Horned basalt grotesque: Difference between revisions

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(Added corporeal undead designation as these take wounds and provide Voln favor)
(11 intermediate revisions by 8 users not shown)
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{{Creature start2 <!-- See Help:Creatures for full instructions on editing creature pages and copy/paste code. Copy/pasting code from an existing creature page may result in missing fields -->
{{Creature start2 <!-- See Help:Creatures for full instructions on editing creature pages and copy/paste code. Copy/pasting code from an existing creature page may result in missing fields -->
| picture =
| picture =
| level = 105 <!-- This will also be used at the end of the page in the Near level creature template -->
| level = 105 <!-- This will also be used at the end of the page in the Near level creature template -->
| family = <!-- Add creature to family page subcategory/list, which will be linked on preview/save -->
| family = Golem<!-- Add creature to family page subcategory/list, which will be linked on preview/save -->
| type = Biped <!-- Creature body type -->
| type = Biped <!-- Creature body type -->
| otherclass = <!-- Other classification limited to corporeal undead, non-corporeal undead, elemental, extra planar, magical; insert otherclass2= for 2nd classification (up to 3) -->
| otherclass = Corporeal undead<!-- Other classification limited to corporeal undead, non-corporeal undead, elemental, extra planar, magical; insert otherclass2= for 2nd classification (up to 3) -->
| area = Moonsedge <!-- For multiple areas, add area2, area3, area4 (through 8) fields if needed -->
| area = Moonsedge <!-- For multiple areas, add area2, area3, area4 (through 8) fields if needed -->
| bcs = Yes <!-- All new creatures are BCS -->
| bcs = Yes <!-- All new creatures are BCS -->
| hitpoints =
| hitpoints = 750
| roundtime = <!-- Creature speed -->
| roundtime = <!-- Creature speed -->

| PA1 = <!-- Physical attacks insert up to PA10 and corresponding value/range up to PAJ -->
| PA1 = Closed fist<!-- Physical attacks insert up to PA10 and corresponding value/range up to PAJ -->
| PAA =
| PAA = 525 to 565
| PA2 = Stomp
| BT1 = <!-- Bolt spells insert up to BT10 and corresponding value/range up to BTJ -->
| BTA =
| PAB = 526
| PA3 = Bite
| WD1 = <!-- Warding spells insert up to WD10 and corresponding value/range up to WDJ -->
| WDA =
| PAC = 530
| OS1 = <!-- Miscellaneous offensive spells (non-bolt and non-warding) insert up to OS10 -->
| BT1 = Hurl Boulder (510)<!-- Bolt spells insert up to BT10 and corresponding value/range up to BTJ -->
| BTA = 387-417
| MN1 = <!-- Combat Maneuvers insert up to MN10 -->
| WD1 = Stone Fist (514) <!-- Warding spells insert up to WD10 and corresponding value/range up to WDJ -->
| WDA = 452
| OS1 = Major Elemental Wave (435)<!-- Miscellaneous offensive spells (non-bolt and non-warding) insert up to OS10 -->
| OS2 = Call Wind (912)
| OS3 = Earthen Fury (917)
| MN1 = Haymaker
| MN2 = Bearhug<!-- Combat Maneuvers insert up to MN10 -->
| AB1 = <!-- Special abilities insert up to AB10, include creature maneuvers here, manually link if appropriate -->
| AB1 = <!-- Special abilities insert up to AB10, include creature maneuvers here, manually link if appropriate -->
| ABA = <!-- Special abilities right column, use respective corresponding right column as needed for misc info -->
| ABA = <!-- Special abilities right column, use respective corresponding right column as needed for misc info -->
{{Creature defense attributes2 <!-- Replace ? with value or range, but do not include when the creature is under the effects of disabling statuses (stun/knockdown/interference/curse/etc.) -->
{{Creature defense attributes2 <!-- Replace ? with value or range, but do not include when the creature is under the effects of disabling statuses (stun/knockdown/interference/curse/etc.) -->
| asg = ? <!-- Insert asg # and template will automatically convert to include type of armor -->
| asg = 20N <!-- Insert asg # and template will automatically convert to include type of armor -->
| IMM1 = <!-- add IMM2 (up to 15) for additional immunities -->
| IMM1 = <!-- add IMM2 (up to 15) for additional immunities -->
| Melee = ?
| Melee = 518
| Ranged = ?
| Ranged = ?
| Bolt = ?
| Bolt = 409 to 429
| UDF = ?
| UDF = ?
| BarTD = ?
| BarTD = ?
Line 37: Line 42:
| PalTD = ?
| PalTD = ?
| RanTD = ?
| RanTD = ?
| SorTD = ?
| SorTD = 483 to 504
| WizTD = ?
| WizTD = ?
| MjETD = ?
| MjETD = ?
| MnETD = ?
| MnETD = 487 to 522
| MjSTD = ?
| MjSTD = ?
| MnSTD = ?
| MnSTD = 471
| MnMTD = ?
| MnMTD = ?
| DSP1 = <!-- Defensive spells insert up to DSP15, they will automatically link -->
| DSP1 = <!-- Defensive spells insert up to DSP15, they will automatically link -->
Line 49: Line 54:
{{Creature special other|?}} <!-- Replace ? with unique special ability, such as raising others, summoning another creature, turning bodies into zombies, etc. Remove entire template if the creature does not have a unique non-offensive or non-defensive special ability -->
{{Creature special other|?}} <!-- Replace ? with unique special ability, such as raising others, summoning another creature, turning bodies into zombies, etc. Remove entire template if the creature does not have a unique non-offensive or non-defensive special ability -->
{{Creature treasure
{{Creature treasure
| coins = ?
| coins = Yes
| magic items = ?
| magic items = Yes
| gems = ?
| gems = Yes
| boxes = ?
| boxes = Yes
| other = ?
| other = ?
| skin = ?
| skin = None
{{Creature end}}
{{Creature end}}
<pre{{log2|margin-right=26em}}>Huge and hulking, the basalt grotesque is an imposing figure cut from black basalt. Roughly humanoid in shape though not in particulars, the grotesque has a bestial visage. The carved musculature of its back joins with two great wings that span wider than it is tall. From its head sprouts a quintet of rounded horns. Its eyes, a burning green, match the hue of a viridian soulstone embedded into the rock of its broad chest.</pre>
<pre{{log2|margin-right=26em}}>{{addmetext}}<!-- Creature description text from in-game verb DESCRIBE goes here.--> </pre>

