Meanwhile, Maylan proposes storming the court room and rallies Chamorr and Goat to the cause...
- Cordarius arrives to explain the rules of the trial, with he and Vlashandra below calling on those who sign up to speak; the charges have been listed and a timeline of events given to the Town Council.
- Cordarius and Vlashandra head down to the chamber floor, where Maylan, Chamorr, and Goat are protesting. Cordarius asks them to head upstairs, but they have demands of a purple pardon and Judge Renpaw presiding, as Rudar and Pukk join in supporting them. Cordarius says this isn't helping and asks them to head upstairs by the third bite of his apple.
- Goat adds demands for a clear list of charges, the right for Pylasar to appoint his own counsel, and a jury of [[::Wehnimer's Landing|Landing]] citizens. Cordarius says they'll leverage the law if needed, and thanks them for being heard. Goat rejects the kangaroo court.
- Upstairs, Leafi continues passing out flowers while Cryheart, Gutstorm, Zosopage and others comment on awaiting the arrest of the protesters, Hapenlok just wants them killed, and Faerinn expects golems to take them away.
- Cordarius takes a bite, then licks his apple, as Maylan and Goat urge joining the rebellion for strength in numbers. Razanetika and Talman go down to join the protest and Cordarius prepares for the third apple bite... Pukk says he won't go until his demands are met, and asks for a petting zoo and for Leafi to be made mayor. Raza says he's already in one and she already is the mayor, so Pukk concedes his demands are met and heads back upstairs.
- Cordarius sighs and takes the third bite, but they continue protesting and Sonnillon joins them as he and Talman blow horns. Finally the night watchman is summoned to arrest Maylan, Goat, Sonnillon, Pukk, Chamorr, Rudar, Talman, and Razanetika! Vlashandra applauds and it's finally time to get started!
- Faerinn speaks first, saying the trial is being bungled and calling for a mistrial on grounds that the Landing charter and Rysus Codex call for an accuser being present. Until then, it's not even a mock trial, but a thought exercise, and the thought exercise he's more interested is what happens when Octaven orders the manafires put out to elicit compliance.
- Regwen speaks second, asking for a list of supposed crimes. Vlashandra gives them: duplicitous actions, aid and comfort to the enemy, and conspiracy to commit murder and treason. She asks who he was conspiring to murder and says Pylasar has always been helpful defending the town.
- Vlashandra asks if her husband is or was Falvicar and she says he is, and is convinced Pylasar helpedd Raznel kill his family based on a dream, with nothing substantial for proof. Vlashandra asks her if she's not convinced, then, and she says she isn't, as he--Falvicar--never mentioned the events. She also mentions that he never had blue eyes until recently, but hazel eyes, so whatever Pylasar showed him wasn't true. Vlashandra says it's an image or feature that could have been changed by the horrific events caused by Raznel and Pylasar; she says it could have just been false, and a dream.
- Hapenlok speaks third, making a plea for leniency. He admits to wanting blood himself on first reaction to his involvement with the witch, but can't ignore the aid he's given to the Landing and even Tamzyrr. He also can't ignore the future, and says if Pylasar returns, let him live and fight Grishom Stone with us--but Hap frankly doesn't expect him to return at any rate.
- Vlashandra gets Hapenlok to clearly state that he acknowledges Pylasar's crimes but pleads for leniency, and to acknowledge his duplicitous actions--not that he's a stranger to those, saying they both pay prices daily for their sins. She also gets him to acknowledge aid and comfort to Raznel, though he adds that he tried to make it right, and lastly to acknowledge that he conspired with Raznel to murder and did just that.
- Cordarius brings up that Chaston Griffin almost turned Tamyzrr into the Bleaklands, and that heroes of the Landing and Solhaven stopped him and saved lives, even though Talador was lost. He asks Hap if he remembers who rescued those heroes trapped beneath Talador, and Hap says it was Pylasar. He asks if it's the same Pylasar who defended innocent people when Talador waged war against the Landing while some [[::Turamzzyrian Empire|imperials]] stood down and turned a blind eye. Cordarius muses that those aren't the actions of a man bent on murder, mayhem, and madness. Hap affirms it and says it contributed to him losing his position in the Hall of Mages, if he recalls.
- Hap concludes saying Pylasar has had many years to come to grips with what he did, and he sympathizes and has been there. Hap says he'll tell the story of his time in the Royal Torren Guard some time, but for now there are other witnesses.
- Captain Shinann speaks fourth, saying Pylasar shouldn't have worked with Rachel, but did finally see the monster she became. He didn't have to come back and we would have never known about his involvement, but he did, and Raznel killing his wife and daughter was punishment enough for him and he's atoned enough. Also--
- Reannah's lingering memories overtake her to speak fifth, interjecting to say that Shinann wishes no one had realized Dennet had kidnapped her, because then Namorai wouldn't have been sent back in time. She says Shinann won't say it because she hates getting personal, but she would have preferred her death over the deaths to come. She then excuses herself and leaves. Vlashandra asks Cordarius about it, but he says not to worry about it.
- Falvicar speaks sixth, saying murder cannot be excused and he knew what he was doing when he killed his parents. Vlashandra says she's been told he lost more than that, as his mother was with child, and Falvicar says they killed a lot of people and his wife is going to be added to the list if things keep up. (Because of the timing of his response, the crowd up on the balcony disputes whether he means he'd kill her or lose her.)
- At Vlashandra's questions, Falvicar affirms Pylasar's guilt in duplicitous actions, aiding and comforting the enemy, and conspiracy and murder. Falvicar says he's guilty, deserves to die, and hiding the deaths and killing people speaks for itself. Vlashandra asks Falvicar if he believes Pylasar to be a danger if he returns; Falvicar says he doesn't know.
- Vlashandra asks if he's a member of the Order of the Silver Gryphon, and what their official stance on Pylasar's crimes is. Falvicar says he is, and that they listen and judge people fairly, and he doesn't know their stance. She asks if they haven't made their stance known; Falvicar says he's been trying to find Pylasar and has missed the last few Gryphon meetings. Vlashandra asks if they've offered to aid him in bringing justice; he says not officially, but they are his friends and family and whether he agrees with them or not does not matter. Ronan also comes first to him and they accept that.
- Vlashandra asks if he was there when the paragon Mynalari was murdered. He says he doesn't believe so; she asks if he was at least aware. He says yes, and she was put to rest because she had to me--as were the other paragons, including [[::Oronthal|his father]].
- Cordarius asks if Pylasar's done a lot of good things; Falvicar says there's no atonement to make up for murder. Cordarius says that's an interesting perspective and asks if he's always felt that way. Falvicar says he enjoyed Pylasar's company and once considered him a friend, but he killed his parents. Cordarius clarifies: has he always felt there's no atonement? Falvicar says on some things.
- Cordarius asks Falvicar if Walkar was a friend of his; Falvicar says yes and no. Cordarius says: "So, there's no atonement, wait, only sometimes. And Walkar is a yes and no friend." He asks Falvicar to walk him through that. Falvicar says Walkar hasn't, to his knowledge, killed innocent people. When he "turned lich," he wasn't in control of himself; that's the difference between him and Pylasar. Cordarius asks if Walkar killed while he was in service to Baron Hochstib; Falvicar doesn't recall.
- Cordarius asks if Pylasar was potentially under Raznel's control; Falvicar says he was a fool in love, and it doesn't make sense for him to be under her control--because then why did he help us at the ennd, and why did she let him go? Vlashandra and Cordarius say it's a good question, but Cordarius asks why he did help them; Falvicar says guilt. Cordarius asks if he thinks he would have been able to defeat Raznel without Pylasar's help; Falvicar says he'd like to think Ronan or Redding could have. Cordarius says a sleeping god and a dead guy; Falvicar says he's not dead, and they'll see in time.
- Lyrna speaks seventh, saying she'll give a condensed version of her story. She doesn't know the truth or falsehood of the charges against Pylasar, but her statement has more to do with the result. Following seeing her mother murdered in front of her when she was ten years old, she's spent a non-trivial amount of time in Zelia's care...
- Meanwhile, a purple-robed figure appears on a rooftop outside, visible through a window. Various people either cheer or fret that it's Pylasar, at first, including Leafi--but then she realizes otherwise, saying it would be too convenient.
- Back on the chamber floor, Lyrna says madness isn't trivial and even Ta'Vaalor, which banished her, allowed some charges to be dropped because of madness. Pylasar too has experienced madness and suffered...
- A second purple-robed figure appears and Leafi says that's more like it--similar to a past [[::The_Rone_Resurgence_-_5118-08-27_-_The_Rooks%27_Red_Glare|protest over Ta'Vaalor]].
- Lyrna says his crimes needn't be forgiven or forgotten, but he's suffered a great deal... as Cordarius briefly notices the goings-on outside. Vlashandra asks if Pylasar was mad when he originally committed the crimes with Raznel. Lyrna says she doesn't believe so, except that in a sense love can be a form of madness. Cordarius asks if she'd disagree with Falvicar's earlier statement, that love is a madness that can control one? Lyrna says it can lead one to overlook thinks until they have no choice but to see the mistake they're making.
- Leafiara speaks eighth, or starts to, as now a dozen purple robed figures stand on the rooftops outside. She says any defense she could give for Pylasar would be firsthand, but any condemnation would be secondhand from visions of the past. They helped Chrysamber locate the paragons, so they were trustworthy, but that's the hurdle she can't get over since the same visions revealed Pylasar's memories being altered and compromised by the Black Shaman Quinshon, Raznel's father.
- Vlashandra asks why Quinshon did that; Leafi says, if she remembers, Pylasar wanted to forget the deaths he'd been responsible for or believed that he was. But that brings us to the possibility mentioned earlier, whether Raznel had any degree of magical control over him. Vlashandra asks why she believes that's possible; she says it was the way he carried himself in the present: lost, confused, and unsure. He said he and Raznel were no different, but it seems absurd. He felt guilty and was troubled in the visions.
- Back outside, dozens of robed figures lift up black leather bags and something squirms inside one...
- Vlashandra asks her if she believes Pylasar is guilty of duplicitous acts. Leafi says no; he was forthright and might be confessing if he were here, and she'd still question it because of his scattered mind. Vlashandra asks if she believes he's guilty of aiding and comforting the witch; she says his body aided, but wouldn't presume he was in control. Vlashandra asks if she believes he's guilty of murder; she says yes, as he didn't hesitate aiding Raznel at first. Even if she controlled him, that would have happened later in their relationship...
- Back outside, one of the figures pulls a captive white falcon out of the bag--same as Octaven's [[::Call Familiar (920)|familiar]]--and slits its throat, then drops it off the rooftop.
- Leafi continues that Raznel kept the details from Pylasar at first, so she'd have to disagree with charges of conspiracy to murder. Vlashandra shoots a glance at Cordarius, starting to ask "How did they..." and he says we should move this along and thanks Leafiara for her statements.
- Lylia is set to speak ninth, as Magister [[::Raelee_Svala|Raelee]] also briefly takes to the floor to tell Vlashandra something--and the other purple-robed figures withdraw white crystal orbs from their orbs, similar to the ones [[::Keeping_Up_with_the_Kestrels_-_5117-12-01_-_Opening_Salvo|previously used by Octaven]] for communication, and shatter them on the ground before disappearing for the night.
- Lylia says many of us are guilty of murder, having found the paragons with Pylasar's aid and ended many of their lives; however, he is the one on trial. She says that in a Faendryl court, he might have been headed for his transgressions, then his head woud have been wreathed with laurel and lor in gratitude for his aid. She asks that they judge carefully whether good deeds erase misdeeds. She also says not to count Mynalari's death on anyone's hands, as she nobly chose it herself for the greater good and that should not be taken away from her.
- Cordarius has a question, asking if the pylons have proven useful over the last few years. She says we can all agree that they have been decisive elements in various victories. He asks if she recalls their original creator; she says another name beginning with "P," but Cordarius clarifies--the original pylons, not the plinite-powered ones used against the krolvin. It was Pylasar.
- Maylan speaks tenth, as Cordarius notes they have to tend to some things after her and the last two. Maylan says the bad things were all done by Pylasar's evil twin Mylasar! It's a true, indisputable fact! They just very alike, except Mylasar has a black moustache with curly ends.
- Soneiken speaks eleventh, saying he'll speak of personal witness. He quotes Peter (Pylasar) saying "I know what has to be done" and "I would not and could not ask any of you to join me." He said those things, but didn't once raise a hand when we found the paragons, and never killed; it was us who killed. Pylasar was distraught and emotive, and for one of the paragons he didn't go, sending someone in his stead because he was too emotional.
- Vlashandra asks for clarity: so when it came time for Pylasar to redeem himself, he had others complete the work for him? Soneiken says no, reiterating his first statement that Peter had also said he wouldn't ask for help--and he didn't. Vlashandra asks: he provided means to access the paragons, but never lended his aid in defeating them? Soneiken says the Chronomage (Chrysamber) delivered us, not him; he simply had memories, and asks if that's guilt. The paragons were doomed, already dead, and he asks if they'd call Voln a murderer because his [[::Order of Voln|Order]] sends people to release souls.
- Vlashandra asks if he'd agree Pylasar aided in creating the paragons. Soneiken says he can only speak from Pylasar's memories, and only he and Raznel know the answer to that, but from his memories it was the witch. Vlashandra asks if aided in ending the paragons; Soneiken says no, and closest they get is attempted murder, but it's a stretch.
- Gutstorm] speaks twelfth and offers Cordarius and Vlashandra some House Sovyn ale in case they don't understand him in his insobriety. He has two questions, one from him and one from Delyorik. Vlashandra says they're the ones who ask questions, but he says he's talking and to wait her turn. First, where's "his" bleakstone Lylia statue and the paperwork for its return? Second, who flung bird poo on Delyorik's door? (Delyorik had been complaining about falcon blood outside the library.)
- Cordarius touches a falcon pendant he's wearing, and Vlashandra touches something beneath her robe's neck. She promptly leaves and Cordarius comes back upstairs to wish everyone a good night until tomorrow. Before he goes, Delyorik asks him what he's looking for; he says a wealthy woman who appreciates a smart and charming man with a seven-inch tongue. Hapenlok says he reminds him of Glissando, and Cordarius grins, collects one of the purple hibiscuses, briefly flirts with Darcena, and leaves for the night.
Maags says, "This is a Chamber of Justice." Maags says, "This is not a trial of Justice."
Balley softly says, "I have the cart with drinks and snacks if anyone needs them during the trial." Speaking to a mistwood serving cart, Faerinn says, "Oh, good bread to go with the circuses."
Faerinn says, "I'm guessing one night will be the prosecution and the other the defense." Faerinn says, "Or one night the lion tamers and the other night clowns, maybe."
Hapenlok asks, "Okay, so, let me ask everyone a question: would anyone be completely surprised if he just appeared out of nowhere either tonight or tomorrow?" Xorus says, "I would not be surprised if he appeared yesterday."
Speaking to Falvicar, Kiske exclaims, "Falvibold!" Speaking quietly to Kiske, Falvicar asks, "So.... you'd be... Kissabold if you turned kobold?" Speaking to Falvicar, Kiske says, "No, I'd still be Kiske..." Speaking quietly to Regwen, Falvicar exclaims, "Regibold!"
Cryheart says, "Vlashandra." Cryheart says, "She is the Adjudicator." Maylan says, "She'll adjudicate my foot in her ear."
A dark hooded figure arrives, carrying a dark leather backpack. The figure stands near Leafiara then slips the pack into the folds of her red and white cape, whispers to her and leaves. Xorus says, "Is it crimson orbs? I hope it is crimson orbs." Speaking to Xorus, Leafiara admits, "Would be helpful." Leafiara removes a dark purple hibiscus from in her leather backpack. Leafiara asks, "Would anyone like a purple hibiscus in honor of Pylasar, then?"
Maylan asks, "So, who's up for a good old fashioned revolt?" Dergoatean exclaims, "If we all storm the courtroom, they'll run out of stocks!!" Cryheart says, "Now that would be the citizens all placed into the stocks." Chamorr recites heartily: "Landing trial Landing justice We want Renpaw" Mollan says, "Hey, it's Rent-A-Mob."
From below a narrow stairway, you hear Maylan yell, "Join us, brethren, in our sit down protest! It's the protest for the lazy man!"
Morofinwe quietly asks, "This is going to be a farce isn't it?" Speaking to Morofinwe, Stormyrain offers, "Always is."
Dergoatean recites: "Power to the Landing! Power to the people! Power to the Purple One!" Chamorr recites heartily: "Hey hey! Ho ho! Imperial judicial mandates have got to go!" Maylan recites: "We demand purple justice! Justice for the purple man!" Leafiara notes, "Well, they're sure passionate down there." Lazaryth says, "Passionate, and intoxicated."
Dergoatean yells, "Help! Help! I'm being repressed!" Dergoatean recites: "No kangaroos in Landing courts!" Zosopage says, "Jail is going to be full tonight." Lylia murmurs, "Pity."
Hapenlok yells, "Would you fools kindly bugger off, I'd like to do this while I'm still you-...middle aged!"
Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara wonders, "What was it you said about things staying civilized?" Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara stresses, "Staying." Lyrna says, "Well, you'll note that I didn't take my armor off."
Dergoatean yells, "Join us, citizens!" Maylan yells, "Join the rebellion. For Pylasar!" Dergoatean yells, "Surely they can't haul away ... SEVEN of us!" Maylan yells, "There is power in numbers. And I have ale." Raincail quietly says, "I mean, seven? Seems insurmountable." Leafiara acknowledges, "I do have to admit, I said be ready with popcorn for tonight, but this is exceeding expectations." Speaking to Lylia, Xanthium asks, "Good thing this isn't your job anymore, hm?"
The night watchman rushes in, followed closely by his posse! With great ease, the night watchman grabs Maylan and shackles her wrists. "I have you now! You best come along quietly, or you'll face the consequences," says the night watchman. The night watchman then drags her off. [likewise for Dergoatean, Sonnillon, Pukk, Chamorr, Rudar, Talman, Razanetika] Pietra yells, "Rigged!" Cryheart says, "The long arm of the law." Maags says, "The short arm of justice."
[to Faerinn] Xanthium says, "Give them perdition, my friend." Xanthium says, "This is how you call out injustice." Xanthium says, "Not hollering like a baboon."
Faerinn says, "I am obligated to beg the court for a mistrial on the grounds that both the charter of this township and the Rysus Codex calls for an accuser being present for their trial." Faerinn asks, "Without even doing that this isn't even worthwhile as a mock trial. It's a thought exercise at best, and not the one I'm interested in. The scenario I've really been intrigued about lately is what happens when Octaven finds the spirit of unity here lacking and orders the manafires put out to elicit compliance?" Raelee quietly mutters, "I am nearing extinguishing them myself at this point, and it has little to do with unity."
Vlashandra says, "Your husband is Falvicar, yes? Or was? I am unsure of the current status; many seem to be, himself included."
Hapenlok says, "Well, I suppose I'm going to express a fairly unpopular opinion with the rabble upstairs." Cryheart asks, "He calling us rabble?" Speaking to Cryheart, Leafiara admits, "To be fair, he usually calls us worse." Cryheart says, "True." Speaking to Cryheart, Chaoswynd asks, "It's Hap. You don't honestly expect compliments, do you?" Cryheart says, "Never."
Speaking to Maylan, Dergoatean says, "We fought the law and the law won." Dergoatean exclaims, "But we raised awareness!" Speaking to Dergoatean, Maylan exclaims, "They may have won the battle, but they will lose the war!" Dergoatean says, "And that's really the most important thing." Speaking to Dergoatean, Leafiara admits, "Odd night when what I can only assume was a Rook has a more peaceful protest idea than you all." Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean asks, "What wasn't peaceful about that?" Speaking to Dergoatean, Leafiara clarifies, "Maybe I should say less disruptive."
Vlashandra asks, "So you acknowledge his crimes, but plead for leniency?" Hapenlok says, "I do." Vlashandra asks, "You acknowledge his duplicitous actions?" Speaking to Vlashandra, Hapenlok says, "It's hard for me not to." Hapenlok says, "But, I'm no stranger to those." Hapenlok says, "I'm paying the price daily for my sins. So is he." Vlashandra asks, "Do you acknowledge his aid and comfort provided to Raznel?" Faerinn says, "Ah, they are accepting stand in confessions now."
Mollan says, "I wonder what Hapenlok's story is." Speaking to Mollan, Lylia suggests, "You should ask him." Speaking to Mollan, Leafiara hurriedly says, "Don't." Mollan asks, "He seems to believe in redemption because he seems to want it himself?" Mollan says, "Just guessing." Lylia clarifies, "Privately, at a table, when you have plenty of time to talk." Speaking surprisedly to Mollan, Leafiara says, "Actually, that's a pretty succinct summary."
Shinann softly says, "Good evening. If I may interject here." Shinann says, "What she's trying to say is that she wishes no one had realized my husband had kidnapped her, then my poor Naimorai wouldn't have ever been sent back in time." Shinann says, "To become something she wouldn't have been. Shinann won't tell you this because she hates getting personal, but I'll say it for her. She would have preferred her death over all the deaths that were to come. My husband... Dennet... my baby Naimorai..." Shinann firmly says, "Excuse me." Shinann just went through a modwir arch. Vlashandra asks, "...she is not Shinann?" Cordarius says, "Don't worry about it." Dergoatean exclaims, "If she wanted to be two witnesses she should have signed up twice!"
