ICE gods

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There is a direct correspondence between the Gods of Elanthia and the major pantheons of Shadow World. Most of these are very similar to their I.C.E. Age forms. However, there are differences between them and their intrinsic nature from the Arkati, and the lore has gradually changed over the years. Some older things were designed in the context of now archaic documentation. There was a transitional period of a few years where the gods documentation was set in Elanthia, but the details were closer to their less child-friendly Shadow World origins. These "intermediate" forms are also listed.


The "Lords of Lornon" are directly based on the Dark Lords of Charon pantheon of Shadow World which have the following relationships. There was no Pantheon of Neutrality originally. The Charon gods are not actually a true pantheon, they are an unstable truce of rivals who often hate each other. While the Lords of Orhan are known to have originated in a higher plane of existence, there are competing theories on the origins of the Dark Gods. With only a few exceptions the Charon gods are significantly weaker than the Orhan gods, and were banished back to their moon at the end of the Wars of Dominion.


I.C.E. Age: Orgiana

Official: 1990 - 1995

Intermediate: Eorgina

Official: 1996 - 1998


Greater Goddess

Spheres of Power: Darkness, Domination, Tyranny

Goddess of Darkness, grey flaming steel skin, glowing red eyes, long black silky hair, truly a visage. She seems to prefer female followers, males tend not to last very long in her service. She is unspeakably cruel and delights in the pain of others, males especially. She bides her time for the eventual campaign to rule Elanthia.

Ruler of the Dark Gods. She bestows upon herself the title of Queen of the Gods and works toward the end of either replacing Lumnis at Koar’s side or killing him and taking both their places.

The Queen of Darkness personifies the unrestrained power of tyranny and draws strength wherever one being dominates another, be it a despot with no regard for justice, or a stepmother with no love for her husband’s children. Ironically, her worshippers often include those who have been wronged by tyranny and seek the revenge of returning her favor.

Eorgina’s symbol is red, stylized flames on a field of grey.

Modern: Eorgina

Official: 1998 - Present

Eorgina, Queen of the Dark

Goddess of Darkness, Domination and Tyranny

Eorgina is the Goddess of darkness and ruler of the dark gods. She bestows upon herself the title of Queen of the Gods and works toward the end of taking the places of Koar and Lumnis, or at the least replacing Lumnis at Koar's side. It is incomprehensible to her that Lumnis does not claim the title of Queen of the Gods, as the thought of not taking power where it is offered is beyond Eorgina's understanding.

The Queen of Darkness personifies the unrestrained power of tyranny and draws strength wherever one being dominates another, be it a despot with no regard for justice or a stepmother with no love for her husband's children. Ironically, her worshipers often include those who have been wronged by tyranny and seek the revenge of returning the favor.

Eorgina's preferred humanoid manifestation is that of a beautiful queen wearing the richest and most beautiful of velvet robes and weighed down with lavish jewelry. In manner, she is cruel and destructive with a veneer of royal bearing. Her symbol is red, stylized flames on a field of grey.

Later Development

Eorgina was later developed to have a palace named Li'aerion, with an origin story related to the Drakes Beh'Amant and Eor ail'Giina.


I.C.E. Age: Kesh'ta'kai

Official: 1990 - 1995

Intermediate: Fash'lo'nae

Official: 1996 - 1998


Greater God

Spheres of Power: Magic, Forbidden Knowledge, Libraries

He is the master of signs, glyphs, and symbols, of all knowledge arcane. The magic of words and symbols is known better by him than perhaps any other entity. Ordinarily, he’d be considered the ruler of Lornon due to his superior powers, but he is reclusive and has no desire to dominate others. His followers are scholarly men and women, devoted to learning and copying ancient texts, and to mastering the arcane arts. He is much like the Liabo Goddess Lumnis, in his endless quest for knowledge, although he does hate the gods of Liabo for their attempts at controlling Elanthia. His mortal form has short black hair with a steel grey streak, appears about thirty-five, and is cool and calculating - in natural form, he is a tentacled massive creature. Magic of all things is his realm, many believe he is the true path to all arcane power.

Fash’lo’nae, is the Master of Magic and Arcane knowledge for its own sake. He regards the pursuit of esoteric knowledge as an end to itself, and soci- etal or other impacts of that pursuit are of no consequence. Even the gaining of knowledge for personal gain is not a goal, other than as it may make further inquiries, investigations, and experiments possible. Theft, dishonesty, and even murder are acceptable if they further the acquiring of knowledge, particularly arcane or mystical knowledge.

