User talk:GS4ALASTIR/Between a rock and a Bard place

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This is my attempt to combine the currently pinned proposal with the previous Minor Mental proposal
Current: (8/15/22)
Mental: (9/21/21)


New Proposal
Bard Base Spells
War Chant (1001) Offensive
Resonance (1002) Attack + Utility
Dissonance (1003) Attack
Purification Song (1004) Utility
Lullabye (1005) Attack
Etude of Certainty (1006) Offensive - Song
Kai's Anthem (1007) Offensive - Song
Banshee’s Wail (1008) Attack
Sonic Armaments (1009) Utility - Song
Song of Valor (1010) Defensive - Song
Song of Peace (1011) Utility - Song
Arresting Aria (1012) Attack
Unraveling Cadence (1013) Attack
Crescendo (1014) Offensive - Song
Requiem (1015) Attack
Traveler’s Ballad (1016) Utility
Cacophony (1017) Attack
Power Chord (1018) Utility - Song
Melody of Mirrors (1019) Defensive - Song
Luck's Reverberation (1020) Service - Song
Dancing Weapon (1025) Attack
Sonic Disruption (1030) Attack
Song of Tonis (1035) Offensive - Song
Troubadour's Rally (1040) Utility
Pinned Proposal
Bard Base Spells
War Chant (1001) Offensive
Resonance (1002) Attack
Dissonance (1003) Attack
Purification Song (1004) Utility
Lullabye (1005) Attack
Etude of Certainty (1006) Offensive
Kai's Anthem (1007) Offensive
Banshee’s Wail (1008) Attack
Sonic Armaments (1009) Utility
Song of Valor (1010) Defensive
Song of Peace (1011) Utility
Arresting Aria (1012) Attack
Unraveling Cadence (1013) Attack
Crescendo (1014) Offensive
Requiem (1015) Attack
Song of Tonis (1016) Offensive
Cacophony (1017) Attack
Power Chord (1018) Utility
Melody of Mirrors (1019) Defensive
Traveler’s Ballad (1020) Utility
Dancing Weapon (1025) Attack
Luck's Reverberation (1030) Service
Sonic Disruption (1035) Attack
Troubadour's Rally (1040) Utility
Mental Spellsong Proposal
Bard Base Spells
War Chant (1001) Offensive
Resonance (1002) Attack
Dissonance (1003) Attack
Purification Song (1004) Utility
Lullabye (1005) Attack
Etude of Certainty (1006) Offensive
Kai's Anthem (1007) Offensive
Banshee’s Wail (1008) Attack
Sonic Shield (1009) Defensive
Song of Valor (1010) Defensive
Arresting Aria (1011) Attack
Sonic Weapon (1012) Offensive
Song of Unraveling (1013) Attack
Sonic Armor (1014) Defensive
Requiem (1015) Attack
Traveller's Ballad (1016) Utility
Cacophony (1017) Attack
Song of Power (1018) Utility
Melody of Mirrors (1019) Defensive
Luck's Reverberation (1020) Service
Dancing Weapon (1025) Attack
Sonic Disruption (1030) Attack
Song of Tonis (1035) Offensive
Troubadour's Rally (1040) Utility
Current Spellsong List
Bard Base Spells
Holding Song (1001) Attack
Vibration Chant (1002) Attack
Fortitude Song (1003) Defensive
Purification Song (1004) Utility
Lullabye (1005) Attack
Song of Luck (1006) Utility
Kai's Triumph Song (1007) Offensive
Stunning Shout (1008) Attack
Sonic Shield Song (1009) Utility
Song of Valor (1010) Defensive
Song of Peace (1011) Utility
Sonic Weapon Song (1012) Utility
Song of Unravelling (1013) Attack
Sonic Armor (1014) Utility
Song of Depression (1015) Attack
Song of Rage (1016) Attack
Song of Noise (1017) Utility
Song of Power (1018) Utility
Song of Mirrors (1019) Defensive
Traveler's Song (1020) Utility
Singing Sword Song (1025) Utility
Song of Sonic Disruption (1030) Attack
Song of Tonis (1035) Defensive
Troubadour's Rally (1040) Utility

Combat Instruments:

  • New weapon type that functions nearly identical to a runestaff. (9/21/21)
    • Usable only by Bards.
    • Can be played like a musical instrument.
    • Trading also counts for magical ranks when determining runestaff defense to make up for their lower skill cap compared to pures.
    • Parry messaging is more magical, such as the Bard summons musical notes from the instrument that distract away the blow.
  • Runestaff Conversions (9/21/21)
    • Any two-handed instrument can be used as a combat instrument once converted to the new base. Any combat properties that work on runestaves would also work on combat instruments.
    • A few of the spells of war in the Bard Base work with combat instruments.
    • Bards will be able to put a runestaff and an existing instrument into a converter container and it would take the combat properties of the runestaff and apply them to the instrument.
    • Note that there will be a lot of restrictions on this converter to not inadvertently break items, so we will run a few conversion merchants within the month after release of these updates.