Speaking quietly to Regwen, Falvicar says, "The son of a bit... killed my parents. Why do you think I remember that day so well? It certainly explains Redding's warning to me as well as why I never saw them after I was done doing my sword practice that day." Vlashandra says, "Falvicar." [from downstairs] Speaking to Falvicar, Regwen says, "Funny you NEVER mentioned it when we talked of our dead families." Speaking quietly to Regwen, Falvicar says, "Maybe if you actually TALKED to me." Falvicar just climbed down a narrow stairway. Speaking to Regwen, Darcena asks, "You okay?" Regwen says, "Oh he is delusional." Speaking to Regwen, Hapenlok says, "More so than usual." Speaking to Regwen, Pietra says, "Divorce court is two doors down." Speaking to Darcena, Regwen says, "I will be." Darcena offers, "We can turn him into a kobold again." Speaking to Darcena, Regwen says, "Please."
Falvicar quietly says, "I remember the day my parents went missing. You don't forget that kind of thing." Vlashandra asks, "Only your parents?" Vlashandra says, "I am told you lost more than that." Vlashandra asks, "Was not your mother with child?" Falvicar quietly says, "My wife is going to be added to the list if things keep up." Pietra yells, "You're threatening your wife? In court?" Lylia says, "I hope he meant that he may lose you, not that he may harm you." Lylia murmurs, "People have the strangest ideas on marriage..." Speaking gravely to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "No, I know exactly what he meant. And he meant exactly what he implied." Darcena yells, "If you are threatening Regwen, you will find you have to go through some people!" Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "And I do believe I'm going to have to step outside and thrash him." Lylia says, "I shall help, if you like." Lylia says, "Madness, really." Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "No, I don't need help." Lylia says, "I did not say 'if you need,' I said 'if you like.'." Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "No. I still think I hate you right now." Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "My pride wouldn't allow it." Lylia mildly says, "Oh, woe. Oh, pity." Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok exclaims, "Now keel over!" Lylia retorts, "In this gown? Wearing this headpiece? I would never get up again."
Chamorr heartily says, "This is imperial justice." Speaking to Chamorr, Faerinn says, "This is no one's justice."
Speaking quietly to Regwen, Lylia murmurs, "My dear, never trust a man who puts a god before you." Speaking to Lylia, Regwen says, "A god, a prophet, and now revenge for something imagined."
Chamorr heartily says, "Pylasar's not on trial here, we are."
Speaking quietly to Cordarius, Falvicar says, "As my father said to me. There is no atonement." Cordarius asks, "No atonement?" Cordarius asks, "Have you always felt that way?" Falvicar quietly says, "On some things." Cordarius asks, "But not this thing?" Cordarius says, "I'm confused." Cordarius says, "Talk to me about Walkar." Cordarius asks, "Was he a friend of yours?" Falvicar quietly says, "Yes and no." Cordarius says, "Hmm." Cordarius says, "So, there's no atonement, wait, only sometimes. And Walkar is a yes and no friend."
Cordarius asks, "Do you think you would have been able to defeat Raznel without Pylasar's help?" Speaking quietly to Cordarius, Falvicar says, "I would like to think Ronan or Redding would have been able to." Cordarius says, "A sleeping god and a dead guy." Cordarius says, "Okay."
Phalff exclaims, "I feels likes I started watchin' dis play halfway through da third act!" Speaking to Phalff, Lyrna says, "That's where I've been for the last year and a half."
Speaking quietly to Hapenlok, Falvicar says, "I think you are glaring at the wrong person." Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok says, "No... I'm looking at a man, who sounds more like a V'Tullian than a loyal disciple of Ronan." Speaking quietly to Hapenlok, Falvicar says, "I think you need to read what V'tull does." Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok says, "You've been consumed with this hunt for a man who's been long dead. That you're not thinking right." Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok asks, "You have to be out of your mind, you know that?" Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok asks, "You'd threaten your own wife? In open court?" Speaking quietly to Hapenlok, Falvicar says, "Says the crazed killing mage." Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok says, "You. Me. Boulder. Time of your choosing." Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok says, "To the death." Speaking quietly to Hapenlok, Falvicar says, "I did not do a threat you damn fools." Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok says, "I'm going to beat sense into you." Speaking to Hapenlok, Maylan encourages, "Do it!"
Vlashandra whispers something to Lylia. Pukk yells, "They are in cahoots!" Lylia scornfully says, "I never met a cahoot I trusted, Pukk, and you should know me better than that."
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "My first meeting with the Rooks was a literal knife in the back. There is little halting them from doing that to me as well." Raelee slowly says, "... do consider that." Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara admits, "So was mine, but sometimes we get off to rough starts."
[TownCrier]-GSIV:Newsby: "And whose symbol is the falcon?" [TownCrier]-GSIV:Leafiara: "Octaven. Her familiar is a falcon." [TownCrier]-GSIV:Newsby: "Aha, then ... Go Robed figures!!" [TownCrier]-GSIV:Leafiara: "Dang Rooks even have the local news on their side. They're everywhere."
Maylan explains, "Okay see, here's the rub. All those bad things were ACTUALLY done by Pylasar's evil twin, Mylasar. I know this to be a true and indisputable fact. So you know, it's that fella Mylasar that should be in time jail." Maylan says, "Okay so don't feel foolish, it's an easy mistake to make. They do look very much alike." Pietra asks, "The Magenta Mage, Mylasar?" Maylan says, "Except the one fella, Mylasar, he has a black moustache that he wears all curly at the ends." Maylan says, "And sometimes he twists his moustache and says 'Mwahahahahaha'." Maylan says, "Well! I'm glad we could clear that up." Maylan exclaims, "Case closed!" Maylan says, "I DID IT." Maylan exclaims, "I saved Pylasar!"
Speaking to Maylan, Hapenlok says, "I've given up on attempting to get you to behave yourself."
Soneiken says, "The seeds were doomed." Soneiken says, "Already dead." Soneiken says, "Caught in time." Soneiken says, "Listen." Soneiken says, "Do you call Voln a murderer." Soneiken says, "Son Of Koar." Soneiken says, "His Order." Soneiken says, "He sends those forth to release the souls." Soneiken says, "The ones doomed already." Soneiken says, "Peter thought the same." Skipjack says, "Pylasar is not Koar...and this Landing rabble is no holy order." Speaking amusedly to Skipjack, Leafiara says, "Ya don't say." Speaking to Skipjack, Hapenlok asks, "Excuse me, who are you again?"
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me am not da greatest of da pokesmen, but he hadda two questions be askin ye." Gutstorm drunkenly says, "One fer me, en one fer dis fella name Delyorik." Vlashandra says, "Unfortunately, the questions are for us to ask. Provide your statement, or we are finished." Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me question....where be my statchoo. Yooz not be tellin us where ye be, and no paperwork fer da return." Chamorr heartily says, "Wheres his water cannon when ya needs it." Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Hey now me talkin ere, wait yooz turn." Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Secon." From up on a narrow stairway, you hear Pietra yell, "Water cannon 'em!" Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Who flung da bird poo on Deylorik door." (Gutstorm scans the area for a suitable target and spots Vlashandra.) Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Target Acquired!!!" Gutstorm pulls the silver lever on the monir water cannon, but nothing seems to happen. Razanetika softly says, "Can't take him anywhere.. no one ever believes me when I say this." Gutstorm yells, "It misfire!" Vlashandra touches something beneath the neck of her robe. From up on a narrow stairway, you hear Maylan yell, "Take em down!" Speaking carefully to Razanetika, Leafiara says, "I think everyone who knows him believes ya." Vlashandra nods at Cordarius. Maylan yells, "Cleanse this kangaroo court with your water cannon!" Cordarius nods at Vlashandra. Lady Vlashandra just went through a modwir arch. Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Hey where she go." Speaking to Raelee, Darcena says, "I guess we know how to stop her. Threat of water cannon."
Speaking to Cordarius, Delyorik asks, "What are you looking for?" Cordarius says, "A wealthy woman who appreciates a smart and charming man with a seven inch tongue." Xanthium says, "That's not what tongues are for." Xanthium touches her fingers to her heart, the tips digging into the fabric of her jade green robe, and offers a soft prayer to Ivas. Speaking to Leafiara, Lazaryth whispers aloud, "I don't sound like that, do I?" Speaking evasively to Lazaryth, Leafiara says, "...I'm maybe not the best judge of that." Krampton says, "If somebody got a 7 inch tongue, they should get dat checked out, dey might be part leezard."
Speaking amusedly to Razanetika, Leafiara says, "You did good tonight." Speaking softly to Leafiara, Razanetika says, "Thank you sweetly." Speaking to Razanetika, Leafiara says, "I don't know if you feel that you did, considering you got arrested, but..." Speaking to Razanetika, Leafiara says, "Everyone has to take a stand over something or other." Speaking softly to Leafiara, Razanetika asks, "Why is it everyone always notices that?" Speaking to Razanetika, Rasson asks, "It happens so much?" Speaking to Razanetika, Leafiara admits, "Don't worry, they almost arrested me once over tending the wound of a vigilante, so we could capture him instead of just murdering him out in the wilds." Speaking coyly to Razanetika, Leafiara reiterates, "Almost."
Speaking to Rasson, Hapenlok says, "NO." Speaking to Rasson, Hapenlok says, "Webs are stupid. You do this." Hapenlok intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands... Hapenlok gestures at Rasson. An airy mist rolls into the area, carrying a harsh chill with it. CS: +520 - TD: +17 + CvA: +19 + d100: +57 - -5 == +584 Warding failed! The mist leaves Hanimus's lower half encased in a thick block of ice. The evanescent shield shrouding Gnaeusprimus fades briefly. CS: +520 - TD: +384 + CvA: -7 + d100: +23 == +152 Warding failed! The mist leaves Gnaeusprimus's lower half encased in a thick block of ice. CS: +520 - TD: +368 + CvA: +12 + d100: +72 - +30 == +206 Warding failed! The mist leaves Rudar's lower half encased in a thick block of ice. CS: +520 - TD: +347 + CvA: -21 + d100: +60 - -5 == +217 Warding failed! The mist leaves Talman's lower half encased in a thick block of ice. A voice from the crowd echoes, "Endangering public safety! Endangering public safety! Someone call for the night watchman!" Hapenlok says, "Well, that'll work." Leafiara slowly says, "Hooo boy." Hapenlok says, "Wild magic, guys." Hapenlok says, "Sorry." Leafiara muses, "Well, what's another arrest tonight, eh?" Hapenlok says, "I'll go surrender now." A quartet of burly deputies bursts in, closely followed by the night watchman. With great ease, the night watchman grabs Hapenlok and shackles his wrists. "Ah-ha! The boys at Helga's said I might find something interesting here," says the night watchman. The night watchman then drags him off. Krampton says, "Is dat 2 weekends in a row Happy's been arrested in front of da Moot Hall." Krampton says, "Last weekend with Draccor now dis."
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a maddened island spirit that is flying around, an arctic wolf that is sitting, a scaled fire wyrdling, the Sonnillon disk, a poofy piebald flop-eared kitten, the Guarrin disk, a sleek midnight black kitten wearing a silver-inlaid leather collar, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, a belligerent aurora spirit that is flying around, an animated halberd hovering in mid-air, the Persistance disk, a white tiger, the Dougross disk, a small black marble shrine engraved with an obese drunken chinchilla design, a mistwood serving cart with some stuff on it, an herbal remedy donation bin and some stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: High Lord Gutstorm, Darcena, Quartermaster Tsarok, Gidion, Leineshan, Imperatrix Lylia, Lord Inochi, Soneiken, Lord Oldale, Hapenlok, Lady Alisette, Sincerae who is sitting, Mayor Leafiara, Shinann, Sigvarr, Sonnillon, Lexbubba, Pukk, Small Game Huntress Rendena, Nyepels, Guarrin, Rasson, Aserak, Lovily, Bernadette, Draend, Stormyrain, Kiske, Orlicks, Saric, Maags, Delyorik, Lyrna, Felita who is sitting, Great Lady Persistance, Lord Morofinwe, Lady Isophenee, Ryutori who is sitting, Xitu, Zosopage, Lady Regwen, Roelon, Lord Legus, Sharth, Raincail, Sir Cryheart, Lord Chamorr, Dougross who is sitting, Gypsy Scribe Balley
The sky begins to fill with huge clouds, dark and grey on the bottom, pale and white atop, their puffy crowns ascending toward the heavens.
Maags exclaims, "Bacon is spared of gus!"
Speaking to an arctic wolf, Hapenlok says, "I don't know why I'm agreeing with a wolf, but I am."
Maags exclaims, "What!"
Speaking to Pukk, Leafiara prompts, "You're up!"
BOOM! A clap of thunder shakes the heavens.
Raincail quietly says, "Oof."
Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "FUNDA!!!"
Soneiken says, "Boom."
Speaking quietly to Hapenlok, Morofinwe says, "It is the truth, though."
Pukk recites:
"Everybody join Cryheart!"
Maags says, "Jus a spring storm."
Kiske says, "Someone likes a fancy entrance."
Speaking to Leafiara, Soneiken says, "Boom, Boom."
Cryheart says, "The sky cries."
Sonnillon yells, "Incoming acorns!"
Speaking to Cryheart, Maags says, "Yous has a giant 'brella."
Speaking to Morofinwe, Hapenlok says, "Absolutely. I agree, wholeheartedly."
Speaking quietly to Hapenlok, Morofinwe says, "We need a statue of bacon."
Speaking to Cryheart, Hapenlok says, "I'm not joining your party. You're a giant electrical conductor."
Speaking to Cryheart, Pukk says, "You have been choosen....don't fall asleep this time."
The voice of Kylishatary exclaims, "Unpoof!"
Speaking to Zosopage, Maags says, "They are hasing fun."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara advises, "Just have to stand near, but not next to."
Lylia briskly says, "I shall see you all in the balcony. I presume this event is going to require a large audience chamber."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Joo been!!! Funda......"
Cryheart says, "Ok.. moving to Moot Hall soon."
Maags quickly prompts, "Threetwoone!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Lightning sometimes goes in a chain."
Cryheart says, "Moving."
Sir Cryheart's group just went east.
[Town Square, East]
Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a large purple wooden barrel.
Leafiara concedes, "True enough."
Pukk yells, "No, we are going to the outpost!"
[Moot Hall, Observation Balcony]
Several rows of hardwood benches line the balcony, each row a bit higher than the previous one in order to provide a view of the proceedings below from every seat. A polished oak railing forms the front barrier of the viewing area, and a narrow stairway leads down.
Also here: Lexbubba, Pukk, Guarrin, Rasson, Aserak, Bernadette, Stormyrain, Kiske, Orlicks, Maags, Lyrna, Xitu, Zosopage, Lady Regwen, Roelon, Raincail, Lord Chamorr, Gypsy Scribe Balley, Lady Alisette, Gidion, Quartermaster Tsarok, Darcena, High Lord Gutstorm, Sonnillon, Great Lady Mollan, Amerek, Sir Cryheart
Cryheart says, "Here we be."
Maags says, "Oh wait."
Cryheart says, "No rain."
Maags says, "This is a Chamber of Justice."
Raincail quietly says, "No, I'm here."
Cryheart says, "Oh..wait."
Maags says, "This is not a trial of Justice."
Cryheart says, "Wrong place."
Maags says, "So."
Lyrna asks, "Is it going to be here? Or at the Outpost?"
Speaking heartily to Maags, Chamorr says, "It could happen."
Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Here in the Landing, somewhere at least."
Regwen asks, "Where is the kangaroo court?"
Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara adds, "For some odd reasons they've insisted it be here."
Pukk says, "Darn it...Felita caught up to us."
Cordarius: "Evening!"
Guarrin offhandedly mentions, "I'd imagine the Outpost."
Lyrna says, "Wasn't sure, since it is the Hall running it."
Leafiara: "Good eve."
Sonnillon raspily says, "They are at the boulder already. My idea was accepted."
Guarrin: "Good evening."
Lyrna: "Good evening."
Cryheart says, "Cordarius on the net."
Lylia: "Good evening to you."
Cordarius: "We will be along shortly to Moot Hall, I encourage you all to make your way to the Observation Balcony."
Zosopage: "Good evening."
Cryheart asks, "Hmm..where is the trial being held?"
Leafiara says, "You had the right place."
Speaking raspily to Cryheart, Sonnillon says, "The boulder."
Lyrna says, "You were right."
Felita says, "Ye walkin toos fast."
Lyrna says, "Observation gallery."
Cryheart asks, "Oh?"
Lyrna says, "Balcony."
[Moot Hall, Observation Balcony]
Several rows of hardwood benches line the balcony, each row a bit higher than the previous one in order to provide a view of the proceedings below from every seat. A polished oak railing forms the front barrier of the viewing area, and a narrow stairway leads down.
Cryheart says, "Passed the chamber of justice."
Cryheart says, "Good."
(OOC) Cryheart's player whispers to the group, "Remember just peer area."
Faerinn says, "I'm guessing one night will be the prosecution and the other the defense."
(OOC) Alisette's player whispers to the group, "Thanks for that, sir."
Ephemeral twists of silver-hazed mist wreathe Gidion's forearms as he murmurs a serene phrase...
Gidion gestures at Raincail.
The magic fizzles ineffectually.
Speaking to Gidion, Hapenlok says, "Give it up, it won't work."
Bernadette softly says, "Majik dun werk in here."
Balley softly says, "I have the cart with drinks and snacks if anyone needs them during the trial."
Speaking helpfully to Gidion, Leafiara says, "There's no magic in here. It would be, uh--a bit tough to conduct trials if it were allowed."
Gidion says, "Just trying to keep us safe."
Lyrna takes a drink from her hot ginger tea.
Speaking to Balley, Alisette says, "Thank you."
Lyrna says, "Oh, this is perfect."
Speaking wryly to Gidion, Leafiara asks, "What's the worst that could happen?"
Faerinn says, "Or one night the lion tamers and the other night clowns, maybe."
Chamorr heartily says, "Did anyone bring rotten fruit."
Lylia helps herself to a handful of dark red cherries.
Lylia says, "These seem perfectly fine to me, but I happen to be fond of cherries."
Mollan says, "I was going to throw blue crystals."
Speaking to a mistwood serving cart, Faerinn says, "Oh, good bread to go with the circuses."
Speaking to Chamorr, Zosopage says, "Where is Crux when ya need him."
Lylia whispers something to Xorus.
Speaking to Faerinn, Leafiara confesses, "Not even an exaggeration, honestly."
Speaking heartily to Zosopage, Chamorr says, "Right."
Raincail quietly says, "Prolly right behind yeh."
Xorus whispers something to Lylia.
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Did anybuddies bring da rotten froots to trow at Pylasars?"
Speaking amusedly to Gutstorm, Leafiara says, "If they did, I hope they're ready to wait years, decades, or centuries."
Speaking in Elven, Xorus says, "It all looks so different from up here..."
Speaking to Melikor, Lylia says, "We have missed you."
Speaking to Falvicar, Kiske exclaims, "Falvibold!"
Hapenlok asks, "Okay, so, let me ask everyone a question: would anyone be completely surprised if he just appeared out of nowhere either tonight or tomorrow?"
Lyrna says, "Not really."
Speaking bluntly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Not at all."
Xorus says, "I would not be surprised if he appeared yesterday."
Hapenlok says, "Because, he always had that irritating ability."
Zosopage says, "Pylasar doesn't seem to be one to back out of a fight."
Cryheart says, "Well..he has a hard time, with time."
Felita asks, "Does Misser Purple knows he possa be here?"
Speaking quietly to Kiske, Falvicar asks, "So.... you'd be... Kissabold if you turned kobold?"
Speaking drunkenly to Felita, Gutstorm says, "Eh, bebbe."
Felita says, "Ise no bebbeh."
Speaking to Falvicar, Kiske says, "No, I'd still be Kiske..."
Felita says, "Yer so silly."
Speaking quietly to Regwen, Falvicar exclaims, "Regibold!"
Speaking to Darcena, Alisette says, "I am being quiet."
Regwen says, "I've never been koboldized though."
Speaking drunkenly to Alisette, Gutstorm exclaims, "Dats a ferst!"
Goldstr says, "I hopes Judge Renpaw be in charge fer dis."
Lyrna says, "He's not supposed to be."
Sonnillon raspily asks, "Where is the basket of rotting fruit at?"
Cryheart says, "Vlashandra."
Lyrna says, "It is supposed to be..."
Lyrna says, "Vlashandra."
Cryheart says, "She is the Adjudicator."
Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Vlashandra shtole me statchoo!"
Faerinn says, "Vlashandra acts as the prosecution."
Goldstr says, "Dens da wrong place."
Maylan says, "She'll adjudicate my foot in her ear."
Zosopage says, "And the judge, and the jury....."
Speaking heartily to Regwen, Chamorr asks, "Looks good on ya, spectin orcs?"
Leafiara admits, "They've been so scarce with the details of the trial that I hardly know what to expect even now, other than Vlashandra and Cordarius as prosecution and defense respectively."
Dergoatean asks, "Are the kangaroos here yet?"
Speaking to Maylan, Faerinn says, "If that's what Octaven wants..."
Flowery Language
A dark hooded figure arrives, carrying a dark leather backpack. The figure stands near Leafiara then slips the pack into the folds of her red and white cape, whispers to her and leaves.
Speaking to Dergoatean, Leafiara amusedly says, "Not yet."
Cryheart says, "And off goes Maylan to the Empire."
Speaking drunkenly to Leafiara, Gutstorm says, "Seeeekrits."
Speaking quietly to Leafiara, Elphieya whispers aloud, "Who was that?"
Leafiara grabs a dark leather backpack from one of the large pouches lining the inside of her red silk cape.
Raincail quietly says, "So clandestine."
Zosopage asks, "Mother?"
Pukk whispers something to Leafiara.
Leafiara musingly says, "I suppose we're about to find out..."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Prolly a hot date."
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr asks, "Was that yer bagman?"
Leafiara looks thoughtfully at her leather backpack.
Speaking to Leafiara, Faerinn says, "You seem to have had more snacks delivered."
Leafiara removes a dark purple hibiscus from in her leather backpack.
Xorus says, "Is it crimson orbs? I hope it is crimson orbs."