==Hunting Strategies==
==Hunting Strategies==
===For Wizards===
The grotesque is surrounded by a barrier. Player research found, on average, that it takes 50 mana worth of [[bolt]]ing/[[AS]] spells to break the barrier. It is suggested to cast [[Elemental Disjunction (530)]] at it twice, followed by [[Hurl Boulder (510)]], as the most efficient way to "skin this beast". This was followed by spamming [[Minor Steam (1707)]]. Sometimes the beast has more than 50 mana in its barrier but never more than 60. This means after 50 mana, the boulder hits or the next cast minor steam will hit. It is wise to break this barrier ASAP, as the grotesque can quickly cause damage and/or death. Occasionally, the grotesque can replenish its barrier. This can be anywhere from a few mana to 50.

The message for hitting its barrier is:

<pre{{log2|margin-right=26em}}>"You gesture at a horned basalt grotesque.
Your spell is deflected by the grotesque's barrier in a flash of orange light!
Cast Roundtime 1 Second."</pre>

==Other Information==
==Other Information==
;[[Closed fist]]
<pre{{log2|margin-right=26em}}>Clenching a carved claw into an unyielding fist, a horned basalt grotesque takes a swing at you!
AS: +540 vs DS: +914 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +94 = -261
A clean miss.</pre>

<pre{{log2|margin-right=26em}}>Raising a heavy stone foot, a horned basalt grotesque attempts to crush you with a vicious stomp!
incant '''301'''
AS: +526 vs DS: +790 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +74 = -146
Wisps of crimson light materialize in your palms, slowly floating into the air and disappearing as you chant the phrase for Prayer of Holding...
A clean miss.</pre>
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a horned basalt grotesque.
'''Your spell is deflected by the grotesque's barrier in a flash of red light!'''

;[[Stone Fist (514)]]
incant '''317''' channel
<pre{{log2|margin-right=26em}}>Your black full leather glistens as a sudden rush of blood spills across its surface, creating a magical bulwark against a horned basalt grotesque's magic!
You bow your head in prayer, and a radiant light engulfs your body.
The ground beneath a horned basalt grotesque rumbles, then erupts in a shower of rubble that coalesces in to an enormous hand in mid-air.
Your spell is ready.
CS: +452 - TD: +500 + CvA: -2 + d100: +4 - +40 == -86
You channel at a horned basalt grotesque.
Warded off!
'''The evanescent shield shrouding a horned basalt grotesque fades briefly.'''
The enormous hand attempts to grab you, but you manage to avoid it at the last moment. Soon the enormous hand goes still and collapses to a pile of rubble that quickly disintegrates to invisible dust.</pre>
Particles of dust and soot rise from the ground at your feet as you release a pulsating, platinum ripple of energy toward a horned basalt grotesque!
CS: +491 - TD: +471 + CvA: +25 + d100: +35 == +80
Warded off!