While Fash’lo’nae is certainly frowned upon by many, most do not consider him strictly "evil". In fact, he is credited in several legends with spreading beneficial knowledge that others would have suppressed. (Drakes-Arkati, Arkati-Elves, Elves-Humans). It is generally agreed that Fash’lo’nae brought fire to the mortal races, suffering the wrath of the Great Drakes, although there is dispute as to his motive in doing so. Many call Fash’lo’nae the Grandfather, and his followers contend that he is the eldest of the Gods, even older than Koar himself.

Followers of Fash’lo’nae are a hazard to all about them, since they consider the risks of demon summoning as a paltry price to pay for the potential of increased knowledge.

Fash’lo’nae’s symbol is a yellow, slit-pupiled eye on a field of grey.

Modern: Fash'lo'nae

Official: 1998 - Present

Fash'lo'nae, the Grandfather

God of Magic, Forbidden Knowledge and Libraries

Fash'lo'nae, is the master of magic and arcane knowledge for its own sake. He regards the pursuit of esoteric knowledge as an end in itself, and the societal or other impacts of that pursuit are of no consequence. Even the gaining of knowledge for personal gain is not a goal, other than as it may make further inquiries, investigations, and experiments possible. Theft, dishonesty, and even murder are acceptable if they further the acquiring of knowledge, particularly arcane or mystical knowledge.

While Fash'lo'nae is certainly frowned upon by many, most do not consider him strictly "evil." In fact, he is credited in several legends with spreading beneficial knowledge that others (such as the Drakes and the other Arkati) would have suppressed. It is generally agreed that Fash'lo'nae brought fire to the mortal races, suffering the wrath of the Great Drakes, although there is dispute as to his motive in doing so. Many call Fash'lo'nae "The Grandfather," and his followers contend that he is the eldest of the Arkati, even older than Koar himself.

Followers of Fash'lo'nae are a hazard to all about them, since they consider the risks of demon summoning as a paltry price to pay for the potential of increased knowledge.

Fash'lo'nae's preferred humanoid manifestation is that of an ancient man or woman of scholarly bent. In manner, he is cool and calculating. His symbol is yellow, slit-pupiled eye on a field of grey.

Later Development

Fash'lo'nae contains an archaism easter egg in that "Lo'nae" is Iruaric for "Spirit of the Past." His intermediate form retains the insinuation he is a foreign extraplanar entity, but this is removed from later documentation. He was later developed to have an origin story related to ancient writing.


I.C.E. Age: Kadaena

Official: 1990 - 1995

Empress Kadaena was not actually a deity in the Shadow World setting. She was the Empress of the Lords of Essaence race approximately 100,000 years ago, and was decapitated by her cousin Utha at the end of an apocalyptic war. One source describes her dead body falling through the Gates of the Void near the poles, which were sealed by the Eyes of Utha. Kadaena was listed with the Dark Gods on the SHIFT verb. There are insinuations in both the Shadow World books and the Broken Lands that she may have created the Dark Lords of Charon (Lornon) artificially. There is also an unexplained but implied relationship with Orgiana in both sources, possibly an equivalence in the Broken Lands. The daughter of Kadaena was the ruler of the theocracy of Orgiana in the Second Era of the Shadow World history.

Unique to the stories of The Graveyard and the Broken Lands is the implied ability of Kadaena to see the very distant future, which in context was probably inspired by the Lovecraftian Great Race of Yith who were able to possess beings in the future and knew in advance their own deaths. This is remarkably similar to the modern form of Gosaena as a prophet of death beyond the Gates.

Intermediate: Gosaena

Official: 1996 - 1998


Perhaps a powerful and evil local goddess, she had quite a following in ancient times.

Modern: Gosaena

Official: 1998 - Present

Gosaena, Mistress of Eternity

Goddess of Death

Despite resurrections, deeds, and other ways to return to existence, death is an ultimately final thing. When the bridge between life and death is crossed for the final time, and a soul is allowed through the Ebon Gates, Gosaena is there waiting on the other side. She is the goddess of death. Unlike Lorminstra, when a spirit comes to Gosaena, it will not be returning to the mortal realm.

Gosaena is a pariah among the other Arkati. She is gifted with foresight, most specifically, knowledge of when everyone and everything will die. The Arkati, now gods to the mortal races, had no desire to recall their own mortality and so outcast her. Neither pantheon will claim her, and no one will speak to her save Jastev, whose own talent for foresight makes him sympathetic to her plight.

Gosaena never speaks, except on very rare occasions to Jastev. She is as silent as the grave, and takes the souls due her without regret, compassion or malice, only impartiality.

Gosaena's preferred humanoid manifestation is that of a beautiful woman with pale skin, long silver hair, and ice blue eyes. She wears grey robes and a large grey cloak that covers brilliant white feathered wings. In manner, she is silent and impartial. Her symbol is a silver or grey sickle on a field of green.

Later Development

The Triad of Gosaena was involved in the final destruction of the Griffin Sword. Gosaena is a goddess of neutrality in the modern lore, while earlier forms of her were evil.