Sonic Armaments:

  • Sonic BOWs and CROSSBOWs may now be created. (9/21/21)
  • Sonic AMMO may now be created. (8/15/22)
  • Sonic 2WEAPON may now be created. (8/15/22)

  • Sonic armaments (1009) will be able to take upgrades from other services. (8/15/22)
  • Sonic armaments refers to a weapon, shield and armor.
  • This includes:
    • Weighting, Padding, and Sighting
    • Enchant (925)
    • Ensorcell (735)
    • Sanctify (330)
    • Creature Bane
    • Temporary upgrades such as Bless (304).
  • Properties and services on sonic armaments are shared between all types +within a weapon group (falchion < longsword, etc). (9/21/21)
    • Tuning Forks may be consumed to apply the full bonus to the weapon, or may be kept separate as a prop to function as they do today.
    • Sonic Gear is capped at +50 from all sources the same as any other gear.

  • This change means that Bards will be subject to the damage resistance penalty from undead, but will be able to bless or sanctify their gear like any other to avoid this penalty.
  • Finally, Sonic Armaments are immune to dispel attempts and song renewal failure checks.

Spell Song Mechanics:

  • Songs do not have an initial mana cost and will only reduce your maximum available mana. (8/15/22)
  • Bards will no longer manually use the renewal system and renewing songs no longer cost mana. (8/15/22)
    • Instead, any spell with a duration of “song” has an indefinite duration similar to focus songs Mind Over Body (1213) and Focus Barrier (1216), but without the mutual exclusion component.
    • These songs include: Etude of Certainty (1006), Kai's Anthem (1007), Sonic Armaments (1009), Song of Valor (1010), Song of Peace (1011), Crescendo (1014), Power Chord (1018), Melody of Mirrors (1019), Luck's Reverberation (1020), Dancing Weapon (1025) and Song of Tonis (1035).
  • All spells with the duration of “song” cost maximum mana at a rate of ROUNDUP(Spell Level / 5)).
Mental Proposal
Mental Proposal: Mana Cost:
Etude of Certainty (1006) 2 max mana
Kai’s Anthem (1007) 2 max mana
Sonic Armaments (1009) 7 max mana
Song of Valor (1010) 2 max mana
Song of Peace (1011) 3 max mana
Crescendo (1014) 3 max mana
Power Chord (1018) 4 max mana
Melody of Mirrors (1019) 4 max mana
Luck's Reverberation(1020) 4 max mana
Dancing Weapon (1025) 5 max mana
Song of Tonis (1035) 7 max mana
Total to maintain all songs 43 max mana

Note: Sonic Armaments are 2 max mana for Weapon/Shield and 3 max mana for Armor.

  • Songs will continue to have an automatic renewal, using the current formula of:
    • 120 seconds
    • +4 per level (1-25)(100)
    • +3 per level (26-50)(75)
    • +2 per level (51-75)(50)
    • +1 per level (76-100)(25)
    • + Influence Bonus * 3
    • + ML:Telepathy ranks * 2
  • At Level 100: 370 + (Influence Bonus * 3) + (ML:Telepathy ranks * 2)

  • If the Bard is unable to concentrate the songs can still fail to renew. (Status: Silenced/Sleep/Stunned) (8/15/22)
    • Bards have a chance to resist renewal failure (while incapacitated) at a baseline percentage equal to their Discipline Bonus.
    • ML:Telepathy also increases the chance songs are maintained through being incapacitated at a rate of 1% per rank.
    • Sonic Armaments are not subject to the renewal failure.

  • Every renewal period has a chance to produce ambient messaging to the room about the Bard singing a medley. (8/15/22)
    • There will be several flavors the Bard can choose from which are available in the RENEW verb.
    • There is also a customized song renewal messaging available via service.