;[[Call Wind (912)]]
A horned basalt grotesque twists a stony claw toward you!
<pre{{log2|margin-right=26em}}>A horned basalt grotesque spreads its wings, its cragged features grinding into an intense glare. It brings its wings together with thunderous force, producing a powerful gust of swirling wind!
A gust of wind tugs at your sleeves. Suddenly, a fierce wind rips through the area, scattering everything in its path and making it difficult to remain standing.
The wind knocks you off your balance and you fall over.
Your arms are forced down to your sides!
Roundtime: 8 sec.
Roundtime changed to 4 seconds</pre>

;[[Major Elemental Wave (435)]] - The elemental damage type is random.
<pre{{log2|margin-right=26em}}>A wave of formless black ripples moves outward from a horned basalt grotesque.
You are buffeted by the formless black waves, and knocked to the ground.
You are pinned in place, unable to move.
Roundtime: 7 sec.
Roundtime changed to 3 seconds.
... 15 points of damage!
Decompression causes muscles in arm to crack!
You are stunned for 1 round!</pre>

;[[Earthen Fury (917)]]
<pre{{log2|margin-right=26em}}>A horned basalt grotesque twists a stony claw toward you!
The ground beneath your feet suddenly frosts and rumbles violently!
The ground beneath your feet suddenly frosts and rumbles violently!
The earth cracks beneath you, releasing a column of frigid air!
Icy stalagmites burst from the ground beneath you!
[SMR result: 105 (Open d100: 7)]
[SMR result: 74 (Open d100: 71, Bonus: 1)]
You dodge out of the way!

A horned basalt grotesque twists a stony claw toward you!
A horned basalt grotesque twists a stony claw toward you!
The ground beneath your feet begins to boil violently!
A wave of formless black ripples moves outward from a horned basalt grotesque.
Craggy debris explodes from the ground beneath you!
You are buffeted by the formless black waves and are pinned in place, unable to move.
[SMR result: 66 (Open d100: 73)]
Roundtime: 19 sec.
You dodge out of the way!</pre>
... 45 points of damage!

;[[Hurl Boulder (510)]]
...departing in 10 mins...
The viridian soulstone embedded into a horned basalt grotesque's chest flares with a churn of emerald light!
<pre{{log2|margin-right=26em}}>A horned basalt grotesque twists a stony claw toward you!
Your black full leather glistens as a sudden rush of blood spills across its surface, creating a magical bulwark against a horned basalt grotesque's magic!
A horned basalt grotesque hurls a large boulder at you!
AS: +387 vs DS: +737 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +35 = -276
A clean miss</pre>

<pre{{log2|margin-right=26em}}>A horned basalt grotesque clenches its right fist and brings its arm back for a roundhouse punch aimed at you!
[SMR result: 55 (Open d100: 74, Penalty: 19)]
You manage to dodge a horned basalt grotesque's blow!</pre>

<pre{{log2|margin-right=26em}}>A horned basalt grotesque charges towards you and attempts to grasp you in a ferocious bearhug!
[SMR result: 109 (Open d100: 76)]
Your size considerably hinders your defense!
manages to catch you in a firm bearhug!
A horned basalt grotesque crushes you mercilessly!
... 33 points of damage!
Roundtime: 4 sec.</pre>

|levelm2 = 103
|levelm1 = 104
|level = 105
|levelp1 = 106
|levelp2 = 107

Latest revision as of 16:15, 19 September 2024

Horned basalt grotesque
Level 105
Family Golem family creatures
Body Type Biped
Classification(s) Corporeal undead
Area(s) Found Moonsedge
HP 750
Attack Attributes
Physical Attacks
Closed fist 525 to 565 AS
Stomp 526 AS
Bite 530 AS
Bolt Spells
Hurl Boulder (510) 387-417 AS
Warding Spells
Stone Fist (514) 452 CS
Misc. Offensive Spells
Major Elemental Wave (435)
Call Wind (912)
Earthen Fury (917)
Combat Maneuvers
Defense Attributes
Full Plate (natural) ASG 20N
Defensive Strength (DS)
Melee 518
Ranged ?
Bolt 409 to 429
Unarmed Defense Factor
Target Defense (TD)
Bard Base ?
Cleric Base ?
Empath Base ?
Paladin Base ?
Ranger Base ?
Sorcerer Base 483 to 504
Wizard Base ?
Minor Elemental 487 to 522
Major Elemental ?
Minor Spiritual 471
Major Spiritual ?
Minor Mental ?
Other Unique Abilities
Treasure Attributes
Coins Yes
Gems Yes
Magic Items Yes
Boxes Yes
Skin None
Other ?
Huge and hulking, the basalt grotesque is an imposing figure cut from black basalt.  Roughly humanoid in shape though not in particulars, the grotesque has a bestial visage.  The carved musculature of its back joins with two great wings that span wider than it is tall.  From its head sprouts a quintet of rounded horns.  Its eyes, a burning green, match the hue of a viridian soulstone embedded into the rock of its broad chest.