I.C.E. Age: Inis

Official: 1990 - 1995

Intermediate: Ivas

Official: 1996 - 1998


Greater Goddess

Spheres of Power: Unbridled Desire, Lust, and Passion

The Dancer, beautiful four-armed woman with fair skin, green eyes, blonde hair, and is very voluptuous and seductive. Said to be the Goddess of lust and jealousy. Her cults are quite devoted to carnal pleasures including any number of perversions. She has the power to enslave mortals utterly, and often creates havoc among them by using the violence brought about by lust and jealousy. She generally prefers those that cannot control their impulses, in line with Mularos.

Possessing a pair of tentacles where most humanoid beings have arms, and with full sensuous lips hiding a maw filled with shark’s teeth, Ivas cloaks herself in illusion. She appears to the unwary as a woman of unearthly beauty.

Preying on those willing to be seduced, Ivas thrives on the jealousy, distrust, and hatred that results. Often times marked by rotting diseases that defy all cures, her adherents form cults which revel in perverted carnal pleasures. However, their primary goal is the seduction of unwary outsiders.

Ivas’ symbol is a stylized green wisp of smoke on a field of red.

Modern: Ivas

Official: 1998 - Present

Ivas, the Seductress Goddess of Desire, Lust and Passion

Ivas is the Goddess of seduction. Possessing a pair of tentacles where most humanoid beings have arms, and with full, sensuous lips hiding a maw filled with shark's teeth, Ivas cloaks herself in illusion. She appears to the unwary as a woman of unearthly beauty.

Preying on those willing to be seduced, Ivas thrives on the jealousy, distrust, and hatred that results. Often times marked by rotting diseases that defy all cures, her adherents form cults which revel in perverted carnal pleasures. However, their primary goal is the seduction of unwary outsiders.

Ivas' preferred humanoid manifestation is that of a beautiful woman with tentacles in place of arms. In manner, she is sensual and insatiable. Her symbol is a stylized, green wisp of smoke on a field of red.

Later Development

There is now a shrine in the Vipershroud, the Children of Ivas concept, and her Oire followers.


The "Lords of Liabo" are the directly based on the Lords of Orhan pantheon who have the following relationships. Orhan was a habitable surface with forests and rivers, and the Lords lived there with their servants. It is still represented that way accidentally by the Seethe Naedal observatory, which was originally designed before the moon lore document released in 2003. (It is more or less ambiguous where the Arkati actually reside in the modern history.) The Lords of Orhan are described as vain with overwhelming superiority complexes, who enjoy toying with mortals and occupying themselves with contests, as opposed the Liabo pantheon which is portrayed as "good" and nurturing. There is no premise that the Lords of Orhan and Charon are related to each other. The Orhanians are indisputably more powerful.


I.C.E. Age: Shaal

Official: 1990 - 1995

Description: Tomes of Kulthea #1087 (1990)


  • Shadow World Master Atlas, 1st Edition; page 30 (1989)
  • Shadow World Master Atlas, 2nd Edition; page 107 (1992)
  • Shadow World Master Atlas, 3rd Edition; page 141 (2001)
  • Shadow World Master Atlas, 4th Edition; page 145 (2003)
  • Powers of Light and Darkness; page 95 (2003)

Intermediate: Charl

Official: 1996 - 1998


Greater God

Spheres of Power: Oceans, Storms, Revolution

The God of the sea, father to Niima, sometimes called "The Destroyer", because his anger is like the very worst of sea storms. It is said that he does not care much for creatures from land, and is rarely seen in his human form, preferring to take the form of a Merman, a whale, or a great dolphin. In human form, he is a burly man with blue-white hair and beard, pale skin, and blue eyes which reflect his moody demeanor. He wields a great trident of greenish alloy set with emerald points.

Living apart from his brethren, Charl dwells constantly in the seas of Elanthia, joining the other Gods only when Koar commands. Legend holds that Koar had to send for Charl six times before he appeared. When Koar demanded to know why he was so disobedient, Charl replied that he was always the most obedient of Koar’s servants, but that the waters of the six oceans of the world flowed through his veins, and none could come without the others.

Charl is a dark and violent god, and is renowned for his drastic mood swings. He cares little for the land dwelling races on Elanthia, and is likely to swat a nearby chip with a storm as he is to let it pass untouched. Because of this he is feared by seaman, and few pray to him for fear they might attract his attention. For the same reason, clerics serving Charl, although seldom welcome, rarely come to harm in any place frequented by seamen.

He is also the god of storms of all sorts, and more than one despotic tyrant, overthrown by an angry mob marching under a stormy sky, has sworn it was Charl’s hand that laid him low.