Speaking to Xorus, Leafiara admits, "Would be helpful."
Razanetika softly says, "Oh my."
Alisette exclaims, "From Pylasar's garden!"
Roelon deeply says, "Nothing explodin', that is good."
Leafiara asks, "Would anyone like a purple hibiscus in honor of Pylasar, then?"
Cryheart says, "No violence folks...we dinnae need another war."
Maylan asks, "So, who's up for a good old fashioned revolt?"
[various nods throughout, whispers; trimming all of that and just showing who was offered]
Speaking in Halfling, Muscatelle says something you don't understand.
Leafiara offers Alisette a dark purple hibiscus.
Falvicar says to Leafiara, "You, madam, are a bawdy, krolvin-sympathizing varlet!"
Maylan exclaims, "I say we storm the courtroom!"
Speaking in Halfling to Muscatelle, Maags says something you don't understand.
Alisette accepts Leafiara's purple hibiscus.
Leafiara offers Razanetika a dark purple hibiscus.
Razanetika accepts Leafiara's purple hibiscus.
Raincail quietly says, "Sure, aye."
Leafiara offers Lyrna a dark purple hibiscus.
Speaking to Maylan, Lazaryth says, "It would certainly be interesting."
Chamorr heartily says, "What a great idea."
Lyrna accepts Leafiara's purple hibiscus.
Leafiara offers Raincail a dark purple hibiscus.
Raincail accepts Leafiara's purple hibiscus.
Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok says, "Now, now....she is bawdy, but retract those other remarks."
Pukk recites:
"Storm the court room!"
Speaking to Lazaryth, Maylan exclaims, "And set it on fire!"
Raincail quietly says, "Cheers."
Maags says, "Sorries back."
Speaking to Darcena, Melikor says, "Ysharra and I just spent a few weeks on the Isle."
Speaking in Halfling, Alisette exclaims something you don't understand.
Leafiara offers Pukk a dark purple hibiscus.
Speaking to Leafiara, Darcena says, "Yes please."
Pukk accepts Leafiara's purple hibiscus.
Speaking to Melikor, Darcena asks, "Did you enjoy it?"
Leafiara offers Darcena a dark purple hibiscus.
Lyrna says, "Thank you, love."
Darcena accepts Leafiara's purple hibiscus.
Cryheart says, "Let us allow it to proceed first."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Razanetika says, "Thank you sweetly Mayor Goddess."
Speaking to his purple hibiscus, Pukk says, "I can't eat it."
Leafiara recites:
"Plenty of hibiscuses available! Let me know if you'd like one!"
Speaking drunkenly to Alisette, Gutstorm says, "Hibidiscus are goot eattins, dey be putta da hairy on yer chests."
Maylan recites:
"Come on lads! Let's go protest!"
Speaking to Cryheart, Maags says, "Jokes are sposed to be funnies."
Speaking to Darcena, Melikor says, "Mm, yes, it's a nice getaway."
Leafiara offers Balley a dark purple hibiscus.
Balley accepts Leafiara's purple hibiscus.
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I'll pass."
Speaking to Leafiara, Regwen says, "Me please."
Leafiara offers Regwen a dark purple hibiscus.
Regwen accepts Leafiara's purple hibiscus.
Speaking to Darcena, Melikor says, "Ysharra requests we tow the temple here to Darkstone Bay."
Pukk exclaims, "Aha!"
Pukk says, "Fashion statement."
Speaking amusedly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Well, your choice."
Dergoatean exclaims, "If we all storm the courtroom, they'll run out of stocks!!"
Roelon deeply says, "Ah do like that color ah bit."
Leafiara offers Elphieya a dark purple hibiscus.
Lyrna says, "That is almost Vaalorian precision."
From below a narrow stairway, you hear Maylan yell, "This is a rather lousy protest!"
Elphieya accepts Leafiara's purple hibiscus.
Cryheart says, "Now that would be the citizens all placed into the stocks."
Speaking to Melikor, Darcena says, "It is much more, uh, captivating than our local options."
Speaking to Elphieya, Leafiara says, "A hibiscus--in Pylasar's favorite color."
Pukk yells, "Keep it up! You're doing good!"
Speaking quietly to Leafiara, Elphieya says, "This is beautiful and smells even better."
Magister Cordarius just climbed up a narrow stairway.
Morofinwe quietly asks, "Has anyone tested it for poison?"
Cryheart says, "Ye walked into an unfriendly atmosphere."
Hapenlok removes a polished purple button that reads, "Make Magic Happen - Kylinarr for Mayor!" from in his multicolored coat.
Speaking amiably to Cordarius, Leafiara greets, "Good eve there."
Morofinwe quietly says, "I am just asking questions."
Speaking to Cordarius, Faerinn asks, "So is it the defense first tonight?"
Cordarius says, "Good evening all."
Leafiara offers Morofinwe a dark purple hibiscus.
Speaking deeply to Morofinwe, Roelon says, "Ye could be right about that.."
Speaking lightly to Morofinwe, Leafiara says, "Have at it."
Morofinwe declines Leafiara's offer.
Cryheart says, "Good evening."
Speaking drunkenly to Cordarius, Gutstorm asks, "Heddo mitter fanty pantsh, no zappin yershelf in ere wif a bolt of litnin?"
Cordarius says, "We'll begin shortly. Vlashandra is on her way."
Mollan says, "Prosecution should go first."
Mollan says, "You have to lay out the case."
Speaking in Halfling, Muscatelle asks something you don't understand.
Felita says, "Mebee flip a coin."
Speaking heartily to Cordarius, Chamorr says, "Landing trial, Landing justice, we want Renpaw."
Speaking in Halfling to Muscatelle, Maags says something you don't understand.
Speaking to Mollan, Faerinn says, "Well, who knows what the procedure for this dinner theatre and thought exercise will be."
(OOC) Gutstorm's player whispers to the group, "I just binged watch 8 seasons of the Practice and 5 seasons of Boston Legal, I'm ready to fill in if we needs a lawyer."
Speaking to Cordarius, Leafiara says, "Yes, who will be presiding? We've been wondering all night."
Cordarius says, "Vlashandra and I will be down below, calling on those who sign up on the list."
Lyrna asks, "The list?"
Speaking quietly to Cordarius, Falvicar says, "I'd like to volunteer to be Executioner...."
Cordarius says, "For those who sign up, you will have an opportunity to speak for, or against Pylasar."
Speaking surprisedly in Halfling to Spert, Muscatelle exclaims something you don't understand.
Xanthium says, "I did not bring snacks. No one told me it was that kind of miscarriage of justice."
Lyrna asks, "What will tomorrow entail?"
Sonnillon raspily asks, "Is it intermission yet?"
Leafiara asks, "Prosecution and defense, but no judge?"
Cordarius says, "Carry over, if needed. Perhaps a verdict."
Speaking quietly to Xanthium, Morofinwe says, "You should have guessed."
Speaking to Lyrna, Pukk says, "It will entail 24 hours."
Maags says, "And no accused."
Speaking in Halfling to Spert, Muscatelle says something you don't understand.
Speaking wryly to Maags, Leafiara asks, "Right?"
Roelon deeply says, "Does nae sound like justice to me."
Chamorr recites heartily:
"Landing trial
Landing justice
We want Renpaw"
Mollan says, "Hey, it's Rent-A-Mob."
Leafiara offers Maags a dark purple hibiscus.
Cordarius says, "The charges have been listed and a timeline of events given to the Council."
Maags accepts Leafiara's purple hibiscus.
Speaking to Lylia, Pukk exclaims, "We have nominated you to stand in for Pylasar. Congrats!"
Maags says, "Ohh."
Maags says, "Likes."
Maags carefully tucks her purple hibiscus behind one ear.
Maags sashays along, displaying a dark purple hibiscus tucked behind one ear!
Cordarius says, "So tonight, all that is left is those who wish to speak for or against Pylasar, and of course potentially answer questions."
Speaking to Leafiara, Maags exclaims, "Thank yous!"
From below a narrow stairway, you hear Dergoatean yell, "Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men!"
From below a narrow stairway, you hear Maylan yell, "Join us, brethren, in our sit down protest! It's the protest for the lazy man!"
Speaking quietly to Regwen, Falvicar says, "He's going to die. My promise to my dying father. NO atonement."
Pukk yells, "That doesn't sound like a song!"
Sonnillon raspily says, "That sounds like a lot of work."
Leafiara muses, "You know, ordinarily Renpaw could throw them out for contempt of court, but if he's not here, well..."
Speaking drunkenly to Maags, Gutstorm says, "Looksie."
Lady Vlashandra just climbed up a narrow stairway.
From below a narrow stairway, you hear Dergoatean yell, "Everyone's a critic!"
Vlashandra removes the hood of her robe, revealing her features.
Maags exclaims, "They gets to stay!"
Cordarius nods at Vlashandra.
Regwen whispers to the group, "So no defense."
Cordarius says, "Vlalee."
Cordarius snickers to himself.
Maags whispers to the group, "Onlies us."
Stormyrain offers Darcena a mug of creamed coffee.
Speaking flatly to Stormyrain, Darcena says, "I'm thirsty."
Leafiara whispers to the group, "Cordarius is acting as defense, I believe."
Darcena accepts Stormyrain's creamed coffee.
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "Want to hear a dirty joke? Vlashandra."
Leafiara whispers to the group, "As are we, if choose."
Morofinwe quietly asks, "This is going to be a farce isn't it?"
Alisette whispers to the group, "I say we defend!"
Speaking to Morofinwe, Stormyrain offers, "Always is."
Hapenlok says, "Only because we're making it one."
Sonnillon raspily asks, "Anyone selling back scratchers?"
Roelon whispers to the group, "If ye hae something to say, now is the time. Don' hold back."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara opines, "At very least Pylasar would actually have to be here for it not to be."
Morofinwe quietly says, "Let us lay out facts, hear arguements."
Pukk yells, "Goat, you're doing better!" [OOC: I hadn't yet started to watch the area below, so not sure what was going on unless it was yelled]
From below a narrow stairway, you hear Dergoatean yell, "Then join us!"
Regwen whispers to the group, "Have ye all seen the list of acusations?"
Leafiara whispers to the group, "Not yet."
From below a narrow stairway, you hear Maylan yell, "Join the good fight, people. The fight for Pylasar's freedom!"
Raincail quietly says, "Hard tae legitimize any "trial" in the dead of night."
Spert whispers to the group, "Did we Win yet?"
Pukk sings:
"Hey hey! Ho ho!
Vlashandra's a joke
and she gots to go!"
(OOC) Leafiara's player whispers to the group, "How do we observe below, again?"
Pukk says, "That's better."
(OOC) Pukk's player whispers to the group, "Peer area."
(OOC) Alisette's player whispers to the group, "Peer area."
Bernadette whispers to the group, "Peer area."
Speaking in Halfling to Spert, Muscatelle scolds something you don't understand.
Zosopage whispers to the group, "Thanks."
[OOC: and now I'm watching; comments from below are in gray]
Dergoatean recites: "Power to the Landing! Power to the people! Power to the Purple One!" Dergoatean raises his purple broadsword in triumph! Chamorr recites heartily: "Hey hey! Ho ho! Imperial judicial mandates have got to go!" Maylan raises her twining zydris runestaff in triumph! Dergoatean recites: "Power to the Landing! Power to the people! Power to the Purple One!" Dergoatean raises his purple broadsword in triumph!
Speaking in Halfling to Muscatelle, Hapenlok asks something you don't understand.
Cordarius says, "Please feel free to add your name to the list."
Goldstr whispers to the group, "Open Familiar window and Peer stair er something."
Maylan recites: "We demand purple justice! Justice for the purple man!"
Faerinn adds his name to the trial list.
Regwen adds her name to the trial list.
Hapenlok adds his name to the trial list.
Shinann adds her name to the trial list.
Leafiara notes, "Well, they're sure passionate down there."
Chamorr removes a deep purple falchion from in his shoulder sheath.
Speaking to Cordarius, Pukk asks, "Can we add other people's names?"
Dergoatean recites: "We demand purple justice! Justice for the purple man!" Chamorr raises his purple falchion in triumph!
Roelon deeply says, "Very."
Dergoatean turns to Chamorr and cheers!
Speaking quietly to Pukk, Morofinwe asks, "Owly?"
Lazaryth says, "Passionate, and intoxicated."
Giantphang asks, "What we can try for make name on list?"
Chamorr turns to Dergoatean and cheers! Gutstorm takes quick aim at Chamorr and pulls the silver lever on the monir water cannon! With a click and a loud *WHOOSH*, a torrent of water hurtles out of the cannon directly at him! The spray hits Chamorr right in the chest with a loud *SPLAT*, knocking him backwards flat on his back!
Cordarius says, "Vlashandra and I will call for you, you will come down below, make your statements, perhaps be asked some questions, then we go onto the next."
Giantphang asks, "This will be the food tasting?"
Leafiara notes, "The list is open to JOIN, all."
Maylan exclaims, "Join us, brother!"
(OOC) Cryheart's player whispers to the group, "If you want to witness..add name to list."
Speaking to Morofinwe, Pukk exclaims, "Exactly!"
Cordarius asks, "Well. Shall we?"
(Soneiken adds Pukk's name to the "Bad" list.)
Goldstr whispers to the group, "Er Peer AREA."
Cordarius peers quizzically at Vlashandra.
Dergoatean exclaims, "The oppressors have arrived!" Maylan lets loose with a loud jeer. Boooooo!
Vlashandra flashes a wide grin.
Chamorr lets loose with a loud jeer. Boooooo!
Lady Vlashandra just climbed down a narrow stairway.
Speaking in Halfling to Hapenlok, Muscatelle says something you don't understand.
Leafiara offers Gutstormm a dark purple hibiscus.
Speaking drunkenly to Leafiara, Gutstorm says, "I blasted Chamorr."
Gutstorm accepts Leafiara's purple hibiscus.
Magister Cordarius just climbed down a narrow stairway.
Sit In Protest
Maylan recites: "We demand purple justice. Justice for the purple man!"
Speaking amusedly to Gutstorm, Leafiara says, "I saw."
Cordarius glances at Chamorr. Dergoatean yells, "Help! Help! I'm being repressed!"
Falvicar adds his name to the trial list.
Pukk says, "She smiled....kinda creepy."
Chamorr lets loose with a loud jeer. Boooooo!
Raincail adds his name to the trial list.
Cordarius says, "I'm going to have to ask you all to..."
(OOC) Lyrna's player whispers to the group, "How do you add your name to the list?"
Cordarius points up.
Pukk yells, "Good knowing you!"
(OOC) Leafiara's player whispers to the group, "Join list."
Cordarius says, "Head up there."
Lyrna adds her name to the trial list.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Uh oh."
Roelon deeply says, "Good luck removin' them."
Sharth adds his name to the trial list.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Chamorr comin."
Gidion adds his name to the trial list.
Maylan interrupts, "This here is a sit in!"
Mollan adds her name to the trial list.
Speaking to Cordarius, Dergoatean exclaims, "We're going to have to ask you to agree to a list of demands!"
Cryheart says, "Well. Now we see if guards enter."
Felita says, "Free the Purple."
Chamorr recites heartily: "Hey hey! Ho ho! Imperial judicial mandates have got to go!"
Leafiara adds her name to the trial list.
Maylan exclaims, "A peaceful protest!"
Mollan says, "Oops."
Faerinn says, "Won't be guards."
Vlashandra glances at Cordarius.
Pukk says, "Hey they are going against the rules."
Hapenlok asks, "Can we just have them killed?"
Speaking to Cryheart, Leafiara admits, "Even without Renpaw, he does have the power of a Councilman at least..."
Mollan asks, "How do you remove your name FROM the list?"
Faerinn says, "Golems."
Pukk says, "I have to join them."
Lylia says, "How can he be freed when he is not being held? He is not even here."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I mean, you KNOW people."
Pukk just climbed down a narrow stairway.
Pukk exclaims, "Yeah!"
Lylia says, "It seems he is already 'freed.'."
Pukk says, "What they said." Maylan says, "YEAH." Pukk sits down next to Maylan. Pukk scoots over next to Maylan. Dergoatean says, "YEAH."
Speaking curiously to Hapenlok, Leafiara asks, "And...?"
Dougross asks, "Is this where the speed dating party is?"
Vlashandra touches the edge of her face, smiling.
Speaking to Faerinn, Talman says, "Been sayin we need to smash those golems."
Maylan exclaims, "Give us a purple pardon!" Rudar removes a stone jug with a leather-strung cap from in his leather feed bag. Rudar opens his stone jug.
Speaking to Lylia, Maags says, "Prefer if he gets to be free here tho."
Rudar takes a drink from his stone jug. Pukk sings: "Vlashandra stinks!" Chamorr recites heartily: "Hey hey! Ho ho! Imperial judicial mandates have got to go!" Maylan sniffs at Vlashandra. Maylan gags. Pukk sticks his tongue out at Vlashandra, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips! Pukk makes a face by pushing up his nose up with a forefinger and sticking out his tongue.
Felita says, "Golems is spies."
Chamorr lets loose with a loud jeer. Boooooo!
Talman says, "After that one chased some little squirt, I think they all need smashed to bits."
Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.
Tsarok picks up a dark purple hibiscus.
Asben picks up a dark purple hibiscus.
Cryheart says, "This should be interesting."
Maylan exclaims, "A purple pardon for the purple man!"
Speaking to Talman, Leafiara says, "One step at a time."
Maylan exclaims, "That is our demand!" Maylan raises her twining zydris runestaff in triumph! Cordarius says, "I'm going to ask by the third bite of my apple, you all proceed upstairs. This isn't helping."
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Who ye all fink dey gonna kill first?"
Pukk recites: "Heck no Vlashandra's got to go!"
Lylia adds her name to the trial list.
Dergoatean recites: "We demand a clear list of charges We demand Pylasar the right to appoint his own council We demand a jury of Landing citizens!" (Maylan spits on the floor.)
Maags says, "Golems problies not smart enough to spy effectivlies."
Rudar grunts, amused.
Cryheart asks, "Hmm..any popcorn on the cart?"
Speaking to Cordarius, Pukk asks, "How big is the apple?" Chamorr recites heartily: "Landing trial Landing justice we want Renpaw"
Mollan asks, "Seriously, are they protesting on both sides of the issue?"
Cordarius says, "We'll leverage the law if needed. So please, you've been heard, thank you. Proceed upstairs."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Talman says, "I heard they like to smash short things."
Leafiara muses, "One would think he'd have to at least be convicted before a pardon is possible."
Mollan says, "They seem to flipflop back and forth."
Speaking to Cordarius, Pukk asks, "Which law?"
Speaking quietly to Maags, Morofinwe asks, "Who is looking through the golem's eyes?"
Pukk raises an eyebrow.
Faerinn says, "They don't even know how to say counsel right...." [OOC: Goat had spelled it as "council"; I fixed it as a typo]
Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.
Leafiara lightly says, "I appreciate their passion, though."
Cordarius says, "That's my second bite." Pukk turns to face Cordarius. Pukk makes a face by pushing up his nose up with a forefinger and sticking out his tongue.
Roelon pours himself some House Sovyn dark ale.
Roelon deeply says, "This will do."
Speaking to Cryheart, Maags says, "Even I am not hungries for this."
Pukk says, "I can't count." Pukk sticks out his tongue and lets loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips! Dergoatean recites: "No kangaroos in Landing courts!"
Zosopage says, "Jail is going to be full tonight."
Maylan applauds. Dergoatean recites: "No kangaroos in Landing courts!" Speaking to Dergoatean, Pukk asks, "Wait..there is a petting zoo here?"
Lylia murmurs, "Pity."
Maylan exclaims, "Hop on out of here! Both of you!" Speaking to Pukk, Dergoatean exclaims, "That's beside the point!" Cordarius licks the green apple in his hand. Speaking to Dergoatean, Pukk exclaims, "Ah man. I want to see the petting zoo!" Cordarius says, "Oh, not a bite. It was a lick."
Gutstorm yells, "Lick it good!"
Darcena yells, "JUST BITE IT!"
Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara wonders, "What was it you said about things staying civilized?"
Chamorr recites heartily: "No kangaroos in Landing courts!" Pukk says, "Oh yeah." Dergoatean recites: "No kangaroos in Landing courts!"
Hapenlok yells, "Would you fools kindly bugger off, I'd like to do this while I'm still you-...middle aged!"
Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara stresses, "Staying."
Speaking to Cordarius, Maylan asks, "How many bites until JUSTICE is received?"
Lyrna says, "Well, you'll note that I didn't take my armor off."
Mollan says, "Bye bye rent-A-mob."
Giantphang asks, "Miss cena what everymister is yell about anyway?"
Speaking confusedly to Giantphang, Darcena asks, "What?"
Roelon deeply says, "Ah wonder if ah should take bets on those down there."
Rudar grunts, amused. Pukk recites: "Heck no! Cordarius's apple gots to go!" Rudar takes a drink from his stone jug.
Felita says, "Thas not fair misser Purple."
Dergoatean yells, "Join us, citizens!" Pukk asks, "What were we here for again?" Maylan yells, "Join the rebellion. For Pylasar!" Chamorr recites heartily: "No kangaroos in Landing courts!"
Darcena says, "Dergoatean and Maylan and Chamorr and Pukk are having a protest in the middle of the trial."
Speaking to Pukk, Maylan exclaims, "For the purple man!" Pukk exclaims, "Oh yeah!"
Xorus says, "Civil disobedience. How quaint."
Razanetika just climbed down a narrow stairway.
Darcena says, "Cordarius is trying to get them to stop."
Darcena nods at Giantphang.
Maags says, "Is good to has both."
Pukk recites: "No more taxes!" Maylan raises her twining zydris runestaff in triumph!
Morofinwe quietly asks, "Why are they protesting again?"
Gidion yells, "HOW!?"