Spell Hindrance:

  • Spell Hindrance would apply to the Bard spell circle as it does to other spell circles. Spell hindrance will be reduced for ASGs 12-16 to mitigate this change. Sonic Armaments (1009) will reduce spell hindrance further for every 25 ranks of ML:Manipulation. (8/15/22)
Name ASG Current Proposed
Brigandine Armor 12 7 4
Chain Mail 13 8 4
Double Chain 14 8 5
Augmented Chain 15 8 5
Chain Hauberk 16 15 6
  • We will also offer AsG changes (within the same AG) for any Bard that registered their armor to their Bard character (assuming said registration happened before this announcement (on 09/20/2021) as well as any Bard with a sonic armor alteration. This offer expires 30 days after the updates go live. (9/21/21)

Proposed Bard Spell Lists:

Bard Base Spells
War Chant (1001) Offensive
Resonance (1002) Attack + Utility
Dissonance (1003) Attack
Purification Song (1004) Utility
Lullabye (1005) Attack
Etude of Certainty (1006) Offensive - Song
Kai's Anthem (1007) Offensive - Song
Banshee’s Wail (1008) Attack
Sonic Armaments (1009) Utility - Song
Song of Valor (1010) Defensive - Song
Song of Peace (1011) Utility - Song
Arresting Aria (1012) Attack
Unraveling Cadence (1013) Attack
Crescendo (1014) Offensive - Song
Requiem (1015) Attack
Traveler’s Ballad (1016) Utility
Cacophony (1017) Attack
Power Chord (1018) Utility - Song
Melody of Mirrors (1019) Defensive - Song
Luck's Reverberation (1020) Service - Song
Dancing Weapon (1025) Attack
Sonic Disruption (1030) Attack
Song of Tonis (1035) Offensive - Song
Troubadour's Rally (1040) Utility
Minor Mental Spells
Soothing Word (1201) Utility
Iron Skin (1202) Defensive
Powersink (1203) Attack
Foresight (1204) Defensive
Glamour (1205) Utility
Telekinesis (1206) Attack
Force Projection (1207) Attack
Mindward (1208) Defensive
Dragonclaw (1209) Offensive
Thought Lash (1210) Attack
Confusion (1211) Attack
Shroud of Deception (1212) Utility
Mind over Body (1213) Utility
Brace (1214) Defensive
Blink (1215) Defensive
Focus Barrier (1216) Defensive
Vision (1217) Utility
Mental Dispel (1218) Utility
Vertigo (1219) Attack
Premonition (1220) Defensive
Mindwipe (1225) Attack
Provoke (1235) Utility

Spell Updates:

Spell Slot: Spell Name: Spell Type Mana Cost RT Duration Spell Details: Lore Benefits:
1208 Mindward Defensive 8 3s 1200 + 60s/rank of Minor Mental +20 mTD + 1 per 2 ranks of Minor Mental up to +40 mTD. At 20 ranks of ML:Telepathy, the spell may be EVOKE'd for a mass version for 20 mana.
Spell Slot: Spell Name: Spell Type Mana Cost RT Duration Spell Details: Lore Benefits:
1001 War Chant Offensive (Shareable) 1 3s 120s +10 AS / +6 CS on the next attack None
1002 (9/21/21) Resonance Attack (CS) + Utility 2 3s ? No change to attack version.
Training in ML:Manipulation increases the chance to cause the target's weapon/shield to explode by reducing the endroll minimum.

Casting resonance at a box will reduce the lock and trap, if present.
The trap difficulty reduction is 25 + Spell Song ranks/2 + Disarm Traps skill bonus/10 + ML:Manipulation ranks/3.
The lock difficulty reduction is 2.5 * (25 + Spell Song ranks/2 + Pick Locks skill bonus/10 + ML:Manipulation ranks/3).

1003 Dissonance Attack (CS)/Debuff 3 3s 30s (8/15/22) Disruption damage. -15DS Debuff for 30s. At 25 ranks of ML:Telepathy, chance for spell casting disruption (607).