Some clergy contend that Charl is at heart a God of Darkness. Still, there is little doubt that he swears fealty to Koar, and for that reason, if for no other, he is numbered with the Gods of Light.

Charl’s symbol is an emerald trident on a field of blue, or alternately, a silver dolphin on a field of blue.

Modern: Charl

Official: 1998 - Present

Charl, Lord of the Seas

God of the Oceans, Storms and Revolution

Charl is the God of the Sea. Living apart from his brethren, he dwells constantly in the seas of Elanthia, joining the other Gods only when Koar commands. Legend holds that Koar once had to send for Charl six times before he appeared. When Koar demanded to know why he was so disobedient, Charl replied that he was always the most obedient of Koar's servants, but that the waters of the six oceans of the world flowed through his veins, and none could come without the others.

Charl is a dark and violent god, and is renowned for his drastic mood swings. He cares little for the land dwelling races on Elanthia, and is as likely to swat a nearby ship with a storm as he is to let it pass untouched. Because of this he is feared by seamen, and few pray to him for fear they might attract his attention. For the same reason clerics serving Charl, although seldom welcome, rarely come to harm in any place frequented by seamen.

He is also the god of storms of all sorts, and more than one despotic tyrant, overthrown by an angry mob marching under a stormy sky, has sworn that it was Charl's hand that laid him low.

Some clergy contend that Charl is at heart a God of Darkness. Still, there is little doubt that he swears fealty to Koar, and for that reason, if for no other, he is numbered with the Gods of Light.

Charl's preferred humanoid manifestation is that of a towering man with a beard of seaweed and algae, blue and grey robes, wielding a trident. Charl rarely appears except in the sea or the heart of a storm. His lower half is a fish's tail. In manner, he is stern, angry and quick-tempered. His symbol is an emerald trident on a field of blue.

Later Development

Charl's shrine on the Coastal Cliffs was built during the intermediate period.


I.C.E. Age: Cay

Official: 1990 - 1995

Intermediate: Kai


Greater God

Spheres of Power: Strength, Athletic Prowess, Skills at Arms

Kai is the god of physical strength and athletic prowess.

Kai has been beaten once in armed combat by Koar, and fought once to a standstill against V’tull. Beyond these two instances, every opponent Kai has faced has fallen before him. Legend holds that in the Ur-Daemon war, Kai slew more of the enemy than any Drake did, despite their awesome might.

Kai’s joy of physical combat is such that Koar’s injunctions keep him from constant battle with the gods of Darkness. As an alternative, he often roams Elanthia looking for unsuspecting mortals to toy with in physical "contests" of one sort or another.

Kai’s blessing is oft invoked at contests of physical prowess.

Kai’s symbol is a silver arm with fist clenched, on a field of crimson. His clerics name their maces, cast in the same shape, the Fists of Kai.

Considered by many to be the most handsome of the gods, he is a known seducer and has fathered many mortal children. He appears to be a lean muscular young man with azure eyes and brown curly hair. He wears only a short blue tunic off one shoulder and carries what is said to be his favorite weapon, a spear.

Modern: Kai

Kai, Master of Battle

God of Strength, Athletic Prowess, and Skill at Arms

Kai is the God of Physical Strength and Athletic Prowess. He has been beaten once in armed combat by Koar, and fought once to a standstill against V'tull. Beyond these two instances, every opponent Kai has faced has fallen before him. Legend holds that in the Ur-Daemon War, Kai slew more of the enemy than any Drake did, despite their awesome might, and is the only Arkati who participated in that war to have survived.

Kai's joy of physical combat is such that only Koar's injunctions keep him from constant battle with the Gods of Darkness. As an alternative he often roams Elanthia looking for unsuspecting mortals to toy with in physical "contests" of one sort or another.

Kai's blessing is often invoked at contests of physical prowess.

Kai's preferred humanoid manifestation is that of a young man of epic build with strong and carefree features. Kai is always dressed in light armor and is never without a weapon of some sort. In manner, he is carefree, brave and aggressive. His symbol is a silver arm with fist clenched, on a field of crimson. His clerics name their maces, cast in the same shape, the Fists of Kai.

Later Developments

The Kai shrine in the Lower Dragonsclaw is from the I.C.E. Age period, and likewise how he is represented through the Order of Voln. The GemStone III events involving Leya were the late 1990s, though possibly during the intermediate period. The Leya story was posted on the official website in 2004 but is significantly older.


I.C.E. Age: Kuor

Official: 1990 - 1995


"Age: ? Eyes: Grey. Hair: White. Build: Muscular. Height: 6'6" Race/Sex: Godlike Being/M. Skin: Ruddy Demeanor: Aloof, Commanding. Dress: Flowing, toga-like garment. True Attitude: Reserved, Cautious. Home: Orhan. 