Darcena says, "Peacefully."
Giantphang says, "Ohhhhhhh."
Maylan recites: "And that"
Darcena says, "Pylasar's trial."
Talman just climbed down a narrow stairway.
Dergoatean yells, "Surely they can't haul away ... SEVEN of us!"
Darcena says, "And imperial whatsits."
Roblar yells, "Free drinks!"
Speaking to Gidion, Darcena exclaims, "I don't like the Hall either!"
Maylan yells, "There is power in numbers. And I have ale." Cordarius places his mouth to the apple, his teeth resting on its skin.
Lyrna says, "Well, Pukk is protesting because he can. I suspect that's mostly the case for all of them."
Darcena says, "Don't give me that look."
Pukk says, "Free drinks."
Speaking to Morofinwe, Leafiara notes, "Well, there's the lack of Renpaw, the Imperial imposition..."
Roelon deeply says, "That women looks like she is enjoyin' it though."
Pukk says, "That is mighty tempting." Dergoatean recites: "We demand a clear list of charges! We demand Pylasar the right to appoint his own counsel! We demand a jury of Landing citizens! We demand Renpaw!"
Giantphang asks, "Can Mel yell at people too?"
Raincail quietly says, "I mean, seven? seems insumountable."
Speaking to Dergoatean, Rudar says, "Don't drag me into yer yellin, I'm just watchin."
Speaking to Morofinwe, Leafiara continues, "The absence of Pylasar, the undefined charges..."
Roblar yells, "We demand all da booze!"
Rudar grunts in annoyance, rolling his eyes.
Falvicar yells, "There is no atonement for what he did."
From up on a narrow stairway, you hear Falvicar yell, "There is no atonement for what he did."
Maylan recites: "Justice for the purple man! A pardon for Pylasar!"
Regwen yells, "Read the charges!"
Pukk recites: "We demand that Leafiara be made Mayor!"
Speaking drunkenly to Giantphang, Gutstorm says, "Tell Mel to gear up, we may be goin inta battle."
Pukk nods firmly.
Speaking quietly to Leafiara, Morofinwe says, "And here we are."
Raincail removes his name from the trial list.
Maylan says, "YEAH." Razanetika stares at Pukk. Chamorr recites heartily: "We demand a clear list of charges! We demand Pylasar the right to appoint his own counsel! We demand a jury of Landing citizens! We demand Renpaw!" Pukk exclaims, "I'm not going until my demand is met!"
Giantphang exclaims, "Ohhhh!"
Speaking to Pukk, Dergoatean says, "Oh man I've got some good news for you."
Lylia says, "To what purpose? The accused is not present. He has already proclaimed his own complicity, repeatedly. He knew where to find the victims of Raznel's depredations because he helped put them there."
Morofinwe quietly says, "It's always the Imperials."
Dergoatean recites: "No kangaroos in Landing courts!"
Giantphang exclaims, "One minnit! Will get Mel's armorsuit!"
Lylia repeats, "So to what end, precisely, are there protests?"
Speaking to Falvicar, Regwen asks, "Atonement for a dream?"
Pukk says, "Oh yeah." Dergoatean recites: "No kangaroos in Landing courts!"
For no apparent reason, Sharth winces.
Pukk recites: "Oh yeah and a petting zoo!"
Speaking in Halfling, Muscatelle asks something you don't understand.
Maylan chants, "Renpaw, Renpaw, Renpaw, Renpaw." Pukk exclaims, "I want a petting zoo!"
Mollan removes her name from the trial list.
Speaking drunkenly to Lylia, Gutstorm says, "Im still mad dey took me statchoo."
Speaking to Lylia, Guarrin admits, "Fair points."
Speaking quietly to Regwen, Falvicar says, "If you're not with me, you're against me."
The whites of Dergoatean's eyes go dark as he chants forcefully in an archaic tongue.
Giantphang exclaims, "It was down there down there!"
Rudar works his fingers under his imflass helm and scratches his head.
Balley softly says, "I still think they are doing this to cover up something."
Speaking softly to Pukk, Razanetika says, "You're already in one." Dergoatean recites: "REN-PAW REN-PAW"
Sonnillon yells, "I want a petting zoo too!"
Pukk lets out a cheer!
Balley softly says, "Or as an act of revenge."
Maags whispers something to Regwen.
Pukk says, "Okay now about making Leafiara mayor."
Xorus says, "His guilt is not in question. This is denying appeals for leniency."
Chamorr recites heartily: "Landing trial Landing justice We want Renpaw" Razanetika softly says, "Already been done."
Raincail quietly says, "Crowd is gettin rowdy. Too much sugar."
Maylan recites: "Give us a Landing jury for a Landing trial!" (Pukk glances up at the balcony and nods firmly!)
Leafiara acknowledges, "I do have to admit, I said be ready with popcorn for tonight, but this is exceeding expectations."
Cryheart says, "Or alcohol."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Gotta lay off da syrup."
Maylan takes a drink from her rich dwarven ale. Pukk turns to Razanetika and cheers! Chamorr sticks his tongue out at Vlashandra, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips! Maylan takes a drink from her rich dwarven ale. Dergoatean recites: "Give us a Landing jury for a Landing trial!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "Do us a favor?"
Razanetika wiggles her ears at Pukk. Pukk says, "Okay, then all my demands are met." Pukk stands up.
Speaking curiously to Hapenlok, Leafiara asks, "Yes?"
Pukk just climbed up a narrow stairway.
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I got you made mayor."
Maylan belches.
Giantphang asks, "You bringed more popcorn than you thinked?"
Goldstr says, "Less nae acts likes fools ourselves folks, likes dis er nae."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Can we clear those idiots off? I'm getting angry."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Maags says, "That is not difficult to do."
Maylan exclaims, "Join us, bretheren! Come down the stairs and join our peaceful protest!" Maylan exclaims, "For the Landing!"
Guarrin whispers something to Cryheart.
Maylan raises her twining zydris runestaff in triumph!
Cryheart says, "Going to be a long eve it appears."
Cordarius sighs.
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "You're welcome."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I just wanted to say my piece, and go on about my business."
Razanetika softly says, "Security in here seems a bit lax." Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple. Razanetika gazes in wonder at her surroundings. Maylan narrows her eyes, her dark sclera reduced to mere slits.
Darcena yells, "Was that the fifteenth bite?"
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Uh oh."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "That's the extent of my involvment in this."
Speaking to Zosopage, Pukk says, "Did not! She is mayor and we have a petting zoo."
Speaking to Lylia, Xanthium asks, "Good thing this isn't your job anymore, hm?"
Morofinwe quietly says, "I came to support Falvicar."
Dergoatean recites: "REN-PAW REN-PAW" Chamorr points at Cordarius and jeers. Boooooo!
Mollan yells, "Dude eats an apple slower than my grandmother... and she has no teeth!"
Maylan recites: "A Landing jury for a Landing trial!"
Raincail quietly asks, "Is 'at where the kangaroos are? de pettin zoo?"
Speaking respectfully to Hapenlok, Alisette asks, "Wait a bit longer?"
Sonnillon just climbed down a narrow stairway.
Dergoatean recites: "We demand a clear list of charges! We demand Pylasar the right to appoint his own counsel! We demand a jury of Landing citizens! We demand Renpaw!" Sonnillon removes a sanded dark oak hunting horn with black coral inlay from in his black leather pants.
Speaking quietly to Falvicar, Morofinwe says, "I have not forgotten."
Chamorr points at Vlashandra and jeers. Boooooo! Maylan says, "AND A PURPLE PARDON."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "That's three from Cordarius, so one way or another I believe you're about to get your wish."
Dergoatean raises his purple broadsword in triumph! Sonnillon takes a deep breath and raises his dark oak horn to his lips producing a prolonged high-pitched note of triumph! Dergoatean waves a glowing purple broadsword around. Rudar stands up. Talman blows on his maple hunting horn. Sonnillon takes a deep breath and raises his dark oak horn to his lips producing a prolonged high-pitched note of triumph!
Giantphang exclaims, "Politics is confusing!"
Leafiara yells, "Your voices have certainly been heard, at least! And pretty loudly!"
Speaking to Giantphang, Darcena says, "And mostly annoying."
Giantphang says, "Not has no idea what happen at all."
Xanthium says, "I expected a travesty."
Cryheart says, "Tis complicated at times."
Dergoatean turns to Sonnillon and cheers! The night watchman rushes in, followed closely by his posse! With great ease, the night watchman grabs Maylan and shackles her wrists. "I have you now! You best come along quietly, or you'll face the consequences," says the night watchman. The night watchman then drags her off. Sonnillon lets out a cheer!
Speaking to Giantphang, Pukk says, "The lengths I will go to to make Leafiara mayor."
Raincail quietly says, "Loudly and repeatedly."
The night watchman rushes in, followed closely by his posse! With great ease, the night watchman grabs Dergoatean and shackles his wrists. "There you are! We don't tolerate your crimes in Wehnimer's Landing, no we don't! Come along now!" says the night watchman. The night watchman then drags him off.
Xanthium says, "I just didn't know it'd be this sort of mess."
Chamorr recites heartily: "Shut it down Shut it down Shut it down"
Cryheart says, "Knew that was coming."
Rudar grunts, amused. Sonnillon just climbed up a narrow stairway. Talman tucks a carved maple hunting horn into a small pocket inside of his dusty leather cloak. Chamorr recites heartily: "Shut it down Shut it down Shut it down" Talman deftly removes the eahnor sledgehammer from his baldric.
Giantphang asks, "Isn't miss fiara already the miss mayor?"
Giantphang gawks at Pukk.
Chamorr recites heartily: "Shut it down Shut it down Shut it down" A number of deputies charge in, led by the night watchman. With great ease, the night watchman grabs Sonnillon and shackles his wrists. "Ah-ha! The boys at Helga's said I might find something interesting here," says the night watchman. The night watchman then drags him off.
A number of deputies charge in, led by the night watchman.
With great ease, the night watchman grabs Pukk and shackles his wrists.
"There you are! We don't tolerate your crimes in Wehnimer's Landing, no we don't! Come along now!" says the night watchman.
The night watchman then drags him off.
Gazing into the area, you see...
[Moot Hall, Chamber of Justice]
Two high-backed, elaborately carved chairs face the imposing, burnished oak bench where members of the official Town Council convene to decide matters of solemn importance. A narrow stairway leads up to a low balcony that surrounds the chamber, providing ample seating for interested visitors to observe the proceedings. You also see the Razanetika disk, an oak door and a modwir arch.
Also here: Talman, Razanetika, Rudar, Magister Cordarius, Lady Vlashandra, Lord Chamorr who is sitting
The night watchman rushes in, followed closely by his posse! With great ease, the night watchman grabs Chamorr and shackles his wrists. "There you are! I got a tip that I'd find you here," says the night watchman. The night watchman then drags him off. A number of deputies charge in, led by the night watchman. With great ease, the night watchman grabs Rudar and shackles his wrists. "I have you now! You best come along quietly, or you'll face the consequences," says the night watchman. The night watchman then drags him off.
Raincail quietly says, "That'll happen."
Lazaryth says, "There goes the entertainment."
Pietra yells, "Arrest everyone, we still want a fair trial!"
Giantphang exclaims, "Oh now mister is get rested!"
Razanetika just climbed up a narrow stairway.
Shinann says, "Hmm."
Roelon deeply says, "The show must go on as they say."
Maags says, "Well at least they were heard."
Leafiara curiously says, "Pukk did come back upstairs, but--"
Giantphang exclaims, "Oh!"
A quartet of burly deputies bursts in, closely followed by the night watchman. With great ease, the night watchman grabs Talman and shackles his wrists. "Ah-ha! The boys at Helga's said I might find something interesting here," says the night watchman. The night watchman then drags him off.
The night watchman rushes in, followed closely by his posse!
With great ease, the night watchman grabs Razanetika and shackles her wrists.
"I have you now! You best come along quietly, or you'll face the consequences," says the night watchman.
The night watchman then drags her off.
Xanthium says, "So did several of them."
Vlashandra applauds Cordarius.
Cryheart says, "The long arm of the law."
Cordarius waves a hand at Vlashandra, dismissing her indifferently.
Xanthium says, "Including her."
Pietra yells, "Rigged!"
Cordarius slowly empties his lungs.
Maags says, "The short arm of justice."
Leafiara says, "Ah well. I'm sure they're satisfied with martyrdom."
Cordarius gazes heavenward. Cordarius shakes his head.
Mollan says, "Hahaha Pukk."
Cordarius says, "Now then."
Cryheart says, "They are nae always the same."
Hapenlok asks, "So where is this mythical list of charges, again?"
Speaker #1, Faerinn - An Improper Mistrial
Cordarius exclaims, "Faerinn!"
Morofinwe quietly says, "I am going to not imagine Pukk in a jail cell."
Mollan says, "Sorry, not funny but funny."
Faerinn grins.
Speaking wryly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "We're still waiting as far as I can tell."
Faerinn just climbed down a narrow stairway. Faerinn nods.
Xanthium says, "Give them perdition, my friend."
Cordarius bows to Faerinn.
Giantphang asks, "You mean this whatsit not even is start yet?"
Faerinn bows to Cordarius. Vlashandra grins. Faerinn bows to Vlashandra.
Xanthium says, "This is how you call out injustice."
Xanthium says, "Not hollering like a baboon."
Speaking helpfully to Giantphang, Leafiara says, "It has now."
Cordarius says, "You have a minute. The floor is yours." Cordarius nods at Faerinn.
Pietra yells, "Give em hell, Faerinn!"
Faerinn says, "I am a guilded and licensed barrister in courts across Elanthia. While I mostly act as a legal observer, I do have this to say about these proceedings and a plea: do them right."
Lazaryth says, "At last."
Faerinn says, "I'm not going to come up here and say that Pylasar should not be on trial. The charges are valid. He should be facing trial in the Landing, and while this is a an unpopular opinion, he should be facing trial in Tamyzrr."
Xorus says, "The charges are vaguely broad. Duplicitous actions, aid and comfort to the enemy, and conspiracy to commit murder and treason."
Darcena proudly says, "So many pack here."
Faerinn says, "But there is a way to do these things. With extradition. With the accused present."
Darcena says, "Cay, Phang, Storm, Scout, and Tsarok."
Faerinn asks, "Why is the trial of the century being bungled as dinner theater in the courts of the frontier?" Faerinn says, "I am obligated to beg the court for a mistrial on the grounds that both the charter of this township and the Rysus Codex calls for an accuser being present for their trial."
Xanthium says, "Damned right, barrister."
Roblar deeply says, "No one gave me dat dinner.."
Faerinn asks, "Without even doing that this isn't even worthwile as a mock trial. It's a thought exercise at best, and not the one I'm interested in. The scenario I've really been intrigued about lately is what happens when Octaven finds the spirit of unity here lacking and orders the manafires put out to elicit compliance?"
Darcena offers Roblar a juicy ground rolton sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes.
Roblar accepts Darcena's ground rolton sandwich.
Speaking gently to Roblar, Darcena says, "I'll take care of you."
Roblar deeply says, "Why, tank ya."
Mollan says, "Woo boy. This one is long winded."
Speaking to Darcena, Maags says, "Thank yous."
Faerinn says, "And that's my say here."
Lylia says, "Really? He did not even use his full sixty seconds."
Roelon deeply says, "Ah am goin' to need more ale."
Speaking to Mollan, Leafiara acknowledges, "But you have to admit, he gets through a lot of good material in one minute."
Raelee quietly mutters, "I am nearing extinguishing them myself at this point, and it has little to do with unity."
Speaking to Mollan, Lazaryth says, "'This one' is also about a thousand times more worth listening to than yourself, so you might try it."
Mollan says, "Yes he hit several points quick."
Giantphang asks, "Miss lia you is happy not to hasto do more the paperwork anymore now?"
Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.
Maags says, "Oh and he did not speak loudlies. did not even hear."
Faerinn says, "You may have your floor back." Cordarius asks, "Thank you for your...statement?" Cordarius grins.
Zosopage says, "He was ready for this to be sure."
Vlashandra leans against a burnished oak bench.
Lylia says, "I found him well worth hearing. Certainly worth a moment's attention."
Speaking to Lylia, Xanthium says, "He girded his loins well enough with half that, I think."
Cordarius nods. Cordarius nods at Faerinn. Speaking to Cordarius, Faerinn says, "Welcome."
Speaking to Lylia, Darcena says, "I listened! And fed Roblar."
Faerinn just climbed up a narrow stairway.
Lylia admits, "I should be so brief. But I doubt I shall be."
Speaker #2, Regwen - But a Dream
Vlashandra exclaims, "Regwen!" Lady Regwen just climbed down a narrow stairway. Regwen nods.
Speaking to Faerinn, Lazaryth says, "Well said, barrister."
Darcena whispers something to Faerinn.
Regwen curtsies gracefully.
Speaking to Faerinn, Xanthium says, "I'm proud of you."
Regwen asks, "Do you have a list of the supposed crimes?"
Faerinn says, "Thank you all."
Raincail quietly says, "Well, before the watchmen come back and realize they missed me, I'm off."
Vlashandra says, "Duplicitous actions, aid and comfort to the enemy, and conspiracy to commit murder and treason."
Xanthium says, "Good luck sneaking off."
Mollan says, "The list of crimes is like my resume."
Vlashandra asks, "Do you have a statement or comment to make?" Regwen asks, "And whom was he conspiring to murder?"
Xanthium says, "Most of the royal family fifteen years ago, seems like."
Vlashandra asks, "I'm sorry. Do you have a statement to make?" Land Pirate Maylan just came through a modwir arch. [back from arrest] Regwen says, "Pylasar has been always helpful and helped to defend the town." Maylan snorts! Land Pirate Maylan just climbed up a narrow stairway.
Leafiara offers Maylan a dark purple hibiscus.
Maylan accepts Leafiara's purple hibiscus.
Roblar begins chuckling at Maylan!
Vlashandra says, "Otherwise I have a question for you."
Speaking amusedly to Maylan, Leafiara says, "Welcome back."
Maylan tries to drink from her purple hibiscus without much success.
Mollan asks, "What was the charge?"
Regwen nods at Vlashandra.
Pietra picks up a dark purple hibiscus.
Speaking to Leafiara, Maylan exclaims, "Thank you!"
Cryheart recites:
"Duplicitous actions, aid and comfort to the enemy, and conspiracy to commit murder and treason.""
Cryheart says, "Those were presented."
Faerinn says, "You know when Hochstib took Talador the first ones he sent were the Witch Hunters."
Falvicar quietly says, "Guilty."
Falvicar nods firmly.
Mollan says, "Sorry, I meant for Maylan."
Vlashandra says, "Your husband is Falvicar, yes? Or was? I am unsure of the current status, Many seem to be, himself included." Regwen says, "My husband is convinced he helped to kill his family based on a dream. But there is nothing substansial to prove anything."
Speaking to Mollan, Maylan says, "Some trumped up charge about disturbance of peace or somesuch nonsense."
Vlashandra says, "I see. He is convinced." Vlashandra asks, "You are not?"
Speaking to Faerinn, Xanthium says, "I'm sure they were looking to fill unused slots in one of their schools. For their benefit."
Speaking to Vlashandra, Regwen says, "He is my husband."
Mollan says, "Breaking the law."
Speaking to Maylan, Lazaryth says, "I was most impresed with your ingenuity."
Regwen says, "I am not." Regwen says, "He has never mentioned the events."
Speaking to Maylan, Hapenlok asks, "Got a spare whiskey?"
Maylan points at a mistwood serving cart.
Vlashandra asks, "He, Pylasar?"
Speaking to Hapenlok, Maylan exclaims, "Someone thought ahead!"
Vlashandra asks, "Or he, Falvicar?"
Hapenlok pours himself a snifter of single malt whiskey.
Regwen says, "He has never had blue eyes until recently." Regwen says, "Falvicar." Cordarius says, "Sar, Car, Sar, Car..Pylacar." Cordarius snickers to himself.
Lazaryth murmurs, "This is rather interesting."
Regwen says, "He had hazel eyes."
Pietra asks, "Has he lost his mind?"
Cryheart says, "Hmmm."
Regwen says, "Whatever Pylasar showed him was not true."
Goldstr says, "Interestin der."
Regwen shakes her head. Vlashandra says, "An image or feature that could have been changed given what horrific events were done to many in the name of Raznel and Pylasar at her side." Regwen says, "Or it could have been false." Vlashandra says, "I suppose I have no more questions for you. If you are finished..." Vlashandra nods at Regwen. Vlashandra indicates a narrow stairway as a possible option. Regwen says, "A dream." Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple. Regwen says, "This is ridiculous."
Lylia says, "We know it was no dream for the bodies -- the Paragons -- were precisely where Pylasar's own mind and memories showed them to be."
Gidion removes his name from the trial list.
Regwen says, "Long life Pylasar."
Lady Regwen just climbed up a narrow stairway.
Xanthium says, "Trapped them in their own prison."
Maylan adds her name to the trial list.
Cordarius says, "He has had that..."
Speaker #3, Hapenlok - Leniency and Usefulnesss
Vlashandra exclaims, "Hapenlok!"
Xanthium says, "Not even the dignity of knowing they're dead."
(OOC) Lyrna's player whispers to the group, "Gah! I have a few minutes until my turn - dog has to go out!!!"
Hapenlok just climbed down a narrow stairway. Hapenlok nods. Hapenlok says, "Greetings." Vlashandra nods at Hapenlok. Cordarius waves to Hapenlok. Hapenlok says, "Well, I suppose I'm going to express a fairly unpopular opinion with the rabble upstairs."
Balley softly says, "This is such a joke. The are totally trying to get revenge on Pylasar."
Cryheart asks, "He calling us rabble?"
Dergoatean just came through a modwir arch. [back from arrest] Dergoatean just climbed up a narrow stairway.