(9/21/21) Disruption damage. -15DS Debuff for 30s. At 10 ranks of ML:Manipulation, chance for spell casting disruption (607), doubled with combat instrument.
1004 Purification Song Utility 4 3s N/a Allow INCANT to auto target the gem in right hand, then left hand.
Training in ML:Manipulation reduces the chance of failure when purifying a gem by 3% per seed 1 summation of ranks.
1005 Lullaby Disabler (SSR) 5 2s Variable (8/15/22) ML:Telepathy reduces the penalty to affect undead and demonic targets. ML:Telepathy
1006 Etude of Certainty Defensive 0 0 Song (9/21/21) +20 mTD, +1 per 2 spellsongs above 6, up to +40 mTD at 46 spellsongs.
For every 8 ranks of ML:Telepathy, increase CS by +1, up to +12 at 100 ranks.
1007 Kai's Anthem Offensive 0 0 Song (9/21/21) +10 AS, +1 per 2 spellsongs known, up to +60 at 100 spellsongs. (Self-cast only)
For every 5 ranks of ML:Telepathy, increase AS by +1, up to +20 at 100 ranks. (Group bonus)
1008 Banshee's Wail Attack (SMR) 8 3s ? (9/21/21) Unbalance, Impact and Concussion damage. ML:Telepathy increases critical rank. Combat instrument doubles concussion damage.
At 20 ranks of ML:Manipulation, the spell may be EVOKE'd to unleash a focused bolt of air at a target.

Targets hit by Sonic Armaments (1009) or Dancing Weapon (1025) while under the effects of Banshee's Wail (1008) have a standard flare chance to deal additional Disruption damage.
ML:Telepathy, ML:Manipulation
1009 Sonic Armaments Offensive/Defensive 0 0 Song All: Chance for double flares using ML:Manipulation, 4% per seed 4 summation of ranks.

(8/15/22) Add offensive and reactive flares.
(9/21/21) ML:Manipulation reduces shield size hindrance at 10, 25 and 50 ranks.

Remove impact damage vulnerability.
(8/15/22) Add offensive and reactive flares.
(8/25/22) For every 25 ranks of ML:Manipulation, reduce spell hindrance by 1%.
(9/21/21) Fire, cold and electricity resists start at 0%, gaining 1% per 4 spellsongs known above 14 up to 20% at 94 ranks.

1010 Song of Valor Defensive 0 0 Song (9/21/21) +25DS, +1 per 2 spellsongs above 10, up to +70DS at 100 spellsongs. None
1011 Song of Peace Utililty 0 0 Song (8/15/22) With the retirement of the RENEW verb, it would no longer be immediately renewable when moving, it would follow automatically within 10 seconds, current implementation. None
1012 Arresting Aria (9/21/21) AoE Disabler (CS) 12 2s Variable (9/21/21)
Status: Root (-25DS)
Additional -10% DS (Holding Song debuff)
Status: Staggered (3-10s)
At 40 ranks of ML:Manipulation, gain Whirling Dervish effect against targets.
At 60 ranks of ML:Manipulation, gain Sonic Disruption (1030) double cast effect against targets.

Example: 2 targets - Cast 1030, if 2 targets alive, immediately recast 1030 (for No RT/Mana).

* Maximum targets based on standard AoE targets formula.
1013 Unraveling Cadence Disabler (CS) 5 2s 30s (8/15/22) Strips a spell, or drains mana.
For every 15 ranks of ML:Manipulation, gain 1 additional attempt.
Attempts fire at intervals of 5s.
Spellsong ends at 0 attempts left, or mana drain.
1014 Crescendo Offensive 0 0 Song (8/15/22) Standard flare chance on melee attack to trigger Crescendo effect, for 30 seconds.
The Crescendo effect allows a Bard to prepare a spell, attack, and the prepared spell casts before the end of the attack RT.

* At 10 ranks of ML:Telepathy, War Chant (1001) will auto-cast every 60 seconds with no roundtime or mana cost.
For every 3 ranks of ML:Telepathy above 10, the auto-cast interval is reduced by 1 second, to a minimum of 30 seconds at 100 ranks.
1015 Requiem (9/21/21) Attack (CS Auto-success) (8/15/22) 10 2s 30s (8/15/22) -20TD
Status: Stance reduction
Status: Slowed
Killing a target under the effect of Requiem has a (5 + (ML:Telepathy ranks /4))% chance to add the Dirge of the Dead effect.

Dirge of the Dead causes the next cast of Banshee's Wail (1008) to have +40AS/+25SMR with an AoE affect.

* Maximum targets based on standard AoE targets formula.
1016 Traveler's Ballad Utility 16 3s N/a (9/21/21) Remove damage/thirst on failures in exchange for longer roundtime.