Kuor is King of the gods and ruler of Orhan. He can control the weather on Kulthea and reputedly is master of the Flows of Essence. While this isn't strictly true, he is able to manipulate the paths of the lesser Flows. Appearing as a man of middle years yet hale, he is beardless, and has a wild mane of snow-white hair. Kuor is almost never seen on Kulthea, preferring to observe activity on the Shadow World from afar. As leader of the Lords of Orhan, he keeps the others in check and will sometimes overrule one who is planning a rash action. One who he will not overrule, however, is Eissa, whose judgement is final. He presides over the Conclave of Orhan: the gathering of the Lords to debate a major issue."

- Shadow World Master Atlas, 1st Edition; page 25 (1989)
- Tomes of Kulthea #1079 (1990)


  • Level: 210
  • Profession: Cleric/Fighter
  • Spells: Base OB 240, Directed Spells OB 480. All Channeling and Essence. Cruel Curse called "Kuor's Wrath" reducing all Temp stats to 10.
  • Scepter of Orhan: +60 holy mace. Triple damage, double criticals. Level 30 Tremors spell. Glows blue-white blinding Unlife creatures within 100 feet.
  • Crown of the Lords: 6x powerpoints (mana), +100 DB
  • Bow of Wrath: +40 longbow. 5x normal range. 5x damage, also inflicts +100 lightning bolt.
  • Full plate: Alloy known only to Iorak, some "incredible" DB.
  • Shield: Clear Laen. Enchanted to fully protect against dragon breath. +80 DB vs frontal attacks, +50 vs directed spells.


  • Shadow World Master Atlas, 1st Edition; page 25 (1989)
  • Shadow World Master Atlas, 2nd Edition; page 103 (1992)
  • Shadow World Master Atlas, 3rd Edition; page 139 (2001)
  • Shadow World Master Atlas, 4th Edition; page 143 (2003)
  • Powers of Light and Darkness; page 88 (2003)


  • Controlling the weather is implicitly from controlling the flows of essence, dropped from later GemStone III documentation.
  • "Master of the Flows of Essence" was replaced with "master of mana" and "pools of mana" in Order of Voln steps. Dropped from later GemStone III documentation. The concept is still implied in his Well of Life (308) messaging and the Drake's Shrine.
  • Brooding god originally residing most of the time in the moon. Later changed to sleeping and brooding in a mountain on the world.
  • "Toga-like" dressing kept in the Intermediate form, removed from the modern form. The idea that even he will not overrule Lorminstra is only in the I.C.E. Age and Intermediate forms. In the I.C.E. form he is beardless with white hair and modernly his character art is painted as dark haired with a beard.
  • As Kuor he is keeping the other Lords of Orhan in line, who largely disagree and act impulsively. Is not in any sense the ruler of the Dark Gods as well. In the Intermediate period this is changed to being ruler of both but only direct control in practice over Liabo.
  • In the Vvrael quest his Intermediate form is specifically described as "wrinkled" and "old as time itself." This is not from the documentation. In this context it was probably symbolic of Koar as the ancient Grail King and Lorminstra as the weeping Grail Maiden.
  • In the much later Shadow World documentation Vult (Voln) is the "son" of Eissa (Lorminstra). The idea of Koar as the father or creator of Voln originates in the Intermediate period of GemStone III.

Intermediate: Koar

Official: 1996 - 1998


Greater God, King of the Gods

Spheres of Power: Justice, Loyalty, Law

Ruler of Liabo, husband to Lumnis, Goddess of Wisdom and Learning. Almost never intervenes in the affairs of mortals but keeps the other gods, of Liabo at least, more or less in line. He never interferes with Lorminstra, however. He appears as a muscular man of middle years, and has a thick mane of flowing snow-white hair. His eyes are greyish, skin ruddy, and is usually seen in a flowing toga-like garment.

Once, he ruled all the Arkati and he is still the titular head of both the Light and Dark Gods. In practice, however, his direct control is only over the Gods of Light. Not since the fall of the Drakes in the Ur-Daemon War has Koar rallied all the Gods to him, and none knows for sure if he could unify the Arkati now, no matter what the cause. Still, it is said that as long as Koar lives, the Gods of Light and Dark will never face each other in open war.

Legend holds that Koar sits on a great throne carved from the stone heart of the world extending up through the tallest mountain in Elanthia. He rarely leaves his throne, and spends most of his time slumbering or brooding. Even when he sleeps, one eye is always slightly open, and while Koar may not intervene in the affairs of Gods of mortals often, there is little that escapes his notice.

The ages say that the mountains of Elanthia rise and fall as Koar’s brow furrows. One day, it is said, when the Gods of Darkness no longer vex their king, and when mortals no longer wage petty wars, the mountains will sink back into the ground and all the world will be a fertile plain. Earthquakes are attributed to Koar shifting restlessly, and before Koar’s brow is smoothed, legend holds he will rise from his throne in wrath, shaking the greatest fortress to rubble. The prophecy is silent as to who or what will be the object of his ire.