Speaking to Cryheart, Leafiara admits, "To be fair, he usually calls us worse."
Cryheart says, "True."
Speaking to Cryheart, Chaoswynd asks, "It's Hap. You don't honestly expect compliments, do you?"
Cryheart says, "Never."
Speaking to Maylan, Dergoatean says, "We fought the law and the law won."
Hapenlok says, "But I'm going to plead leniency on Pylasar's behalf. Granted, my first reaction when I heard the extent of his involvment with the witch, was for blood...I can't totally ignore his aid that he's given to this town....and even Tamzyrr itself when the shadows threatened the planet."
Leafiara offers Dergoatean a dark purple hibiscus.
Dergoatean exclaims, "But we raised awareness!"
Speaking to Dergoatean, Maylan exclaims, "They may have won the battle, but they will lose the war!"
Dergoatean says, "And that's really the most important thing."
Dergoatean accepts Leafiara's purple hibiscus.
Speaking to Dergoatean, Leafiara admits, "Odd night when what I can only assume was a Rook has a more peaceful protest idea than you all."
Maylan raises her purple hibiscus skyward!
Maylan carefully tucks her purple hibiscus behind one ear.
Speaking to Leafiara, Dergoatean asks, "What wasn't peaceful about that?"
Speaking to Dergoatean, Leafiara clarifies, "Maybe I should say less disruptive."
Hapenlok says, "I'm also not totally ignorant of where our future lies. And I'm not one to cast away potential tools. if he comes back, I think you should let him live. And fight Grishom Stone with us." Hapenlok says, "If he dies, he dies. I quite frankly don't expect him to return, at any rate. From whatever epoch he's exiled himself to." Vlashandra asks, "So you acknowledge his crimes, but plead for leniency?" Hapenlok says, "I do."
Speaking to herself, Regwen says, "Eating an apple in court is so rude for one who is an officiant."
Pietra yells, "Leniency!"
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Wow dems hooligans got rested?"
Giantphang yells, "Yeah, lean on miss etra!"
Vlashandra asks, "You acknowledge his duplicitous actions?"
Giantphang leans on Pietra, giving her a companionable grin.
Darcena says, "She appears too young to have any idea of the mistakes one can make in their lifetime."
Speaking to Vlashandra, Hapenlok says, "It's hard for me not to."
Darcena says, "I'm sure some of our elves could speak to that."
Soneiken adds his name to the trial list.
Pukk just came through a modwir arch. [back from arrest] Pukk just climbed up a narrow stairway. Hapenlok says, "But, I'm no stranger to those."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "I just saw Chamorr being roughed up."
Speaking to Regwen, Faerinn says, "He does use his position pretty poorly."
Hapenlok says, "I'm paying the price daily for my sins. So is he."
Xorus reminds, "I witnessed him turn himself into a sculpin once."
Lylia notes, "Appearances are quite likely deceiving, in this case."
Speaking drunkenly to Pukk, Gutstorm says, "Da werd is...Chamorr likes it ruff."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk says, "They were throwing him in jail and being rough about it."
Zosopage says, "Bah, ackowledging duplicitous actions just basically ruined what he was saying."
Vlashandra asks, "Do you acknowledge his aid and comfort provided to Raznel?"
Speaking quietly to Regwen, Falvicar says, "Soon Die Pylasar."
Skipjack says, "Not exactly irreproachable issee."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "So how kin dere beez a trial if Pylsaar not here."
Mollan asks, "Comfort?"
Alisette says, "Under duress, he did."
Speaking to Zosopage, Goldstr says, "Was visions we saws. Wha were true er nae I canna say."
Speaking to Leafiara, Pukk asks, "Why is the law following their orders...who are they to order our watchmen around?"
Xorus wryly says, "The Hendoran Outpost provided her aid and comfort on various occasions."
Speaking to Falvicar, Regwen says, "You are delusional."
Speaking to Vlashandra, Hapenlok says, "I do. But I also acknowledge that he tried to make it right in the end."
Balley softly asks, "Was Hap even there when Pylasar when into his memories?"
Faerinn says, "Ah, they are accepting stand in confessions now."
Speaking quietly to Regwen, Falvicar says, "I know my past. You dont know that day. I do. Nobody knew of that day til they saw it."
Regwen says, "We all know how 'good' Pylasar's memories are."
Vlashandra asks, "Do you acknowledge he conspired with Raznel to murder, and in fact did just that?"
Maags says, "Who even knows for certain if those were his own memories."
Speaking to Falvicar, Regwen says, "You never mentioned it before Pylasar showed you something."
Regwen says, "Never."
Speaking warningly to Regwen, Falvicar says, "I hope you don't get in my way when it's time to serve justice."
Hapenlok nods. Vlashandra nods. Vlashandra says, "Very well." Cordarius says, "I have a question, actually."
Balley softly says, "She is not remembering members of the Hall were also named in a negative way in some of those memories."
Speaking boldly to Falvicar, Regwen says, "I certainly will."
Cordarius says, "Hapenlok." Cordarius grins at Hapenlok. Hapenlok shortly says, "And I think that he can help us against Grishom. He's as much your problem as he is ours."
Mollan says, "I wonder what Hapenlok's story is."
Hapenlok nods at Cordarius.
Speaking to Mollan, Lylia suggests, "You should ask him."
Speaking quietly to Regwen, Falvicar says, "So be it. When time comes, I will do what I must."
Speaking to Mollan, Leafiara hurriedly says, "Don't."
Mollan asks, "He seems to believe in redemption because he seems to want it himself?"
Mollan says, "Just guessing."
Cordarius says, "Chaston Griffin was seconds away from turning Tamzyrr into the Bleaklands."
Lylia clarifies, "Privately, at a table, when you have plenty of time to talk."
Speaking surprisedly to Mollan, Leafiara says, "Actually, that's a pretty succinct summary."
Lyrna asks, "Is that wrong?"
Hapenlok narrows his eyes. Hapenlok clenches his fist.
Mollan says, "Nope."
Mollan says, "It's sad."
Hapenlok says, "Yes. I was there."
Goldstr asks, "Was nae Rodnay saved us der?"
Cordarius says, "Many heroes from Wehnimer's Landing and Solhaven helped stop him and save many lives, even though the Bleaklands still ruined all of Talador."
Leafiara says, "It was Pylasar who got us out."
Morofinwe quietly asks, "Is it a true belief in redemption or a memory of what redemption is?"
Cordarius asks, "Do you recall who came to rescue those brave heroes when they were trapped beneath the ruins of Talador?"
Speaking to Goldstr, Zosopage says, "Ya but being duplicitous means he was lying, scheming and decieving. Hardly a charge to let go."
Speaking drunkenly to Lylia, Gutstorm asks, "Wot it da Impertrix?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Goldstr says, "Ah I jess gittin old."
Leafiara says, "Which, apparently, is exactly what Cordarius is saying now."
Cordarius asks, "Those who Tamzzyr owe their lives to?" Vlashandra grins at Cordarius.
Lylia says, "Oh, 'Imperatrix' is a title conferred on those who have won decisive victories. Such as at Glaoveln."
Hapenlok says, "Pylasar." Cordarius nods.
Lylia admits, "I have been signing correspondence that way."
Cordarius says, "I'm also curious..." Hapenlok says, "It's hard for me to reconcile the fact that he helped that thing."
Gutstorm drunkenly asks, "Kin i be da Impertrix?"
Hapenlok says, "With what he's done to help us. Mad nutter he was."
Speaking to Sonnillon, Pukk says, "Is all good."
Lylia says, "You would have to speak to the Rachis about that."
Speaking raspily to Pukk, Sonnillon says, "Thank yea sir."
Cordarius asks, "Is that the same Pylasar who helped defend innocent men, women and children when Taladorian warriors waged war against this town while some imperials actually stood down, turning a blind eye to slaughter?" Speaking to Cordarius, Hapenlok says, "Yes. That is also correct."
Darcena says, "I'm so confused right now."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me not be knowin da Rachis."
Alisette says, "You tell 'em."
Cordarius asks, "I mean, those aren't the actions of a man who's hell bent on murder, mayhem and madness, right?" Cordarius nods.
Speaking quietly to Darcena, Tsarok says, "Most giants always are."
Hapenlok says, "And it contributed to him losing his position in your order, if I recall. That and ...Grishom getting away."
Speaking to Darcena, Lazaryth says, "The important thing is to bang your fist on the table when someone makes a point."
Giantphang says, "Same me all times."
Cordarius says, "Thank you Hapenlok."
Speaking drunkenly to Maylan, Gutstorm says, "Dey let ye out da slamma....dem idjits."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Maylan exclaims, "They have no domain over me!"
Lylia murmurs, "It was, of course, not my victory. Certainly not alone. A victory nonetheless."
Morofinwe quietly says, "My thought is what if it was a shadow of Pylasar and not the real one? Somehow. I don't know. I'm just going with the madness."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Lylia says, "Or a shoe. Shoes work well too."
Speaking to Cordarius, Hapenlok says, "That's a man who's had many years to come to grips with what he did. And I sympathize, because I've been there." Hapenlok asks, "You see what I'm wearing, yes?"
Speaking drunkenly to Maylan, Gutstorm says, "Prolly bribed yer way outs, good moob."
Hapenlok points at his blue tabard.
Speaking to Gutstorm, Maylan exclaims, "I sure did!"
Cordarius says, "A tiny tabard."
Raelee quietly says, "... curious."
Hapenlok says, "But that's a long story, and we've got other witnessess." Cordarius chuckles.
Skipjack says, "As far as I'm concerned if Pylasar is guilty, the Landing folk are guilty right along with him."
Lazaryth says, "A fist, a shoe, or another's head will all do."
Speaking to Cordarius, Hapenlok says, "The Royal Torren Guard."
Speaking to Lylia, Xanthium says, "Yes, that's why your name to the kral is Butcher. I suppose that's their way of pronouncing Imperiatrix."
Skipjack says, "...can't wait to see how this turns out."
Speakers #4 and #5, Shinann - Beneath the Surface
Cordarius exclaims, "Shinann!" Hapenlok says, "I'll tell you the story some time." Hapenlok nods at Cordarius. Shinann just climbed down a narrow stairway. Hapenlok says, "Thank you."
Hapenlok just climbed up a narrow stairway.
Lyrna says, "No victory, fought in war, is won by a single person, but the good leadership often allows them to do so."
Shinann nods.
Speaking to Xanthium, Lylia exclaims, "Oh, is it? How lovely to hear!"
Speaking to Hapenlok, Zosopage says, "You couldn't have done any better I nae think."
Shinann says, "I could state all the times Pylasar has helped this town, but I will not, at this time. Should he have worked with Rachel? No. However, even though love or lust clouded his eyes, he finally did see the monster she had become. All I will say is this. He did not have to come back here to help this town get rid of her. He could have stayed away, not revealed himself or his past and we might have been none the wiser. However, he did. Showed his past and his part in all of this. He also showed that Raznel took her revenge on him for leaving her by killing his wife and daughter. I think those actions were punishment enough for him. I personally believe he has atoned enough and I strongly urge you not to put him through even more punishment. Also, I... I..." Shinann gazes anxiously at her surroundings. Cordarius slowly empties his lungs.
Speaking to Lylia, Xanthium says, "I could have sworn I saw some protective signs thrown up while we were on the Western Sea, the other day, like they were sure you'd show up at any moment to sink them to the deep."
Pietra exclaims, "Get em, Shinann!"
Shinann curtsies.
Darcena says, "I don't think it is Shinann anymore."
Shinann softly says, "Good evening. If I may interject here."
Leafiara marvels, "Ah, here we go..."
Falvicar quietly says, "No atonement. Murder is murder."
Morofinwe quietly says, "Something isn't right..."
Speaking to Falvicar, Regwen says, "Blue eyes was an indcation that the show was false. You are quick to accuse a mage who has helped you and this town so many times. My Falvicar had hazel eyes. What happened to you and your chivalry? You never had a bad word for Pylasar."
Vlashandra says, "The floor is yours."
Pietra whispers something to Darcena.
Roelon deeply says, "Hmm."
Shinann says, "What she's trying to say is that she wishes no one had realized my husband had kidnapped her, then my poor Naimorai wouldn't have ever been sent back in time."
Hapenlok mouths, "Reannah?"
Pietra says, "Well, that's new..."
Lyrna says, "It's really not."
Lord Chamorr just came through a modwir arch. [back from arrest]
Maags says, "Oh no."
Lylia says, "Oh, hello, Reannah..."
Leafiara tentatively asks, "Hmm. Reannah is--now more working in concert with her?"
Cordarius grins.
Leafiara muses, "Odd..."
Darcena says, "Over two and a half years now."
Pietra says, "Is to me."
Chamorr points at Cordarius and jeers. Boooooo! Chamorr points at Vlashandra and jeers. Boooooo! Shinann says, "To become something she wouldn't have been. Shinann won't tell you this because she hates getting personal, but I'll say it for her. She would have preferred her death over all the deaths that were to come. My husband... Dennet... my baby Naimorai..."
Alisette whispers aloud, "Two one body?"
Speaking drunkenly to Leafiara, Gutstorm says, "Me hear it cheaper to kill sumbuddies den to be in da contemp, dat seem backwerds."
Shinann firmly says, "Excuse me."
Dergoatean asks, "This... eh?"
Vlashandra peers quizzically at Cordarius. Shinann just went through a modwir arch.
Xanthium says, "Oh dear..."
Vlashandra asks, "...she is not Shinann?"
Speaking to Gutstorm, Leafiara admits, "Wouldn't surprise me."
Xanthium says, "She's..."
Speaking to Chamorr, Talman says, "Manage to load all that gear back up."
Cordarius says, "Don't worry about it."
Speaking to Darcena, Lazaryth says, "Now's the time to bang on the table."
Maylan says, "I am so confused."
Speaking quietly to Regwen, Falvicar says, "The son of a bit... kiled my parents. Why do you think I remember that day so well? It certainly explains Redding's warning to me as well as why I never saw them after I was done doing my sword practice that day."
Speaking heartily to Talman, Chamorr says, "Good lord I wears a ton."
Roelon deeply says, "Same 'ere."
Cryheart says, "That was Reannah speaking..nae Shinann."
Dergoatean exclaims, "If she wanted to be two witnesses she should have signed up twice!"
Speaker #6, Falvicar - Man on a Mission
Vlashandra says, "Falvicar."
Speaking to Falvicar, Regwen says, "Funny you NEVER mentioned it when we talked of our dead families."
Speaking quietly to Regwen, Falvicar says, "Maybe if you actually TALKED to me."
Falvicar just climbed down a narrow stairway.
Darcena says, "Hey."
Speaking to Regwen, Darcena asks, "You okay?"
Regwen says, "Oh he is delusional."
Morofinwe quietly says, "Grief and shock and pain can blind a person. Even bury things within them for decades."
Leafiara thoughtfully says, "This should be good..."
Speaking to Regwen, Hapenlok says, "More so than usual."
Falvicar quietly says, "Magister."
Speaking to Regwen, Pietra says, "Divorce court is two doors down."
Speaking to Darcena, Regwen says, "I will be."
Darcena offers, "We can turn him into a kobold again."
Cordarius nods.
Chamorr heartily says, "I learned one thing."
Vlashandra nods.
Speaking to Darcena, Regwen says, "Please."
Vlashandra says, "Falvicar, son of Oronthal."
Speaking to Regwen, Hapenlok says, "I could knock some sense into him."
Chamorr heartily says, "Tomorrow, don't wear so much stuff."
Falvicar nods firmly.
Maags says, "Problies why he speaks against him."
Vlashandra turns an inquisitive ear toward Falvicar.
Regwen says, "I actually haven't seen him in over a month's time. This has eaten away the man I knew."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dat tickles."
Pietra asks, "Well is he going to talk or what?"
Falvicar quietly says, "While Pylasar might have done a lot for this town, you cannot excuse murder. He knew what he was doing. It's more than just guilty by association.." Shinann just came through a modwir arch. Falvicar quietly says, "I remember the day my parents went missing. You don't forget that kind of thing." Shinann furrows her brow before glancing confusedly around the room.
Speaking to Roblar, Hapenlok says, "Chase that with this."
Roblar accepts Hapenlok's single malt whiskey.
Shinann just climbed up a narrow stairway. Vlashandra asks, "Only your parents?"
Roblar deeply says, "Tanks."
Darcena muses, "I wonder if indeed the loss of a wife and child was enough to satisfy vengeance."
Vlashandra says, "I am told you lost more than that." Falvicar quietly says, "There were a lot of people that they killed."
Sonnillon raspily asks, "When do the dancers come out?"
Speaking to Shinann, Xanthium says, "I'm sorry."
Vlashandra asks, "Was not your mother with child?" Falvicar quietly says, "My wife is going to be added to the list if things keep up."
Speaking softly to Shinann, Bernadette asks, "Ye ok Cap'n?"
Pietra asks, "Wow.... what?"
Regwen says, "But Falvicar will kill me."
Regwen nods sagely.
Falvicar nods slowly.
Kiske mutters something about Falvibold.
Darcena yells, "That is not acceptable!"
From up on a narrow stairway, you hear Darcena yell, "That is not acceptable!"
Cordarius says, "See. He's not confused." [over their marital status]
Alisette asks, "What?"
Cordarius nods at Vlashandra.
Pietra yells, "You're threatening your wife? In court?"
Gutstorm recites to his Eldreth death-rum:
"Look out lips
Watch out gums
Look out tummy
Here it comes"
Lylia says, "I hope he meant that he may lose you, not that he may harm you."
Speaking to Regwen, Pietra says, "We'll protect you if needed."
Lylia murmurs, "People have the strangest ideas on marriage..."
Speaking quietly to Lylia, Morofinwe says, "Didn't sound like it earlier."
Vlashandra asks, "Do you believe Pylasar guilty of duplicitous actions?"
Speaking gravely to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "No, I know exactly what he meant. And he meant exactly what he implied."
Vlashandra peers quizzically at Falvicar.
Shinann says, "I am fine. Thank you all for asking."
Darcena yells, "If you are threatening Regwen, you will find you have to go through some people!"
Falvicar nods firmly. Falvicar quietly says, "He is guilty and should die."
Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "And I do believe i'm going to have to step outside and thrash him."
Falvicar quietly says, "I'd do it myself to keep my promise to my father."
Speaking drunkenly to Shinann, Gutstorm says, "How are yooz? incase nobuddies be axin."
Speaking to Lylia, Xanthium says, "I get a number of marriage proposals at work. It does appear to vary a great deal."
Lylia says, "I shall help, if you like."
Vlashandra asks, "Do you believe him guilty of aiding and comforting the enemy?"
Maylan says, "FOOEY."
Lylia says, "Madness, really."
Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "No, I don't need help."
Falvicar quietly says, "When he was aiding Raznel, yes." Vlashandra asks, "Do you believe him guilty of conspiracy and murder?"
Speaking to Regwen, Darcena says, "That was not acceptable."
Lylia says, "I did not say 'if you need,' I said 'if you like.'."
Falvicar quietly says, "The fact they hid the deaths of innocents and he helped Rachel kill several people speaks for itself."
Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "No. i still think I hate you right now."
Balley softly says, "Maybe it is also Falvicar who is out for revenge."
Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "My pride wouldn't allow it."
Regwen says, "He is."
Vlashandra nods. Falvicar quietly says, "So yes." Falvicar nods firmly.
Lylia mildly says, "Oh, woe. Oh, pity."
Vlashandra says, "I have some questions Falvicar, son of Oronthal."
Speaking to Balley, Goldstr says, "I sorry to say aye he be."
Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok exclaims, "Now keel over!"
Falvicar nods at Vlashandra.
Zosopage says, "He's blinded by revenge."
Vlashandra asks, "Should Pylasar return, do you believe him a danger?"
Mongonator says, "I think he needs mouth to mouth."
Lylia retorts, "In this gown? Wearing this headpiece? I would never get up again."
Balley softly says, "He is acting no better than Vlashandra out for revenge."
Speaking to Mongonator, Pietra says, "Ew, no."
Speaking absently to Hapenlok, Darcena says, "Stop wasting your time on Lylia and consider what we can do about Falvicar."
Speaking quietly to Vlashandra, Falvicar says, "I honestly don't know."
Speaking quietly to Zosopage, Morofinwe says, "I can understand."
Talman asks, "Is he sober?"
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Whew."
Talman stares at Gutstorm.
Speaking to Darcena, Hapenlok says, "He's going to get invited to the boulder."
Speaking to Darcena, Hapenlok says, "And he's going to get the hell beat out of him."
Regwen says, "Pylasar is in danger."
Vlashandra asks, "You are a member of the Silver Gryphons, are you not?"
Sonnillon recites raspily:
"Boulder, boulder .boulder"
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "He aint in danger, he not eben ere."
Speaking stoutly to Regwen, Darcena exclaims, "I'm more worried about you!"
Lylia says, "You are in danger if your husband threatens your life."
Falvicar quietly says, "I am." Vlashandra nods.
Speaking offhandedly to Regwen, Leafiara says, "And that's assuming he's not already dead or lost forever..."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "He prolly libbin it up in some nice place."
Regwen says, "Although, he'll just turn Falvicar into a kobold again."
Vlashandra asks, "What, I wonder, is their official stance on Pylasar's crimes?" Vlashandra peers quizzically at Falvicar.
Balley softly asks, "Oh is that how all the Gryphons feel?"
Lylia whispers something to Xorus.
Skipjack says, "Didn't realize the gryphons let patricide fly..."
Darcena says, "Oh, he better be very careful right now."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Talman says, "I think I saved you with that whiskey."
Speaking to Balley, Leafiara says, "I doubt they all feel the same. It's a large group."
Speaking drunkenly to Pietra, Gutstorm says, "Me finkin of signin up da list. Me want me statchoo backs."