Each hunting area will be verified to have a landing room.
1017 Cacophony Attack (CS) 17 3s N/a (8/15/22) Vacuum/Disruption critical and concussion damage DoT that fires immediately and every 2 seconds for 5 rounds.
(9/21/21) Bards wielding a combat instrument gain 1 extra round.

(8/15/22) Targets affected by Cacophony (1017) who take disruption damage (1003 or 1030), take an additional round of disruption damage.

(8/15/22) At 25 ranks of ML:Manipulation, gain 30 second spell disruption effect (607).
(9/21/21) ML:Telepathy adds a chance for an additional *Vacuum/Disruption critical during the first strike at 1% per rank.

ML:Manipulation, ML:Telepathy
1018 Power Chord Utility 0 0 (9/21/21)
Focus Song
(9/21/21) Remove the explosion aspect.
(8/15/22) Increases group mana regeneration by 10% off-node and 5% on-node.

As a Focus spell, Power Chord cannot be used at the same time as 1213/1216/1230.
1019 Melody or Mirrors Defensive 0 0 Song +20 Dodge ranks, +1 per 2 spellsongs above 19, up to 60 Dodge ranks at 100 spellsongs. None
1020 Luck's Reverberation Service 20 3s Song
See special details below.

Grants a second roll to specific actions like SMR/CMans/Disarming traps.
Base function formula: 50% + 1% per 3 spellsongs (83%) for self-cast, 33% for group.
The activation can vary from system to system.
1025 Dancing Weapon Offensive 0 0 Song Update speed/commands to match Animal Companion (630).
(8/15/22)Add Kai's Anthem self-cast AS to formula.
(9/21/21) AS formula changed to (Weapon skill + (CM ranks/2) + spellsongs above 25 + ranks/bonus in ML:Manipulation + (Influence Bonus/2) + Kai's Anthem).

(9/21/21) At 100 ranks of ML:Manipulation, spell becomes Astral Weapon.
Disintegration damage. Standard flare chance to single target cast Vertigo (1219) with no warding check.

(9/21/21) At 100 ranks of ML:Telepathy, spell becomes Psychic Weapon.
Disruption damage. Standard flare chance to Confuse target.
ML:Manipulation, ML:Telepathy
1030 Sonic Disruption AoE only Attack (CS) 30 3s N/a (9/21/21) + (8/15/22) Damage reduced to match Nature's Fury (635).
ML:Manipulation helps with scaling. Using a combat instrument removes some of the requirement.
1035 Song of Tonis Offensive 0 0 Song (9/21/21) + (8/15/22) Self-cast only.
-1sRT to all actions, -2sRT at 75 spellsongs.
(9/21/21) 15 Dodge Ranks, +1 per 2 ranks of ML:Telepathy, up to 50 Dodge ranks at 70 ranks.

While Song of Tonis (1035) is active, standard flare chance when casting a spell of war to receive the Wings of Tonis buff.

Wings of Tonis lasts 30 seconds and will reduce the next physical attack to 1 second.
At 50 ranks of Mental Mana Control, Wings of Tonis applies to the group.

(8/15/22) EVOKE to manually activate a self-cast Wings of Tonis effect for 60 seconds, with a 180 second cooldown.
1040 (No changes) Troubadour's Rally (1040) Defensive 40 0 Immediate Remove Status: Calm, Sleep, Stun, Immobility, Web, Prone/Sitting
Formula: 90% (-3% per second remaining duration) +3% per seed 1 of ML:Telepathy.
Stun/Immobility/Web Formula: 60% (-2% per second remaining) + (2% per Mental Mana Control rank.
Arresting Aria (1012) was changed from 3 targets to * Maximum targets based on standard AoE targets formula.
Crescendo (1014) was changed from EL:Air to ML:Telepathy * At 10 ranks of ML:Telepathy, War Chant (1001) will auto-cast every 60 seconds with no roundtime or mana cost.
Requiem (1015) was changed from 3 targets to * Maximum targets based on standard AoE targets formula.
Luck's Reverberation (1020) was changed to match Resist Element (620).

* Luck's Reverberation:

  • Bards are a Semi profession. Taking that into account, their service should reflect the only other Semi profession service, Resist Nature (620).
  • Bards will be able to create a lucky clothing item, such as a pair of lucky socks!
  • The spell also allows a Bard to infuse a prepared wearable clothing item with luck to a chosen combat feature (AS, DS, CS, TD, SMR).
    • This item confers the luck to its bearer.
    • Each tier of Luck's Reverberation (1020) bestows a 2% chance for the combat effect to reroll, with a maximum of 5 tiers (10%).
    • A character may only have one Lucky clothing item active at a time.