Some common folk believe that Koar is not an Arkati, but actually the last of the Great Drakes. No respected scholar actually believes such nonsense, obviously born of chuckle-headed nostalgia.

Modern: Koar

Official: 1998 - Present

Koar, King of the Gods

God of Justice, Loyalty and Law

Koar is the King of the Gods. Once, he ruled all the Arkati and he is still the titular head of both the Light and Dark Gods. In practice, however, his direct control is only over the Gods of Light. Not since the fall of the Drakes in the Ur-Daemon War has Koar rallied all the gods to him, and none knows for sure if he could unify the Arkati now, no matter the cause. Still, it is said that as long as Koar lives, the Gods of Light and Dark will never face each other in open war.

Legend holds that Koar sits on a great throne carved from the stone heart of the world extending up through the tallest mountain in Elanthia. He rarely leaves his throne, and spends most of his time slumbering or brooding. Even when he sleeps, one eye is always slightly open, and while Koar may not intervene in the affairs of gods or mortals often, there is little that escapes his notice.

The sages say that the mountains of Elanthia rise and fall as Koar's brow furrows. One day, it is said, when the Gods of Darkness no longer vex their king, and when mortals no longer wage petty wars, the mountains will sink back into the ground and all the world will be a fertile plain. Earthquakes are attributed to Koar shifting restlessly, and before Koar's brow is smoothed, legend holds he will rise from his throne in wrath, shaking the greatest fortresses to rubble. The prophecy is silent as to who or what will be the object of his ire.

Some common folk believe that Koar is not an Arkati, but actually the last of the Great Drakes. No one living can confirm this notion, however.

Koar's blessing is often invoked during coronation ceremonies, and it is not uncommon for rulers to claim that their particular right to reign bears Koar's approval.

Koar's preferred humanoid manifestation is that of a huge man upon a throne, wearing a gold crown, contemplating the fate of all things. In manner, he is commanding, detached, or weary. His symbol is a golden crown, often set on a circle of white.

Later Development

Koar was central to the Vvrael quest which contained a great deal of comparative mythology and literary allusions. His modern documentation and the Drake's Shrine especially contains references to the apocalypse in the Book of Revelation. The Drake's Shrine requires interpretation and strongly implies he is the "Great Drake", which is a biblical allusion, and unlikely to be consistent with actual official lore developed later. The notion of Koargard and Church of Koar is cited in the History of the Turamzzyrian Empire document from 2000 with the possible insinuation of being Mount Aenatumgana.

The detail of Koar as the "Master of Mana" is frozen in time with the Order of Voln steps and the Drake's Shrine. It is not actually mentioned in his Elanthia period documentation. The Vvrael quest and Drake's Shrine are from the intermediate period. (It is important to remember that in the late 1990s most of the historical documentation did not exist yet.) Much more recent developments include the Elders of the Everwatch Tower, which is part of the Church of Koar, and The Blameless which are a fanatical group of Koar worshippers who helped Prelate Chaston Griffin commit atrocities.


I.C.E. Age: Eissa

Official: 1990 - 1995


Age: ? Eyes: Grey/Blue. Hair: Blonde. Build: Slight. Height: 5'10". Race/Sex: Godlike Being/F. Skin: Pale. Demeanor: Somber. Dress: Flowing black hooded robes with a white gown underneath. True Attitude: Restrained, Pensive, yet not Unhappy. Home: Orhan.

Goddess of Death/Rebirth (and Winter), she is the sister of Reann. Eissa is the deity appealed to when a religious "Lifegiving" is administered. She guards the Gates of Oblivion and it is her decision whether a soul is returned - even Kuor will not over rule her decision. Eissa is more inclined to allow the return of a soul whose mission on Kulthea has not been completed. If the being in question has lived a full life, or has died in a significant and meaningful way, she will usually deny the soul's return.

Eissa wears a hooded, flowing black robe and carries a staff of crystal - and a set of crystalline keys to the Gates. Before the Gates is a small garden, in the center of which is the Spring of Youth, which feeds the enchanted River of Life on Orhan. Essa rests here often, staring into the mere by the spring, through which she views her followers on Kulthea.

Cultures on Kulthea have myriad differing beliefs regarding the soul and what becomes of it when someone dies. Those who follow Eissa believe that the soul lives forever, though if the body is destroyed or fails due to age, the soul passes beyond the gates into another state of being. The worst fate is if the soul itself is somehow destroyed, something which can only happen to someone who falls victim to one of the Unlife's cruel servants.