Goldstr says, "Da Order has no official stance."
Vlashandra turns an inquisitive ear toward Falvicar. Speaking quietly to Vlashandra, Falvicar says, "They listen and judge people fairly. To their actual stance.. I don't know. But they defend the town. That is what we do." Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "I think you should."
Gutstorm adds his name to the trial list.
Vlashandra asks, "You do not know their stance, because they have not made it known?"
Speaking quietly to Zosopage, Morofinwe says, "I want to say something but it is not my place."
Darcena yells, "Are we on trial or is Falvicar supposed to be saying his piece?"
Speaking to Darcena, Lazaryth whispers aloud, "Pound."
Cryheart says, "The Order is nae on trial."
Faerinn says, "One of these days, someone will realize they don't have to answer her questions. One of these days."
Speaking quietly to Vlashandra, Falvicar says, "I've been busy as of late trying to find the wizard so I have not made the last few meetings I'm afraid." Falvicar shrugs.
Speaking quietly to Zosopage, Morofinwe says, "In regards to what Falvicar is saying and how."
Roelon deeply says, "Pryin' for ah new target she is."
Hapenlok says, "I was aware of that fact."
Hapenlok nods at Faerinn.
Speaking to Darcena, Faerinn says, "Maybe it is. Likely the whole town is."
Hapenlok says, "But I welcomed it."
Speaking to Morofinwe, Zosopage asks, "To what end?"
Vlashandra asks, "Have they offered to aid you in bringing justice?"
Speaking to Faerinn, Xanthium says, "You don't have to work hard to get most of this town to talk."
Darcena hisses, "I do not like her at all."
Speaking to Faerinn, Xanthium says, "And talk."
Xanthium says, "I'm assuming that's what this is about, really."
Roelon deeply asks, "Can we return her for ah refund?"
Speaking to Darcena, Hapenlok says, "Well, judging by the reactions she's provoking from people here, I think I could grow to like her."
Speaking to Darcena, Faerinn asks, "She's an inquisitor and a witch hunter rolled into one. What's there to like?"
Speaking quietly to Zosopage, Morofinwe says, "My point being: he has held this in for how long? Only to have more revealed and then deal with that. And every other thing that has occured since. To have to pounded and hammered in head, heart and mind."
Xanthium says, "They're hoping we know something about Peter's work wth Naimorai, and that we'll mention what all while 'speaking' for him."
Hapenlok says, "That won't mean I trust her."
Stormyrain whispers something to Darcena.
Speaking quietly to Vlashandra, Falvicar says, "Nae officially. They are my friends and family. They were there when I needed people the most as of late. Whether I agree with them or not does not matter for the most part. Ronan comes first to me. They accept that."
Xanthium says, "Not realizing that it's some detail they need."
Hapenlok says, "Basically, he's pre-judged."
Balley softly says, "Wow, cannot believe he is bringing down his fellow members like this. Putting words in their mouths without even knowing."
Vlashandra says, "I see."
Pietra says, "Well he's a little pissy of late."
Maags asks, "Not officiallies?"
Vlashandra asks, "Were you there the night, when the paragon Mynalari was murdered?"
Chamorr heartily says, "This is imperial justice."
Maags says, "Not at all."
Speaking drunkenly to Darcena, Gutstorm says, "Me stuffs mine."
Speaking quietly to Regwen, Lylia murmurs, "My dear, never trust a man who puts a god before you."
Falvicar rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking to Balley, Leafiara says, "He's acknowledged he doesn't know their stance, though... it's less fiery than I was expecting, honestly."
Speaking to Chamorr, Faerinn says, "This is no one's justice."
Speaking quietly to Chamorr, Morofinwe says, "Or rather, their version."
Hapenlok says, "I wasn't there, but...I consider it a mercy killing."
Falvicar quietly says, "I don't believe I was..."
Speaking to Shinann, Kiske asks, "Need a drink?"
Speaking absently to Gutstorm, Darcena remarks, "I don't stuff mine."
Balley softly says, "But to put the name out there.."
Skipjack says, "Seems more and more typical for Landing folk..."
Falvicar quietly says, "I slept since then."
Xorus says, "Finally. Treating the ending of the paragons as murders."
Speaking to Kiske, Shinann says, "Thank you, but I am on duty..."
Zosopage says, "He didn't, they asked him if he was a member."
Speaking drunkenly to Alisette, Gutstorm says, "Wadnt me."
Speaking to Lylia, Regwen says, "A god, a prophet, and now revenge for something imagined."
Falvicar rubs his chin thoughtfully. Vlashandra says, "But you're aware the paragon Mynalari was murdered? You were just not present."
Regwen says, "He was gone chasing Redding now Pylasar."
Lylia says, "...But Mynalari was not murdered."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Why dey not stay on da topic, am so confoozed."
Guarrin whispers something to Cryheart.
Falvicar quietly says, "Oh yes... now I remember." Falvicar blushes a florid shade of crimson.
Lylia says, "She was the Paragon who chose to go to death on her own..."
Cryheart says, "A dead person cannae be murdered."
Leafiara admits, "She did sort of--talk herself into fading."
Goldstr whispers to the group, "Was a Paragon Visions!"
Speaking to Cryheart, Leafiara muses, "That's another philosophical question too, yes..."
Maags says, "He is making judgements based on his dreams so."
[help]-GSIV:Arcon: "when lvling voln does the amount of favor that accures for you towards lvling in the order cap or can you pre-gather undead kills for multiple levels of voln at one time?"
Lylia says, "She was alive in her 'cocoon,' of sorts. It was not life as we would call it life, but her mortal shell, her actual body, ended by her own choice."
Maags says, "Not a leap."
Lylia says, "Interesting."
Phalff exclaims, "I thoughts der was gonna be beer!"
Falvicar quietly says, "She was put to rest because she had to be. There several paragons of Raznel, my father included, that needed to put to rest for Raznel to die."
Alisette blurts, "Cannot murder a vision?"
Vlashandra says, "I see." Cordarius exclaims, "Falvicar!"
Lylia says, "I remember it clearly because I found her act a noble one. Befitting her status."
Cordarius leans against a burnished oak bench. Falvicar glances at Cordarius.
Lazaryth says, "I regretted missing that one."
Falvicar quietly asks, "Yes?" Cordarius asks, "Pylasar's done a lot of good things. Hasn't he?"
Skipjack says, " rest."
Phalff says, "I knows plenty o crap artists who do it ever day Alisette."
Cordarius peers quizzically at Falvicar.
Speaking quietly to Lylia, Morofinwe says, "Choosing how one wants to leave this world for good is noble, to me."
Speaking quietly to Cordarius, Falvicar says, "As my father said to me. There is no atonement."
Speaking to Lylia, Xanthium says, "I was not there, either, but hearing your tone there tells me she was most extraordinary."
Cordarius asks, "No atonement?" Cordarius says, "That's an interesting perspective." Falvicar quietly says, "You can do a lot of good things, but that does not make up for murder."
Lylia agrees, "It was. And she was."
Alisette remarks, "This man is overcome with vengeance..."
Cordarius asks, "Have you always felt that way?"
Hapenlok says, "I doubt his father said that."
Speaking quietly to Alisette, Morofinwe says, "Not just that."
Speaking to herself, Regwen says, "No he hasn't."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Maags says, "Problies he dreamed it."
Chamorr heartily says, "Pylasar's not on trial here, we are."
Phalff asks, "Is der gonna be a hangin'?"
Falvicar quietly says, "I enjoyed Pylasar's company. I considered him a friend. But he Killed My parents with Raznel." Falvicar folds his arms over his chest.
Speaking to Regwen, Hapenlok says, "I don't know that man down there, but that's not the Falvicar I remember."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Damn, me got fat."
Balley softly says, "This is a joke of a trial."
Cordarius says, "No. I mean."
Speaking to Chamorr, Goldstr says, "Mayaps be true Bear."
Cordarius says, "There is no atonement." Cordarius asks, "Have you always felt that way?" Falvicar quietly says, "On some things." Falvicar nods.
Speaking to Regwen, Hapenlok says, "And that sounds like V'tull, not Ronan."
Zosopage says, "This is more of a discovery than a trial."
Cordarius asks, "But not this thing?"
Speaking to Hapenlok, Regwen says, "He's been eaten up by this and the constant quest to find Redding."
Speaking drunkenly to Chamorr, Gutstorm asks, "How was da jail, da food dokay?"
Cordarius says, "I'm confused."
Balley softly says, "They are trying to find who supports them and who does not."
Faerinn says, "What we say here can and will be used against us, yes."
Cordarius says, "Talk to me about Walkar." Speaking quietly to Cordarius, Falvicar asks, "How do you atone for several murders.. knowing what you were doing?"
Maylan exclaims, "The accused isn't even here to defend himself!"
Cordarius asks, "Was he a friend of yours?"
Speaking to Regwen, Hapenlok says, "I believe me and your husband are going to have to have a bit of a tussle."
Morofinwe quietly says, "A discovery of many things."
Speaking to Chamorr, Skipjack says, "If Pylasar is guilty...wouldn't it mean the Landing has been doin Raznel's dirty work for quite some time."
Shinann distantly says, "It will..."
Falvicar quietly says, "Yes and no."
Speaking to Regwen, Hapenlok says, "I'll apologize in advance."
Shinann nods at Faerinn.
Cordarius says, "Hmm."
Alisette murmurs, "Walkar..."
Maags says, "Cordarius is pushing him into a corner."
Cordarius says, "So, there's no atonement, wait, only sometimes. And Walkar is a yes and no friend." Cordarius asks, "Walk me through that. Why yes and no?"
Goldstr says, "I would stand wid Walkar dis day."
Lylia says, "Sometimes I like Cordarius despite myself."
Vlashandra grins at Cordarius. Vlashandra touches the side of her face.
Morofinwe quietly says, "It's vengeance. Grief. Hatred. Memories. Shadows of memories. Distant thoughts and visions of what one thinks they remember and what was real and true."
Speaking quietly to Cordarius, Falvicar says, "To my knowledge, Walkar hasn't willingly killed innocent people... several upon several of them."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Lylia admits, "I like a logical mind. What can I say?"
Speaking to Lylia, Faerinn says, "Yeah, but poking holes in a witness instead of their rhetoric is a poor game."
Cordarius asks, "To your knowledge, Pylasar has?"
Speaking quietly to Lylia, Morofinwe asks, "Am I on the right track here?"
Speaking drunkenly to Lylia, Gutstorm says, "Oh it not dat, me jush checkin yooz weddin ring."
Speaking quietly to Cordarius, Falvicar says, "When he turned lich, he was not in control of himself. That there is the difference between him and Pylasar." Cordarius asks, "Did Walkar kill when he was in service to Baron Hochstib?"
Phalff exclaims, "I feels likes I started watchin' dis play halfway through da third act!"
Goldstr says, "Pylasar was under control a da Witch same to me."
Speaking to Phalff, Lyrna says, "That's where I've been for the last year and a half."
Falvicar quietly says, "I honestly don't recall if he did or not."
Hapenlok says, "He didn't."
Cordarius asks, "Did Pylasar kill anyone?"
Morofinwe quietly says, "It's a probing, a questioning, a fact hunt."
Hapenlok says, "He threw down his pike and deserted, if I recall the story he told me."
Cordarius asks, "That you recall?"
Phalff asks, "Was der any philanderin' involved?"
Hapenlok says, "I wasn't here for the Jantalarian occupation."
Skipjack asks, "You've all been under the witch's thumb for a long time...was it the fall of Talador? or even farther back than that?"
Morofinwe quietly says, "This is a weeding out, a culling if you will."
Phalff says, "I loves philanderin."
Talman asks, "Was it Vlashandra that brought those golems here?"
Skipjack says, "You Landing folk better wake up."
Falvicar quietly says, "The people that were turned paragons, yes. If you want to count the times we went to the lake to see where they were and what happened."
Cryheart says, "Octaven I do believe."
Speaking to himself, Skipjack says, "It's already too late."
Lazaryth mutters, "Pylasar killed me."
Leafiara tilts her head at Lazaryth.
Falvicar quietly says, "He still aided in the murder even if he didn't do it himself." Cordarius asks, "Do you think Pylasar was potentially under the witch's control?"
Xanthium says, "I remember you mentioning it. When he was...confused."
Speaking drunkenly to Lazaryth, Gutstorm asks, "Yooz owe him monies erm sumfin?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Lazaryth says, "Me and another. Thrassus? He thought we were killing his daughter."
Leafiara admits, "Was wondering when that one would come up." [the idea of Raznel controlling Pylasar]
Falvicar quietly says, "He was a damn fool in love."
Faerinn says, "Vlashandra brought more golems with her it seems."
Hapenlok says, "So was I, Falvicar."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Leafiara says, "Ahhh, yes, his--elemental wave."
Darcena mournfully says, "Love is terrible."
Lazaryth says, "I don't begrudge him the act."
Goldstr says, "Well Falv finally got it right."
Lylia asks, "Where is Thrassus, anyway?"
Hapenlok says, "That's why *I* left Claybourne's service."
Speaking to Lylia, Xanthium says, "An excellent question."
Lylia says, "I am sorry he missed tonight's festiv -- I mean, the solemnity of the proceedings before us."
Speaking to Leafiara, Talman exclaims, "Think it's a mistake letting those golems be here!"
Talman says, "No good."
Roblar deeply mutters, "Love, sounds like da work of a witch."
Speaking to Lylia, Darcena says, "Unfortunately, not visibly in my presence so I can make faces at him and see if his will crack."
Falvicar quietly asks, "So I would say no. It doesn't make sense for him to be under her control.. otherwise.. why did he help us at the end?"
Speaking wryly to Talman, Leafiara assures, "Work in progress. They make many uncomfortable, certainly."
Falvicar quietly asks, "If she had control of him, why let him go?"
Lyrna says, "He truly does not understand."
Falvicar shrugs.
Speaking quietly to Lylia, Morofinwe says, "You mean farce, travesty, circus."
Phalff says, "Dems golems is sure creepy."
Vlashandra says, "That's a good question."
Skipjack says, "Why indeed."
Cordarius says, "You're right..."
Xanthium says, "Circus with a sad lack of elephants."
Cordarius asks, "Why did he help you in the end though?" Cordarius peers quizzically at Falvicar. Falvicar quietly says, "Guilt." Falvicar nods firmly.
Speaking to Leafiara, Lazaryth says, "..and yes, it was an elemental wave of some kind."
Cordarius says, "Perhaps..."
Lylia says, "The control she exercised over him was not the same as that exercised over those she imbued with insects or fashioned into dolls."
Cordarius asks, "Do you think you would have been able to defeat Raznel without Pylasar's help?"
Lazaryth says, "I was deeply disappointed. I wanted to get a hit in on Raznel."
Speaking to Lylia, Hapenlok says, "Facts."
Phalff asks, "Dolls?"
Speaking quietly to Lylia, Morofinwe says, "Really different things."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Regwen says, "Those pesky facts."
Speaking quietly to Cordarius, Falvicar says, "I would like to think Ronan or Redding would have been able to."
Phalff asks, "What kinda place is this?"
Cordarius says, "A sleeping god and a dead guy." Cordarius says, "Okay." Cordarius chuckles. Falvicar quietly says, "He is not dead." Cordarius says, "Well, I have no more questions."
Hapenlok says, "He's been chasing a dead man for almost five years now."
Faerinn asks, "Did he just suggest prayer?"
Speaker #7, Lyrna - Madness and Forms of Madness ... and a Purple Protest
Cordarius exclaims, "Lyrna!" Falvicar quietly says, "You'll see in time." Falvicar nods firmly.
Guarrin whispers something to Cryheart.
Falvicar just climbed up a narrow stairway.
Morofinwe quietly asks, "Did he just mock a god?"
Lyrna lets out a long, contemplative breath.
Hapenlok glowers darkly at Falvicar.
Lyrna nods.
Speaking gently to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "Go get 'em."
Lazaryth mutters something about Cordarius.
Lyrna just climbed down a narrow stairway.
Darcena says, "I know you will do a great job, pack."
Darcena says, "Aww."
Cryheart whispers something to Guarrin.
Mollan says, "And a dead guy."
Lyrna smiles.
Darcena says, "Oh well, she doesn't need my reassurance."
Regwen shakes her head at Falvicar and clucks her tongue.
Vlashandra nods.
Speaking quietly to Hapenlok, Falvicar says, "I think you are glaring at the wrong person."
Lyrna says, "Good evening." Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.
Speaking to Darcena, Leafiara says, "But she loves having it. You can share when she's back."
Lyrna shifts her weight.
Speaking raspily to Pietra, Sonnillon says, "You smell mmmmmmm."
Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok says, "No...I'm looking at a man, who sounds more like a V'Tullian than a loyal disciple of Ronan."
Darcena whispers something to Falvicar.
Lyrna says, "I am new to Landing and some folks here know my story and some don't. I will give a very condensed, hopefully relevant version and answer whatever questions you have."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara muses, "Or a follower of the Huntress."
Speaking quietly to Hapenlok, Falvicar says, "I think you need to read what V'tull does."
Thunder echoes in the night.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Uh oh."
Maylan says, "WHAT WAS THAT."
Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Funda!"
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "Don't do that in here."
Lyrna says, "I do not know the truth or falseness of the charges against Pylasar."
Sonnillon raspily says, "Finally some excitment."
Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok says, "You've been so consumed with this hunt for a man who's been long dead. That you're not thinking right."
Cordarius says, "Well that doesn't help." Cordarius chuckles to himself.
Speaking drunkenly to Pietra, Gutstorm says, "DAT time it wadnt me, honess."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Pietra says, "Keep telling yorself that."
Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok asks, "You have to be out of your mind, you know that?"
Lyrna says, "I believe there is at least some truth, but my statement has more to do with the result."
Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok asks, "You'd threaten your own wife? In open court?"
Cordarius nods.
Phalff asks, "Did somebody eat onions?"
Speaking quietly to Hapenlok, Falvicar says, "Says the crazed kiling mage."
Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok says, "You. Me. Boulder. Time of your choosing."
Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok says, "To the death."
Speaking quietly to Hapenlok, Falvicar says, "I did not do a threat you damn fools."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Maybe Pylasar gonna zap himself in and shows up."
Lyrna says, "I came here from Ta'Vaalor, where I was banished."
Sonnillon recites raspily:
"Boulder boulder boulder"
Speaking to Falvicar, Hapenlok says, "I'm going to beat sense into you."
Phalff says, "Get a room."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Maylan encourages, "Do it!"
Regwen says, "I heard a threat."
Lyrna says, "When I was very young, less than a decade, which I believe is young for humans as well..."
Speaking quietly to Regwen, Falvicar says, "You keep not supporting me, then we will be through. Your choice."
Speaking to Xanthium, Faerinn says, "Awww, they're going to get married at the boulder."
Speaking quietly to Hapenlok, Morofinwe says, "Actually, you aren't."
Lyrna says, "I saw my mother murdered in front of me."
Maags shows Falvicar her glowbark spoon.
Falvicar quietly says, "Oh.. .wait."
Falvicar quietly says, "That's a threat."
Lyrna shifts her weight.
Falvicar quietly says, "I'm done here."
Falvicar just climbed down a narrow stairway.
Falvicar just went through a modwir arch.
Cryheart says, "Dinnae make the circumstances worse ye two."
Hapenlok yells, "To the death, Falvicar!"
Speaking to Maags, Maylan says, "I think your spoon scared him."
Pietra says, "Ah, love...."
Shinann says, "I feel bad for him."
Speaking to Maylan, Maags says, "I won."
Sonnillon raspily asks, "Slap fights?"
Maags says, "Well he lost."
Lyrna says, "And, no matter how you look at the centuries since then, I have spent a non-trivial amount of time in Zelia's care."
Speaking to Maags, Maylan says, "And I don't blame him! That is a very menacing spoon."
Cryheart says, "Be civil folks."
Regwen says, "I have to agree with him or he leaves me. Isn't the first time."
Through a window of the Hall, a flash of lightning briefly illuminates the nightscape of Wehnimer's rooftops. A lone figure stands on a rooftop in the distance, a purple robe flapping about the figure's concealed form.
Speaking to Cryheart, Maylan asks, "Civilly disobedient?"
Speaking to himself, Skipjack says, "I feel bad for the lot of ya."
Maylan says, "OH MY GOD."
Lyrna lets out a long, contemplative breath.
Pietra gasps.
Speaking to Maylan, Maags exclaims, "Always carries a big spoon!"
Tsarok flashes a wide grin.
Lazaryth glances out.
Razanetika blinks.
Speaking to Regwen, Leafiara says, "I say this even as a friend, but--"
Sonnillon lets out a cheer!
Cryheart's jaw drops.
Alisette smiles.
Lyrna says, "My apologies, this is not easy to speak of."
Leafiara mutters, "Oh, here we go."
Cryheart says, "Pylasar."
Talman roars!
Guarrin says, "Oh bloody."
Alisette exclaims, "He is here!"
Leafiara suddenly says, "Wait, no."
Shinann raises an eyebrow.
Xorus smirks.
Cordarius says, "Please, be mindful to the one minute as close as you can."
Pietra beams!
Cordarius nods.
Faerinn sighs.
Sonnillon raspily says, "The purple mage."
Alisette beams!
Lyrna nods.
Razanetika fans herself.
Leafiara shakes her head.
Guarrin slowly empties his lungs.
Melikor sets his mouth in a thin line of disapproval.
Maags claps her hands.
Shinann glances at Stormyrain.
Roelon shifts his weight.
Alisette raises her fist defiantly.
Chamorr glances at Hapenlok.
Stormyrain gives a sidelong glance at Shinann.
Hapenlok says, "I hate it when I'm right."
Lyrna says, "Madness, as he has experienced, is experiencing is not trivial."
Rudar grunts, amused.
Felita asks, "Issit misser Purple?"