Success Formula:

Bard Level 2 * INF Bonus 2 * INT Bonus .75 * Trading Ranks MIU Ranks/2 1.5 * Bard Spell ranks HP ranks MMC ranks SL:Manipulation ranks +20 Tavern Bonus Total
100 50 50 227 101 151 202 101 101 20 1103

Note: This matches the maximum bonus that a Ranger can receive for Resist Nature (620).

  • Bards will be able to 3x Trading.
  • Tier Modifier is equal to 100 * the target tier of the attempt.
  • Previous combat feature modifier is equal to 150 * the number of existing T5 combat features on the clothing item.
Luck provided from Luck's Reverberation (1020) will fully stack with the lucky clothing item.
1st Combat Feature 2nd Combat Feature 3rd Combat Feature 4th Combat Feature 5th Combat Feature Resources Needed
T1: 5% 100 250 400 550 700 T1: 50,000
T2: 10% 200 350 500 650 800 T2: 75,000
T3: 15% 300 450 600 750 900 T3: 100,000
T4: 20% 400 550 700 850 1000 T4: 125,000
T5: 25% 500 650 800 950 1100 T5: 150,000

For 100% success cast:

1st Combat Feature 2nd Combat Feature 3rd Combat Feature 4th Combat Feature 5th Combat Feature Resources Needed
T1: 5% 200 350 500 650 800 T1: 50,000
T2: 10% 300 450 600 750 900 T2: 75,000
T3: 15% 400 550 700 850 1000 T3: 100,000
T4: 20% 500 650 800 950 1100 T4: 125,000
T5: 25% 600 750 900 1050 1200 T5: 150,000

Note: You must bring a combat feature up to T5 before adding luck towards a new combat feature.


  • Prepare 1020 and CHANNEL <lucky clothing item>


  • Taking into consideration that some Bards are unwilling to consider any changes at all. Offer to preserve the MnE Bard as Bard(e), and copy/paste the profession into Bard(m).
  • Bard(m) receives the updated spell list in the 1500s slots.
  • Sonic Disruption (1030) is updated to AoE only with reduced damage.
  • Song of Tonis (1035) is updated to self-cast only -1sRT with -2sRT at 75 spellsongs.
  • CS is changed to ward against Elemental TD from Bard TD.
  • No further development will happen with them.
Current Spellsong List
Bard Base Spells
Holding Song (1001) Attack
Vibration Chant (1002) Attack
Fortitude Song (1003) Defensive
Purification Song (1004) Utility
Lullabye (1005) Attack
Song of Luck (1006) Utility
Kai's Triumph Song (1007) Offensive
Stunning Shout (1008) Attack
Sonic Shield Song (1009) Utility
Song of Valor (1010) Defensive
Song of Peace (1011) Utility
Sonic Weapon Song (1012) Utility
Song of Unravelling (1013) Attack
Sonic Armor (1014) Utility
Song of Depression (1015) Attack
Song of Rage (1016) Attack
Song of Noise (1017) Utility
Song of Power (1018) Utility
Song of Mirrors (1019) Defensive
Traveler's Song (1020) Utility
Singing Sword Song (1025) Utility
Song of Sonic Disruption (1030) Attack
Song of Tonis (1035) Defensive
Troubadour's Rally (1040) Utility
Current Spellsong List
Minor Elemental Spells
Elemental Defense I (401) Defensive
Presence (402) Utility
Lock Pick Enhancement (403) Utility
Disarm Enhancement (404) Utility
Elemental Detection (405) Utility
Elemental Defense II (406) Defensive
Unlock (407) Utility
Disarm (408) Utility
Elemental Blast (409) Attack
Elemental Wave (410) Attack
Elemental Blade (411) Offensive
Weapon Deflection (412) Attack
Elemental Saturation (413) Attack
Elemental Defense III (414) Defensive
Elemental Strike (415) Attack
Piercing Gaze (416) Utility
Elemental Dispel (417) Attack
Mana Focus (418) Utility
Mass Elemental Defense (419) Defensive
Magic Item Creation (420) Utility
Elemental Targeting (425) Offensive
Elemental Barrier (430) Defensive
Major Elemental Wave (435) Attack