- Shadow World Master Atlas, 1st Edition; page 27 (1989)
- Tomes of Kulthea #1082 (1990)


  • Level: 180
  • Profession: Cleric/Healer
  • Spells: Base OB 180, Directed Spells OB 360 (Lightning Bolt). All healing spells on any list and all Cleric Base. Unique fatal channeling called "Eissa's Call", puts the living in a deep sleep coma and transfers the souls into her Staff of Doom if she wishes (or destroys the soul in the case of Unlife creatures.)
  • Mere of Life: Scrying pool that lets her view any of her adherents calling on her for help.
  • Staff of Doom: 6 foot laen staff that stores up to 12 souls. Uses it to transport souls to and from Oblivion, and for sending souls back to their bodies
  • Keys: The six keys of the Gates of Oblivion, two of which are called Life and Death. The "Void" key is forbidden and never used.
  • Necklace: Gold necklace with three 2 inch diamonds. 9x powerpoint (mana) multiplier.


  • Shadow World Master Atlas, 1st Edition; page 27 (1989)
  • Shadow World Master Atlas, 2nd Edition; page 105 (1992)
  • Shadow World Master Atlas, 3rd Edition; page 139 (2001)
  • Shadow World Master Atlas, 4th Edition; page 144 (2003)
  • Powers of Light and Darkness; page 90 (2003)


  • The "deeds" mechanic (including Purgatory) is unique to the death system of GemStone III (1990) and does not derive from her Shadow World theology.
  • The contrast between Eissa and Empress Kadaena only exists in GemStone III, seemingly an idiosyncratic theology of The Dark Path. There is no deity corresponding to Gosaena in Shadow World.
  • The "Staff of Doom" artifact is explicitly mentioned outside the Graveyard gates, and implicit to the Purgatory death mechanics. The Gates of Oblivion were mentioned in both.
  • Her "Lake of Tears" in the Intermediate period is unique to post-I.C.E. Age GemStone III (1996), appearing in the First Griffin Sword War and the Drake's Shrine at the end of the Vvrael quest. It may be loosely related to her I.C.E. Age "River of Life" and mirror scrying pool next to the Gates of Oblivion.
  • The "River of Life" is referenced as the "Enchanted River" by the grizzled old warrior NPC (1994), and the above scene is represented symbolically in the Order of Voln courtyard. It has been retconned as part of the Reim death mechanics with its own hooded figure like the Landing temple tapestry room. (2016)
  • "Purgatory" has been retconned to be between Liabo and Elanthia (2018). In the Shadow World context the River of Life is the flows of essence between the moon and planet, causing a drift that souls float along to reach the Gates of Oblivion on the moon. (The Lord of Orhan also ride the flows down to the planet, analogous to the teleportation disks from the Needle of Pentas on the Isle of Ornath.)
  • Lorminstra is depicted as blonde in the I.C.E. and Intermediate periods, as well as the Voln monastery, but dark haired in the modern period.
  • There were originally six keys to the Gates of Oblivion, in the modern period there is "one for every soul."

Intermediate: Lorminstra

Official: 1996-1998


Greater Goddess

Spheres of Power: Death, Rebirth, Winter, Deliverance

Sister to Ronan, holds the crystal keys to the Gates of Oblivion. She is the one who determines whether a soul should be restored to its mortal body or dwell in the afterlife - unless the soul has been claimed by others and is out of her reach. She wears a flowing black hooded robe over a white gown and carries a staff of crystal. She has blonde hair, with grey blue eyes and of slight build. Her pale skin reflects her somber, pensive demeanor.

She is eldest offspring of Koar and Lumnis.

Lorminstra is the Guardian of Souls, and Keeper of the Ebon Gate. It is her decision whether a soul is allowed to return to Elanthia each time an appeal is made via a ritual of "Lifegiving", and even Koar will not gainsay her decision.

Lorminstra regards Luukos’ enslavement of souls to animate his undead as abominable. She supports her brother Ronan, in his struggle against Luukos’ minions, and also petitions Koar frequently to take direct measures to curb Luukos’ activities.

Lorminstra’s symbol is a golden key, or a golden key set upon a gate of black.

Modern: Lorminstra

Official: 1998 - Present

Lorminstra, the Gatekeeper Goddess of Death and Rebirth, Winter and Deliverance

Lorminstra is the Goddess of Death and Rebirth. She is the eldest offspring of Koar and Lumnis. Lorminstra is also the Goddess of Winter, that annual "death" of nature which parallels the death and rebirth of souls.

Lorminstra is also the Keeper of the Ebon Gate. It is her decision whether a soul is allowed to return to Elanthia each time an appeal is made via a ritual of resurrection, and even Koar will not gainsay her decision.