This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Hunting Strategies

For Wizards

The grotesque is surrounded by a barrier. Player research found, on average, that it takes 50 mana worth of bolting/AS spells to break the barrier. It is suggested to cast Elemental Disjunction (530) at it twice, followed by Hurl Boulder (510), as the most efficient way to "skin this beast". This was followed by spamming Minor Steam (1707). Sometimes the beast has more than 50 mana in its barrier but never more than 60. This means after 50 mana, the boulder hits or the next cast minor steam will hit. It is wise to break this barrier ASAP, as the grotesque can quickly cause damage and/or death. Occasionally, the grotesque can replenish its barrier. This can be anywhere from a few mana to 50.

The message for hitting its barrier is:

"You gesture at a horned basalt grotesque.
Your spell is deflected by the grotesque's barrier in a flash of orange light!
Cast Roundtime 1 Second."

Other Information


Closed fist
Clenching a carved claw into an unyielding fist, a horned basalt grotesque takes a swing at you!
AS: +540 vs DS: +914 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +94 = -261
A clean miss.
Raising a heavy stone foot, a horned basalt grotesque attempts to crush you with a vicious stomp!
  AS: +526 vs DS: +790 with AvD: +44 + d100 roll: +74 = -146
   A clean miss.
Stone Fist (514)
Your black full leather glistens as a sudden rush of blood spills across its surface, creating a magical bulwark against a horned basalt grotesque's magic!
The ground beneath a horned basalt grotesque rumbles, then erupts in a shower of rubble that coalesces in to an enormous hand in mid-air.
CS: +452 - TD: +500 + CvA: -2 + d100: +4 - +40 == -86
Warded off!
The enormous hand attempts to grab you, but you manage to avoid it at the last moment. Soon the enormous hand goes still and collapses to a pile of rubble that quickly disintegrates to invisible dust.
Call Wind (912)
A horned basalt grotesque spreads its wings, its cragged features grinding into an intense glare. It brings its wings together with thunderous force, producing a powerful gust of swirling wind!
A gust of wind tugs at your sleeves. Suddenly, a fierce wind rips through the area, scattering everything in its path and making it difficult to remain standing.
The wind knocks you off your balance and you fall over.
Your arms are forced down to your sides!
Roundtime: 8 sec.
Roundtime changed to 4 seconds
Major Elemental Wave (435) - The elemental damage type is random.
A wave of formless black ripples moves outward from a horned basalt grotesque.
You are buffeted by the formless black waves, and knocked to the ground.
You are pinned in place, unable to move.
Roundtime: 7 sec.
Roundtime changed to 3 seconds.
... 15 points of damage!
Decompression causes muscles in arm to crack!
You are stunned for 1 round!
Earthen Fury (917)
A horned basalt grotesque twists a stony claw toward you!
The ground beneath your feet suddenly frosts and rumbles violently!
The earth cracks beneath you, releasing a column of frigid air!
[SMR result: 74 (Open d100: 71, Bonus: 1)]
You dodge out of the way!

A horned basalt grotesque twists a stony claw toward you!
The ground beneath your feet begins to boil violently!
Craggy debris explodes from the ground beneath you!
[SMR result: 66 (Open d100: 73)]
You dodge out of the way!
Hurl Boulder (510)
A horned basalt grotesque twists a stony claw toward you!
Your black full leather glistens as a sudden rush of blood spills across its surface, creating a magical bulwark against a horned basalt grotesque's magic!
A horned basalt grotesque hurls a large boulder at you!
AS: +387 vs DS: +737 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +35 = -276
A clean miss
A horned basalt grotesque clenches its right fist and brings its arm back for a roundhouse punch aimed at you!
[SMR result: 55 (Open d100: 74, Penalty: 19)]
You manage to dodge a horned basalt grotesque's blow!
A horned basalt grotesque charges towards you and attempts to grasp you in a ferocious bearhug!
[SMR result: 109 (Open d100: 76)]
Your size considerably hinders your defense!
 manages to catch you in a firm bearhug!
A horned basalt grotesque crushes you mercilessly!
   ... 33 points of damage!
Roundtime: 4 sec.
Near-level creatures - edit
Level 103

Level 104 Level 105

Level 106 Level 107

edit edit edit edit edit