Speaking heartily to Hapenlok, Chamorr says, "Yer wrong."
Bernadette rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Phalff asks, "Why don't mages ever get named after patterns, like The Paisly Mage?"
Roelon furrows his brow.
Leafiara says, "No... that would be too convenient..."
Lyrna says, "Even Ta'Vaalor with its... harsh standards... allowed for some of the charges against me to be dropped because of this madness."
Maags says, "He deserves to be present at his own trial such as it is."
Phalff says, "Always solid colors."
Xanthium hums a fancy little tune to herself.
Lyrna says, "He has suffered."
Lazaryth gives a sidelong glance at Xanthium.
Roelon nods at Leafiara.
Roelon deeply says, "Seems that way...."
Roelon ponders.
Speaking to Maags, Rudar says, "If he tried he's gonna get locked up - I figured that out the hard way."
Mollan says, "I like my flannel. I'll be the Flannel sorceress."
Rudar grumbles.
Lyrna says, "I do not suggest that his crimes, whatever HE believes them to be, should be forgiven or forgotten."
Lightning brightens the night again, and a second purple robed figure appars on a rooftop now. The figures stand motionless, robes flapping in the wind and rain.
Razanetika blinks.
Phalff says, "Plaid Mage, tis what I wants ta be called."
Cryheart blinks.
Alisette smiles.
Faerinn says, "Oh, another protest."
Roelon raises an eyebrow.
Cryheart asks, "Errr..two?"
Chaoswynd glances out.
Maylan applauds loudly.
Kiske raises an eyebrow.
Razanetika blinks.
Leafiara slowly says, "Yeah, that's more what I expected."
Lazaryth says, "..something very curious is happening outside."
Dergoatean exclaims, "Pylasar's purple people!"
Morofinwe nods at Phalff.
Phalff blinks.
Melikor squints.
Chaoswynd raises an eyebrow.
Maylan exclaims, "Justice for Pylasar!"
Pukk exclaims, "They are multiplying!"
Sonnillon raspily says, "Im headed to the rooftops."
Lyrna says, "But that doesn't mean that ..."
Pietra exclaims, "Two Pylasars!"
Xanthium says, "Like starlings protesting the weather."
Roelon nods.
Pietra lets out a little squeal of delight.
Xanthium glances at a mistwood serving cart.
Lazaryth begins chuckling at Xanthium!
Cordarius says, "I see."
Regwen grins slowly.
Mollan asks, "Two?"
Felita says, "Now theres toos."
Shinann ponders.
Cordarius gazes heavenward.
Xanthium flashes a quick grin.
Lyrna says, "That doesn't mean that he has not already suffered a great deal."
Raelee glances up.
Maags claps her hands.
Cordarius says, "Thank you for your statement."
Speaking to Maags, Rudar says, "Tried watchin' what was goin on and I ended up in jail with a grumpy giant."
Rudar nods firmly.
Faerinn says, "More will begin showing up."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Maybe its a Cryheart in a Pylsaar suit."
Cryheart moans.
Speaking to Rudar, Maags says, "Wrong place right time."
Lyrna nods slowly.
Leafiara mentions, "...this is similar to a certain protest over Ta'Vaalor."
Roelon chuckles.
Maags carefully brushes the volcanic ash and soot off Rudar.
Vlashandra says, "I have a question."
Soneiken says, "Guess we know who is harboring Peter."
Lyrna nods at Vlashandra. Vlashandra says, "You took most of your time to speak about yourself..."
Faerinn says, "Or got a great discount on purple dye."
Pukk says, "Oh...two Pylasars! Past and future Pylasar! Now if we can only get present Pylasar then things really will be tense in here."
Vlashandra says, "However..." Lyrna's cheeks flush with a shade of red.
Phalff says, "I wokes up wit a grumpy giant once. She mades me breakfast."
Maags says, "That...does not seem like him."
Speaking to Pukk, Dergoatean exclaims, "This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them!"
Vlashandra asks, "This madness you did finally get to. Was Pylasar deemed mad, when he committed these crimes originally with Raznel?"
Pietra says, "Of course he was..."
Lyrna says, "I do not believe so, except in the sense that love can be a form of madness."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "You know, it all fits now. I always figured his mental instability was because of the power he used."
Cordarius says, "So then, if love is madness..." Cordarius asks, "Would you disagree with Falvicar's earlier statement?"
Pietra exclaims, "We're all mad!"
Cordarius asks, "That love is a madness that can control you?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I'm not saying that wasn't a cause."
Hapenlok says, "The powers he dealt with."
Speaking tentatively to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "And what's your theory now--ah."
Lyrna says, "I believe that it can lead you, at the very least, to overlook things, until you have no choice but to finally see the mistake you are making."
Skipjack asks, "Aint that the truth Landing folk?"
Cordarius nods. Cordarius exclaims, "Thanks!"
Darcena says, "That's truth."
Speaker #8, Leafiara - Quinterference... and the Gauntlet Thrown
Cordarius exclaims, "Mayor Leafiara!"
Lyrna just climbed up a narrow stairway.
Leafiara nods.
Lyrna hugs Leafiara, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Leafiara hugs Lyrna, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Leafiara says, "Ahh... the others had left." [there were a couple in line between Lyrna and Leafi, but they left]
Leafiara nods.
Mayor Leafiara just climbed down a narrow stairway. [Moot Hall, Chamber of Justice] Two high-backed, elaborately carved chairs face the imposing, burnished oak bench where members of the official Town Council convene to decide matters of solemn importance. A narrow stairway leads up to a low balcony that surrounds the chamber, providing ample seating for interested visitors to observe the proceedings. You also see an oak door and a modwir arch. Also here: Magister Cordarius, Lady Vlashandra Obvious exits: none Leafiara nods in greeting. Leafiara amiably says, "Magister. Adjudicator." Leafiara grins.
From up on a narrow stairway, you hear Zosopage yell, "When that love is shared with a witch like Raznel then surely you could be controlled!"
The night continues to crackle with lightning and shake with claps of thunder. A dozen purple robed figures now stand nearly motionless like dark violet gargoyles upon rooftops of town.
Cordarius nods at Leafiara. Vlashandra smiles at Leafiara. Leafiara begins, "I'd like to note that most any defense of Pylasar I could give would be spoken from firsthand experience, but most any accusation or condemnation would be secondhand, through visions into the past." Leafiara continues, "This isn't to say we shouldn't trust the visions. They were trustworthy enough to aid the Chronomage Chrysamber in locating Raznel's paragons..." Leafiara explains, "For me, though, their credibility is exactly the hurdle I can't get over--because it's in those same visions that we learned of Pylasar having his memories altered by Quinshon, the Black Shaman." Leafiara adds, "In other words, the memories we saw were compromised at best. And it should be noted that Quinshon was the father of Raznel, with reason to--color Pylasar's memories.. at least at the time."
From up on a narrow stairway, you hear Pukk yell, "You tell em Leafi! Use those big words!"
Leafiara asks, "We did try to fix his memories with the work of Xorus and others, but there's simply no way of knowing to what degree. We helped him remember accurately enough to pinpoint the location of the paragons, yes, but did we get to the absolute truth of the past?" Vlashandra asks, "Why did Quinshon alter Pylasar's memories?"
From up on a narrow stairway, you hear Razanetika yell, "She's not Quinshon, why would she know that?"
Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple. Leafiara ponders. Leafiara says, "If I recall, he seemed to--want to forget the deaths he'd been responsible for. Or at least that he believed himself partly responsible for." Leafiara says, "Which brings us to another matter mentioned briefly earlier, that it's possible Raznel had some degree of magical control over him." Leafiara stresses, "Only possible. I'm not claiming this as a certainty." Vlashandra asks, "What makes you believe so?" Leafiara says, "But it seems to me that a verdict should need very solid ground." Leafiara looks thoughtfully at Vlashandra.
From up on a narrow stairway, you hear Maags yell, "Keeps Pylasar free!"
Leafiara says, "It was in the way he carried himself, in the present as we knew him. Always confused, always lost--as if he remembered doing it, but wasn't fully sure." Leafiara says, "He often claimed that he and Raznel were no different." Leafiara says, "But on the surface of it, that seems rather absurd."
The purple robed figures move slightly upon their rooftops, dozens of them. Each one, as if practiced and in unison, hold up a black leather bag before him. Something squirms inside some of the bags. [OOC: given later events, I think that should maybe say "one" of the bags]
Leafiara says, "That he would feel guilt at all distinguishes them, and in the visions he always seemed troubled." Vlashandra asks, "Do you, the Mayor of Wehimer's Landing, believe Pylasar is guilty of duplicitous acts?"
From up on a narrow stairway, you hear Skipjack yell, "She's complicit in them!"
Leafiara says, "Duplicitous? No, he seemed forthright to a fault, as I just said." Leafiara furrows her brow. Leafiara says, "If he were here, he might very well be confessing." Leafiara says, "And I'd question it even then, because of his... scattered mind." Vlashandra asks, "Do you, the Mayor of Wehimer's Landing, believe Pylasar is guilty of aiding and comforting the witch?" Leafiara wonders, "Are you asking from a legal perspective or a personal belief?"
From up on a narrow stairway, you hear Lylia yell, "Her beliefs are a matter beyond the scope of this trial, surely!"
Leafiara grins at Vlashandra. Leafiara nods absently to the narrow stairway.
From up on a narrow stairway, you hear Darcena yell, "She wasn't even Mayor at the time!" [I believe in response to Skipjack]
From up on a narrow stairway, you hear Darcena yell, "I'm sure she didn't have all the information of what was happening at the time!"
Vlashandra says, "Both." Leafiara looks thoughtfully at Vlashandra. Leafiara says, "His body aided. Whether he was in control, I wouldn't presume to say." Leafiara nods briefly at Vlashandra. Vlashandra asks, "Do you, the Mayor of Wehimer's Landing, believe Pylasar is guilty of murder?" Leafiara admits, " that, I'd have to say yes." Leafiara acknowledges, "He didn't hesitate in aiding Raznel at first."
One of the purple-robed figures opens his bag and pulls out a white feathered falcon. Its beak is tied, its taloned feet bound. The figure drags a knife across the throat of the bird, soaking its feathers in blood and then drops it off the rooftop.
Leafiara says, "So, even given the possibility of Raznel controlling him, I think that would have been later in their--relationship." Vlashandra glances at Cordarius. Leafiara notes, "However, she also kept the details from him at first." Vlashandra says, "How did they...." Vlashandra glances at Cordarius. Leafiara says, "So on the charge of conspiracy, I can't say I agree to that one." Leafiara says, "She sought his aid and used him, early on."
Hapenlok: "Eh, Leafi? I think a gauntlet has just been thrown down."
Leafiara: "It's... not escaped my notice, no..."
Cordarius says, "We should, perhaps move this along." Cordarius nods at Leafiara. Leafiara nods at Cordarius. Cordarius says, "Thank you for your statements Mayor."
From up on a narrow stairway, you hear Faerinn yell, "Hey y'all up there lost? I think you're exceeding roof capacity?"
Speaker #9, Lylia - Faendryl Style and Careful Judgment
Cordarius exclaims, "Lylia!" Imperatrix Lylia just climbed down a narrow stairway. Leafiara says, "Thank you as well for hosting this eve and next." Magister Raelee just climbed down a narrow stairway. Leafiara curtsies gracefully.
Mayor Leafiara just climbed up a narrow stairway.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Well da bird not on da groun."
Xanthium says, "They need to prove themselves by murdering a bird."
Raelee whispers something to Vlashandra.
Felita says, "Dead birdies tell no tales."
Lylia quietly says, "Good evening to you both." Lylia nods at Cordarius. Lylia nods at Vlashandra.
Sonnillon whispers to the group, "If they want to fight let's get it on otherwise get your ass in here and testify."
Kylishatary says, "Bird is good after it cooks in a fire."
Lylia says, "As long as we are holding a trial..."
Speaking to Leafiara, Goldstr says, "Verra nicely saids."
Lylia admits, "We are all guilty of murder. Or at least, many of us." Raelee glances around the room. Magister Raelee just climbed up a narrow stairway.
The remaining purple-robed figures take out white crystal orbs from within their bags and shatter them on the ground beneath each of their perched spots. One by one, the figures disappear from the rooftops.
Pietra says, "That's what I said."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "I bet it tastes like chicken."
Speaking quietly to Pietra, Tsarok says, "I have never murdered."
Lylia says, "With Pylasar's aid, we found the Paragons, and we ended many of their lives. That is, I believe, the very definition of murder."
Sonnillon raspily says, "Sallys."
Lazaryth asks, "What do you think they're doing out there?"
Speaking amusedly to Tsarok, Leafiara says, "Uh-huh."
Roelon deeply says, "Hrm..."
Vlashandra nods.
Speaking to Tsarok, Pietra asks, "So all my deaths at your hands were accidental?"
Maylan asks, "Are we about to explode?"
Razanetika softly says, "It appears they have left."
Lylia says, "We are, however, not on trial. Pylasar is, despite being notably absent."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Xanthium says, "I don't see them now."
Speaking quietly to Pietra, Tsarok says, "Some mistakes were made."
Sonnillon raspily says, "Setting us up for an attack tomorrow probably."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Leafiara says, "This is a similar, uh--public demonstration to what they did with Ta'Vaalor, as I said before."
Maylan asks, "Are we about to be a part of a justice explosion?"
Lylia explains, "In a Faendryl court, he might have been beheaded for his transgressions as soon as he dared to show himself, and then the severed head wreathed with laurel and lor in gratitude for his aid."
Speaking to Tsarok, Pietra says, "Forgiven."
Speaking to Raelee, Guarrin says, "Were those..."
Speaking to Lazaryth, Hapenlok says, "Basically, it's what I was afraid was going to happen."
Lylia says, "I do not judge, because it is not my place. However, when you do, I trust you will consider carefully whether good deeds erase misdeeds."
Xorus says, "She is quite right, that is what would be done."
Skipjack says, "We all get what we deserve..."
Skipjack says, "Eventually."
Leafiara admits, "I'm not the biggest fan of killing birds. They could've kept it at effigies like last time, but--well."
(Lylia turns toward the stairs, then pauses.) Lylia turns to face Vlashandra. Lylia adds, "Oh...and do not count Mynalari's death on anyone's hands. I was there for her end, and she chose it herself. It was noble and dignified, and it should not be taken away from her."
Pukk says, "I'm glad I'm not a Faendryl."
Roblar deeply says, "Suddenly me like da Faendryl."
Lylia folds her hands.
Sonnillon raspily says, "We need a cleric for a dead bird in tsc."
Vlashandra whispers something to Lylia.
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "This is exactly what I was afraid of."
Maylan yells, "Speak up!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Raelee says, "My first meeting with the Rooks was a literal knife in the back. There is little halting them from doing to that to me as well."
Pietra asks, "Whispering, really?"
Vlashandra nods. Vlashandra says, "Thank you for your statement."
Pietra yells, "No whispering to the witnes!"
Maylan yells, "How can we have a court record with all the whispering?"
Raelee slowly says, "... do consider that."
Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara admits, "So was mine, but sometimes we get off to rough starts."
Maylan exclaims, "Objection!"
Lylia asks, "Anything more?"
Speaking to Raelee, Leafiara adds, "And the leadership is a bit different now."
Lylia smiles quietly to herself.
Roelon deeply says, "Ah recall them Rooks."
Sonnillon raspily exclaims, "Please no fighting in the war room!"
Pukk yells, "They are in cahoots!"
Roblar deeply exclaims, "Coluusion, tampering, kill em all!"
Faerinn says, "Here comes the big three."
Hapenlok says, "Well, normally I'd approve of the symbolisim."
Lylia scornfully says, "I never met a cahoot I trusted, Pukk, and you should know me better than that." Cordarius says, "Yes. I have a question."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "Remember the conversation I had about a time and a place?"
Maylan says, "I like cahoots."
(Lylia plucks a bit of dust from her wrap.) Cordarius says, "The pylons."
Morofinwe quietly says, "Cahoots in boots."
Lylia says, "Of course." Lylia turns to face Cordarius. Cordarius asks, "They've proven quite useful over the last few years, right?"
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "I've not forgotten. In fact, we just sent a letter to Earl Jovery earlier tonight."
Maylan says, "Cahoots in boots and suits."
Cordarius says, "In a manner of ways."
Pietra asks, "What the heck.... pylons?"
Darcena agrees, "I do like the pylons."
Cordarius asks, "Would you agree they've been helpful? To the Landing and her imperial allies alike?"
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Trying not to throw away the Hall as an ally just because of our--troubles with Octaven, one individual."
Pukk says, "That is just what a cahooter would say too."
Darcena proudly says, "That's how I took down an undead kraken at the Battle of Glaoveln."
Darcena says, "And many enemies here in the Bay, too."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "The last thing we need is Octaven being metaphorically slapped in the face by a gauntlet."
Lylia says, "We can all agree that the pylons have been decisive elements in victories on various battlefields, yes."
Hapenlok says, "Much as I'd like to see her knocked down a peg or two..."
Cordarius nods.
Goldstr asks, "Whys he ask a question like dat fer a Pylasar trial?"
Cordarius asks, "Do you recall their original creator?" Cordarius asks, "What was his name again?"
Speaking to Goldstr, Raelee says, "Because Pylasar built the first models."
Speaking to Goldstr, Leafiara says, "And there's the answer."
Cryheart says, "Connection."
Cordarius grins.
Lyrna says, "It can be quite satisfying to blow apart a ship with them."
Speaking to Lyrna, Hapenlok says, "Meteors are more fun, though."
Roblar deeply says, "Twas Pylasar kerse."
Speaking confusedly to Hapenlok, Darcena says, "I don't have meteors."
Sonnillon whispers to the group, "Delyorik just mentioned blood was smeared on his library door.. on the outside of it. not sure if its connected."
Lylia says, "Another name beginning with 'P' that was not 'Pylasar,' I do believe." Lylia smiles at Cordarius.
Speaking to Darcena, Hapenlok says, "Your loss."
Skipjack says, "Raznel's defense of this town is starting to come to light."
Delyorik asks, "Who's bleeding blood on my library door?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Goldstr says, "Tolds ye I's gittin too old."
Lyrna says, "I'm missing that ability I'm afraid."
Pukk yells, "No me!"
Lexbubba says, "Dat happens every time I try to read books. Sorry guys."
Roblar deeply exclaims, "Pylasar pylon will be mounted on every ship!"
Roblar deeply says, "Cannon."
Skipjack says, "And this town is being exposed for what it has become."
Delyorik says, "I swear to all that's holy... and by holy, I mean me..."
Lylia thoughtfully taps a finger against her lips. Cordarius says, "No no, the original ones."
Pukk says, "She's trying to blame me."
Lylia asks, "Or was it Pylasar?"
Pukk exclaims, "I knew it!"
Cordarius says, "Not those plinite charged krolvin killing ones." Cordarius nods at Lylia. Cordarius says, "Precisely." Cordarius says, "I have nothing left to ask."
Darcena yells, "We like the krolvin-killing ones!"
Cordarius grins.
Speaking to Skipjack, Krampton says, "Givin Moulis and scarabs to people inside the walls of town is not helping to defend town."
Speaker #10, Maylan - Twin Tales
Cordarius exclaims, "Maylan!"
Delyorik asks, "Who killed the birds?"
Maylan stands up.
Maylan flails her arms about.
Maylan says, "Ahm heavy."
Land Pirate Maylan just climbed down a narrow stairway. Lylia inclines her head.
Imperatrix Lylia just climbed up a narrow stairway.
Cordarius says, "We've got 2 more after Maylan then we'll call it a night." Maylan exclaims, "I have vital information to share!"
Leafiara muses, "Oh, here we go."
Cordarius says, "We've got to go tend to some things." Cordarius peers quizzically at Maylan. Maylan explains, "Okay see, here's the rub. All those bad things were ACTUALLY done by Pylasar's evil twin, Mylasar. I know this to be a true and indisputable fact. So you you know, it's that fella Mylasar that should be in time jail."
Dergoatean says, "With any luck at all this will be half as good as Xorus' debate performance."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Crafty."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Oh, and while we're on the subject of good deeds, he did open the portals to Mestanir, Idolone and the Demonwall."
Leafiara amusedly says, "Nice try."
Maylan says, "Okay so don't feel foolish, it's an easy mistake to make. They do look very much alike."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Wish I had brought that up."
Hapenlok says, "Oh well."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "There's always tomorrow."
Pukk says, "She is a genius."
Xorus says, "I will make it as good as my debate performance tomorrow."
Pietra asks, "The Magenta Mage, Mylasar?"
Maylan says, "Except the one fella, Mylasar, he has a black moustache that he wears all curly at the ends."
Pukk exclaims, "I didn't see that coming!"
Cordarius sighs. Maylan says, "And sometimes he twists his moustache and says 'Mwahahahahaha'."
Pukk exclaims, "A true detective!"
Roblar yells, "Kill Farain, free Pylasar!"
Dergoatean says, "Ah, curly-ended mustaches are CLEAR signs of villainy."
Cordarius exclaims, "Soneiken!" Maylan says, "Well! I'm glad we could clear that up." Maylan dusts off her hands. Maylan exclaims, "Case closed!"
Land Pirate Maylan just climbed up a narrow stairway.
Speaking confusedly to Roblar, Leafiara says, "But Farain offers such good services."
Maylan says, "I DID IT."
Lazaryth wearily says, "Maylan."
Maylan exclaims, "I saved Pylasar!"
Speaking to Maylan, Pukk says, "I'm glad you found that out."
Roblar deeply says, "She described em."
Roblar deeply says, "He must be bad."
Speaking to Maylan, Pukk says, "We just need to find the evil twin now."
Roblar deeply says, "Or, her drunk."
Speaking deeply to Maylan, Roelon says, "Ah believe it."