Lorminstra regards Luukos' enslavement of souls to animate his undead as abominable. She supports her brother, Ronan, in his struggle against Luukos' minions, and also petitions Koar frequently to take direct measures to curb Luukos' activities.

Lorminstra's preferred humanoid manifestation is that of a thin woman with black hair and pale alabaster skin. She wears two layers of robes, black over white, and at her side dangles a ring of keys, one for every soul. In manner, she is somber yet caring. Her symbol is a golden key, or a golden key set upon a gate of black.

Later Development

There has not been reference to her Lake of Tears since the Vvrael quest. The Koargard concept was put into the Turamzzyrian Empire history (2000) and developed more in Worship in the Turamzzyrian Empire (2015). The Gates of Oblivion were still referenced instead of the Ebon Gates in the death mechanics until shortly after the conversion to GemStone IV and introduction of Death's Sting (2004). The actual location of the Ebon Gates does not seem to be explicitly known, whereas the Gates of Oblivion were a portal on the moon. Her "River of Life" is now instead an ethereal stream in the Reim (2016) death mechanics and "Purgatory" is a space between Liabo and Elanthia that is accessed during the Rings of Lumnis event (2018). Lorminstra now has a Keepers of the Golden Key order in the Barony of Dragach, and has some theological development in the History of the Order of Voln (2014). Lorminstra dispelled an apparation of Luukos in a ritual in River's Rest in 2012 leading up to a Felstorm incident.


I.C.E. Age: Reann

Official: 1990 - 1995



  • Shadow World Master Atlas, 1st Edition; page 26 (1989)
  • Shadow World Master Atlas, 2nd Edition; page 104 (1992)
  • Shadow World Master Atlas, 3rd Edition; page 139 (2001)
  • Shadow World Master Atlas, 4th Edition; page 143 (2003)
  • Powers of Light and Darkness; page 89 (2003)

Intermediate: Ronan

Official: 1996 - 1998


Greater God

Spheres of Power: Night, Dreams

Ronan is the god of night, the master of sleep and dreams and guardian against those who would violate the peaceful respite of that world. Ronan is perhaps the most active foe of the Dark Gods.

Ronan is the darker twin of Phoen, and it is said that the two, being night and day, cannot come together in the same place.

Given their avoidance of light, and their use of darkness as a cloak to cover their activities, Ronan finds the Dark Gods trespassing in his realm quite regularly. Ronan and Sheru are in constant conflict since they both regard the night and sleep as their rightful territories. Luukos also mounts a constant assault on Ronan’s realm with those who have failed to die cleanly and are now subject to his curse.

Ronan’s symbol is a black sword with a silver edge on a field of black.

The master of dreams and visions, brother of Lorminstra, he is oft referred to as the "Dream-Master". Along with Sheru, he is also constantly fighting all the gods of Lornon. Though he cannot be corrupted, he is weary. He is tall and slender with fair skin, black hair, and dark, hypnotic eyes. He favors only sable-hued garments often trimmed in black leathers. Though weary, he is alert and has a sardonic, wry sense of humor, and can sometimes be seen with Jastev.

Modern: Ronan

Official: 1998 - Present

Ronan, Lord of Dreams

God of Night and Dreams

Ronan is the God of Night. He is master of sleep and dreams, and guardian against those who would violate the peaceful respite of that other world. Ronan is perhaps the most active foe of the Dark Gods.

Ronan is the darker twin of Phoen, and it is said that the two, being night and day, cannot come together in the same place.

Given their avoidance of light and their use of darkness as a cloak to cover their activities, Ronan finds the Dark Gods trespassing in his realm quite regularly. Ronan and Sheru are in constant conflict since they both regard the night and sleep as their rightful territories. Luukos also mounts a constant assault on Ronan's realm with those who have failed to die cleanly and are now subject to his curse.

Ronan's preferred humanoid manifestation is that of a gaunt man with heavy-lidded eyes and a mysterious smile. His eyes are without whites, leaving deep black pools broken only by a faint grey swirl. He dresses only in black, and even the steel of his weapons is black. In manner, he is sleepy and sardonic. His symbol is a black sword with a silver edge on a field of black.

Later Development

The Ronan shrine by the Lower Dragonsclaw is probably from the late I.C.E. Age period. The idea that Lorminstra and Ronan are siblings originates in the Shadow World lore, where there is no premise of being children of Kuor (Koar) and Valris (Lumnis), and there is no relationship between Reann and Phaon (Phoen) in contrast to the idea they are brothers. Later development includes reference in the Zelia origins story where they are brothers, and later an origins story involving a Drake known as the Shadow With Wings that causes the birth of Ronan and Sheru without reference to Phoen.

The Dreamwalkers were a Ronan group in a major storyline called the Ride of the Red Dreamer. The Order of the Night's Blade is aligned with the Order of Voln in the southern Turamzzyrian Empire.