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Lesser moor wight

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Lesser moor wight
Level 37
Family Wight family creatures
Body Type Biped
Classification(s) Corporeal undead
Area(s) Found Black Moor
Miasmal Forest
HP 240
Attack Attributes
Physical Attacks
Broadsword 250 AS
Misc. Offensive Spells
Elemental Wave (410)
Gas cloud
Defense Attributes
Brigandine Armor ASG 12
Defensive Strength (DS)
Bolt 133
Unarmed Defense Factor
Target Defense (TD)
Bard Base 110 - 115
Cleric Base 100 - 119
Empath Base 110
Paladin Base
Ranger Base
Sorcerer Base 119
Wizard Base
Minor Elemental 130
Major Elemental 119 - 134
Minor Spiritual
Major Spiritual
Minor Mental
Defensive Spells
Thurfel's Ward (503)
Treasure Attributes
Coins Yes
Gems Yes
Magic Items Yes
Boxes Yes
Skin wight skull
Other None
Once beautiful beyond comprehension, the moor wight before you is now as disgusting as it was once charming.  The wight has a slender, decaying body hidden by tattered and fading robes.  Plainly written across the moor wight's face is an expression of eternal anguish and pain, silently speaking of the horrofic events which unfolded during its life to bring it to this sad state.

Hunting strategies

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Other information

Summoning Powers

In areas with muddy wetland terrain, lesser moor wights are capable of summoning lesser fetid corpses out of the mire:

A lesser moor wight raises one decaying arm in a series of mystical gestures, chanting an almost inaudible stream of prayers.
A lesser fetid corpse emerges from the stinking mire, moaning evilly!

If the terrain does not permit this trick, they may prefer to call upon a spectral black warhorse:

A lesser moor wight raises one decaying arm in a series of mystical gestures, chanting an almost inaudible stream of prayers.

A cold mist seeps up out of the ground, slowly dissipating to reveal a spectral black warhorse.

Interaction with corpses or fallen players

A lesser moor wight is not going to help rescue you when dead. It can move your corpse about wherever it pleases, which is particularly troublesome in the Spectral Mists and Ghostly Trees:

A leseer moor wight heads southwest, dragging your battered body behind it!

It can also do this to the living who have fallen over.


Near-level creatures - edit
Level 35 Level 36 Level 37 Level 38 Level 39
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