Speaker #11, Soneiken - Only They Can Say
Cordarius exclaims, "Soneiken!"
Maylan exclaims, "I'm only a little drunk!"
Speaking dryly to Maylan, Darcena says, "That may be the problem. Drink more."
Hapenlok removes a smooth columnar violet amethyst from in his dark leather cape.
Soneiken just climbed down a narrow stairway.
Speaking to Maylan, Pukk says, "Being drunk is just a state of mind."
Vlashandra peers quizzically at Cordarius.
Speaking to Maylan, Hapenlok asks, "Know what this is?"
Maylan takes a drink from her single malt whiskey.
A beatific expression crosses her face, and the worries of the day seem to melt away.
Maylan looks rather relaxed.
Vlashandra nods. Soneiken nods.
Hapenlok indicates a smooth columnar violet amethyst as a possible option.
Soneiken says, "Evening."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Maylan asks, "An opportunity to drink more?"
Cordarius bows. Soneiken says, "I speak of my personal witness, not hearsay."
Giantphang exclaims, "That the good one!"
Giantphang hoots at Maylan.
Speaking to Maylan, Hapenlok says, "No, a promise that if you don't behave yourself, you'll never be drunk again as long as I live."
Soneiken says, "Will move through quickly though."
Speaking to Maylan, Hapenlok asks, "Savvy?"
Soneiken says, "You put it together." Cordarius nods.
Speaking to Hapenlok, Maylan says, "Savvy your boots, little man. I'd like to see you TRY."
Soneiken says, "First Peter."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Pietra says, "That's the worst thing you could possibly say to her."
Soneiken says, "Words, these are verbatim." Soneiken says, "'I know what has to be done'." Soneiken says, "Second."
Mollan groans.
Mollan says, "Just looked at the list."
Soneiken says, "'I would not and could not ask any of you to join me.'"
(Hapenlok makes a menancing wave of the ameythst in Maylan's direction.)
Soneiken says, "Peter repeatedly said these things." Soneiken says, "Yet."
Speaking to Maylan, Hapenlok says, "Then I remembered when you quit drinking."
Delyorik asks, "Why am I watching a trial, when someone left blood on my library door?"
Speaking seriously to Hapenlok, Darcena says, "That may kill her."
Soneiken says, "He did not once raise a hand when we found the Witches seeds."
Goldstr says, "I do members dem words."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Pietra says, "You monster."
Speaking to Darcena, Hapenlok says, "I know, I wanted to kill her."
Speaking softly to Hapenlok, Darcena growls, "You may not kill Maylan."
Soneiken says, "Not once." Soneiken says, "Did he not kill." Vlashandra turns an inquisitive ear toward Soneiken. Soneiken says, "It was us."
Lazaryth says, "Mm. Maylan serves a vital function."
Hapenlok put a smooth columnar violet amethyst in his dark leather cape.
Darcena whispers something to Hapenlok.
Soneiken says, "He was distraught." Soneiken says, "Emotive." Soneiken says, "In fact."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Delyorik says, "You're on the list. Find out who left the bird blood on my door, so I can leave their blood right beside it."
Soneiken says, "For one of the paragons." Soneiken says, "He didn't go."
Speaking drunkenly to Delyorik, Gutstorm says, "Me had da more pressin mattahs."
Soneiken says, "He sent someone in his stead." Vlashandra asks, "So when it came time to redeem himself or atone, he had others complete the work for him?" Soneiken says, "Because he was too emotional." Soneiken says, "No." Vlashandra says, "That is your opinion." Soneiken says, "Remeber my opening statements."
Speaking to Maylan, Hapenlok asks, "Can you at least switch to death-rum occasionally?"
Speaking to Gutstorm, Delyorik says, "Oh, my friend... patting me on the head isn't your best move."
Soneiken says, "Peter's Words."
Goldstr says, "Vlash puttin words in his mouth."
Alisette yells, "You need to listen to the witness!"
Speaking to Maylan, Hapenlok says, "I've given up on attempting to get you to behave yourself."
Soneiken says, "I will not ask for help."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dat dokay, me not moob so goot."
Soneiken says, "Not once did he ask."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Maylan says, "I'm not sure why you ever attempted such folly to begin with."
Skipjack says, " was us."
Speaking to Gutstorm, Delyorik says, "But I appreciate the ale you're drinking."
Soneiken says, "Not once did he kill."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Dankoo."
Vlashandra says, "He provided the means to access these paragons, but never lended his aid in defeating them beyond that." Vlashandra asks, "Would you agree?" Soneiken says, "The chronomage delivered us."
Speaking to Maylan, Hapenlok says, "Because, I have to be a responsible adult occasionally, rarely."
Soneiken says, "Not him."
Maylan exclaims, "If you say so!"
Darcena says, "Oh, that's a good point."
Soneiken says, "He simply had memories." Soneiken says, "Is that guilt, memories." Soneiken says, "The seeds were doomed." Soneiken says, "Already dead." Soneiken says, "Caught in time."
Speaking squeakily to Darcena, Spert says, "Big."
Soneiken says, "Listen." Soneiken scowls. Soneiken says, "Do you call Voln a murderer."
Goldstr exclaims, "Verra verra good!"
Soneiken says, "Son Of Koar."
Chamorr heartily says, "Every time that I plants a seed, he says kill it afore it grows."
Soneiken says, "His Order." Vlashandra asks, "Did Pylasar aid in creating the original paragons?" Vlashandra peers quizzically at Soneiken. Soneiken says, "He sends those forth to release the souls."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Oh, I'm going to require spritual wards once we leave these confines."
Vlashandra asks, "Did Pylasar aid in creating the original paragons?" Soneiken says, "The ones doomed already." Soneiken says, "Peter thought the same."
Speaking offhandedly to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Noted, just remind me."
Speaking heartily to Hapenlok, Chamorr says, "No doubt."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I've got a feeling I'm going to fight a few people tonight."
Speaking squeakily to Darcena, Spert says, "Kiss my feet."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "At least I picked a fight with someone who isn't wearing kroderine."
Speaking politely to Spert, Darcena says, "I'm not hungry right now."
Soneiken says, "From his memories is all I can say, nobody but he and Raznel know the answer to that."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Delyorik says, "If it leads me to finding out who the blazes left blood on my library doors, I'm in."
Vlashandra asks, "Did Pylasar aid in ending the paragons?"
Speaking to Delyorik, Hapenlok says, "Don't care. Not my problem. Call the guards."
Soneiken says, "But from his memories, it was the witch." Soneiken says, "NO." Vlashandra nods. Vlashandra says, "Thank you." Soneiken says, "Was distraught."
Speaker #12, Gutstorm - Other Matters
Vlashandra exclaims, "Gutstorm!" High Lord Gutstorm moves toward a narrow stairway and then stumbles, making a total fool out of himself.
Pietra says, "Sheesh."
High Lord Gutstorm moves toward a modwir arch and then stumbles, making a total fool out of himself. Through a modwir arch, you hear Gutstorm yell, "Where ye be go!" Soneiken says, "Closest thing you get is attempted murder." High Lord Gutstorm just stumbled in, flailing his arms wildly while trying to right himself! Cordarius says, "Thanks. For. Your. Statement." Gutstorm stops dead in his tracks. Cordarius nods at Soneiken. Cordarius grins. Soneiken says, "But that's a stretch." Cordarius snickers to himself.
Delyorik says, "Sad."
Soneiken nods. Soneiken bows. Soneiken says, "Voln."
Chamorr yells, "Water is yer friend!"
Gutstorm carefully places some House Sovyn dark ale on the floor. Gutstorm carefully places some House Sovyn dark ale on the floor.
Hapenlok says, "Oh, boy. This is going to be good."
Soneiken says, "Remeber that."
Soneiken just climbed up a narrow stairway.
Skipjack says, "Pylasar is not Koar...and this Landing rabble is no holy order."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "In da case neeter ye be unnerstannin me, take a few twigs oh dat dere ale." Gutstorm points at some House Sovyn dark ale. Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Now den."
Speaking amusedly to Skipjack, Leafiara says, "Ya don't say."
Gutstorm works his fingers under his dancing flame crown and scratches his head.
Speaking to Skipjack, Hapenlok asks, "Excuse me, who are you again?"
Soneiken says, "Justice is justice."
Speaking to Soneiken, Goldstr says, "Verra well said."
Mollan says, "Here we go."
Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple. Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me am not da greatest of da pokesmen, but he hadda two questions be askin ye." Gutstorm drunkenly says, "One fer me, en one fer dis fella name Delyorik."
Skipjack asks, "Who's askin the questions now?"
Vlashandra says, "Unfortunately, the questions are for us to ask. Provide your statement, or we are finished."
Soneiken says, "Da drunk."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Me question....where be my statchoo. Yooz not be tellin us where ye be, and no paperwork fer da return."
Chamorr heartily says, "Where's his water cannon when ya needs it."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Hey now me talkin ere, wait yooz turn." Vlashandra frowns. Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Secon."
Pietra yells, "Water cannon 'em!"
Cordarius reaches out and touches his falcon pendant. Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Who flung da bird poo on Deylorik door." Gutstorm removes a silver-accented white monir water cannon from in his ankle sheath. (Gutstorm scans the area for a suitable target and spots Vlashandra.) Gutstorm drunkenly exclaims, "Target Acquired!!!" Gutstorm pulls the silver lever on the monir water cannon, but nothing seems to happen.
Razanetika softly says, "Can't take him anywhere.. no one ever believes me when I say this."
Gutstorm yells, "It misfire!" Vlashandra touches something beneath the neck of her robe.
Maylan yells, "Take em down!"
Speaking carefully to Razanetika, Leafiara says, "I think everyone who knows him believes ya."
Vlashandra nods at Cordarius.
Maylan yells, "Cleanse this kangaroo court with your water cannon!"
Cordarius nods at Vlashandra.
Roelon deeply says, "Hrm.."
Lady Vlashandra just went through a modwir arch.
Until Tomorrow
Magister Cordarius just climbed up a narrow stairway.
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "Hey where she go."
Xanthium says, "She's a Magister. Of course you're not going to spray her with water."
Pietra yells, "What are you chicken?"
Mollan says, "Hello."
Pukk says, "She was running from water."
Krampton says, "Target acquired."
Speaking to Raelee, Darcena says, "I guess we know how to stop her. Threat of water cannon."
Maylan recites:
"Justice for Pylasar!"
Pukk says, "How weird."
Gutstorm yells, "Git back my statchoo!"
Cordarius says, "Well, that concludes the trial for tonight."
Speaking to Cordarius, Leafiara admits, "Well, that was wild as ever. Thank you for hosting tonight."
High Lord Gutstorm just stumbled in, flailing his arms wildly while trying to right himself!
Speaking softly to Cordarius, Razanetika says, "I apologize for my friend."
Gutstorm drunkenly says, "No fair, dey not knowing da rools."
Cordarius says, "We will continue the last stretch of it tomorrow night."
Roelon deeply asks, "That's what it was eh?"
Lylia says, "A rather abrupt end."
Pukk exclaims, "She knows that water is bad! I knew I was right about water!"
Cordarius says, "For those who did not yet get to sign up."
Cryheart says, "For tonight."
Speaking to Cordarius, Leafiara admits, "Maybe more wild than usual. By a little."
Speaking to Cordarius, Maylan asks, "And when exactly will the accused be able to defend himself?"
Speaking quietly to Gutstorm, Hapenlok says, "Eh, friend? You might want to go ...hide."
Speaking to Cordarius, Maylan asks, "Where is his list?"
Speaking to Gutstorm, Hapenlok says, "For a bit."
Cordarius says, "Goodnight everyone. Be safe out there."
Raelee whispers something to Cordarius.
Speaking drunkenly to Delyorik, Gutstorm says, "Me dun axed em but dey not wanna tell."
Cordarius whispers something to Raelee.
Giantphang asks, "Now we can pick funniest talkster?"
Pukk says, "The imps are plotting something."
Speaking to Cordarius, Hapenlok says, "It'll be an interesting story, me being a fugitive and all."
Speaking to Cordarius, Delyorik says, "Mind you for the rabble... one question."
Cordarius peers quizzically at Delyorik.
Leafiara says, "Thank you to all who joined us tonight. Your presence is important, speakers or no."
Giantphang says, "Thikn funniest one miss aylan...mister storm the funny kind too."
Speaking to Cordarius, Hapenlok says, "Might explain why I'm taking my position that I have."
Pukk recites:
"Join Cryheart!"
Speaking to Cordarius, Delyorik asks, "What are you looking for?"
Lazaryth says, "Say what you want, it was at least interesting."
Speaking to Giantphang, Pietra exclaims, "I agree!"
Cordarius says, "A wealthy woman who appreciates a smart and charming man with a seven inch tongue."
Cordarius nods at Delyorik.
Cryheart says, "I hear no rain, it might be clear outside."
Cordarius exclaims, "Send them my way!"
Cordarius snickers to himself.
Speaking to Cryheart, Pukk says, "It ain't official unless I say it."
Speaking to Cordarius, Delyorik says, "As are we all."
Giantphang asks, "Mister sir heart...where we will following you?"
Xanthium says, "That's not what tongues are for."
Leafiara wryly says, "Well then."
Speaking to Cordarius, Hapenlok says, "Funny, you remind me of a bard I used to know."
Xanthium touches her fingers to her heart, the tips digging into the fabric of her jade green robe, and offers a soft prayer to Ivas.
Speaking to Leafiara, Lazaryth whispers aloud, "I don't sound like that, do I?"
Hapenlok says, "I heard Glissando's words, but this man stands before me."
Hapenlok points at Cordarius.
Speaking to Cordarius, Pukk says, "He's calling you a bard....thems fightin words."
Cordarius grins at Hapenlok.
Speaking evasively to Lazaryth, Leafiara says, "...I'm maybe not the best judge of that."
Cordarius picks up a dark purple hibiscus.
Krampton says, "If somebody got a 7 inch tongue, they should get dat checked out, dey might be part leezard."
Cordarius put a dark purple hibiscus in his grey pouch.
Cordarius waves.
Speaking to Leafiara, Lazaryth says, "Leafiara."
Speaking to Cordarius, Maylan exclaims, "That's not for you!"
Speaking to Pukk, Hapenlok says, "No, actually, I did worse than that, I called him a pervert."
Delyorik says, "I don't tend to brag."
Cordarius takes a bite of his green apple.
Speaking curiously to Lazaryth, Leafiara says, "Well, I'm not. You know I don't care for the gents, so..."
Cordarius winks at Darcena.
Cordarius flirts with Darcena.
Darcena examines her fingernails.
Darcena grins slowly at Cordarius.
Speaking to Hapenlok, Pukk says, "I don't know...a bard is pretty bad by itself."
Cordarius says, "We'll talk."
Cordarius winks at Darcena.
Darcena laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Magister Cordarius just climbed down a narrow stairway.
Magister Cordarius just went through a modwir arch.
Conversation Afterward
Skipjack whispers to the group, "Good luck Landing...I fear justice is coming."
Cryheart says, "Moving out."
Maylan recites:
"Good people, the fight continues tomorrow!"
Goldstr says, "One question."
Shinann pauses in place and glances around for a moment, as if pondering which direction to go.
Hapenlok asks, "I hate you all, you know that, right?"
Maylan recites:
"Don't give up, don't give in!"
Speaking to Melikor, Xanthium says, "What. I'm a professional."
Goldstr asks, "Why yes brings up da Order?"
Delyorik says, "I think I might actually have to kill someone now."
Goldstr says, "Ackk he gone." [was to Soneiken, presumably]
Leafiara says, "Thank you all again for being here tonight, and will see some of you tomorrow."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I want you to do me one more favor."
Leafiara says, "It is late, so--time to find some rest for the remainder of the trial."
Roblar deeply says, "We need a new war."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Listen closely."
Speaking curiously to Hapenlok, Leafiara asks, "Yes?"
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Ahh, right, the spiritual--"
Roblar deeply says, "Peacetime is too much talkin'."
Speaking malevolently to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Bring me Falvicar."
[Town Square, East]
Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see the seaweed-covered Krampton disk, the Razanetika disk, a dark-haired half-elven priestess, a white tiger and a large purple wooden barrel.
Leafiara recites:
"If anyone would like a hibiscus, please speak up now!"
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Still nope."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara asks, "So Falvicar, huh?"
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "I'm guessing he'll be around again tomorrow."
Lyrna says, "I didn't actually remember to make half my point."
Hapenlok says, "Well."
Speaking encouragingly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "There's always tomorrow."
Hapenlok says, "Like I said, he's pre-judged."
Leafiara adds, "Well, assuming they let people speak on both nights."
Lyrna says, "Of course, I don't know that the point I made, helped."
Speaking to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "What matters is that it was honest."
Speaking to Lyrna, Alisette says, "I think they needed to hear it. You spoke from the heart."
Roelon deeply says, "Won' they pass judgement soon? or whatever passes as judgement for that woman."
Speaking to Leafiara, Rasson says, "Probably only ones who agree with their agenda."
Lyrna says, "It.. he has suffered a great deal."
Hapenlok says, "Okay, I'm going down Solhaven way."
Alisette says, "I don't think I can stay awake."
Lyrna says, "Alright, I will hopefully be able to be here tomorrow."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "I'm going to beat some sense into Falvicar."
Speaking warmly to Lyrna, Leafiara says, "You did fine, love."
Lyrna says, "Good luck."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "This whole business with Redding has finally cost him his mind."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "It'll take a lot, so--indeed, good luck."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok says, "Either that, or some other deity has caught his fancy."
Speaking amusedly to Razanetika, Leafiara says, "You did good tonight."
Speaking to Leafiara, Hapenlok asks, "So, what was the general reaction to my bit?"
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Razanetika says, "Thank you sweetly."
Speaking to Razanetika, Leafiara says, "I don't know if you feel that you did, considering you got arrested, but..."
Speaking to Razanetika, Leafiara says, "Everyone has to take a stand over something or other."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Razanetika asks, "Why is it everyone always notices that?"
Lyrna says, "V'Tull is still a little off from where his thoughts seem to be."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "Most of us thought you were very thoughtful."
Speaking to Razanetika, Rasson asks, "It happens so much?"
Razanetika draws a glowing pattern in the air before Rasson.
Rasson's eyes roll up into his head as he slumps to the ground.
Razanetika softly exclaims, "So does that, but I still do it!"
Razanetika cackles!
Speaking to Razanetika, Leafiara admits, "Don't worry, they almost arrested me once over tending the wound of a vigilante, so we could capture him instead of just murdering him out in the wilds."
Lyrna says, "Appreciated your standpoint."
Speaking coyly to Razanetika, Leafiara reiterates, "Almost."
Hapenlok says, "Well, anyway..."
Hapenlok says, "I think I'll go get some work done before i retire for the evening."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Leafiara says, "We thought you made a reasonable appeal."
Rasson brings a hand up to his lips and forms a sign with his fingers as he whispers a quiet invocation.
Rasson gestures at Razanetika.
Cloudy wisps swirl about Razanetika.
CS: +314 - TD: +270 + CvA: +2 + d100: +91 - -5 == +142
Warding failed!
The wisps solidify into thick strands of webbing that tighten about her body!
Hapenlok rummages through a silver-capped leather scroll case and removes a faded scroll from in it.
Hapenlok raises his faded scroll and gestures.
Sparks begin to fly between the faded scroll and Hapenlok's fingers.
With a sudden burst of enthusiasm, the sparks jump into Hapenlok's hand and he seems to glow with power.
Hapenlok gestures at Razanetika.
The webs melt away from Razanetika.
Speaking to Rasson, Hapenlok says, "NO."
Speaking softly to Hapenlok, Razanetika says, "Thank you sweetly."
Rasson draws a glowing pattern in the air before Razanetika.
Razanetika's eyes roll up into her head as she slumps to the ground.
Speaking to Rasson, Hapenlok says, "Webs are stupid. You do this."
Hapenlok intones a phrase of elemental power while raising his hands...
Hapenlok gestures at Rasson.
An airy mist rolls into the area, carrying a harsh chill with it.
CS: +520 - TD: +17 + CvA: +19 + d100: +57 - -5 == +584
Warding failed!
The mist leaves Hanimus's lower half encased in a thick block of ice.
The evanescent shield shrouding Gnaeusprimus fades briefly.
CS: +520 - TD: +384 + CvA: -7 + d100: +23 == +152
Warding failed!
The mist leaves Gnaeusprimus's lower half encased in a thick block of ice.
CS: +520 - TD: +368 + CvA: +12 + d100: +72 - +30 == +206
Warding failed!
The mist leaves Rudar's lower half encased in a thick block of ice.
CS: +520 - TD: +347 + CvA: -21 + d100: +60 - -5 == +217
Warding failed!
The mist leaves Talman's lower half encased in a thick block of ice.
A voice from the crowd echoes, "Endangering public safety! Endangering public safety! Someone call for the night watchman!"
Tsarok quietly says, "Aw she tuckered out."
Hapenlok says, "Well, that'll work."
Leafiara slowly says, "Hooo boy."
Hapenlok says, "Wild magic, guys."
Hapenlok says, "Sorry."
Leafiara muses, "Well, what's another arrest tonight, eh?"
Hapenlok says, "I'll go surrender now."
Leafiara quips, "Embrace the chaos."
A quartet of burly deputies bursts in, closely followed by the night watchman.
With great ease, the night watchman grabs Hapenlok and shackles his wrists.
"Ah-ha! The boys at Helga's said I might find something interesting here," says the night watchman.
The night watchman then drags him off.
Soneiken asks, "Ice wizard...?"
Krampton says, "Is dat 2 weekends in a row Happy's been arrested in front of da Moot Hall."
Soneiken asks, "He was fire?"
Speaking thoughtfully to Krampton, Leafiara says, "You know, I believe you're right."
Krampton says, "Last weekend with Draccor now dis."